Detection of Shot Information Using Footwork Trajectory and
Skeletal Information of Badminton Players
Naoki Tanaka
, Hidehiko Shishido
, Masashi Suita
, Takeshi Nishijima
, Yoshinari Kameda
and Itaru Kitahara
Master’s and Doctoral Program in Intelligent Mechanical Interaction Systems, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Faculty of Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan,
Keywords: Shot Information, Footwork Trajectory, Skeletal Information, Video Analysis, Badminton.
Abstract: As video analysis has become important for sports science, various research has been conducted. In badminton,
while shot information is essential primary data for performance analysis, it has been input manually, which
makes it difficult to give instant feedback onsite. Our research aims to automatically detect shot information
from videos of badminton game. By applying video tracking, the player's footwork trajectory and skeletal
information are estimated. Based on the estimated information, the hit timing is detected using deep learning
classification. The horizontal position of the hit point, which is useful for game analysis, is also detected from
the player's footwork trajectory around the hit timing.
With the development of IT, data analytics is being
considered fundamental for sports science, especially
in competitive sports (Pascual, 2006), (Messelodi,
2019). Since analysis using video/image data is par-
ticularly noteworthy as information can be confirmed
visually, there are active research to analyze players'
body information in badminton competition (Kokum,
2017), (David, 2014) and shot information (Chen,
2007), (Nyan, 2020), (Yoshikawa, 2021). These re-
search detect players' forms and tactics to improve
their competitive performance.
A badminton game consists of multiple rallies in
which players exchange shots, and each rally includes
a variety of shots. Thus, the shot information is con-
sidered as the primary data for analysing the evolution
of rallies that lead to scored and lost. On this demand,
analytical software such as “Sportscode” is widely
used for video analysis of badminton shot infor-
mation. It can analyze player performance by creating
a database of competition scenes. For data aggrega-
tion, the timing of shots taken by players and patterns
of goals scored is manually input. On the other hand,
badminton matches take more than one hour, and col-
lecting data using manual input requires lots of time
and effort.
In order to solve the problem of badminton game
analysis, as shown in Figure 1, this research proposes
a method for automatically detecting shot information
from monocular badminton singles match videos. The
detected shot information consists of two properties
of the hit point: “Hit timing” and “Horizontal posi-
[Hit timing] The time when the player hits a
[Horizontal position] Vertical projection of the
3D position where a racket hits a shuttle onto the
court (ground).
Tanaka, N., Shishido, H., Suita, M., Nishijima, T., Kameda, Y. and Kitahara, I.
Detection of Shot Information Using Footwork Trajectory and Skeletal Information of Badminton Players.
DOI: 10.5220/0012162700003587
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2023), pages 112-119
ISBN: 978-989-758-673-6; ISSN: 2184-3201
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: Shot information detection and tactical analysis using footwork trajectory and skeletal information. The shot infor-
mation is detected using footwork trajectory (upper-left) and skeletal information (lower-left) from a monocular video of a
badminton game. The detected shot information consists of the hit timing and the horizontal position of each hit point (center).
Tactics are analyzed by visualizing the ratio of shot direction based on the detected shot information as shown in the right.
In this research, it is assumed that the positions of
the players and their dominant wrists show time-se-
ries changes correlation with the hit timing. Since
these time-series changes are more pronounced in sin-
gles matches, this research focuses on singles matches.
Further contributes of this research is to solve the data
collection problem by evaluating tactical analysis us-
ing the detected data.
2.1 Human Pose Estimation
Some 3D tracking sensors such as “Vicon” and
“OptiTrack” require attaching markers to the body for
estimating a subject's pose. Although, this kind of
method has high accuracy in pose estimation (the
skeletal position with an error of 0.1 mm or less), ap-
plying this method to a live sporting event is difficult,
due to some limitation to the players' movement,
Some methods can estimate a subject's pose from
images and videos (Zhe, 2019), (Sun, 2019). There
are two major approaches to this method: top-down
and bottom-up. The top-down method first detects
subjects using object detection and then detects joints
for each person. On the other hand, the bottom-up
method detects all joint points in an image without
object detection and then compiles the joint points
constituting each subject. While the top-down method
is generally more accurate, the processing time in-
creases significantly when the number of subjects in-
creases. On the other hand, the disadvantage men-
tioned above is less likely to occur due to the small
and fixed number of players in the badminton game
video used in this research. Therefore, a top-down
person poses estimation method is used in this re-
Human pose estimation from images has been ap-
plied to various kind of sports. For example, Dejan et
al. proposed a system to estimate the pose of a jumper
and a skiboard in ski jumping videos and evaluate the
pose of the jumper during jumping (Dejan, 2022). No-
naka et al. proposed a system to estimate the pose of
a player in a tackle scene in a rugby video and to judge
dangerous tackles that may cause concussions (No-
naka, 2022). Kaustubh et al. estimated players' poses
in table tennis videos (Kaustubh, 2021). They classi-
fied hitting styles using deep learning with the time-
series information as input, achieving more than 99%
accuracy in 11 hitting style classification.
2.2 Badminton Shot Information
Shot information is helpful for tactical analysis of
badminton games. Wei et al. classified shots into six
types (five plus others) based on players' pose infor-
mation at hit timing (Wei, 2017). Wei et al. also ana-
lyzed the game situation based on the usage of each
shot. The analysis results were compared with the ac-
tual match results. It was confirmed that the results of
the game situation analysis obtained from the shot in-
formation were equivalent to the actual match results.
In this research, we attempted to detect shot infor-
mation in consideration of its applicability to the tac-
tical analysis of badminton.
2.3 Detection of Shot Information
Shuttle tracking has been reported as one of the most
Detection of Shot Information Using Footwork Trajectory and Skeletal Information of Badminton Players
common shot information detection methods. By
tracking the shuttle, information on the shuttle's posi-
tion and trajectory can be obtained and information on
each shot can be detected. There is an example of de-
tecting the shuttle in an image using the image sub-
traction method and comparing the shuttle's trajectory
with various strokes (Chen, 2007). In another case
(Nyan, 2020), the authors applied Tracknet and poly-
nomial curve fitting to the shuttle's trajectory using
deep learning and attempted to detect shot infor-
mation. All these research assume that the shuttle is
always observed within the angle of view. However,
since badminton competition video is generally shot
from a single fixed camera focusing on the players,
there are frames in which the shuttle is not seen in the
video. These frames may make it difficult to track the
Therefore, a method to detect shot information
without tracking shuttles was proposed (Yoshikawa,
2021). The hit timing is identified from the player's
skeletal information. The shot direction is detected by
connecting the hit points of the two players at the hit
timing in a time series. However, since there are
countless possible forms in badminton depending on
the shuttle's position, more than classification based
on a small number of conditional branches is required
to identify the hit timing for all forms.
This research aims to detect shot information us-
ing players' footwork trajectories and skeletal infor-
mation. By achieving this objective, the following
two contributions can be obtained.
The detection of shot information that can be ap-
plied to match videos, including scenes in which
the shuttle is not visible.
The detection of shot information that can be ap-
plied to various shots.
Our research uses a player's 2D skeletal information
(16 - 25 joint points) from monocular videos and shot
information detection. However, there are some prob-
lems with inputting all the acquired skeletal infor-
mation into the deep learning model as follows.
The accuracy of shot information detection is
highly dependent on the accuracy of the conven-
tional human skeleton estimation method.
Increased computational complexity and over-fit-
ting risk due to many input dimensions.
Figure 2: Relationship between time-series changes in player position (upper) and wrist position (lower), respectively, and
hit timing
Figure 3: Overview of the shot information detection method. The skeletal information of the two players is detected from
the monocular video, and the player's position and dominant wrist position are extracted. These are input to LSTM to detect
the hit timing and the ground projection of the hitting point. “additional detection” is explained in Section 4.2.
icSPORTS 2023 - 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Thus, in this research, only the player's position (the
midpoints of both ankles) and wrist position (the rela-
tive position of the dominant wrist from the waist) are
used among the acquired skeletal information to ad-
dress the abovementioned problem. These features
were selected in consideration of the features of bad-
minton games, and their validity as features were veri-
fied by visualizing the relationship with the hit timing.
In badminton singles, the base is usually located
near the center of the court. The player has the feature
of moving back to the base after his shot to prepare
for the opponent's hit. Therefore, as shown in Figure
2 (left), the time-series variation of the player's posi-
tion (x, y) is correlated with the hit timing. Further-
more, since the player's position at the hit timing is
the position where the player moved to release the
shot. Thus, the player's position around the hit timing
and the horizontal position of the hit point are close to
each other.
The player's dominant hand holding the racket has
the postural features of being the most distant from
the body center at the hit timing. Therefore, as shown
in Figure 2 (right), the relative position of the domi-
nant wrist from the waist (x, y) also correlates with
the hit timing. Therefore, this information has features
time-series changes at the hit timing and practical fea-
tures for detecting the hit timing and the horizontal
position of the hit point.
As shown in Figure 3, this research proposes a method
for detecting shot information, such as hit timing and
the horizontal position of the hit point. A deep learn-
ing based approach is taken where the network takes
the physical features at the hit timing as the input. As
shown in Figure 4, the conventional method of human
skeleton estimation (Sun, 2019) is applied to a bad-
minton competition video to obtain the 2D skeletal in-
formation of the player. The player's and wrist posi-
tions are calculated based on the skeletal information.
Hit timing is detected from the features of the time
series data of the player's and wrist positions. The hor-
izontal position of the hit point can be detected from
the player's footwork trajectory centered on the de-
tected hit timing.
4.1 Detection of Hit Timing
This section describes the preprocessing and output
data for the input data of the hit timing (as shown in
Figure 1: f(i)) detection model.
As shown in Figure 5, the elements used as input
data for the model are the time-series data of player
positions and wrist positions obtained in Section 4.1.
The player position data is for two players, one who
releases the shot and the other who receives the shot.
The wrist position data is for one player who releases
the shot. A sliding window of step s and length w is
applied to these time series data to generate partial
time series data. The model uses LSTM with the input
partial time-series data at each time point. The model
output the probability that a hit timing is included in
the time of the partial input time series data.
Figure 4: Acquisition of skeletal information and player po-
sition. Bule crosses is the midpoint of both ankles and de-
fined as the player position.
Figure 5: Process flow of hit timing detection method. A sliding window is applied to the time series data of the positions of
the two players and their dominant wrists to generate partial time series data. The generated partial time-series data is input
to LSTM for hit timing detection. "Conversion to frame number" and "additional detection" are explained in section 4.2. d:
dimensionality of features, w: window width of a sliding window, n: number of partial time series.
Detection of Shot Information Using Footwork Trajectory and Skeletal Information of Badminton Players
Cross entropy error between the correct label and
the output probability is calculated. The model is
trained to make the error small.
Furthermore, the following condition is applied to
the hit timing detection results of the two players to
reduce the number of undetected hit timing.
If the hit timing of one player is detected con-
secutively, the frame with the largest output
probability for the other player between the two
consecutive hit timing is additionally detected as
a hit timing.
This condition is to take advantage of the competitive
features that two players always alternate shots in a
badminton game.
The accuracy of hit timing detection can be eval-
uated by comparing the final hit timing prediction
frame (Figure 5: hit timing') with the ground truth af-
ter adding this additional detection.
4.2 Detection of the Horizontal Position
of the Hit Point
This section describes the preprocessing for the mod-
el's input and output data for detecting the horizontal
position of the hit point (as shown in Figure 1: (x(i),
As shown in Figure 6, the elements used as inputs
to the model are the time series data of player position
obtained in Section 4.1 and the hit timing obtained in
Section 4.2. From the time series data of player posi-
tions, partial time series data of length w centered at
each hit timing is extracted. Using LSTM with the
partial time series data of each hit timing as input, the
model output the 2D coordinates of the horizontal po-
sition of the hit point.
MSE (mean square error) is calculated using the
ground truth as the horizontal position of the hit point.
The model is trained so that the error is small.
The detection accuracy of the hit timing and the hori-
zontal position of the hit point was verified, respec-
tively. Furthermore, from the analysis results using
the shot directions obtained from the horizontal posi-
tion of the hit points of two players, the possibility of
using the detected data for analysis is confirmed.
5.1 Experiment Setup
The data used in the validation are videos of two
games (four sets in total) in Akane Yamaguchi vs. Tai
Tzu Ying in 2019 and 2021, with each set as Video
No.1 to 4. Videos No. 1 to 3 were used as training data
and videos No. 4 as test data. HRNet (Sun, 2019) was
used to extract the skeleton of the players. HRNet is
an algorithm that estimates the skeletal shape of a per-
son in a 2D image by deep learning and is capable of
real-time detection even when multiple people are
mixed in the image. The parameters in the algorithm
are s=5, w=40 and df=14. Precision, recall, and f-
measure are used as hit timing detection accuracy in-
5.2 Experiment to Detect the Hit Timing
In this research, the detected hit timing is used to de-
tect the horizontal position of the hit point. However,
the impact of an error of a few frames on the hit timing
detection is small. Because the model inputs the foot-
work trajectories of players for several tens of frames
around the hit timing. Therefore, this research does
not require strict accuracy of hit timing frame detec-
tion in units of a few frames. Considering the foot-
work speed of the player, a specific error (E frames)
from the ground truth of the hit timing frame can be
tolerated. In this experiment, E=20 (about 0.67 sec-
onds) was set based on observing player speed in the
Figure 6: Processing flow of the method for detecting the horizontal position of the hit point. Extract the time series data of
the player's position around the hit timing. The extracted time-series data is input to LSTM to detect the horizontal position
of the hit point. d': dimensionality of features, w: window width of a sliding window, h: number of hit timing.
icSPORTS 2023 - 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Table 1: Accuracy evaluation of hit timing detection.
data. In other words, a detection whose error from the
ground truth of the hit timing frame is within 20
frames is defined as a correct detection.
Table 1 shows the hit timing detection accuracy
for the players at the front of the court. The three types
of data used for hit timing detection are denoted
as pos
(position of the player at the front of the
court), pos
(position of the player at the back of the
court), and wri
(wrist position of the player at the
front of the court). The detection accuracy of the
model when these data are combined and input, re-
spectively, is shown. The model with the additional
detection described in section 4.2 is denoted as +add.
5.3 Experiments to Detect the
Horizontal Position of the Hit Point
Since hit timing is used to detect the horizontal posi-
tion of a hit point, the accuracy of hit timing detection
affects the accuracy of the detection of the horizontal
position of the hit point. In this section, the ground
truth is used for the hit timing to evaluate only the de-
tection of the horizontal position of the hit point. As
shown in Figure 7, the x-axis is set parallel to the net,
and the y-axis is set perpendicular to the net, with the
yellow circle in the upper left corner as the origin in
the overhead view of the court. Considering the half-
court size of an actual badminton singles court
(5.18[m]×6.70[m]), the output coordinates are set
as x=[0~5.18] and y=[0~6.70]. RMSE (root mean
square error) is used to measure detection accu-
racy. RMSE of the output and the ground truth for all
test data was RMSE=0.54[m].
Figure 7: Coordinate system of the projected position of the
hit point on the ground.
5.4 Evaluation of Analysis by
Percentage of Shot Direction
This section describes the tactical analysis of players
using the horizontal position of the hit points detected
by this method and the possibility of applying the de-
tected data to the analysis. As an example of analysis,
this section presents an analysis method that divides a
half-court into nine (3×3) areas (Josue, 2020), (Ca-
reelmont, 2013). This analysis reveals player features
based on the percentage of shot directions from a spe-
cific area. Among the nine areas of the court surface,
the hit area is defined as the area that includes the hor-
izontal position of the hit point, and the shot direction
can be detected by connecting the hit areas (or the hor-
izontal position of the hit point) of two players in a
time series. The ratio of shot directions can be used
for tactical analysis as an indicator of the features of
each player's game.
Using the correct label and detected hit timing
data used in this method, the horizontal position of the
hit point can be detected from the three models shown
in Table 2. The G-model is a model that uses the
ground truth of the horizontal position of the hit point.
The GD-model is a model that uses the horizontal po-
sition of the hit point detected using the ground truth
of the hit timing. The DD-model is a model that uses
the horizontal position of the hit point detected using
the detected hit timing. Therefore, the three models
can also detect the hit area and shot direction.
The features of players can be visualized by plot-
ting the distribution of shot direction as a heat map.
Furthermore, by comparing the heat maps for each in-
put information, the applicability to the detection data
analysis can be qualitatively evaluated. Figure 8
shows the heat maps of the distribution of shot direc-
tions in the hit area where the number of hits by play-
ers in the front of the court was high in the test data.
The hit timing and the horizontal position of the hit
points detected by this method can lead to the same
level of analysis results as those using the ground
input recall(%) precision(%) f_measure(%)
79.3 82.1 80.7
76.0 79.3 77.6
91.7 94.1 92.9
80.2 78.9 79.5
90.1 91.6 90.8
95.9 94.3 95.1
93.4 96.6 95.0
96.7 95.1 95.9
, 𝑝𝑜𝑠
, 𝑤𝑟𝑖
, 𝑤𝑟𝑖
, 𝑝𝑜𝑠
, 𝑤𝑟𝑖
, 𝑝𝑜𝑠
, 𝑤𝑟𝑖
Detection of Shot Information Using Footwork Trajectory and Skeletal Information of Badminton Players
Table 2: Three models for detecting the horizontal position
of the hit point.
Figure 8: Visualization of shot direction percentage from
the right front area of the court. The shot directions detected
from the G-model (left), GD-model (center), and DD-model
(right) are visualized using heat maps. The yellowish region
indicates the most likely location of the endpoint of the shot
5.5 Limitations in this Research
This section describes the limitations of the detection
accuracy and the primary cause of error in this study.
It is difficult to detect hit timing in a single frame
using this research method. This is because the output
information (hit timing) is not uniquely determined
from the time-series changes in the input information
(movement trajectory and skeletal information).
Therefore, applying this method to tactical analysis is
difficult, which requires hit timing accuracy on a
frame-by-frame basis.
The primary cause of error in the experiment de-
scribed in Section 5.2 is the irregular movement of
players in hit timing. In this study, the following hy-
potheses are formulated for the movement trajectory
and skeletal information, respectively, as the regular
movements of the players.
The player moves away from the base around
the hit timing and returns to the base again.
At the hit timing, the player's wrist is farthest
away from the waist.
Therefore, detection errors are likely to occur when
players' movements that do not conform to the above
hypotheses (irregular movements) are observed.
We have attempted to reduce the number of errors
by applying the additional detection described in Sec-
tion 4.2, but we have not been able to address all er-
This research proposes a method for detecting shot in-
formation using badminton players' footwork trajec-
tories and skeletal information. The proposed method
detects the hit timing using the time series information
of the footwork trajectory and skeletal information,
which are characterized by the hit timing. Further-
more, this method detected the horizontal position of
the hit point using the footwork trajectory around the
hit timing. As a result of the demonstration experi-
ment, the hit timing detection accuracy (F-measure)
for the player at the front court was 95.9%, and the
horizontal position of the hit point was detected with
an accuracy of MSE=54.0. Using the detected data,
we quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated that the
tactical analysis can be performed at the same level as
the ground truth. As a future work, we plan to expand
the experimental data. We will confirm the generality
of the method from the results of tests using players'
data that are not included in the training data. We will
also investigate how players' playing styles and other
factors affect detection accuracy.
This method can automatically detect data for tac-
tical analysis using only the player's footwork trajec-
tory and skeletal information from the monocular
camera images. In conclusion, this research suc-
ceeded in solving the problem of the conventional
method using shuttle tracking and in automating the
data collection for badminton video analysis.
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Detection of Shot Information Using Footwork Trajectory and Skeletal Information of Badminton Players