Fine-Tuning and Aligning Question Answering Models for Complex
Information Extraction Tasks
Matthias Engelbach
1 a
, Dennis Klau
2 b
, Felix Scheerer
2 c
, Jens Drawehn
and Maximilien Kintz
1 d
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO, Nobelstr. 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
University of Stuttgart, Institute of Human Factors and Technology Management IAT, Allmandring 35, Stuttgart, Germany
Question-Answering, Language Models, Information Extraction.
The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) has boosted performance and possibilities in various NLP
tasks. While the usage of generative AI models like ChatGPT opens up new opportunities for several business
use cases, their current tendency to hallucinate fake content strongly limits their applicability to document
analysis, such as information retrieval from documents. In contrast, extractive language models like question
answering (QA) or passage retrieval models guarantee query results to be found within the boundaries of an
according context document, which makes them candidates for more reliable information extraction in pro-
ductive environments of companies. In this work we propose an approach that uses and integrates extractive
QA models for improved feature extraction of German business documents such as insurance reports or med-
ical leaflets into a document analysis solution. We further show that fine-tuning existing German QA models
boosts performance for tailored extraction tasks of complex linguistic features like damage cause explanations
or descriptions of medication appearance, even with using only a small set of annotated data. Finally, we
discuss the relevance of scoring metrics for evaluating information extraction tasks and deduce a combined
metric from Levenshtein distance, F1-Score, Exact Match and ROUGE-L to mimic the assessment criteria
from human experts.
Automated feature extraction from text documents
is a necessary first step for the successful appli-
cation of many business processes. Unstructured
text data needs to be analyzed and stored in struc-
tured databases in order to be checked and processed
by downstream systems. This task is common to
many business areas, e.g., customer service centers
responding to support requests, insurance companies
assessing damage claims or medical authors review-
ing scientific literature to prepare documents for drug
approval procedures – to name a few examples.
The development of information retrieval systems
(IRS’s) supporting in these tasks have a long his-
tory (Sanderson and Croft, 2012). Typically these
kind of systems combine capabilities to support dif-
ferent input formats (to deal with scanned as well as
electronic text documents) using rules and models for
feature extraction. However, recent progress in the
field of Large Language Models (LLM’s) has boosted
capabilities of possible applications for natural lan-
guage processing (NLP) (Zhang et al., 2023).
Retrieving some specific information from docu-
ments can be arbitrarily complex as text features may
appear in form of free wording over several whole
sentences (e.g., the cause of a cars damage in a dam-
age report which might be given in form of one or
several whole sentences). These kinds of features are
difficult to define with rule-based approaches alone in
a general way, especially over different context do-
mains and query formulations
. This qualifies them
as prime candidates for machine learning (ML)-based
extractions, specifically language models capable of
capturing and interpreting the textual contexts within
a written document.
In contrast to the emerging powerful generative
the way an extraction task is defined in the IRS
Engelbach, M., Klau, D., Scheerer, F., Drawehn, J. and Kintz, M.
Fine-Tuning and Aligning Question Answering Models for Complex Information Extraction Tasks.
DOI: 10.5220/0012159000003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 196-205
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
LLM’s like ChatGPT which suffer from hallucina-
tion and produce output that is usually hard to ver-
ify (Bang et al., 2023) the application of extrac-
tive question answering (QA) models turned out to
be promising for detecting answers in a specific doc-
ument context (Pearce et al., 2021; Xu et al., 2021).
Since these models are usually designed to return text
boundaries within the given content as output, they
are robust to such failure modes.
For this reason, we investigate the possibilities of
applying and fine-tuning extractive QA models inte-
grated in an IRS and applying it to German text docu-
ments with different features (from one-word entities
to complex phrases) and business domains, focusing
on the following research questions:
1. How can Question-Answering (QA) models be
used for extraction of complex information from
textual documents in specific industrial use cases?
2. To what extent does the fine-tuning of QA models
influence performance across different domains
and textual features?
3. What metrics are appropriate for (automated) per-
formance evaluations that resemble human expert
The remainder of this is paper is structured as fol-
lows: in Section 2, we present similar research and
approaches in the field. Section 3 shows our approach
for using QA models in complex information extrac-
tion tasks. In Section 4, we define evaluation metrics,
present our evaluation method and the results. Finally,
Section 5 summarizes the main findings and lists im-
provement ideas we are currently working on.
Analysis and information extraction from business
documents consists of many tasks, starting with im-
age analysis and text region detection, OCR and text
classification to actual entity extraction. For example
Tang et al. has tackled these issues and propose an ex-
tensive solution on the basis of Microsoft Azure Doc-
ument AI technology (Microsoft, 2022; Tang et al.,
2022). However, for many use cases dealing with the
analysis of confidential or personal data, entirely rely-
ing on third-party cloud infrastructure is not a viable
option. Many companies require solutions that can
be fine-tuned to their specific needs and deployed on
In (Kintz et al., 2020) we proposed a solution for
specific data contexts and tasks in the area of infor-
mation retrieval from written documents. The ap-
proach describes a system for the management of cus-
tomer claims, that automatically extracts the key en-
tities for handling a claim by utilizing a set of rule-
based functions as well as NER models. In (Engel-
bach et al., 2022) we followed a similar approach,
where an automatic address data extraction frame-
work was built. The work compares the various as-
pects and consequences of implementing either rule-
based or deep learning models in IRS’s under diverse
input feature and boundary conditions. Afterwards,
an IRS framework is proposed that combines both ap-
proaches in a single detection and evaluation pipeline.
Both solutions reported good results in combining hu-
man defined rule sets and ML extractors, e.g., for
NER, for confident feature retrieval, or for result val-
idation. However, the extraction pipelines described
there rely on standard algorithms and ML models and
do not profit from (con)text understanding capabili-
ties of modern LLMs.
Previous work on document analysis pipelines
with scanned images as input in form of IR prod-
ucts like Transkribus (Kahle et al., 2017) has been
published as well. However, the system focuses on
digitalizing content of historical documents and lacks
capabilities for flexible feature extraction and layout
handling in modern business documents.
In the popular and continuously growing Hug-
gingface community (Wolf et al., 2020) a lot of lan-
guage models have been open sourced. Although
many multilingual models have been published there,
the number of good performing models for German
language is still limited. In the field of question
answering (QA), the SQUAD dataset is a popular
dataset for training extractive QA models, which aim
to find answers to a query within the given boundaries
of a context document (Rajpurkar et al., 2016; Cloud-
era Fast Forward Labs, 2020). The GermanQuAD
dataset (M
oller et al., 2021) and QA models trained
by deepset, the associated company, provides a good
starting point for our work. Furthermore, deepset also
provides a freely available and locally deployable an-
notation tool (deepset, 2023) suited for QA related
tagging that we utilized for the creation of training
and test ground truths for our documents and model
The choice of evaluation metrics is an important
parameter in determining the applicability of a model
to a specific task. Using a single or combination of
metrics that correlate well with human judgement for
the presented domain can be a powerful approach to
reduce the required labeling effort. (Han et al., 2021)
addressed this issue by defining a customized version
of the hLEPOR metric (Han et al., 2013) and tuning
its hyperparameters to match either the output of pre-
trained language models or human evaluation data.
Fine-Tuning and Aligning Question Answering Models for Complex Information Extraction Tasks
Table 1: Classification of typical features during extraction tasks with three levels of feature complexity: Simple, Dynamic
and Complex. Each type of feature recommends a different type of extraction methods like rule based or trained ML model.
Based on previous work (Engelbach et al., 2022).
Classification Difficulty Features examples Extractor type
Simple IBAN, E-mail address, Postal Codes Rule-based (e.g., regular expressions)
Named Entities (e.g., organization,
person name, place)
Trained extraction models
(e.g., Named Entity Recogni-
tion (NER))
Cause of an event, name of person
with a given role
Question-answering model
The metric is designed for and optimized on a gen-
eral collection of data for the task of neural machine
translation (NMT) and shown to be a good alternative
to the commonly used BLEU metric (Papineni et al.,
2002) for specific language pairs, while our work fo-
cuses on the domain of extractive QA.
Instead of using metrics, an alternative approach to
capture the implicit judgement rules of humans is the
now widely applied alignment technique Reinforce-
ment Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) for
LLM’s (Korbak et al., 2023; Ziegler et al., 2019;
Glaese et al., 2022; Ouyang et al., 2022; Lambert
et al., 2022): By training a reward model on a set
of LLM output and human ranking pairs for a given
query and using it to optimize the original LLM in
a reinforcement learning setting, the language model
behavior can be implicitly steered in any desired di-
rection depending on the ranking approach. This,
however, requires different label types and significant
additional training overhead.
Additionally, (Schaeffer et al., 2023) pointed out
that the choice of metrics is important when evaluat-
ing the performance of models with respect to sudden
performance jumps (also labeled emergence) and the
associated perception of the model’s capabilities by
humans. To circumvent the misconception of too ex-
pressive individual metrics, this work uses multiple
score in conjunction to evaluate the used QA models.
The extraction of features from real documents in dif-
ferent business scenarios can be a challenging task,
since the information that needs to be detected within
the given contexts can be volatile among different
companies, industry domains and document types.
In general, extraction methods face different levels
of difficulty, depending on the type of information the
system attempts to extract automatically. Based on
the former work (Kintz et al., 2020; Engelbach et al.,
2022) we classify the difficulty levels in three cate-
gories with examples about the kind of information to
extract and algorithmic approach usually required to
tackle them. The classification is shown in Table 1.
In our previous work (Engelbach et al., 2022),
we implemented a document processing pipeline that
supports all steps to gain structured data results from
scanned documents. Furthermore, we introduced a
flexible framework for the implementation of differ-
ent new extractors based on rules, regular expressions
or trained machine learning models. In the follow-
ing, we describe the application and integration of QA
models into our analysis pipeline for providing means
of complex feature extraction that may be indexed by
a text span of phrases or even whole sentences within
a document.
3.1 Information Extraction Pipeline
The implemented pipeline includes multiple pre-
pocessing and data reconstruction steps, the modules
for the combined rule- and QA-based information ex-
traction and a final result evaluation. The architecture
is shown in Figure 1.
The IRS combines the analysis of layout informa-
tion (text position on the page, text size, column and
tables, etc.) with textual analysis to narrow down and
extract the relevant information for a given task. The
analysis pipeline works as follows:
1. In a first step, a scanned text document (typically
in PDF format) is provided as input to the frame-
work and converted to raw image data.
2. Using adapted region detection algorithms based
on components of the German OCR-D project
(Neudecker et al., 2019), text blocks are detected
and classified (categories can vary depending on
the use case, but may include dates, sender or re-
ceiver address data, standard text paragraphs, ta-
ble regions, image regions, etc.). Optical char-
acter recognition (OCR) is performed to trans-
form image to text data using optimized work-
flows based on Tesseract OCR (Smith, 2019).
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Focus of present work
Stuttgart, 02.07.2023
Lieber M. Mustermann,
Das ist ein
Beispieltextdokument. Es
hat Text und Abschnitte.
Hier noch mehr Text.
Viele Grüße
A. Mayer
A. Mayer
Paragraph containing
name near the end?
A. Mayer
Scanned text
detection and
model (Text &
search of apt
Query question
result validation
Stuttgart, 02.07.2023
Lieber M. Mustermann,
Das ist ein
Beispieltextdokument. Es
hat Text und Abschnitte.
Hier noch mehr Text.
Viele Grüße
A. Mayer
Stuttgart, 02.07.2023
Lieber M. Mustermann,
Das ist ein
Beispieltextdokument. Es
hat Text und Abschnitte.
Hier noch mehr Text.
Viele Grüße
A. Mayer
Stuttgart, 02.07.2023
Lieber M. Mustermann,
Das ist ein
Beispieltextdokument. Es
hat Text und Abschnitte.
Hier noch mehr Text.
Viele Grüße
A. Mayer
Who wrote the letter?
Is it a valid author
name (person,
QA Language
NER, Regex,
(x3, x4, y3, y4)
(x1, x2, y1, y2)
(x9, x10, y9, y10)
(x3, x4, y3, y4)
(x1, x2, y1, y2)
(x9, x10, y9, y10)
Figure 1: Information Extraction Pipeline starting with visual image processing parts (page segmentation and OCR). After-
wards, the relevant features are extracted using extractive question answering (QA) models (focus of current work).
3. The results are saved as an extended document
model, containing the information to region, text
content, and respective coordinates (on a region
and character basis).
4. Depending on the use case and the usual length
of input documents, the search scope may be re-
stricted to the relevant text region or document
page that is finally sent to the QA model. This
is done using a rule-based approach, for example
using keywords or headlines to help identify the
proper candidate text regions.
5. With the final search scope, the QA model is then
queried by providing the extracted text from the
candidate regions and a suitable question targeting
the information of interest. As output, the model
returns the subsection of the candidate region with
the highest probability for containing the answer.
6. Finally, to avoid outputs that are clearly wrong
(e.g., numbers when asking for a name or vice-
versa), a rule-based validation of the model an-
swer is performed.
The focus of this work lies on the the steps 3 and 4 and
evaluating the trained QA models for later integration
into the larger IRS framework, as highlighted by the
box in Figure 1.
3.2 Fine-Tuning and Evaluation Process
For our task of domain specific QA fine-tuning we
used the model gelectra-large-germanquad that was
pretrained on GermanQuAD (M
oller et al., 2021), a
German variant of the popular SQuAD data set (Ra-
jpurkar et al., 2016). Both model and data set are pro-
vided by deepset and can be accessed via the common
Huggingface API for inference and fine-tuning.
To quantify the impact of domain-specific train-
ing, we constructed two distinct datasets, one target-
ing the medical domain and one for the insurance
domain, comprising German language data. Each e
dataset was enriched with pertinent information fea-
tures relevant to the respective domain. In this con-
text we chose the features to be different concerning
properties like text length and complexity. In detail,
we consider the two domains with following features:
Drug Leaflet Data Set: The leaflet data set, which
consists of 170 medication leaflet documents (which
are freely available on many websites) with three QA
pairs per document:
Ingredient: the main active ingredient contained
in the drug, e.g. Metoprololtartrat
Look: The description of the drug appearance and
optics, e.g. White, round pills
Application: The application scope of the drug,
e.g. moderate pain and fever
Elemental Damage Report Data Set: The report
data set, which consists of 47 elemental damage
reports documents taken from one of our former
projects in the insurance domain and coming with 2
QA pairs per document:
Fine-Tuning and Aligning Question Answering Models for Complex Information Extraction Tasks
Annotated , domain-
specific training and
test documents
Pre-existing generic
QA model
Fine tuned, domain-
specific, QA model
Limited results
Vastly improved results
for addressed domains
optimization phase with
cross validation
Final model
training with
train set
Automated and manual
evaluation of fine-tuned
model with test set
Figure 2: Model Fine-tuning and Evaluation Process starting from a general German base QA model and using hyperparameter
optimization with cross validation for before the final (best) model is trained and integrated for productive usage.
Damage Cause: event description of what caused
the damage, e.g. broken pipe due to rotted pipes
in the floor
Assessor Name: The name of the damage asses-
sor who wrote the report, e.g. Manfred Bauer
We annotated all documents using the QA annotation
tool Haystack(deepset, 2023) with according ques-
tions asking for the specific entity of interest, e.g.
What can the drug be applied for? or What was the
cause of the damage?.
The further training process is described in Fig-
ure 2. In detail, since in this approach we only use
data sets with limited amounts of samples, we used
5-fold cross validation splits of 80% / 20% for train
and test to train several models in a grid search ap-
proach to find the optimal hyperparameter settings for
both data sets, namely the values for epoch number,
batch size, learning rate and doc stride. The latter
one describes the amount of overlapping tokens when
splitting up large documents into smaller chunks to
comply with the maximum input size of the QA mod-
els (usually 512 tokens). Thus our script performs
training and inference on smaller portions of the doc-
uments and collects merged predictions among the
whole document to find the top confidence answer
candidates during model queries.
We compare model performance before and af-
ter fine-tuning using automatically computable met-
rics described in Section 4.1 for settling the optimized
hyperparameter configuration for training of the final
model. For training the final QA model with opti-
mized hyperparameters we again used one single train
/ test split of 80% train and 20% test data, which
was also evaluated with the additional manual expert
metric presented in Section 4.1. In the following we
present our evaluation results and key findings for do-
main specific QA fine-tuning.
4.1 Evaluation Metrics
Evaluating models in the context of NLP is a complex
task: statistically relevant results require a large num-
ber of labeled data points and thus an automated eval-
uation. At the same time, creating labeled data sets for
specific NLP tasks tend to be even more challenging
than in other areas of supervised learning since nat-
ural language is fuzzy by nature and many different
formulations can have the same meaning or represent
a smooth transition between a correct and faulty state-
Another difficulty is the fact that the correct an-
swer to a question can appear multiple times in a doc-
ument. For example, the name of the writer of an in-
surance claim assessment may appear on each page,
and may be formatted in different ways (”John Doe”
in the header, ”J. Doe” in the text itself, ”Mr. Doe”
before the signature on the last page.) All these exam-
ples are correct answers to the question ”Who wrote
the document?” but report bad performance scores
when evaluated with metrics that can not account for
fuzziness in natural language, like most automatically
evaluated scores.
To address these issues, we combined several eval-
uation metrics - a common practice when evaluating
QA models (Su et al., 2019; Drawehn et al., 2020).
For that, we formulate the objective in terms of a su-
pervised learning problem. For a specific question k
from the set of all evaluated questions q
Q , we de-
note the labeled set of word vectors of correct answers
from N
different annotators as y
, . . . , y
(without exact duplicates) and the response of a model
to that question as ˆy
. The metrics we used to evalu-
ate our models are described below:
Manual Expert Assessment. As a ground-truth
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Evaluation criteria for manual expert assessment for each data set and feature to extract. For many features, only a
subset of the complete information is considered as sufficient regarding usefulness, e.g. if only last name of the assessor is
Data Set Feature Criteria for Answers to be rated as correct
Drug leaflets Ingredient
All ingredients (there may be one or more) must be included in the
answer, each with correct spelling
Drug leaflets Look
Description of look (e.g. color and shape of pills) must be correct, de-
tails (e.g. notches) may be missing
Drug leaflets Application
Description of application must be essentially correct, details may be
Damage reports Damage cause
Description of cause must be essentially correct, different wording is
acceptable; if there are several possible causes, one of these is sufficient
Damage reports Assessor name
Last name must be exact, first name may be missing or abbreviated, title
may be missing
baseline, we evaluate a set of model answers
manually, which although cumbersome and by
definition not automated, is the only way to
know if the answer provided by the QA model
indeed helps accomplish the task that the human
end-user was interested in - this is the gold
standard reference metric.
To get evaluation values for our data sets, we
put ourselves in the role of a user with common
knowledge in the subject under consideration and
rated all answers as correct that were at least par-
tially correct and not misleading for the user. An
overview of the rating criteria for the features in
our data sets is given in Table 2. Note that the
thresholds for considering extracted information
as correct resp. useful strongly depend on the type
of feature: while short or even one-word entities
like ingredient name leave little room for fuzzy
extractions, for other features like look or asses-
sor name it may be sufficient to only extract the
most meaningful part of the feature (i.e. color and
shape of the drug for look and the last name of the
assessor. Other features like damage cause or drug
application, which might be mentioned multiple
times at different locations in the document con-
text, are rated as correct if the found information is
regarded as reasonable, complete and meaningful
enough to answer to the question. Exact matches
are always rated as correct.
Exact Match. L
measures the exact agreement of
the model output with regard to the labeled an-
swer(s) on a character basis after text normaliza-
tion (e.g., lower-case conversion, removal of con-
trol characters, etc.) for a question k and is defined
= min
= y
where 1 is the indicator function. If the charac-
ters of the model’s prediction exactly match the
characters of (one of) the true answer(s), Exact
Match (EM) returns 1 and 0 otherwise. This is
a strict all-or-nothing metric, which means being
off by a single character results in a score of 0 for
that question. The metric gives a good indication
of the model performance when assessing against
negative examples, where the answer to the pro-
vided question is not in the text. In this case, if
the model predicts any text at all, it automatically
receives a score of 0 for that example. The met-
ric is easy to check automatically, however, often
insufficient for more complex answers.
Levenshtein. To measure the similarity between a
true answer of a given question to its correspond-
ing model output, and also account for the pos-
sibly very diverse responses to the same query in
natural language, we use the Levenshtein distance
(Levenshtein, 1966) as a character-based dis-
tance metric. Levenshtein measures the amount
of operations (i.e. insertion, deletion and substitu-
tion) that separate two strings of characters.
F1-score. Furthermore, we use the definition of (Ra-
jpurkar et al., 2016) to calculate the F1 score
in the NLP setting by computing the equal,
word-wise contribution between precision and re-
call, where precision is the ratio of the number
of shared words to the total number of words in
the prediction and recall is the ratio of the num-
ber of shared words to the total number of words
in the ground truth (Rajpurkar et al., 2016; Ra-
jpurkar et al., 2018):
Fine-Tuning and Aligning Question Answering Models for Complex Information Extraction Tasks
Table 3: Final hyperparameter configuration for fine-tuning experiments for each data set that have been determined during
cross validation phase.
Data set Base Model Epochs Batch Size Learning rate Doc Stride
Leaflets deepset-gelectra-large-germanquad 2 12 0.00001 128
Reports deepset-gelectra-large-germanquad 5 12 0.00001 128
Here S
denotes the set of distinct words in the
model prediction ˆy
for a given question k, S
the word-set of one of the labeled answers i, and
| the set size, i.e. number of unique elements
(words) in the set.
ROUGE-L. We additionally calculate the Recall-
Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation
(ROUGE) metric L
(Lin, 2004), a widely
used scoring method to evaluate the summariza-
tion quality of a model for a given generated and
one or more reference summaries. Specifically,
we calculate the ROUGE-L variant, denoted here
as L
, which looks for the longest common
subsequence (LCS) in the n-grams of two given
sequences. In the extractive QA setting, we can
treat the model output and ground truth in the
same way, since with the prior of a given ques-
tion, the response is a de facto summary of the
whole context.
Weighted Average. Finally, we compute a weighted
average L
of the above automated metrics L
with C = {EM, Lev, F1, RGE} as a single score,
that indicates the quality of the model response
with regard to the different aspects of each indi-
vidual metric:
The weights w
are determined by a linear model
trained on the L
s and the expert assessment
score as the label. To verify that the weights deter-
mined by this method are transferable to other QA
contexts, we train a regression model on the base-
line and fine-tuned QA models of each dataset and
compare their deviation.
With this method we aim to create an automati-
cally calculable metric that consists of a combi-
nation of individual scores and approximates the
implicit criteria from human feedback to rate a
model answer.
The calculation of the overall score L
for each of
the described metrics is done by averaging over all
queries Q for one specific dataset, model and question
|Q |
|Q |
4.2 Experimental Setup
Following the fine-tuning approach described in Sec-
tion 3.2 we ended up with two final models trained
with the configuration shown in Table 3: one for the
leaflet document use case and one for the damage re-
port use case. We used 80% of the data for training,
the other 20% were hold back as test sets for the fi-
nal model evaluation, namely 35 leaflets and 10 report
To measure the effect of our fine-tuning we com-
pared model performances before and after the train-
ing process. Table 4 lists the results for both data sets
with according questions posed to the base and the
fine tuned QA model using the metrics introduced in
the previous Section 4.1.
4.3 Results and Discussion
The outputs of the metric computations introduced
in Section 4.1 indicate a notable increase of model
performance for the specific tasks, while the degree
of improvements varies among the different data sets
and questions with respect to the features of interest.
For instance, with a score of 0.77 and an F1 score
of about 0.85 the feature Ingredient from the leaflet
data set was already detected well by the base model
(and got best overall scores). This might be due to
the fact that the texts indicating this feature usually
only consist of single and very specific words (like
”Tamoxifencitrat”) and additionally are announced
by prominent keywords (like ”The ingredient is...”),
which makes it easy for a QA model to answer this
In contrast, the Damage Cause feature, which is
usually formed by one or several whole sentences
with free formulation, seems to be the hardest to ex-
tract correctly due to its complexity. Nonetheless,
also for this case we observe an increase of perfor-
mance achieved by the QA fine-tuning process. Note
that here also the base model already gave useful in-
sights providing helpful information for finding the
cause of the damage - even if this was not the orig-
inally labeled passage in the text (see human ex-
pert criteria in Table 2) -, which is also reflected in
the comparatively higher Human Expert Assessment
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 4: Automated Evaluation of base and fine tuned models on medical leaflets and damage reports test sets.
Model Dataset Question Levenshtein
Exact Match
Base Leaflets Ingredient 0.960 0.771 0.849 0.909 0.971
Fine-tuned Leaflets Ingredient 0.985 0.914 0.941 0.959 1.000
Base Leaflets Look 0.611 0.147 0.452 0.468 0.529
Fine-tuned Leaflets Look 0.710 0.206 0.657 0.678 0.824
Base Leaflets Application 0.563 0.030 0.434 0.436 0.758
Fine-tuned Leaflets Application 0.761 0.212 0.694 0.713 0.909
Base Reports Damage Cause 0.581 0.000 0.368 0.363 0.800
Fine-tuned Reports Damage Cause 0.654 0.200 0.469 0.464 0.800
Base Reports Assessor Name 0.671 0.400 0.560 0.547 0.600
Fine-tuned Reports Assessor Name 0.771 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700
The biggest improvement effect could be mea-
sured for the leaflet feature Look: While the base
model had difficulties to answer this question cor-
rectly (which might be also due to particularities in
the way the question was formulated), the fine tuned
model seems to have learned this feature very well,
even with having little training samples available,
which is indicated by a score increment of more than
0.25 for some of the metrics.
In general, the results of F1 and ROUGE-L appear
most similar to each other throughout all data sets
and questions. Together with the Levenshtein, which
plays to most important factor to approach the human
metric through the weighted average score, they con-
stitute results similar to those gained during the man-
ual evaluation. In contrast, the EM metric behaves to-
tally different and does not seem to provide any clue
about human result usefulness, a fact that is under-
lined by the outcomes of the weighted average score
computation illustrated in Figures 3a and 3b.
4.4 Human Evaluation Score
We train the linear model to predict the importance
coefficients of the individual, automatically com-
putable metrics from Section 4.1 to resemble the man-
ual expert assessment score, which measures the help-
fulness from a human perspective. The experiments
show that the model is able to reconstruct the human
scoring with a high accuracy of 93.87% using L
, L
, and L
as features. The coefficient val-
ues of the linear model are used as the weights w
the L
metric and shown in Figure 3. A general-
ization of this approach over datasets and tasks from
different domains could not be observed for our case.
While the weighting factors for the reports dataset
are almost equally distributed between Levenshtein,
ROUGE and F1, with EM basically being neglectable,
for the leaflets dataset a decaying importance of the
individual metrics from Levenshtein to F1 can be ob-
served, EM even having a negative influence on the
prediction. For both data sets the EM metric is a
poor factor in reconstructing the implicit aspects of
what humans perceive as a useful answer, which is
not very surprising, considering EM as the hardest
metric while humans still find an answer useful, even
if some characters are missing or added to the model
In terms of derivation of the implicit rules for the
human definition of helpfulness from a set of simple
computable measures, we see metric behaviors that
are in line with observations from (Schaeffer et al.,
2023): for strict metrics like EM, the baseline and
(less severe) the fine-tuned model often produce much
lower evaluation results than for the soft ones like F-
measure or Levenshtein. This emphasizes that until
a model becomes powerful enough to develop emer-
gent abilities, strict metrics are normally less useful
to catch the actual performance of the model for its
In this paper, we showed that applying extractive QA
models for industrially relevant use cases of complex
feature extraction leads to good performance for dif-
ferent kinds of domains, linguistic features and doc-
uments. Fine-tuning these QA models makes signif-
icant improvement possible and helps to support or
automate document analysis. Finally, we show that
a weighted average over Levenshtein, ROUGE-L and
F1 is a good approximation for manual human expert
evaluation, whereas EM is not. For future work, we
want to further improve the results by tackling the fol-
lowing aspects:
Fine-Tuning and Aligning Question Answering Models for Complex Information Extraction Tasks
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Weighting factors for the individual components L
, L
, L
, L
of the weighted average metric. The
behavior of the weights are compared between the applied models (a) and datasets (b) separately.
Further fine-tuning of QA models, for example
with larger data sets, to get even better accuracy
for specific applications areas
Prompt optimization and answer combination for
queries with different wordings for the same ques-
tion, for example ”Who wrote the document?”,
”Who is the author of the document?” and ”Which
person wrote the document?” and use majority or
another heuristic to decide on the final answer,
Experimenting with multiple choice questions
when applicable, for example ”Was the author,
John Doe or Max Mustermann?”, as done in pre-
vious work (Jiang et al., 2021).
Improvement of page segmentation and region de-
tection to limit the query scope for the QA model
by feeding it only the most relevant parts of the
text document for better response quality chances.
Application of rule-based post-validation strate-
gies for assuring quality and reliability of the fea-
ture predictions provided by the QA models.
Investigation of multi-modal QA models that also
take into account visual features like regions,
boxes and page coordinates.
We further plan to include the best results and mod-
els as part of the document analysis pipeline of our
industrial platform solution Aikido
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