Interactive Role Mining Including Expert Knowledge into Evolutionary
Simon Anderer
, Nicolas Justen
, Bernd Scheuermann
and Sanaz Mostaghim
unhutstrasse 6, 76187 Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Karlsruhe, Germany
Otto-von-Guericke Universit
at Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Dynamic Role Mining, User Interaction, Evolutionary Algorithms.
To protect the security of corporate IT systems against erroneous or fraudulent behavior of employees, Role
Based Access Control has proven to be an effective concept. The corresponding NP-complete Role Mining
Problem aims at finding a minimal set of roles and an assignment of roles to users. A valuable source of
additional information, which is not yet included in current role mining algorithms, is expert knowledge. Users
of role mining software should be enabled to monitor the role mining process and interactively transfer their
knowledge to the system, for example by suggesting good or deleting bad roles. This leads to dynamically
occurring interaction events, which must be included into the optimization process preferably in real-time,
since these have the potential to accelerate the optimization process or improve the solution quality. This
paper introduces to interactive role mining. For this purpose, the hitherto static RMP is considered as dynamic
optimization problem. Since evolutionary algorithms have shown to be a promising solution approach, it is
shown how events emerging from user interaction can be integrated. The integration of different interaction
events into the evolutionary algorithm and their impact on the optimization process are then evaluated in a
range of experiments.
IT systems of companies and organizations, in which
several people collaborate, must be protected not only
against external attacks such as malware and phish-
ing, but also against erroneous or fraudulent employee
behavior. According to a study by Pricewaterhouse-
Coopers, more than half of all fraud cases, that could
be identified within the participating companies, can
be traced back either exclusively to internal perpe-
trators or to a combination of internal and external
perpetrators (PwC, 2022). One approach to secure
IT systems against such threats is Role Based Ac-
cess Control (RBAC). At this, permissions, which
correspond to the authorizations necessary to perform
an operation on a data or business object, are not
assigned to the users of an IT system directly, but
are grouped into roles, which are then assigned to
users (Ferraiolo and Kuhn, 1992). This process is
also called role engineering and is carried out either
in a top-down or bottom-up fashion. The top-down
approach, in which company structures and business
processes are analyzed in order to derive suitable
roles, is very time-consuming and requires substan-
tial human effort. Therefore, the bottom-up approach,
in which role concepts are generated automatically,
has gained more and more attention in recent years.
The corresponding optimization problem is called the
Role Mining Problem (RMP) and was shown to be
NP-complete (Vaidya et al., 2007). It aims at find-
ing a minimum number of roles based on a given as-
signment of permissions to users in order to enhance
comprehensibility and manageability. One source of
information, which can be of great value for the au-
tomatic creation of role concepts, but has not been
considered in previous role mining literature, is ex-
pert knowledge. In practice, RBAC implementation
projects are usually accompanied by experts to en-
sure that the implemented role concept meets estab-
lished security standards and compliance rules. These
experts have the ability to determine the suitability
of certain roles included in role concepts depending
on the company structure or the given assignments
of permissions to users. Hence, experts should be
able to monitor the role mining process, analyze the
proposed role concepts and interactively suggest im-
Anderer, S., Justen, N., Scheuermann, B. and Mostaghim, S.
Interactive Role Mining Including Expert Knowledge into Evolutionary Algorithms.
DOI: 10.5220/0012153000003595
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2023), pages 151-162
ISBN: 978-989-758-674-3; ISSN: 2184-3236
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
provements. This results in dynamically occurring in-
teraction events, which should be integrated into the
optimization process, if possible, in real-time.
This paper aims at providing a framework to in-
clude expert knowledge into evolutionary algorithms
(EAs). First, the Role Mining Problem is introduced
in Section 2. In Section 3, the application of EAs
to the RMP is discussed. Special attention is given
to the addRole-EA, an evolutionary algorithm for the
Basic RMP, which, due to its role-centric approach,
has been selected as basis for the evaluation of differ-
ent interaction events. A detailed overview of user in-
teraction options in the context of role mining is pro-
vided in Section 4. Section 5 describes how dynam-
ically occurring interaction events can be integrated
into EAs in close to real-time. In Section 6, the in-
clusion of interaction events and their potential to en-
hance the optimization process is examined in differ-
ent evaluation scenarios. Section 7 concludes the pa-
per and presents paths for future research.
In the following, the main elements of the RMP are
U = {u
, u
, ...,u
} a set of M = |U| users.
P = {p
, p
, ..., p
} a set of N = |P| permissions.
R = {r
, r
, ..., r
} a set of K = |R| roles.
UPA {0, 1}
the targeted permission-to-user
assignment matrix, where UPA
i, j
= 1 implies that
permission p
is assigned to user u
UA {0, 1}
a role-to-user assignment matrix.
PA {0, 1}
a permission-to-role assignment
RUPA := UA PA {0, 1}
the result-
ing permission-to-user assignment matrix, where
denotes the Boolean Matrix Multiplication:
i, j
= max
· PA
l, j
π := hR,UA, PAi a role concept.
Π the set of all role concepts.
Based on this, the RMP can be defined as a matrix
decomposition problem:
Basic Role Mining Problem. Given a set of users
U, a set of permissions P and a permission-to-user
assignment matrix UPA, find a role concept π com-
prising a minimal set of Roles R, a corresponding
role-to-user assignment matrix UA and a permission-
to-role assignment matrix PA, such that each user is
assigned exactly the permissions granted by UPA.
Basic RMP =
min |R|,
s.t. d(UPA, RUPA) = 0,
where d(A, B) := kA Bk denotes the distance
of two matrices A, B R
and kAk denotes
the sum of absolute values of elements of A:
kAk :=
i, j
A role concept π is called a feasible solution for
the Basic RMP, if it satisfies the constraint in (1). In
this case, π is also denoted 0-consistent.
Since the RMP is a well-known optimization
problem, a variety of established solution strategies
has been proposed. Many approaches are based on
the concept of permission grouping. Permissions are
grouped into a set of candidate roles. These candi-
date roles are then assigned to users, mostly using
greedy approaches (Blundo and Cimato, 2010; Mol-
loy et al., 2009; Vaidya et al., 2010b). Another ap-
proach consists of mapping the RMP to other known
problems in data science, e.g. the Minimum Tiling
Problem (Vaidya et al., 2010a), the Minimum Bi-
clique Cover Problem (Ene et al., ) or the Set Cover
Problem (Huang et al., 2015), and using correspond-
ing olution approaches. A detailed overview of dif-
ferent solution strategies is provided by Mitra (Mitra
et al., 2016).
In recent years, the application of evolutionary algo-
rithms (EAs) in the context of the RMP has gained
more and more attention. Since these are particu-
larly well-suited for the integration of events emerg-
ing from user interaction, their application in the con-
text of the RMP is considered in more detail at this
Each individual of an EA for role mining repre-
sents a possible solution of the RMP and thus a role
concept. Therefore, its chromosome consists of a UA
and a PA matrix. The set of roles R can be obtained
from the rows of PA. An important differentiation cri-
terion for EAs in the context of role mining is com-
pliance with the 0-consistency constraint. Most role
mining approaches based on EAs employ standard
crossover and mutation methods such as one-point
crossover and bitflip mutation. These lead to ran-
dom changes in UA and PA, which correspond to ran-
dom assignments of permissions to roles or of roles
ECTA 2023 - 15th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
to users, such that the 0-consistency constraint can
be easily violated. Therefore, the corresponding EAs
are not applicable for the Basic RMP (Saenko and
Kotenko, 2011; Saenko and Kotenko, 2012; Saenko
and Kotenko, 2016b; Du and Chang, 2014).
In (Anderer et al., 2020), the addRole-EA is pre-
sented, which comprises new, role-centric operators
for crossover and mutation, that ensure compliance
of the individuals of the addRole-EA with the 0-
consistency constraint at all times within the opti-
mization process. The role-centric approach of the
addRole-EA is particularly well-suited for the inte-
gration of the interaction events considered in Sec-
tion 6. A top level description of the addRole-EA
including the values of its parameters is provided in
Figure 1. Thereafter, the different components and
methods of the addRole-EA are described.
Selec on
+ Muta on
Ini aliza on
+ Evalua on
Evalua on
Popula on Size: 20 Crossover Rate: 0.1 Muta on Rate: 1.0
Eli sm Rate: 0.7 (SC1): 100,000 (SC2): 10,000
Figure 1: Integration of interaction events into addRole-EA.
Pre- and Post-Processing. In a first step of the
addRole-EA, the size of the UPA matrix represent-
ing the RMP is reduced. For this purpose, four pre-
processing steps have been identified comprising for
example the removal of users that are assigned the
same set of permissions except for one representative.
The post-processing step adapts the obtained role con-
cepts to the original problem size.
Initialization. In order to create an initial popula-
tion, first a seed individual is created from UA = U PA
and PA = I
, where I
denotes the N-dimensional
identity matrix. Since UA PA = UPA I
= UPA,
it complies with the 0-consistency constraint. Subse-
quently, according to the desired population size, new
individuals are created from the seed individual by ap-
plying a random series of mutation operators.
Evaluation. Since the addRole-EA is an algorithm
specifically tailored to the Basic RMP, the fitness of
an individual equals the number of roles of the repre-
sented role concept.
Selection, Crossover and Mutation. At first, the
individuals for crossover and mutation are selected
randomly. Within crossover, roles of two individuals
are exchanged to create offspring. Within mutation,
new roles are created and added to the chromosome
of an individual. In both cases the addRole-method,
which constitutes the main method of the addRole-
EA, is used to add a new role to the chromosome of
an individual. At this, not only a new role is added,
but the role structure is analyzed to identify and delete
roles that have become obsolete through the addition
of the new role. Figure 2 provides an example of the
addRole-method. For better visibility, ones are dis-
played as black dots in UPA, UA and PA. Zeroes are
represented as white dots.
+ new Role
Star ng Point
Addi on of new role Removal of obsolete roles
1 2
Figure 2: Example of addRole-method.
In this example, a new role, which is assigned per-
missions p
, p
, p
and p
, is added to the individual.
For this purpose, a new row is appended to PA rep-
resenting the new role. In the first step, the new role
is assigned to all users, that are assigned at least the
same permissions. These are users u
and u
. A new
column is appended to UA representing the assign-
ments of the new role to users. In the second step, it
is checked, whether a role has become obsolete. For
role r
, which assigns p
and p
to u
and u
, these
assignments are now also covered by the new role.
The same is valid for the assignments of permissions
to users induced by r
. Hence, these roles are deleted
from the individual such that in total the number of
roles could be reduced by one.
Replacement. The addRole-EA is a steady-state
evolutionary algorithm. For replacement an elitist se-
lection scheme is applied. First, based on the elitism
rate, individuals for the next generation are selected
based on their fitness. The remaining individuals are
then selected randomly to ensure diversity among the
individuals of the next generation’s population.
Stopping Condition. The addRole-EA is termi-
nated according to two criteria: either a maximum
number of iterations has been executed (SC1), or no
further improvement has been achieved within a given
number of iterations (SC2).
Interactive Role Mining Including Expert Knowledge into Evolutionary Algorithms
Although it seems natural to integrate expert knowl-
edge into ongoing bottom-up role mining processes,
to enhance the quality of the resulting role concepts,
or to accelerate the optimization process, to the best
of our knowledge no research has been conducted in
this area so far. Some approaches consider the inte-
gration of dynamically occurring events into the role
mining process. However, these events stem from
changes in the company structure, such as new em-
ployees joining a company and employees leaving a
company (Anderer et al., 2021a), or from changes in
the assignment of permissions to users (Saenko and
Kotenko, 2016a). Events caused by user interaction
are not considered.
onig and Schneider examine possibilities of how
users of optimization software can interact with an
optimization algorithm used for automatic generation
of layouts. In order to avoid confusion with regu-
lar users of IT systems in the context of role mining,
such users of optimization software will be referred
to as decision makers (DM) throughout the remainder
of this paper. Considering automatic layout genera-
tion, DMs are provided with the option to move, scale,
add and remove elements during the layout genera-
tion process. Furthermore, they distinguish between
direct and indirect manipulations. Direct manipula-
tions correspond to a modification of solution candi-
dates. Indirect manipulations include the modifica-
tion of optimization objectives or constraints as well
as the adaptation of parameters of the applied opti-
mization algorithm (K
onig and Schneider, 2011).
Nascimiento examined the interaction of a DM
with evolutionary algorithms for different graph-
based problems. For the Graph Clustering Problem,
the DM is given the option to either destroy clusters
or merge two clusters. For the Graph Drawing Prob-
lem, the DM is provided with the possibility to move
vertices. For the Map Labeling Problem, the DM is
given the option to exchange two vertices. Further-
more, the DM is allowed for dynamic focusing of the
optimization on manually chosen sub-problems. Fi-
nally, interaction possibilities aiming at the specifi-
cations of evolutionary algorithms, like deliberate in-
clusion of certain individuals into the population of
an evolutionary algorithm are presented (Do Nasci-
mento, 2003).
Most of the current research focuses on the area
of indirect interactions. The goal is to help the EA
find the regions of interest on the pareto front for the
DM. For this purpose many different methods have
been developed in the past. An overview is provided
Table 1: Interaction events in the context of role mining.
ID Event
I01 Add a new role
I02 Delete an existing role
I03 Merge roles (Create a new role from two existing roles)
I04 Split roles (Create two new roles from one existing role)
I05 Edit PA (whilst preserving 0-consistency)
I06 Edit UA (whilst preserving 0-consistency)
I07 Adapt mutation rate
I08 Adapt crossover rate
I09 Adapt population size
I10 Adapt replacement parameters
I11 Adapt stopping condition
I12 Focus on selected users and corresponding role assignments
(e.g. using specific mutation or crossover operators)
I13 Exclude selected users (Exclude users (and corresponding
role assignments) from the optimization process)
I14 Store a role concept (Transfer an individual from the current
population into the role concept repository)
I15 Insert a role concept into the population (Insert an individual
of the role concept repository into the current population)
by Xin et al. in (Xin et al., 2018)
In the following, an overview of user interac-
tion events relevant in the context of role mining is
provided. These events are given identifiers I01 to
I15 and are grouped into four categories, see Ta-
ble 1. The first category (I01-I06) contains interac-
tion events leading to a direct manipulation of role
concepts. Roles and the corresponding assignment to
users can be edited, added or removed. A DM can
try to include his or her expert knowledge into the op-
timization process, for example by adding roles that
have proven to be particularly good in the past (I01) or
by removing roles that seem unpromising (I02). How-
ever, it is not guaranteed that these suggestions are
also well-suited in the current role mining scenario. It
should therefore be possible for the optimization al-
gorithm used to reverse the proposed changes later on
in the optimization process, if the expected improve-
ment is not obtained.
The second category (I07-I11) contains adjust-
ments of the parameters of the role mining algorithm
used. Since these indirect interactions strongly de-
pend on the role mining approach used, some exam-
ples for EAs are provide at this point.
Analogous to the approach of Nascimiento, the
DM should be provided with the option to set the
focus of the optimization algorithm to certain areas.
Such events are contained in the third category (I12-
I13). For example, the role mining algorithm could
be prompted to focus particularly on the users of a
certain department of the company if no satisfactory
roles for the users of this department are included
in the proposed role concepts yet (I12). Addition-
ECTA 2023 - 15th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
ally, in order to reduce the problem size, a DM can
decide to exclude users and the corresponding roles
from further optimization (I13). Since this means that
the roles assigned to the excluded users can no longer
be modified, which in turn implicitly affects the fur-
ther optimization process, this interaction possibility
should be treated with great foresight and caution.
The fourth category (I14-I15) addresses the pre-
vailing risk of EAs to get stuck in local optima. Indi-
viduals obtained in previous iterations can be stored
and reintegrated into the population of the evolution-
ary algorithm, whenever necessary, thereby avoiding
the necessity of a complete restart of the optimiza-
tion process. In particular, in dynamic optimization,
the fitness landscape is subject to change over time.
Hence, it is possible that some of the stored indi-
viduals may have better fitness values than the indi-
viduals of the current population. Therefore, inject-
ing such stored individuals into the current popula-
tion appears to be a promising approach. This is also
referred to as memory-based evolutionary algorithms
and has been covered in previous publications. A sur-
vey on memory-based evolutionary algorithms is pro-
vided by Branke (Branke, 1999). Branke proposes to
adopt the concept of memory-based evolutionary al-
gorithms to the domain of role mining with user inter-
action. In this scenario, the DM can store interesting
role concepts within a so-called role concept repos-
itory (I14). Hence, the DM is able to analyze and
possibly deploy these role concepts later (I15).
One advantage of EAs considering the inclusion of
dynamically occurring interaction events is their iter-
ative procedure. At the beginning of each iteration, it
can be checked whether one or more events are cur-
rently pending. If this is the case, the correspond-
ing event-handling methods can be executed. Fig-
ure 3 shows the alteration of the sequential process of
the addRole-EA for the integration of event-handling
In addition, it is recommended not to terminate the
execution of the addRole-EA according to (SC1) or
(SC2), but to continue the role mining process, when-
ever computing capacity is available. In this way, the
role concepts can potentially be further improved and
events can be processed close to real-time. Since this
approach is independent of the specific features of the
Figure 3: Integration of interaction events into addRole-EA.
addRole-EA, it can be transferred to any other evolu-
tionary algorithm.
In this section, the events of the first event category
defined in Section 4 are examined in more detail, as
these include direct manipulations of individuals and
therefore impose a particular challenge from an al-
gorithmic point of view. Special focus is given to
interaction event I01, where a DM proposes poten-
tially good roles, as well as I02, where a DM removes
potentially bad roles, as changes resulting from the
other events of this category can be implemented as a
combination of adding and removing roles. For this
purpose, it is first shown how established benchmarks
for the RMP can be extended to be suitable for the
simulation of event I01 and I02 and their evaluation.
Subsequently, the two events selected are examined in
different evaluation scenarios.
6.1 Simulation of Events and
Preparation of Benchmarks
In practice, the deployment of role concepts is often
accompanied by experts and consultants. Over time,
these experts acquire extensive knowledge in the area
of role mining and are therefore able to identify roles
that bear the potential to improve the role concepts
encoded by the individuals of the current population
or to accelerate the optimization process in certain sit-
uations. Such roles will be referred to as good roles
in the following. Likewise, they are able to assess
which roles potentially hamper the optimization pro-
cess. These roles will be referred to as bad roles.
It is evident that it is not possible to transfer this
knowledge onto the synthetic evaluation scenarios
corresponding to available benchmark instances for
the RMP. Therefore, other methods must be found
in order to identify good and bad roles in a given
benchmark instance. For the evaluation of the interac-
tion events in this paper, three benchmark instances of
RMPlib, a publicly accessible library for role mining
Interactive Role Mining Including Expert Knowledge into Evolutionary Algorithms
Table 2: Benchmark instances selected for evaluation.
Users M Prms. N Roles K
Density ρ
PS 02 50 50 25 0.240
PS 05 100 100 50 0.137
PM 01 500 500 150 0.062
benchmarks, were selected. The benchmark instance
PLAIN small 02 (PS 02) is a rather small data set,
which has a comparatively high density. The bench-
mark instance PLAIN small 05 (PS 05) is slightly
larger, but less densely populated. The benchmark in-
stance PLAIN medium 01 (PM 01) is a medium-size,
low-density data set. The specifications of the in-
stances selected are displayed in Table 2. At this, ρ
denotes the density of the UPA matrix corresponding
to the respective benchmark instance. Furthermore,
denotes the number of roles that were used to cre-
ate the benchmark and thus serves as upper bound on
the minimum number of roles. For a more detailed de-
scription of the benchmark instances of RMPlib, refer
to (Anderer et al., 2021b).
In order to identify good roles, the addRole-EA
was run 200 times on each benchmark instance. Sub-
sequently, the 20 best role concepts obtained for each
instance were selected. Based on these results, a role
was classified as a good role, if it was included in
each of the 20 role concepts. From this, a set of 10
good roles, each of which are assigned between 3 and
8 permissions, was obtained for PS 02. For PS 05,
the set of good roles is comprised of 46 good roles,
each of which are assigned between 2 and 11 permis-
sions. For PM 01, 144 good roles could be identified,
ranging from 3 to 22 permissions each. A role was
classified a bad role, if it was not included in at least
one of the 20 best role concepts. Even though the
presented procedure was solely applied to the three
benchmark instances selected, it can be applied to the
other benchmark instances of RMPlib as well. At this
point, it must be noted that, in the context of RMP-
lib, the addRole-EA is already used to identify good
and bad roles before the execution of the role mining
process. This does not correspond to practice, where
this knowledge emerges from the growing wealth of
experience of role mining experts.
6.2 Event I01: Addition of Good Roles
In the following, it is examined whether the addition
of the good roles defined in the last section can actu-
ally enhance the optimization process. For this pur-
pose, random roles are selected from the set of good
roles at different points in time during the optimiza-
tion process. Here, each good role selected induces
an instance of interaction event I01, which is handled
Table 3: Parameter values for the evaluation of I01.
PS 02 PS 05 PM 01
Number of events |E| 3; 5 5; 10 20; 30
Simulated at iteration t
= 5, 000; t
= 10, 000; t
= 50, 000
by adding the selected role to all individuals in the
current population using the addRole-Method of the
addRole-EA. Should it occur that multiple instances
of event I01 are pending at the same time, the corre-
sponding good roles are added to the individuals suc-
cessively by repeatedly calling the addRole-method.
To establish comparability, a copy of the population is
created immediately before the good roles are added.
This copy, which is referred to as Pop
, is further op-
timized without including the instances of interaction
event I01. The population in which the instances of
I01 are included is referred to as Pop
The number of good roles, which are transferred
into the optimization process, is based on the bench-
mark instance used. In each case, up to 20% of the
number of roles used to create the benchmark instance
were selected randomly from the set of good roles
and added to the individuals of the current popula-
tion at t
= 5, 000, t
= 10, 000 and t
= 50, 000. Ta-
ble 3 shows the number of instances |E| of interac-
tion event I01 as well as the timing of the event sim-
ulation resulting in the different evaluation scenarios.
The tests for each evaluation scenario were repeated
20 times with different random seeds and run on a
computer with the following specifications: processor
Intel Core i5-4570S, 2.90 GHz, 16 GB RAM. The pa-
rameters of the addRole-EA were adopted from (An-
derer et al., 2020), see Figure1.
Figures 4 - 6 show the progression of the number
of roles over iterations r
(t) and r
(t), which refer
to the number of roles of the best individual of Pop
resp. Pop
at iteration t, where five good roles were
added at t
on PS 02, PS 05 and PM 01. Since similar
effects are observed for all other combinations of pa-
rameter values on the selected benchmark instances,
only one representative graph is shown for each in-
stance in the following.
Figure 4: Number of roles over iterations for I01 on PS 02.
ECTA 2023 - 15th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
Table 4: Evaluation of the addition of |E| good roles.
= 5, 000 t
= 10, 000 t
= 50, 000
t) r
t) ϕ(E) t
(E) r
t) r
t) ϕ(E) t
(E) r
t) r
t) ϕ(E) t
PS 02 |E| = 3 31.30 30.95 0.58 330 30.85 31.65 0.27 250 30.35 30.40 0.05 10
|E| = 5 33.55 32.05 0.47 280 30.85 30.40 0.30 150 30.10 30.15 0.10 40
PS 05 |E| = 5 50.15 50.45 0.22 90 50.30 50.10 0.04 50 50.55 50.55 -0.05 0
|E| = 10 50.80 50.15 0.21 100 49.95 50.30 0.03 20 49.95 49.95 0.00 0
PM 01 |E| = 20 153.25 153.00 -0.02 0 153.00 152.70 -0.33 0 151.80 151.65 -0.05 0
|E| = 30 152.70 152.55 -0.10 0 152.45 152.25 -0.38 0 151.85 151.65 -0.00 0
Figure 5: Number of roles over iterations for I01 on PS 05.
Figure 6: Number of roles over iterations for I01 on PM 01.
First, it can be seen that the integration of event
instances significantly improves the optimization pro-
cess on all benchmark instances. On PS 02 and
PS 05, however, the integration of interaction events
results in a temporary increase in the number of roles
of the individuals in population Pop
. Since the oc-
currence of interaction events is disregarded in the
control population Pop
, the number of roles of its in-
dividuals remains unchanged. To provide a measure
for this effect, a new key figure, the impact ϕ(E), is
introduced for a set of interaction events E. It is de-
fined as the difference in the number of roles of the
best individual at the time immediately after applica-
tion of the corresponding event-handling method t
and directly before event occurrence t divided by the
total number of event instances:
ϕ(E) :=
) r(I
A further interesting key figure to describe the course
of the optimization process comparing Pop
is the number of iterations t
(E) needed until
the fitness of the best individual in Pop
equals the
fitness of the best individual of Pop
for the first time
after the occurrence of the interaction event. In case
ϕ(E) > 0, this corresponds to the first intersection of
both curves after event occurrence, see Figure 4, and
is obtained as follows:
= min
t t
: r(I
,t) = r(I
where t
corresponds to the iteration, in which the
good roles were added to the chromosomes of the in-
dividuals of Pop
. In case ϕ(E) 0, t
:= 0. Ta-
ble 4 shows the values obtained for t
(E), the im-
pact ϕ(E) as well as the number of roles r
t) and
t) of the best individuals of both populations after
t = 100, 000 iterations of the addRole-EA.
For easier comprehension, the impact ϕ(E) as well as
(E) are illustrated in Figure 4.
According to the observations in Figures 4 and 5,
it can be seen that on PS 02 and PS 05 the values of
the impact are mostly positive. This results from the
fact that new roles are added to the individuals by in-
stances of event I01. Even though it seems logical that
an instance of event I01, which corresponds to the ad-
dition of one role, would increase the number of roles
by one, the values for the impact range between -0.38
and 0.58 and are thus significantly smaller than one or
even negative. This is caused by the operation prin-
ciple of the addRole-method. As shown in Section 3,
adding a new role by means of the addRole-method
includes the deletion of existing roles that have be-
come obsolete. Since in this test case, good roles were
added, it can be assumed that existing roles became
obsolete in a relatively large number of cases. On
PM 01, this even leads to negative values of ϕ(E),
which corresponds to an immediate improvement of
the number of roles due to the integration of inter-
action events. Additionally, it can be seen that the
simulation of interaction events at later points in time
causes a reduced impact on PS 02 and PS 05. This
may be due to the definition of good roles used in this
paper. Whenever good roles are added rather at the
end of the optimization process, it is possible that they
are already included in some of the individuals, so
that these individuals are not affected by the addition
Interactive Role Mining Including Expert Knowledge into Evolutionary Algorithms
Table 5: Iterations and time (s) for I01 on PS 02.
Number of iterations needed Computation time (s) needed
k |E| = 0 3 5 |E| = 0 3 5
40 7,370 3,190 2,700 154.62 63.91 53.14
38 10,375 5,270 4,390 204.94 99.68 82.37
36 13,645 8,140 7,920 252.76 143.69 136.23
34 20,700 10,850 12,580 344.45 180.15 198.24
32 - 20,340 - - 291.11 -
Table 6: Iterations and time (s) for I01 on PS 05.
k |E| = 0 5 10 |E| = 0 5 10
75 1,350 430 260 15.78 3.21 4.35
70 3,180 1,470 790 35.48 13.88 9.88
65 4,995 2,690 1,580 53.41 25.33 17.55
60 6,630 4,450 3,300 67.82 40.44 33.18
55 9,860 7,150 5,960 93.98 61.65 54.71
of the roles. In all test setups, that result in positive
impact values, the rather small values of t
(E) show
that, although the number of roles r
(t) initially in-
creases due to event integration, it is again at least as
good as r
(t) within a few iterations. Thus, the added
roles require a certain amount of time to reveal their
positive effects on the optimization process.
Table 4 further illustrates that the inclusion of In-
stances of I01 in Pop
leads to better results with
respect to the number of roles in 11 out of 18 cases
t = 100, 000 compared to only 5 out of 18 cases, in
which better results were obtained for Pop
However, the potential of interaction event I01 lies
mainly in the short-term effects. In Figures 4 - 6, it
could already be seen that the inclusion of instances
of event I01 leads to a significantly faster reduction
of the number of roles of the best individual of the
associated population Pop
compared to that of the
control population Pop
. In order to examine this in
more detail, for each benchmark instance, different
role levels k were specified, which serve as reference
values to evaluate the short-term performance of the
inclusion of I01. Tables 5 - 7 show the number of iter-
ations and the computation time needed to attain the
respective role level from the occurrence of the inter-
action events at t
. Again, similar effects are obtained
considering t
and t
, so that the corresponding tables
Table 7: Iterations and time (s) needed for I01 on PM 01.
Number of iterations needed Computation time (s) needed
k |E| = 0 20 30 |E| = 0 20 30
420 1,750 350 300 327,32 52,41 54,80
400 3,045 1,020 770 548,52 156,03 126,99
380 4,155 1,640 1,180 722,81 244,01 184,51
360 5,145 2,160 1,590 863,79 313,47 237,29
340 5,970 2,680 2,020 973,36 378,06 289,43
are omitted at this point.
It turns out that in all cases, the addition of good
roles results in the specified role levels being achieved
in significantly fewer iterations as well as in signifi-
cantly less computation time. Furthermore, it seems
that the more good roles are added, the fewer itera-
tions and computation time is needed. In conclusion,
it can therefore be stated that the inclusion of expert
knowledge, by means of interaction event I01, has the
potential to significantly accelerate the optimization
process in short-term consideration and leads to bet-
ter results in long-term consideration in many cases.
6.3 Event I02: Deletion of Bad Roles
In this section, analogous to the study of adding good
roles, it is examined how a DM can transfer his or
her expert knowledge into the role mining process by
removing potentially bad roles. However, while the
addRole-EA already provides a method for the ad-
dition of good roles using the addRole-method, the
removal of bad roles is not readily supported due to
the 0-consistency constraint. If bad roles were simply
deleted without further action, users could lose per-
missions essential to performing their tasks. There-
fore, suitable repair methods must be developed to en-
sure compliance with the 0-consistency constraint af-
ter roles were removed. For this purpose, users lack-
ing permissions according to U PA are identified in a
first step. Subsequently, one of the following repair
methods is executed:
R1: Assign all Roles + Unique Roles. In order to
reassign permissions to the users, which were with-
drawn by the removal of bad roles, first, it is inves-
tigated whether some of the existing roles in PA can
be assigned to the users without violation of the 0-
consistency constraint to cover some of the required
permissions. If, thereafter, a user is still lacking per-
missions, a new role is created for each of these per-
missions. This corresponds to the idea of the initial-
ization method of the addRole-EA. An advantage of
this method is that the algorithm gains the possibility
to create new roles from scratch. However, many ad-
ditional roles are required to compensate for the dele-
tion of bad roles using this approach.
R2: Assign all Roles + One Role + Unique Roles.
In order to avoid the creation of many new roles, re-
pair method R2 aims at grouping the uncovered per-
missions into one role. Again, the users are assigned
all roles available in PA, that can be assigned to them
without violation of the 0-consistency constraint. If,
thereafter, a user is still lacking permissions, a new
ECTA 2023 - 15th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
role is created from the remaining uncovered permis-
sions. If this role is not equal to the bad role, which
was previously removed, it is assigned to the users. If
this role equals the bad role, analogous to R1, a new
role is created for each of the uncovered permissions.
An advantage of this method is that the creation of
many new roles can possibly be avoided. An algorith-
mic description on how the UA and PA matrices of an
individual I are adapted to the removal of a bad role
by repair method R2 is provided in Algorithm 1.
If lines 9 - 17 are replaced by lines 13 - 16, one obtains
repair method R1.
Algorithm 1: Repair Method R2.
Input: UPA, UA, PA, r
Output: UA, PA
1 for each role r corresponding to a row of PA do
2 for each user u U do
3 if r can be assigned to u without
violation of 0-consistency then
4 Assign r to u;
5 end
6 end
7 end
8 Identify uncovered permissions by comparing
9 Create new role r
, which is assigned all
uncovered permissions;
10 if new role does nor equal bad role r
6= r
11 Add r
to individual I using
12 else
13 for each uncovered permission p do
14 Create new role r, which is assigned p;
15 Add r to individual I using
16 end
17 end
Evaluation. The evaluation of interaction event I02
was conducted analogously to the evaluation of event
I01. The parameters on which the various evaluation
scenarios are based can therefore also be found in Ta-
ble 3. At the moment of event occurrence, three iden-
tical copies of the current populations are made. In
respectively Pop
, for each individual, each
role is examined individually and removed if it was
classified a bad role as described in Section 6.1. This
is repeated until either all roles of the individual are
examined or the maximum number of roles to be
deleted from an individual, as specified by |E|, is at-
tained. Subsequently, the compliance of the individu-
als with the 0-consistency constraint is restored once
using repair method R1 and once using R2. Again,
serves as control population in which I02 is dis-
Figure 7 shows the progression of the number of
roles over iterations r
(t), r
(t) and r
(t) which
denote the number of roles of the best individual of
, Pop
and Pop
at iteration t, where up to ve
bad roles were removed at t
on PS 02.
Figure 7: Number of roles over iterations for I02 on PS 02.
It can be seen that event I02, unlike I01, does not
lead to any significant improvements in the optimiza-
tion process either by means of repair method R1 or
R2. The same can be observed considering t
and t
on all of the selected benchmark instances and can be
explained by the operation principle of the addRole-
EA. By repeatedly adding new roles and subsequently
deleting obsolete roles using the addRole-method, it
can be assumed that bad roles will be eliminated au-
tomatically. This is also evident when considering the
long-term effects of I02. For this purpose, Table 8
shows the number of roles of the best individual of
the three populations at
t = 100, 000 as well as the
impact of the interaction events ϕ
(E), when using
repair method R1 respectively ϕ
(E) when using R2.
At t
and t
, in only 4 out of 12 cases, the results ob-
tained from event integration obtained better or the
same results for both repair methods compared to the
results obtained for Pop
. In all the other cases, at
least one of the repair methods provided worse results
compared to Pop
. This suggests that the removal of
bad roles at the beginning of the optimization pro-
cess has no significant effect on the optimization pro-
cess which is also underlined by the corresponding
low impact values. At t
, however, the integration of
interaction events leads to better results in all cases
independent of whether R1 or R2 is used. This may
be due to the fact that at the time of event occurrence,
the addRole-EA has almost converged on all bench-
mark instances. The removal of bad roles and the
subsequent addition of new, smaller roles causes for
a modification of the individuals and possibly creates
new optimization potential. Table 8 shows that R2
leads to better results compared to R1 in 5 out of 6
cases, which is possibly due to the fact that R2 first
attempts to create one single role to cover the uncov-
Interactive Role Mining Including Expert Knowledge into Evolutionary Algorithms
Table 8: Evaluation of the deletion of |E| bad roles.
= 5, 000 t
= 10, 000 t
= 50, 000
t) r
t) r
t) ϕ
(E) ϕ
(E) r
t) r
t) r
t) ϕ
(E) ϕ
(E) r
t) r
t) r
t) ϕ
(E) ϕ
PS 02 |E| = 3 30.35 29.60 30.40 -0.03 -0.02 29.50 29.90 29.90 0.07 0.03 30.00 29.80 29.70 1.12 0.43
|E| = 5 30.65 30.60 29.55 0.03 0.04 30.60 30.30 30.60 0.16 0.13 29.15 29.25 29.05 1.23 0.63
PS 05 |E| = 5 50.25 49.90 50.15 0.00 0.00 49.80 49.85 50.35 0.24 0.17 50.45 50.00 49.70 0.93 0.23
|E| = 10 50.15 50.45 50.10 0.03 0.02 50.05 50.05 50.30 0.46 0.36 50.45 49.80 49.70 0.54 0.23
PM 01 |E| = 20 151.85 151.55 151.25 0.00 0.00 151.35 151.10 152.10 0.07 0.03 151.65 150.55 150.50 0.41 0.41
|E| = 30 151.55 151.95 151.90 0.00 0.00 151.30 151.60 151.15 0.13 0.05 151.70 151.30 151.80 0.68 0.64
ered permission after the removal of bad roles, such
that less new roles are created in total.
A further interesting observation is that the
impact values tend to increase, the later the instances
of I02 occur. This is because roles are assigned
rather few permissions at the beginning of the
optimization process due to the initialization method
of the addRole-EA. These can therefore be used
more frequently to cover needed permissions which
were withdrawn from users removing bad roles.
Toward the end of the optimization process, roles
are more likely to be assigned a larger number of
permissions. Consequently, a larger number of new
roles is necessary to cover the needed permissions.
In summary, it can be concluded that, especially
in comparison with interaction event I01, the deletion
of bad roles does not have a major impact on the op-
timization process. However, at later points within
the optimization process, the removal of bad roles has
proven its potential to further improve the proposed
role concepts.
This paper investigated the integration of expert
knowledge into evolutionary algorithms for role min-
ing. First, an overview of events relevant in the con-
text of role mining, which mostly occur dynamically
during the optimization process and are triggered by
the interaction of a decision maker with role mining
software, was provided. A framework was presented
on how to integrate interaction events in near real-
time into the iterative optimization process of evolu-
tionary algorithms. Additionally, a method designed
to enable the simulation of interaction events using
known role mining benchmarks was presented. Based
on this method, different events and their effects on
the optimization process were evaluated in a series
of experiments. It was demonstrated that the integra-
tion of expert knowledge, especially by adding poten-
tially good roles, leads to better optimization results
and thus better role concepts in many cases. Fur-
thermore, it causes for a significant acceleration of
the optimization process. This is of particular im-
portance in large companies, where several thousand
users work together in an ERP system and therefore
long runtimes of the role mining algorithm are to be
expected. Even if the interaction event corresponding
to the deletion of potentially bad roles has a signifi-
cantly lower impact on the optimization process com-
pared to the addition of potentially good roles, it could
be shown that this can still improve the optimization
result, especially if these are deleted rather at a later
point in time within the optimization process.
The definition of potentially good roles in this pa-
per ensured that these provide a certain quality in the
context of the respective benchmark instance. In prac-
tice, however, it is possible that assumingly good roles
proposed by a decision maker have no or even nega-
tive influence on the optimization process in the sce-
nario under consideration. It is therefore desirable
to maintain both, individuals that have been modified
due to the interactions of a decision maker as well as
unmodified individuals, in the population for a cer-
tain time. However, it has been shown that in many
cases adding good roles initially increases the num-
ber of roles of an individual (positive impact). Due
to the elitist replacement method of the addRole-EA,
these individuals would be inclined not to be trans-
ferred to the following generations. Analogously, in
case of negative impact values, the original, unmod-
ified individuals would potentially not be transferred
to the subsequent generations. One way to address
this is to develop suitable survival strategies that en-
sure that both modified and unmodified individuals
survive long enough to unfold their potential in terms
of improving the optimization process. Furthermore,
the cooperation between users and the evolutionary
role mining algorithm could adaptively be improved
by the introduction of a role repository where experts
can store potentially good roles, so that the addRole-
EA can propose them autonomously in future role
ECTA 2023 - 15th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
mining projects, e.g. via customized mutation and
crossover methods. Since the presented methods for
the inclusion of expert knowledge have specifically
been designed for use in practice, an application in
industrial use case scenarios would be desirable.
This study was funded by the German Ministry
of Education and Research under grant number
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