A Data Mesh Adaptable Oil and Gas Ontology Based on Open
Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU)
Neda Abolhassani, Ana Tudor and Sanjoy Paul
Accenture Labs, 415 Mission St Floor 35 San Francisco, California, 94105, U.S.A.
Ontology, Oil and Gas Data Platform, Integration, Data Mesh.
Incompatible models, heterogeneous data, and siloed data present challenges for the Oil & Gas industry.
Knowledge graphs provide efficient consolidation, improved quality, and universal access to data, addressing
these challenges. Developed by major global Oil & Gas and cloud organizations, the Open Subsurface Data
Universe (OSDU) platform provides subsurface energy data ingestion, enrichment, and consumption services,
as well as metadata storage, indexing, and search services. OSDU data supply chain aligns with the main
concepts of the new trending data architecture, Data Mesh, such as federated data governance, decoupling
data from applications, and domain specific data products. Data integration in subsurface data industry can be
achieved by building a domain knowledge graph based on standard and enriched OSDU framework schemas.
A knowledge graph-based solution begins with building a domain ontology. The purpose of this article is to
introduce the OSDU ontology, which is publicly available on GitHub under the Apache 2.0 license. This paper
discusses OSDU ontology design, development, applications, and evaluation.
The Oil & Gas industry is a complex and dynamic
domain that involves various activities such as explo-
ration, production, refining, transportation, and distri-
bution of petroleum products. The industry generates
massive amounts of data from diverse sources such as
sensors, equipment, and production systems. Many
companies are held back by an ever-increasing busi-
ness complexity, uncertainty in managing data silos,
and unavailability of their data through diverse modes
of access. The challenge of data integration can be
resolved by building a knowledge graph and model-
ing the data and its relationships in a heterogeneous
network structure through the logical form of ontolo-
gies. Data integration in Oil & Gas industry is one
of the significant activities done at Norwegian Con-
tinental Shelf. The project group IDP-D&C focuses
on complex drilling and completion processes, inte-
grating offshore and onshore data, and real-time sim-
ulations for optimizing processes (Thorsen and Rong,
2008). Semantic Web and common Oil & Gas on-
tologies are utilized in the solution for exchanging
domain expert data from operation centers and real-
time sensor data from oil fields. (Guan et al., 2019)
and (Huang et al., 2020) build intelligent knowledge
graph-based search engine applications for Oil & Gas
information. Their applications have key functional-
ities, such as knowledge fusion, topic classification,
smart search and recommendation while displaying
the results on a map. They use Neo4J as their knowl-
edge graph storage which is a labeled property graph
and does not utilize a standard ontology model so it
cannot be enabled with semantic reasoning.
As data management systems evolve, knowledge
graphs and ontologies should adapt as well. Past evo-
lution of data management platforms has focused on
bringing data into a central repository and introduces
new problems, such as data ingestion, data extraction,
data cleaning, dataset discovery, metadata manage-
ment, data integration, and dataset versioning (Nar-
gesian et al., 2019). With CoreKG (Beheshti et al.,
2018), users can curate, index, and query raw data and
metadata and have access to a centralized repository
of both raw and contextualized data. Contextualized
and curated data is stored in a knowledge graph. How-
ever, CoreKG does not localize changes to domains
within an enterprise and does not provide interoper-
ability between various domains and their data. Data
Mesh is the newest inflection point in data manage-
ment platforms and it unlocks business agility (De-
hghani, 2020). Data Mesh addresses shortcomings
of current and previous generations of data lakes and
warehouses by applying domain-driven design think-
Abolhassani, N., Tudor, A. and Paul, S.
A Data Mesh Adaptable Oil and Gas Ontology Based on Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU).
DOI: 10.5220/0012160000003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 29-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ing and agile operations(Evans, 2004). Domains in
Data Mesh are responsible for serving their own data
with a product mindset in a distributed data manage-
ment system. It is necessary that domain-generated
data products are highly available, discoverable, and
secure, as well as interoperable with the analytical ap-
plications that require access to them. The other key
principles of Data Mesh are its self-serve infrastruc-
ture and federated governance for managing the end-
to-end life cycle of domain data products (Dehghani
and Fowler, 2022). Decentralized domain-oriented
data mesh architecture can help Oil & Gas companies
solve data discovery, consumption, trust, and gover-
nance bottlenecks.
An Oil & Gas data platform that supports various
contexts (e.g. production or geology) related to a sin-
gle concept (e.g. well) via Domain Driven Design is
Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU™, 2023). It
is a cross industry collaboration led by Open Group
to develop a standard data platform for Oil & Gas ex-
ploration and production cycle. Leading Oil & Gas
industry operators, cloud providers, and Open Group
came forward in 2018 to build a standard data plat-
form for accelerating deployment of emerging dig-
ital solutions which helps with more enhanced data
discovery and decision making for subsurface energy
data. It provides standard schemas and data types for
upstream data with the intention of extending to other,
newer energy data types. Although the design and de-
velopment of OSDU data platform has been started
before the existence of Data Mesh, it follows most
of its principals (Landre, 2021). Federated data gov-
ernance, decoupling data from application, and data
products with domain specificity are some of the com-
monalities between OSDU data platform and Data
In this work, we introduce OSDU ontology
which encapsulates subsurface energy business do-
main, technology terminology, and common data ac-
cess standard based on the schema files defined by the
OSDU Open Group. Ontology defines a relationship
between objects using W3C’s standardized format en-
abling deeper semantic queries that domain special-
ists are interested in. Moreover, an ontology can be
used by knowledge graph technologies that are gain-
ing momentum. Oil & Gas is such a specialized do-
main, just as many other domains that it requires its
own ontology (like FHIR in Healthcare, MaRCO in
Manufacturing, FIBO in Finance, and Semantic Sen-
sor Network for IoT). This ontology is open sourced
and licensed under the permissive Apache 2.0; it fol-
lows the standards defined by the major global Oil &
Gas organizations; and it covers various subsurface
domains to be performed as a knowledge graph-based
catalogue to support Data Mesh architecture.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 dis-
cusses prior work in geology and energy ontology and
positions our contributions against the literature; Sec-
tion 3 describes OSDU ontology, its design rationale,
implementation pipeline, and significant entities; Sec-
tion 4 shows the evaluation results; Section 5 demon-
strates some use cases for our work. We conclude and
discuss future work in Section 6.
The integration of geology and petroleum data has
been the subject of many studies. Data from disparate
domain data sources and vocabularies is blended us-
ing semantic web and ontologies.
GeoCore (Garcia et al., 2020) is a geological on-
tology and includes definitions of limited but generic
concepts within the wide domain of geology, such as
geological time intervals, process, structure, earth ma-
terial, and rocks. It is based on BFO top level on-
tology and facilitates the communication of the ge-
ologists through their domain applications. Although
GeoCore can be used in the petroleum exploration and
production, it lacks detailed operational and business
logic of this specific domain.
Another generic ontology which is more spe-
cific to the energy domain is Open Energy Ontology
(OEO) (Booshehri et al., 2021). In addition to in-
tegrating several relevant domain terminologies, it is
developed for the general domain of energy systems.
The concepts and vocabularies are integrated from
multiple domains: location of energy generation, con-
sumption, and transmission from geography domain,
fluctuating renewable energy generation and extreme
weather conditions from meteorology domain, mod-
eling methods from math, energy and emission mar-
ket, prices, and costs from economics domain, tech-
nology, future development, and efficiency from engi-
neering domain. Some standard ontologies like BFO,
Relation Ontology, Unit Ontology, and Information
Abstract Ontology Models are imported to make a
more extensible canonical model. The OEO covers
many aspects of energy modeling, but not enough in
the subsurface energy sector.
There are some initiatives of using ontologies
in the Oil & Gas industry, such as SmartWellOnto
(Oprea et al., 2006), IIP (Gulla et al., 2006), AKSIO
(Norheim and Fjellheim, 2006), and OGO (POSC,
2020). SmartWellOnto is one of the earliest on-
tologies based on Prolog language designed for a
knowledge-based system that analyzes the monitored
parameters of an oil reservoir, e.g., pressure, tempera-
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
ture, and injection flow. It provides a solution for opti-
mized exploitation. IIP is an OWL ontology for Nor-
wegian petroleum business which is used in produc-
tion reports. Majority of the IIP development is based
on converting ISO 15926 data model and reference
data library into OWL. AKSIO is a process-enabled
knowledge management system to provide experience
of specialists on offshore oilfield operations using a
contextual ontology driven approach. OGO is also
based on ISO 15926 data model and is developed by
POSC Caeser Association for consistent oil and gas
data integration. It covers domain specific terminolo-
gies relevant to drilling and completion, development
and modification, reservoir and production procure-
ment and logistics, operation and maintenance, and
Most of the existing ontologies are too generic and
offer only partial solutions for subsurface energy in-
dustry domain. Additionally, most of these ontolo-
gies and data models are not publicly available, so
their reusability is limited. Aside from that, they are
hard to align with Data Mesh, the newest paradigm
in data architecture. Federated data governance con-
cepts such as access control and different data product
personas are not reflected in these domain ontologies.
This work was motivated by the above-mentioned in-
sufficiencies, as well as compatibility with the well-
received OSDU data platform. The OSDU terms are
widely accepted by the Oil & Gas industry, includ-
ing Shell, Schlumberger, Chevron, BP, Total, etc. Our
ontology conforms to the standards set by these com-
panies, making it applicable to them.
The OSDU ontology includes physical objects, such
as wellbore and basin, or business activities, such as
seismic acquisitions. These digital objects contain
static context, such as units of measurement. Meta-
data are also included, such as file owner and ancestry
information, access controls, versions, and sources.
Using the OSDU ontology, domain experts can per-
form semantic queries not possible otherwise, as well
as represent a data management model. By itself,
OSDU is a centralized system. On the other hand,
converting the OSDU standards to OSDU ontology
facilitates the deployment of distributed (federated)
data by adding a knowledge graph layer on top of all
the existing domain data.
We defined a new namespace
https://w3id.org/osdu and we also registered the
prefix osdu at http://prefix.cc for all the resources
{ "data": {
"allOf": [
{ "$ref": "../abstract/AbstractCommon
Resources.1.0.0.json" },
{ "type": "object",
"properties": {
"WellID": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "ˆ[\\w\\-\\.]+:master
"x-osdu-relationship": [
{ "GroupType": "master-data",
"EntityType": "Well" }
Figure 1: Sample OSDU JSON schema file.
used in the ontology in order to easily distinguish
it while integrating with external ontologies. In
addition, all the code, documentation, and ontology
Turtle files are available to public via Github
getting further contributions from the community.
3.1 Design Rationale
Since OSDU was built with an interoperability goal
and adopts a domain-driven design, the OSDU ontol-
ogy is designed based on its schema and data defini-
tions. The data loaded into the platform must adhere
to a predefined JSON standard, which can be found
in the OSDU schema files
. An example of these
schema files can be found in Figure 1. In OSDU,
different group types are explained by schema files,
including Master Data, Reference Data, File, Work
Product Component, and Work Product. The Master
Data group type refers to the information about the
business and physical objects, providing context and
properties for the associated digital objects. As with
Master Data, Reference Data refers to concepts out-
side of a company’s business processes and is more
static. Digital files are represented by File group type.
They are immutable and contain metadata about the
files. The Work Product Component group type repre-
sents business metadata and logical concepts of a set
of files. In addition to being versioned, immutable,
and GUID-enabled, it may also pertain to measure-
ments, observations, and interpretations of business
A Data Mesh Adaptable Oil and Gas Ontology Based on Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU)
objects. The Work Product group type is a set of Work
Product Components wrapped together for data inges-
tion into OSDU data platform.
Using the OSDU schema JSON files, the follow-
ing rules are followed in order to construct an OWL 2
1. Create a class for each OSDU data plat-
form group type and JSON schema. A class
osdu:AbstractCommonResources could be de-
fined for AbstractCommonResources.1.0.0.json,
for example.
2. Most OSDU schema files contain similar prop-
erties, including id, kind, legal, meta, version,
and tags. As a result, we create an osdu:System
class and add all of these properties as datatype
properties. Through a rdfs:subClassOf link,
each class corresponding to a JSON schema file
will be connected to osdu:System. ACL is the
only exception, which is defined as osdu:ACL, a
subclass of osdu:AbstractAccessControlList, and
connected to osdu:System by osdu:hasACL. This
design choice is so that we can apply the generic
properties of osdu:AbstractAccessControlList
to osdu:ACL and define osdu:owners and
osdu:viewers datatype properties for each
3. If the OSDU schema file specifies required at-
tributes, the entities listed as required data must
have owl:minCardinality of 1. For instance, since
osdu:kind datatype property and osdu:ACL class
are required entities, they must have a minimum
cardinality of 1.
4. There is also a rdfs:comment associated with
each class, object property, and datatype property
corresponding to the schema entity’s description
5. There is a data key in every OSDU schema JSON
file that describes the properties of its classes.
Our ontology includes the nested properties of
data. Assuming the allOf nested property of data
contains a $ref entity, we select the referenced
schema file as the superclass of the class asso-
ciated with this OSDU schema JSON file. At-
tributes of properties that are themselves nested
properties of data are subject to the following
6. If an attribute has a property of type with the value
of string or integer, a datatype property should be
created in the ontology and named after the at-
tribute. Created datatype property has the class
corresponding with the schema JSON file as its
domain and the value of type as its range.
7. Created datatype properties can also include
xsd:pattern, which contains the value associated
with the attribute’s pattern entity.
8. Datatype property names that are already occu-
pied by classes in our ontology must be extended
with property”.
9. If an attribute has a property of type with the value
of object, an object property should be created
in the ontology. The object property’s name be-
gins with ”has” and continues with the attribute’s
name. A new class must be created with the prop-
erty’s name in capitalized camel-case. All at-
tributes nested in this class must be added, with
this new class as their domain, in recursive fash-
ion according to rules 6-14.
10. An object property must be created for attributes
with $ref nested entities. The object property’s
name begins with ”has” and continues with the
attribute’s name. The domain of the object prop-
erty is the class associated with the schema JSON
file, or the currently nested class under consider-
ation, while the range is the class associated with
the referenced schema file.
11. Whenever an attribute has a type of array but does
not have either a $ref nested entity under its items,
or a nested entity in its items with type ”object” or
”array”, we only need to add a datatype property
with the same name as the attribute, a range for
the type subelement of items, and a domain name
as the schema JSON file’s name.
12. If there is an x-osdu-relationship entity associated
with the attribute, which is now a datatype prop-
erty in the ontology, the nested entities Group-
Type and EntityType need to be checked. Ontol-
ogy classes must exist with the name of the En-
tityType, e.g. WellboreTrajectoryType, which are
subclasses of classes with the name of the value
of GroupType, e.g. Reference Data. The datatype
property that has a subclass name similar to its
value needs an owl:allValuesFrom.
13. If an attribute has a type of array and a property
of minItems, an owl:PropertyRestriction must be
placed on the property. If the attribute is being
constructed as a Datatype property, the restriction
is of type owl:minCardinality. If the attribute is
being constructed as an Object property, the re-
striction is of type owl:minCardinality, with the
cardinality restriction specified only on the Class
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 2: Partial schema diagram of the OSDU ontology.
constructed as the range for the property in this
14. New classes should be defined for attributes of
type of array, which have nested entities of type
type array. Such classes receive the name of the
upper-level class associated with the attribute, and
the name of the attribute appended, and then the
word ”Array” following. These classes receive
cardinality restrictions on their number of items
as specified in the previous rule.
As part of our efforts to align and extend the
OSDU ontology to other domains, we have imported
some open ontologies. FOAF
, OWL-Time
and GeoNames
are among the imported ontologies.
Using owl:sameAs or rdfs:subClassOf links, they are
connected to the corresponding classes in our domain
ontology. In addition, they are linked to their corre-
sponding properties via the rdfs:range.
3.2 Implementation
There are some studies on building OWL ontolo-
gies based on JSON structured data (Delva et al.,
2021)(Sbai et al., 2019). Inspired by these works, a
Python implementation of the rules outlined in sec-
tion 3.1 was undertaken. The data flow is shown in
Figure 3, and the codebase is available on Github
The algorithm proceeds as follows:
The OSDU JSON schema structures are compiled
into a nested dictionary by an intake script.
A JSON parser receives this schema dictionary,
and extracts input to form all instances of classes
and properties that may be present in the data,
based on the rules outlined in section 3.1 .
An ontology modeler receives these classes and
properties, and uses the expected hierarchical and
property connections to form a linked graphical
model of the ontology.
The ontology modeler connects ontology proper-
ties and classes to public-available ontologies us-
ing a researcher-defined configuration file.
The .ttl generator outputs a .ttl file in the expected
format, complete with all specified classes, prop-
erties, and description logic.
In the ontology modeler’s post-processing, the
OSDU ontology is connected to external open ontolo-
gies. To allow researchers to specify which ontology
properties and classes should be connected to open
ontologies, a configuration file was designed. Once
the ontology is reviewed, the high-level ontology gen-
eration can be re-run to establish new connections.
With the scalable automated implementation of
this ontology generation, ongoing changes to the
OSDU schema can be incorporated efficiently as they
occur. The OSDU ontology will be updated as OSDU
schema standards are updated in the future, so users
of the OSDU data standard can link their databases to
this proposed ontology. Additionally, since the algo-
rithm correctly models the ontology’s graphical, hier-
archical nature on the backend, the ontology’s struc-
tural integrity can be verified rapidly and procedu-
rally. As will be covered in the section 4, the OSDU
ontology scores highly on metrics of ontological qual-
ity, and this was ensured through its procedural for-
mation. Finally, modularity and easy configuration
allows for the fast generation of a very large ontol-
ogy, with high amounts of nuance captured as specif-
A Data Mesh Adaptable Oil and Gas Ontology Based on Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU)
Figure 3: Data flow diagram of the OSDU ontology generation algorithm.
ically defined by the OSDU schema designers. It is
now possible for ontology experts to review, correct,
and augment the ontology with more time. Thus,
OSDU’s algorithmic ontology generation is one of its
key highlights. The code is provided as a reference
for ontology generation researchers to use as an algo-
rithmic template for creating large ontologies in other
3.3 Main Classes and Properties
A partial schema diagram is shown in Figure 2 show-
ing some of the main classes and their relationships,
while Figure 4 shows the top-level classes, object
properties, and partial list of datatype properties.
Classes whose names begin with osdu:Abstract
define the parent properties of each associated class,
such as alias names, owners, viewers, facility infor-
mation, and spatial locations of wells or organiza-
tions. The osdu:System class contains metadata about
its subclasses, such as the creation and modification
times, users, access control, legal, and tag informa-
tion. High-level information about subsurface en-
ergy concepts is included in the osdu:MasterData
class, such as drilling reasons, trajectory types,
hole locations, and vertical measurements. In the
osdu:ReferenceData class, values such as units of
measurement and units of quantity are stored for data
validation. A class osdu:WorkProductComponent
represents data resulting from a business activity, such
as curve quality, top depth, base depth, log version,
service company, drilling fluid property, log source,
and business activity. Additionally, it contains links
to the related files. As part of the osdu:Dataset class,
the path to the actual file/s and metadata for the file/s
are included.
The final OSDU ontology is very large - 633 custom
classes, 3939 property relationships, and 1498 inher-
itance relationships are proposed to semantically rep-
resent concepts in OSDU-specified data. A large scale
and level of semantic specificity is recommended in
order to capture the nuance of OSDU data specifica-
tions. Working with such a large ontology, however,
requires careful evaluation of its usability (Hlomani
and Stacey, 2014). Initially, subsections of the au-
tomatically generated ontology were compared with
equivalents manually created by an expert ontologist,
and the generation algorithm was modified until all
these gold standard test cases were matched. The on-
tology is then evaluated according to two general ap-
proaches. Ontology quality was assessed using stan-
dard metrics, and the ontology was validated by ver-
ifying its suitability to answer competency questions
relevant to OSDU data use cases.
4.1 Ontology Quality Metrics
To assess ontology structural quality(Yao et al.,
2005), the number of leaf classes (NOL) in the
ontology hierarchical structure and the average
depth of the inheritance tree (ADIT-LN) were both
measured. See Table 1 for all metric values. The
OSDU ontology introduces a large number of highly
specialized concepts due to its large number of leaf
classes. Generally, a deep inheritance tree may be a
sign that the ontology introduces too many interme-
diary classes. Small average depths can indicate that
too many classes are independent and don’t share
any attributes. Having a measured depth of 3 for the
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 4: Top Level OSDU ontology constructs.
OSDU ontology is a good middle ground that
has a fair amount of shared attributes.
Table 1: Ontology Quality Metric Values for OSDU Ontol-
Metric Metric Value
NOL 595
ADIT-LN 2.92
Relationship richness 0.72
Inheritance richness 2.37
Attribute richness 6.16
A few additional metrics were computed to quan-
tify the richness of information conveyed by the on-
tology (Tartir et al., 2005) . Ontology richness was
0.72, indicating that a reasonable proportion of non-
inheritance properties are represented. Ontology in-
heritance richness was 2.37, which is similar to aver-
age inheritance depth, suggesting a fair distribution of
information across levels in the inheritance tree. Fi-
nally, attribute richness was measured as 6.16, which
means that around 6 non-inheritance properties occur
per class. Based on this data, it can be concluded that
OSDU is well-suited to describe rich concepts since
it contains a high amount of information about each
4.2 Competency Questions
In order to verify that the OSDU ontology can be
used to model and query real-world data semantically,
competency questions were devised. To this end,
sample data provided by OSDU users in TNO
mapped in Knowledge Graph format to the OSDU
ontology, using the Stardog application. Numerous
competency questions were devised and were answer-
able using SPARQL queries on this sample database.
Two questions are selected as example cases, avail-
able in Figure 5 and Figure 6.
It is clear from the answers to these questions that
the OSDU ontology is capable of capturing the con-
nections present in real-world data and is capable of
answering questions using simple queries over mod-
eled data.
Now that we have seen how OSDU ontology can
be generated automatically from OSDU schemas, it
would be useful to understand its broader implication
in the context of data architecture. Specifically, we
would like to explain how it can expedite the creation
of Data Mesh architecture for the Oil & Gas industry.
Data Mesh is the latest trend in data architecture
and every industry is moving away from the concept
of Data Lake and adopting Data Mesh. There are sev-
A Data Mesh Adaptable Oil and Gas Ontology Based on Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU)
(a) SPARQL Query.
(b) Result.
Figure 5: SPARQL query and answer for the competency
question: What is the list of provinces in Netherland where
their well facility state types are ”Abandoned”?
(a) SPARQL Query.
(b) Result.
Figure 6: SPARQL query and answer for the competency
question: What are the primary materials in the trajectory
of Wellbores in Well 8111? What are their drilling reasons?
eral key features that characterize the Data Mesh Ar-
chitecture, such as, decentralization of domains, data
as a product, self-serve infrastructure, and federated
governance. Note that data products are created and
published by the producers, searched for and used
by the consumers either directly or used in combina-
tion with other products to create new data products.
The core component of the Data Mesh Architecture
that makes the connection between the producers and
consumers seamless is what is called the Data Cata-
log. Data Catalog, as the name suggests, holds the
metadata about all the data products and the intercon-
nection between them. As new products are created,
their metadata gets added to the Data Catalog and new
connections/links are built as necessary. A knowl-
edge graph powered by the OSDU ontology acts as
the Data Catalog for the Data Mesh architecture in
the Oil & Gas industry. Data Catalogue is needed to
provide federated governance and interoperability be-
tween decentralized domains, such as wellbore, basin,
well construction, and well delivery. What lends cred-
ibility to this architecture for the Oil & Gas industry is
that the OSDU concepts developed by the Oil & Gas
industry consortia are aligned with the architectural
tenets of Data Mesh architecture as shown in Table 2.
Specifically, the knowledge graph-based Data Catalog
powered by OSDU ontology helps to do authentica-
tion and validation of metadata for the creation of data
products. Moreover, it helps to find connections be-
tween cross-domain products that may be combined
to create new products in a seamless manner not pos-
sible otherwise. Similarly, from the consumer’s per-
spective, the Data Catalog powered by OSDU ontol-
ogy, by virtue of preserving the semantic relationship
between the data products, enables complex semantic
searches not possible otherwise.
According to Figure 7, the proposed architecture
includes three horizontal layers: Raw Data Inges-
tion, Data Product Creation, and Data Product Con-
sumption. There are also three vertical layers, corre-
sponding to Data Flow, Metadata, and Human Expert.
Dashed line boxes represent jobs pertinent to each do-
main based on its own requirements. Solid line boxes
are common to all domains in a Data Mesh architec-
The Raw Data Ingestion layer connects to vari-
ous operational data stores via data virtualization, i.e.,
data can reside in any data store anywhere, but meta-
data corresponding to the physical data enables access
to it. OSDU ontology provides domain standards,
rules, access control, and semantics for each user per-
The data products are generated using AI-powered
techniques such as deduplication, cleaning, tagging,
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 7: Knowledge graph supported Data Mesh architecture.
Table 2: OSDU concepts and Data Mesh concepts align-
OSDU Concept Data Mesh Concept
Domain Domain
Work Product
Data product
Comment Data product semantic
cation in Abstract-
Security of data
products and domains
LogVersion in
version of each
class, ResourceLife-
CyleStatus in
Temporal aspect
of data products
Computational gov-
ernance and code for
enforcing access control
Quality of data products
imputation, and augmentation. Following this, the
datasets are published as polyglot curated datasets,
with different access points for different data con-
sumption platforms. For the creation of AI-powered
data products, an Expert Workbench is required to
provide a user-friendly interface for Human (Domain)
Experts to validate data quality rules. In the knowl-
edge graph-based catalogue, metadata can be pulled
from various generated data products. The knowl-
edge graph also reflects all the learned data quality
and cross product indices.
As shown in Figure 7, on the Consumption part
of Data Flow, the end user can search and retrieve the
data products of interest using contextual queries. Re-
sults are generated based on SPARQL queries submit-
ted to the knowledge graph-based catalogue.
Let’s illustrate the creation of a new data product
using a simple example and show how a knowledge
graph-based data catalog powered by the OSDU on-
tology enables it. Figure 8 shows an Oil & Gas enter-
prise following the above architecture, which is com-
posed of several decentralized domains like Wellbore,
Well Construction and Delivery, etc. Creating data
products that are easy to discover and consume is the
responsibility of each domain. As illustrated in Figure
8a, domain Wellbore generates a data product called
Drilling Efficiency.
In order to calculate the value of a data product
like Drilling Efficiency, it must have multimodal ac-
cess to different data sources, semantics, and qual-
ity metrics. In addition, it must be computed and
logged at constant intervals due to its temporal na-
ture. For example, when a data scientist searches for
Pressure Logs in order to predict Drilling Efficiency,
the search engine authenticates the user and checks
A Data Mesh Adaptable Oil and Gas Ontology Based on Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU)
(a) An example of domains and data products in an Oil &
Gas enterprise.
(b) Knowledge graph-based data catalogue.
Figure 8: Domain decentralization and data products inter-
operability and a high-level reflection of their instances in
the knowledge graph.
access control before presenting all the relevant Data
Products from different domains. It will display var-
ious metadata related to Pressure Logs, including ad-
dress, API endpoint, quality, semantics, lineage, and
versions. In the backend, the knowledge graph is
queried to retrieve the most relevant Pressure Log data
products. When the data scientist is done with cre-
ating the Drilling Efficiency data product based on
all the retrieved metadata of Pressure Log Products
from different domains, the new data product, namely,
Drilling Efficiency, gets indexed in the knowledge
graph along with all its metadata as shown in Fig-
ure 8b. Prior to confirming its reconciliation in the
knowledge graph, the domain expert needs to evalu-
ate the generated metadata of the Drilling Efficiency
data product.
New data products can also be created by access-
ing a data product from another domain. From the
Well Construction and Delivery domain, for exam-
ple, the Drilling Efficiency data product can be ac-
cessed and combined with the Oil Production Service
data product from the Well Construction and Deliv-
ery domain to produce a new data product called Well
Planning, as shown in Figure 8a. According to the
mappings between Data Mesh concepts and OSDU
data platform concepts, the OSDU ontology describes
the location of data products and their domains. Tax-
onomies for quality metrics, versioning, domain se-
mantics, and tools generating work product compo-
nents are also included. Oil & Gas industry semantics
and Data Mesh concepts are not covered by any of
the previously defined domain ontologies. In addi-
tion, OSDU ontology is favored by energy companies
who are interested in building a Data Mesh architec-
ture for their enterprise data.
OSDU ontology is an abstraction layer aligning oper-
ational data with business concepts for subsurface en-
ergy data. As part of the Data Mesh trend in analytical
data architecture, OSDU ontology classes and proper-
ties align with the new trend. Metadata and relation-
ships are modeled between various Oil & Gas entities
and attributes. Using OSDU data platform standards,
we designed an ontology for modeling energy data.
Currently, the platform covers information about ex-
ploration, development, production, and drilling of
wells. As a result of OSDU ontology, discoverabil-
ity was improved in OSDU platform by improving
semantic search, user experience by enabling intu-
itive and efficient access to relevant data, data quality
by removing redundancy and disambiguation during
product creation in the AI-powered supply chain, and
data quality by disambiguating data. The OSDU on-
tology has been introduced to the OSDU community
in their biweekly forum meetings and has been well
received by cloud providers and subsurface energy
companies for building domain knowledge graphs
based on standard Oil & Gas data models. In the
future, OSDU plans to release data on solar, wind-
farms, hydrogen, and geothermal. Based on the rules
that we defined for schema JSON file translation to
OWL ontology, we can expand the scope of OSDU
ontology according to new releases of the data plat-
form to domains other than Oil & Gas. In light of
the widespread adoption of OSDU standards, OSDU
ontology is a natural choice as many Oil & Gas com-
panies are also embracing the new paradigm of data
architecture. The value of knowledge graphs and se-
mantic technologies increases with the new Industry
4.0 trend, Digital Twin. The digital twins that are
enabled with knowledge graphs are more integrated
and provide better decision-making capabilities. Oil
& Gas manufacturers can benefit from these digital
twins by improving their operational efficiency, relia-
bility, and agility. For energy industry-related digital
twins, the OSDU ontology can be an invaluable re-
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A Data Mesh Adaptable Oil and Gas Ontology Based on Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU)