Creation and Evaluation of a Food Product Image Dataset
for Product Property Extraction
Christoph Brosch, Alexander Bouwens, Sebastian Bast, Swen Haab and Rolf Krieger
Institut f
ur Softwaresysteme, Hochschule Trier, Standort Birkenfeld,
55768 Hoppst
adten-Weiersbach, Germany
Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Product Image Dataset, Retail.
The enormous progress in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) enables retail companies to automate their
processes and thus to save costs. Thereby, many AI-based automation approaches are based on machine
learning and computer vision. The realization of such approaches requires high-quality training data. In this
paper, we describe the creation process of an annotated dataset that contains 1,034 images of single food
products, taken under studio conditions, annotated with 5 class labels and 30 object detection labels, which
can be used for product recognition and classification tasks. We based all images and labels on standards
presented by GS1, a global non-profit organisation. The objective of our work is to support the development
of machine learning models in the retail domain and to provide a reference process for creating the necessary
training data.
The retail sector faces numerous challenges and op-
portunities due to rapid digitization and technological
advancements. The growth of e-commerce has signif-
icantly impacted traditional retail, while advances in
artificial intelligence (AI) offer retailers the opportu-
nity to automate various processes. Assortment plan-
ning, pricing, and promotion planning as well as in-
store logistics operations are just a few areas where
AI can be applied.
To address these challenges and capitalize on new
opportunities, retail companies are increasingly ex-
ploring automation concepts for their stores. Many of
these solutions utilize computer vision and machine
learning techniques for tasks such as product detec-
tion and recognition. Applications range from identi-
fying missing products that need restocking to ensur-
ing planogram compliance.
As a result, the amount of data to be managed
per product has grown substantially, placing high re-
quirements on product information management and
master data management. Product images, in particu-
lar, have become increasingly important and must be
effectively managed by product information manage-
ment teams. They must guarantee that product data
stored in systems are consistent with the data shown
on the image.
To address this issue, one approach is to determine
the product’s properties from its image automatically.
These properties include the product’s name, brand,
nutrition facts table, filling quantity, and category.
The processing involves detecting and recognizing the
product in the image, identifying image regions that
describe the product properties, and extracting rele-
vant information through various approaches based
on machine learning.
A system that solves this problem can support nu-
merous processes within a retail company, such as
generating structured data describing a product based
on its image, reducing manual data entry efforts in
ERP, PIM, and online shop systems. Additionally, the
extracted data can be used to verify whether system
data matches the assigned product image, thus avoid-
ing the display of incorrect or outdated images in on-
line stores. The training of such models requires a
large amount of training data.
In this paper, we give a short overview of several
existing datasets in section 2 and explain why they are
not suitable for our use case. Afterwards, in section
3, we present our product selection process in detail,
providing researchers with a guideline on how to ex-
tend this dataset to cater to their economic or scien-
tific needs. Section 4 describes the annotation pro-
cess, while section 5 presents the dataset’s statistical
facts. In section 6, we introduce our baseline models
Brosch, C., Bouwens, A., Bast, S., Haab, S. and Krieger, R.
Creation and Evaluation of a Food Product Image Dataset for Product Property Extraction.
DOI: 10.5220/0012132400003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), pages 488-495
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
trained on the dataset.
Finally, we discuss the workload predicted from
our experiences to extend this dataset, as well as out-
line potential future work and conclude this paper.
In recent years, the research community has made
notable advancements in the creation of datasets for
product detection and recognition. These datasets are
based on images featuring products in densely packed
scenes, such as retail shelves or grouped items on a ta-
ble for product detection (Goldman et al., 2019; Foll-
mann et al., 2018) or a combination of both densely
packed scenes as well as single product images (Mer-
ler et al., 2007; George and Floerkemeier, 2014;
Georgiadis et al., 2021; Wei et al., 2019). Product
recognition entails assigning one or more classes from
a non-fine-grained classification scheme to the de-
tected product, or using its visual feature embedding
to determine the exact product. Recent work by Chen
et al. (Chen et al., 2022) highlights the relevance of
product detection and recognition in real-world shelf
scenarios. The authors present an end-to-end system
for detecting products on shelves and subsequently
recognizing them based on the text extracted from the
cropped product images. In contrast to this, we focus
on single product images in our work. Next, we pro-
vide an overview of common datasets by highlighting
their primary features, focusing on datasets contain-
ing single product images exclusively or in combina-
tion with images depicting densely packed scenes in a
realistic environment. Afterwards, we distinguish our
datasets from them. A recent survey(Wei et al., 2020)
observed current problems and trends in the field of
deep learning for product recognition and discusses
existing datasets in more detail than we do here. The
following list is a subset of the datasets described in
(Wei et al., 2020):
The Grozi-120 dataset (Merler et al., 2007) con-
sists of 120 products, each associated with mul-
tiple reference images as well as one or more
videos, separated into several frames.
The Grozi-3.2k dataset (George and Floerke-
meier, 2014) provides 3,235 images depicting
Swiss retail shelves and 8, 350 images of refer-
ence products, showing the product only from its
front face. The authors also provide detailed prod-
uct detection annotations, for each of the shelf im-
The Retail Product Checkout dataset (RPC) (Wei
et al., 2019), comprises 53, 739 single product
images, depicting Chinese products, showing the
product from four different vertical angles, while
rotating from 0
to 360
on a rotary plate, result-
ing in 160 images for each of the 200 unique prod-
ucts. The dataset also includes 30, 000 checkout
images showing products in various constellations
on a white plane.
The MVTec D2S dataset (Follmann et al., 2018)
consists of 21, 000 images, displaying one or more
products from one or more categories, depend-
ing on the associated set (train, validation or test),
placed on a rotary plate with the picture taken
from straight above.
We want to highlight two additional relevant datasets
released in recent years:
The Products-6k dataset (Georgiadis et al., 2021)
provides 2, 917 single-product images, depicting
Greece products, each associated with one or
more images presenting the product from one or
more angles. It also contains 373 query images
showing products held by the photographer in
front of grocery store floors or shelves.
The ABO dataset (Collins et al., 2022) provided
by Amazon, which annotates around 400,000 3D
objects from 567 different classes. The 3D Ob-
jects depict a wide range of products and are not
exclusive to grocery products.
Despite existing datasets like Products-
6k(Georgiadis et al., 2021) and Retail Product
Checkout(Wei et al., 2019) offering various angles
and high-resolution images, they have the disad-
vantage that they lack English or German text,
professional backgrounds and lighting. Therefore,
these datasets do not meet our research needs for e.g.
performing an accurate optical character recognition
(OCR). We require high-quality, individual product
images from different angles with detailed annota-
tions for regions of interest. To address this gap, we
developed a dataset with optimal lighting, neutral
backgrounds, and annotations for object recognition,
image classification, and ground truth text values to
evaluate end-to-end system performance.
In the following subsections, we describe the pro-
cedure for selecting product categories and products
that should be included in our dataset. Moreover, we
describe how product images were captured and ex-
plain which images were created for each product.
Mainly, our selection procedure is based on the stan-
dards provided by GS1. We took into account the
Creation and Evaluation of a Food Product Image Dataset for Product Property Extraction
Global Product Classification (GPC) standard (GS1,
2020), the GS1 specification for product image cre-
ation (GS1, 2022), the GS1 codes for packaging types
(GS1 Netherlands, 2022), and the GS1 web vocabu-
lary for food, beverage, and tobacco products (GS1,
2023). Due to this fact, we assume that our dataset
can be easily extended and used by other researchers.
3.1 Product Category Selection
The selection of product categories is based on the
four-level hierarchical Global Product Classification
system version 11/2020 (GS1, 2020). The system
corresponds to a mono-hierarchy. The categories of
the four levels are called segments, families, classes,
and bricks, respectively. Food products belong to the
segment Food/Beverage/Tobacco. Table 1 shows the
number of categories per level. In our dataset, we fo-
cused on selecting products belonging to each family
within the segment Food/Beverage/Tobacco, as prod-
ucts from this segment share properties which prod-
ucts of other segments do not have, such as nutrition
tables or ingredient lists. In contrast, products from
this segment usually do not have properties that prod-
ucts of other segments have, such as energy labels or
hazard labels. Moreover, we omitted two families cat-
egorized within this segment from our dataset.
Fresh Garnish (Food): Example bricks within this
segment are ”Banana Leaves” or ”Orange Blos-
som”, which are not commonly sold in grocery
stores in our area. These circumstances made it
difficult to acquire enough products from local
grocery stores that fit in this GPC family.
Tobacco/Cannabis/Smoking Accessories: Pack-
aging for tobacco products often have different
properties than packaging of food and beverages,
such as hazard labels, warning labels, and graphic
anti-smoking images, as mandated by European
law. This meant that the labels found on cigarette
packaging did not match those of the other prod-
ucts in the dataset.
3.2 Product Selection
We selected the products for our dataset following
different criteria. Firstly, we aimed for each fam-
ily within segment Food/Beverage/Tobacco to be rep-
resented by at least 10 products. An exception
to this rule was made for families containing nuts,
fruits, and vegetables. Within all three of these
food categories, GPC offers different families la-
belled ”Unprepared/Unprocessed (Fresh)” and ”Un-
prepared/Unprocessed (Shelf Stable)”. The only per-
Figure 1: Example images from our dataset with visualized
bounding boxes.
ceivable difference in these families is that the fam-
ilies labelled ”Fresh” contain more specific bricks,
whereas the families labelled ”Shelf Stable” usually
contain a single, more generic brick. In these cases,
we decided to pick a total of 10 products for each cat-
egory. When assigning the products to a brick, we al-
ways chose the most fitting option, only opting for the
more generic brick, when none of the specific bricks
fit the product. This means that the goal of 10 prod-
ucts per family has not yet been reached within these
The products were taken from 4 different German
retail stores, in order to have products from different
name and store brands, as well as different packaging
types represented in our dataset.
3.3 Product Images
In creating our images, we followed the GS1 prod-
uct image specification standard for creating product
images (GS1, 2022). It defines, how to create and
name product images under optimal conditions. We
used this part of the specification to determine, how
to create product images, however, we decided to use
our own naming convention for product images. The
specification also details different types of product
images, as well as guidelines for image resolution,
image quality and how to properly show all important
sides of the image. For our dataset, we shot complete
single product images with a white background under
optimal lighting conditions, using the HAVOX HPB-
40 Photo Studio. We made sure, every pictured side
was visible from a straight angle with as little con-
tortion as possible. This approach usually provided
between two and six images, depending on the type
of packaging and the shape of the product. Figure 1
shows two examples of product images.
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 1: Structure of the Global Product Classification (GPC) standard version 11/2020. The third column shows the number
of families, classes and bricks associated with segment Food/Beverage/Tobacco. The fourth column highlights the coverage
of those classes in this dataset.
hierarchy level #classes #food coverage description example
segment 40 1 1 industry sector Food/Beverage/Tobacco
family 145 23 19 division of a segment Beverages
class 908 131 62 group of similar categories Coffee/Coffee Substitutes
brick 5,039 826 100 category of similar products Coffee - Ground Beans
We classified and annotated all images and products.
The following subsections detail our approach for se-
lecting and specifying image and product annotations,
as well as object detection labels.
Note, that although we have worked very care-
fully, we acknowledge that inconsistencies may arise
in our labelled data, due to varying interpretations of
the specifications and human errors, despite multiple
rounds of correction and annotation, potentially re-
sulting in gaps and issues in the dataset that may go
4.1 Data Specifications
In this section, we provide an overview of our data
structure, as well as which properties can be found in
which file.
1. Product Image [JPG]: All images were shot in
JPG format, using a 1:1 aspect ratio, as described
in the GS1 specification for creating product im-
ages (GS1, 2022). We used the Canon EOS
2000D with a resolution of 4000x4000, to cre-
ate the majority of product images, as well as the
Canon EOS R with a resolution of 4480x4480 for
a smaller subset of images.
2. Object Labels [XML]: Each image has its respec-
tive XML file, containing labels for objects found
on the image. The labels are relevant for the train-
ing of object detection models. The object labels
for each image are stored in the Pascal VOC For-
mat (Everingham et al., 2010).
3. Image Information [CSV]: The image information
file for each image includes the following infor-
Image Type: Scope of how the product is
shown in the image, according to the GS1 prod-
uct image specification (GS1, 2022).
Facing: Face of the product in the image.
Packaging Type: The type of packaging the
product is in, as specified in (GS1 Netherlands,
Figure 2: Example data for a single product image. Shows
the product image with visualized object detection labels
(left) and example data of label files for object detection la-
bels (top right), image information (centre right), and prod-
uct information (bottom right).
Packaging Material: Material of the product’s
Fill Type: Number of single products in pack-
aging (Single- / Multipack)
4. Product Information [CSV]: This file contains in-
formation about the properties of the products,
like nutritional data, brand name, GTIN, or alco-
hol content. This correlates to the properties of a
subset of object detection labels, central to identi-
fying the product. Additionally, the file contains
the GPC brick classification of the product. In to-
tal, the file has 30 attributes, 15 of which, belong
to the nutrition table.
4.2 Object Detection Labels
The labels used for object detection were derived
from common properties found on grocery packag-
ing. For this, we first analysed, which elements are
commonly found on grocery item packaging in Ger-
many. Additionally, we took into account the regu-
lations from the European Parliament to determine,
which information is required on grocery item pack-
aging (e.g. nutritional information, barcode, or infor-
mation about alcohol content) (European Parliament
and the Council, 2011). Based on these commonly
found packaging properties, we created a list of 30
Creation and Evaluation of a Food Product Image Dataset for Product Property Extraction
Figure 3: Example of images with difficult (left) and trun-
cated (right) elements.
labels that can be used to label different relevant ar-
eas on retail products, including one label marking the
entire product. Where possible, we applied the nam-
ing convention provided by the GS1 Web Vocabulary
(GS1, 2023). A list of all labels can be found in figure
4 or table 3.
We labelled every image, by drawing bounding
boxes around every important area on the product and
assigning the corresponding label to that area. In
some cases, parts of the labelled object were cut off
or difficult to read. Here, we assigned the optional
truncated or difficult flag to the object. Whenever an
object was only partially visible, due to it being cut off
or part of the packaging overlapping it, we assigned
the truncated flag to that label. In other cases, parts of
a marked label were hardly readable (e.g. not in fo-
cus, blurred, or on a reflective surface). These labels
were indicated with the difficult flag. Figure 3 shows
an example of a beetroot packaging that would be la-
belled difficult due to the reflections on the surface
and milk packaging, where brand name and product
name would be considered truncated due to the straw
blocking some of the letters. The bounding boxes, in-
cluding their label type and optional flags, were saved
using the Pascal VOC format in an XML file. (Ever-
ingham et al., 2010). The XML file for each image
has the same name as the image itself. For labelling,
we used the tool LabelImg (darrenl, 2022), modified
to allow for each label to include the difficult or trun-
cated flags.
4.3 Image Classification Labels
In addition to the assignment of object detection la-
bels, we categorized each product and annotated the
images. On the image level, we labelled, whether
products were shown in or out of packaging, which
side of the product is visible, how many single items
are in one package, as well as types of packaging and
material used to package the product. To differenti-
ate between packaging containing a single or multiple
items, we determined whether each item in the mul-
tipack is at least individually wrapped and contains a
separate barcode. An example of this would be a six-
pack of cans of beer. Packaging types were derived
from the appropriate GS1 standard wherever possi-
ble (GS1 Netherlands, 2022). In cases, where no fit-
ting packaging types was provided, we added our own
names following the naming styles, used in the refer-
ence. The packaging sides shown in the image were
split into categories front, left, back, and right. If the
packaging was shown from a different point of view
(e.g. top or bottom), the image was categorized as a
”not-front” image. In some cases, it was impossible
to tell, what face the image was taken from. In these
cases, we labelled the side as ”unspecified”. We la-
belled all image properties using Label Studio (Hear-
tex, 2023). On product level, we assigned each prod-
uct its corresponding GPC brick. This also allows for
classification on class and family level.
4.4 Extracted Property Values
In order to evaluate our future end-to-end system for
product property extraction, we also extracted ground
truth values for detected properties. This includes
standard properties, such as product name, brand
name, and GTIN, more specific properties, such as
nutritional information, fill weight, or alcohol con-
tent, and which kinds of seals are found on the prod-
uct. We differentiate between organic seals (such as
the ”bio” label), product and packaging quality seals
(e.g. vegan, vegetarian) and labels showing whether
the packaging of beverages could be returned to a ven-
dor to be reused or not (called ”Mehrweg” packaging
in Germany). We only consider quality seals assigned
by a third party. The most common seals were all cat-
egorized and indicated with numbers to be identified
more easily. The resulting list contains seals found all
across Germany, as well as more regional seals.
Currently, the dataset contains a total of 250 prod-
ucts with 1,034 images, which averages 4.14 im-
ages per product. Most common are products with
4 images. 792 images were created using the Canon
EOS 2000D, the other 242 images were shot with the
Canon EOS R.
For object detection, we used a total of 30 la-
bels. On average, there are 8.14 labels per image and
about 33.65 labels across the images of a single prod-
uct. Figure 4a shows, how often a label occurs in the
dataset. Labels found on multiple sides of a product,
appear on nearly 80% of all images, e.g. product-
Name or brandName, while labels relevant to only
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
(a) Distribution of all assigned labels. (b) Distribution of the different combinations of label flags
introduced by the Pascal VOC annotation format.
Figure 4: Statistical analysis of our dataset. N = 1034.
one side of the product, such as nutritionTable, ap-
pear more rarely. Some are also GPC family specific,
like drainedWeight, and therefore barely represented.
Figure 4b shows the distribution of difficult and
truncated flags among the different labels. The distri-
bution shows that a significant number of labels are
either difficult, truncated, or both.
The most common facing types were front (273),
back (242), and not-front (213). The most represented
packaging types were cartons, boxes, and bags, with
97 products being packaged in plastic and 69 products
packaged in paper.
A complete statistical description is provided by
Jupyter Notebooks, which are included in the dataset
To demonstrate the use of the dataset, we trained
several deep-learning models. These models should
be considered as baselines for their respective tasks.
The models are general-purpose networks such as
ResNet50 (He et al., 2016) with very little adjust-
ment to the problem presented. Therefore, we expect
that these baseline models can be improved upon. All
models have been chosen because of their popularity
and availability as open-source software. Image clas-
sification results are shown in table 2.
The object detection model is based on the
YOLOv5 package(Jocher et al., 2020). In our base-
line training, we used the second-smallest variant,
pretrained on the ImageNet dataset (Deng et al.,
2009), with an image size of 1280x1280. We utilised
an 80/20 split on product level, resulting in 200 prod-
ucts (821 images) in the training- and 50 products
(213 images) in the validation set. Table 3 shows the
results of our baseline training. We do not differen-
Table 2: Performance of our baseline image classification
models fine-tuned on a pre-trained ResNet50 (He et al.,
2016) implemented in the Torchvision package. Only the
head of each model has been trained. In case of material and
packagingType only classes with more than 50 instances
were used for training. Metrics are weighted and averaged
over all labels.
material packagingType facing
Precision 0.73 0.895 0.44
Recall 0.74 0.88 0.45
F1-Score 0.73 0.88 0.45
tiate between labels which are marked as either trun-
cated, difficult, or both, and those which aren’t in our
performance calculations. In the following, we list
the key observations of our object detection approach
according to the taxonomy of challenges in generic
object detection as described in (Liu et al., 2020):
High distinctness and low inner-class variation for
labels barcode, nutritionTable, qrCode, identity-
Mark, nutriScore and netContent lead to good re-
High distinctness and high inner-class variation
for labels brandName, productName and logo
lead to decent results.
Low distinctness and low inter-class variation of
plain text labels, such as ingredientStatement and
detailedProductName lead to unsatisfying initial
The dataset described in this paper consists of 250 dif-
ferent products with various annotations, labels and
extracted properties. In our opinion, it represents an
important first step and offers a valuable resource for
Creation and Evaluation of a Food Product Image Dataset for Product Property Extraction
Table 3: Results after training of the YOLOv5 model based on the default parameters (Jocher et al., 2020). Results are briefly
discussed in section 6. mAP@.5 and mAP@.5:.95 denote the mean average precision for different intersection over union
thresholds as implemented in (Jocher et al., 2020).
class labels precision recall mAP@.5 mAP@.5:.95
all 1,665 0.698 0.496 0.521 0.394
address 69 0.450 0.246 0.299 0.189
percentageOfAlcoholByVolume 1 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
barcode 133 0.917 0.970 0.982 0.826
bestBeforeDate 40 0.748 0.700 0.712 0.450
brandName 166 0.538 0.536 0.541 0.352
energyPerNutrientBasis 19 0.945 0.737 0.771 0.630
countryOfOrigin 13 1.000 0.000 0.002 0.000
drainedWeight 11 0.884 0.545 0.642 0.536
variantDescription 44 0.385 0.318 0.255 0.132
isFrozen 7 0.282 0.121 0.049 0.040
hazards 1 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
identityMark 19 0.886 0.737 0.840 0.747
ingredientStatement 62 0.512 0.387 0.371 0.225
instructions 54 0.198 0.167 0.129 0.084
logo 151 0.694 0.649 0.692 0.525
manufacturer 19 0.392 0.263 0.319 0.248
productName 140 0.572 0.621 0.608 0.344
detailedProductName 85 0.455 0.259 0.259 0.155
nutriScore 22 0.899 0.909 0.912 0.670
netContent 90 0.784 0.789 0.787 0.614
nutritionTable 87 0.821 0.828 0.831 0.702
organicClaim 21 0.640 0.667 0.704 0.551
priceSpecification 1 1.000 0.000 0.497 0.348
product 213 0.877 0.995 0.995 0.954
qrCode 19 0.961 0.737 0.747 0.556
packagingMarkedLabelAccreditation 69 0.668 0.493 0.519 0.403
packagingRecyclingProcessType 55 0.830 0.764 0.798 0.656
hasReturnablePackageDeposit 9 0.878 1.000 0.995 0.657
hasBatchLotNumber 37 0.389 0.324 0.315 0.195
allergenStatement 8 0.323 0.125 0.046 0.029
researchers, who can use it to train and evaluate mod-
els for extracting product properties from product im-
ages. The globally available GS1 standards, as well
as the provided documentation on labelling product
images, allow users to extend the dataset beyond its
current scope. Based on the specifications provided,
extending the dataset involves the following steps:
Setting up the workstation: This takes approxi-
mately 5–10 minutes per photography session.
Creating images: This process, which entails se-
lecting the product, photographing it from all rel-
evant angles, reviewing and renaming the images,
takes around 5 minutes per product.
Image annotation and labelling: This requires 20
minutes per product and involves entering product
information into the appropriate CSV files and la-
belling the images.
The dataset facilitates evaluations of object de-
tection, image classification and OCR models, while
baseline models enable performance comparisons.
As future work we plan to develop label-specific
detection models, which are trained on the detection
of a single label. In addition we plan to analyse the
influence of the size of the training dataset on model
performance. Based on our key observations listed
in section 6, we assume that for labels with high
inner-class variation and low distinctness (e.g. de-
tailedProductName, ingredientStatement) more train-
ing data is necessary than for labels with low inner-
class variation and high distinctness (e.g. barcode,
nutritionTable) in order to improve the performance
of the model. A first experiment on productName and
logo with additional 3350 labelled front images was
promising. Therefore, we plan to add more images
with labels, annotations and property values to the de-
scribed dataset.
Because extending the dataset requires a high
amount of manual effort, we have developed a pro-
totype for synthetic product image generation to in-
crease the number of labelled product images. The
generator creates 3D product objects, renders images,
and assign label and bounding boxes based on rules,
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
properties, and dependencies. For the sake of sim-
plicity, we only looked at Tetra Packs in our initial
implementation. Early results showed a lack of gen-
eralization from the YOLOv5 object detection model
(Jocher et al., 2020) when trained on synthetic data.
Therefore, future research will explore automating
annotated product image creation using generative ad-
versarial networks in combination with the developed
rule based approach. We also plan to evaluate large
language models such as GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023) as an
alternative approach for extracting information from
product images.
All Jupyter Notebooks, scripts, and data can be found
inside the following repository:
This work was funded by the German Federal Min-
istry of Education and Research (FKZ 01IS20085).
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