Towards an Evaluation Concept for Business Simulation Games:
Preliminary Work and Piloting in SAP ERP Teaching
Robert Häusler
, Malte Rathjens, Daniel Staegemann
and Klaus Turowski
Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster Very Large Business Applications, Faculty of Computer Science,
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Keywords: Game-Based Learning, Business Simulation Games, Teaching, Evaluation, ERP.
Abstract: Business Simulation Games (BSGs) aim to simulate reality and impart knowledge as well as skills in a playful
way. To be able to verify the goal attainment, the first steps towards an evaluation concept were taken in this
paper. With the exemplary evaluation of Global Bike Go, a series of mini BSGs for SAP ERP teaching, initial
indications could be generated about what they (can) achieve. One certain finding is that the games are suitable
for beginners whereas the participants’ knowledge gain only shows tendencies. From the overall results,
development potentials for the BSGs as well as for the evaluation concept used could be identified. However,
due to the small sample and the limiting circumstances, further investigations have to be conducted. In this
context, the self-performed actions as well as interactions with other players as significant game elements
should be focused more, and especially the interdependency between the BSGs and other teaching materials
seems promising. Therefore, an interdisciplinary approach is desirable.
Publications on gamification have been accumulating
in recent years (Fischer et al., 2017). Related concepts
such as serious games, especially business simulation
games (BSG), are also being researched in this
context (Faisal et al., 2022). Today, more than 600
business games and serious games are offered in
German-speaking countries alone (Blötz, 2015).
Although forms of case studies were the
prevailing method in the field of Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) teaching to impart application
knowledge at German universities, business games
are comparatively rarely used (Leyh, 2017). Possible
explanations for this could be, on the one hand, the
lack of availability of suitable BSGs and, on the other
hand, the controversial benefits of such tools.
However, there are already a few institutions that
have been drivers of past developments, also meeting
the current and expected demand. Among others, the
SAP University Competence Centers (UCC) in
Magdeburg and Munich are Education Service
Providers (ESP) focusing on SAP software (Prifti et
al., 2017; Häusler and Bosse, 2018), and serve as
exemplary providers for such BSGs. In particular,
they offer so-called teaching and learning
environments (TLEs) “which represent a broad
selection of teaching materials with a high practical
relevance in the field of enterprise software” (Reich
and Häusler, 2019).
Those TLEs usually consist of three elements:
(IT) system, teaching material, and model
organization (Häusler et al., 2019). In this context, the
UCCs emphasize the use of case studies as the
preferred method for teaching system-supported
(business) processes practically as well as
realistically and supplement them with slide sets and
hands-on exercises on the teaching material side. As
part of the portfolio expansion, the UCC Magdeburg
has started to offer three beta-version (mini) BSG
called “Global Bike Go” (GBGo). These are intended
to complement the existing materials in the
“Introduction to SAP S/4HANA” TLE, thus offering
learners methodological variety and contributing to
learning success. Their requirement profile is diverse:
They serve as an introduction to the respective
modules such as purchasing, production planning,
and sales, present an exemplary part of the respective
HÃd’usler, R., Rathjens, M., Staegemann, D. and Turowski, K.
Towards an Evaluation Concept for Business Simulation Games: Preliminary Work and Piloting in SAP ERP Teaching.
DOI: 10.5220/0012144300003552
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2023), pages 94-103
ISBN: 978-989-758-667-5; ISSN: 2184-772X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(business) process, and enable participants to gain
their first experiences with the system’s user
interface. The BSGs have been implemented, tested,
and made available to the community, but to date,
they have not been used or evaluated by the UCC
itself in a teaching context.
In general, the evaluation of teaching materials,
especially of BSGs, is challenging due to their
diversity, and the measurability of learning progress
is complex and effortful because of its subjective
nature. Consequently, the following research
question (RQ) is addressed.
RQ: Which Aspects need to be Considered in a
Possible Evaluation Concept For BSGs?
The exemplary use of GBGo in a university
course generates initial indications about what the
single games (can) achieve. From the overall results
of this study, development potentials for the BSGs as
well as for the evaluation concept will be identified.
The paper at hand aims to do the preliminary work
while achieving the first findings within a pilot
project in ERP teaching. First, the state of the art is
shortly presented, before the basic concept for the
pilot (including subject, goals, and model) is
explained. The following sections describe the
exemplary study and discuss its results. In the end, the
further proceeding is depicted.
Views on whether and how simulation games
influence learning behavior and in which learning
environments they should be used have been
undergoing changes in recent years. It is presently
assumed that playful elements can increase the
motivation of participants (Jacob and Teuteberg,
2017). BSGs as a subset of serious games (Unger et
al., 2015) are understood as tools and used in the
educational context to utilize these effects and thus
impart knowledge (Leyh, 2017; Jacob and Teuteberg,
2017; Rubart and Hartweg, 2019; Matute and Melero,
2016; McGonigal, 2011; Weppel et al., 2012) but also
could enhance engagement, learning achievement,
and higher-order thinking skills (Huang et al., 2022).
At German universities, there are still
comparatively few BSGs used in the field of ERP
teaching and the focus lies on imparting knowledge
through lectures and case study-based hands-on
exercises (Leyh, 2017). An exception is the ERPsim,
which is used in the context of ERP teaching in higher
education. In this BSG, the focus is on economic
processes whereas ERP or SAP prior knowledge is
not necessary (Leyh, 2017; Rubart and Hartweg,
2019). However, ERPsim is fully system-integrated
and also presumably provides practical knowledge on
the use of SAP software. The execution of this BSG
generally leads to a positive response from its
participants (Leyh, 2017; Rubart and Hartweg, 2019;
Utesch et al., 2016). In his publication, Leyh (2017)
goes beyond this general assessment and examines
the knowledge gained by the participants. This is
compared with the knowledge gained from case
studies, whereby in some cases better results are
achieved with ERPsim.
GBGo as a BSG series is another example that can
be considered as a UCC proprietary development in
the context of ERP teaching. Although the universal
research results on BSG can also be assumed for
GBGo, it is unclear at this stage whether its targeted
teaching goals are being achieved. In particular, there
is a lack of systematically generated results with
which the games can be evaluated and, if necessary,
further developed on this basis.
In the following concept section, GBGo is introduced
as evaluation subject. Thereupon, five concrete
questions to be investigated are derived from the
games’ objectives. Subsequently, the evaluation
model is presented.
3.1 Evaluation Subject and Goals
GBGo currently consists of three mini-games
“Explore Procurement”, “Explore Production” and
“Explore Sales” which address various operational
(business) processes from the areas of procurement,
production, and sales (Häusler, 2019). In this way,
they complement the teaching materials of the
corresponding modules Materials Management
(MM), Production Planning (PP), and Sales and
Distribution (SD). In Explore Procurement, the
participants (players) compete indirectly with each
other as purchasers of different companies. The goal
is to optimize their procurement strategy based on
offered product combinations, price, and delivery
reliability (supplier selection). In Explore Production,
the participants act as production planners and have
to fulfill a given production target under certain
conditions (working days, personnel, costs) in a cost-
efficient way. In the Explore Sales scenario, parts of
the sales process are simulated. The players have to
maximize their profit through bicycle sales, taking
Towards an Evaluation Concept for Business Simulation Games: Preliminary Work and Piloting in SAP ERP Teaching
into account the shared market and seasonal
In each scenario, a maximum of 25 companies
compete with each other. The participants take
business decisions for the company assigned to them.
The division of the players can be done individually
or in teams. Several rounds, determined by the
lecturer, are played in sequence, with one round
(period) always corresponding to one month. Before
the game starts, the participants familiarize
themselves with the respective scenario and discuss
any comprehension questions with the lecturers. After
the end of the game, the game leader moderates a joint
debriefing in which the progress of the BSG is
recapitulated and analyzed.
The BSGs may be used independently from each
other and other teaching materials. As an extension
option for lecturers, they link the module’s slide set
and case study by providing a gamified thematic
introduction. The aim is to provide a basic
understanding of simple market mechanisms and the
fundamentals of business activities. The assumption
is that especially learners from a distant business
environment can be given a simplified introduction to
the complex business context with these BSGs.
Furthermore, active and game-based activities as well
as the simulation of real processes are intended to lead
to an increase in motivation among learners (Häusler,
Participants are offered didactic variety through
the BSGs, which should also lead to increased
motivation. It is further assumed that learners find it
easier to work through the corresponding case studies
if they have previously mastered the business games.
These business games are highly simplified and
consist of quickly understandable scenarios and game
rules. Other features in this context are the flexible
and independent use as well as the short game
This exemplary study aims to investigate the
concrete use of GBGo in teaching and learning
arrangements. The evaluation concept lays the
foundation for the improvement and further
development of these business games, which can
ideally be extended to other BSGs used in ERP
teaching. The following central questions can be
derived in summary from the (partly implicit)
objectives of the GBGo series:
1. Are these BSGs suitable for beginners?
2. Are these BSGs suitable for imparting basic
knowledge of the respective topics to the
3. Do the (self-)performed actions of the
participants contribute to knowledge
4. Does the interaction (as a characteristic of
BSGs) with other participants contribute to
knowledge acquisition?
5. Do the participants find it easier to work on the
thematically related case study after the BSGs
have been executed?
This question set forms the frame of reference for
the evaluation concept designed and executed in this
work. From the state of the art, especially from the
field of ERP teaching, there are numerous findings
about the subject area that support the development
and use of a standardized survey for BSG participants
as the central evaluation method. This also enables
the basis for the comparability of future surveys in the
ERP teaching context.
3.2 Evaluation Model
While in the evaluation of educational materials often
different alternatives of the object of evaluation can
be weighed against each other (Mayer, 2010) this is
not the case for GBGo. In the complex ERP curricula
of the UCC, a large number of teaching materials are
not used as alternatives, but rather as supplements.
Consequently, to be analyzed business games should
be considered less as substitutes than as supplements
(for case studies). Therefore, the BSGs have to be
examined and evaluated concerning the achievement
of their learning objectives. However, the
interdependency with the case studies should also be
included in the evaluation. To structure and classify
the previous explanations and to extend them by
further conceptual components, an evaluation model
by Kirkpatrick is used, which is frequently used for
the evaluation of BSGs (Mayer, 2010). The model
distinguishes the four stages or levels of reaction,
learning, behavior, and results, which are situated in
the temporal course of an evaluation.
Level 1 focuses on the reactions of the
participants. Here, subjective assessments and
valuations are to be queried. Questionnaires or
interviews are often used as tools for this purpose
(Mayer, 2010). Both the immediate reaction of the
participants and the subsequent feedback on
organizational and technical content are taken into
account (Birgmayer, 2011). In level 2, the acquisition
of knowledge and skills from the respective
intervention is to be investigated. It should be
determined whether and how the participants’
knowledge level has changed. In order to make the
related change visible, the use of a pre-post-test
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
design can be beneficial (Birgmayer, 2011). Level 3
focuses on the evaluation of the transfer of previously
reviewed knowledge and skills into practice. In the
case of occupational topics, this transfer mostly takes
place in the workplace (Birgmayer, 2011). Level 4
focuses on the consequences or expected benefits of
the intervention or program for the implementing
organization. Ideally, the interventions and programs
are intended to achieve predefined goals, e.g., the
evaluation of corporate goals (Birgmayer, 2011) by
measuring key performance indicators and their
change over time (Kriz, 2010).
Levels 1 and 2 are measurable during or directly
after the execution of the BSGs under evaluation,
whereas evaluation in terms of level 3 is only
meaningful or possible after a certain time has
elapsed. Not only will this increase the influence of
confounding factors (Kriz, 2010), but also the
measurement of the transfer itself is challenging and
therefore not investigated in the given scope. Level 4
which is the KPI-oriented proof at the organizational
level can also not be implemented in this study.
Therefore, the evaluation of GBGo concentrates on
the first two levels.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the BSGs to be
evaluated were integrated into a remote course with a
final examination. The framework from the UCC and
the relevant faculty had to be considered when
creating the course. As a result, the concrete
implementation of the evaluation and the method
used depended on these circumstances. A total of 16
participants took part in the study. All participants
were matriculated students from different study
programs and with different study progress.
4.1 Study Design
According to the underlying evaluation model, an
online survey with standardized and open questions
was used as the data collection method. In addition,
the survey was set up as a pre-post design in order to
be able to record knowledge gains in the context of
the BSGs on individual prior knowledge.
Furthermore, the interaction of the games with other
teaching materials was investigated. For this purpose,
the participants were randomly divided into two
groups. The groups conducted the three BSGs within
the GBGo series and the associated case studies in
reverse order. Group 1 (G1) first played the business
game and then worked on the case study, and group 2
(G2) did vice versa. Both groups received the
upstream pre-questionnaire (t
) before playing the
BSGs and the downstream post-questionnaire (t
afterward. As a result of the pre-post design, G1 had
to answer a third questionnaire (t
) after the case study
was conducted. An overview of the investigation
procedure can be seen in Figure 1.
This procedure was repeated, maintaining the
subject group composition, for each of the three BSGs
and their corresponding lectures and case studies. The
order of conducting the BSG topic areas followed the
run-through of value-added processes in companies:
Explore Procurement (MM), Explore Production
(PP), and Explore Sales (SD). Slide sets, case studies,
and BSGs in version 3.3 were used (based on SAP
S/4HANA 1809).
4.2 Survey Design
The central questions regarding the impact of GBGo
formed the basis for structuring and operationalizing
the surveys used. Firstly, in addition to general socio-
demographic data, the participants were asked at the
beginning whether they had already come into contact
with BSGs. The data were collected using nominal
In order to be able to record a possible transfer of
basic knowledge through the respective BSG,
examination questions on thematic basic knowledge
with open answer options were used (e.g., “What is a
bill of materials?”, “What does the term production
control mean?”, “How do a supplier’s bid prices
typically affect the associated demand in the
market?”). These questions were asked in the same
wording both before (t
) and after (t
) the respective
To get first indications about whether the
knowledge acquisition is achieved or promoted by
self-performed actions within the BSG as well as by
interaction with other players, one question each was
developed for the action and the interaction of the
participants within the BSG. For these questions,
4-level rating scales were used as response options, in
order not to give too fine-grained, difficult-to-delimit
answer possibilities for this first investigation as well
as to identify a direction.
Towards an Evaluation Concept for Business Simulation Games: Preliminary Work and Piloting in SAP ERP Teaching
Week 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
G1 Lecture
(1) t
(2) BSG
(3) t
Case Study Case Study t
G2 Lecture Case Study Case Study
(1) t
(2) BSG
(3) t
Figure 1: Investigation procedure overview.
In a further question, the participants were asked
to assess how well they managed the case studies after
completing them (e.g., “Overall, how did you manage
to work on the case study?”, “Which problems did
you have during processing?”). This was intended to
gather initial circumstantial evidence about a possible
connection between participation in the BSGs and
subsequently successful (easier) mastery of the case
studies. Possible answers were listed using a 5-point
rating scale or created as free response options since
neutral answers seem comprehensible for this
In the following section, the study is evaluated. First,
some preliminary remarks are made. Then the results
are presented before possible causes and effects are
5.1 Preliminary Remarks
The surveys were created, distributed, and answered
using LimeSurvey. The collected data were exported
to Microsoft Excel and subsequently cleansed.
Unfortunately, in the different executions, there were
varying numbers of data sets excluded due to
different causes:
A participant did not complete at least one
survey within a single pre-post setup.
The connection parameter between pre and
post-survey was inconsistent.
There were conflicting responses to essential,
interrelated questions.
The six execution groups and the respective
number of usable response data sets can be seen in
Figure 2.
5.2 Results
In all executions, most respondents stated that they
had never taken part in a BSG before (MM n = 5/9;
PP n = 9/12; SD n = 9/10). Thus, the majority of the
participants are beginners. Previous experience in the
respective module areas (MM, PP, and SD) was also
denied by most people. Accordingly, the respondents
rated their prior thematic knowledge as “poor“ (MM
n = 5/9; PP n = 6/12; SD n = 5/10) and “very poor“
(MM n = 4/9; PP n = 5/12; SD n = 3/10).
5.2.1 Feedback Concerning GBGo
Almost all participants assessed the duration of the
overall games as “appropriate”. Similarly, the
difficulty was mostly assessed as “appropriate” and in
several cases as “(rather) too easy”. Only one
respondent rated Explore Procurement as “rather too
difficult”. The averaged values indicate that Explore
Sales was the easiest game whereas Explore
Procurement was the most difficult.
The majority of respondents enjoyed carrying out
actions by themselves, especially in Explore Sales
and Explore Procurement. Only one of the
participants answered with “rather disagree”
regarding Explore Production. The interaction with
others is assessed lower than in the previous question
but still positive. Regarding action and interaction,
sorting the average values of action and interaction,
the following order emerges: Explore Sales receives
the most approval, followed by Explore Procurement
and Explore Production.
5.2.2 Imparting Knowledge Through GBGo
The questions on specific prior knowledge and the
associated knowledge gained during BSG execution
were posed to the participants in a test-like manner.
Usable Data Sets 5 4 6 6 5 5
Figure 2: Number of usable data sets.
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
M Basic Knowledge (t
# Participants with
Knowledge Increase (t
Total Responses
MM-Q1 0,33 3 9
MM-Q2 0,33 0 9
MM-Q3 0,17 0 9
PP-Q1 0,25 3 12
PP-Q2 0,29 4 12
PP-Q3 0,17 3 12
SD-Q1 0,75 1 10
SD-Q2 0,6 1 10
MM-Q1: What does the term procurement mean?
MM-Q2: What is a bill of materials?
MM-Q3: What does the term procurement strategy mean?
PP-Q1: What does the term production planning mean?
PP-Q2: What does the term production control mean?
PP-Q3: What is the difference between a planned order and a production order?
SD-Q1: How do a supplier’s asking prices typically affect the associated demand in the market?
SD-Q2: How do asking prices of different suppliers in the same market influence each other?
Figure 3: Average values for prior knowledge and absolute frequency for knowledge increase.
The answers to the open-ended questions from the
first survey (t
) on prior knowledge were scored as
follows: Either “0” (incorrect), “0.5” (partially
correct), or “1” (mostly correct) point(s). The answer
to the same question in the second survey after
executing the BSGs (t
) was evaluated according to
the identical scheme and compared to the first answer
on a participant-specific level. The resulting change
in knowledge was coded either “0” (not improved) or
“1” (improved). The results on prior knowledge were
averaged and presented in Figure 3 along with the
absolute frequencies of participants who had an
increase in knowledge.
Overall, it can be seen that the level of knowledge
with regard to the posed questions is relatively
limited. In addition, only some participants showed
an increase in knowledge. The relatively high
increase in knowledge in the PP module is
5.2.3 Mastering the Case Studies
After completing the case studies, the simulation
participants assessed how well they managed to work
through them. Responses were coded as follows:
Very good = 1; good = 2; partly good/partly poor = 3;
poor = 4; very poor = 5.
Figure 4 compares the average values calculated
from the two groups for each BSG.
The available results do not show a consistent
overall picture. Thus, there is no evidence that the
participants coped better with the case studies if the
thematically related BSG had been carried out
5.3 Discussion
The following discussion of the results is structured
according to the evaluation questions that were
derived in the concept section.
5.3.1 Are These BSGs Suitable for
The BSGs are suitable for beginners because the level
of difficulty and the amount of required time were
rated as appropriate by the participants, most of them
inexperienced in BSGs. Only a few reported too little
or too much processing time, which only emphasizes
the heterogeneity of the students regarding learning
requirements and learning behavior.
There were no comprehension problems
regarding rules and scenarios during the execution of
the BSGs. The reason for this could be the
comprehensive support by the simulation instructors
(e.g., introduction to the course of the game and
answering comprehension questions). Support before
and during the implementation, as well as a joint
debriefing afterward, therefore, contribute to a
successful application just as much as the quality of
the teaching materials themselves. In order to
specifically investigate the impact and importance of
Towards an Evaluation Concept for Business Simulation Games: Preliminary Work and Piloting in SAP ERP Teaching
M Mastering the
Case Studies (G1)
Responses G1
M Mastering the
Case Studies (G2)
Responses G2
MM 2,6 5 2,5 4
PP 1,5 6 2,17 6
SD 1,6 5 1,4 5
Figure 4: Average values for mastering the case studies per group.
debriefing as part of the game plan implementation,
the related objectives should be formulated and
operationalized as evaluation questions. In this way,
they can be integrated into future studies.
5.3.2 Are These BSGs Suitable for
Imparting Basic Knowledge of the
Respective Topics to the Participants?
The BSGs aim to impart basic knowledge of the
respective topics to a heterogeneous target group, some
of which is already known to the participants (e.g.,
through job experience). The games seem to be just
partly suitable for this purpose because only a part of
the participants shows a knowledge increase. As an
example, Explore Sales showed the most correct
answers regarding the level of prior knowledge, and at
the same time the smallest increase in knowledge.
Nevertheless, even participants with little or no prior
knowledge showed only a partial improvement. The
reason for this is unclear and could be due to the
selection and formulation of the knowledge questions.
To counteract this “prior knowledge conflict”,
possibilities for experienced players can be created by
alternative game mechanics and incentives. In this
way, they can use their previous experience without
endangering the experience of the other players. In
this regard, possible ideas should be discussed and, if
necessary, integrated. In this context, it should also be
examined whether the BSG is the most suitable
teaching method for the basic knowledge to be
imparted in general.
In order to be able to better evaluate the acquisition
of knowledge and competencies in the context of the
considered BSGs, a profound reflection and discussion
about this topic are needed. Especially the acquisition
of specific competencies through BSGs and their
measurability is challenging and may only be
manageable with an interdisciplinary approach.
5.3.3 Do the (Self-)Performed Actions of the
Participants Contribute to Knowledge
There are indications that the actions carried out by
the participants contribute to knowledge acquisition.
Participants perceive that they carry out actions
during the BSGs and thus influence the gameplay.
Since results are directly visible, adjusting screws
become comprehensible and cause-and-effect
relationships observable. By analyzing and
evaluating their own actions, future actions become
plannable and calculable. Some participants even
demand further, more extensive action options and
information about their effects. It is unclear whether
such an extension would make the mini-games too
complex or complicated. This could possibly conflict
to provide an easy entry into the respective module
context because there are indications that an (overly)
complex simulation leads to a lower learning success
(Ulrich, 2002).
In this area, it must also be generally ensured that
there are no irregularities between input parameters,
simulation mechanics, and output. The respective
BSG has to react appropriately (close to reality) to the
actions of the participants in order to avoid
misunderstandings and false assumptions among the
players. Since this can also be caused by hard-to-find
bugs, which may become apparent during real use,
extensive and periodic tests are necessary.
5.3.4 Does the Interaction with Other
Participants Contribute to Knowledge
The interaction with other players within the game
setup is mostly perceived positively, especially in
Explore Sales. There is an obvious explanation: The
scenario of this BSG involves direct competition
between the companies, which increases the
motivating effect. In the other two scenarios (Explore
Procurement and Explore Production), the companies
interact indirectly with each other, which is why
competition presumably is rarely perceived by the
It should be noted that especially interactions and
their effects are perceived by the participants, as this
increases realism and motivation. Specifically for
Explore Procurement and Explore Production, it
should be examined if and how an increased (more
direct) interaction between the players can be
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
The self-performed actions as well as interactions
with others must be included as significant elements
of BSGs appropriately and extensively in further
investigations. This should be done in future
evaluations by adding answer options to the need for
extended action and interaction possibilities, or by
using different data acquisition methods, e.g.,
interviews. This will allow concrete suggestions from
players to be systematically taken up and included in
the further development of the games. In this way, the
players and their intentions become the focus of
5.3.5 Do the Participants Find it Easier to
Work on the Thematically Related
Case Study after the BSGs Have Been
The presumed interdependencies on other teaching
materials, in particular on the processing of the case
studies, could not be proven in this work. Only in the
PP module, the participants find it easier to complete
the case study after completing the BSG. In the MM
and SD modules, a slightly opposite trend can be
discerned. The reasons for this cannot be determined
from the survey. It is possible that the knowledge
gained from the BSGs does not have a positive effect
on facilitating the processing of the case studies, or
that there is no direct interrelation. Nevertheless, it
should be noted that the content of the BSGs only
covers a small part of the business processes
considered in the case studies.
The expansion of existing teaching materials is in
the nature of these BSGs and is therefore of great
interest in this context. Consequently, a suitable
research design for a more in-depth analysis of the
relationship between BSGs and easier mastering of
the case studies needs to be developed and tested.
Possibly, it may not be possible to prove causal
interactions since the overall scenario is too complex.
5.4 Limitations
The following points limit the results of this study,
first and foremost the extremely small number of
participants. Since this was a regular course including
the awarding of ECTS credits, the design of the study
structure had to ensure equal conditions for all
students, i.e., the same content and also a comparable
amount of time for performance. Therefore, no
control groups could be integrated. In addition, the
execution of the BSGs had to be embedded in weekly,
90-minute lectures. This limited the scope of the
study and led to a restriction of the time needed to
conduct the round-based simulations as well as the
extent of the survey.
With regard to the possible execution variants
(online vs. offline, single player vs. group game),
only one was tested, in which the participants
completed the BSGs online as single players. Thus,
there is a lack of comparison possibilities with other
variants, which presumably produce different results.
However, since the present study represents the
first evaluation of GBGo with pilot character, the
previously described circumstances were accepted. In
this way, it is possible to further develop the
evaluation design including the method as well as the
BSGs themselves based on the results of the pilot
With the evaluation of GBGo, initial indications
could be generated about what the games (can)
achieve in the concrete application context of ERP
teaching and which potentials exist. Together with the
first steps towards an evaluation concept required for
this purpose, this has created the basis for knowledge-
based further developments. In their continuation
i.e., in the enhancement of the interdependency
between BSG and other materials – is the opportunity
to exploit the hitherto unused potential. Through
continuous evaluation and further development, not
only the BSGs themselves as well as their use can be
improved, but also scientific knowledge about the
subject area can be gained, which is especially
essential for a future “BSG as a Service” approach
(Häusler et al., 2021).
A first step has already been taken by handing
over the BSG documentation including the evaluation
questionnaires to customers (e.g., universities and
vocational schools) of the UCC Magdeburg for
testing. With these and other evaluation results, the
existing data basis can be enlarged and thus made
more solid. An additional gain could be to include the
expertise of disciplines that have not been involved so
far or only marginally, such as didactics and learning
psychology. Thus, the subject area could be
considered and understood even more
comprehensively in order to enrich the further
development of the BSGs with problem-solving ideas
beyond their own disciplines.
Towards an Evaluation Concept for Business Simulation Games: Preliminary Work and Piloting in SAP ERP Teaching
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