RSSI-Based Fingerprinting of Bluetooth Low Energy Devices
Guillaume Gagnon
1 a
, S
ebastien Gambs
1 b
and Mathieu Cunche
2 c
e du Qu
a Montr
eal, Montr
eal, Canada
University of Lyon, INSA-Lyon, Inria, CITI Lab., Lyon, France
Bluetooth, RSSI, Fingerprinting, Privacy, Unlinkability.
To prevent tracking, the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol integrates privacy mechanisms such as address ran-
domization. However, as highlighted by previous researches address randomization is not a silver bullet and
can be circumvented by exploiting other types of information disclosed by the protocol such as counters or
timing. In this work, we propose a novel attack to break address randomization in BLE exploiting side infor-
mation that has not been considered before: Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI). More precisely, we
demonstrate how RSSI measurements, extracted from received BLE advertising packets, can be used to link
together the traces emitted by the same device or re-identify it despite address randomization. The proposed
attack leverages the distribution of RSSI to create a fingerprint of devices. An empirical evaluation of the
attack on various scenarios demonstrate its effectiveness. For instance in the static context, in which devices
remain at the same position, the proposed approach yields a re-identification accuracy of up to 99%, which
can even be boosted by increasing the number of receivers controlled by the adversary.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a variant of the Blue-
tooth protocol tailored for application in resource-
constrained devices. In particular, BLE has been em-
bedded in a large number of devices such as smart-
phones and tablets, headphones, health and fitness
trackers, tags, etc. In 2022, more than 3 billion BLE-
enabled devices were shipped
. However, BLE, like
other wireless networking technologies, is subject to
security and privacy concerns such as breaking of pro-
tection mechanisms (Antonioli et al., 2019; Mariotto
et al., 2019; Claverie and Lopes-Esteves, 2020) or
allowing the exposure of personal information (Das
et al., 2016; Martin et al., 2019; Celosia and Cunche,
2020a; Heinrich et al., 2021). In particular, tracking
is a major privacy threat for the owner of wireless de-
vices (Gruteser and Grunwald, 2005; O’Hanlon et al.,
2014). To counter this threat, anti-tracking mecha-
nisms were included in the first version of BLE (SIG,
2010) such as random addresses, which are unlink-
able identifiers periodically renewed.
More recently during the pandemic, BLE has been
used as the basis for contact tracing systems (Ahmed
et al., 2020), raising another set of security and pri-
vacy issues (Vaudenay and Vuagnoux, 2020; Ludant
et al., 2021). A key feature of many contact trac-
ing protocols was the use of temporary identifiers that
were rotated along with the BLE address.
Address randomization, used as a protection
against tracking, has been under heavy scrutiny to
identify potential weaknesses. In particular, a number
of issues were identified in several implementations,
in BLE but also Wi-Fi, that were leveraging the con-
tent of the frame (Vanhoef et al., 2016; Martin et al.,
2017; Becker et al., 2019) or their timing (Matte et al.,
2016). Those weaknesses have been partially fixed in
a number of implementations (Fenske et al., 2021).
Another information available to an attacker is the
RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator), which can
be used to estimate the characteristics of the radio link
but also for localization (Jianyong et al., 2014) and
distance estimation (Larsson, 2015). Nonetheless, so
far no study has analyzed how RSSI could be lever-
aged to defeat address randomization.
In this paper, we demonstrate how an adversary
could defeat the BLE address randomization by lever-
aging RSSI measurements obtained from advertising
messages periodically sent by BLE devices. More
precisely, our contributions are the following:
Gagnon, G., Gambs, S. and Cunche, M.
RSSI-Based Fingerprinting of Bluetooth Low Energy Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0012139600003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 242-253
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
We show that RSSI measurements coming from
BLE traffic can be used to fingerprint devices, thus
completely circumventing other protection mech-
anisms such as address randomization.
We propose a novel attack based on a machine
learning approach in which the distribution of
RSSI measurements is used as features to train a
classifier that can link sets of RSSI traces, allow-
ing us to uniquely identify devices.
We present an evaluation of the attack using a
dataset of RSSI measurements collected in a real-
istic environment under a diverse set of mobility
scenarios, demonstrating its efficiency as well as
a wide range of applicability.
We study and discuss the factors influencing the
success of the attack, thus characterizing the re-
quirements for a successful attack.
2.1 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Bluetooth is a telecommunication standard operat-
ing on the 2.4 GHz frequency band, whose objec-
tive is to allow a standardized and short-range com-
munication between a wide variety of electronic de-
vices. Integrated into the Bluetooth 4.0 standard in
2010, BLE consumes 10 times less energy than reg-
ular Bluetooth and originally offered a speed of up
to 1Mbit/s (SIG, 2010). This protocol was extended
in 2016 with the adoption of version 5 of the specifi-
cation, which quadrupled the theoretical transmission
range in addition to offering a throughput of approxi-
mately 2 Mbps (SIG, 2016).
2.2 BLE Advertising
More specifically, BLE operates in the frequency
range between 2400 MHz and 2483.5 MHz, with this
range being divided into 40 channels of 2 MHz wide
each. Among these channels, the three frequencies of
2402 MHz, 2426 MHz and 2480 MHz, also known
respectively as channel 37, 38 and 39, are reserved
to serve only as advertising channels (SIG, 2016).
The advertising mechanism of BLE operates on the
aforementioned advertising channels (37, 38 and 39),
in which BLE devices broadcast or receive periodic
unidirectional announcements, scan requests, scan re-
sponses and connections indications packets with pre-
viously unknown devices in the surroundings. In par-
ticular, this mechanism is used by unconnected de-
vices to announce their presence in intervals as short
as 20 ms (SIG, 2021) using advertising packets.
2.3 Address Randomization
Advertising packets periodically broadcast by BLE
devices include a field called Advertising Ad-
dress (AdvA) containing a Bluetooth device address
(BD ADDR), which is the unique 48-bit identifier of
the transmitting device. Unfortunately, this is prob-
lematic as anyone within range can read this unique
identifier when a device announces its presence over-
the-air on advertising channels. This obviously led
to significant privacy issues, as it becomes possible
to track the movements of an individual through his
device (Issoufaly and Tournoux, 2017).
For this reason, Bluetooth LE Privacy was in-
troduced in version 4.0 to increase the difficulty for
an adversary to track a device (Woolley, 2015; SIG,
2010). It gives manufacturers the ability to use ran-
dom BD ADDR addresses that will automatically
change after an interval of their choosing, with a
recommended maximum limit of 15 minutes (SIG,
2021). Several recent researches have empirically
demonstrated that this limit is typically used by de-
fault in common devices running iOS, Android and
Windows operating systems (Becker et al., 2019;
Martin et al., 2019; Celosia and Cunche, 2020a).
2.4 Received Signal Strength Indication
In BLE, the RSSI is a measure of the power level at
the receiver, which is quantified in decibel-milliwatts
(dBm) on a logarithmic scale. More precisely, the
RSSI is a value associated to each received frame
and that is made available to the host by the Blue-
tooth controller. The RSSI value depends on multiple
factors including the transmitting power, the gain of
the antennas as well as the receiver-transmitter dis-
tance. In mobile operating systems, the RSSI can
be obtained by mobile applications
and thus it can
be easily collected by an adversary with a dedicated
hardware or simply through a mobile application.
While, RSSI is mainly used to estimate the link
quality between two devices, it can also be lever-
aged to adapt the transmission parameters (SIG, 2021,
p.600). In addition, as the RSSI is highly influ-
enced by the distance, it can be used to estimate dis-
tances between devices or to locate them with sub-
meter precision (Pau et al., 2021). In particular,
RSSI-based distance estimation has been used to de-
sign contact tracing applications during the COVID
bluetooth/BluetoothDevice#EXTRA RSSI
RSSI-Based Fingerprinting of Bluetooth Low Energy Devices
pandemic (Ahmed et al., 2020), with advanced dis-
tance estimation models having been designed for
this (Gorce et al., 2020; Leith and Farrell, 2020).
The threat of physically tracking users of wireless de-
vices has been investigated thoroughly over the past
While this issue applies to all types of wireless
technologies, research has mainly focused on Wi-Fi
(802.11), Bluetooth and BLE. A number of contri-
butions have highlighted the feasibility of tracking
users by collecting link-layer identifiers (O’Hanlon
et al., 2014; Issoufaly and Tournoux, 2017). To
counter this issue, address randomization has been in-
troduced (Gruteser and Grunwald, 2005) and progres-
sively integrated in Wi-Fi and BLE technologies.
Following this, address randomization has also
been scrutinized, with a number of attacks having
been published. More precisely, a first class of attacks
aim at recovering a stable identifier of the device such
as the real MAC address (Vanhoef et al., 2016; Martin
et al., 2017; Martin et al., 2019). Another class of at-
tacks aims at linking sequence of messages using var-
ious types of information. For instance, this linking
has been performed using sequence numbers (Van-
hoef et al., 2016) and other stateful elements (Martin
et al., 2019; Becker et al., 2019; Celosia and Cunche,
2020a; Celosia and Cunche, 2020b; Ludant et al.,
2021). Linking has also been done through finger-
printing, using optional fields (Vanhoef et al., 2016),
physical layer information (Vo-Huu et al., 2016; Van-
hoef et al., 2016; Hua et al., 2018; Nikoofard et al.,
2023) or timing (Matte et al., 2016). In other sit-
uations, the implementation has been shown to be
flawed, leading to side-channel that can be leveraged
by an adversary to circumvent address randomiza-
tion (Zhang and Lin, 2022). Some of those attacks
especially affect the implementation of contact trac-
ing protocols (Ludant et al., 2021). Beyond address
randomization, wireless devices can be fingerprinted
based on hardware imperfection (Yan et al., 2022;
Shen et al., 2021; Givehchian et al., 2022), but those
attacks often require specialized hardware.
In many wireless technologies, and especially
in BLE, the RSSI has been leveraged for localiza-
tion (Jianyong et al., 2014) and distance estima-
tion (Larsson, 2015; Gorce et al., 2020). In the con-
text of BLE, RSSI can be used for indoor localiza-
tion (Jain et al., 2021) following a machine-learning
based approach. Channel State Information (CSI) is a
more detailed information that can be used for mobil-
ity tracking (Rocamora et al., 2020) with better per-
formances than RSSI, but it requires specific hard-
ware and is not supported in BLE (Iannizzotto et al.,
2022). In contact tracing, RSSI has also been used
to estimate distance (Leith and Farrell, 2020; Gorce
et al., 2020), but this estimation is challenging be-
cause of the impact of environmental parameters.
4.1 System Model
We consider a setting in which multiple Bluetooth de-
vices are in close proximity within the same physical
location, which can be indoor or outdoor. The tar-
geted devices will generally be mobile phones held in
different positions with respect to the body of the user
(at the ear, in the pocket, etc.). The Bluetooth func-
tionality is assumed to be enabled but no further mod-
ification or configuration of the device is required.
Furthermore, these devices are not connected to
each other and have never been paired previously via
Bluetooth (i.e., thus no information is leaked because
of current or previous interactions of these devices).
All these devices are assumed to be capable of receiv-
ing and transmitting announcement messages, scan
requests, scan responses or any other messages that
normally transit on the broadcast channels as defined
in the BLE specification. In addition, the devices are
capable of extracting the RSSI measurements of the
signal when receiving messages from nearby devices.
4.2 Adversary Models
The objective of the adversary is to compromise the
privacy of a BLE device despite the presence of an
address randomization scheme. The adversary is as-
sumed to be fully passive, in the sense that it does not
actively transmit any messages to achieve his goal.
Rather, he passively monitors the advertising chan-
nels and record the received advertising packets. In
practice, this means that the receivers controlled by
the adversary are following a classical BLE scan-
ning procedure as described in the Bluetooth speci-
fications (SIG, 2021, 4.4.3 Scanning state).
We will distinguish between two attack scenarios.
Single Receiver. In this first scenario, the adversary
passively eavesdrops using a single device on trans-
missions on Bluetooth broadcast channels by neigh-
boring devices in its close environment for a given
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Address rotation
Figure 1: Adversary monitoring BLE advertising packets, leverages RSSI to re-identify devices using address randomization.
time period. The adversary then attempts to use only
the RSSI values received from each of the neighbour-
ing devices to re-establish the identity of the transmit-
ters when they perform a BD ADDR change.
Multi-Receiver. The second scenario is one in
which several receivers collude together (or equiva-
lently the adversary controls several devices). In this
context, the adversary could for instance own multi-
ple synchronized stations allowing him to passively
eavesdrop on transmissions from different physical
positions within the same environment. The RSSI
values collected by the different listening stations can
then be combined to better re-identify the different
transmitters that are in this environment when one of
them undergoes a BD ADDR change.
In both of these scenarios, the nature or content
of the messages received is of no interest to the ad-
versary, or rather the proposed attack only exploit the
RSSI values and thus is agnostic to the content of the
message. In this setting, an attack is considered suc-
cessful if the adversary is able to link together all the
messages originating from the same transmitter us-
ing only a sequence of RSSI values obtained through
messages received from different transmitters. This
would, for example, enable the adversary to link de-
vice identities in an attempt to determine how long
people stay at a given location, or even associate other
activities conducted by those people during that time.
We propose a new approach to re-identify a Bluetooth
device after its BD ADDR has changed. This novel
attack defeats the address randomization mechanism
but differs from previous work in that it only relies
on the RSSI values computed by the adversary when
receiving transmissions over BLE broadcast channels.
These RSSI values are first passively accumulated by
the attacker before conducting the attack.
More precisely, the proposed attack consists of
using sequences of RSSI values to extract a device-
specific fingerprint, called a profile, which represents
the transmission patterns of each transmitter in a
given environment. The RSSI profiles collected dur-
ing a first-period frame are used to train a model,
which can later be used to re-identify devices based
on profiles collected during a different period.
5.1 RSSI Collection
The attack requires the collection of measurements
from neighboring BLE devices by the adversary,
which is done by monitoring BLE advertising pack-
ets and recording the RSSI and address associated.
This collection is done in two phases, which will re-
fer as the training and re-identification steps. The first
phase corresponds to the collection of data for train-
ing the model while the data gathered during the sec-
ond phase is used to perform the attack itself. As de-
tailed later in Section 8.1, the strengths of our attack
is that, 1) a small number of RSSI measurements is
enough to achieve a high success rate for the attack,
and 2) the advertising interval is in the order of ms for
many BLE devices (Apple, 2022; Android, 2023).
Thus in practice, a high number of measurements
can be collected even only during a few minutes, as
most devices will not change their address during that
period. As a result, the adversary will have for each
phase a set of identifiers to which is associated a se-
quence of RSSI measurements.
5.2 Generation of RSSI Profiles
The sequence of RSSI associated to an identifier is
used to create what we call a profile, which is effec-
RSSI-Based Fingerprinting of Bluetooth Low Energy Devices
tively a distribution of the RSSI values represented
as an histogram. More precisely for each identifier,
the adversary gathers the corresponding sequence of
RSSI and compute their distribution as histogram by
decomposing the range of possible values
in n
of equal sizes. Finally, this distribution is normalized,
which effectively leads to profile being represented as
a vector of dimension n
The resulting profile can be used as a fingerprint
to identify a device. For instance, Figure 2 shows two
examples of profiles corresponding to two distinct de-
vices from the point of view of a single receiver. The
difference between those distribution hints that they
can possibly be used to fingerprint devices.
Figure 2: Two normalized profiles of transmitters A and B
computed by the adversary I in the scenario Q1.
5.3 Generation of Feature Vectors
In our approach, we do not attempt to directly re-
identify a profile but rather we will train a classifier
at recognizing if two subsequent profiles correspond
to the same identity (i.e., device) and, if this is the
case, to also output as predicted label the identity of
the device. To use the terminology from the privacy
literature, our aim is to conduct simultaneously a link-
ing but also re-identification attack. As a consequence
before it can be given to a learning algorithm, the data
needs to be preprocessed to be represented in the form
of a feature vector composed of two concatenated pro-
files (thus 2 × n
elements) completed by a label.
Feature vectors are generated by crossing profiles
from the same device (i.e., to generate examples for
the class associated to the identity of this device) and
also distinct devices (i.e., to generate examples for the
negative class in which the two profiles are from dif-
ferent devices). A feature vector is thus created by
concatenating two profiles and a label as follows:
v = {h
, h
, δ
i, j
} (1)
The range of possible values for the RSSI depends on
the receiver characteristics. In our case, the values were
comprised between -23 dBm and -104 dBm.
in which h
and h
are two profiles of length n
responding to devices i and j while the label δ
i, j
computed as follows:
i, j
i, if i == j
×, otherwise.
Each of the two profiles represents a device while the
label represent whether the profiles are coming from
the same device or not, and in case they are, the la-
bel takes the value of the corresponding device identi-
fier. A feature vector created with two profiles coming
from two distinct devices is called a non-matched vec-
tor and is labeled with ×. In contrast, a feature vec-
tor created with two profiles from the same device, is
called a matched vector and is labeled with i, the iden-
tifier of the device. The resulting dataset is composed
of n
pro f ile
= (n
× n
× n
5.4 Linkage Attack
The final step of our re-identification attack is the
linkage attack. To realize this, a machine learning
model is first trained using the data collected in the
first phase of RSSI collection as described in Sec-
tion 5.1. Afterwards using this model, the linkage
attack takes as input a feature vector corresponding
to two sequences of RSSI and outputs a label that can
be the identifier id of a device (indicating matched
profiles generated by device id) or × (indicating non-
matched profiles coming from different devices).
The linking attack thus produces two elements of
information. The first one is whether the feature vec-
tor is matched/non-matched while the second infor-
mation, only meaningful in the case of matched vec-
tors, is the identifier
of the device.
To evaluate our attack, we have used a dataset of RSSI
measurements collected by Inria in the context of the
of a BLE-based contact tracing solu-
tion (Castelluccia et al., 2020). This data was ob-
tained by running scenarios in a controlled environ-
ment with the participation of voluntary military per-
sonnel to fulfill the role of participants. The collected
data was strictly limited to the dedicated devices in-
volved in the experiment. In addition, as seen in Ta-
ble 1 this data is solely composed of series of RSSI
measurements and does not include any personal data.
Note that this identifier is just a pseudonym, and is not
a stable identifier of the device.
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
This dataset was gracefully shared by Inria with
us to conduct this study but is not publicly available.
In more details, the dataset features measurements
of BLE advertising packets emitted and collected by
carried by participants in various ex-
perimental scenarios that took place indoors and out-
doors and in different types of spaces (free space,
gymnasium, meeting room, warehouse, amphitheater
and metro). Scenarios have a duration of 15 min-
utes and involve up to 30 participants/smartphones.
During a scenario, each smartphone is both acting as
an emitter and a receiver as it sends BLE advertising
packets while performing BLE scanning.
Some of these scenarios are static with each par-
ticipants being positioned on a grid. In those exper-
iments, each participant stand still on a 0.5m × 0.5m
cell (see Figure 3). Other scenarios are dynamic and
involved participant changing their position and ges-
ture after remaining stationary for at least 3 minutes in
a cell. Each scenario was also classified into two den-
sity categories: Low and High for respectively 0.15
and 0.3 participants per m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0.5 x 0.5 m cell
Figure 3: Experimental scenario Q1 emulating a meeting
room in which users remain static. I and I & L were used
for the static context attack with one and two receivers.
For the sake of the experiments, the advertising
packets emitted every second also included an identi-
fier that unambiguously identified the source of that
advertising packet. Using a dedicated application,
each smartphone recorded the advertising packets re-
ceived from other smartphones and logged the follow-
ing information : time of arrival (in sec), RSSI (in
dBm), transmitter identifier and phone states. Those
data were later centralized and enriched with addi-
tional information such as the positions of the trans-
mitters and the real distances between participants.
The resulting dataset is organized by scenarios
iPhone 11 Pro Max, Samsung 10 SM-G973F and Sam-
sung 10+ SM-G975F.
and structured in records, in which each record cor-
responds to an advertising packet emitted by a device
A and received by device B. Each scenario is accom-
panied by a description including general information
such as the nature of the environment (i.e., indoor or
outdoor) and the type of scenario (i.e., static or dy-
A record includes a timestamp, the identity of the
sender and receiver, their coordinates, the RSSI value,
the locked state, application state and screen states as
well as the real distance between these two devices.
A sample of records is presented in Table 1.
7.1 Scenario Selection
The dataset we used (cf. Section 6) includes cap-
tures from multiple scenarios in different conditions.
Amongst these scenarios, we discarded those with an
insufficient number of records
, devices or lacking
details in the experimental protocol used for data col-
lection. The resulting six selected scenarios cover a
diverse set of situations, including static and dynamic
scenarios involving between 15 and 30 devices. The
details of the selected scenarios are shown in Table 2.
In the rest of the paper, the static scenario G3 will
be used as the running example as it is an ideal case in
terms of the number of messages received by a single
receiver, with each transmitter having sent between
888 and 908 messages to the adversary H . Note that
transmitter A had to be removed from that dataset be-
cause it only has 505 RSSI measurements associated
to it. In all other scenarios, the number of transmis-
sions per device is much lower as can be seen from
the Nb. Records column of Table 2.
7.2 Records Preprocessing
As the dataset was not originally collected to evaluate
the performance of a re-identification attack, it needs
to be preprocessed to prepare it to match the require-
ments of our adversary model.
First, we have removed the unnecessary fields to
keep only the identity of the receiver(s), transmitters
and the RSSI values. The timestamp column can also
be omitted since the records of each transmitter are
ordered chronologically. To reflect the adversarial
900 records is the maximum given the 15 minutes du-
ration of our scenario and the transmission frequency being
of 1/sec. at best.
RSSI-Based Fingerprinting of Bluetooth Low Energy Devices
Table 1: Examples of records from one of the scenario. Each record corresponds to an advertising packet and includes among
other things, the sender’s identity, the receiver’s identity, a timestamp and the RSSI value.
RSSI Timestamp Rcv position Locked Screen State Receiver Transmitter Trans position Distance
-69 2020-05-18 17:26:39 C3 FALSE TRUE active A O D8 2.549
-79 2020-05-18 17:26:39 C16 FALSE TRUE active I O D8 4.031
-74 2020-05-18 17:26:40 H2 FALSE TRUE active B O D8 3.605
Table 2: Specifications of the selected scenarios.
Scenario Context Density Nb. Devices Nb. Records Duration Devices Types Location Details
G3 Static Low 15 11694 15m09s SM+, IP11 Indoor Small hangar
Q1 Static Low 15 8227 15m06s SM+, IP11 Indoor Meeting room
C1 Static High 30 13821 15m14s SM, SM+, IP11 Indoor Gymnasium
H3 Static Low 15 3411 15m05s SM Outdoor Parking
E2 Dynamic Low 15 12053 15m07s SM+, IP11 Indoor Small hangar
F1 Dynamic Low 15 800 15m08s SM+ Outdoor Parking
model, we assume that one of the nodes is playing
the role of an attacker while the others are considered
as possible targets. Given an adversary controlling the
receiver A , the data available to him for the attack is
simply the subset of records having A as a receiver.
The slow advertising frequency in the dataset re-
sults in some devices having received less than 100
RSSI from their neighbors. To account for this, the
adversaries are chosen by selecting those that have
received the most advertising messages from their
neighbors in that scenario. However, this is less
likely to be an issue in a real-world setting in which
a capture could be made every few tens of millisec-
onds (SIG, 2021, p.2749).
7.3 Sequences and Profiles Creation
In the dataset, devices keep the same identity during
the duration of the scenario. To conduct our experi-
ments, the set of records is sliced into n
of approximately equal size. As a result, each de-
vice is associated to a total of n
sequences of RSSI
measurements that can be used for training and eval-
uation. The temporal order of the RSSI values is pre-
served by the split. For each of those sequences, a
profile is generated as described in Section 5.2, which
means that a given adversary has for each target de-
vice a total of n
7.4 Training and Evaluation Design
To train and evaluate our model, a set of feature vec-
tors is required. As described in Section 5.3, feature
vectors are created by concatenating two profiles and
a label. Thus, from the set of profiles previously gen-
erated (Section 7.3), we can combine profiles from
the same device to create matched vectors and profiles
from different devices to create non-matched vectors.
Note that for combinatorial reasons, the number of
possible non-matched vectors far exceed the number
of matched vectors. To avoid having an imbalanced
dataset with a large majority of non-matched vectors,
we enforce a crossing random sample ratio (CRSR).
The CRSR parameter allows us to control the ratio
between the matched and non-matched vectors in the
following manner :
#non-matched vectors
#matched vectors
To reflect a more challenging environment for the
adversary, we consider a CRSR larger than one for the
training phase. Indeed, in a real-world scenario, the
number of non-matched vectors will increase faster
than the number of matched as the number of devices
grows. However, a balanced dataset is built for the
evaluation phase.
For each scenario, the data available is divided
into two distinct sets : the training set for which
75% of data is used (phase 1) and the evaluation set
composed of the remaining 25% (phase 2). A bal-
anced test set in which matched and non-matched
are equally represented (CRSR = 1) is then extracted
from the evaluation set. Although both evaluation sets
are used for the assessment of our models, the bal-
anced evaluation set is the one used for the results re-
ported in the following sections. This allows us to use
accuracy as a meaningful metric.
7.5 Machine Learning Setting
Following the previously described methodology, we
have trained and tested several machine learning al-
gorithms typically used for this type of problem.
More precisely, we have selected two ensemble-
based classification methods, namely HistGradient-
BoostingClassifier (HGT) and RandomForestClassi-
fier (RF), as well as a k-nearest algorithm, KNeigh-
borsClassifier (kNN), for which we used the library
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
The data was shuffled and we used a cross-
validation with a stratified kFold in which k = 5.
7.6 Performance Metrics
In the context of the re-identification attack, while the
underlying task corresponds to a multi-class setting,
the analysis can be simplified by computing the fol-
lowing quantities related to the outcome of the classi-
TP (true positive): a matched vector is correctly
labeled as matched along the correct device id.
TN (true negative): a non-matched vector cor-
rectly is labeled as non-matched(× label).
FP (false positive): a non-matched vector is incor-
rectly labeled as matched.
FN (false negative): a matched vector is incor-
rectly labeled as non-matched or associated to an
incorrect device id.
From these quantities, several metrics can be
computed to quantify the performance of our attack
scheme. More precisely, the accuracy is defined as
Accuracy =
T P + T N
T P + T N + FP + FN
To complement the accuracy results that are ob-
tained with the balanced evaluation set, we have
also considered the precision, recall and F1-score,
that provide more detailed information on the perfor-
mances in the context of multi-class task (with the TP,
TN, FP, and FN being computed in the context of the
They are defined as follows :
Precision =
T P + FP
Recall =
T P + FN
F1-score =
2 × (Recall × Precision)
Recall + Precision
For these three metrics, we have also reported their
macro average, which is their unweigthed mean per
label, as well as their weighted average, which is the
support weighted mean per label.
8.1 Static Scenarios with a Single
The evaluation of our attack was first conducted us-
ing a static scenario with parameters n
and n
respectively to 15 and 10.
As an illustration, Figure 4 presents the result of
the attack applied to scenario Q1 with a CRSR of 5
and the algorithm HGT in the form of a confusion
matrix displaying the predicted labels made by the
algorithm against the true labels. A vast majority
of the points falls on the diagonal reflecting a cor-
rect prediction. In addition, all the prediction errors
are located in the last column, which corresponds to
the situation in which the algorithm failed to recog-
nize a matched vector and has classified it incorrectly
as non-matched. In contrast, all matched predictions
have correctly recognized the identity of the device.
The performance of HGT presented in Table 3 is high
with an accuracy of 0.99 and precision, recall and F1-
score having an average value for the matched classes
respectively equal to 1, 0.98 and 0.99.
Figure 4: Result of the attack conducted by adversary I in
static scenario Q1. The HGT algorithm was used and the
assessment was performed using a balanced evaluation set.
Table 3: Balanced test classification report on the static sce-
nario Q1 using I as the adversary with the HGT algorithm.
Class Prec. Recall F1-score # vectors
A 1.00 1.00 1.00 44
B 1.00 0.96 0.98 56
C 1.00 1.00 1.00 63
D 1.00 0.98 0.99 54
E 1.00 0.95 0.97 55
F 1.00 1.00 1.00 40
G 1.00 1.00 1.00 44
J 1.00 0.98 0.99 48
K 1.00 0.98 0.99 49
L 1.00 0.98 0.99 52
M 1.00 1.00 1.00 47
N 1.00 0.96 0.98 56
O 1.00 1.00 1.00 53
avg 1.00 0.98 0.99 661
non-matched × 0.98 1.00 0.99 661
Accuracy 0.99 1322
Macro avg 1.00 0.99 0.99 1322
Weighted avg 0.99 0.99 0.99 1322
RSSI-Based Fingerprinting of Bluetooth Low Energy Devices
Impact of the Learning Algorithm. We have com-
pared the performances of three considered learning
algorithms: HGT, RF and k-NN. In this evaluation,
the n
and n
were also set to 10 and 15 while
CRSR was set to 5. The associated results are pre-
sented in Table 4 and demonstrate that HGT clearly
outperforms other algorithms with an accuracy al-
ways above 98% while RF and k-NN are both below
79% and 65% accuracy for all single adversary attack.
Moreover, the costs of data preprocessing and model
training are minimal, making it easy for an adversary
to conduct the attack almost in real-time on the field.
More specifically, it takes less than 20 seconds for a
standard laptop to preprocess a dataset containing up
to 30 devices. In addition, it takes a maximum of 5
seconds to train the model on the preprocessed data.
Impact of CRSR. With the objective of analyzing
the impact of the CRSR parameter (previously set to
5), we evaluated the performances of the three algo-
rithms using a range of values for the CRSR from 1
to 12 using scenarios Q1 and G3. The results of the
evaluation presented in Figure 5 shows that HGT has
superior accuracy than the other algorithms. In addi-
tion, the CRSR has also clearly an impact on the ac-
curacy, with focusing on HGT, the highest accuracy
being obtained for values between 4 and 5. Overall,
using HGT with a CRSR of 4 yield to an accuracy of
99% for both scenarios Q1 and G3.
Figure 5: Effects of CRSR variations on performances for
HGT, RF and kNN, using the balanced evaluation set of the
G3 and Q1 static scenarios with n
= 15 and n
= 10.
Impact of Histogram Resolution (N
) and Se-
quences Slicing (N
). We have also studied how
the parameters of the attack, n
and n
fixed respectively to 10 and 15), impact the perfor-
mance of the attack. To realize this, using the scenario
G3 data and the HGT algorithm, the accuracy of the
attack is evaluated for all the combination of ( n
) [2..20]
with a CRSR set to 5.
The results of this evaluation are presented in Fig-
ure 6. Overall, the accuracy increases with both n
and n
. For instance, using the highest value 20 for
those parameters leads to an accuracy of 1. Neverthe-
less, having both n
and n
equal or above 10 is
enough to yield an accuracy of 0.97 or above. Thus
to obtain good performances, it is necessary to have a
resolution of 10 values for the RSSI distribution and
to have at least 11 sequences (n
11). Note that
the n
parameter also controls the length of the se-
quences and on the considered scenario, having n
between 10 and 20 implies that each sequence con-
tains between 44 and 91 RSSI measurements.
Figure 6: Effects of n
and n
variations on HGT model
performance with the balanced evaluation set of G3.
Impact of the Quantity of RSSI Measurements.
Previous evaluations were using all the RSSI mea-
surements available in a scenario. To evaluate the im-
pact on attack performance of the amount of RSSI
measurements available to the adversary, we re-
stricted the number of records used. As can be seen in
Figure 7, HGT shows again its superiority as having
a minimum of 90 RSSI measurements per transmit-
ter, resulting in only 6 RSSI by profile when using
= 15, is sufficient to achieve a 94% accuracy.
8.2 Static Scenario with Multiple
In the previous subsection, the adversary was as-
sumed to be collecting RSSI measurements from a
single receiver. In this section, we consider an ad-
versary that controls multiple receivers. Note that
having more than one receiver does not significantly
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 7: Effects of the number of RSSI on the performance
of algorithms with n
= 15 and n
= 10 on the balanced
evaluation set of the static scenario G3.
change the attack framework. More precisely, instead
of having a profile composed of a distribution of val-
ues coming from one receiver, the profile is just a se-
quence of distributions that each correspond to one
receiver. Therefore, using k receivers, the resulting
size of the profile is k ×n
We have performed a performance evaluation us-
ing the data from scenario Q1, in which we selected
devices I and L as being the receivers controlled by
the adversary. Furthermore, we set n
and n
to 10
and 15 and we have relied on the HGT algorithm. The
results of this evaluation are presented in Figure 8.
The performance of the attack is high, with only two
errors being made, resulting in an accuracy and aver-
age F1-score for true identities of 1.0.
Adding a receiver increased the accuracy of all al-
gorithms in all scenarios as shown in Table 4.
Performance is likely to improve further with ad-
ditional receivers.
Table 4: Static single and multi-adversary scenario accuracy
using HGT, RF and kNN trained with n
= 10, n
= 15,
CRSR = 5 and assessed using a balanced evaluation set.
Static Single-adversary Static Multi-adversary
Scenario HGT RF kNN HGT RF kNN
Q1 0.99 0.79 0.65 1.00 0.88 0.78
G3 0.99 0.69 0.61 1.00 0.79 0.67
C1 0.98 0.69 0.61 0.99 0.83 0.76
H3 0.98 0.65 0.57 0.99 0.85 0.75
8.3 Dynamic Scenario
Previous evaluations were using scenarios in which
both the receiver (i.e., the adversary) and the trans-
mitters (i.e., the targets) were not moving. We now
assess the performance of our attack in a dynamic sce-
nario in which both the targets and the adversary are
Figure 8: Result of the multi-adversary attack conducted
from the perspective of receivers I and L in the static sce-
nario Q1. The HGT algorithm was used and the assessment
is performed using a balanced evaluation set.
moving. More precisely, we rely on the data from the
scenario E2, in which participants were changing po-
sition up to five times during the scenario. In this ex-
periment, device H was selected as the adversary as it
was almost static. More precisely, it only changed its
position once in the middle of the scenario to move to
a neighboring cell. Training was done using data col-
lected by H when it was located at its first position,
while the evaluation was performed with the data col-
lected at its second location. For all devices except A,
the performance is low as the adversary always failed
to re-identify the targets. The fact that A was cor-
rectly re-identified can be explained by, although they
both moved, A was always 2 meters away from the re-
ceiver H . After further investigation, we hypothesize
that the combination of a small variation in relative
distance and the fact that A is much closer to the re-
ceiver, result in high and therefore more stable RSSI,
which has a much smaller impact on the quality of the
fingerprint of our RSSI profiles.
Table 5: Summary of dynamic single adversary scenarios
accuracy of algorithms trained with n
= 10, n
= 15,
CRSR = 5, and assessed using a balanced evaluation set.
Dynamic Single-adversary
Scenario HGT RF kNN
E2 0.53 0.54 0.52
F1 0.49 0.49 0.47
We also tested this approach on the F1 scenario,
which in contrast to E2 took place outdoor. In this
setting, we observed the same results, as none of the
transmitters could be re-identified. The detailed re-
sults of our evaluations on the dynamic scenarios are
presented in Table 5. Overall, those results show that
RSSI-Based Fingerprinting of Bluetooth Low Energy Devices
the relative position of the targets and receiver impact
significantly the performance of the attack.
In this paper, we have introduced a novel attack to de-
feat address randomization using RSSI measurements
of received BLE advertising packets. This attack has
been evaluated using a dataset of RSSI measurements
obtained from real smartphones. The results obtained
showed that, in scenarios involving up to 30 motion-
less devices, a re-identification accuracy of 0.99 can
be obtained, and that those performances can be fur-
ther improved by increasing the number of receivers
controlled by the adversary. However, the success
of the attack decreased against mobile targets unless
their relative movement is limited. We thus envision
the following countermeasures.
Silent Period. The results of our evaluation suggest
that our attack is not as efficient against mobile targets
as against static ones. Thus, the variations of the RSSI
profile induced by a change of relative position might
be one of the simplest yet effective countermeasure to
reduce the risk of re-identification. Thus to prevent
RSSI-based re-identification attacks in the context of
address randomization, it is important to ensure that
a device has moved significantly before using its new
identifier. This requirement further motivates the need
for a silent period (Leping Huang et al., 2005) before
rotating the address. Indeed, during the silent period,
the amplitude of the position change will necessarily
be larger than without it, and the environment is also
more likely to change (people moving around the tar-
get, device changing position, . . . ). In practice, this
means than rather than having a fixed duration before
changing the random address, a better strategy could
be to coordinate this change with a location shift (e.g.,
detected by the accelerometer).
Modifying the Transmitting Power. Since the at-
tack relies on RSSI measurements, another natural
countermeasure is to add some noise in those val-
ues, which could be achieved by randomly changing
the transmission power of the Bluetooth controller.
On Android, it is possible to change the advertising
power between 6 power settings
. However, chang-
ing the transmission power will have a negative im-
pact on the quality of service with lost packets and
also potentially increasing the energy consumption.
As future works, we envision adapting this attack
against similar wireless technologies such as Blue-
tooth Classic or Wi-Fi (802.11). We would also like to
improve the framework for dynamic scenarios, for in-
stance by using multiple receivers or a continuous re-
identification strategy rather than the two-phase one
that we have currently used.
This research has been supported by the ANR PIVOT
project ANR-20-CYAL-0002, PEPR Cybers
IPOP project and Inria MAGPIE associated team.
ebastien Gambs is supported by the Canada Re-
search Chair program as well as a Discovery Grant
from NSERC.
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