The E-Dossier as a Tool to Optimize Civil Courts: The Cuneo Case
Ilaria Angela Amantea
1 a
, Marinella Quaranta
1 b
, Marianna Molinari
2 c
, Christine Peduto
and Francesca Demarchi
University of Turin, Computer Science Department, Corso Svizzera, 185, Torino, Italy
University of Turin, Department of Law, Via Giuseppe Verdi, 8, Torino, Italy
Tribunal of Cuneo, Piazza Tancredi Galimberti, 7, Cuneo, Italy
Business Process Management, Justice, Modelling and Simulation, E-Dossier.
This article presents a framework to integrate Business Process Management and Simulation to Civil Court
proceedings in order to support the telematization of the dossier, starting from the paper dossier. To speed
up Civil proceedings while maintaining high level of efficiency of the Court, the introduction of the e-dossier
has been fundamental in Italy. The article revolves around the virtuous case of the Court of Cuneo, analyzed
through Process Analysis and Process Reorganization Models, to estimate which changes and improvements
the telematization has brought.
In recent years, both at European and national level
there have been many laws, reforms and projects to
improve the efficiency and productivity of judicial of-
fices and courts. One of the latest and biggest projects
in Italy, at a national level, is NGUPP
. As a part of
“the Unitary project for the dissemination of the Of-
fice for Trial and the implementation of innovative
operating models in the judicial offices for the dis-
posal of the back” promoted by the Ministry of Jus-
tice, the project aims at enabling the judicial offices
of the Macro Area to acquire a more efficient method
of handling litigation, in order to reduce the backlog.
The project proposes to test new collaborative
schemes between universities and judicial offices in
order to offer multidisciplinary skills to judicial of-
fices employees, maintaining the efficient operation
of the contemporary court system and offering sup-
port to the digitization and innovation process.
The Project is called “New Collaborative Schemes
between Universities and Judicial Offices for Improving
the Efficiency and Performance of Justice in Northwestern
Italy” - NEXT GENERATION UPP and has involved
35 judicial offices from most courts from the northwest of
Despite all these efforts, the e-dossier is still a
work in progress. In courts of many Italian cities the
dossier is still on paper, or even half on paper and
half telematic. In order to support this change man-
agement we will show the process the Court of Cu-
neo, a virtuous example of a court completely able to
telematize, and sometimes dematerialize files of Civil
Litigation and of Labour. The goal is to show the pro-
cess beforehand and the current processto underline
which activities allowed the telematization and the
consequent savings of time, costs and resources. The
final objective is to provide a model to be exported to
support the change in other Italian, and maybe Euro-
pean, tribunals.
In order to analyse the business processes of the
Courts, we exploit a Business Process Management
(BPM) methodology (Dumas et al., 2018; Van der
Aalst et al., 2010; Abo-Hamad and Arisha, 2013).
One of the central issues of BPM (Dumas et al., 2018;
Amantea et al., 2018; Van der Aalst et al., 2010; Abo-
Hamad and Arisha, 2013) is change management
(Amantea et al., 2020; Di Leva et al., 2020a; Amantea
et al., 2022; Amantea et al., 2018). Using a process-
centric approach, to describe the diagram of the pro-
cess, we will adopt the Business Process Model and
Notations (BPMN) standard language (Di Leva et al.,
2020b; Allweyer, 2016). The adoption of a process-
centric approach relying on a process-aware informa-
tion system combining with a simulation tool (iGrafx
Amantea, I., Quaranta, M., Molinari, M., Peduto, C. and Demarchi, F.
The E-Dossier as a Tool to Optimize Civil Courts: The Cuneo Case.
DOI: 10.5220/0012133200003546
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2023), pages 425-431
ISBN: 978-989-758-668-2; ISSN: 2184-2841
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
LCC, ) allows the redesign of business processes in
an organization. This integration of techniques al-
lows to analyze activities and related resources, time,
and cost, and evaluate delay and bottleneck (Martinho
et al., 2016; Mans et al., 2015; Fern
andez-Llatas et al.,
2011); all based on real data stored in the information
System (IS) (Amantea, 2022).
In the following section, we introduce our
methodology. In the third chapter, we contextualize
the Court of Cuneo, its processes activities on pa-
per, its digitalized activites and the simulated process
with the data analysis results. The two different busi-
ness process will be discussed. In the last section, we
provide our concluding remarks with some consider-
ations about future work.
The methodology is made of three different phases:
Context and Data Analysis: the analysis of the
context aims at understanding what the current sit-
uation is and what could be the needs for improve-
ments at different levels: organizational, techno-
logical and legal level. This stage aims at setting
the overall strategic scenario relevant to the com-
pany and determine the functional components re-
lated to the processes under analysis setting some
KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators), like cycle
times, costs, resource allocation, etc., in order to
measure the process performance (Van Looy and
Shafagatova, 2016).
Process Analysis and As-Is Model and Simula-
tion: the goal is to create a visual model of pro-
cess by determining the sequence of activities and
the various crossroads (gateways), which lead to
different routes depending on choices made. The
process is then reconstructed as it is in the current
situation, formalized in BPMN language and thus
validated by Court officers. The process diagram
is then integrated with information concerning re-
sources (and their capabilities), execution time of
the activities, costs, queue policy management,
and other features that allow to build a virtual rep-
resentation of reality that is as accurate as feasible.
The model must be simulated with the real work-
load of the process extracted from the IS, thus ob-
taining an evaluation of the KPI to be compared
with the current values of these indicators and al-
lowing the model validation. The model obtained
in this way is called the As-is model of the process
under analysis.
Process Reorganization and To-Be Model: the
objective is to introduce in the As-Is model of one
or more corrective actions in order to show dif-
ferent evolutionary scenarios (and the respective
models). This stage includes solutions for restruc-
turing the process, improving the detection and
the understanding of inefficiencies, bottlenecks,
constraints and risks (Mans et al., 2015). The sim-
ulation, with the same workload, of the different
scenarios (What-if analysis) allows comparing the
scenarios among themselves and with respect to
the starting As-Is model. The comparison is made
on the KPI of the scenarios and of the As-Is model
until an acceptable solution is reached. In this
way, a new model of the process (To-Be model) is
obtained, and it should be therefore implemented.
In particular, we are interested in monitoring the
business performance related to the throughput
time and costs between the activities performed
in the chancellor’s office in the As-Is on paper
process and the To-Be telematic model. Thanks
to iGrafx simulator it is possible to use monitors.
Monitors are elements that can be placed on cer-
tain activities, thus allowing the time from one ac-
tivity to another to be measured. When during the
simulation the token will pass through the activ-
ity with the monitor, the monitor will be activated
and will detect the time traveled by the token from
the starting monitor to the arrival monitor (includ-
ing waiting for resources, bottlenecks and time for
various activities). By inserting various monitors
during the process, it will be possible to measure
only the cross-sections of the process that involve
all the administrative tribunal stuff activities, ex-
cluding the not-optimizable times foreseen by the
complaint for the performance of specific activi-
ties or parts of the process.
At European and at Italian level there have been many
norms in order to improve the efficiency and produc-
tivity of judicial offices and courts. At a more prac-
tical level some rules have imposed the telematiza-
tion of files of Civil Litigation and of Labour sections.
Despite this, the e-dossier is still not implemented in
the majority of the tribunals. A virtuous example of
a Court that was able to telematize, and sometimes
dematerialize all of these files is the Court of Cu-
neo. The process of telematization-dematerialization
started in 2010/2012 and developed slowly until re-
cent years (2021/2022).
In order to support these changes we will show
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
the paper process used till 2010-2012 (in Figure 4)
and the telematic process later developed, from 2012
to 2019 (in Figure 5).
In recent years, some reforms have also reduced
staff and at the end of 2023 the latest reform will also
eliminate the Clerk’s figure.
There are some terms are set by law, such as the
terms within which the Judge has to deliver the judge-
ment or the terms to be awaited until the effective
date. Furthermore, some waiting times are due to the
interval needed for the release of documents or stamps
(like the ones by Lawyers or Public Prosecutor (PP)).
For this reason, we are focusing on the activities
from the perspective of the Chancellor’s office, and in
particular, we are focusing on proceeding about sep-
aration and divorce by mutual consent, since they are
less subject to the whims of external parties.
Judgements related to the kind of proceedings,
hanging between 2010 and 2012 and between 2021
and 2022, have been estimated on the average 800 per
year: so this is our generator for both As-Is and To-Be
Initially, the Chancellor’s office had at its disposal:
1 Officer, 10 Chancellors and 2 Clerks. Currently,
there are 1 Officer, 5 Chancellors and 1 Clerks (fig-
ure which is going to disappear).
Comparing the two processes of Figure 4 and Fig-
ure 5, is visible that the workflow of the Informa-
tion System (IS) implemented in the telematic pro-
cess allows to make all the communications at its in-
side. Therefore, all the dossier delivery activities to
the different authorities are deleted, thus, the clerk’s,
the driver’s and the UNEP’s activities are expired (and
the lanes related to these functions are deleted too in
Figure 5). Also the PP stamps are done by the IS and
not anymore by the Clerks.
In this way, the activities of the To-Be process are
significantly reduced respect to the As-Is model, and
the cycle times are generally reduced as shown in Ta-
ble 1.
Table 1: Comparison of the input transactions and the aver-
age cycle time measured in weeks of the whole process by
As-Is on paper and To-Be telematic.
Transactions Av Cycle Time (W)
Paper 800 67.98
E-Dossier 800 22.12
This has occurred thanks to the possibility through
IS to have the archive of documents always available
and the cancellation of paper communications or in
presence. This has facilitated the cancellation of the
waiting times between the happened communication
and the reception of the notification of the same one.
Moreover, by eliminating the presence of the lawyers
for the delivery/withdrawal of the documents, the job
of the operators can be better organized, more flowing
and without continuous interruption. Furthermore,
these structural changes promotes smart working for
As the number of the activities are reduced, the
monitors of the two processes show a relevant differ-
ence in the average throughput time of the Chancel-
lor’s activities. In detail, we put the simulations mon-
itors in order to exclude the time that is not directly
related to the Chancellor’s activities (such as the wait-
ing for the PP stamps or the communication from the
lawyers or from the municipalities).
For clarity, we have split the processes into three
parts related to the three main part of the process:
Investigation stage, Introductory stage and Decision-
making stage in order to better allow the time com-
parison. Watching at Figures 4 and 5 there are two
colored activities. The investigation stage starts from
the beginnin of the process and ends to the activity
”First hearing + Minutes”, the Introductory stage
starts from the activity ”First hearing + Minutes”
and ends to the activity ”Publication”, finally, the
Decision-making stage starts from the activity ”Pub-
lication” and ends to the end of the process.
In particular, related to the Investigation stage, in
Figure 1 is shown the average working time express
in hours of the Paper dossier a) (Figure 4) and of the
e-dosseier b) (Figure 5). In particular, Monitor 2 mis-
ured the first part of the inscription of the dossier from
the beginning of the process until before the commu-
nication at the judge, while Monitor 4 misuread from
when the dossier retourn in charge of the chauncellor
until the end of the chancellor’s activities before the
dossier arrive again to the judge.
Figure 1: Comparison monitor average cycle time measured
in hours of the Investigation stage between the As-Is on pa-
per process a) and the To-Be E-Dossier process b).
Respectively, in Figure 2 is shown the average
working time express in hours related to the Inves-
tigation stage of the Paper dossier process a) and of
the e-dosseier process b). In particular, Monitor 6, 8
and 10 are related to the activities before the judge de-
cision and avoiding the steps related with entities out
of the administrative staff. Monitor 12 measured the
activities from the judge decision to the publication.
Finally, Figure 3 shows the average working time
express in hours related to the Decision-Making stage
of the Paper dossier process a) and of the e-dossier
The E-Dossier as a Tool to Optimize Civil Courts: The Cuneo Case
Figure 2: Comparison monitor average cycle time measured
in hours of the Introductory stage between the As-Is on pa-
per process a) and the To-Be E-Dossier process b).
process b). In particular, Monitor 13 start from the re-
ceiving of the judge decision and represent the time of
the publication and the starting point of the notifica-
tion to every interested part. But while with the IS is
possible to send all the communication together and
it is not necessary to note the receiving notification,
in the paper process there are a lot of steps for dif-
ferent communications sending and receiving. Thus,
while for the e-dossier the instant communication is
included in Monitor 13, the different communications
activities in the paper model are indicated in Monitor
15, 17 and 19. At the end of the legal waiting time
for the prescription, Monitor 21 a) and Monitor 15 b)
show the average time necessary for archiving file.
Figure 3: Comparison monitor average cycle time measured
in hours of the Decision-Making stage between As-Is on
paper process a) and To-Be E-Dossier process b).
It is important to underline the drastic reduction of
communication activities, besides a saving of work-
ing times, has carried to a considerable cost reduction.
Although it has not yet been possible to estimate the
reduction in the number of printed copies of each of-
ficial document and accompanying documents, it has
been possible to verify a reduction of approximately
5,000 euros for every year regarding the year prece-
dence from 2019 to 2022 only for the postal expenses.
Nevertheless, when in January 2024 the reform
that will abolish the figures of the clerks comes into
force, this model will allow the continuation of the
normal duties of the court avoiding bottlenecks for
lack of staff.
This paper draws the threads of the process imple-
mented at the Court of Cuneo, so as to capture its up-
standing practices, mainly where it has been possible
to fully telematize (and in some cases dematerialize)
the dossier of the Civil Litigation sector. To highlight
the actions that permitted telematization and the time,
money, and resource savings that resulted, the work’s
goal is to depict how the operation was done in the
past and how it is done today, in order to export the
These relevant outcomes can be taken as a model
for all the other courts from Italy, which will en-
counter the same issues in telematizing proceedings
and dematerializing dossiers. As a matter of facts,
the legislative decree d.l. n. 13/2023, approved by
the Council of Ministers on February 21st, has estab-
lished the obligation of telematic deposit, the obliga-
tion of using PCT for the judge and the public pros-
ecutor, for decisions and the minutes of the hearing.
On this note, it is fundamental for Italian Courts to
update their current proceedings and switch from pa-
per proceedings to telematic proceedings. Therefore,
the features and results presented in this paper have to
create an archetype of an Italian telematic civil court
that can be sustained, transplanted and reproducible in
other courts, to enable the same cost-efficiency gains.
As future works, we would like to apply these cur-
rent optimization firstly, to the several other sections
in the Civil Court and in the Criminal Court of Cuneo,
and secondarily to other Italian Courts as desired by
the Ministry with the creation of this project. Further-
more, to evaluate different aspects and for a higher
and more complete vision, experiments of integrated
techniques of BPM and Process Mining (Aalst et al.,
2015) will be conducted in order to extract more use-
ful information for further process optimizations.
This research was conducted in the field of Italian
Miniserty project “NGUPP - NEXT GENERATION
UPP. New Collaborative Schemes between Universi-
ties and Judicial Offices for Improving the Efficiency
and Performance of Justice in Northwestern Italy”
and thanks to the collaboration of the Court of Cuneo
(Italy), of the President of the Court Paolo Giovanni
Demarchi Albengo, and all the Court’s staff.
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 4: Paper process. As-Is process.
The E-Dossier as a Tool to Optimize Civil Courts: The Cuneo Case
Figure 5: Telematic process. To-Be process.
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The E-Dossier as a Tool to Optimize Civil Courts: The Cuneo Case