Recommendation System for Product Test Failures Using BERT
Xiaolong Sun
, Henrik Holm
, Sina Molavipour
2, a
, Fitsum Gaim Gebre
, Yash Pawar
2 b
Kamiar Radnosrati
2 c
and Serveh Shalmashi
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Ericsson AB, Stockholm, Sweden
{sina.molavipour, fitsum.gaim.gebre, henrik.holm, yash.pawar, kamiar.radnosrati, serveh.shalmashi}
Recommendation System, Information Retrieval, Language Models.
Historical failure records can provide insights to investigate if a similar situation occurred during the trou-
bleshooting process in software. However, in the era of information explosion, massive amounts of data make
it unrealistic to rely solely on manual inspection of root causes, not to mention mapping similar records.
With the ongoing development and breakthroughs of Natural Language Processing (NLP), we propose an
end-to-end recommendation system that can instantly generate a list of similar records given a new raw failure
record. The system consists of three stages: 1) general and tailored pre-processing of raw failure records;
2) information retrieval; 3) information re-ranking. In the process of model selection, we undertake a thor-
ough exploration of both frequency-based models and language models. To mitigate issues stemming from
imbalances in the available labeled data, we propose an updated Recall@K metric that utilizes an adaptive K.
We also develop a multi-stage training pipeline to deal with limited labeled data and investigate how different
strategies affect performance. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our two-stage BERT model,
fine-tuned on extra domain data, achieves the best score over the baseline models.
A failure record is a document that outlines the de-
tails of software tests that have failed during the test-
ing phase. Usually, it contains out-of-range Key Per-
formance Indicators (KPI)s, malfunctioning modules,
and configuration attributes. To ensure product qual-
ity, new features and upgrades are continuously eval-
uated in test loops at different levels. In this process,
it is inevitable to see failures of test cases that require
detailed investigations and troubleshooting. However,
the number of tests and the complexity of the data
pose a big challenge to manual inspections. There
has been an increasing demand for improving the ef-
ficiency and effectiveness of the testing process.
In light of advances in machine learning, espe-
cially in Natural Language Processing (NLP), tech-
niques can be leveraged to identify patterns and trends
in failure records. Previous papers (Grimalt et al.,
2022; Bosch et al., 2022) proposed solutions to han-
*Contributed equally to this paper.
dle duplicate identification in trouble reports, which
are more general compared with failure records. In
this paper, our goal is to prevent unnecessary replica-
tion of test cases and provide better insight into fail-
ures for testers. We develop an end-to-end system that
can investigate the historical data and recommends a
list of similar items given a new failure record. The
steps can be broken down as follows:
1. Pre-process the input data with both general
cleaning strategies and tailored cleaning strategies
adapted to the telecommunication domain;
2. Retrieve a set of top relevant candidates from a
large corpus of documents;
3. Reorder the candidates in the previous stage to get
a final list of ranked documents.
In order to find a suitable model for our system,
we explore both traditional frequency-based mod-
els and the state-of-art language model, Bidirectional
Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)
(Devlin et al., 2018). The frequency-based models
we use include Term Frequency–Inverse Document
Frequency (TF-IDF) (Salton and Buckley, 1988) and
BM25 (Sanderson, 2010). The baseline BERT-based
Sun, X., Holm, H., Molavipour, S., Gebre, F., Pawar, Y., Radnosrati, K. and Shalmashi, S.
Recommendation System for Product Test Failures Using BERT.
DOI: 10.5220/0012160800003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 206-213
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
model we use is TeleRoBERTa (Holm, 2021), a pre-
trained RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) language model
adapted to the telecommunication domain.
TeleRoBERTa is not directly applicable to the
text ranking task. Therefore, we build a multi-stage
training strategy that incorporates the idea of trans-
fer learning (Torrey and Shavlik, 2010) to improve
the performance of our recommendation system. This
includes fine-tuning our baseline model on the MS
document ranking dataset (Bajaj et al.,
2016), the trouble reports dataset (Grimalt et al.,
2022), and our failure records dataset. For this pur-
pose, we use 23.5k trouble reports consisting of in-
ternal and external support tickets and incidents with
information about fault tags, fault headers, fault de-
scriptions, etc. Failure records, which are the main
focus of this work, contain more detailed information
about failure incidents during the testing process.
To enhance the interpretability of results, we pro-
pose a new metric called Adaptive Recall@K. The fi-
nal evaluation of our system includes the following
The performance of both frequency-based models
and BERT-based models in the Information Re-
trieval (IR) stage.
The result of models with and without re-ranking
in the Re-ranking (RR) stage.
The effectiveness of different one-stage and multi-
stage training strategies.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. We
provide preliminary knowledge of frequency-based
models and BERT-based models in Section 2. Sec-
tion 3 describes our end-to-end recommendation sys-
tem, including the data, the system architecture, the
multi-stage training pipeline, and our adaptive met-
rics. Then we present our experiments, results, and
analysis in Section 4, followed by the conclusion of
our paper in Section 5.
The task of building a recommendation system can
be viewed as a text ranking problem. In this paper,
we mainly focus on two types of models: frequency-
based models and BERT-based neural ranking mod-
Frequency-based models utilize classic informa-
tion retrieval techniques and rely on statistical mea-
The dataset has a corpus of 3.2 million documents and
300 thousand queries in the training set, with each query
mapped to a positive passage ID that corresponds to its re-
spective document ID within the corpus.
surement to assign weights to each word, whereas
neural ranking methods leverage deep neural net-
works, such as the Transformer-based BERT lan-
guage model, to produce embeddings of given input
sequences. BERT, as a popular state-of-the-art model,
offers more precise and nuanced analysis compared to
traditional frequency-based models. However, when
faced with limited computational resources or train-
ing data, frequency-based models like TF-IDF and
BM25 still provide a practical and effective approach
for text analysis and retrieval tasks. This section pro-
vides detailed background information and existing
literature for the two models.
2.1 Frequency-Based Models
Frequency-based models determine a term’s impor-
tance within a corpus by its frequency of occur-
rence. This is achieved by representing the query and
document as vectors, using frequency-based metrics,
and assessing their similarity based on shared terms.
While these models are valued for their simplicity,
efficiency, and interpretability, they typically fail to
adequately capture the semantic relationship between
words and are sensitive to noise and outliers in the
data (El-Din, 2016). Considering these features, it
is conventional to use frequency-based models as a
baseline for further comparison (Grimalt et al., 2022).
TF-IDF is a widely used algorithm in information
retrieval that measures Term Frequency (TF) denoting
the importance of each term in a document, and In-
verse Document Frequency (IDF) indicating the rarity
of the term across the entire corpus of documents.
BM25 is a more sophisticated algorithm that in-
corporates additional parameters into its ranking for-
mula. Apart from TF and IDF, it also takes other fac-
tors into account, such as document length and the
average document length in the corpus. BM25 over-
comes certain drawbacks of TF-IDF, which include
its vulnerability to the influence of rare terms, and
its failure to account for variation in the document
length. Therefore, BM25 is a more potent method for
generating ranking results for specific types of queries
and documents.
2.2 BERT-Based Neural Ranking
Unlike traditional frequency-based models, neural
models learn the relevance of documents to a given
query. BERT is one of the most popular models used
for neural ranking. It uses a self-attention mechanism
(Vaswani et al., 2017) to capture the relationships be-
tween words in a sentence or document with two un-
Recommendation System for Product Test Failures Using BERT
Figure 1: End-to-end recommendation system architecture.
supervised learning tasks: Masked Language Model-
ing (MLM) and Next Sentence Prediction (NSP).
In general, a BERT framework consists of two
steps: pre-training and fine-tuning (Devlin et al.,
2018). With a pre-trained model obtained from the
training process above, we can take it as a starting
point and fine-tune it for a new task or domain in the
transfer learning process (Torrey and Shavlik, 2010).
In this paper, we fine-tune our model on a telecommu-
nication dataset using domain adaptation (Farahani
et al., 2021) and on a document ranking dataset us-
ing sequential learning (Aljundi et al., 2018) to adapt
to our use case.
To leverage BERT models in information retrieval
systems and semantic search, two architectures have
been suggested: the bi-encoder and the cross-encoder.
A bi-encoder consists of two encoders that share the
same weights and are trained jointly. The first en-
coder encodes the query sequence, while the second
one encodes the candidate sequence in the corpus. Af-
ter the output embeddings pass the aggregator, usu-
ally a pooling layer, each encoder produces a fixed-
length vector representation of the corresponding se-
quence as output. The similarity between the query
and the candidate is then calculated by the distance
between these two vectors using a similarity function,
such as cosine similarity. Sentence-BERT (Reimers
and Gurevych, 2019) is one of the most popular bi-
encoder models. A cross-encoder encodes both input
sentences jointly rather than separately. Mono-BERT
and Duo-BERT are examples of the cross-encoder
BERT model, where special tokens are added be-
tween two sentences to make an input. Besides the
BERT model, it includes a final classification layer
that takes the output representations and produces a
value ranging from 0 to 1 indicating how similar the
input sentence pairs are.
Joint encoding allows cross-encoders to capture
semantic and syntactic relationships between the two
input sentences more accurately (Lin et al., 2021).
Therefore, the cross-encoder usually has a better per-
formance than the bi-encoder. However, due to the
larger number of parameters and the requirement to
encode both input sentences simultaneously, cross-
encoders are typically more computationally expen-
sive than bi-encoders (Choi et al., 2021).
Since both the bi-encoder and the cross-encoder have
their disadvantages, a traditional one-stage ranking
system usually fails to fully develop their potential.
Therefore, a two-stage ranking system can be used to
make the best use of their strengths and avoid their
weaknesses. Figure 1 presents the architecture of
our end-to-end recommendation system consisting of
three parts: Pre-processing, IR, and RR. We also in-
troduce a multi-stage training strategy and some im-
proved metrics to enhance the performance and model
interpretability. Detailed information is provided in
this section.
3.1 Data Pre-Processing
In this paper, we analyze failure records generated
during the execution of tests in a Continuous Inte-
gration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process. These
records contain stored information, including a test
case identifier, and logs detailing the faults, activity
types, and configurations. We prepare failure records
data by concatenating these fields as a data builder
and collecting a database with 28k records.
Since the messages in failure records are gener-
ated by machines, all detailed information is directly
stored, which makes it verbose and contains redun-
dancy or repeated information. However, BERT has
a limit on the input sequence length of 512 tokens.
Without pre-processing, we risk losing important in-
formation as the part exceeding the upper limit is
truncated directly. Therefore, our proposed data pre-
processing strategy aims to clean the text while pre-
serving the original information as much as possible.
Previous papers looked into the heterogeneity of
the log files, which can be a problem to extract useful
information with consistent formats (Saneifar et al.,
2009). To mitigate such a problem, we develop both
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 2: Number of tokens before and after pre-processing.
The median values are 4840 and 183 respectively.
general cleaning algorithms and tailored cleaning al-
In general cleaning, we remove duplicate lines,
format whitespace, round decimals, and split dif-
ferent case styles to make them uniform.
In tailored cleaning, the basic idea is to simplify
technical term combinations in the telecommuni-
cation domain with the help of experts, but we ap-
ply different strategies to different fields to ensure
only useful and important information is kept.
For instance, the raw log:
[ br />[(SUCCESS), Value of KPI is
5.46459972189E-6 (Criteria $measure >= 1)
[time 2022-10-04 07:22:58], state = 0
[ br />[(SUCCESS), Value of KPI is
5.46459972189E-6 (Criteria $measure >= 1)
[time 2022-10-04 07:22:58], state = 0
after pre-processing is converted to:
SUCCESS Value of KPI is 5.46E-6;
Criteria: >=1.
Figure 2 provides a visual representation of
the number of tokens before and after data pre-
processing. Note that we apply logarithm to the num-
ber of tokens. It’s obvious that the average number
of tokens among records decreases significantly. In
fact, the median value decreases by over 95% after
pre-processing, which means our strategy effectively
removes many redundant tokens.
3.2 Information Retrieval
In the IR stage, given a search space of size M, an
initial set of N documents is retrieved, where N M.
The primary goal of this stage is to identify the top-
N relevant documents related to a user’s query while
maintaining efficiency and scalability. In other words,
the order of the relevant documents is not the main
concern; in fact, the most relevant documents do not
necessarily need to be at the top of the retrieved list.
Instead, the focus is on quickly processing large vol-
umes of data without significantly sacrificing accu-
racy. To achieve this, frequency-based and bi-encoder
models are employed for the IR stage, given their ef-
ficiency. Cosine similarity is used to compare the em-
beddings and retrieve the top-N relevant records.
3.3 Re-Ranking
In the RR stage, the initially retrieved N documents
are re-ordered according to their relevance to the
user’s query, producing a final list of top-K results,
where K N (Grimalt et al., 2022). In contrast to the
IR stage, the RR stage places great emphasis on ac-
curately ordering the documents as the model will be
evaluated based on both the overall accuracy and spe-
cific accuracy, such as top-1. It is worth mentioning
that the IR stage successfully narrows down the pool
of candidates to the relevant documents, thereby re-
ducing the number of options and facilitating accept-
able ranking time.
As explained earlier, cross-encoders are good can-
didates for re-ranking due to their higher accuracy
than bi-encoders. Comparing all pairs of query-
candidate for all records is computationally expensive
as the inference process requires passing a query and
candidate simultaneously through the BERT model.
However, as the number of candidates is limited to N,
the complexity of the end-to-end retrieval can be con-
trolled by choosing a smaller N. The cross-encoder
model is trained with a binary classification and re-
turns a score between 0 and 1, reflecting the similar-
ity between the two documents. Finally, candidates
are sorted according to scores computed in this stage.
3.4 Multi-Stage Training
To prepare models, we employ domain adaptation
and sequential learning. Domain adaptation trans-
fers a model that was trained on a source domain
to a different target domain with different character-
istics. Sequential learning focuses on learning and
adapting to new tasks without forgetting previously
learned information. Figure 3 shows the multi-stage
training pipeline, where the plain boxes represent
bi-encoders and the dashed boxes represent cross-
encoders. For bi-encoders, the proposed approach
involves a sequential fine-tuning process for TeleR-
oBERTa, a pre-trained telecommunications-specific
language model that is integrated into both bi-encoder
and cross-encoder structures. To further fine-tune the
Recommendation System for Product Test Failures Using BERT
Figure 3: Multi-stage training pipeline. The plain boxes represent bi-encoder and the dashed boxes represent cross-encoder.
bi-encoder model, we use the MS MARCO docu-
ment ranking dataset for sequential learning. Then,
we explore two domain adaptation strategies: one is
to directly fine-tune the model on the failure records
dataset; the other is to fine-tune the model on the
trouble reports dataset and the failure records dataset
respectively. For cross-encoders, we investigate do-
main adaptation of directly fine-tuning TeleRoBERTa
on the failure records dataset.
3.5 Model Evaluation Metrics and
3.5.1 Adaptive Recall@K
Recall@K is a commonly used evaluation metric in
information retrieval and machine learning that mea-
sures the fraction of relevant items retrieved in the top
K results of a recommendation algorithm. The math-
ematical formula is:
Recall@K =
, (1)
where N
represents the number of relevant items re-
trieved in top K and N
is the total number of rele-
vant items.
However, standard Recall@K is not insightful in
our model as the number of relevant records in the
ground truth varies widely between samples. As can
be seen in Figure 4, certain failure records have more
than 100 relevant documents, while other records
are linked to only 1 document. To clarify the chal-
lenges this creates, consider a sample with 100 related
records. Calculating the Recall@10 for this sample
can at its maximum return a recall rate of 0.1, even
if all 10 retrieved records are included in the ground
truth. To mitigate the issues, we propose an adaptive
score called Adaptive Recall@K (AR@K). The for-
mula is presented in the next section.
Figure 4: Number of relevant documents for each record.
3.5.2 Improved Model Interpretability
To evaluate our recommendation in an all-round way
and improve the interpretability of our model, we in-
troduce the following two matching metrics:
Strict Matching: We want to evaluate the overall
accuracy of the model, i.e., what is the percent-
age of relevant items among the top-K retrieved
records? Thus, all K items must be relevant to
get the full score. For example, if we have Re-
call@10 = 0.5, it shows that 50 percent of the top-
10 retrieved items are relevant. Mathematically,
the recall rate is computed as:
min(K, N
, (2)
where the denominator saturates with too many
relevant items and avoids the situation of underes-
timation described above.
Single Matching: We evaluate the accuracy of
retrieving from another perspective. Instead of
matching all the records, we focus on the possi-
bility of getting at least one relevant item among
the top-K retrieved records. Here, only one item
needs to be relevant to get the full score. For ex-
ample, if we have Recall@10 = 0.5, it shows that
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
we have a 50 percent chance of finding at least one
relevant item in the retrieved 10 candidates. Since
the matching criterion is a little different, the for-
mula of the recall rate also changes:
1, over one relevant in top-K
0, otherwise
where we count the recall rate as 1 as long as at
least one relevant record is found in the retrieved
top-K documents.
For both cases, we calculate the average recall rate
over K to get the final result.
Since queries and related target samples are inter-
changeable, a query can retrieve itself and inflate the
scores. Therefore, we detect self-retrieval and do not
reward models during evaluation.
In this section, detailed information on the data split
and training setups is provided. Then we present and
analyze the results under two testing scenarios using
our adaptive metrics.
4.1 Dataset Split
In our dataset of about 28k failure records, only
670 records have been labeled by domain experts,
meaning that they have been linked to other (simi-
lar) records. From these 670 labeled samples, a 50/50
train-test split is created. The number of records in the
train and test splits is displayed in Table 1. Moreover,
models are evaluated in the following scenarios:
1. Standard Testing: In this setting, both query and
search records are taken from the test set. In ad-
dition to the test set records, we randomly select
additional (unlabelled) 1,670 records from the full
dataset. These 1,670 records are included in nei-
ther the train nor the test split. They are added
to the search corpus of the test split to increase
its search space, thereby better mimicking a real-
world information-retrieval situation. These sam-
ples are denoted as distractors records as they
serve to make the retrieval task more challenging.
2. Extended Testing: In this setting, the query
records are taken from the pre-defined test set. In
this scenario, however, the search records are ex-
tended with all unlabelled records in the dataset
(i.e., not only the 1,670 distractor records men-
tioned in the Standard Testing scenario). This in-
troduces more challenge, as the test corpus would
Table 1: Number of records in train and test dataset under
standard and extended scenarios.
Train 336 336
Testquery 334 334
Testcorpus 2,004 27,955
incorporate all available data except for the sam-
ples found in the training dataset.
4.2 BERT Training Details
In the IR stage, the bi-encoder TeleRoBERTa model
is first fine-tuned on 45k query-document pairs ran-
domly selected from the MS MARCO dataset with
4 epochs. For both the trouble reports dataset and the
failure records dataset, the model is fine-tuned with 10
epochs. All fine-tunings use a learning rate of 10
and the Multiple Negatives Ranking Loss (MNRL)
function (Henderson et al., 2017) which is designed
for the case when only positive (relevant) pairs are
In the RR stage, the cross-encoder TeleRoBERTa
model is fine-tuned on the Failure Records dataset
with 5 epochs and a learning rate of 2 × 10
. For
each record, the model is provided together with one
positive document sample and three negative docu-
ment samples. The loss function used is Binary Cross
Entropy loss.
4.3 Results and Analysis
The results of the experiments are presented in Table
2, depicting the one-stage and two-stage results using
standard testing and extended testing. In general, with
an increasing K, the recall rate using single matching
increases owing to a wider pool of candidates enhanc-
ing the likelihood of retrieving at least one relevant
item. Conversely, the recall rate using strict matching
decreases since a larger candidate pool makes it more
demanding to hit all the relevant items.
4.3.1 Frequency-Based Models vs. One-Stage
BERT-Based Models
In the standard testing, the overall recall rates don’t
show a significant difference between the two kinds
of models, while BERTMS+FR+TR has the highest accu-
racy under both matching scenarios (68.26%). How-
ever, as K increases, the difference becomes small,
especially when we use single matching. For almost
all the models, there is a possibility of more than 80%
that at least one of the retrieved 10 records is relevant.
Recommendation System for Product Test Failures Using BERT
Table 2: Results of frequency-based models and BERT-based models using standard and extended testing scenarios.
Model Matching
Standard Testing Extended Testing
AR@5 AR@10 AR@1 AR@5 AR@10
Strict 66.47% 61.63% 58.84% 35.63% 27.87% 27.05%
Single 66.47% 87.72% 91.02% 35.63% 63.47% 76.65%
Strict 67.66% 61.54% 59.72% 40.12% 34.84% 33.03%
Single 67.66% 88.02% 91.02% 40.12% 71.86% 82.93%
Strict 57.49% 48.26% 45.24% 35.03% 28.60% 27.84%
Single 57.49% 73.95% 79.94% 35.03% 61.98% 70.06%
Strict 65.57% 58.36% 56.23% 42.22% 33.75% 31.78%
Single 65.57% 85.33% 88.02% 42.22% 68.86% 76.35%
Strict 64.67% 54.47% 49.02% 39.82% 29.30% 26.42%
Single 64.67% 85.03% 87.13% 39.82% 63.17% 72.46%
Strict 68.26% 61.10% 58.06% 39.82% 33.79% 30.85%
Single 68.26% 87.43% 89.52% 39.82% 69.16% 77.84%
BERTMS+TR+FR Strict 71.26% 69.28% 64.18% 54.49% 43.54% 39.24%
+ BERTFR Single 71.26% 88.02% 90.72% 54.49% 77.84% 83.23%
AR@K in both strict and single matching modes is averaged over all test queries.
All BERT models in the table are TeleRoBERTa.
MS, TR, FR are respectively short for MS MARCO, Trouble Report, and Failure Record.
We can also observe that the baseline BERT model
performs worse than frequency-based models. Simi-
lar behavior has been reported in (Cekic¸ et al., 2022).
In the extended testing, when we try to find the
most relevant record, BERTMS outputs the best re-
sult on both matching metrics (42.22%). BM25 pro-
duces competitive results and surpasses all the one-
stage BERT models when we start evaluating the top-
5. However, recommending too many documents can
be a distraction during the execution of testing, which
means we should carefully choose the value for K.
4.3.2 One-Stage vs. Two-Stage BERT-Based
We use the cross-encoder TeleRoBERTa fine-tuned
on failure records dataset as our second-stage model.
The improvement in the recall rate is especially re-
markable for a larger search corpus. Compared with
the one-stage model, the recall rate of our two-stage
model increases by about 3% 8% in the standard
testing and 8% 14% in the extended testing using
strict matching. Even if BERTMS+FR+TR has already
achieved satisfactory results in both cases using sin-
gle matching, we can still observe a gain after the RR
stage. All the result proves that the RR stage is able
to reorder the retrieved list more accurately.
4.3.3 Comparison of Multi-Stage Models
In the standard testing, the effect of our multi-stage
training shows an approximate 11% gain over the
baseline BERT model. To be specific, sequential
learning makes the greatest contribution with an 8%
increase. In the extended testing, however, BERTMS
has the best performance.
We can also observe that BERTMS+FR has a com-
paratively low increase in the recall rate in both test-
ing cases, indicating that domain adaptation is not as
effective as sequential learning. There are two pos-
sible reasons accounting for this: 1) high overlap
between failure records and telecommunication data
makes it difficult to achieve a significant outcome; 2)
models tend to forget the previous task and domain
when learning the new ones due to catastrophic for-
getting (Bosch et al., 2022).
In this paper, we presented an end-to-end recommen-
dation system for failed test records using a two-stage
BERT model, including data pre-processing, IR, and
RR. We proposed a multi-stage training pipeline for a
pre-trained BERT model to learn different tasks and
domains. To enhance interpretability, we introduced
an adaptive metric and two test cases. In the IR stage,
our BERT model which went through the complete
training pipeline outperformed frequency-based mod-
els like TF-IDF and BM25, demonstrating the effec-
tiveness of our multi-stage learning strategy. In the
RR stage, the two-stage model showed significant im-
provement over one-stage models, providing highly
accurate failure record recommendations. In practice,
while BM25-based systems are cost-effective and re-
main a strong candidate, our end-to-end recommenda-
tion system offers a more accurate alternative solution
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
and is worth pursuing in the long run.
Recent approaches in text ranking attempt to
leverage the in-context learning capabilitty of large
language models (LLMs). Soft Prompting (Peng
et al., 2023) addresses the challenge of insufficient
domain-specific training data for dense retrieval by
using soft prompt-tuning to generate weak queries
and subsequently training task-specific dense retriev-
ers. Pairwise Ranking Prompting (Qin et al., 2023)
aims at enhancing the ranking performance of LLMs
by reducing the prompt complexities. Exploring
the practical implications and potential challenges of
these techniques when faced with real-world data re-
mains a promising avenue for future research. Addi-
tionally, further benchmark testing can shed light on
the comparison between large language models and
conventional methods and is considered an extension
of this study.
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Recommendation System for Product Test Failures Using BERT