Verifying Data Integrity for Multi-Threaded Programs
Imran Pinjari
, Michael Shin
and Pushkar Ogale
Department of Computer Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, U.S.A.
Department of Computer Science, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas, U.S.A.
Keywords: Integrity Breach Condition, Data Integrity, Message Communication, Malicious Code, Multi-Threaded
Abstract: This paper describes the Integrity Breach Conditions (IBCs) to identify security spots that might contain
malicious codes in message communications in multi-threaded programs. An attacker can inject malicious
code into a program so that the code would tamper with sensitive data handled by the program. The IBCs
indicate what functions might encapsulate malicious code if the defined IBC conditions hold true. This paper
describes the IBCs for multi-threaded based synchronous and asynchronous message communications in
which two threads communicate via message queues or message buffers. A prototype tool was developed by
implementing the IBCs to identify security spots in multi-threaded programs. An online shopping system was
implemented to validate the IBCs using the prototype tool.
Malicious code can compromise sensitive data to
impact the business of an organization. In today’s
world of computers and networks, there are very high
chances for malicious code to be injected into the
program by an insider. Insiders (Wang et al., 2020;
Fadolalkarim et al., 2020; Jiang and Qu, 2020; Zhang
and Li, 2020; Rozi et al., 2020) could be software
engineers who have authorized access to the source
code of applications. Hence, malicious code should be
detected and removed during software development as
proactive measures.
A security spot is a code that may change either
the value of a sensitive variable in a class or sensitive
data in a database. Our previous work (Ogale et al.,
2018; Radhakrishnan et al., 2021) presented the
integrity breach conditions (IBCs) for non-
multithreaded programs to identify security spots
using sensitive variables (Ogale et al., 2018) and
object references (Radhakrishnan et al., 2021). This
paper extends our previous work by defining the IBCs
to identify security spots in multi-threaded programs,
where two threads communicate via message queues
or buffers asynchronously or synchronously.
Many real-world applications have been
developed with multi-threads, such as web servers,
database systems, networking, video, and audio
processing. Message queues or buffers are frequently
used in such applications for communication to handle
enormous volumes of messages or data efficiently.
The messages or data sent by one thread to another can
be tampered with if message queues or buffers are
breached by malicious codes. Also, malicious code
might be hidden in threads that communicate
messages or data. It is necessary to detect malicious
codes that might be hidden in the message queue or
buffer as well as the threads in the multi-threaded
This paper describes the IBCs to identify security
spots that may contain malicious code hidden in the
message queues and buffers and threads in multi-
threaded programs. Some methods or functions in
multi-threaded programs might contain malicious
code if the IBC holds for the methods or functions.
The IBCs are implemented as rules in the prototype
tool, which is extended from our previous tool. The
prototype tool is used to validate our research to detect
security spots. The identified security spots should be
manually reviewed to determine whether it is a benign
code or a malicious code.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
describes the background of our research. Section 3
describes the integrity breach conditions for the multi-
threaded programs for asynchronous message
communication, followed by the IBCs for
synchronous message communication in section 4.
Section 5 describes the prototype tool, and Section 6
Pinjari, I., Shin, M. and Ogale, P.
Verifying Data Integrity for Multi-Threaded Programs.
DOI: 10.5220/0012130000003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 588-595
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
validates this research. Section 7 describes the related
work, and section 8 describes the conclusions and
future work.
2.1 Glossary
The definitions of the terms used in this paper are as
Message Queue (MQ) Connector is a queue used
for asynchronous message communication
between threads.
Message Buffer and Response (MBR)
Connector stores the messages sent by the sender
thread to the receiver thread in a message buffer in
synchronous message communication. The
message response buffer stores the response sent
by the receiver thread to the sender thread.
Sensitive Variable (SV) is a variable that stores
sensitive value and whose value must not be
changed maliciously. An SV is exclusively a
variable of a primitive type in Java.
Non-Sensitive Variable (NSV) is a variable with
no sensitive value.
Sensitive Object (SO) is an object of a class
whose value must not be changed maliciously.
Non-Sensitive Object (NSO) is an object that
does not contain any sensitive values.
Sensitive Class (SC) is a class that contains a
sensitive variable or sensitive object (SV/SO).
Non-Sensitive Class (NSC) is a class that does
not contain any SV/SO.
Reference to Sensitive Variable (RSV) refers to
a sensitive variable (SV) in a class.
Reference to Sensitive Object (RSO) refers to a
sensitive object (SO) in a class.
Reference to Non Sensitive Variable (RNSV)
refers to a non-sensitive variable in a class.
Reference to Non Sensitive Object (RNSO)
refers to a non-sensitive object in a class.
Security Spot is code that changes either an
SV/SO value in a class or sensitive data in a
Sensitive Method (SM) is a method that contains
at least one security spot.
Non-Sensitive Method (NSM) is a method that
does not change the value of an SV/SO in a class
or the sensitive data in a database.
2.2 Approach
Fig. 1 depicts the overview of our approach in which
a list of sensitive variables or objects declared in
classes and sensitive data stored in a database are
given as input together with the multi-threaded
programs. Using the IBCs, the programs are analyzed
for data integrity to identify the security spots. The
Integrity Breach Conditions (IBCs) are defined to
identify the security spots in multi-threaded
programs. The IBCs are the criteria for determining
the security spots. If a method in a program holds an
integrity breach condition, then it becomes a security
spot, and the method becomes a sensitive method
(SM). The security spots may be either malicious or
benign. Hence, security spots should be verified
manually to determine whether they are malicious or
Figure 1: Overview of Our Approach.
A message queue (MQ) connector (Gomaa, 2011) is
used in asynchronous message communication
between threads, which communicate messages via a
message queue. An asynchronous message is sent by
a sender thread to a receiver thread via an MQ
connector and is stored in the MQ until the receiver
reads the message. The sender thread can continue to
send the next message to the receiver if the MQ is not
Fig. 2 depicts a message queue (MQ) connector
for asynchronous message communication between
the sender and receiver threads. The MQ connector
provides the threads with two operations: the send()
operation, called by the sender thread to store a
Verifying Data Integrity for Multi-Threaded Programs
message in the MQ, and the receive() operation,
called by the receiver thread to read a message from
the MQ. The send() operation has an incoming
message as a parameter, and the receive() operation
returns an outgoing message read from the MQ.
Figure 2: Message Queue Connector.
When a sender thread method (i.e., the run()
function of a sender thread in Java) sends a message
to a receiver thread method (i.e., the run() function of
a receiver thread in Java) via a message queue (MQ)
connector, the message can be an SV, NSV, RSV,
RSO, RNSV or RNSO. However, RNSV is not
possible in our focused programming language.
Suppose a method in an MQ connector is a method
M. Under these circumstances, the following IBCs
are specified to identify security spots in
asynchronous message communication between two
IBC 1: If a sender thread method sends a message,
which is either an SV or NSV, to a receiver thread
method, a method M changes the message, and the
receiver thread method is an SM to use the changed
message, the MQ connector class becomes an SC, and
the message becomes an SV in the class.
Because the message is used by an SM in the
receiver thread, a change in the message will affect
the SM. The message becomes an SV in the MQ
connector and must not be changed in the MQ
connector. As the message is stored in the MQ
connector class, the class becomes an SC.
The IBC 1 can be detailed into IBC 1a, 1b, and 1c:
IBC 1a: If the message is an SV declared as a class
variable in the sender thread class, the sender thread
class is already an SC.
IBC 1a is trivial because it is a kind of SC
IBC 1b: If the message is an NSV declared in the
sender thread class, the sender thread class becomes
an SC.
The message must not be changed in the sender
thread as well as the MQ connector class because an
SM in the receiver thread method uses the message.
The message declared as an NSV in the sender thread
must become an SV, and the sender thread class must
become an SC.
IBC 1c: If the message is a local variable declared in
the thread method, the sender thread method can be
an SM.
Although the message becomes an SV, only the
sender thread method can be an SM because the
message is declared as a local variable in the sender
thread method.
IBC 2: If a sender thread method sends a message,
which is either an RSV or RSO, to a receiver thread
method via an MQ connector, and a method M in the
MQ connector class changes the message, the MQ
connector class becomes an SC.
Because the message is an RSV or RSO in the
sender thread, it must not be changed by any method
in the MQ connector class. The value of the RSV or
RSO in the sender thread changes if the MQ
connector tampers with the RSV or RSO. Therefore,
the MQ connector class becomes an SC.
Suppose the variables a and b in the Message class
in Fig. 3 are SVs. The msg declared in the Sender
class is an RSO because the variables a and b are SVs.
The Message Queue class becomes an SC if the
send() operation in the Message Queue class changes
the value of the message msg sent by the Sender
thread to the Receiver thread.
Under IBC 2, the following IBC 2a, 2b, 2c, and
2d are defined.
IBC 2a: The receiver thread method becomes an SM
if it is an NSM and changes the value of the RSV or
When the receiver thread method changes the
value of the RSV or RSO, the RSV or RSO in the
sender thread method is affected. Thus, the receiver
thread method becomes an SM. In Fig. 3, the
Receiver thread method is an NSM and it changes the
value of the variable msg1.a by increasing by 2000,
where the msg1 is assigned the msg. The Receiver
thread method becomes an SM.
IBC 2b: Both the receiver thread method and method
N become SMs if the receiver thread method is an
NSM and calls the method N with an RSV or RSO
parameter whose value is changed in the method N.
send (in message)
receive (out
+ send (in message)
+ receive (out message)
- messageQ: Queue
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
If the RSV or RSO value is maliciously changed by
method N, the RSV or RSO in the sender thread
method is affected. Also, the receiver thread method
calls method N, which can tamper with the RSV or
RSO. Both the receiver thread method and method N
must be SMs. In Fig. 3, the Receiver thread method
calls the method N with the message msg1, which
changes the value of msg1. The method N becomes
an SM. At the time, the Receiver thread method also
becomes an SM if it is an NSM.
Figure 3: Multi-threaded Code for Asynchronous Message
IBC 2c: A method N becomes an SM if the receiver
thread method is an SM and calls the method N with
an RSV or RSO parameter whose value is changed in
the method N.
Method N can change the value of the RSV or
RSO maliciously. This change will affect the value of
the RSV or RSO in the sender thread method as well
as the receiver thread method. The method N must be
an SM.
IBC 2d: The class that contains the receiver thread
method becomes an SC if the receiver thread method
assigns the RSV or RSO to a reference to a variable
or object declared in the class.
As the RSV or RSO is assigned to a reference to
a variable or object declared in the receiver thread
class, the value of RSV or RSO can be changed
maliciously by some methods in the class. This
change will affect the RSV or RSO in the sender
thread method. In Fig. 3, the message msg1 is
assigned to the obj1, which is a reference to the
Message object. The Receiver class becomes an SC.
IBC 3: Via the MQ connector class, a sender thread
method sends an RNSO message to a receiver thread
method that is an SM and uses the RNSO, and a
method M in the MQ connector class changes the
RNSO. In this case, the MQ connector class becomes
an SC, and the RNSO becomes an RSO in the MQ
A change to the RNSO message affects the
receiver thread method because the method is an SM.
If a method M in the MQ connector class can tamper
with the value of the RNSO, the breached RNSO is
used by the receiver thread method, which is an SM.
As the RNSO is stored in the MQ connector class, the
MQ connector class becomes an SC, and the RNSO
comes to be an RSO in the MQ connector.
The following IBC 3a and IBC 3b hold under the
IBC 3:
IBC 3a: The sender thread method becomes an SM if
it changes the RNSO. If the message is an RNSO
declared in the sender class (but not in the method),
the sender thread class becomes an SC. The RNSO
becomes an RSO in the sender thread class.
Because the RNSO message is used by the
receiver thread method, the change to the RNSO
message in the sender thread method affects the
receiver thread method, which is an SM. Thus, the
sender thread method must become an SM if it
changes to the RNSO. At this time, the RNSO
declared in the sender thread class must be an RSO in
the sender thread class, which also becomes an SC.
IBC 3b: The sender thread method becomes an SM
if it changes the RNSO. If the message is a local
object declared in the thread method, the sender
thread method becomes an SM.
When the RNSO is declared in the sender thread
method, the sender thread class cannot be an SC.
However, the sender thread method must be an SM.
Class Message{
double a; //Assume a is an SV
double b; //Assume b is an SV
Class MessageQueue
public synchronized void send(Message message) {
message.a = message.a - 500.00;
public synchronized Message receive(){
return message;
Class Sender implements runnable {
MessageQueue queue;
Message msg;
public void run()
msg = new Message()
msg.a = 100.00;
msg.b = 200.00;
Class Receiver implements runnable {
MessageQueue queue;
Message obj1;
public void run(){
Message msg1 = new Message();
msg1 = queue.receive();
msg1.a = msg1.a + 2000.00;
msg1 = methodN(msg1);
obj1 = msg1;
public Message methodN (Message msg) {
msg.b = msg.b - 100.00;
return msg
Verifying Data Integrity for Multi-Threaded Programs
In synchronous message communication, a sender
thread method sends a message to a receiver thread
via a message buffer and response (MBR) connector
(Gomaa, 2011) and waits for a reply from the
receiver. When a reply arrives from the receiver, the
sender can continue to work and send the next
message to the receiver. The MBR connector class
provides the send(), receive(), and reply() operations
that enable synchronous message communication
between the sender and receiver threads. A sender
thread calls the send() operation to store a message in
a message buffer, while the receiver thread calls the
receive() operation to read a message from the buffer.
The receiver thread returns a reply to the sender
thread by calling the reply() operation.
Using the IBCs for asynchronous message
communication, the IBCs for synchronous message
communication can also be specified for both sending
a message from a sender thread to a receiver thread
and replying from the receiver to the sender. When a
sender sends a message to a receiver, a message can
be an SV, NSV, RSV, or RSO. The IBCs for
asynchronous message communication are utilized
for a sender to send a message to a receiver to identify
SMs. Similarly, the IBCs are used to detect SMs
relating to replying to the sender from the receiver. In
this case, a reply can be an SV, NSV, RSV, or RSO,
and the IBCs are applied reversely, meaning that a
sender comes to be a receiver, and a receiver becomes
a sender.
A prototype tool was developed to validate the IBCs
specified for multi-threaded Java programs. We
extended our previous prototype tool to develop a new
prototype tool for this research. The prototype tool
(Fig. 4) consists of the GUI, code scanner, data
integrity relation database, and data integrity analyzer.
5.1 GUI
The GUI (Fig. 4) is used to input a text file containing
SVs, NSVs, RSOs, and RNSOs in a multi-threaded
Java program; and a program folder encompassing
the multi-threaded Java program code. The input can
be entered via GUI in a format that includes the
package names, class names, SVs, NSVs, RSOs, and
RNSOs in each class.
Figure 4: Prototype Tool.
5.2 Code Scanner
As our previous research selects Java code, we select
a multi-threaded program in Java as our target
program. The code scanner (Fig. 4) scans all classes,
including the thread classes in the multi-threaded
program, to build the data integrity relations used to
analyze the IBCs. The class names, methods and their
parameter names, and variable names are scanned and
stored in the data integrity relation database. The local
variables in each method are also scanned for some
IBCs that are checked with the local variables. The
code scanner can handle synchronized methods that
communicate with each other via MQ or MBR
5.3 Data Integrity Relations Database
The data integrity relation database (Fig. 4) stores the
data integrity relations extracted by the code scanner
from a multi-threaded Java program. The database is
a relational database containing relations handled by
the SQLite3 database. The data integrity relation
database contains four new data integrity relations:
local variables, class objects declared at the class
level, and local objects declared in methods. Also, we
modified existing integrity data relations for method
calls, changed variables, and used variables in each
method to identify security spots in a multi-threaded
Java program using the IBCs specified in this paper.
5.4 Data Integrity Analyzer
The data integrity analyzer (Fig. 4) identifies the
security spots in a multi-threaded Java program using
Code Scanner
Data Integrity
Relation Database
Data Integrity
Security spots listed out as
number of security spots, Log
file, DB file
Java Code
Package folder location
List Of SVs and SOs
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
the data integrity relation database. The data integrity
analyzer detects the SMs if any method in the given
program holds any specified IBC. We implemented
the IBCs for both asynchronous and synchronous
message communications as the data integrity
analyzer to detect the security spots.
The data integrity analyzer processes all the data
integrity relations in the database to identify all the
SMs. When the data integrity analyzer identifies an
SM, it inserts them into an output file that contains
the package, class, method, message string explaining
why it is SM, and line number. The data integrity
analyzer repeats until all the classes in the given
package are analyzed. The data integrity analyzer also
creates a log file that contains information on every
step executed from the beginning to the end of finding
A multi-threaded online shopping system was
developed to validate our approach using the
prototype tool. The online shopping system consists of
the Browse catalog, Make Order, Confirm Shipment
and Bill Customer, Process Delivery Order, View
Order, and Notify Shipment use cases. A customer can
log in and browse the catalog, make an order, and view
orders, while a supplier can log in to confirm
shipment, bill the customer, process delivery orders,
and notify the customer of shipment. All the use cases
except the notify shipment are designed with
synchronous message communication. The Notify
Shipment use case is an example of asynchronous
message communication, where the Supplier Interface
sends the shipment status message to the Customer
Interface asynchronously.
The IBCs specified in this paper were tested two-
fold with simplified test cases for each IBC and then
those for use cases in the multi-threaded online
shopping system. Simplified test cases were used to
check if the IBCs had been implemented correctly in
the data integrity analyzer. We intentionally added at
least one malicious code to the MQ and MBR
connector classes or Sender and Receiver thread
classes to verify each IBC. In the second round of
testing, we implemented the use cases in the multi-
threaded online shopping system and created the test
cases for those use cases.
As there was only one asynchronous
communication Notify Shipment use case in the multi-
threaded online shopping system, 11 test cases were
designed to test each IBC specified in this paper. We
added one malicious code to the Notify Shipment use
case and ran the use case 11 times separately. For
comprehensive testing (11 times), the total methods
recorded are 46, and the SMs identified are 7. All the
SMs are correctly identified. In addition, the tool has
identified 6 SCs as designed in the test cases.
The test cases for synchronous message
communication were designed for Browse catalog,
Make Order, Confirm Shipment and Bill Customer,
Process Delivery Order, and View Order use cases.
We added at least four malicious codes to the test
cases for each use case. The tool has identified the
unique 18 SMs and 16 SCs correctly as per the
malicious code we added along with the other
methods, which hold true to the IBCs specified in this
Several methods have been suggested to examine the
vulnerabilities in a program that deals with
confidentiality, integrity, privacy, and availability of
applications. The following discusses some of the
The Integrity Breach Conditions (IBCs) that
compromise the sensitive data in an application are
described in (Ogale et al., 2018). IBCs are developed
using couplings associated with the language
features. The authors (Radhakrishnan et al., 2021)
extended the approach in (Ogale et al., 2018) by
specifying IBCs by object reference (SOs and RSOs).
However, the IBCs and prototype tools developed in
previous work focused on general programming and
did not handle multi-threaded programming. Also,
local variables in methods were not handled.
The study by (Jovanovic et al., 2006) discusses the
problem of vulnerable web applications by static
source code analysis. This approach targets the
tainted data inserted by malicious users to cause
security problems. When the tainted data is used for
the execution of dangerous commands, a prototype
developed by (Jovanovic et al., 2006) warns about the
possible vulnerabilities through data flow analysis.
This approach aims at data confidentiality, integrity,
and privacy.
The authors (Camps et al., 2019; Wang et al.,
2020; Zhang et al., 2019) utilized machine learning to
detect malicious code. The research (Camps et al.,
2019) classified C source code to distinguish
malicious code from benign code. In (Wang et al.,
2020), the study caught malicious code based on
malicious code metadata using a random forest
classification algorithm. In (Zhang et al., 2019), the
authors have proposed an Android malware detection
Verifying Data Integrity for Multi-Threaded Programs
method based on the application’s abstracted API
calls’ method-level correlation. Different behavioral
patterns of malicious and benign apps are identified
by combining machine learning with the detection
system. Instead of machine learning techniques, our
approach specified the IBCs to identify malicious
code that might compromise the integrity of multi-
threaded programs.
Authors (Fadolalkarim et al., 2020) proposed an
anomaly detection system, AD-PROM, which would
protect relational database systems against malicious
application programs that steal data by tracking the
calls made by application programs on data extracted
from the database. The approach proposed by
(Fadolalkarim et al., 2020) aims at data
confidentiality, but our research focuses on data
integrity in a program.
In (Jiang and Qu, 2020), the authors proposed an
approach to detecting malicious code using behavior
patterns identified by network behavior analysis. A
memory tracking method is used to realize the real-
time tracking of network behavior. The study (Jiang
and Qu, 2020) focused on an outsider’s attack on a
network to detect malicious code. However, our
approach deals with an insider’s attack on a software
The authors (Zhang and Li, 2020) described
malicious code detection using code semantic
structure features to reflect semantic information.
They utilized a deep learning technique with code
semantic structure features to detect malicious code.
In contrast, our approach used the IBCs to determine
security spots that might contain malicious code.
The authors (Rozi et al., 2020) proposed a deep
neural network for detecting malicious JavaScript
codes by examining their bytecode sequences to
protect users from cyberattacks. The study (Rozi et
al., 2020) used Java bytecode, but our research used
Java source code to detect malicious code.
In (Ognawala et al., 2016), the authors present a
tool (MACKE) that analyzes vulnerabilities with
symbolic execution and directed inter-procedural
path exploration. The tool is developed using KLEE,
a coverage-first symbolic execution tool for covering
paths in a program. The MACKE performs a
compositional analysis using symbolic execution on
the functional level first and then combines the results
using static code analysis based on a targeted path
search. However, our tool identifies security spots
using the IBCs specified for multi-threaded programs.
String analysis by (Yu et al., 2014) determines
possible dangerous string constructs and provides a
warning if there is a vulnerability. Malicious user
input without proper input sanitization is vulnerable
to attacks. String analysis focused on analyzing input
strings to detect vulnerabilities in string manipulating
programs. In contrast, our approach focused on the
malicious code introduced by insiders in a program.
The authors (Zhioua et al., 2014) have assessed
the static code analysis approaches and available tools
to determine their effectiveness. The authors
demonstrated that the static code analysis tools could
not cover all the security issues.
This paper has described an approach to identify the
security spots in multi-threaded programs that might
contain malicious code. The IBCs for multi-threaded
programs were specified by considering both
asynchronous and synchronous messages
communicated via the MQ and MBR connectors. A
prototype tool was developed by extending our
previous tool. The IBCs were validated with a multi-
threaded online shopping system case study using the
prototype tool.
We envision our future work as follows. Our
future work will specify more IBCs for advanced Java
language features, including an interface, inner class,
and lambda expression. Also, we can extend the IBCs
for smart contracts in blockchain applications, which
are developed in Java or JavaScript. In addition, we
can investigate artificial intelligence techniques to
automatically classify benign and malicious codes in
the security spots. Our approach must manually
review the security spots to filter malicious codes
from benign ones.
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