A Flexible Approach for Retrieving Geometrically Similar Finite
Element Models Using Point Cloud Autoencoders
Sonja Schlenz
1,2 a
, Simon M
, Carl Henrik Ek
3 b
and Fabian Duddeck
2 c
BMW Group, Knorrstr. 147, Munich, Germany
School of Engineering and Design, Technical University of Munich, Arcisstr. 21, Munich, Germany
Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge, 15 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, U.K.
Shape Retrieval, Autoencoder, Similarity Search.
For the development of complex products like vehicle components, knowledge about previous solutions is a
key factor. Complete solutions or parts thereof can often be reused if a similar previous model can be identified.
To gain independence from the individual experience of single engineers about previous models and a tedious
search process, identifying and retrieving the most similar models from large databases offers great potential.
Accordingly, this paper introduces a method to achieve this kind of shape retrieval based on engineering data.
3D geometries are represented as point clouds and reduced to one single vector with an autoencoder to identify
similarities in the latent space. The method can be used in a flexible way to identify global or local similarities
as well as to emphasize different parts of the structure in the similarity search. The method is evaluated on an
industrial dataset containing real-world engineering data.
New car models are most often not developed from
scratch, but build upon previously established basic
concepts and knowledge. Multiple car models are
commonly based on one shared platform in order to
save cost, increase flexibility and manage complex-
ity (Muffatto, 1999). The car models originating from
the same platform often share principal parts of the
design, like the body in white, while individualising
other segments. Additionally, different product fami-
lies can exist, where similar car body styles like SUVs
are clustered and share similarities. Because of this,
car models from the same company are usually not
inherently different as there are relations to at least
some other models.
In addition to these general similarities between
different car models, knowledge is also transferred
between unrelated models. During the structural de-
sign process, finite element (FE) models are simu-
lated to predict performance values without conduct-
ing many expensive hardware tests. When a model
does not satisfy required target values, changes have
to be made to the geometry to improve the results.
Classical optimization approaches are often not feasi-
ble in such complex models with multiple objectives,
so that engineers have to take the decisions on how
to change the model. The solutions highly depend on
the individual skills and experience of the responsible
engineer. Therefore, knowledge is an important factor
in the automotive industry, for general car concepts as
well as for the detailed design.
To facilitate and objectify the structural design
process, it would be beneficial to have the possibil-
ity to search a large database with all models of a
company for similar models compared to a model cur-
rently under development. Since similarities to previ-
ous models often exist, it is likely that solutions could
be transferred from past processes. Having informa-
tion about similar models from the complete database
would enable the engineer to consider solutions from
many models, in contrast to only using limited per-
sonal knowledge about similar models. Since mod-
els frequently share some common features, while the
complete models are more different, the consideration
of local similarities could also be of interest to obtain
the most relevant results. To maximize the benefit for
an engineer, the possibility to flexibly choose the de-
sired local area for the similarity search would be ad-
Schlenz, S., Mößner, S., Ek, C. and Duddeck, F.
A Flexible Approach for Retrieving Geometrically Similar Finite Element Models Using Point Cloud Autoencoders.
DOI: 10.5220/0012158700003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 188-195
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In this paper, we propose a method to retrieve the
most similar finite element models from a database to
an arbitrary input model. The models are represented
as point clouds, whose dimensionality is reduced with
an autoencoder. The obtained latent vectors are then
used for the assessment of similarity and the subse-
quent retrieval of the models. Depending on the sam-
pling strategy of the point clouds, global and local
similarities can be retrieved as well as putting empha-
sis on different aspects of the geometry. We show that
meaningful models can be retrieved with our method,
that can then be used by engineers for the transfer of
previous solutions in similar situations.
Geometric engineering data can be available in dif-
ferent data formats. Computer Aided Design (CAD)
models e.g. consist of Boundary Representation (B-
Rep) objects, Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) or
combinations thereof (Xu et al., 2021), while finite
element (FE) models used for simulations are meshed
models defined by a number of nodes and elements.
Other possible formats of geometric engineering data
include e.g. surface meshes for additive manufac-
turing or mathematically defined curves like Non-
Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) for exchange
formats (Starly et al., 2005).
Data formats like these are naturally unstructured
and cannot directly be used for comparison. There-
fore, a representation of the data is a necessary first
step for the retrieval of models with similar geomet-
ric characteristics. In this section, we first introduce
different possibilities for 3D data representations in
Section 2.1, before we present previous approaches
of shape retrieval in the engineering domain in Sec-
tion 2.2.
2.1 3D Data Representation
A multitude of approaches exist to transform unstruc-
tured 3D data into usable representations. A common
approach is to convert the data into a format for which
established algorithms can be applied. Similar to 2D
images consisting of pixels, 3D data can be approxi-
mated by a volumetric grid consisting of voxels (Mat-
urana and Scherer, 2015). Another common option to
allow the use of algorithms proven in 2D is the pro-
jection of the 3D data to a 2D space by taking images
from defined viewpoints (Su et al., 2015). The use of
hand-crafted features or basic shape descriptors usu-
ally leads to a high explainability, but previous knowl-
edge about the data is required to chose adequate de-
scriptors (Bustos et al., 2005).
In recent years, great progress has been made on
learning directly on non-euclidean data. PointNet (Qi
et al., 2017) is a well known architecture taking point
clouds as input without further preprocessing. This is
advantageous compared to other approaches because
of its efficiency and compact representation, while
having the ability to describe geometric details. Simi-
larly, systems learning directly on meshes were intro-
duced, transforming convolutional algorithms to the
mesh domain (Hanocka et al., 2019). Other recent ap-
proaches are based on graph representations (Shi and
Rajkumar, 2020).
A more specific option to reduce data to one de-
scriptive vector are autoencoders. As neural net-
works, these use an encoder to reduce the dimension-
ality of the input data to one latent vector and a de-
coder to retrieve an output resembling the input. They
are trained by minimizing the difference between in-
put and output. In recent years, approaches using au-
toencoders directly on point clouds led to promising
results (Achlioptas et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2018).
2.2 Engineering Shape Retrieval
Shape retrieval has been a longstanding problem in
the engineering domain and has inspired a multitude
of approaches. Many of these are based on shape de-
scriptors that represent the geometry in a simplified
way. Examples are the use of shape distribution his-
tograms (Li et al., 2011; Hong et al., 2006), Opitz
Coding (Zehtaban and Roller, 2013), attribute adja-
cency graphs and surface line distribution (Ma et al.,
2019) or distance distribution histograms (Zhuang
et al., 2017). Other similar approaches not only aim
at the retrieval of parts with global similarity, but of-
fer the possibility for partial retrieval by partitioning
models into segments (Tao et al., 2013; Ji et al., 2023;
Bai et al., 2010). However, the segmentation in these
approaches is fixed for each model, leading to an in-
flexible process without taking into account the en-
gineer’s specific needs. Approaches based on shape
descriptors as described above are often geared to-
wards a specific dataset or use case and their general-
ization to other datasets is not proven (Bustos et al.,
2005). Additionally, most previous approaches are
based on the retrieval of CAD models. They are lim-
ited to CAD formats and not applicable to similarity
searches for data formats like finite elements.
An approach that does not suffer from these re-
strictions was introduced by (Krahe et al., 2022). In
this approach, an autoencoder is used together with
point cloud representations to describe CAD mod-
A Flexible Approach for Retrieving Geometrically Similar Finite Element Models Using Point Cloud Autoencoders
els for similarity search. Bickel et al. also use an
autoencoder in their approach, but combine it with
a projection of vertices of meshed models onto a
sphere to obtain a matrix representation (Bickel et al.,
2023). Another approach using autoencoders is based
on multi-view projections of 3D shapes to 2D im-
ages (Zhu et al., 2016). All of these approaches focus
only on global similarity. Furthermore, the methods
were evaluated based on datasets consisting of differ-
ent classes, considering if retrieved parts belong to
the same class as the input model. There, the goal
is to identify models for potential reuse (Krahe et al.,
2022). While this is sufficient based on the specific
use case, the focus of our proposed approach is the
discovery of similarities between different variants of
the same class to enable knowledge transfer on a more
detailed level.
Our goal of a shape retrieval method that is not
dependent on specific data formats like CAD models,
that generalizes well to diverse shapes and that can be
used for global or local shape retrieval in a flexible
way has yet to be fully addressed.
For our proposed shape retrieval method, the geome-
try is first represented as point clouds. These are then
used as an input for an autoencoder, that reduces the
dimensionality of the representation to one latent vec-
tor. Based on these vectors, the similarity search and
retrieval is performed. We introduce our database in
Section 3.1, the processing of the geometry to obtain
relevant point clouds in Section 3.2 and the architec-
ture of the point cloud autoencoder in Section 3.3.
Finally, we explain our method of retrieving similar
geometries in Section 3.4.
3.1 Database
The data used in this work originates from the car
development process at BMW, consisting of meshed
models of car bonnets from previously performed FE
simulations. Figure 1 shows the parts considered for
an exemplary model.
3145 complete models based on 37 different car
projects were retrieved from our database. The focus
of our work is on the retrieval of similar parts from
the same class, where the inner sheet is used as ex-
emplary part. The inner sheet is a part present in
every car that is crucial for its stability and stiffness
as well as for crash functionality. Some exemplary
inner sheets from different car models are shown in
Figure 2. For evaluation purposes, the method is ad-
Figure 1: Explosion view of parts from an exemplary bon-
ditionally applied to a dataset consisting of the five
different classes of parts shown in Figure 1.
3.2 Sampling of Points
The input format required by our autoencoder are
point clouds. Since our database consists of meshed
models, their nodes can directly be considered as
points. For other engineering data formats, methods
like ray tracing can be employed to obtain point cloud
representations. To make use of the autoencoder, a
consistent input size is needed. We chose an input size
of 1024 points for a balance of detailed representation
and efficiency and sample this number of points from
each of the original point clouds in different ways.
Depending on the desired kind of similarity, it is
possible to sample points from only the edges of a
part, from all of its points or a combination thereof.
When sampling only from the edges, more emphasis
is put on the outer contour of the parts, while consid-
ering all points leads to a higher importance of the 3D
structures. When representing complete inner sheets,
we randomly sample half of the points from the edges
of each part and half from the rest of the existing
points as a middle ground between the options. Fig-
ure 3 shows the obtained point cloud representation
of the parts from Figure 2.
In order to retrieve models with a locally high sim-
ilarity, points can be sampled from a smaller area of
each part. We propose to define a circle around the
area of interest with an arbitrarily chosen center and
radius, and sample points only inside this circle. To
account for the different sizes of the parts from differ-
ent car projects, the center of the circles is defined rel-
atively considering the bounding box dimensions of
each part. If not stated otherwise, points are sampled
from all relevant nodes for this approach, since de-
pending on the chosen area no edges might be present.
Figure 4 shows the sampled sections for exemplary
parts, location and radius.
Important similarity information might not only
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 2: Exemplary inner sheets, rendered from meshes, viewed from top.
Figure 3: Exemplary sampled point clouds, viewed from top.
be present in individual parts, but also in the relative
location of a bonnet’s assembled parts towards each
other or the distances between them. To consider this
information in the similarity search, the complete as-
sembly can be used as a basis. A center and radius
are defined as explained above, while instead of a cir-
cle, a sphere is defined as a boundary. The points
are then sampled inside this sphere for all assemblies,
considering all sections of parts lying within the de-
fined sphere. This is shown in Figure 5 for exemplary
3.3 Point Cloud Autoencoder
As basis for the retrieval, the point cloud autoencoder
proposed by (Achlioptas et al., 2018) is chosen be-
cause of its competitive results for different tasks. The
input is a 3D geometry represented as point cloud
with a size of N points times three dimensions. The
autoencoder consists of five 1D convolutional layers
with a kernel size of one as an encoder, and three
fully-connected layers as a decoder. As loss func-
tion, the chamfer distance is chosen to account for
the permutation-invariance of point clouds. The input
point clouds are normalized. More information about
the point cloud autoencoder can be found in (Achliop-
tas et al., 2018). Figure 6 shows the principal archi-
tecture of the point cloud autoencoder.
3.4 Retrieval Process
After the training of the autoencoder with the sam-
pled point clouds is completed, the most similar mod-
els to an arbitrary input point cloud can be retrieved.
A point cloud with the appropriate number of points
is sampled from the test model and encoded with the
trained autoencoder to obtain a latent representation.
The cosine distance is calculated between this repre-
sentation and all other latent representations from the
dataset, as shown in Equation 1 for exemplary vectors
a and b. The n most similar models, having the low-
est cosine distance, are retrieved and returned to the
engineer for further use.
(a, b) = 1
a · b
The main focus of our work lies on the retrieval of
similar models from the same class, which we present
in Section 4.2. For evaluation purposes and compar-
ison with previous methods, we additionally consider
a multi-class setting in Section 4.1. In both cases, we
sample 1024 points from each part in different ways
and train the autoencoder for 50 epochs. For the size
of the latent vector, we use 128 dimensions.
A Flexible Approach for Retrieving Geometrically Similar Finite Element Models Using Point Cloud Autoencoders
Figure 4: Exemplary sampled circle sections from the center with radius = 250 mm, viewed from top.
Figure 5: Exemplary sampled sphere sections from the center with radius = 250 mm, viewed from the side. Different colors
indicate different parts.
Figure 6: Autoencoder architecture where N is the number
of points, z is the latent vector and k is the size of the latent
vector. Visualization adapted from (Saha et al., 2021).
4.1 Retrieval of Similar Parts from
Different Classes
For the multi-class setting, we train our autoencoder
with the dataset consisting of parts from the ve dif-
ferent classes shown in Figure 1. Since we only use
unique part models and different parts are modified
more or less frequently during a vehicle development
process, different numbers of parts are obtained per
class. Our multi-class dataset consists of 2595 inner
sheets, 433 outer skins, 790 front reinforcments, 406
hinge reinforcments and 177 lock reinforcements.
We sample points from both edges and surfaces
proportionate to the total numbers of points. Anal-
ogously to (Bickel et al., 2023), we use the com-
plete dataset for training and evaluate the performance
based on multiple metrics. Retrievals are considered
to be correct, if they originate from the same class as
the input model. The following metrics are used:
Nearest Neighbour (NN):
Precision of the most similar retrieval result.
First Tier (FT):
Recall results of the best n 1 results, where n is
the number of models in the relevant class.
Second Tier (ST):
Recall results of the best 2 · (n 1) results, where
n is the number of models in the relevant class.
The relevant values are retrieved for every model in
the dataset and the average resulting values reported
in Table 1, divided into individual classes.
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
(a) Distance 0.0076. (b) Distance 0.021. (c) Distance 0.21.
Figure 7: Global similarity of different models (orange) to the test model (blue) viewed from top. Most similar model in (a),
intermediate similarity in (b), least similar model in (c).
Table 1: Shape retrieval results for the multi-class setting.
Best: 1.0, worst: 0.0.
Outer skin 0.991 0.289 0.446
Inner sheet 0.999 0.863 1.0
Reinforcement front 1.0 0.929 0.996
Reinforcement hinge 1.0 0.873 0.957
Reinforcement lock 1.0 0.926 0.994
Complete 0.999 0.822 0.941
4.2 Retrieval of Similar Parts from a
Single Class
Since the use case of interest is the retrieval of simi-
lar parts to a newly developed model, one individual
inner sheet model is defined as test model and only
parts from different car projects are used for training.
This process is performed for multiple exemplary test
First, we consider the global similarity of individ-
ual parts, where points are sampled from complete in-
ner sheet models. Figure 7 shows one exemplary test
model together with different models and their indi-
cated similarity values. Figure 7a shows the most sim-
ilar model from the dataset, Figure 7c the least similar
Next, location and radius are defined and points
sampled within the circle to investigate local similar-
ities. The autoencoder is trained with only the points
from the local sections. Analogously to the global
similarity, we use one part as test model and remove
the rest of the parts originating from the same car
project. The most and least similar models for an ex-
emplary input model are shown in Figure 8 for the
corner of the parts.
Depending on the kind of similarity that is re-
quired, different sampling strategies can lead to dif-
(a) Distance 0.0044. (b) Distance 0.29.
Figure 8: Similarity of most and least similar models (or-
ange) to the test model (blue) for a section in the corner,
sampled from all points. Upper row is the view from top,
lower row the view from front. Radius = 250 mm.
(a) Distance 0.0011. (b) Distance 0.37.
Figure 9: Similarity of most and least similar models (or-
ange) to the test model (blue) for a section in the corner,
sampled only from the edges. Upper row is the view from
top, lower row the view from front. Radius = 250 mm.
A Flexible Approach for Retrieving Geometrically Similar Finite Element Models Using Point Cloud Autoencoders
(a) Distance 0.00043. (b) Distance 0.17.
Figure 10: Similarity of most and least similar models (or-
ange) to the test model (blue) for a sphere section in the
center of an assembly. View from side. Radius = 250 mm.
ferent similarity values. In the next example, we sam-
ple points from only the contour of the parts from the
corner section to obtain the input point clouds. With
this, different models are retrieved and shown in Fig-
ure 9.
In our final example complete assemblies are con-
sidered. Points are sampled within a sphere boundary
around a point on the outer skin at the center of the
bonnet. Retrieval results are shown in Figure 10.
The number of models used for training varies,
since only unique models are considered. Models can
have differences in some parts outside the section of
interest, leading to a lower number of models for local
similarities compared to global similarity.
The main advantage of our proposed approach lies in
its flexibility. Point clouds can be obtained from all
common engineering representations of 3D geometry,
while the similarity search can be guided by the sam-
pling strategy of the input points. For the local sim-
ilarity, the section can be chosen completely flexible,
in contrast to previous approaches. While we only
considered sections in the shape of a circle or sphere,
it is generally possible to use any shape for obtaining
sections. By adjusting the sampling ratio between the
edges and the complete part, engineers can guide the
results into the desired direction to obtain the most
relevant results.
The presented results show that our proposed
method leads to promising results, as models with a
high visual similarity to the input model are identified.
An objective evaluation is however difficult, since
no ground truth about desired levels of similarity is
available. To prove the validity of the proposed ap-
proach, we additionally used our method with a multi-
class dataset, as quantitative evaluation approaches
are available for this problem formulation.
The multi-class setting is evaluated according to
common metrics from literature. While high values
are reached for the complete dataset, big differences
are noticeable for the individual classes. The values of
the outer skin are significantly behind the rest of the
data for the first and second tier metric. A possible
reason is the generally high similarity between outer
skins and inner sheets. In the same car model, the
outer contour of these two parts is predominantly the
same, since they are assembled on top of each other. It
is likely that similarities are higher between an outer
skin and an inner sheet from the same model than two
outer skins from more different car models. These
results indicate that these geometries were encoded
and retrieved according to their geometric similarity,
which is suitable for our use case that focuses more
on geometric similarity and less on specific classes.
This emphasizes our different focus compared
to the related approaches introduced in Section 2.2.
While the state of the art primarily focuses on the re-
trieval of parts from the correct class in a multi-class
setting, our goal is the identification of the highest
similarity within one class. In this setting, local sim-
ilarities are of particular interest for applications and
can be obtained in a flexible way, opposed to previous
approaches that focus on global similarity or fixed lo-
cal segments.
In this paper, we presented a method for similarity
search and retrieval of 3D engineering data. We used
a point cloud autoencoder for representation of ge-
ometry and assessed similarity values in its latent
space. The results we show originate from real in-
dustrial engineering data, showing the method’s rele-
vance for real-world application. The key novelty of
this paper lies in the flexibility of our method to guide
the retrieval process towards desired kinds of similar-
ity. Compared to previous approaches that focus on
global retrieval or partial retrieval of fixed segments,
local similarity can be retrieved for any section with
our method. A further novelty is the retrieval of sim-
ilar models for arbitrary sections from complete as-
We achieved promising results for a variety of
sampling strategies, whose relevance was confirmed
by engineers. While the most similar models are un-
ambiguous for many examples, there are other mod-
els where engineers can disagree on the most relevant
results. Future research activities should therefore in-
clude a study about perceived similarity of the models
by multiple engineers to enable a more quantitative
evaluation. Additionally, a meaningful description of
similarity opens up possibilities for more advanced
future applications. This could e.g. include automatic
quality checks or consideration of simulation results
to retrieve relevant models even more precisely.
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
The contribution of this paper was written as part
of the joint project newAIDE under the consortium
leadership of BMW AG with the partners Altair En-
gineering GmbH, divis intelligent solutions GmbH,
MSC Software GmbH, Technical University of Mu-
nich, TWT GmbH. The project is supported by the
Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi)
on the basis of a decision of the German Bundestag.
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A Flexible Approach for Retrieving Geometrically Similar Finite Element Models Using Point Cloud Autoencoders