UNCOVER: Identifying AI Generated News Articles
by Linguistic Analysis and Visualization
Lucas Liebe
1 a
, Jannis Baum
1 b
, Tilman Sch
1 c
, Tim Cech
2 d
Willy Scheibel
1 e
and J
urgen D
1 f
University of Potsdam, Digital Engineering Faculty, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany
University of Potsdam, Digital Engineering Faculty, Germany
Explainable AI, Text Generation, Linguistic Text Analysis, Topic Modeling, Entity Recognition, Stylometry.
Text synthesis tools are becoming increasingly popular and better at mimicking human language. In trust-
sensitive decisions, such as plagiarism and fraud detection, identifying AI-generated texts poses larger diffi-
culties: decisions need to be made explainable to ensure trust and accountability. To support users in identi-
fying AI-generated texts, we propose the tool UNCOVER. The tool analyses texts through three explainable
linguistic approaches: Stylometric writing style analysis, topic modeling, and entity recognition. The result
of the tool is a prediction and visualization of the analysis. We evaluate the tool on news articles by means of
accuracy of the prediction and an expert study with 13 participants. The final prediction is based on classifi-
cation of stylometric and evolving topic analysis. It achieved an accuracy of 70.4 % and a weighted F1-score
of 85.6 %. The participants preferred to base their assessment on the prediction and the topic graph. In con-
trast, they found the entity recognition to be an ineffective indicator. Moreover, five participants highlighted
the explainable aspects of UNCOVER and overall the participants achieved 69 % accuracy. Eight participants
expressed interest to continue using UNCOVER for identifying AI-generated texts.
In recent years, artificial intelligence has become able
to generate texts that are similar to those written by
humans. While readers could easily recognize if a
computer wrote a text just a few years ago, today’s
systems are getting increasingly better at producing
convincing content leading to new challenges (Floridi
and Chiriatti, 2020). One of the most impactful sys-
tems is ChatGPT
by OpenAI due to the great pub-
lic attention it has gained (Lund and Wang, 2023).
This release sparked many discussions in media about
finding a way of identifying generated texts in the ar-
eas of: (1) Application of text generators in many
daily use systems like translators
, (2) Evaluation
of Students’ writing skills
and (3) Validity of news
. This lead to regulators considering to halt
AI development, until strategies for how to deal with
such technologies are developed.
To tackle the issue,
OpenAI released a prototype for a black box tool to
identify texts from multiple generative models, which
successfully identifies 26 % of AI authors (Jan Hen-
drik Kirchner, 2023).
Aside from working with the relatively low accu-
racy, end-users should not be required to put their trust
in a black box solution which they have no control
over (Rudin, 2019). A well explainable tool can build
trust, by providing a deep understanding. Moreover,
for such sensitive decisions humans need to be part of
Liebe, L., Baum, J., Schütze, T., Cech, T., Scheibel, W. and Döllner, J.
UNCOVER: Identifying AI Generated News Articles by Linguistic Analysis and Visualization.
DOI: 10.5220/0012163300003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 39-50
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
a trustworthy solution to enable introspection. Visu-
ally intuitive and convincing explanations will make
services in this domain more accessible than lengthy
textual explanations.
This work applies explainable linguistic analysis
to the task of identifying AI-generated text to offer an
in-depth linguistic comparison of AI-generated and
human-written texts. To achieve this, we introduce
UNCOVER, which employs stylometric approaches,
topic modeling, and entity recognition to analyze the
linguistic features of news articles. We apply Sty-
lometry, as a concept that is already successfully used
to differentiate human authors, by implementing best
practices in this field in an explainable way. For
the topic modeling approach of UNCOVER, we pro-
pose the “Topic Evolution Model” (TEM), that we de-
rived from the “Topic Flow Model” by Churchill et al.
(2018). In addition to re-implementing the original,
we made various adjustments to their model and de-
veloped a visualization for the resulting topic graph.
TEM resolves the requirement of large numbers of
documents in each temporal period and is optimized
to work with overall small corpora, instead of just
small documents. The component featuring entity
recognition mostly consists on coreference resolution
and its visualization.
To evaluate UNCOVER, we conduct an expert
study. 13 participants evaluated the tool on mul-
tiple usability aspects. Further, we introduce and
test a novel AI-news data set for public benchmark-
ing. The data set consists of training and evalua-
tion data to compute metrics of accuracy. This data
set is, to the best of our knowledge, the first pub-
licly available, medium-sized-text data set featuring
AI-generated news articles.
First, this work reviews related work for the
identification of AI-generated text in subsection 2.1
and linguistic approaches to text analysis in subsec-
tion 2.2. The proposed tool consists of multiple
components: a stylometric component, discussed in
subsection 3.1, topic modeling, discussed in subsec-
tion 3.2, a prediction based on both of these compo-
nents, explained in subsection 3.3, and entity recogni-
tion, found in subsection 3.4. We introduce our self-
generated dataset in subsection 4.1 and the conducted
expert study in subsection 4.2. Each of the four com-
ponents stylometry, topic modeling, prediction and
entity recognition is evaluated in subsection 4.3,
subsection 4.4, subsection 4.5, and subsection 4.6 re-
spectively. Explainability, limitations, threats to the
validity, and possible negative impacts on society are
discussed in section 5. We conclude this paper in sec-
tion 6.
The tool UNCOVER builds upon work in the areas of
(1) identification of AI-generated texts and (2) lin-
guistic features, coherence analysis and authorship at-
2.1 Identifying AI Generated Text
OpenAI presented a service applicable to various
generation models, where they achieved classifica-
tion performance of 26 % AI texts correctly classi-
fied as such (Jan Hendrik Kirchner, 2023). Many
other commercial classification tools are available on-
line achieving good results, for instance gowinston.ai,
contentatscale.ai, and gptzero.me. Other research ap-
proaches, like the Giant Language Model Test Room
(GLTR) (Gehrmann et al., 2019), GROVER (Zellers
et al., 2019), and a fine-tuned Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers (BERT) (Ippolito
et al., 2019) are trained to recognize the output of a
singular model. GLRT provides a human-in-the-loop
solution to help users make informed decisions in-
stead of providing a prediction itself (Gehrmann et al.,
2019). BERT models achieve the best accuracy of the
mentioned approaches (Ippolito et al., 2019). How-
ever, this method has not been re-implemented and
only evaluated on GPT-2, newer or multiple AI gener-
ators have not been tested, making it unclear how this
approach would perform today. UNCOVER aims to
correctly classify Large Language Models (LLMs) in
general making the task more complex. AI-generated
texts also attracted attention in the generation of fake
news. Further research aims to detect such news
through data mining techniques (Shu et al., 2017;
Zhang and Ghorbani, 2020). However, this approach
is not sufficient to UNCOVER since we aim to identify
AI-generated texts independently of the facts.
2.2 Linguistic Text Analysis
By analyzing and schematically describing the con-
tents of a text, linguistic text analysis can improve
Natural Language Understanding (Zhang and Wang,
2022). We have identified three approaches relevant
to our use case.
Stylometry. Human authors can be differenti-
ated by the statistical distribution of “Style Mark-
ers” (Houvardas and Stamatatos, 2006). “Style mark-
ers” are n-grams of textual features that can consist
of characters, words, or part-of-speech tags. Houvar-
das et al. found that 3- (tri), 4-, and 5-grams con-
tain the most information for successful author iden-
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
tification and further highlighted trigrams for shorter
texts (Houvardas and Stamatatos, 2006). Posadas-
an et al. (2017) introduced an algorithm for ex-
tracting syntactic n-grams from sentences using a de-
pendency tree. These were found to perform better
than most other n-grams, with character n-grams in
second place (R
ıos-Toledo et al., 2022). However, the
proposed measures were not tested on AI generators.
UNCOVER uses character and syntactic trigrams for
its analysis.
Topic Modeling. The variety of topic models is
ever-growing, and many of the more recent models
employ less explainable AI methods such as neural
networks (Churchill and Singh, 2022). Models based
on these methods are not applicable to UNCOVER
due to its constraint of being explainable. Another
branch of topic modeling research has focused on cre-
ating graph-based methods, which are more explain-
able by nature. A more recent graph-based models is
Topic Flow Model, which is used to produce seman-
tic graphs that describe how topics change throughout
defined temporal periods of the text corpus (Churchill
et al., 2018). While the Topic Flow Model was created
to work with short documents within the corpus’ pe-
riods, the number of documents in each period needs
to be large for it to produce relevant output.
Entity Recognition. Named Entities (NE) have
been found to positively influence the performance
of Machine Learning Systems that require context
information (Zhang and Wang, 2022). The Stan-
ford Named Entity Recognizer uses multiple machine
learning sequence models and rule-based components
to label 12 different NE classes (Finkel et al., 2005).
Entity Grids are a way of representing a text to capture
the location in which NE occur and can be a measure
of coherence (Mohiuddin et al., 2018). One method
of achieving this is called coreference resolution, that
finds all expressions in a text that refer to the same
entity (Clark and Manning, 2016). Due to the genera-
tion of Language Models word-by-word, we expect to
find and observed abnormalities in AI-generated text.
UNCOVER uses the linguistic approaches of stylome-
try, topic modeling, and entity recognition. The final
tool and its results are presented in a web interface
found through the projects GitHub repository
( on, IN ) ( a, DT ) ( plush, JJ ) ( red, JJ )
( stool, NN )( the, DT )( at, IN )
( counter, NN )( Victor, NNP )
( sat, VBD )
Figure 1: Syntactic dependency tree for “Victor sat at the
counter on a plush red stool”.
3.1 Stylometry
UNCOVER employs character and syntactic trigrams.
The trigrams are obtained from the text as it is, i.e.
without preprocessing, since techniques such as char-
acter normalization or stemming would disrupt char-
acter trigrams (Chen and Manning, 2014). The distri-
bution of syntactic trigrams is extracted from depen-
dency trees generated by the Stanford NLP Depen-
dency Parser (Chen and Manning, 2014) (Figure 1).
Counting all discovered character triples creates the
character trigram distribution. Both distributions are
trimmed to only include the top 100 most common
trigrams. One logistic regression model is trained for
each author and distribution. For classification, mod-
els are split into Humans and AI and the highest score
of each group is compared against a threshold. If both
groups or no group hits the threshold, the stylometry
component cannot decide on the author. This case is
represented as an “unsure” result. If only one of the
groups passes the threshold, the text is classified to be
written by that group.
3.2 Topic Modeling
Coherent articles are texts where the covered topics
are introduced, change slightly to cover different as-
pects, and then get replaced by a different topic, or
evolve into a connected and advanced theme. UN-
COVER analyzes and describes this specific trait. The
patterns found when analyzing the topics are then
used to differentiate human-written and AI-generated
texts. To illustrate how this is achieved by UNCOVER,
we will first introduce Topic Evolution Model (TEM),
then go into detail on how it is integrated into the tool,
and finally explain how texts are classified based on
TEM’s output.
3.2.1 Topic Evolution Model
UNCOVERs most important requirement for topic
modeling is being able to generate an explainable
overview of the change of topics in a single news ar-
ticle. Churchill et al. (2018) have introduced Topic
Flow Model (TFM) as a graph-based model to ana-
UNCOVER: Identifying AI Generated News Articles by Linguistic Analysis and Visualization
lyze changes to topics over time in a large corpus con-
sisting of multiple temporal periods, each containing
many documents. Based on this work, we have de-
veloped Topic Evolution Model (TEM) to fit our re-
quirements of working with significantly smaller cor-
pora such as a single news article, where single para-
graphs make up the periods, each consisting of indi-
vidual sentences as documents. In the following, we
will illustrate TEM’s main differences to TFM.
First Period. Churchill et al. (2018) introduce
nutrition (nut), and energy values for words in the
corpus, given by the following equations
= (1 c) + c ·
t f (w)
t f (w
), (2)
where w and p are the given word and period, w
the most common word in p, t f (w)
is the term fre-
quency of w in p, and c [0, 1] is a tuning parameter.
By definition, the energy (Equation 2) of all words in
the first period in TFM is equal to 0. This may lead to
all words falling through the energy threshold, mean-
ing no emerging words are found. TEM instead sets
the energy of words in the first period equal to their
squared nutrition to allow for the existence of emerg-
ing words in the first period.
Flood Words. TFM classifies all words that appear
in at least half of all documents in a period as flood
words (Churchill et al., 2018), an a posteriori alterna-
tive of stop words that should be ignored in the anal-
ysis. Therefore, all words are flood words when a
period only has two documents. To enable processing
paragraphs with only two sentences, TEM classifies
words as flood only when they appear in more than
half of all documents.
Correlation. For all pairs of words in a period,
TFM applies the following formula for term correla-
tion c
of word k to word z at time t
+ n
= log
, (4)
where n
is the number of documents all words in A
co-occur in, and
is the number of documents in
period t (Churchill et al., 2018).
This formula has an edge case where division by 0
occurs when two terms in a period only co-occur and
Period 1
Period 2
planet space moon explor limit select year
explor wave new take place discoveri open colon
rang space whole possibl multipl extend planet
major mileston histori
Period 3
cargo reusabl spacecraft design human transport
capabl colon land space also starship alreadi ideal
multipl make first step vehicl process carri launch
100 use suppli intern spacex ton station
Period 4
discoveri come year make
made expect alreadi
sever even
collect sampl bennu mission colon understand
launch better space recent develop asteroid
scientist composit potenti robot could design
provid valuabl resourc
Period 5
colon better space understand scientist develop
multipl potenti discoveri explor could mark abl even
major lead gain mileston futur univers histori abil
moon planet
endless new whole era could discoveri open world
Period 6
Period 7
mar step launch 2020
explor design robot
next surfac
Period 0
Figure 2: Example of an AI-generated Topic Evolution
graph by GPT-3.
never occur in a document by themselves. The way
this is handled by TFM is unknown. When the num-
ber of documents in a period is low, this edge case
is common. TEM solves this by recursively merging
strictly co-occurring terms into the same node in the
semantic graph. This way, the correlation between
strictly co-occurring terms never has to be evaluated.
All terms of the node are accounted for in the for-
mula, to consider nodes with multiple terms during
topic distance evaluation.
Topic Distance. TFM matches newly discovered
topics to existing themes soley based on the re-
currence of a single leader term that describes the
theme (Churchill et al., 2018). When the number of
documents in multiple periods is small, so is the to-
tal number of terms in each of these periods. This
makes it likely that a leader term doesn’t reoccur in a
topic, even when the theme persists. To be able to rec-
ognize existing themes despite the leader term’s po-
tential absence, TEM reemploys the measurement of
topic distance by comparing all new emerging topics
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
with the predecessor period’s topics. The topic dis-
tance between a pair of topics is given by Churchill
et al. (2018) as follows
, (5)
with t
and t
being the sets of words in the two topics.
TEM can process corpora containing periods with
as low as two documents, and therefore meets UN-
COVERs requirements by allowing it to process indi-
vidual articles. TEM generates a list of periods. Each
period contains a list of topics, which in turn have a
list of words and a theme identifier. Discovered topics
that are sufficiently similar to an existing topic receive
the same theme identifier as the existing topic, which
describes the topic evolution.
3.2.2 Integration into UNCOVER
To analyze a text with TEM, UNCOVER first splits the
text into paragraphs by considering newline charac-
ters, and each paragraph into sentences by consider-
ing sentence termination characters such as periods or
question marks. Should a paragraph consist of only a
single sentence, it is merged with its predecessor. This
ensures that each paragraph is a made up of at least
two sentences to make them meet the requirements for
periods of documents in TEM’s input. Before the text
is passed into TEM, all non-alphanumerical charac-
ters and stop-words are removed, all letters are trans-
formed into lowercase, and all words are stemmed.
TEM’s output is finally visualized with a vertical,
directed graph. The lists of words for each topic in a
period are placed in horizontally aligned nodes, and
these rows are aligned from top to bottom. The nodes
of topics with a theme identifier that has occurred in
the predecessor period are connected with a directed
edge to the respective predecessor topic. Figure 2
shows one example of such topic evolution graphs.
3.2.3 Classification
Aside from serving as a user-directed visualization,
the discussed graph is also used for automatic clas-
sification with a multinomial logistic regression on
the following Topic Evolution connectivity metrics
1. The absolute value of 1 minus the ratio of the
number of distinct theme identifiers, and the to-
tal number of topics
2. The ratio of the number of topics with the most
common theme identifier, and the total number of
3. The number of periods that have at least one in-
coming edge, i.e. a topic with predecessor topic,
divided by the total number of periods minus 1
4. The ratio of the longest chain of connected peri-
ods, and the total number of periods
All of the connectivity metrics represent a different
interpretation of connectedness of the graph between
0 and 1, with 0 being the least, and 1 being the most
3.3 Final Prediction
The prediction of stylometry and the prediction of
Topic Evolution connectivity metrics (TEcm) are com-
bined together into a single final output through a ba-
sic decision tree. To begin with, we output the pre-
dictions if both components agree. If the stylometry
result is uncertain or TEcm’s confidence level is over
80%, we immediately output the TEcm classification.
If stylometry predicted the text to be AI-generated,
we output this decision if TEcm’s confidence level is
below 70 %. However, if the text is predicted to be
human-written by stylometry, we decrease the thresh-
old to 60 % to minimize misclassifying human au-
thors. Finally, if the confidence exceeds the threshold,
we present an uncertain outcome. Figure 3 shows one
example for a final prediction of an AI-generated text
presented to the user after running the full analysis.
3.4 Entity Recognition
A coherently written text should introduce and men-
tion entities in an orderly way that does not con-
fuse its readers. Therefore, especially the change and
occurrence of different entities may offer a relevant
indicator for an AI generator’s weaknesses. Stan-
ford’s CoreNLP Parser offers the ability to recognize
and track entities in multiple sentences (Finkel et al.,
2005). For entity recognition, UNCOVER uses the
parser with its default parameters. For coreference
resolution, CoreNLP offers various models, out of
which UNCOVER uses the most accurate neural net-
work. The output is visually represented as a vertical
stacked bar chart, where each sentence is displayed
together with a stack of bars (see Figure 4). Each bar
Figure 3: Screenshot covering an example classification.
UNCOVER: Identifying AI Generated News Articles by Linguistic Analysis and Visualization
In a groundbreaking development, space colonization
has expanded to multiple planets, moons, and asteroids,
ushering in a new era of exploration and discovery.
For years, space exploration has been limited to a few
select planets and moons.
But now, a new wave of exploration is taking place, as
space colonization is being extended to multiple planets,
moons, and asteroids.
This is a major milestone in the history of space
exploration, as it opens up a whole new range of
possibilities for exploration and discovery.
The first step in this process was the launch of the
SpaceX Starship, which is a reusable spacecraft
designed to transport humans and cargo to other
planets and moons.
The Starship is capable of carrying up to 100 tons of
cargo and has already been used to transport supplies
to the International Space Station.
It is also capable of landing on multiple planets and
moons, making it an ideal vehicle for space colonization.
The next step was the launch of the Mars 2020 rover,
which is a robotic rover designed to explore
the surface of Mars.
The rover has already made several discoveries,
including evidence of ancient life on the planet, and is
expected to make even more discoveries
in the coming years.
Finally, the most recent development is the launch of the
OSIRIS-REx mission, which is a robotic spacecraft
designed to collect samples from the asteroid Bennu.
The mission will help scientists better understand the
composition of asteroids and could potentially provide
valuable resources for space colonization.
These developments mark a major milestone in the
history of space exploration and could potentially lead
to even more discoveries in the future.
space colonization
this new era of exploration and discovery
space exploration
a new wave of exploration
the history of space exploration
The first step in this process
The Starship
the Mars 2020 rover
the OSIRIS - REx mission , which is a
robotic spacecraft designed to collect
samples from the asteroid Bennu
Figure 4: An example of an entity occurrences diagram.
The visualization may be challenging to comprehend, be-
cause the used parser is not perfect.
represents an entity mentioned in a rolling window
that consists of the respective sentence, its predeces-
sor, and its successor. The bars are sized according to
the number of times the entity was mentioned in the
corresponding rolling window.
We evaluate all three components of UNCOVER re-
garding accuracy and explainability. To represent the
difference of effect of the answers, the weighted F1-
score is calculated with half penalty for unsure an-
swers and a full penalty for opposite answers.
4.1 Dataset
Our final datasets consist of scraped news articles
written by human authors and generated news articles
sourced between March and Mai 2023. In total, the
training dataset contains 2837 news articles by ve
different authors scraped from the Guardian
as a big
trust-worthy news outlet. It also comprises 2400 arti-
cles that were created using ve distinct LLM queries,
with 600 articles generated for each query. To write
news articles on this topic, GPT-2 (Radford et al.,
2019) was given news titles as a prompt. Similarly,
we utilized GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020) twice - first,
we tasked it in the same manner as GPT-2, and sec-
ond, we provided the full-text news article and asked
GPT-3 to rewrite it as a news article. This approach
allowed us to evaluate possible divergences in the
results with queries containing different amounts of
context. To match its input style, GROVER (Zellers
et al., 2019) was given full news articles and titles,
along with the original URL and other mock data.
The original news articles were scraped from Google
News using search queries of similar topics as the
Guardian articles.
To ensure the accuracy of our components in real-
world scenarios, we devised a separate dataset for
testing purposes. We included 200 articles each from
human authors, GPT-2, GPT-3, and GROVER. The
GPT-3 articles comprised 100 titles-only and 100 full-
text generated articles. For this test dataset, we chose
ten general news queries like “environmental con-
cern”, scraped the top 15 results of Google News, and
generated articles as described for the training dataset.
This time, pages that could not be scraped with our
system or had excessively long articles were skipped
entirely to ensure all classers contained the same 200
4.2 Expert Study
As another mean of evaluation, an expert study was
set up to evaluate UNCOVERs practical use and ex-
plainability with 13 participants from an academic
machine learning or Natural Language Processing
background. They were provided with ten unique
random texts from the dataset and the correspond-
ing UNCOVER output and asked to classify the texts
while using the tool. The participants were ques-
tioned about the use and understandability of UN-
COVER and it’s individual visualizations. On average,
the participants classified texts correctly in 69% of
cases. As to the usefulness of UNCOVER, half of the
participants stated that UNCOVERs output changed
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Assessment results from the classification of news articles using character trigrams (a), syntactic trigrams (b), com-
bined stylometry (c), topic evolution connectivity metrics (d), and final prediction (e).
80% 6% 14 %
58% 18 % 24%
24% 37 % 39%
14% 54 % 32%
67% 6% 27 %
70% 8% 22 %
76% 7% 17 %
57% 19 % 24%
86% 6% 8%
69% 12 % 19%
53% 14 % 33%
32% 33 % 35%
84% 16 % 0%
81% 19 % 0%
55% 45 % 0%
52% 48 % 0%
91% 1 % 8%
85% 4 % 11%
62% 21 % 17%
35% 45 % 20%
their mind about the origin of the text two or more
times out of ten and most of them would want to use
the tool again next time. Before being questioned
about it or informed of the goal, five participants high-
lighted the explainable aspects of the tool. More de-
tailed descriptions of the result can be found in the fol-
lowing subsections or in the Appendix subsection A.1
4.3 Stylometry
For the training of a model, the training dataset was
split into 80 % training and 20 % validation data. The
final accuracy of the stylometry regression on the val-
idation data was 73 % with less than 5 % of human-
written texts predicted as AI-generated. This changed
on the test dataset, where the model combining both
trigrams achieves a total accuracy of 59.3% and
weighted F1-score of 80.66% (see Table 1c). Syn-
tactic trigrams alone had an accuracy of 57.6 % (see
Table 1b) and performed slightly better than charac-
ter trigrams with an accuracy of 53.4 % (see Table 1a).
However, since syntactic trigrams performed much
worse on texts labeled as human-written, they can not
be considered overall better. A result of the expert
study was that the stylometry approach, as a main part
of UNCOVERs prediction, had the highest influence
on the participants decisions when classifying texts.
Since a logistic regression model was used for classi-
fication and the same 100 trigrams were used as fea-
tures for every single trained regression, the classifi-
cations are still explainable to technical users, as the
model contains relevance values for each trigram.
4.4 Topic Modeling
For testing, we conducted Mann-Whitney
tests (Nachar, 2008) on all pairs between
GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019), GROVER (Zellers
et al., 2019), GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020)
(two groups with different prompt styles), and
humans (three different authors). All of these
tests proved a significantly different mean between
the groups with p < 5%, with the exception of
connectivity metric 3 between GPT-2 and humans,
and connectivity metric 2 between GROVER and
humans. Figure 5 shows density plots comparing
the connectivity metrics for human-written texts
(solid line) to those generated by different AI models
(dashed lines).
The logistic regression classification based on
these TEcm achieves an overall accuracy of 67.4 %
and weighted F1-score of 72.77%. A more detailed
analysis of the results can be seen in Table 1d. On the
validation dataset we achieved an average 77.98% ac-
curacy using 5-fold-cross-validation. In comparison
to the Stylometry on both datasets TEcm performs
slightly better. However, it also does not manage to
generalize better loosing accuracy on the test dataset
aswell. The smaller F1-score and many wrong pre-
dictions on human authors are mainly caused by the
lack of certainty in TEcm classification.
Figure 2 shows an example of a Topic Evolution
graph. This graph predominantly consists of a sin-
gle topic evolving throughout the majority of tem-
poral periods (article paragraphs). We have found
the Topic Evolution graphs to give clear insights into
how themes develop over the course of the analyzed
articles. Graphs for human-written articles tend to
have multiple distinct sections of a few periods in
length that are internally very connected. In contrast,
graphs for AI-generated articles often contain a sin-
gle evolving topic that spans most of the article and
the majority of nodes. This finding is supported by
the conducted expert study, with participants judging
the graphs to have a median “understandable” (4/6)
clarity and having an average higher influence on the
participants’ decision than the entity diagram with a
median of “strong” (5/6).
UNCOVER: Identifying AI Generated News Articles by Linguistic Analysis and Visualization
(a) connectivity metric 1. (b) connectivity metric 2.
(c) connectivity metric 3. (d) connectivity metric 4.
Figure 5: Density plot for the different Topic Evolution connectivity metrics (TEcm) comparing humans (solid line) to different
AI generators (dashed lines) with mean values shown as vertical lines.
4.5 Final Prediction
The combined result of TEcm and Stylometry regres-
sion achieved an accuracy of 70.4 % and weighted F1-
score of 85.65%. 14.2 % of the classifications are un-
sure and 15.8 % are assigned to the wrong label. In
Table 1e the results are presented in more detail. The
participants in the expert study described this aspect
as the best component of UNCOVER, because it con-
tains the most direct indication on the author of a text.
Four participants said that they would use the tool in
the future only because of the prediction. The out-
put of UNCOVER aligned with the intuition of eight
participants on self-chosen articles and led to three
participants questioning their intuition.
4.6 Entity Diagram
From our experience, this approach was not success-
ful at distinguishing AI-generated text from human-
written text. We found that many misclassifications
occurred due to inaccuracies of the Stanford NLP
parser. This behavior leads to an explosion of newly
introduced entities in texts, making it harder to find
patterns for human authors and Language Models.
While the Named Entity Recognizer itself is only
based on explainable machine learning models, the
used coreference resolution model is a neural net-
work. Therefore it is the only part in UNCOVERs
components to be considered non-explainable. Fig-
ure 4 shows UNCOVERs visualization of entity oc-
UNCOVERs visualization of the Stanford NLP
parser’s output is overall hard to oversee, because of
the number of sentences in an article and the number
of entities used. This was also noticed by the partici-
pants in the expert study. Eleven of 13 subjects noted
that the diagram does not produce perceivable differ-
ences in entity occurrence patterns based on whether
the text was written by a human or generated by AI.
The Entity Diagram also turned out to be the worst
rated component in the tool on clarity and helpful-
ness. While, in the context of our study, the total
number of entities used per sentence may give some
indication of complexity, it is not possible to reliably
distinguish AI-generated texts from human-generated
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
ones. Even though the participants disliked this com-
ponent for the task of classification, three of them said
they would want to use it for other tasks. For instance,
one subject said that it is incredibly helpful to identify
parts of the text that are interesting to him.
UNCOVER can differentiate human from machine
authors. It achieves a high classification accuracy
on multiple state-of-the-art generation models, while
not requiring a pre-trained Large Language Model
(LLM). For instance OpenAI’s classifier achieved
26% correctly classified AI texts (Jan Hendrik Kirch-
ner, 2023), while UNCOVER achieves 70.4 %. In addi-
tion, through the provided visualization on topic evo-
lution, a user can better analyze structures inside a
text and make an informed decision.
As we think it is most undesirable to make false
claims about human authors, we set up the training to
reduce the occurrence of incorrectly classified human
texts which is represented in our weighted F1-score
of 85.65 %. However, the highest error rate is found
among human authors in the final evaluation. This is
at least partly due to the fact that the human-written
texts in the validation data set consisted of randomly
crawled news articles. In comparison, the models
used were trained to specifically recognize texts writ-
ten by five authors from the same publisher, indicating
a similar writing style.
When we compare the classification performance
of different models, we can see that they differ in their
ability to resemble human-written texts based on the
concept used. For instance, GPT-2 can be more read-
ily identified when using character trigrams, whereas
GPT-3 unexpectedly is identified better than GPT-2
when using syntactic trigrams. This highlights the
need for AI-detection methods to incorporate multi-
ple text analysis concepts and cover a wide range of
aspects. In the evaluation of GPT-3 articles, we com-
bined the two queries to generate them into one accu-
racy, as no differences in their data were found in our
Through the expert study, Natural Entity Recogni-
tion (NER) has not been proven to benefit the goal of
UNCOVER but still offers further insights into the text.
Other researchers also pointed out, that NER needs to
be improved as a separate component to achieve more
consistent results (Zhang and Wang, 2022). The ex-
pert study showed, that the tool overall builds trust
with users, making them more secure in their deci-
Achieved Explainability. The primary objective of
UNCOVER was to provide clear explanations for a
system’s decisions, using visual aids that enable users
to make informed choices. While one visualization
has been found to be useful in an expert study, more
and better visualizations need to be developed to im-
prove explainability. Nevertheless, we have achieved
complete technical explainability of all crucial com-
ponents. The decision-making process of UNCOVER
is based on a decision tree that employs explainable
metrics. Experts familiar with logistic regression can
interpret the trained models and understand the tool’s
decision based on this. The topic modeling met-
rics can be derived from the topic graph visualiza-
tion. However, due to the vast number of parameters
and the complexity of graph algorithms, the decision-
making process cannot be fully comprehended by an
average user.
Limitations. UNCOVER currently only works for
English texts and its approaches might lose accu-
racy quickly, because of the rapid advances made by
LLMs. New model releases, like GPT-4 (OpenAI,
2023), or fine-tuned systems that are developed to
break our analysis are an ever-existing threat. We
already documented differences between classifica-
tion results of the used models and might experi-
ence worse performance on other models that have
not been included in training as well. When eval-
uating the performance on human-authored texts we
can already see this effect that trained authors achieve
much better accuracy. On the same subject, the tool
was only evaluated on self-generated news from three
LLMs and needs further evaluation on more data to
evaluate how generalized the performance is.
Threats to Validity. A potential drawback of the re-
ported findings is that the accuracy calculations were
based on data generated through simplistic prompts.
We compensated this effect by providing two differ-
ent prompts to GPT-3 in the generation of the dataset
and therefore including multiple levels of complexity.
Newer models can take specific task queries to fol-
low a specific story line which would make the topic
modeling classification more difficult. Similarly, style
transfer is a concept where LLM mimic a certain writ-
ing style (de Rivero et al., 2021), which would make
the detection via stylometry impossible if applied suc-
cessfully. Further, we assumed that news outlet texts
on the top of Google News are written by humans
when creating test data, which may not be accurate
anymore and impact our human classification accu-
racy. The tool also was only evaluated on English
texts, specifically news articles, which carry specific
UNCOVER: Identifying AI Generated News Articles by Linguistic Analysis and Visualization
language traits, which can differ a lot between lan-
guages and text types. Therefore, the evaluations are
not generalizable on a larger scale. The reported per-
formance has also not been compared to other tools
available online, making it difficult to judge its effi-
The conducted study has limited abstraction po-
tential since only 15 participants took part. Further,
it only questioned participants studying towards a de-
gree in computer science at the same institution with
prior experience in artificial intelligence. Therefore
the results of the study are sampling biased and not
generalized. Also, most participants self-applied to
the study because they are interested in the area of
Natural Language Processing, however these effects
where necessary to accept to achieve a larger number
of participants. Another factor is the bias found in
UNCOVERs visualizations, as they have been created
to visualize effects that we observed. By evaluating
them in an expert study we found that people build
similar intuitions, which could have been influenced
by the style of presenting the visualizations.
Negative Societal Impact. The accuracy of the
identifier is not high enough to trust the output but
may influence people’s opinions. This effect can
lead to problems when deploying such services. The
proposed tool can potentially bring injustice to au-
thors with writing patterns similar to generative mod-
els. For instance, non-native authors could struggle
to write as coherently as native writers. These au-
thors could struggle by facing wrongful social judg-
ment of being framed for not writing their publica-
tions by themselves. In the same way, authors that
use generators might get exposed by such tools.
We presented UNCOVER, a tool that uses concepts of
linguistic text analysis to distinguish between human-
written and AI-generated news articles. The con-
cepts considered are stylometry, topic modeling, and
entity recognition. For topic modeling, we intro-
duced Topic Evolution Model (TEM). A final classifi-
cation and two visualizations are shown to the user of
UNCOVER inside a web interface.
We evaluated the tool on news articles by means
of accuracy of the prediction and an expert study with
13 participants. Stylometry was found to overall be
able to identify AI-authors. TEM is very successful
in describing topics and their development, while also
being a good measure for theme coherence. In the
study, participants preferred to base their assessment
on the prediction and the topic graph, while rating
the entity recognition as the least effective indicator.
Eight participants expressed interest in continuing to
use UNCOVER for identifying AI-generated texts and
five participants highlighted the explainable aspects.
Because we observed common inconsistencies in
how entities occur in AI-generated texts, we think en-
tity recognition can become helpful if developed fur-
ther. Therefore, we will look into an improvement in
coreference resolution and different visualizations of
this component. During the development of the tool,
new LLMs already have been released. UNCOVER
should be evaluated with models like GPT-4 (OpenAI,
2023) and Google’s PaLM 2 (Anil et al., 2023). Be-
sides the evaluation on different models, we only eval-
uated the performance on news articles. In the future,
the accuracy should be evaluated on differently sized
and differently structured texts. Other linguistic ap-
proaches, like sentiment analysis could be tested and
added to the tool. Finally, a larger user study should
be considered to complement the positive findings of
this work.
To ensure reproducibility of the tool and results,
the code is published open-source
together with our
generated news dataset.
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their feed-
back. This work was partially funded by the Ger-
man Federal Ministry for Education and Research
(BMBF) through grant 01IS22062 (“AI research
group FFS-AI”).
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Expert Study Design
The expert study with 13 participants was conducted
using Google Forms
to collect the given answers and
guide the participants through the process. The partic-
ipants were observed by an instructor in person during
the time of the study to capture direct comments on
the components. Before the study, participants were
told that the efficiency of the tool was to be evaluated
and the background in explainable AI was not men-
tioned explicitly. During the session, instructors min-
imized their communication with the participants, ex-
UNCOVER: Identifying AI Generated News Articles by Linguistic Analysis and Visualization
Table .2: Answers to “How strong did each component influence your decision?” (a) and “Please rate the visualizations based
on their clarity. (b).
not at all
very little
very greatly
Prediction 0 2 2 4 5 0
Topic Graph 1 1 2 7 2 0
Entity Diagram 2 2 7 2 0 0
no clue
very easy
Topic Graph 0 0 1 5 6 1
Entity Diagram 0 2 6 4 1 0
cept for a question and answer session in the middle of
the session. One 14th expert was used to evaluate the
design of the study before collecting the final results.
After this first execution, we adopted some unclear in-
structions, added more information, and changed the
layout of the examples.
Detailed Course of the Study. The first step asks
participants for their participant ID to reconstruct the
results. The ID could not match to participants’
names but the test data in the main section. Then
participants indicate their experience with machine
learning and Natural Language Processing on a scale
from 1 (unexperienced) to 6 (expert). For machine
learning, we observed one participant entering 2,
three participants entering 4 and 5 each, and six par-
ticipants entering 3. In regards to Natural Language
Processing, one participant entered 1, three partici-
pants entered 3 and 4 each, and six participants en-
tered 2.
In the second step, UNCOVER‘s components are
introduced in brief texts to test how easily participants
can understand the tool. The introduction is written to
explain how the components work and what informa-
tion they offer in three Texts with less than 130 words
each and contains two pictures. To leave the partici-
pants unbiased, common patterns and other beneficial
information, based on our experience, to separate hu-
man and AI-generated texts are left out. Afterward,
participants were questioned on their understanding
of the components. Entity Diagram and overall Pre-
diction both achieved one “perfect” vote and six votes
each for “good” and “better”. Topic Graph received
nine “better” and four “good” votes.
The third step is time to ask comprehension ques-
tions to the instructors, six did not use this opportunity
and continued further on their own.
The main part of the study is taking place in the
fourth step, where participants have to evaluate ten
unique texts that were randomly chosen from our
dataset. Five participants talked about good explain-
ability while working on this task by themselves.
Most participants correctly classified seven of the
given texts, rarely choosing unsure, and achieving a
total accuracy of 69%. Then they explained their de-
cision process and what they looked out for. The par-
ticipants used the text a lot, paying attention to similar
sentence structures, synonyms and choice of words,
and punctuation. Only five participants named com-
ponents of UNCOVER but claimed to discover patterns
and find them helpful to classify the examples. Next,
each participant analyzed one text, that they chose
themselves and gave to us before the start of the study.
In eight cases the self-chosen text was analyzed ac-
cording to the participants own perspective on the text
In the fifth and final step of the study we asked
participants how often they changed their opinion on
a text based on UNCOVER. Six participants said two
times, three said one time, two said four times, and
zero and seven times were answered by one partici-
pant each. In the next question, participants indicated
how much each component influenced their decision.
The results are shown in Table .2. It also shows the re-
sults of the ratings on the clarity of the visualizations.
The last question in the questionnaire asked the par-
ticipants how likely they would want to use this tool
on their own on a scale from 0 (never) to 6 (always).
To this, one participant answered 2, five participants
chose 5, four participants chose 3, and three selected
4. Three participants who gave a score of 3 or below
stated that they believe their own estimation of a text
author is sufficient.
After the study, we held a debriefing with the par-
ticipants to give them the opportunity to ask further
questions about the tool. This part showed that the
participants had a great interest in the functionality of
the tool and enjoyed to use it.
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval