Source Code Implied Language Structure Abstraction through
Backward Taint Analysis
Zihao Wang
, Pei Wang
, Qinkun Bao
and Dinghao Wu
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, U.S.A.
Individual Researcher, U.S.A.
Program Analysis, Context-Free Grammar, Static Analysis, Fuzzing, Data-Flow Analysis, Taint Analysis.
This paper presents a novel approach for inferring the language implied by a program’s source code, without
requiring the use of explicit grammars or input/output corpora. Our technique is based on backward taint
analysis, which tracks the flow of data in a program from certain sink functions back to the source functions.
By analyzing the data flow of programs that generate structured output, such as compilers and formatters, we
can infer the syntax and structure of the language being expressed in the code. Our approach is particularly
effective for domain-specific languages, where the language implied by the code is often unique to a particular
problem domain and may not be expressible by a standard context-free grammar. To test the effectiveness
of our technique, we applied it to libxml2. Our experiments show that our approach can accurately infer the
implied language of some complex programs. Using our inferred language models, we can generate high-
quality corpora for testing and validation. Our approach offers a new way to understand and reason about the
language implied by source code, and has potential applications in software testing, reverse engineering, and
program comprehension.
Modern software can be thought of as abstract ma-
chines that operate on a set of symbols, similar to
how the Turing machine operates on its tape. In com-
puter science, the set of symbols used by a program
is known as a language, which can be represented by
a formal grammar. A grammar is a set of rules that
define the structure of a language and how symbols
can be combined to form valid sentences.
Source code implied language refers to the lan-
guage that is implicitly defined by the source code of a
program or system. This language includes, but is not
limited to, program input and output formats, domain-
specific languages (DSLs), and communication pro-
tocols between different components or systems. In
contrast to a general-purpose language, source code
implied language is often tailored to a specific domain
or problem space and is often characterized by a spe-
cific syntax, grammar, and terminals.
Despite that Source code implied language are
critical in many ways, they are not always as avail-
able as the programs themselves. In some cases,
their grammars are available, but in a form that is not
friendly to computers, such as the Adobe PDF speci-
fication which is defined in a 700-page document (for
Standardization (ISO) (2008); Adobe Systems Incor-
porated (2000)) described in human language rather
than a well-defined grammar. In some other cases,
there are no formal specifications for the input lan-
guage at all, like the LLVM Intermediate Representa-
In this paper, we propose a static analysis algo-
rithm for extracting implicit grammars from program
source code. Our key insight is that object-oriented
programming languages typically define an implicit
language with classes. These classes may contain en-
coders, such as a parser, or decoders, such as a printer,
which are often written in easily comprehensible pat-
terns. By analyzing their implementation, it is pos-
sible to extract a grammar that represents a subset of
the language that the program operates on.
Our static analysis algorithm is based on static
data-flow analysis. To extract accurate and high-
quality grammars, we perform context- and path-
sensitive taint analysis. We made several carefully
calibrated trade-offs in the analysis to improve pre-
cision while maintaining scalability when analyzing
common code patterns found in target class.
We implement the above grammar extraction al-
Wang, Z., Wang, P., Bao, Q. and Wu, D.
Source Code Implied Language Structure Abstraction through Backward Taint Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012129000003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 564-571
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
gorithm in a prototype and apply it on programs that
can be compiled into LLVM IR to infer the target
grammars automatically. To evaluate the precision of
the abstracted grammar of pretty printers, we collect
several small printer programs and libxml2’ as test
cases, and get expected results.
Our research makes the following contributions:
We propose a novel algorithm for implicit gram-
mar abstraction that only requires the source code
of the program generating the language. To the
best of our knowledge, our work is the first to
achieve implicit grammar extraction without re-
quiring access to program corpus or program in-
put as grammar. Our approach is capable of ab-
stracting both lexical and syntactical structures, as
well as identifiers.
We introduce a static analysis method that infers
the possible values of string variables at each pro-
gram point, which is crucial for generating valid
inputs to a program.
We present a prototype, which implements our al-
gorithm and can produce readable grammars and
valid corpus for languages such as XML.
Overall, our contributions provide an effective and ef-
ficient way to extract program grammars and generate
valid inputs, which can significantly enhance the test-
ing and security analysis of programs.
In recent years, there has been a growing interest
in developing machine-understandable grammars that
can be processed and analyzed by computer pro-
grams (Harkous et al. (2020); Ammons et al. (2002);
Gopinath et al. (2020); Lin and Zhang (2008)). These
grammars are designed to be easily interpreted by
software and can be used to automate a wide range
of tasks, such as natural language processing, code
generation, and data validation. By using machine-
understandable grammars, developers can increase
the efficiency and accuracy of their software and im-
prove its ability to interact with other systems. In this
paper, we explore the use of machine-understandable
grammars for program output abstracting through
backwards taint analysis, a novel technique for pro-
gram output analysis that combines symbolic execu-
tion and dynamic taint analysis.
Machine-understandable grammars have numer-
ous applications in software engineering, including
efficient test generation. Over the decades, this
technology has been extensively researched (Maurer
(1990); Sirer and Bershad (1999); Coppit and Lian
(2005)). Take input grammar as an example. Fuzz
testing and random testing are some automatic soft-
ware testing techniques that generate random, invalid,
or unbiased inputs to a program to reach abnormal tar-
get states. Utilizing the structure of inputs is crucial
to improving the success rate and efficiency of these
technologies (Chen et al. (2021); Zhong et al. (2020);
Gopinath et al. (2020); Wu et al. (2019); Toffola et al.
(2017); Wang et al. (2017); Yang et al. (2011)). With-
out knowledge of the input structure, testing methods
often remain limited to the input-checking or pars-
ing stage, failing to achieve improved test coverage.
Recent advancements in generating input corpus for
fuzzing have leveraged input grammars and grammar-
aware mutation algorithms, resulting in significant
improvements in fuzzing efficiency and coverage for
specific targets.
2.1 Mining Input Specifications
Input grammar, as a form of code implied language,
provides a description of the syntax and structure of
the inputs expected by a program. It serves as a funda-
mental type of source code implied language, making
the understanding and learning of a program’s input
language an active research area. The related work
mentioned in this section addresses related challenges
and offers valuable insights that contribute to our ap-
Ammons et al. presents a machine learning ap-
proach called specification mining for automating the
process of discovering formal specifications of pro-
tocols that code must follow when interacting with
an application program interface or abstract data type
(Ammons et al. (2002)). The approach infers a speci-
fication by observing program execution and summa-
rizing frequent interaction patterns as state machines
that capture both temporal and data dependences.
Lin et al. present the first work in extracting in-
put grammar from programs with dynamic analysis
approaches (Lin and Zhang (2008); Lin et al. (2010)).
They identify most programs’ input grammar into two
categories: top-down and bottom-up grammars, and
perform runtime analyses for each type. They per-
form the top-down grammar analysis based on dy-
namic program control dependence and the bottom-
up grammar analysis based on parsing stack track.
By doing this, Lin et al.’s work can handle some
large-scaled programs with white-box access. How-
ever, their work requires massive manual analyses and
modifications to the targets.
Höschele and Zeller use dynamic tainting to trace
the data flow of sample inputs and present their pro-
totype AUTOGRAM (Höschele and Zeller (2016)).
Source Code Implied Language Structure Abstraction through Backward Taint Analysis
AUTOGRAM defines input elements which follow
the same data flow as one syntactic entity. By do-
ing this, Höschele and Zeller’s method can identify
functions related to input processing and further in-
fer all the possible syntactical entities handled by the
related functions. AUTOGRAM can address each
grammar component to its corresponding variables in
target programs, providing intuitional insights to fol-
lowing reverse engineering. Nevertheless, as the au-
thors mentioned, the grammar AUTOGRAM learned
is highly dependent on the given sample space. When
the grammar grows, it very possible to misses some
corner cases.
Furthermore, Wu et al. (2019) present REINAM
(Wu et al. (2019)), a reinforcement-learning approach
to synthesize input grammar. Their two-phase ap-
proach includes: first using dynamic symbolic exe-
cution and satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) solver
to obtain the program input grammar (Tillmann and
de Halleux (2008); Xie et al. (2009)), and second gen-
erating a probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG)
with the help of GLADE.
2.2 Grammar-Assisted Fuzzing
When fuzzing programs that take structured inputs,
coverage-based fuzzers often use grammar-sensitive
approaches to increase the coverage of the inputs they
test. These approaches can be classified into three
categories: grammar-based mutation (Holler et al.
(2012); Veggalam et al. (2016); Guo (2017); Groß
(2018); Zhong et al. (2020); Chen et al. (2021); Wang
et al. (2019)) grammar-based generation (Ruderman
(2007); Valotta (2012); Aschermann et al. (2019);
Yang et al. (2011); Godefroid et al. (2017)), and pro-
gram input synthesis without knowledge of the in-
put structure (Godefroid et al. (2008); Wang et al.
This section introduces our grammar-extracting algo-
rithm. We will first present an overview of our ap-
proach and then describe some important details of
the algorithm.
3.1 Overview
We first identify the source and sink functions of our
analysis target using human knowledge. Then, we
perform forward taint analysis based on the identified
functions to extract all the functions that are transi-
tively called by the source functions and call the sink
functions. This provides us with the necessary data
flow for abstracting the output grammar. We represent
the source functions and tainted functions as nonter-
minal tokens, and primitive variables as terminals, in
order to present the EBNF grammar. To improve the
presentation of the grammar, we use a strongly regu-
lar syntax to approximate the abstracted grammar. Fi-
nally, we obtain a EBNF grammar of the output con-
text represented by a series of production rules, which
use regular expressions for lists.
3.2 Inter-Procedural Analysis
Once the source functions and the sink functions are
determined, we perform a backward taint analysis.
This analysis begins with the sink functions, which
are a set of high-level printing or assembly functions
located at the end of the output data flow. We then
analyze the data flow to propagate taint backward to
the determined source functions, as shown in Algo-
rithm 1.
To better explain the program, we use an Inter-
procedural Control-Flow Graph (ICFG) instead of
the Control-Flow Graph (CFG). Unlike the CFG, the
ICFG contains two additional edges: call and return
edges. The call edge represents the control flow from
the caller to the callee, while the return edge indicates
the reverse flow. By traversing the ICFG, we analyze
the calling and called relationship for each function
that is called. To ensure a context-sensitive data flow
analysis, we use a function memory map to keep track
of the data-flow context and status. For each function
and its corresponding state, we create a node in our
data flow. We limit our analysis to data flows that are
feasible for both sources and sinks. For each feasible
edge between the source and sink functions, we cal-
culate, update, and propagate the data-flow summary
to all callers.
We record the input state of each basic block
within the given function and calculate its outgoing
state based on the following three different situations:
If the basic block contains a call instruction, we
cache the context switching behaviors to acceler-
ate the calculation in the analyzeCallInContext
function. This caching mechanism helps improve the
performance of the analysis when encountering call
instructions within the program. In the getSummary
function, we reuse the existing analysis results if the
summary is outdated and the new input state matches
the old-n summary. However, if the new input state
differs, we reanalyze this call with the updated sum-
mary input state and caller information.
If the basic block contains a Phi node, which is
a special instruction in the LLVM framework used
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Algorithm 1: Inter-Procedural Analysis.
1 Function analysisBasicBlock( f ,c):
f : the analysis target
c: the input state
2 forall BasicBlock b f do
3 if b contains outdated call then
4 c.update()
5 analysisFunction(b.Callee,
6 else
7 if b contains Phi node then
8 forall Incoming BasicBlock
ib do
9 c.update(ib.Context)
10 end
11 else if f is source then c
12 propagate(b)
13 end
14 end
15 end
Entry of the inter-Procedural
analyze the whole program
16 Function analysisInterProcdural(a):
a: the analysis target program
17 Context c
18 forall Function f a do
19 analysisFunction( f ,c)
20 end
21 end
for merging incoming values from different predeces-
sor basic blocks, we perform a Phi resolution. This
involves calculating the output state individually for
each possible incoming value with the given input
state. We then assign the computed output states
to the corresponding following basic blocks in the
meetOverPHI function. This resolution step ensures
that the appropriate output state is propagated based
on the different incoming values.
If the basic block is within a source function, the
transfer function determines if the basic block belongs
to a source function and initiates the propagation pro-
cess. The transfer function plays a crucial role in
propagating the data flow within the source function,
ensuring that the relevant data and state information
are properly analyzed and propagated. By consider-
ing these different situations and applying the respec-
tive functions, we are able to accurately track the data
flow and determine the outgoing state for each basic
block within the given function.
3.3 Intra-Procedural Analysis
Based on the context-sensitive inter-procedural anal-
ysis, an intra-procedural analysis described in Algo-
rithm 2 is performed for each derived function.
Within the basic block calling sinks, we extract
output context with a type-specific sink extractor and
build it into a production rule. If only one value is ex-
tracted from the sink, we append a terminal token to
the basic block production. Otherwise, we append the
conjunction of all possible values to the basic block
production. For each basic block, we build a con-
trol flow graph and calculate the constraints with a
checker, PathChecker.
Algorithm 2: Intra-Procedural Analysis.
Analysis Path Context-Sensitively
1 Function analysis(p,c):
2 if isBranch(p) then
3 DestMap
4 split (p)
// Split p into (p
,. .., p
// where p
is the default path
5 for p
, p
p, and p
.Dest =
.Dest do
6 if p
== p
then delete p
7 else Disjunction (p
.c, p
8 end
9 for p
.c / DestMap do
10 DestMap.add (p
11 analysis (p
12 end
13 end
14 end
Entry of the intra-procedural
analyze the whole function
15 Function analysisFunction( f ):
f : the analysis target
16 b f . f irstBasicBlock // BasicBlock
17 p b.start // Path
18 c
0 // Condition
19 analyze (p, c)
20 end
For branch analysis, since there may be multiple
cases (including the default one) going to the same
destination, the path constraints are aggregated into a
Source Code Implied Language Structure Abstraction through Backward Taint Analysis
disjunction as in Algorithm 2 from line 2 to line 12.
First, a destination map collects path conditions that
lead to the same destination. If any of the possible
cases share the same destination, a condition disjunc-
tion is created or updated (line 7). We use a cache
to store newly created path conditions. Whenever
a cache miss happens, we need to construct a fresh
value. Especially, if any two cases share the same
destination with the default, the other case would be
removed (line 6), because the default path condition
guarder can be obtained by negating all other condi-
In this section, we evaluate our tool on real-world ap-
plications by extracting their output language gram-
mar and generate output samples.
4.1 Experiment Setup and Subjects
For the sake of independence, constancy and repro-
ducibility, we conduct all experiments within docker
containers living in a dedicated host machine. The
configuration of the host machine and docker contain-
ers is shown as follows.
CPU: Intel Xeon E5–2690
Memory: 378 GB
OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Docker Base Imagine: ubuntu:16.04
Compiler: GCC 5.4.0, Clang 6.0.1
Linker: GNU gold linker 1.11
We evaluate PRETTYGRAMMAR based on several
small test cases collected from GitHub. We build
these projects with clang as well as GNU gold linker
and archive all the temporary files.
Table 1: Subjects revolved in evaluation.
Target Language Output Program Input Program
Static String HelloWorld, staticXMLPrinter
Dynamic String loopPrinter, XMLPrinterClass
Expression printExpression
Algebraic Equation aePrinter
XML testWriter xmllint
The related subjects are listed in Table 1. Test-
Writer is a test program that comes with the libxml2
project. Xmllint is a tool within the libxml2 project
that parses XML files and outputs the result of the
4.2 Correctness of Inferred Grammar
To analyze the accuracy of the output grammar ab-
stracted by PRETTYGRAMMAR, we collected three
small programs that produce human-understandable
output language: a static string printer (HelloWorld),
an algebraic equation printer (aePrinter), several xml
printers (staticXMLPrinter, XMLPrinterClass), and
an expression printer (printExpression).
First, we evaluate PRETTYGRAMMAR on several
static printers and successfully get its precise output
grammar. The test indicates that PRETTYGRAMMAR
is able to identify all source and sink functions of dif-
ferent types of terminal as designed. The exact value
of printed terminals are also abstracted correctly.
Next, we evaluate PRETTYGRAMMAR on two
printers that requires input and contains conditional
output branches. The raw result for each pro-
gram is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1a shows that
PRETTYGRAMMAR is able to inferring the type
of terminals, and interpreting production guards.
Since we have performed context-sensitive and path-
sensitive taint analysis, PRETTYGRAMMAR abstracts
three different non-terminals from the same function
printer::printExpression(), each from a different set of
input and output variable status. However, as we can
see in Figure 1a, some deterministic terminals such
as "=" and "\n" have been identified as possible ter-
minals. This is a common false positive caused by the
implementation of security check in the llvm and C++
printing methods. It can be eliminated by identifying
the characteristic data-flow and control-flow pattern.
4.3 Performance on Real-World
An ideal program language analysis tool should be
able to assist researchers effectively, correctly, and ef-
ficiently. In this part, we evaluate PRETTYGRAM-
MAR from three aspects. We first generate corpus
with the algorithm described in the following part,
and then feed the corpus to a program that takes valid
input under the same language with the output we ab-
4.3.1 Effectiveness
For software testing, the coverage of input sam-
ples are crucial. A high coverage sample are much
more meaningful than vast random samples which are
likely rejected in a very early stage of the program
process. Thus, we observe the average coverage of
source code in terms of lines and functions of our
1000 generated corpus, and list the results in Table 2,
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
1 <Start> ::= <main@0@0>
2 <main@0@0> ::= <print::printout()@0@d7a7a0>
3 <print::printout()@0@d7a7a0> ::= ("Illegal␣operation." | "<!dec!>" "<!string!>"? "<!dec!>" "="? "<!
dec!>") "\n"?
(a) Algebraic equation printer.
1 <Start> ::= <main@0@0>
2 <main@0@0> ::= <printer::printExpression(Exp, bool)@0@efc0b0>
3 <printer::printExpression(Exp, bool)@0@efc0b0> ::= "("? "<!string!>"? "<!string!>"? ("<!string!>" |
<printer::printExpression(Exp, bool)@efc0b0@ef9350> | "") ")"? "\n"?
4 <printer::printExpression(Exp, bool)@efc0b0@ef9350> ::= "("? "<!string!>"? "<!string!>"? ("<!string
!>" | <printer::printExpression(Exp, bool)@ef9350@ef9350> | "") ")"? "\n"?
5 <printer::printExpression(Exp, bool)@ef9350@ef9350> ::= "("? "<!string!>"? "<!string!>"? ("<!string
!>" | <printer::printExpression(Exp, bool)@ef9350@ef9350> | "") ")"? "\n"?
(b) Expression printer.
Figure 1: The abstracted context-free grammar of simple printers.
Table 2: Corpus average static coverage of xmllint.
Coverage # Coverage Ratio
Corpus Line Function Line Function Branch Branch Taken Call
(Out of 72998) (Out of 3122) (Out of 1383) at least Once (Out of 763)
empty 1819 179 2.5% 5.8% 11.42% 5.86% 1.57%
random strings 1845.1 180.1 2.5% 5.8% 11.42% 5.86% 1.57%
PRETTYGRAMMAR 2858.0 249.8 3.9% 8.0% 16.34% 8.39% 2.10%
valid 2765.4 243.3 3.8% 7.8% 16.34% 8.39% 2.10%
where we refer the code coverage of one static input
as static coverage, knowing form the dynamic gener-
ate or mutated input during the fuzz testings, in which
we refer the coverage as dynamic coverage. Due to
the scalability of gcov, which is the coverage analy-
sis tool we adopt, we can only count the coverage of
As shown in Table 2, corpus generated by PRET-
TYGRAMMAR achieves the best performance in static
coverage. PRETTYGRAMMAR has outperformed
empty and random samples in all coverage indicators.
The result of random strings almost evens with the
empty one, indicating that in such situations, random
input is very unlikely to pass the basic input checker
as well as the empty input in real-world applications.
However, corpus generated by PRETTYGRAMMAR
has reached source code in a decent level. In terms
of software testing, trigging more source code can
greatly increase the chance of finding new bugs or
trigging new crashes. Compared with empty and ran-
dom corpus, PRETTYGRAMMAR generated corpus
has greatly improved the effectiveness of corpus cov-
On the other hand, PRETTYGRAMMAR also out-
performs valid corpus which are grammar-correct xml
files we collected. We consider two possible reasons:
1) PRETTYGRAMMAR generates some incorrect sam-
ples and triggered error handling path that the valid
Table 3: Correctness of XML, Checked by libxml2 xmllint.
Check Result Fraction (%)
Semantic Correct 3.22
Syntactic Correct 38.7
Syntactic Error 58.06
samples would never touch. 2) After observing some
samples form both corpus, we notice both the struc-
ture complexity and the length of synthesis samples
is apparently higher than collected ones. While larger
and more complex inputs are more likely triggering
more source code.
4.3.2 Correctness
To evaluate the correctness of the synthesized gram-
mar, we performed an evaluation targeting the
libxml2 XML linter xmllint. We fed the corpus we
generated from libxml2 to xmllint and collected the
feedback in the Table 3.
Table 3 presents the correctness evaluation re-
sults of the synthesized grammar for XML checked
by libxml2 xmllint. The table shows the fraction of
the check results in three categories: semantic cor-
rect, syntactic correct, and syntactic error. Among the
tested corpus, only 3.22% are semantically correct,
while 38.7% are syntactically correct, and 58.06% are
syntactically incorrect.
Source Code Implied Language Structure Abstraction through Backward Taint Analysis
While our approach shows promising results, there
are several directions for future work that could im-
prove the algorithm’s effectiveness and applicability.
We discuss some of these potential directions below.
5.1 Handling More Complex Languages
Our current algorithm can handle languages with both
lexical and syntactical structures, as well as entity
identifiers. However, it may struggle with more com-
plex languages that include features such as nested
structures or complex type systems. One direction for
future work could be to extend the algorithm to handle
more complex languages, potentially by handle more
complex languages.
5.2 Improving Precision of Static
Our static analysis method currently can partially in-
fers possible values for string variables at each pro-
gram point. While this is useful for generating valid
input strings, it may not capture all possible behav-
iors of the program. In future work, we could ex-
plore more advanced static analysis techniques to im-
prove the precision of our inferred string values, po-
tentially by leveraging more advanced static analysis
5.3 Applying the Algorithm to
Real-World Programs
While we demonstrate the effectiveness of our ap-
proach on a set of small example programs, it remains
to be seen how well it would perform on more real-
world programs. Future work could involve applying
our algorithm to a wider range of programs and evalu-
ating its effectiveness in generating high-quality input
strings. Additionally, we could explore the feasibil-
ity of integrating our approach into existing software
testing frameworks.
5.4 Integration with Fuzzing
Our approach provides a useful tool for generating
input strings for software testing, but it does not di-
rectly address the process of actually testing the soft-
ware. Future work could involve integrating our al-
gorithm with existing fuzzing techniques to automati-
cally generate and test input strings. This could poten-
tially involve leveraging machine learning techniques
to guide the generation of input strings towards unex-
plored parts of the program.
Deriving source code implied language is significant
for a wide variety of applications. In this paper,
we propose a static analysis that learns the implicit
language from a program’s source code. Our ap-
proach performs context-sensitive and path-sensitive
taint analysis within the targeted class. To main-
tain context-sensitivity, we assign indirect calls with
a potential callee pool and propagate the context en-
vironment to every possible candidate in the pool.
To maintain path sensitivity, we represent conditional
branches as nodes with constraints.
We implemented a prototype called PRETTY-
GRAMMAR in C++, based on the LLVM framework.
Our experiments demonstrate that PRETTYGRAM-
MAR is effective and efficient in extracting grammar
structures and generating output corpora for desired
program output languages, such as XML.
Furthermore, we evaluated PRETTYGRAMMARs
output grammar using libxml2’s XML linter, xmllint,
and found that a large proportion of generated sam-
ples were syntactically correct.
Overall, our proposed approach shows promise in
automatically generating program output corpora and
can benefit a range of applications, including software
testing, reverse engineering, and vulnerability analy-
This research was supported in part by the National
Science Foundation (NSF) grant CNS-1652790.
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