A Design Framework for a Blockchain-Based Open Market Platform
of Enriched Card-Based Transactional Data for Big Data Analytics
and Open Banking
Trevor Toy
and Josef Langerman
Academy of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Johannesburg,
Auckland Park, Johannesburg, South Africa
Keywords: Blockchain, Big Data, Open Banking, Data Markets, Transactional Data, Cloud Data, Data Analytics,
Platform Design, Personal Data Management, Data Economy.
Abstract: Around a quarter of the world’s data is generated by financial institutions. The Capgemini 2022 World
Payments Report predicts a 28% increase in transaction volumes from 2021 to 2026, to an estimated total of
2.122 trillion global non-cash transactions. There is a growing demand for accessible transactional data for
analytical purposes and to support the rapid global adoption of Open Banking. Open banking is a collaborative
business model involving customer-authorised transactional data sharing with other unaffiliated parties to
allow for enhanced service and product offerings to the marketplace. This research explores utilising
distributed ledger technology to facilitate the market mechanism of securely sharing data through an
integrated and decentralised platform that conforms to the expected regulatory and compliance standards of
the financial industry from which the data is generated. Scalable and accessible access is a core requirement
of a marketplace platform for its data consumers and producers. To enable customer-authorised transactional
data sharing, an incentive mechanism is proposed, which includes the data subject in the process to empower
them to control access and earn money from the related transactional data that they generate. A proposed
framework is defined for the development of a marketplace platform that can ultimately support the growth,
prosperity and development of economies, businesses, communities and individuals, by providing accessible
and relevant transactional data for big data analytics and open banking.
The global trend of leveraging data to evolve
businesses towards digitisation is moving from a
phase of simply generating, storing and processing
data to now being able to extract the real business
value from it that was initially promised to many
business stakeholders (Early Adopter Research,
2019). Data marketplaces are a pivotal solution by
providing external supplementary analytical
capabilities to enhance the extraction of value from
existing internal data. Businesses realise that external
data providers offer significant competitive
advantages that would not be possible by only
looking purely at their internal data. These additional
insights can include gauging industry benchmarks,
regional trends and unidentified market opportunities.
The accessibility and capabilities to procure and
apply external data are still challenges for most
organisations seeking supplementary external data.
Two-thirds of companies must use external service
providers or specialist consultants to support their
data-sourcing requirements (Belissent, 2020).
Several open data markets exist, with many
utilising distributed ledger technology such as the
Datapace and ArcBlock distributed ledger platforms
(Arcblock, n.d.; Datapace - Data Marketplace
Powered by Blockchain, n.d.). However, none are
domain-specific and can guarantee the industry
compliance requirements necessary for the finance
sector. Moreover, none have yet developed the
necessary scale and trust to consolidate the sector to
be considered as a standardised Big Data repository
Toy, T. and Langerman, J.
A Design Framework for a Blockchain-Based Open Market Platform of Enriched Card-Based Transactional Data for Big Data Analytics and Open Banking.
DOI: 10.5220/0012143400003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), pages 583-589
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
for card-based transactions (Hassani et al., 2018).
This research explores utilising distributed ledger
technology to transparently and immutably generate
exchange agreements to facilitate the transactional
interactions of participants in a marketplace platform.
The proposed solution leverages the growing
interoperability of cloud-based data products and
services, blockchain and other modern system
technologies to demonstrate an end-to-end market
trade process for transactional card data.
An opportunity exists for a solution that provides
an accessible and scalable market platform
specifically for trading card-based transaction data
and the related peripheral data to those transactions to
stimulate cross-business data sharing desired in the
Open Banking economy. In predominately non-cash-
based environments, card transactions are the best
representative of multiple levels of economic activity.
They provide economic and business insight into the
nature and volume of spend at the individual,
demographic and state levels. Companies
increasingly demand external data sources to
supplement and broaden the context of their existing
internal analytical scope (Belissent, 2020). This
application can also extend beyond commercial
business use. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria
(BBVA) utilised its data analytics capabilities by
applying over four million anonymised credit card
transactions to help city planners create strategies to
stimulate economic growth. Governments could also
use this data to assist in deciding where to deploy aid
responses after natural disasters (Wixom & Farrell,
2019). Another example is when researchers applied
retail payment data to forecast economic activity in
Italy. As a result, they could show a close correlation
between retail payment series and macroeconomic
aggregates to demonstrate how data improved
forecast accuracy of not only gross domestic product
(GDP) but also overall consumption, investment, and
value-added services in specific sectors (Aprigliano
et al., 2019).
The primary aim of this research is to construct a
system framework for a marketplace platform called
the Big Transactional Data Marketplace (BTDM),
which will provide the conceptual design foundation
for a decentralised, blockchain-based open market
platform of enriched card-based transactional data for
big data analytics and open banking
The research questions for this study were
formulated to contribute to the knowledge base of
transactional data markets for big data analytics and
open banking from the experience and insights gained
in developing this solution. Below are the four
research questions identified for the BTDM derived
from the initial DSR problem explication process and
subsequent solution objectives defined to address
those problems.
Figure 1: Research questions for the BTDM Framework.
The expected output from this research is to
demonstrate the potential for a scalable card-based
transactional data marketplace platform. The study
would achieve this by designing and modelling a
system framework that can 1.) provide the foundation
for a system design that offers real value and utility to
the data and financial industries and 2) support open
banking through a stakeholder-controlled data
Design Science Research (DSR) was the selected
methodology to develop the BTDM Framework. The
BTDM framework guides a particular system design;
therefore, various design abstraction levels that
realise a deployable and functional product were
considered as ideal DSR artefacts for the framework
(Dresch et al., n.d.). The methodology also focuses on
the iterative refinement of rigour and relevance of the
solution against the existing knowledge base and the
real-world application domain (Hevner, 2007).
The output artefacts required by the DSR process
were presented as a set of traditional system design
models, categorised within the phases of Nunamaker
et al.’s System Development Research Process
(Nunamaker et al., 1990). These descend in their
levels of abstraction towards an implementable
Conceptual framework
System architecture
Functional design (Analyse and design the
System development (Build the [prototype]
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
A computer simulation/lab experiment approach
was selected as the evaluation method for the DSR
process according to the DSR Evaluation Method
Selection Framework prescribed by Venable et al.
(Venable et al., 2012). Therefore a proof-of-concept
(PoC) blockchain contract was implemented to
demonstrate the core functionality of the BTDM
platform according to plans from subsequent system
design models of the System Development Research
Process. This PoC verified the process-level logic of
the framework and showed that blockchain
technology could successfully implement the user
requirements necessary to achieve the research
The PoC demonstrated the ability to register a user
linked to an Ethereum account from which they could
send and receive cryptocurrency to transact on the
platform. It also showed that we could create records
on the blockchain that enable data producers to list
their available datasets and consumers to find and
subscribe to those datasets. In addition, it can act as a
progressive facilitator of open banking by enabling
data subjects to manage their data and any related
identifiable data through the platform through a
concept of “permissioning” of the current
2.1 Results & Discussion
The solution design and context diagram are primary
artefacts of the framework. The PoC conducted
bridges the conceptual plans into code functions that
can be field tested against the platform’s objective
and practical user requirements, reaffirming these
artefacts’ relevance and rigour per the DSR
2.1.1 BTDM Solution Design
Figure 2: The BTDM Solution Design.
The BTDM Solution Design is an extension of the
Collective Multilateral Market Design set out by
Koutroumpis et al. in their paper, The (Unfulfilled)
Potential of Data Marketplaces (Koutroumpis et al.,
2017). The BTDM design makes a distinction
between the market layer and management layer in
recognition of the need for moderation of the platform
to maintain quality and control that could be lost from
complete autonomy. It also introduces the Data
Subject role and details the interaction between the
resources providing and consuming the data products.
The core market layer of the platform is provided
within a blockchain contract ecosystem which
connects the data providers and their data subjects to
the data consumers. This market layer manages the
transaction, user, pricing, payment, tagging, contract,
control, and lineage features that facilitate the
primary user interactions on the platform for trading
data. Secondly, a management layer that enforces the
validation, policy and compliance requirements
needed to maintain the quality and sustainability of
the platform.
A data catalogue allows for efficient search
functionality and metadata management for data
providers and their data. It will assist in presenting the
data product available to the consumer and be
integrated into the decentralised layer to complete the
transaction between the parties once the product is
The data subject utilises a Personal Data Store to
manage and share their data with the consumer. Data
providers list and sell their data through the platform
but will supply it directly to the consumer. Data
subjects will enter into a contract with data providers
to supply transactional data related to each data
subject to an interested consumer. That data supplied
by the data provider is anonymised in that no one with
that dataset should know to whom it pertains. Because
the data subject must remain anonymous on the
platform, they will reveal their identity to the
consumer as part of their own contractual
arrangement. This identity will then be related back
to the dataset from the data provider. So they will
“sell” their identity to that consumer and any other
personal information they are willing to disclose.
Interested consumers identify data subjects in two
ways, either through a basic demographics profile
that allows them to target a general profile—for
example, analytical marketing research (e.g. spending
habits for middle-income white males over 50). Or
directly as clients of the data providers, for instance,
for customised products or service offerings from the
data providers’ business partners, such as life
insurance or medical aid providers. They would then
enter into a subscription contract with the producer to
gain access to the data. A contract agreement would
Data Consu mer
Decentralised Market Layer
Decentralised Management Layer
Validatio n
Data Co nsume r
Analytics Tools
Data Provider
Cloud Data
Data Pro vider
Cloud Data
Data Provider
Cloud Data
Analytics Tools
Single source
Data Su bjec t
Personal Data Store (PDS)
personal data
Data C atalogue
A Design Framework for a Blockchain-Based Open Market Platform of Enriched Card-Based Transactional Data for Big Data Analytics and
Open Banking
be created on the blockchain along with the payment
If a data consumer wanted transactional and
peripheral data on a specific data subject, they would
subscribe to an identifiable dataset provided by the
data producer in addition to the related data subject’s
data provided separately by the data subject. The data
subject would be paid accordingly for the personal
data provided (a data subject could choose to disclose
other personal details such as IoT or other sensitive
demographic data). The data consumer would enter
into another subscription contract with the data
subject in parallel to the identifiable dataset.
Data producers would be required to house their
data within accessible but secure modern commercial
cloud-based repositories, where they can curate the
data and control access granted to the data consumers.
The data must be formatted in an efficient and
standardised format (such as Parquet). The data must
align with ISO 20022 definition standards for
transactional card payment data (ISO 20022 |
ISO20022, n.d.). This research investigates the ISO
standards requirements in its application in BTDM
andcompliance with the Payment Card Industry Data
Security Standards (PCI/DSS) concerning the market
trade of card-based transactional data (PCI Security
Standard Council, n.d., 2008).
2.1.2 The BTDM Context Diagram
The core functions evaluated for the BTDM were
based on the platform’s ability to allow users to buy
and sell transactional data securely and enable
cardholders (data subjects) to manage and benefit
from the sale of their data. The platform creates
secured transactional contracts between these entities
as platform users to establish these relationships
between the data provider, the data consumer and the
data subject. The following key business objects have
been defined for the BTDM Framework to support
the user interactions that facilitate the ability to make
secure contractual transactions between each user
The interactions of these business objects are
described in the following BTDM context diagram.
Figure 3: The BTDM Context Diagram.
1. Account – Each platform user is registered with
their private blockchain account. The account comes
from the selected blockchain on which the platform is
based and is used to facilitate payments to and from
the holder.
2. Subscription A contract between a data
provider and a data consumer to supply/access
transactional and transaction-related data.
3. Permission Agreement A contract between a
data provider of transactional data and the data
subject to allow the data provider to supply the
transaction details generated by that data subject to a
requesting data consumer.
4. Permission A contract between a data subject
and a data consumer that allows a data consumer to
access identifying data of the data subject with which
they can associate transactional data from a
5. Contract Option The contract option defines
the subscription’s unique payment plan and product
delivery details. The data provider will predefine the
contract options available to each dataset, which the
user will select when subscribing.
2.1.3 The BTDM Proof-of-Concept
A proof-of-concept was deployed as the evaluation
activity of the DRS process. It aimed to evaluate
whether the conceptual design artefacts could be
actualised on the proposed technologies. The core
functionalities of the BTDM platform were
implemented on an Etheruem blockchain contract to
determine whether the platform’s required
transactional, security and accessibility requirements
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
could be met. The following core functions were
User Registration & Functional Roles
Transaction handling
Data Catalogue
Data Subject Permission Management (Open
Data Subscription & Contract Management
Data Subject Permission Management
This article will focus on Data Subject Permission
Management, as it is one of the key functionalities of
the BTDM proof-of-concept. Data Subject
Permission Management differentiates the platform
from other data marketplaces by utilising a concept of
“permissioning”, a contractual agreement
implemented on the blockchain to allow a data
consumer to provide information on their identity to
a data consumer. This information of the data subject
can then be associated with a data set of card-
transaction data supplied by their card provider or
financial institution. Note that a separate permission
agreement must first be in place between the data
subject and their card provider (as a data provider) to
authorise the generation of identifiable datasets to the
market. Identifiable datasets on the platform are
curated by the data provider and related to a specific
data subject but don’t have any revealing information
about who that data subject is. Because these involve
the data subject, a commission fee is charged to
compensate the data subject.
Once the permission agreement is in place, a
consumer can generate a permission request for a data
subject to reveal their identity to associate against an
identifiable dataset. Consumers will identify a data
subject on the BTDM they are interested in from their
anonymous demographic profile via the data provider
or directly from the data subject catalogue.
Figure 4: Permission management flow.
The permission must record the addresses of
requesting data consumer and the data subject. The
data provider is not directly involved, but their
address is part of the permission agreement associated
with this permission request. The permission also
uses a status indicator to manage the changing states
of the permission from being created, signed, and
expired or cancelled.
Figure 5: Permission data object structure.
A permission also represents a transaction between
the data consumer and the data subject. It not only
allows the consumer to associate the identity of that
data subject with the identifiable dataset generated by
the data provider but also allows the consumer to
access additional detail about the data subject. In the
data catalogue, a data subject can list various personal
attributes available “for sale” that they themselves
maintain in their Personal Data Store, such as race,
family, income, profession, IoT data (e.g. fitness
band, GPS tracking), browsing & search data etc.
These attributes could be listed, each with their own
individual prices, which a consumer could purchase
and the total captured in the permission price. The
details of each of the selected personal data request
items and their prices are captured in a permission
conditions json, like an invoice, which can be
validated on the data subject’s side to confirm the
total before accepting the request. The accepted
indicator shows whether the data subject has accepted
or rejected the request. Each time a request is revised,
it will also be logged on the blockchain.
Figure 6: BTDM createPermission function.
Once a permission request is generated, it is sent to a
data subject for review. The consumer indicates what
personal data attributes they wish to access from the
subject’s listing. The consumer should also provide
details on their purpose for the data and how they plan
to manage it (retention, distribution, outcome, etc.).
This detail is captured in the
permissionConditionsJSON and can be considered a
binding agreement between the parties. The data
subject can also reject or revise the agreement, in
which case it will be returned to the consumer for
A Design Framework for a Blockchain-Based Open Market Platform of Enriched Card-Based Transactional Data for Big Data Analytics and
Open Banking
To conclude the permission process, the data
consumer must pay the data subject for the requested
data. The PoC also provides an example of
Transaction Handling to demonstrate this
functionality. The money is then transferred to the
data subject ‘s account, and the permission status is
updated. This permission’s status is what is checked
when a data consumer subscribes to an identifiable
dataset where they will need to submit this permission
reference. The data consumer is now obliged to
provide access to the data consumer through their
PDS. The inputs to the PDS are obtained from the
permission on what specific data attributes have been
purchased by the consumer and the consumer’s public
encryption key to encrypt the data before exposing it
to the consumer.
Now that the permission is in place for the
targeted dataset the consumer wishes to subscribe to,
the data consumer will proceed with subscribing to
the identifiable data from the data provider. The
permission would be validated for the data provider
to ensure it has been authorised by the data subject for
that data consumer before allowing the data consumer
to subscribe. If all is successful, the subscription
reference is added to the permission since the
subscription can only be generated after the signed
permission is in place. These interactions are all
recorded on the immutable public ledger and form the
contractual basis on which all the parties can proceed
with the actions of the trade.
2.1.4 Blockchain as an Effective Technology
for a Data Marketplace
The PoC offered positive results, proving that
blockchain technology could be a successful
foundation for a decentralised market platform. The
following points are the key observations taken from
the PoC.
1. Blockchain offers a scalable and accessible
platform for developing a cross-border solution
because of its decentralised design, easy user profile
integration to blockchain wallets and accounts, and
use of non-fiat digital currencies for transactions.
2. It provides an accessible structure for user
management which is easily integrated into the built-
in account features of the technology.
3. Secure authentication and authorisation can be
applied through signature verification of accounts and
contract code that can enforce logical conditions
(smart contracts).
4. A degree of manual verification of data
consumers wishing to access “identifiable data”
related to a data subject is still required. Without
some assurance of the consumer’s intent, a data
subject will not be inclined to sell their data.
5. The data subject’s profile remains anonymous
and secured on the platform. Once they provide
permission to a consumer, that consumer can match
the blockchain address to the profile of the data
subject and their transactions from the data producer
subscription. Once that subscription expires, the
customer cannot match any subsequent transactions
from that data producer without requesting a new
permission from the data subject. Any static
identifying data that the data consumer receives will
always be known, but any dynamic data (E.g. IoT
data, like fitness trackers) will stop after the
contractual end date.
6. For complex and dynamic data sharing of a data
subject’s personal data, the Personal Data Stores
(PDS) that the solution proposes are still being
developed. It does not appear that any suitable
solutions currently exist yet. But for basic identifying
data sharing, public-private key encryption offers a
feasible mechanism.
7. The PoC facilitated an initial payment on
creating a new subscription; however, scheduled
payment collection needs further exploration.
Scheduled collections were partly handled by
incorporating a billing plan data element in the
8. The concept of peripheral transaction data also
needs further exploration. Merchants of the sale could
contribute by providing detail of each transaction
(E.g. the receipt of what was purchased). The
proposal also establishes a permission agreement
model between the primary data provider (providing
transaction data) and the peripheral one. The
proposed solution was to allow the primary data
provider to be a consumer of the peripheral data to
offer enhanced transaction data to the end consumer.
This concept was not demonstrated in the PoC, and
the evaluation revealed more complexity than was
initially understood.
The results from research into the BTDM show
potential for a scalable platform to address the
solution aim that was defined to design and model
an open transactional data marketplace framework
that can 1.) provide the foundation for a platform
which offers real value and utility to both the data and
financial industries; and secondly, 2) support open
banking through a stakeholder-controlled data
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
The PoC applied for evaluating the artefacts was
ideal for this initial proposal for the BTDM. They
proved that a feasible technical implementation of the
design concepts could be realised. However, further
development and evaluation are required since the
BTDM is a heavily socio-technical system operated
by many stakeholders and involves numerous
interactive processes in bringing the complete
solution together. Methods such as action research,
field testing and focus groups on the completed
platform would provide more rigour in testing end-to-
end processes and relevance as the solution moves
into a naturalistic state with more objective influences
on the solution’s outcome and relevance.
The immaturity of personal data stores, volatility
of cryptocurrency, universal protocols for external
access to data storage, and balancing moderation vs
accessibility are some of the limitations identified for
the BTDM. None of these limitations is considered
severe enough to prohibit a version of this platfrom
from being developed in today’s business landscape.
The expectation from the analysis of this research
indicates that the technical challenges can be
mitigated, and the relative social and regulatory
challenges will subside over time to allow for broad
adoption by the data and financial industries.
Lastly, as a digital platform, much of its success
relies on broad adoption and sustainable usage to
achieve the desired network effects and prevent
disintermediation. These outcomes are greatly
influenced by business factors outside the system
design, such as strategic positioning and policies, the
competitive landscape, changing legislation and
regulation, and even the appropriate marketing
strategy. These must be considered as the BTDM
develops from a conceptual to a commercial product
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A Design Framework for a Blockchain-Based Open Market Platform of Enriched Card-Based Transactional Data for Big Data Analytics and
Open Banking