A Context-Based Approach for Real-Time Adaptation Need Detection
Jamila Oukharijane
1 a
, Imen Ben Said
, Mohamed Amine Cha
, Eric Andonoff
and Rafik Bouaziz
MIRACL Laboratory, University of Sfax, Tunisia
IRIT, University Toulouse 1-Capitole, 2 Rue du Doyen Gabriel Marty, 31042 Toulouse Cedex, France
Context, Real-Time Monitoring, Situation Reasoning, Situation Filtering, Adaptation Need Detection,
Context Analysis.
The increasingly dynamic and changing environment in which business processes are evolving requires com-
panies to adapt them frequently. Thus, we propose in this paper a new context-based approach recommending
to analyze well the environmental changes. This approach recommends to structure knowledge required for
process adaptation need in accordance with our BPMN4V-Context meta-model, which supports the modeling
of the operating environment, using the context along with the versions of the model of each BPMN process
and their use conditions. It also advocates (i) a filtering activity to retain only significant context changes in
the monitored data, as low-level context parameters, (ii) a reasoning activity to deduce high-level context pa-
rameters from filtered low-level ones, enhancing the current situation of running processes and (iii) examining
the current situation before its analysis in order to resolve problems related to the used units and synonym
values. Finally, the feasibility and applicability of this approach is demonstrated by a case study from the
crisis domain and two performance tests.
The dynamic environment in which companies oper-
ate forces them to frequently adapt their processes to
face changes occurring in this environment. Thus,
their capability to rapidly and efficiently adapt their
running processes to changes is an essential require-
ment for them. So, Business Process Management
Systems (BPMS) implementing processes often sup-
port manual adaptation; the process designer has to
identify which changes in the operating environment
require an adaptation and resolve them by defining
the required adaptation operations and carrying them
out (Rinderle et al., 2004). However, the manual
process adaptation is a costly, time-consuming and
error-prone task (Masoumi et al., 2013). In fact, it
requires the presence of a business expert who must
possess knowledge of the environment in which su-
pervised processes operate to be able to identify each
adaptation need and resolve it. Consequently, self-
adaptation is seen as an effective solution to deal with
the complexity of process adaptation with minimum
human (De Lemos et al., 2013) (Oukharijane et al.,
As argued in (IBM, 2006), self-adaptation in the
general level encompasses various self-* properties
in the major level, including self-configuring, self-
healing, self-optimizing and self-protecting. We con-
sider that the approach presented in this paper falls
under self-healing category. Self-healing is the ca-
pability of the adaptation engine of discovering, di-
agnosing and reacting to disruptions (Huebscher and
McCann, 2008). Self-healing can be classified into
self-diagnosing and self-repairing, where the former
concerns itself with identifying adaptation needs, and
the latter focuses on the resolution of the identified
adaptation needs, namely the definition and the ex-
ecution of the adaptation operations. As this paper
deals with the adaptation need detection issue, it pro-
vide a comprehensive approach for self-diagnosis.
On the other hand, self-adaptive systems must
have the capability of self-adjusting to the varia-
tions of their operating environment, which is of-
ten referred to as context. To address process self-
adaptation, we thus have to deal with the detection of
process adaptation needs. In the BPM area, the no-
tion of context is defined in (Rosemann et al., 2008)
as the minimum of variables containing all relevant
information that impacts the design and the execution
Oukharijane, J., Ben Said, I., ChaÃ
cbane, M., Andonoff, E. and Bouaziz, R.
A Context-Based Approach for Real-Time Adaptation Need Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0012148500003552
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2023), pages 114-125
ISBN: 978-989-758-667-5; ISSN: 2184-772X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
of a process”. For his part, (Rosemann et al., 2008)
outlined that four relevant types of context must be
considered: (i) an immediate context, which covers
information on the behavioral, informational and or-
ganizational dimensions of processes, which are three
important dimensions to be considered when model-
ing processes, (ii) an internal context, which covers
information about the internal environment of an or-
ganization that impacts the processes, (iii) an exter-
nal context, which covers information about the ex-
ternal stakeholders of an organization, and finally, (iv)
an environmental context, which covers information
about external factors. If several literature contribu-
tions addressed the adaptation need detection issue,
their recommended solutions had drawbacks. Firstly,
they did not address the modeling of the operating
environment in a comprehensive way as they did not
consider all context types defined in Rosemann’s tax-
onomy (Rosemann et al., 2008). Second, their models
that support the representation of the operating envi-
ronment are rather simplistic or even poor, as only
low-level context parameters are supported to model
the operating environment as a context. They do not
contain high-level context parameters inferred by a
reasoning component in order to deduce new infor-
mation that enhances the current situation knowledge.
To overcome these weaknesses, we recommend a
context-based approach, which addresses the adapta-
tion need detection issue and has the four following
First, it aims to ensure for a powerful monitor-
ing of the operating environment of running pro-
cesses, able to capture relevant context changes
and enhance context parameters. Therefore,
it allows better analysis of changes to identify
whether or not process adaptations are required.
Second, it recommends the use of the push
mode (i.e., publish/subscribe communication), as
a technique for current situation acquisition. The
advantages of this mode are as follows: (1)
real-time monitoring and processing of context
changes and (2) loose coupling between the op-
erating environment and the adaptation engine,
which makes the integration of new sensors in the
operating environment easier as the adaptation en-
gine does not need to be modified.
Third, it recommends the context notion to repre-
sent the operating environment of processes, i.e.,
the current situation in which running processes
operate, using context parameters belonging to
any type of context parameter types defined in
Rosemann’s taxonomy.
Finally, it recommends the reasoning on context
parameters, which contributes to the enhance-
ment of the current situation by high-level con-
text parameters and thus the improvement of the
decision-making for process adaptation.
Accordingly, the remainder of the paper is organized
as follows. Section 2 provides the state-of-the-art
on self-adaptation of processes, focusing mainly on
adaptation need detection. Section 3 introduces the
BPMN4V-Context we propose for the modeling of
knowledge required by the adaptation need detection.
Section 4 discusses in detail the context-based ap-
proach proposed for process adaptation need detec-
tion. Section 5 demonstrates the applicability of the
proposed approach on the case study, whereas, Sec-
tion 6 reports on the evaluation of the recommended
solution to demonstrate its feasibility. Finally, section
7 summarizes the paper contributions and gives some
directions for future research.
In the literature, there are several works that focus on
the automatic and autonomous context monitoring of
running business processes and eventually on adapt-
ing them to the occurring context changes (e.g., (Ay-
ora et al., 2012), (Ayoub and Elgammal, 2018), (Ferro
and Rubira, 2015), (Monteiro et al., 2008), (Oliveira
et al., 2013) and (Seiger et al., 2019)). Due to the
space limitation, this section considers only the recent
contributions that focus on autonomic detection of the
adaptation need.
For their part, Oliveira et al. (Oliveira et al., 2013)
introduced an approach that enables the modeling of
autonomic processes at the design-time and manag-
ing them at the run-time. At the design-time, this ap-
proach makes it possible to model an autonomic pro-
cess using models, which provide all the necessary
concepts that guide the self-adaptation of processes
at the run-time, i.e., which tasks must be monitored,
which context changes impact the execution of a pro-
cess and how to resolve them. At run-time, this ap-
proach goes through the following steps. first, it peri-
odically requests to retrieve the value of any context
element in the operating environment. Then, it checks
all the variation points and evaluates the received val-
ues according to the modeled context in each variant
in order to detect the adaptation needs. Therefore, if
adaptations are required, it selects and executes an al-
ternative variant that satisfies the context of the oper-
ating environment. Moreover, this approach does not
address the separation of concerns between the adap-
tation logic and the operating environment. Further-
more, while the acquired context situations are mod-
A Context-Based Approach for Real-Time Adaptation Need Detection
eled according to a meta-model, the modeling of these
situations is not addressed in a comprehensive way
encompassing all the context types defined in Rose-
mann’s taxonomy (Rosemann et al., 2008). In addi-
tion, this approach does not support the context sit-
uation reasoning in order to enhance the current sit-
uation with high-level context parameters; only the
low-level context situations are supported. finally, it
does not allow the detection and resolution of situa-
tion problems related to the used units and to the syn-
onymous values.
Moreover, another interesting contribution by
Ferro and Rubira (Ferro and Rubira, 2015) intro-
duced an agent-based adaptation engine for the self-
adaptation of processes at run-time. This adaptation
engine acts as follows: The monitor agent continu-
ously acquires and evaluates the current state of the
process instance and its context until it determines a
symptom that needs to be analyzed (e.g., business rule
violation). The adapter agent implements the deci-
sion making for adaptation, which is driven by goal
and business rule analysis and the operations required
for the resolution of the detected adaptation need. Fi-
nally, the executor agent sends adaptation operations
to the process engine to be executed. This contribu-
tion supports the pull mode for the acquisition of sit-
uations of internal context elements in the operating
environment, which implies that it embeds the current
situation capturing code into the adaptation engine
and therefore, leads to poor maintainability. Besides,
it does not consider all context types defined in Rose-
mann’s taxonomy (Rosemann et al., 2008). Finally,
the context situation reasoning is not implemented,
which implies that the high-level context situations
are not supported.
On the other hand, Ayoub and Elgammel (Ay-
oub and Elgammal, 2018) introduced a framework
for monitoring and improving social business pro-
cess (i.e., process that integrates Web 2.0 technolo-
gies such as Facebook and Twitter). In addition to
this framework, these authors recommend a concrete
approach that enables the adaptation need detection
based on social data as it particularly uses data mining
and machine learning techniques to detect the need
for process adaptations. Thus it supports the predic-
tive analysis in detecting the adaptation needs. How-
ever, this approach does not separate the concerns
between the adaptation logic and the operating envi-
ronment. In addition, this approach is specific as it
gathers and models only social data. Thus it enables
the modeling of only external context type defined in
Rosemann’s taxonomy (Rosemann et al., 2008). Fi-
nally, it does not support the interpretation of current
situation, i.e., enhancement of the current situation
by adding new knowledge and translation of situation
values to resolve problems related to their units and
Finally, Seiger et al. (Seiger et al., 2019) proposed
a framework that enables the self-adaptation of pro-
cesses in the cyber-physical systems. More precisely,
this framework monitors and analyzes the consistency
between the sensed physical world and the assumed
cyber world of task executions. In case an inconsis-
tency is detected, the resource involved in the con-
cerned task execution is replaced by another alterna-
tive resource, and then the task is executed. As in (Ay-
oub and Elgammal, 2018), this framework uses the
pull (i.e., request/response) mode for the retrieval of
internal context element values in the operating envi-
ronment without addressing the modeling of all con-
text types defined in Rosemann’s taxonomy (Rose-
mann et al., 2008) and the separation of concerns be-
tween the adaptation logic and the operating environ-
ment. In addition, this framework does not support
the interpretation of current situation. Therefore, only
the low-level context situation is supported.
To overcome the weaknesses of the examined con-
tributions, we recommend a self-diagnosis approach
which takes into account the interesting features of
the examined adaptation contributions, namely, the
use of the context-based model to define the current
situation context of each running process. But our ap-
proach differs from them in the following respects.
First, it advocates taking into account the Rosemann’s
taxonomy for a comprehensive modeling of process
contexts, where the context parameters observed from
the immediate, internal, external and environmental
contexts of processes may be represented. Second, it
supports real-time context monitoring by implement-
ing the push technique for the current situation ac-
quisition from sensors. Finally, it recommends the
reasoning on context parameters in order to infer new
Our approach recommends to model knowledge re-
quired by the adaptation need detection using the
two levels of BPMN4V-Context meta-model recom-
mended in (Gamma et al., 1993). An excerpt of the
UML class diagram of BPMN4V-Context is given in
Figure 1. This figure adopts the following policies:
blue background for concepts related to private pro-
cess versions, grey background for concepts related to
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
the definition of the use conditions of versions, yellow
background for concepts corresponding to process ex-
ecutions, and finally green background for concepts
related to current situation modeling of running pro-
cess. In this figure, we particularly focus on two ab-
straction levels for the modeling of the context pa-
rameters: (i) the model level, in which we describe
the use conditions of versions of processes at design-
time, and (ii) the instance level, in which we describe
the current situation of running processes at run-time.
These levels declare the structures of this knowl-
edge as described below.
3.1 Model Level
The model level (left side of Figure 1) of BPMN4V-
Context meta-model concerns the concepts involved
in the definition of the process, sub-process and task
versions and their use conditions at design-time. In
fact, this meta-model introduces new classes to de-
fine these conditions of use and the involved context
parameters. A use condition may be atomic or com-
posite. Therefore, the class of the Use condition is
specialized in two sub-classes: Atomic use condition
and Composite use condition. An atomic use condi-
tion refers to the context parameter involved in this
condition and defines the associated operator, value
and unit of measurement. A composite use condition
is an aggregation of several use conditions connected
together by logical operators (and, or). For each de-
fined operator, we define the rank that indicates the
position of the use condition in the composite use
condition expression. It should be noted that the use
condition of a process (or sub-process) version is the
combination of the use conditions of activities (which
are versions of tasks or versions of sub-processes) that
make up this process (or sub-process) version.
3.2 Instance Level
This level (right side of Figure 1) of BPMN4V-
Context meta-model enables to model the operating
environment of running process versions. It deals
with the concepts involved in the definition of run-
ning process versions and their corresponding current
situations. Each occurrence of Running process is re-
lated to exactly one occurrence of Version of Process,
but an occurrence of Version of Process can be re-
lated to several occurrences of Running process. An
occurrence of Running process is composed of a set
of occurrences of Running activity. An occurrence
of Running activity can be an occurrence of Running
sub-process or of Running task. Moreover, current
situations of running tasks are modeled as instances
of the class Current situation, which may be either
atomic or composite:
An atomic situation is defined by a context pa-
rameter, a value, a timestamp and a state: con-
text parameter can be immediate, internal, exter-
nal or environmental context parameter according
to the Rosemann’ taxonomy; value specifies the
acquired value by the Monitor component; unit
specifies the used unit for measuring a context pa-
rameter value (e.g., degrees Celsius, pressure, me-
ter, etc.); timestamp indicates the time value when
the context parameter value was acquired.
A composite situation is a set of atomic situations
connected together by the logical operator “and”.
Note that the current situation of a running process or
sub-process is the union of the current situations of
its running activities, i.e., running tasks and running
Knowledge structures expressed at these two lev-
els are respectively implemented by the Models
repository and the Instances repository
Our approach addresses the adaptation need detection
aiming to analyze changes of the operating environ-
ment in order to identify whether or not process adap-
tations are required. This approach is based on (i)
sensors and the push mode to capture context param-
eter values in real-time, i.e., during the execution of
processes, and (ii) context notion to represent both
the operating environment of process model versions
(the current situation in which running process ver-
sions operate) and the use condition of each process
model version. Therefore, the notion of context is cru-
cial because it serves as a basis for identifying adap-
tation needs. Indeed, identifying adaptation needs is
like comparing these two contexts (i.e., current situa-
tion and use condition). The process driving this ap-
proach is shown in Figure 2 as a BPMN collaboration
As shown in this diagram, sensors and process en-
gine listeners simultaneously observe the execution of
the running process versions and their operating envi-
ronment, and push to the adaptation engine the events
indicating changes occurring on the context param-
eters. But as indicated in (Da et al., 2014), the re-
ceived data from sensors, without any further inter-
pretation, can be meaningless, trivial, vulnerable, or
A Context-Based Approach for Real-Time Adaptation Need Detection
Figure 1: BPMN4V-Context meta-model as a UML class diagram.
Figure 2: Adaptation need detection process as a BPMN diagram.
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
uncertain bout small changes. To overcome this prob-
lem, our adaptation engine first executes a situation
filtering activity to ensure that the reasoning activity
will process only the significant data changes. This
Situation filtering activity filters the received data and
keeps only the significant changes of context parame-
ters values. To do so, this activity compares the abso-
lute value of the difference between the received value
of each low-level context parameter and the last stored
value in the Context repository to a certain variation
threshold (var-threshold) stored also in the Context
repository. So, it verifies if the received change of
each context parameter value is significant (i.e., the
absolute value of the difference is higher than the vari-
ation threshold) or insignificant. In case all the re-
ceived context changes are insignificant, the Adapta-
tion engine does not trigger the situation reasoning,
nor the adaptation need identification. Consequently,
both the reasoning and analysis times are reduced,
only by processing and analyzing the significant con-
text changes. Otherwise (i.e., when there is one or
more significant context changes are received), both
activities Situation reasoning and Adaptation need
identification are triggered for enhancing this situa-
tion by high-level context parameters values and de-
tecting the need for process adaptation, respectively.
More precisely, the first activity includes the follow-
ing both internal operations to deduce the high-level
context parameters from filtered low-level ones:
The first operation, Situation aggregation, uses
aggregation functions (i.e., average, count, max,
sum, etc.) of (low-level/high-level) context pa-
rameters to deduce high-level context parameters.
For instance, the value of the high-level context
parameter precipitation amount is the aggregation
sum of the precipitation measurements acquired
by the “precipitation sensors” located at different
sources points of a river.
The second operation, Situation deduction, exe-
cutes the rules that ensure deducing new high-
level context parameters using low-level/high-
level context parameters. Let us remember that
the deduction rules are defined by domain experts
in the Context repository. The aim of this oper-
ation is to deduce a set of high-level context pa-
rameters enhancing the current situation of run-
ning processes, consequently helping the process
After executing these operations, the Adaptation
needs identification activity is triggered to identify
the possible adaptation needs of the considered pro-
cess instance. This activity is modeled as sub-process
in the BPMN diagram, which includes the following
atomic activity: Use condition identification and
Similarity calculation”. The Use condition identi-
fication activity allows to obtain the use condition
corresponding to the considered process version V
it generates an appropriate query to access the Mod-
els repository implementing the Model part of the
BPMN4V-Context meta-model and retrieve the use
condition C of V
. Then, the second activity, Similar-
ity calculation, calculates the similarity between the
identified use condition C and the enhanced current
situation S of V
. The algorithm called Sim, shown be-
low, implements the similarity calculation. It receives
both use condition C and enhanced current situation
S of a process version V
as input, and returns a sim-
ilarity percentage sim
” of V
. It calculates the sim-
ilarity value “sim” of V
as the number of its atomic
use conditions verified by the values of the context
parameters of the current situation. It compares the
value of each context parameter in the current situ-
ation V PC
”, and the value of the context param-
eter specified in the atomic use condition V PC
Note that this comparison may require a conversion
of V PC
or its replacement with the appropriate syn-
onym when V PC
is expressed with a different unit
of measure or a synonym of V PC
S, respectively. If
an atomic use condition is verified, then sim is incre-
mented by 1. Finally, the algorithm returns the simi-
larity percentage sim
of the atomic usage conditions.
is equal to the number of the verified atomic us-
age conditions of V
divided by its total number of
atomic usage conditions. This algorithm uses the fol-
lowing functions:
convertUnit (vs, us, uc): it converts the context
parameter value vs if necessary from the unit of
measurement us defined in the atomic situation to
the unit of measurement uc defined in the atomic
use condition. For example, the current value of
the context parameter temperature is measured us-
ing the Fahrenheit unit (e.g., 77 °F), whereas the
unit of temperature is defined in degrees Celsius
in the atomic use condition; then, the current value
of the context parameter temperature is converted
into degrees Celsius (e.g., 23 °C) by this function.
synonyms (v): it resolves the possible synonymy
problem when the value v of a context parameter
is expressed by a synonym of that defined in the
atomic use condition, using a dictionary of equiv-
alent representations. For instance, the value of
the context parameter resource availability can be
0 or 1 in the current situation, whereas the defined
value of resource availability in the atomic use
condition is rather “available” or “unavailable”.
checkCondition (v
): It returns true if the
value vs of the context parameter involved in the
atomic situation is verified in the use condition,
A Context-Based Approach for Real-Time Adaptation Need Detection
otherwise, it returns false. More precisely, it com-
pares the current value vs of the context parameter
to the defined value v
in the atomic use condition
using the operator op
card (cs): It returns the number of atomic situa-
tions involved in the current situation cs.
Algorithm 1: Similarity calculation: Sim.
Require: S: Current situation,C: Use condition
sim 0: real, ps: Atomic situation, c: Atomic use
begin function
for each c in C do
if isCompositeCond (c) then
Case where c is a composite use condition
SimilarityCalculation (S, c)
Case of c is an an atomic use condition
for each s in S do
if (c.getContextPar () = s.getContextPar
()) then
if (s.getUnit() ̸= c.getU nit()) then
vs convertUnit (s.getValue (),
s.getUnit (), c.getUnit ())
end if
if checkCondition (vs,
c.getOperator (), Synonyms (c.getValue ()))
sim sim + 1
end if
end if
end for
end if
end for
Return sim/card(S)
end function
It should be noted that Algorithm Sim returns 1 as
similarity value when all atomic situations featuring
the current situation verify the use condition of the
considered process version. This means that the cur-
rent situation of the considered process version ex-
actly matches the use condition of this process ver-
sion. But when this algorithm returns a similarity
value ¡ 1, a need for process adaptation is identified.
In this case, a signal event (need process instance
adaptation event) is triggered for defining the oper-
ations required to address this need using the hybrid
approach recommended in (Oukharijane et al., 2020;
Oukharijane et al., 2021).
This section presents the Flood Management Process
(FMP) case study and illustrates the applicability of
the approach. First, it shows how to model the Flood
Management Process and their context then, it uses
this case study to demonstrate the execution of a sam-
ple adaptation need detection using the recommended
5.1 Knowledge Modeling for FMP
This section presents a real case study related to
the process of flood crisis management of the major
French river “the Loire”, on the city of Orleans. As
shown in Figure 3, this process is triggered in urban-
ized impacted area when the water level of the river
“Loire” in France rises above 3 m
. In response to this
event, the crisis cell decides whether or not to evacu-
ate people from the flooded zones by assessing the
flooding situation. In case an evacuation is needed,
the Prefect emits an evacuation order, then the COD,
which is the operational committee set up within the
crisis cell, and the town hall inform the media and the
population about the flood. After that the gendarmes
proceed to the evacuation of people from the flooded
zones. Finally, the crisis cell reports on the evacua-
tion, and the Prefect sends the report to the interior
Like any other process, the FMP might be subject
to different operating environment variations, such as
water level, water flow rate, amount of precipitation,
that could interrupt its functioning. In order to super-
vise this environment, we refer to the following con-
text parameters among others:
Water level, which indicates the level of water
rising in the Loire. In the Orl
eans city, this param-
eter refers to the average water levels recorded at
the following two stations: the Pont Royal station
and the Quai du Roi station.
Water velocity, which indicates the speed of the
water in the Loire in the different source points of
water to the Loire. This parameter refers to the
average water velocities recorded at Pont Royal
and Quai du Roi stations.
Impacted area, which features the size of the
population potentially impacted,
Road state, which can be not flooded, flooded and
derivable or flooded and blocked. When the roads
are not flooded, people evacuate themselves. On
the other hand, when the roads are flooded but still
derivable, the evacuation method is carried out by
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Figure 3: Flood management process model.
land, which means that the evacuation task is car-
ried out using specific vehicles with the help of
gendarmes. However, when the roads are blocked
because they are highly flooded, people’s evacua-
tion must be carried out by firefighters with zodi-
acs or helicopters in the most extreme cases.
Risk level, which can be low, moderate or high.
Indeed, the risk level of flooded zones is de-
duced from the following context parameters: wa-
ter level and water velocity. Thus, when the water
level is below of 2 m
and the water velocity is
below of 2,500 m
/s, thus the risk level is ”low”,
whereas when the water level is more or equal to
2 m
and a water velocity is below of 2,500 m
so the risk level is ”moderate”. While, when the
water level is higher than 3 m
and water veloc-
ity is more than 2500 m
/s, thus the risk level is
On the basis of the previous context description, the
parameters Impacted area, Water level of a station,
Water velocity of a station and Road state represent
the low-level context that must be measured by sen-
sors and process engine listeners. For each of these
parameters, of the numeric type, a threshold value
was defined in Table 1 in order to verify if the re-
ceived change is significant or not. We note that these
context parameters can be measured at different sta-
tion points; for example, for the Orleans city the wa-
ter level is measured at both the Pont Royal and the
Quai du Roi stations.
As for the high-level context parameters, such as
the Water level, Water velocity, Risk level, Person-
nel’s role and Type of equipment, they are deduced
from the low-level ones according to the aggregations
functions and deduction rules identified by domain
experts and which are given below:
On the other hand and according to cell crisis,
the flood management process defined in Figure 3 is
used in the following context (i.e., use condition): Im-
pacted area is urbanized, Water level is more than 3
, Water velocity is below of 2500 m
/s, road state
is flooded and derivable, Type of equipment is ve-
hicle, personnel role of evacuation is gendarme and
Risk level is moderate.
5.2 Context-Based Approach
In this section, we illustrate the simulation of our
context-based approach for the detection of the adap-
tation need. In order to demonstrate this, we suppose
that the flood management process (cf., Figure 3) is
running for Orleans city affected by Loire’s floods.
For this illustration, we refer to the following changes
from the operating environment that need adaptation:
Water level of Pont Royal station = 3 m
and Water
level of Quai du Roi station = 4 m
and Water veloc-
ity of Pont Royal station = 3100 m
/s and Water ve-
locity of Quai du Roi station = 3300 m
and Impacted
area = “Urbanized” and Road state = “Flooded and
Once the adaptation engine receives these
changes, it starts its Situation filtering activity to filter
and keep only the significant changes. Then, it trig-
gers the ”Situation reasoning” activity to enhance the
current situation thanks to its both operations. The
first operation enhances the situation thanks to aggre-
gation functions (average) and deduces the values of
the water level and velocity of the Loire from the mea-
sured values at both Pont Royal and Quai du Roi sta-
tions. These functions led respectively to the addition
of the following average values: ”3.5 m
and ”3200
/s” for the two high-level context parameters ”Wa-
ter level” and ”Water velocity” describing the aver-
age water level and velocity of the Loire. Then the
second operation enhances the situation thanks to the
deduction rules R3 and R5 defined in Table 2. Once
the deduction is made, the current situation will be
enhanced by new high-level context parameters ”risk
level”, Personnel role and Type of equipment hav-
ing respectively “high”, “Gendarme” and ”vehicles”
A Context-Based Approach for Real-Time Adaptation Need Detection
Table 1: Variation threshold of low-level parameters.
Context parameter Threshold value
Water level of a station 0.5 m
Water velocity of a station 150 m
Table 2: An expect of the deduction rules.
N Deduction rule
R1 If water level < 2 m
and Water velocity < 2500 m
/s then Risk level = ”low”
R2 If Water level 2 m
and Water velocity < 2500 m
/s then Risk level = ”moderate”
R3 If Water level > 3 m
and Water velocity 2500 m
/s then Risk level = ”high”
R4 If Road state = “Not flooded” Then Type of equipment = “Vehicle”
R5 If Road state = “Flooded and derivable” Then Personnel role = “Gendarme” and Type of equipment = “Vehicle”
R6 If Road state = “Flooded and blocked” Then Personnel role = “Firefighter” and Type of equipment = “Zodiac”
According to this enhanced situation and the use
condition defined in the previous section, the Ana-
lyzer of the running process version calculates the
similarity using Algorithm 1. The latter gives a simi-
larity in the result equal to 0.67, which implies that the
conditions related to the context parameters of water
velocity, the risk level and the type of equipment are
not confirmed, therefore, the running process needs
We evaluate in this section our contributions, which
ensure the context monitoring and analysis function-
alities, by simulations. To this end, we perform two
performance tests. In the first test, we evaluate the
reasoning execution times consumed by the adapta-
tion engine using or not using the Situation Filterer
to verify that the use of the Situation Filterer activity
reduces the reasoning time, and thus enhances the per-
formance of adaptation engine. Whereas, the second
test evaluates the impact of the reasoning on context
parameters to improve the outcome of the analyzer
(i.e., adaptation need, no adaptation need) using pre-
cision, recall, f-measure and error rate metrics.
6.1 The First Performance Test
Our aim in this sub-section is to report on an evalu-
ation that measures the advantages of using Situation
filtering activity to enhance the performance of con-
text monitoring. To conduct this evaluation, we vary
the number of sensors/listeners from 50 to 200, and
we realize two experiments:
First experiment (without filtering the received
context changes from sensors/listeners): in this
experiment, all the received context changes are
Figure 4: Comparison of the reasoning execution times with
and without performing an upstream situation filtering.
interpreted in order to enrich the current situation
with high-level context parameters.
Second experiment (with filtering the received
context changes from sensors/listeners): in this
experiment, the adaptation engine uses the vari-
ation thresholds of low-level context parameters
in order to filter the received changes by elimi-
nating all the insignificant ones. Therefore, only
notable changes are interpreted for inferring high-
level context parameters values.
Figure 4 illustrates the benefits of an upstream situ-
ation filtering on the reduction of the reasoning ex-
ecution times consumed by the Situation Reasoning
activity, respectively.
In the first experiment (without using an upstream
situation filtering), we let the adaptation engine inter-
prets all the received changes from sensors and lis-
teners without filtering them. The results of this ex-
periment are displayed by the red charts which con-
firm that the reasoning execution times grow expo-
nentially with the number of sensors and listeners.
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
For the case of 200 sensors and listeners for exam-
ple, the time taken by the Situation reasoning activity
is about 1096.8 ms (cf. figure 4, red chart).
In the second experiment (with using an upstream
situation filtering), we let the adaptation engine filters
all the received changes of context parameters val-
ues by using the variation threshold (Var-threshold)
of each context parameter and keeps only the sig-
nificant ones. Figure 4 illustrates that the reason-
ing execution times are remarkably reduced, since the
context parameter value is updated only if the differ-
ence between the received value and the stored value
in the Context repository is higher than its variation
threshold. In the case of 200 sensors and listeners,
the reasoning execution time is decreased from more
than 1096.8 ms (cf. figure 4, red chart) to about
400.3 ms (cf. figure 4, blue chart) by performing a
situation filtering upstream of the situation reason-
ing, for example. Indeed, although the number sen-
sors/listeners, sending changes to the adaptation en-
gine, is increased, the monitoring performance is not
seriously affected; this is the contribution of the Situ-
ation filtering activity that eliminates all insignificant
context changes.
6.2 The Second Performance Test
As for the second test, we evaluate the effectiveness
of our approach for the detection of the adaptation
needs by reporting on an assessment that measures the
advantages of implementing the Situation reasoning
activity in the adaptation engine to enhance the cur-
rent situation, and thus increase the accuracy of the
adaptation needs. In this evaluation, we expose the
possible scenarios for the detection of the adaptation
needs. For each of these scenarios, we compared the
provided results with our approach in which the Sit-
uation reasoning activity is implemented against the
results provided without implementing the Situation
reasoning activity. These scenarios, five in number,
are as follows:
SC1 (reasoning is not needed): detecting adapta-
tion needs considering (i) a use condition that con-
tains only low-level context parameters and (ii) a
sensed situation containing all the low-level con-
text parameters of the considered use condition.
SC2 (unit translation is needed): detecting adapta-
tion needs considering (i) a use condition that con-
tains only low-level context parameters and (ii) a
sensed situation containing low-level context pa-
rameter values expressed with units different from
those specified in the considered use condition.
SC3 (value translation is needed): detecting adap-
tation needs considering (i) a use condition that
contains only low-level context parameters and
(ii) a sensed situation containing low-level context
parameters values which are synonyms of those of
the considered use condition.
SC4 (high-level context parameter deduction is
needed): detecting adaptation needs considering
(i) a use condition that contains both low and
high-level context parameters and (ii) a sensed sit-
uation that contains all low-level context parame-
ters of the defined use condition of the supervised
SC5 (all the reasoning types are needed): detect-
ing adaptation needs considering (i) a use condi-
tion that contains both low and high-level context
parameters and (ii) a sensed situation containing
low-level context parameter values expressed with
units different from those specified in the consid-
ered use condition and others which are synonyms
of those of this use condition.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our context-based ap-
proach for the detection of the adaptation needs, we
have considered several changes related to the current
situation of the flood management environment. For
each of these scenarios, we have classified the out-
come of adaptation engine using a confusion matrix.
In this matrix, each column represents the outcome of
the implemented adaptation engine (adaptation need,
no adaptation need), where each row represents the
real outcome. However, the cells of this matrix rep-
resent (i) True positives (TP), i.e., number of cases
with adaptation needs that are correctly identified, (ii)
False negatives (FN), i.e., number of cases with adap-
tation needs that are not identified, (iii) False positives
(FP), i.e., number of cases with adaptation needs that
are incorrectly identified and (iv) True negative (TN),
i.e., number of cases with no adaptation needs that
are correctly identified. Then, we have measured the
following metrics: (1) Precision defines how many
adaptation needs are correctly identified among all the
identified adaptation needs, (2) Recall defines how
many adaptation needs are correctly identified among
all the adaptation ones (correctly identified and not
identified),(3) F-measure refers to the balanced mean
between the precision and recall metrics, and (4) Er-
ror rate is calculated as the number of all incorrect
cases divided by the total number of test cases. The
best error rate is 0, whereas the worst is 1.
Table 3 summarizes the results obtained using
these metrics for the two adaptation need detection
approaches that respectively implement or not the sit-
uation reasoning.
Let us comment some of these results. For the
first scenario SC1 and as indicated in Table 3, the
precision and recall metrics are both equal to 1 for
A Context-Based Approach for Real-Time Adaptation Need Detection
Table 3: Evaluation outcomes of the two context-based approaches for the detection of the adaptation needs.
Scenarios Results without considering situation reasoning Results with considering situation reasoning
Precision Recall F-measure Error Precision Recall F-measure Error
SC1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
SC2 0.25 0.4 0.3 0.82 1 1 1 0
SC3 0.33 1 0.5 0.67 0.75 1 0.85 0.14
SC4 1 0.29 0.45 0.5 1 1 1 0
SC5 0 0 0 1 0.8 0.85 0.82 0.29
both approaches as the both versions of adaptation
engine (with and without implementing the Situation
reasoning activity) outcomes match exactly the real
outcomes for all scenario test cases. This is due to the
fact that each context parameter exists in both the use
condition and current situation with the same unit and
Regarding the result of SC2, detecting the adap-
tation needs with a translated situation thanks to the
Unit translator is more efficient than detecting the
adaptation needs without translating the situation re-
ceived from the sensors. Indeed, the Unit translator
function takes care of translating the units of the re-
ceived situation from the sensors to the units defined
in the use condition. Thus, the precision, recall and
f-measure metrics for adaptation engine implement-
ing this function are all equal to 1, and the error rate
metric is equal to 0. However, to detect the adapta-
tion needs considering the situation received from the
sensors without unit translation, the precision metric
is equal to 0.25 and the recall is equal to 0.4. This
means that (i) a set of incorrect adaptation needs are
identified for some scenario test cases and (ii) a set of
adaptation needs that must be detected are not iden-
tified for some other cases. As a consequence, the
values of the f-measure and error rate metrics are
equal to 0.3 and 0.82, respectively. As for the re-
sult of SC3, detecting the adaptation needs consid-
ering an enhanced situation thanks to the Value trans-
lator gives very acceptable results, since the values
of the precision and recall are on average equal to
0.75 and 1, respectively. On the other hand, detecting
the adaptation needs considering only the situation
received from sensors (without enhancement) sends
back the values of 0.33 for the precision and 1 for the
recall. As the recall metrics are equal to 1 for both
approaches of the detection of the adaptation needs,
it turns out that all adaptation needs that should have
been detected are identified in the different simulated
test cases from SC3. As a consequence, the values of
the f-measure and error rate metrics are equal to (i)
0.85 and 0.14, respectively, for our approach in which
the situation reasoning is considered and (ii) 0.5 and
0.67 for the approach in which the situation reason-
ing is not considered. For the result of SC4, detecting
the adaptation needs considering an enhanced situa-
tion with high-level context parameters thanks to the
Situation reasoning activity returns a value equal to
1 for the precision and recall metrics. On the other
side, detecting the adaptation needs considering a sit-
uation without enhancement returns values equal to
1 and 0.29, respectively, for the precision and recall
metrics. It should be noted that the precision met-
rics are always equal to 1, since all adaptation needs
are correctly identified in the different simulated test
cases from SC4, because they are detected on the ba-
sis of only the low-level context parameter values. As
a consequence, the values of the f-measure and er-
ror rate metrics considering the situation reasoning is
better than the values of these metrics without con-
sidering the situation reasoning. These results high-
light the importance of the Situation reasoning activ-
ity. Finally, regarding the result of SC5, detecting
the adaptation needs considering an enhanced situ-
ation is more efficient than detecting the adaptation
needs without implementing the Situation reasoning
and translating. Indeed, the Situation reasoning activ-
ity (i) detects and resolves situation problems related
to the used units and to the synonymous values, and
(ii) enriches the current situation with high-level con-
text parameter values. Thus the error rate of the adap-
tation need detection is considerably reduced (from 1
to 0.29).
The complexity of processes, the dynamism of the en-
vironments in which they are operated, and the need
for process adaptation to context changes are growing
rapidly. So, process adaptations are often performed
manually by process designers or process owners.
However, a manual adaptation is a costly, time con-
suming and error prone task. For that reason, this pa-
per recommends an approach for real-time adaptation
need detection. Its contributions are as follows:
It is context-based, which has enabled it to im-
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
prove the detection of the adaptation needs. The
context is represented by parameters from any
type of contexts defined in Rosemann’s taxonomy.
It recommends well modeling the knowledge re-
quired for the adaptation need detections, as al-
lowed by the two levels of BPMN4V-Context
It recommends (i) the use of sensors and the push
mode to support a real-time monitoring of the op-
erating environment of processes, (ii) the context
changes filtering in order to only analyze signif-
icant changes, and (iii) the reasoning on context
parameters to enhance the current situation.
It allows comparing the operating environment of
process model versions and the use conditions of
these versions. Therefore, it serves as a basis for
identifying adaptation needs.
It ensures the translation of the context parame-
ters values related to units and synonyms before
analyzing. This translation makes it possible to
avoid divergences of representation of these val-
ues in the current situation and in the use con-
ditions, and thus to improve decision-making for
process adaptations.
However, our approach can be improved. As future
work, we plan to incorporate ontologies to better cap-
ture the semantics of the current situation of running
processes and take advantage of semantic aspects. In
addition, we plan to study how to structure and exploit
historical data and how to conduct predictive analysis
of the current situation of the operating environment
in order to predict the future adaptation needs before
they arise. Moreover, we have to evaluate the usabil-
ity of our contributions.
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