Autonomy and Turnover: A Survey Applied to Distributed Software
Luis Amorim
1 a
, Ivaldir de Farias J
2 b
and Marcelo Marinho
1 c
Departamento de Computac¸
ao (DC), Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE), 52071-000, Recife, PE, Brazil
Departamento de Computac¸
ao, Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE), Garanhuns, PE, Brazil
Autonomy, Turnover, Distributed Software Development.
Distributed teams have gained prominence in software companies. However, studies indicate that Distributed
Software Development (DSD) companies often face challenges related to high developer turnover. Conversely,
other research suggests that autonomy and its associated factors can mitigate or prevent such turnover. This
study investigates the relationship between autonomy and turnover within DSD teams. To accomplish this,
we conducted a survey based on previous Systematic Literature Review (SLR) research involving 181 soft-
ware engineers worldwide. Our findings shed light on the key autonomy factors that impact turnover in DSD
projects, including recognition, communication, collaboration, trust, and task balance. By offering a compre-
hensive understanding of these autonomy factors, our study provides software companies and organizations
with valuable insights for addressing the issue of turnover in DSD projects.
Software development has become a pivotal driver
of innovation and business growth in today’s global-
ized economies and interconnected markets. Organi-
zations increasingly adopt a Distributed Software De-
velopment (DSD) model to harness diverse talent, op-
timize costs, and achieve faster time-to-market (Mar-
inho et al., 2018). DSD allows companies to leverage
expertise from different geographical locations, fos-
tering collaboration among distributed teams (Mar-
inho et al., 2019). However, managing DSD teams
poses unique challenges, including the dynamic inter-
play between autonomy, turnover, and project success
(Bass et al., 2018).
Autonomy could be defined from different per-
spectives, such as individual autonomy, internal and
external autonomy, where external autonomy is de-
fined as the influence of management and other indi-
viduals outside the team on the team’s activities. In-
ternal autonomy refers to the degree to which all team
members jointly share decision authority, while indi-
vidual autonomy refers to the freedom and discretion
an individual has in carrying out assigned tasks (Moe
et al., 2021).
According to Fitzgerald et al. (Fitzgerald et al.,
2017), high levels of team autonomy in DSD can
foster creativity, initiative, and ownership, enabling
teams to adapt quickly to local challenges and op-
portunities. On the other hand, the issue of turnover
within DSD teams, encompassing the addition or
departure of team members, presents a substantial
hurdle. The dispersed structure of such teams can
magnify the impact of turnover due to communica-
tion and coordination complexities. Employee at-
trition can potentially be highly disruptive, resulting
in the erosion of knowledge, diminished team unity,
and heightened project vulnerability (Massoni et al.,
In this study, we aim to investigate the relationship
between autonomy and turnover within DSD teams,
considering the perceived impacts of this relationship.
To achieve this, we have designed a survey based on
a systematic literature review (Chaves et al., 2022)
that we have previously conducted. The survey aims
to provide a broader understanding of autonomy-
turnover dynamics by addressing the following re-
search questions: (RQ01) How do software engineers
within DSD teams perceive autonomy? (RQ02) What
do software engineers perceive as these teams’ most
significant turnover motivators? and (RQ03) How
does autonomy impact turnover within DSD teams?
Amorim, L., Farias Júnior, I. and Marinho, M.
Autonomy and Turnover: A Survey Applied to Distributed Software Teams.
DOI: 10.5220/0012162300003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 134-141
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
By exploring the interplay between autonomy and
turnover within DSD teams, our study aims to con-
tribute to a better understanding of these complex dy-
namics. The findings have practical implications for
organizations, offering insights into the perceived au-
tonomy factors and turnover motivators that influence
software engineers in distributed settings. Ultimately,
this research aims to provide valuable knowledge that
can assist software companies in addressing the chal-
lenges associated with turnover in DSD teams.
Our study is organized as follows: in Section 2,
we introduce the background. Section 3 describes the
method to design this survey. Section 4 displays the
gathered results from participants. Then, Section 5
presents discussions about results and literature. Sec-
tion 6 presents the limitations of our study, Section 7
highlights our conclusion and possible further inves-
tigations. Yet, in Section 7 we also have our Survey
protocol available.
2.1 Autonomy
Autonomy, a pivotal aspect of work design and moti-
vation, has been scrutinized in research (Noll et al.,
2017). Initially, autonomy was synonymous with
the extent of freedom and independence granted to
team members during project execution (Hackman
and Oldham, 1976). Subsequent investigations (Bass
et al., 2018; Marinho et al., 2021) expounded upon
this concept, highlighting its connection to traits such
as decision-making authority, freedom, and the ability
to shape work routines and methodologies.
Autonomy’s significance extends to DSD, where
professionals contend with unique challenges (Mar-
inho et al., 2018). In this context, autonomy is both
a motivator and a potential source of dissatisfaction.
Its absence can amplify the need for autonomy and
increase dissatisfaction, possibly leading to turnover
(Bass et al., 2018). For software engineers operat-
ing within distributed models, autonomy emerges as a
critical motivational factor, particularly given the de-
mands of antisocial work hours and travel (Noll et al.,
The relationship between autonomy and turnover
intention within DSD teams has been a subject of
inquiry (Dysvik and Kuvaas, 2013). Furthermore,
the lack of autonomy has been identified as a poten-
tial contributor to decreased job satisfaction among
software engineers, which may ultimately lead to
turnover (Noll et al., 2017).
2.2 Turnover
The disruptive effects of team member turnover on
software development processes are widely acknowl-
edged. Although some experts acknowledge turnover
as a natural organizational process, its excessive oc-
currence affects process efficiency adversely (Bass
et al., 2018). This recognition underscores the criti-
cality of managing turnover within software develop-
ment teams.
Turnover can be categorized as either external or
internal. In external turnover, team members exit
the organization entirely, while internal turnover in-
volves members remaining within the company but
altering their roles (Chatzipetrou et al., 2018). Vol-
untary turnover occurs when employees opt to leave
their positions and the company, whereas involuntary
turnover transpires when organizations terminate em-
ployee contracts (Chatzipetrou et al., 2018).
Organizations often calculate turnover rates by di-
viding the number of departures within a specific
timeframe by the total workforce during that period to
gauge turnover. However, more comprehensive and
nuanced data is essential for effective strategy for-
mulation. This data, highlighting the underlying rea-
sons for turnover, is a crucial asset for creating strate-
gies that effectively manage and mitigate the conse-
quences of turnover (Chatzipetrou et al., 2018). In
the context of DSD teams, turnover risk is accentu-
ated due to physical distance, further magnifying its
importance as one of the foremost risks in DSD ven-
tures (Ebert et al., 2016).
2.3 Distributed Software Development
A distributed project is a collaborative effort where
individuals from different locations work together on
a single project over an extended period. This type
of software project, which involves human resources
spread across different distances, regions, or even
countries, is known as Distributed Software Develop-
ment (DSD) (Marinho et al., 2019).
DSD can be classified based on two factors. First,
the distance among work teams is categorized as On-
shore (within the same country) or Offshore (in dif-
ferent countries). Second, the control relationship the
central organization has over the remote teams distin-
guishes it as either Outsourcing (involving the hiring
of a third-party company) or Insourcing (establishing
a remote unit within the company) (Bass et al., 2018).
Research suggests that offshore outsourcing ser-
vice providers can mitigate staff turnover by pri-
oritizing work-life balance and implementing more
Autonomy and Turnover: A Survey Applied to Distributed Software Teams
family-friendly employment policies, such as grant-
ing increased autonomy. Furthermore, these ser-
vice providers can effectively incentivize innovation
and structure contracts to enhance software product
ownership, ultimately improving staff retention (Bass
et al., 2018).
3.1 Survey Design
The basic idea of survey methodology is to collect
information from a group of people by sampling in-
dividuals from a large population. Examples of sur-
veys are found in daily life in several situations, such
as election polls, market surveys, etc. There is a
large amount of literature on the general methodology
(Linaker et al., 2015).
Therefore, this survey based its assumptions and
questions on results gathered by previously executed
SLR (Chaves et al., 2022) and aimed to assess the per-
ception of turnover, autonomy, and their relationship
among other related factors within DSD teams such
as payment, growth opportunity, work-life balance,
collaborative environment, good communication, su-
pervisor support, stress, motivation, good and active
leadership, freedom for decision making, connection
with co-workers, the balance of tasks, satisfaction,
clear career orientation.
This survey was divided into four subsections. Ini-
tially, three fundamental questions were displayed,
aiming at a certain level of participant evaluation and
their distributed teams’ autonomy. They all were
stated using the 5-point Likert scale where one means
’Strongly disagree’ and five means ’Totally agree’.
In the second section, there was a goal to iden-
tify turnover-related results. Therefore, for this sec-
tion, it was possible to have questions more focused
on turnover intentions and what could be improved
inside DSD teams and questions focused on impacts
generated by turnover in DSD teams. Furthermore,
this section was designed with open questions and
classification ones.
The third section displayed open questions and af-
firmative statements using the 5-point Likert scale,
such as in the first section. Participants evaluated
those questions and statements for further analy-
sis to check the relationship between autonomy and
turnover/turnover intentions.
Ultimately, the study’s demography perspective
was addressed with questions intended to collect par-
ticipant’s gender, age, work experience, education,
role, team distribution, and company size.
3.2 Setting
This study aimed to collect data on turnover and au-
tonomy within DSD teams. A web survey was con-
ducted using the Google Forms tool to achieve this. A
pilot session involving three software engineers was
conducted to ensure the survey’s quality, readabil-
ity, and validity. Their feedback was invaluable in
addressing any shortcomings and refining statements
and questions.
In addition to the pilot session, multiple web plat-
forms distributed the survey to participants, including
LinkedIn, Twitter, WhatsApp, email, and Instagram.
Despite the time constraint the survey was con-
ducted from August 20th to September 30th a sub-
stantial response was achieved. 181 participants com-
pleted the survey, excluding the three from the pilot
phase. This strong response underscores the survey’s
effectiveness even within a limited timeframe. The
paper reports a qualitative study on the relationship
between autonomy and turnover within DSD teams.
Therefore, no statistical power is required.
3.3 Participants
The 181 participants previously mentioned were
mostly software developers, testers, scrum masters,
project managers and leaders, technology leaders, se-
curity analysts, UX/UI designers, software architects,
data scientists, etc. They all had at least one per-
son from their teams working in a distributed envi-
3.4 Analysis
Yet, for the data analysis procedure, the author chose
a qualitative approach where all collected data was ex-
tensively analyzed, generating perceptions stored in a
spreadsheet, which was later on translated into charts,
tables, and quotes, constructing parallelisms by en-
gaging in triangulation to support arguments and con-
clusions for this study (Linaker et al., 2015).
4.1 Study Population
The survey yielded complete answers from software
engineers involved in the software development life
cycle regarding autonomy, turnover, and their rela-
tionship inside distributed environments, with 85 par-
ticipants (47%) working remotely inside Brazil, 76
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
participants (42%) working with other software en-
gineers globally located, 13 participants (7%) who
worked with team members from the same continent
and 7 participants (3%) working in locally distributed
teams within the same city or state.
Most of the identified participants were men
(69.1%), some were women (28.7%) and completing
the total number of participants, there were 1.1% non-
binary and 1.1% of not identified gender.
87.3% of the participants were found to work
in a large company, 3.9% worked in a small com-
pany, 6.1% worked in a medium company and 2.8%
worked in a micro company. Furthermore, a range
of experience in the software development area were
stated amongst them ranging from less than 1 year (6),
through 1-5 years (92), 6-10 years (36), 10-15 years
(22) to more than 15 years (14). Yet, 54.1% of the
participants were software developers, 22.7% were
testers, 5.5% were software architects, 4.4% were re-
quirements engineers and the rest of them were split
among management/leadership roles, UX/UI, Scrum
Masters, trainees and other roles.
4.2 RQ01. How Do Software Engineers
Within DSD Teams Perceive
It was possible to notice a pretty well-balanced col-
lected data where 50 (27.6%) participants stated that
they did not know whether their work was being
strongly monitored or not, while 63 (34%) declared
there is at least some strong monitoring of their work
and 68 (37%) of the participants informed there is
few monitoring within their work in software devel-
opment cycles.
Regarding teams having a shared purpose, clear
goal, necessary skills, and mutual trust among peers,
160 (88.3%) participants agreed at least partially to it.
In contrast, only 12 participants (6.6%) denied it, and
the other nine stated they did not know whether this
happened within their teams.
Yet, results show that 156 (86.1%) participants
agree they have at least some healthy support and
freedom to make decisions provided by managers and
leaders. On the other hand, 12 participants (6.6%) de-
nied it, and 13 stated not knowing about any support
or freedom from leadership members.
4.3 RQ02. Which Turnover Motivators
Are the Most Perceived for Software
Engineers Within DSD Teams?
To assess the causes and mitigation factors of turnover
within distributed teams, we presented a section to the
participants regarding this matter with questions and
According to results, 85.5% of all 181 participants
stated they have already decided to leave a project or
job, while 14.5% of them have never been through
such an experience.
Participants could also select the most critical fac-
tors in deciding whether to leave a project or com-
pany. The outcomes revealed a ranking of perceived
factors such as payment, stress, lack of motivation,
the mismatch between expectation and reality, lack
of motivation, lack of supervisor support, long work-
ing hours, lack of satisfaction, poor communication
among peers, lack of freedom for decision making
and lack of connection with co-workers as can be seen
on Table 1.
Table 1: Most important factors to leave a project or com-
pany according to participants (n=181).
Option # %
Payment 145 80
Stress 130 72
Lack of motivation 112 62
Mismatch between expectations and reality 106 59
Lack of collaboration among the team 101 56
Lack of supervisor support 97 54
Long working hours 92 51
Lack of satisfaction 88 49
Lack of connection with co-workers 73 40
Lack of freedom for decision making 73 40
On the other hand, participants could select the
factors they considered the most important in decid-
ing whether to stay in a project or company. Based on
their answers, another ranking was lightened with per-
ceived factors such as payment, growth opportunity,
work-life balance, collaborative environment, good
communication, supervisor support, motivation, good
and active leadership, freedom for decision making,
connection with co-workers, the balance of tasks, sat-
isfaction, clear career orientation, all team members
feeling involved, organizational commitment, work-
place innovation, and employment policies as can be
seen on Table 2.
Yet, 90.4% of them declared they had already been
to a distributed project or company where a software
engineer left, while 9.5% stated this never happened
before. Also, all participants stated the most com-
mon outcomes after a person leaves a project or com-
Autonomy and Turnover: A Survey Applied to Distributed Software Teams
Table 2: Most important factors to staying in a project or
company according to participants (n=181).
Option # %
Payment 158 87
Growth opportunity 153 85
Work-life balance 143 79
Collaborative environment 136 75
Good communication 119 66
Supervisor support 115 64
Motivation 110 61
Good and active leadership 107 59
Freedom for decision making 102 56
Connection with co-workers 101 56
Balance of tasks along development cycles 93 51
Satisfaction 90 50
Clear career orientation 79 44
All team members feeling involved 73 40
Organizational commitment 67 37
Workplace innovation 50 28
Employment policies 24 13
Table 3: Most important outcomes after a software engi-
neer leaves a project or company according to participants
Option # %
Loss of knowledge and experience 154 85
Lower levels of productivity 78 43
Software quality 57 31
Lack of commitment and mutual trust among peers 41 23
Economic loss to companies 28 15
Better conditions and performance for those who remain 24 13
Fresh and innovative ideas 18 10
Unsuccess of software project 17 9
Project success 8 4
pany the participant is still a part of. Those outcomes
were also brought up in a ranking and contained items
such as lower levels of productivity, project success,
loss of knowledge and experience, software quality,
better conditions and performance for those who re-
main, economic loss to companies, lack of commit-
ment, and mutual trust among peers, fresh and inno-
vative ideas, software project unsuccessful as can be
seen in Table 3.
4.4 RQ03. How Does Autonomy Impact
Turnover Inside DSD Teams?
Our study delved into the intricate relationship be-
tween autonomy and turnover as perceived by our par-
ticipants. Initially, we questioned whether a higher
level of autonomy within distributed projects was a
key factor influencing one’s willingness to stay or
leave, and the results showed that 69.8% of partici-
pants agreed, while 30.2% did not. To gain deeper
insights, we explored how participants in different
career stages perceived autonomy. We invited them
to share their real experiences, focusing on moments
when they were granted autonomy early in their ca-
reers or as more experienced professionals.
During early career stages, participants reported
several positive outcomes associated with autonomy.
Trust was a significant theme, as many felt trusted by
their team members, which fostered their growth and
development. Recognition also flourished, with par-
ticipants taking on more responsibilities and feeling
acknowledged for their skills. Autonomy was seen as
a catalyst for improved communication and collabo-
ration, even when individuals had limited knowledge.
Support from more experienced engineers played a
pivotal role, acting as mentors and guiding less expe-
rienced team members. Furthermore, autonomy was
motivating, making participants feel valued and in-
However, it was not all positive. Some partici-
pants shared initial feelings of anxiety, fear, and inse-
curity when granted autonomy. These negative emo-
tions often dissipated over time as they gained expe-
rience and received support from their colleagues.
In contrast, participants in more advanced stages
of their careers emphasized the importance of auton-
omy in decision-making. They valued the freedom
to choose the best approaches for their tasks. With
autonomy came increased accountability, leading to
professional growth and satisfaction, although some
experienced initial nervousness. Autonomy consis-
tently correlated with professional growth, whether
during task execution or afterward. Even though au-
tonomy was highly regarded, participants acknowl-
edged the ongoing need for communication and col-
laboration within their teams. Trust played a dual
role—trust from the team to grant autonomy and trust
among more experienced engineers to promote auton-
omy within the team.
Moreover, we presented seven statements to gauge
participants’ perceptions of autonomy and its link to
turnover intentions using a Likert scale. The findings
revealed that most participants believed that having
the freedom to work as they preferred heightened their
motivation, satisfaction, and willingness to remain in
a project or company. Surprisingly, a lack of compe-
tence was not significantly associated with stress and
turnover intentions when autonomy was present. In-
stead, participants viewed challenges as opportunities
for personal and professional growth. Autonomy also
positively influenced task control, quality, and team
connections. Participants tended to choose challeng-
ing tasks when given the option, leading to increased
delight in their work. Autonomy fostered individual
trust and commitment to team goals, boosting engage-
ment and potentially reducing turnover.
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Interestingly, many participants preferred working
in a quiet environment when handling complex tasks
autonomously, as it reduced exhaustion. This pref-
erence for solitude was not necessarily a drawback,
especially in distributed work environments. Lastly,
participants generally favored tasks related to new
products or innovative ideas over support or legacy
items, signaling higher engagement and the potential
for reduced turnover rates within software teams.
Autonomy and turnover have been widely discussed
in previous researches (Lin et al., 2017; Noll et al.,
2017; Chaves et al., 2022; Marinho et al., 2021) sepa-
rately and usually linked to some factors such as mo-
tivation, satisfaction, happiness, communication, col-
laboration, and many others. In our work, we ad-
dressed the perception about the relationship between
Most software engineers believe the organization
is becoming too intrusive of their private space, and
many would want to disassociate themselves from
employment entirely and set up their businesses in-
stead, just to be able to exercise their freedom (Uzoka
et al., 2011). Freedom for decision-making has been
cited in our results as one of the most important fac-
tors linked to autonomy in distributed teams, espe-
cially for those more experienced software engineers,
but there was no indication of disassociation with
companies. Instead, there were many indications that
this freedom is strongly linked to trust and account-
ability. This mutual trust among peers and sense of
accountability enables them to share more activities,
consequently fostering them to share information so
everyone has the knowledge to influence decisions
(Robert Jr and You, 2018; Lundene and Mohagheghi,
This connection among peers has already been
identified as both good and bad regarding turnover in-
tentions as it may retain software engineers working
together for a longer period (Bass et al., 2018) but on
the other hand, it may become an influence for higher
turnover as the career moves of co-workers strongly
influence individuals in attempts to define security,
stability, and career success (Moe et al., 2021).
Even though autonomy is not a problem for those
working remotely as it can work independently as a
pre-requisite (Noll et al., 2017), it’s also found to have
a strong link to communication inside distributed soft-
ware teams (Noll et al., 2017). Yet, a lack of ade-
quate communication inside a company is commonly
related to low levels of commitment and high turnover
levels (Noll et al., 2017). In our study, we could iden-
tify the need for communication stated by those soft-
ware engineers who have been given autonomy at the
workplace in different career stages. Also, good com-
munication is an important factor in staying in a dis-
tributed software team. Therefore, it supports the vi-
sion brought by Bass et al. (Bass et al., 2018) where
poor communication is related to a lot of tension and
pressure, which may lead to stress; this stress can
have a considerable impact on organizational commit-
ment and turnover levels (Yener et al., 2020; Hynni-
nen et al., 2010).
Collaboration reduces workplace tension and
stress levels among the team (Bass et al., 2018). A
collaborative environment is an important factor for
participants’ decision to stay in a project. When col-
laboration is lacking, it can lead to workload imbal-
ances and potentially increase project turnover (Bao
et al., 2017). Experienced participants in our study
mentioned that autonomy can result in task overload
due to increased accountability. Lack of collabora-
tion can also impact early-career software engineers
who rely on support from senior colleagues for skill
development (Noll et al., 2017). Additionally, lack
of collaboration can affect work estimation, manage-
ment, and team environment, influencing retention
(Bass et al., 2018). Our results indicate that lack of
collaboration significantly influences participants’ in-
clination to leave a project or company.
However, recognition was a positive outcome
mentioned by participants who have experienced au-
tonomy as they feel valued and involved. Autonomy,
pay level, promotional chances, and social support are
suggested to be positively related to organizational
commitment and thus reduce the likelihood of volun-
tary turnover (Hynninen et al., 2010) while according
to Uzoka et al. (Uzoka et al., 2011), good payment
and promotion can be considered a kind of recogni-
tion for the services provided, and they influence the
intention to leave. Our work indicates that it is not
only payment is related to turnover intentions but also
to turnover retention.
This perception is quite well aligned with the
appreciation for challenges stated in (Remus et al.,
2016), and it indicates the positive impact on job
and career satisfaction after opportunities for career
development, promotions, and training opportunities
(Uzoka et al., 2011). Therefore, even though pay-
ment is identified as a factor linked to turnover, au-
tonomy can be considered a factor that leads to pro-
fessional growth opportunities, motivation, and satis-
faction, which can be as important as payment.
Yet, other factors linked to autonomy and turnover
are present, such as growth opportunities and motiva-
Autonomy and Turnover: A Survey Applied to Distributed Software Teams
tion. Some participants have stated that the autonomy
received by them acted as a motivator during working
days and also flourished professional growth opportu-
nities after challenges had been overcome. This view
matches prior research where autonomy has been re-
ported to have a positive impact on job satisfaction
and as a general motivator for software developers,
while job satisfaction has been found to have a sig-
nificant impact on turnover intentions as workers who
have high job satisfaction are less likely to leave (Lin
et al., 2017; Bass et al., 2018).
Nevertheless, lack of motivation has been empha-
sized as a correlated factor with reported intentions to
leave by prior research related to turnover among IS
professionals (Bass et al., 2018) as tapping into the in-
trinsic motivation needs of the software engineer cor-
relates to desirable outputs such as low staff turnover,
higher productivity, and better quality software (Noll
et al., 2017).
Our work also shows that autonomy received in an
early career has been stated to depend on support from
more experienced engineers or leadership, and this is
compliant with recent works where lack of supervi-
sor/management support is perceived as an influence
on software engineer’s turnover and dissatisfaction
(Uzoka et al., 2011; Robert Jr and You, 2018). Also,
autonomy is encouraged once this management sup-
port is facilitated effectively, fostering an environment
of trust and a culture of valuing individuals (Marinho
et al., 2021). Yet, organizational support with guid-
ance and certification programs significantly reduces
turnover intention (Chaves et al., 2022).
Our study has some limitations that will be presented
in this section. We used a qualitative perspective
based on perceptions from participants, and it’s im-
portant to be aware of different contexts, environ-
ments, and individuals. Therefore, all data analysis
was based on this evidence, and we cannot state all
results match the full picture regarding autonomy and
turnover and distributed software development teams.
Furthermore, all data and classifications presented in
this paper must be treated carefully, as we only pro-
vide indications.
Our survey was applied to 181 participants over
two months, revealing time as a limitation. We en-
courage new research to take place during a longer
period. There was no deep statistical evaluation with
known models to address the relationship between the
cited factors in this paper. Therefore, we also suggest
this approach be taken in further studies.
Our study focuses on the relationship between auton-
omy and turnover within Distributed Software De-
velopment (DSD) teams. We have gathered valu-
able insights from real software engineers working
in DSD teams. Our study findings confirm that au-
tonomy is linked to turnover and turnover intentions,
with various factors influencing this relationship. Ef-
fective communication, collaboration, trust, recogni-
tion, and task balance influence how autonomy im-
pacts turnover among software engineers of different
experience levels.
For early-career software engineers, providing au-
tonomy can lead to feelings of anxiety, insecurity,
and fear, which may result in lower commitment and
increased turnover intentions. This highlights the
importance of support from more experienced engi-
neers, leaders, and managers in providing guidance
and mentorship. On the other hand, experienced soft-
ware engineers are better equipped to handle auton-
omy without experiencing adverse outcomes. How-
ever, task overloading becomes a concern for them,
as increased accountability may lead to stress and an
unbalanced working routine, potentially leading to a
Regardless of experience level, the perception of
autonomy as beneficial for software engineers is con-
tingent upon effective communication, collaboration,
and mutual trust among team members in the work
Recognition plays a crucial role in sustaining the
benefits of autonomy. Companies should establish
practices to acknowledge and reward software engi-
neers for achieving goals through their granted auton-
omy. Recognition, particularly when tied to salary
increases or bonuses, is valuable and can reduce
turnover intentions.
Lastly, our study highlights the perceived out-
comes for projects or companies when one or more
software engineers leave. Loss of knowledge and
decreased productivity were identified as the pri-
mary consequences. Further investigations are rec-
ommended to understand and address these issues.
In conclusion, our study sheds light on the re-
lationship between autonomy and turnover in DSD
teams, emphasizing the significance of communica-
tion, collaboration, trust, recognition, and balancing
task responsibilities. Understanding and effectively
managing autonomy can create a positive work envi-
ronment and reduce turnover intentions among soft-
ware engineers.
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
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The applied survey questions and statements can be
accessed through this link:
Autonomy and Turnover: A Survey Applied to Distributed Software Teams