A Comparative Study on Main Content Extraction Algorithms for
Right to Left Languages
Houriye Esfahanian
, Abdolreza Nazemi
and Andreas Geyer-Schulz
Non-Governmental Non-Profit College, Refah, Tehran, Iran
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
Keywords: Main Content Extraction, Evaluation Methods, Boilerplate Detection, Right to Left Languages.
Abstract: With the daily increase of published information on the Web, extracting the web page's main content has
become an important issue. Since 2010, in addition to the English Language, the contents with the right to
left languages such as Arabic or Persian are also increasing. In this paper, we compared the three famous main
content extraction algorithms published in the last decade, Boilerpipe, DANAg, and Web-AM, to find the
best algorithm considering evaluation measures and performance. The ArticleExtractor algorithm of the
Boilerpipe approach was scored as the most accurate algorithm, with the highest average score of F1 measure
of 0.951. On the contrary, the DANAg algorithm was selected with the best performance, being able to process
more than 21 megabytes per second. Considering the accuracy and the effectiveness of the main content
extraction projects, one of the two Boilerpipe or DANAg algorithms can be used.
Over the last few years, the growth of the Web has led
to increased information sharing and the need for
efficient organization and extraction of valuable data.
Information retrieval (IR) methods are used to store
and find relevant information on the Web, but the
increase in information requires more server capacity
and leads to higher costs. The main content extraction
(MCE) methods help control the amount of
information on the Web by extracting the essential
content, including the title (Mohammadzadeh et al.,
2012) and the publication date while discarding
unnecessary information. This enables efficient
storage of valuable web page content without any
additional clutter. The components of a website, such
as the header, the footer, the sidebar, and the sections
that are repeated on most of the pages of a website
called Boilerplate.
There are plenty of usages in the area of the MCE,
including search engine optimization and text-to-
speech conversion (TTS).
Due to the growing volume of content published
in right-to-left (R2L) languages on the Web,
languages like Persian and Arabic now rank among
the top 20 most widely published languages. In this
article, we specifically concentrated on extracting the
main content (MC) from web pages containing R2L
content. In this paper, we compare three algorithms in
extracting R2L main content from the web pages so
we can understand the strengths and weaknesses of
each algorithm, and we will be able to create better
algorithms with higher efficiency and effectiveness in
the future.
This paper will discuss the related works in (2)
and then explain the methods in (3). In (4), we will
evaluate and compare presented algorithms, and in
the last section (5) we will discuss the conclusions.
In the last two decades, scientists in the field of MCE
from the web pages have provided various
approaches, being able to extract MC with high
accuracy and maximum performance. Some MCE
algorithms aimed to find non-main-content such as
HTML tags, javascript, and CSS codes so that they
Esfahanian, H., Nazemi, A. and Geyer-Schulz, A.
A Comparative Study on Main Content Extraction Algorithms for Right to Left Languages.
DOI: 10.5220/0012162000003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 222-229
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
can be removed, and consequently, the rest of the file
would be MC. The second group of researchers has
been concentrating on finding MC directly on the web
pages without considering the non-main-content tags.
2.1 MCE Based on Deleting
The main objective of (Finn et al., 2007)'s study was
to establish a digital library by using the BTE (Body
Text Extraction) approach to extract and categorize
MC of web pages based on HTML tags. They utilized
a diagram to display the distribution of tags in
different sections of the web page, ultimately
identifying MC through a region with consistent
(Debnath et al., 2005) introduced two algorithms
named FeatureExtractor and K-featureExtractor. The
probability of being MC for each block is calculated
considering the specified features and tag set. Based
on the probability, the non-informative blocks are
removed, and secondly, the informative content is
extracted. K-featureExtractor applied the K-means
algorithm to choose the best set of blocks, instead of
one block, to extract a web page's MC.
(Weninger & Hsu, 2008) extracted MC from the
web pages with an inline algorithm, which is called
TTR (text tag ratio). In TTR, HTML and non-HTML
tags are counted in each line, and the ratio is stored in
a one-dimensional array. Finally, the content and non-
content will be clustered based on the ratio.
(Mantratzis et al., 2005) with creating a DOM
tree from the web pages, removing non-important
tags like <a> tag, and specifying important tags, has
extracted MC by considering the ratio of hyperlinked
text to the overall text.
(Gottron, 2008) introduces three algorithms
(CCB, ACCB, TCCB) that help diagnose the MC
region visually. CCB and ACCB are based on
characters, and TCCB is based on tokens. CCB
focuses on creating a one-dimensional image by
employing content code blurring (CCV) and
calculating the code content ratio (CCR), while
ACCB disregards anchor tags to enhance the
accuracy of extracting wiki-style web documents.
2.2 MCE Based on Detecting Main
(Chakrabarti et al., 2007) proposed a method to detect
page-level templates on web pages. The method
involved building a DOM tree of the web pages,
assigning "templateness" score to each node based on
specified features, and concluding that a node is a
template if all its children are templates.
To remove the non-content in a web page, (Gupta
et al., 2003) fed an HTML file into the parser to create
a DOM tree. MC is extracted by removing and
modifying nodes based on specific filters. (Fernandes
et al., 2007) proposed a method to enhance search
results by identifying important blocks. They first
create a DOM tree of the web pages and then divide
them into blocks using the VIPS algorithm. By
evaluating the diversity of content within each block,
they determine the MC of a web page.
(Vieira et al., 2006) developed a technique to
identify website templates, using a process involving
providing web pages as input, extracting a common
subtree from the DOM tree of pages using the
"RTDM-TD" algorithm, signing each extracted
subtree, and ultimately detecting and removing the
template subtree found in all web pages.
This section will evaluate three algorithms created
over the past decade, namely DANAg, Boilerpipe,
and Web-AM (Table 1). In addition to L2R content
(e.g., the English language), the DANAg and Web-
AM algorithms are focused on MCE with R2L
content. In this article, we will evaluate all these
3.1 Boilerpipe
Boilerplate algorithm was presented by (Kohlschütter
et al., 2010) and is used for identifying non-content
(boilerplate) features such as shallow text features,
mean word length, mean sentence length, and
absolute number of words, which are based on
quantitative linguistics.
Using a machine-learning classification model, it
separates the HTML text into content and non-
content. First, it converts web pages into blocks of
text with a sequence of characters and HTML tags,
and then it calculates hyperlink density and the word
count in blocks. Blocks with a higher density of
hyperlinks are tagged as boilerplate, and blocks with
a higher density of normal words are tagged as MC.
In addition, text blocks with lower-than-usual lengths
are considered as boilerplate and are eliminated in the
next stage.
A Comparative Study on Main Content Extraction Algorithms for Right to Left Languages
Table 1: Pseudocodes of Algorithms.
Algorithm 1: DefaultExtractor. Algorithm 2: DANAg. Algorithm 3: Web-AM Algorithm.
curr_linkDensity <= 0.333333
prev_linkDensity <=
curr_numWords <= 16
next_numWords <= 15
prev_numWords <= 4:
prev_numWords > 4:
next_numWords > 15:
curr_numWords > 16:
prev_linkDensity > 0.555556
curr_numWords <= 40
next_numWords <= 17:
next_numWords > 17:
curr_numWords > 40:
curr_linkDensity > 0.333333:
T = {rm}, R = {r1, r2, ...,
i = m
while i > 1 do
if d(ri, ri−1) ≤ gap then
T = T {ri−1}
end if
end while
i = m
while i < n do
if d(ri, ri+1) ≤ gap then
T = T {ri+1}
end if
end while
return T
Input: An HTML Tree (T)
Output: Article Text
procedure MAIN(T)
SeedNode ← getseednode(T)
ArticleText ← extracttext(SeedNode, T)
return ArticleText
procedure GETSEEDNODE(T)
hashMap(String, Integer) new
for each node n in T do
hashMap.put(n.path, n.text.length)
max ← 0
seed-node ← “ ”
for each path,length in hashMap do
if length > max then
max ← length
seed-node ← path
return seed-node
procedure EXTRACTTEXT(SN, T)
Content,Header ← “ ”
ContentSize ← 500
HeadingSize ← 50
for each node n in T do
Text ← n.text
if n.path == SN.path then
if Text.length >= ContentSize then
Content ← Content + Text
else if Text.length >= Header then
Header ← Text
Content ← Header + Content
return Content
Finally, the MC of the web pages is extracted by
removing boilerplate blocks. This approach has
various methods to extract MC, including:
3.1.1 DefaultExtractor (DE)
DefaultExtractor is a generic full-text extractor based
on the number of words/link density classifier.
3.1.2 CanolaExtractor (CE)
A full-text extractor was trained on krdwrd and
Canola databases. These corpora are provided in
project. This is a version of the
DefaultExtractor, which was trained on the Canola
3.1.3 ArticleExtractor (AE)
ArticleExtractor is an extension of the
DefaultExtractor, which is tuned towards news
3.1.4 ArticleExtractor (AE-Py)
We used the code available in Github
written in
Python2. We converted it to Python3 using 2to3
3.2 DANAg
DANAg was introduced by (Mohammadzadeh et al.,
2011a). In DANAg, after pre-processing the HTML
elements for removing the CSS and JavaScript codes
and comments, two one-dimensional arrays are
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
created based on the HTML code length and the
length of text in each line, respectively. Then, MC can
be identified and stored in a smoothing array by
calculating the difference between the lengths of the
text and the HTML code in each line. If a line has a
negative smoothing value, it means the code density
is bigger than the text density, and if a line has a
positive smoothing value, it indicates the text will be
longer than the HTML code. After identifying the
lines with the positive values, the MC of an HTML
file can be identified and extracted.
3.3 Web-AM
(Aslam et al., 2019) introduced the Web-AM which
uses the "ArticleExtractor" algorithm to extract MC
from web pages. First, it creates a DOM tree using
parsing the HTML output. Afterward, all nodes in the
tree that contain a text longer than a threshold
parameter, usually 500 characters, will be selected
and named seed-nodes. The nodes at the same level
of the tree with the same tag name as seed-node are
marked as cluster-nodes. Finally, the contents of the
cluster-nodes are extracted as MC.
4.1 Datasets
The first dataset was created by (Mohammadzadeh et
al., 2011b). This dataset includes ten news websites
that are written in R2L languages, such as Arabic,
Persian, Urdu, and Pashto (Table 2). The second
dataset was created by CURWEB (Aslam et al., 2019)
Table 2: Information of corpus.
Web site URL Size Languages
598 Farsi
Hamshahri hamshahrionline.ir
375 Farsi
Jame Ja
136 Farsi
Al Ahra
188 Arabic
Reuters ara.reuters.com
116 Arabic
Embassy of
31 Farsi
234 Urdu
203 Pashto
252 Arabic
Wiki fa.wiki
33 Farsi
Total 2,166
Table 3: CURWEB dataset.
Forum 6 5
GeneralSites 26 19
Litrature 4 3
NewsSites 66 60
Religious 21 21
78 72
Total 201 180
and includes Urdu language websites (Table 3).
For evaluating the results, we require three
separate data types. First, the original HTML files.
The second one is Gold Standard files, which contain
MC and are extracted manually. The last type is
cleaned files, where their contents are extracted using
Two important points concerning the CURWEB
dataset should be mentioned. First, the HTML files
were unavailable, so the URLs only are considered
for evaluation. Due to a 404 error on some URLs, we
had no access to all files (Table 3). The second point
is that we have changed the content of the Gold
Standard based on the new definition presented in the
introduction section.
4.2 Evaluation Methodology
Two sets of golden and cleaned data and information
retrieval criteria, such as precision, recall, and F1, are
used to evaluate and compare algorithms in terms of
accuracy and performance (Gottron, 2007). In these
equations, golden and cleaned data, respectively,
include the content extracted manually and the
content extracted using algorithms, and LCS (Longest
Common Subsequence) value represents the shared
content between golden and cleaned files. All the
criteria used, precision, recall, and F1, are between 0
and 1. A value of 0 is considered the worst, whereas
a value of 1 is considered the best.
4.3 Results and Discussion
We calculated recall, precision, and F1 for all three
approaches on two datasets. The results were
demonstrated in Tables 4 to 10. On Arabic domains
(Ahram, BBC Arabic, Reuters), DANAg
outperformed other algorithms with F1 = 0.961, while
the F1 measure for ArticleExtractor is 0.957 (Table
9). In addition, DANAg has a precision of 0.95 and is
ranked after the Web-AM (0.986 Table 8), and
concerning the recall, it is ranked as the second
algorithm (0.976) after ArticleExtractor (0.994 Table
A Comparative Study on Main Content Extraction Algorithms for Right to Left Languages
According to the Urdu dataset (including BBC
Urdu, Forum, General Sites, Literature, News Sites,
Religious, and Uncategorized), Web-AM,
ArticleExtractor, and again ArticleExtractor
demonstrates the highest precision, recall, and F1
scores, with values of 0.928, 0.948, and 0.951
respectively. A similar ranking is resulted in the
Persian database (including BBC Persian, Embassy,
Hamshahri, and Jamejam), corresponding values of
0.995, 0.979, and 0.979. In the news datasets (BBC
Arabic, BBC Urdu, BBC Persian, BBC Pashtoo),
DANAg has the highest recall value of 0.985
compared to the second approach, ArticleExtractor
(0.98). The ArticleExtractor has the highest precision,
with a value of 0.995, compared to the Web-AM
algorithm, with a value of 0.99. In total,
ArticleExtractor is the best algorithm for extracting
MC from news websites (F1 = 0.987).
In the Wiki dataset, the DefaultExtractor
demonstrated the highest F1-measure of 0.817.
Additionally, the CanolaExtractor and the Web-AM
achieved remarkable recall and precision values, with
a recall of 0.83 and a precision of 0.994, respectively.
In general (Table 10), based on the entire two
datasets and the average performance of all
algorithms, we can summarize the following results:
The Web-AM usually has the highest precision value.
It can be inferred that the algorithm can extract the
MC cleanly and with minimal boilerplate (being able
to detect boilerplate precisely). High-precision results
in the context of IR prove that the algorithm has the
great ability to detect and remove boilerplates.
Table 4: Evaluation results based on Recall on CURWEB dataset.
Boilerpipe DANAg Web-AM
Forum 0.944 0.854 0.938 0.955 0.948 0.887
GeneralSites 0.938 0.914 0.874 0.907 0.843 0.876
Litrature 0.939 0.833 0.83 0.846 0.666 0.678
NewsSites 0.94 0.951 0.898 0.943 0.838 0.863
Religious 0.958 0.92 0.91 0.956 0.69 0.89
Uncategorized 0.963 0.944 0.909 0.949 0.763 0.845
Average 0.947 0.902 0.893 0.926 0.791 0.839
Table 5: Evaluation results based on Precision on CURWEB dataset.
Boilerpipe DANAg Web-AM
Forum 0.993 0.846 0.86 0.841 0.991 0.989
GeneralSites 0.933 0.761 0.871 0.879 0.855 0.955
Litrature 0.749 0.667 0.647 0.657 0.647 0.715
NewsSites 0.939 0.719 0.882 0.891 0.848 0.971
Religious 0.944 0.837 0.896 0.886 0.791 0.993
Uncategorized 0.929 0.634 0.858 0.856 0.798 0.954
Average 0.914 0.744 0.835 0.835 0.821 0.929
Table 6: Evaluation results based on F1 on CURWEB dataset.
Boilerpipe DANAg Web-AM
Forum 0.944 0.848 0.891 0.891 0.968 0.934
GeneralSites 0.938 0.801 0.859 0.89 0.848 0.91
Litrature 0.939 0.734 0.715 0.729 0.656 0.695
NewsSites 0.94 0.797 0.872 0.909 0.839 0.912
ious 0.958 0.859 0.89 0.91 0.704 0.935
0.963 0.719 0.864 0.882 0.774 0.882
Average 0.947 0.793 0.848 0.868 0.798 0.878
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 7: Evaluation results based on Recall on dataset in Table 2.
Boilerpipe DANAg
Ahram 0.998 0.975 0.755 0.979 0.942 0.874
BBC Arabic 0.999 0.959 0.981 0.976 0.987 0.912
BBC Pashtoo 0.969 0.909 0.932 0.93 0.959 0.899
BBC Persian 0.993 0.975 0.989 0.984 0.997 0.921
BBC Urdu 0.959 0.94 0.845 0.94 0.999 0.807
Embassy 0.976 0.942 0.948 0.97 0.949 0.916
Hamshahri 0.981 0.97 0.966 0.964 0.993 0.846
0.968 0.93 0.912 0.947 0.963 0.785
Reuters 0.986 0.937 0.941 0.945 1 0.736
Wiki 0.684 0.83 0.746 0.788 0.613 0.584
Average 0.951 0.936 0.901 0.942 0.94 0.828
Table 8: Evaluation results based on Precision on dataset in Table 2.
Boilerpipe DANAg Web-AM
Ahram 0.87 0.902 0.767 0.876 0.969 0.972
BBC Arabic 0.997 0.754 0.888 0.773 0.986 0.992
BBC Pashtoo 0.993 0.992 0.992 0.993 0.929 0.991
BBC Persian 0.996 0.825 0.916 0.84 0.994 0.995
BBC Urdu 0.994 0.994 0.994 0.994 0.999 0.982
Embassy 0.952 0.887 0.872 0.886 0.902 0.996
Hamshahri 0.982 0.582 0.859 0.822 0.998 0.994
Jamejam 0.994 0.793 0.893 0.892 0.97 0.997
Reuters 0.91 0.997 0.997 0.906 0.897 0.994
Wiki 0.973 0.825 0.947 0.912 0.912 0.994
Average 0.966 0.855 0.912 0.889 0.955 0.99
Table 9: Evaluation results based on F1 on dataset in Table 2.
Boilerpipe DANAg WEB-AM
Ahram 0.929 0.937 0.748 0.924 0.949 0.919
BBC Arabic 0.998 0.842 0.932 0.86 0.986 0.948
BBC Pashtoo 0.98 0.947 0.961 0.96 0.944 0.942
BBC Persian 0.994 0.893 0.951 0.906 0.995 0.955
BBC Urdu 0.976 0.966 0.912 0.966 0.999 0.881
Embassy 0.962 0.913 0.904 0.925 0.917 0.948
Hamshahri 0.981 0.716 0.908 0.886 0.991 0.912
Jamejam 0.981 0.854 0.896 0.917 0.966 0.874
Reuters 0.946 0.964 0.966 0.925 0.949 0.836
Wiki 0.782 0.808 0.817 0.383 0.699 0.713
Average 0.952 0.884 0.899 0.865 0.939 0.892
ArticleExtractor has the highest recall in all
datasets. This shows it can detect and extract MC
correctly from all web pages. MC, which is extracted
by the above-mentioned algorithm, is much more
identical to the gold standard file. The F1, which is
the harmonic mean of recall and precision, measures
the algorithm's overall accuracy in terms of
distinguishing MC and boilerplate more precisely.
A Comparative Study on Main Content Extraction Algorithms for Right to Left Languages
ArticleExtractor achieves a F1-measure of 0.951,
while Web-AM and DANAg earn values of 0.887 and
0.886 across the entire dataset. Despite the high
accuracy of ArticleExtractor, it has a low
performance of 2.644 (MB/s) and causes to be placed
in 5th among other approaches.
Table 10 shows the efficiency of all algorithms in
megabits per second. With a value of 21.120 (MB/s),
DANAg is very efficient in comparison with the
second one, CanolaExtractor, with a performance of
about 5.201 (MB/s). Seeing that DANAg can quickly
extract MC, it can be used in projects where the speed
of MC extraction has the highest priority.
Given the growing number of websites with R2L
languages such as Urdu, Farsi, and Pashto, we have
examined such websites since they were scarcely
have been analyzed.
This paper has compared three of the best MC
extraction algorithms in the latest decade in R2L
languages. This comparison was performed using
data extraction criteria, including precision, recall,
and F1, which can be used to determine accuracy.
With values of 0.946, 0.949, and 0.95 for
precision, recall, and F1, ArticleExtractor is more
precise than the others. We also analyzed the
algorithms’ performance in identifying the fastest
algorithms in processing the input data. At 21.120
MB/s, DANAg is notably superior to the rest.
Finally, features like efficiency and performance
can be prioritized to select the intended algorithm
according to application and objective.
In the future, we can develop a new algorithm or
Table 10: Average performance of algorithms (MB/s).
Boilerpipe DANAg Web-AM
Ahram 4.868 12.707 6.249 4.701 93.649 1.39
BBC Arabic 2.473 7.977 2.758 2.623 25.267 1.838
BBC Pashtoo 1.052 3.495 1.005 1.575 12.086 0.822
BBC Persian 4.369 10.876 5.894 2.487 28.403 2.665
BBC Urdu 0.715 3.153 0.859 1.505 12.265 0.72
Embassy 0.731 1.622 0.867 2.069 3.006 0.366
Hamshahri 4.6 7.442 6.284 2.033 25.897 2.23
Jamejam 5.177 8.305 7.837 3.539 24.906 1.966
Reuters 0.896 1.367 1.09 1.158 11.357 0.636
Wiki 2.181 3.878 2.956 3.122 13.849 1.124
Forum 0.535 0.494 0.799 3.269 4.119 0.238
GeneralSites 2.137 2.413 2.84 2.251 10.397 0.559
Litrature 0.566 0.86 0.289 2.859 4.187 0.225
NewsSites 3.989 7.867 6.952 4.072 38.54 1.13
Religious 2.839 2.634 3.365 3.522 11.287 0.714
Uncategorized 5.177 8.128 6.874 3.921 18.702 1.346
Average 2.644 5.201 3.557 2.794 21.12 1.123
Table 11: The average of all metrics from every algorithm, based on the entire dataset.
Precision Recall F1 Performance (MB/s)
AE 0.946 0.949 0.95 2.644
CE 0.813 0.923 0.849 5.201
DE 0.883 0.898 0.88 3.557
AE-Py 0.869 0.936 0.866 2.794
DANAg 0.905 0.884 0.886 21.12
Web-AM 0.967 0.832 0.887 1.123
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A Comparative Study on Main Content Extraction Algorithms for Right to Left Languages