Towards Digital Transformation: Knowledge Management as an
Enabler in a Public Sector Asset Lifecycle
Viivi Siuko
, Jussi Myllärniemi
and Pasi Hellsten
Faculty of Business and Management, Tampere University, Kalevantie 4, 33014 Tampere, Finland
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Digital Transformation, Enablers, Asset Lifecycle, Project Network.
Abstract: Organisations often have visions of implementing advanced digital technologies, such as digital twins, re-
gardless of whether the organisations are mature enough for these technologies. It is a common misconception
that implementing advanced technologies will automatically lead to digital transformation and solve organi-
sational challenges, such as disruptions in information flows or the inability to learn from recurring mistakes.
The reality is, however, the contrary: emerging advanced technologies and digital transformation demand first
and foremost reliable, high-quality data and the ability to use them. Therefore, organisations with inadequate
information processes need to pay attention to their knowledge management (KM). In this paper, we demon-
strate how KM is an enabler of digital transformation. A case study of a public sector asset lifecycle was
conducted. Data were collected by interviewing 26 people representing the focal case organisation and its
stakeholders. The results highlight the importance of organised KM for digital transformation. We identify
enablers of digital transformation from the KM perspective.
A public sector operation is a complex entity with
many routines, stakeholders, and tasks. It has long
been clear that to make an operation run smoothly,
one needs to take into consideration the different
stakeholders, their data sources, and their respective
aspirations (Hellsten & Pekkola, 2020). It has been
claimed that organisations need to evolve constantly
(Osterwalder et al., 2020). Organisations sometimes
aspire to implement advanced digital technologies de-
spite the organisations’ inadequate capabilities or
their lack of the requisite maturity for these technolo-
gies. Similarly, it is common to hear that implement-
ing advanced technologies can automatically solve
organisational challenges, such as troubles in infor-
mation flows, inaccessible information, outdated in-
formation, or recurring mistakes. Emerging technolo-
gies demand reliable and high-quality data to be ben-
eficial (Davenport, 2014; Leonardi & Treem, 2020;).
However, managing data quality is a problem for al-
most every organisation (Berson & Dubov, 2007).
Knowledge management (KM) plays a significant
role in data, information, and knowledge processing
(Al-Emran et al., 2018). Therefore, organisations
need to pay attention to their KM before implement-
ing more advanced tools as a way of solving these
challenges. In fact, KM has been integrated at the
conceptual level, at least – with digitalisation (e.g. Di
Vaio et al., 2021).
We studied a public organisation’s asset lifecycle.
In our study, we found several barriers that hindered
the full exploitation of the emerging tools in this com-
plex lifecycle context. We demonstrate how KM is an
enabler of digital transformation, that is, of significant
organisational changes through combinations of in-
formation, computing, communication, and connec-
tivity technologies (Vial, 2019). Well-organised and
-executed information processes support and form a
part of KM, which enables the information and
knowledge built upon it to be used for organisational
development (Choo, 2002).
Our objective in this research was to provide prac-
tical suggestions about enabling digital transfor-
mation from the KM perspective by recognising KM-
related challenges that hinder the achievement of
Siuko, V., Myllärniemi, J. and Hellsten, P.
Towards Digital Transformation: Knowledge Management as an Enabler in a Public Sector Asset Lifecycle.
DOI: 10.5220/0012164700003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 157-165
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
digital transformation and implementation of digital
tools. We look at obstacles to attempts to achieve dig-
ital transformation. We enrich the practical findings
with literature on the enablers of digital transfor-
mation. By combining the practical findings and lit-
erature review, we discover why digital transfor-
mation is so difficult and which practical steps can be
taken to achieve such transformation.
Section 2 discusses the background of the study
and related research in this area. Section 3 describes
the case and the data collection. Section 4 presents the
findings of our study, and Sections 5 and 6 discuss the
issues and conclude our paper.
2.1 The IM Process as a Part of KM
Knowledge management refers to methods of under-
standing, defining, and utilising available knowledge
and information that provides the users, i.e. the deci-
sion-makers, with useful tools for managing their or-
ganisations (Moss, 1999). It is an approach through
which knowledge content in its various forms may be
identified and put into use (Nonaka & Takeuchi,
1995). Knowledge is based on information and expe-
Organisation and governance, identification of in-
formation needs, information acquisition, infor-
mation organisation and storage, information prod-
ucts, information sharing, and information use form a
continuous information management (IM) process
(Choo, 2002). This process provides a framework for
deriving knowledge and insights from data and infor-
mation from organisations’ own experiences and in-
formation sources, and it supports the use of infor-
mation and knowledge in problem solving, decision-
making, and strategic planning (Lake & Erwee,
2005). Information gets its final meaning and trans-
forms into knowledge when it is used in decision-
making, for instance, and changes in organisational
activities take place. By adjusting operations and
adapting behaviours, organisations create new infor-
mation needs, and the cycle starts over.
Choo’s (2002) process model of IM is one way to
structure the knowledge process: knowledge is pro-
cessed from data through information into
knowledge. IM forms the backbone of efficient KM.
However, to adopt such a model, an organisation
needs not only the appropriate technical, structural,
and cultural factors (cf. Gold et al., 2001) and the nec-
essary processes in place but also the proper mindset
for employees – attitudes combined with the skills to
make things happen (Jääskeläinen et al., 2022). IM
has been criticised because of its limitations and nar-
rowness in focusing only on data and information.
IM’s limitations become particularly clear when de-
livering tangible results in organisations (Kebede,
2010). This has led to an expansion of IM towards the
management of tacit knowledge that occurs in the
forms of, for example, experience, know-how, and
competence, so that IM integrates a conception of
KM (Kebede, 2010).
2.2 KM as an Enabler of Digital
Digital transformation refers to significant organisa-
tional change achieved through combinations of in-
formation, computing, communication, and connec-
tivity technologies (Vial, 2019). The extent of digital-
isation, success of its implementation, and realisation
of its benefits depend strongly on the organisation’s
attitude towards renewals and readiness to participate
in developing itself (Ding et al., 2014). Alvarenga et
al. (2020) state that KM is a critical factor in the suc-
cess of digital transformation in a public organisation.
We use the IM process (Choo, 2002) as a framework
for categorising the KM-related enablers of digital
Organisation and Governance. Bojesson and
Fundin (2020) have identified five enablers of digital
transformation: a sense of positivity, dedicated re-
sources and commitment, cooperation and combined
competences, lessons learned, and communication of
visions and goals. Understanding the business strat-
egy, the goal, behind the transformation is the first
step of digital transformation (Upadrista, 2021). Re-
source allocation is emphasised in the literature. For
example, Zhao et al. (2018) emphasise the importance
of knowledge-based resource allocation for improv-
ing knowledge flows within networks. Data,
information, and knowledge resources are key factors
that determine an organisation’s value creation
potential (Kianto et al., 2014). Xie et al. (2016) point
out that data, especially big data, are a primary driver
of the digital era’s changes. Mindsets and attitudes to-
wards data, information, and knowledge must be
changed to see them as valuable resources (Bojesson
& Fundin, 2020; Myllärniemi et al., 2019).
Identifying Information Needs. Upadrista
(2021) highlights the importance of understanding
customers and their needs in the digitalisation jour-
ney. Hellsten and Myllärniemi (2019) claim that con-
tinuous feedback and active updating of information
needs at all levels of operation, e.g. in customer rela-
tionship management, support KM activities, such as
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
processing qualitative information products and mak-
ing knowledge processing more fluent; these pro-
cesses also support digitalisation. Visibility and com-
munication of information needs are crucial in digital
transformation. Kretschmer and Khashabi (2020)
point out the relevance of documenting organisations
information flows. Identifying organisations’ infor-
mation needs is a starting point for the development
of knowledge processes but also guides the subse-
quent phases of the process (Choo, 2002; Myllä-
rniemi et al., 2019).
Information Acquisition. Agrawal (2021) points
out that knowledge capture and creation are essential
enablers of KM implementation. According to Al-
Emran et al. (2020), an individual’s competence for
acquiring knowledge affects their ability to adopt and
use new technologies. As shown by Turulja and Ba-
jgorić (2018), knowledge acquisition has a direct re-
lationship with product and process innovation and
with business performance. Al-Emran et al. (2020)
have found that knowledge acquisition has a positive
effect on perceived ease of use and usefulness. Digital
services, as a concrete example of digitalisation, can
offer value to customers and work as a channel for the
acquisition of data and information (Frank et al.,
Information Organisation and Storage. KM
and related processes have an important role in the
implementation of various information systems (ISs)
(Al-Emran et al., 2018). Knowledge processes as well
as their backbone, ISs, must be integrated with other
processes within the organisation, as otherwise, daily
operations, high-quality information, and information
products do not create value for the decision-makers.
(Myllärniemi et al., 2019). As information technology
evolves further, the technological solutions approach
the stage at which the features can feasibly be
executed automatically, which not only streamlines
actions but diminishes possible human errors (Tang
et al., 2010).
Information Products. In the digital era, data
and information offer organisations new ways to co-
create value with their customers. Xie et al. (2016)
have studied the transformation of digital resources,
such as big data, into value assets, i.e. information
products. This requires, for example, cooperative ca-
pabilities among customers and participating organi-
sations (Xie et al., 2016). The outcomes of valuable
and qualitative information products are remarkable.
Upadrista (2021) summarises the significance of data
by saying that data are the first thing to look at when
making any business decisions.
Information Sharing. Individuals’ readiness to
share their implicit knowledge is a central prerequi-
site for prolific KM (Hislop, 2013). Individual capa-
bilities, such as trust, motivation, and especially the
enjoyment taken in helping each other, are KM ena-
blers (Cavaliere, 2015). Information, and especially
knowledge sharing, has a positive impact on the adop-
tion and use of different information systems (Al-
Emran et al., 2020). Tools that support information
and knowledge sharing are relevant enablers of digital
transformation (Al Nahyan et al., 2019). Al Nahyan
et al. (2019) point out that holding regular and well-
defined meetings to share relevant information and
knowledge is essential.
Information Use. To ensure successful KM, it is
essential that an organisation share its understanding
of information and knowledge assets as highly valua-
ble resources. Choo (2002) and Sergei et al. (2023)
emphasise that managing the information process is
an important enabler. This, of course, requires
seamless cooperation among different stakeholders.
As an example, Antunes and Pinheiro (2020) point
out that an organisation’s ability to use and leverage
knowledge is dependent on its human resources and
collaborative practices. Another example of
cooperation between stakeholders is feedback.
Bojesson and Fundin (2020) state that integrating
feedback and, more generally, lessons learned into
knowledge creation is an important enabler of digital
Data were collected by interviewing 26 employees in
5 different organisations, as shown in Table 1 below.
The focal case is a public infrastructure asset owner,
i.e. a medium-sized city. The other four organisations
cooperate with the focal case in shared projects, form-
ing a project network with an asset lifecycle. Organi-
sation D is a public organisation, and the others are
private companies. As illustrated in Table 1below, the
case organisation manages its assets for the whole
lifecycle from design to construction and mainte-
nance. Maintenance may take place for centuries in
old cities in which streets are redesigned, recon-
structed, and continuously maintained. The actual de-
sign and construction are carried out by consultancies
and contractors, who were included in the interviews
(Organisations A–C) to gain more a holistic view of
the IM process of the case. Maintenance of assets, on
the other hand, is a mixture of outsourced and in-
Towards Digital Transformation: Knowledge Management as an Enabler in a Public Sector Asset Lifecycle
Table 1: Interviewees by organisation.
Work description Inter-
Case organisation Project managers
in design
Case organisation Project managers
in construction
Case organisation Maintenance
Case organisation Management 2
Case organisation IT administration 3
Partner A Site managers
in construction
Partner B Design engineers 2
Partner B
Site managers
in construction
Partner C
Site managers
in construction
Partner D
Project managers
in design
house maintenance, but only the in-house mainte-
nance staff was interviewed due to accessibility is-
sues. In addition, the focal case organisation practices
interdependent cooperation with another asset owner
in the design phase (Organisation D). The focal or-
ganisation makes for an interesting case, as they have
a vision of implementing collaborative BIM (building
information modelling) and dig-ital twins in the asset
lifecycle to make their work easier. They wish for the
information models and digital twins to be constantly
updated through the asset lifecycle. While digitalisa-
tion may mean digitising existing tools, digital trans-
formation includes the wider business process
changes that implementing these technologies for the
whole lifecycle would require. Both technologies are
dependent on high-quality data (Gould, 2010; Moretti
et al., 2022). However, previous research (e.g., East-
man et al., 2011; Siuko et al., 2022) has found that
organisations in the infrastructure construction sector
struggle with the organisational processes that must
be in place for the successful implementation of ad-
vanced digital tools.
The semi-structured interviews had three themes:
everyday work, current IM in everyday work, and
ideal IM in everyday work. Following the suggestion
of Galletta (2013), the first theme had two goals: es-
tablishing a level of comfort and creating an under-
standing of the interviewee’s perspective, Therefore,
the interviewees were asked about their work, their
work routines, and decisions they make during work.
The goal of the second theme was to link their every-
day experiences to our research questions (Galletta,
2013). For example, by asking how the interviewee
knows what they should do and when, and where they
get the information they need, we could map the in-
formation and KM processes. The last theme concen-
trated on an ideal future scenario, and we tried to
make the interviewees think about solving the chal-
lenges that came up during the second theme.
The data were analysed using thematic analysis
and coding. First, the transcribed interviews were
browsed to obtain a holistic view of the data, and the
data were then coded iteratively with Atlas.ti; finally,
the codes were grouped into predetermined themes,
following the suggestions of Clarke and Braun (2017)
and Grbich (2013). The predetermined themes were
chosen based on the IM and KM processes (Choo
2002). Finally, the data were linked to digital trans-
formations through collaborative BIM.
Collaborative BIM was seen as a solution to infor-
mation-related challenges. IT management and
maintenance management staff from the chosen or-
ganisation and a design engineer from Organisation B
agreed that shared information models would ease
their work. However, the design engineer added that
Figure 1: Chosen organizations in the infrastructure asset lifecycle.
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
gaining access to common information systems
would make a difference. In addition to having col-
laborative BIM, the case organisation management
team wished for a digital twin.
The project managers from the main organisation
were the only group that raised concerns about the ex-
penses of collaborative BIM. According to them, mis-
takes made in design are more expensive to rectify
when linked to information models. On the other
hand, a site manager from Organisation A suggested
that information models could reveal design mistakes
before construction, which saves money in the con-
struction phase. Overall, the empirical findings re-
vealed multiple barriers to collaborative BIM.
According to a construction manager and a design
project manager from the focal organisation, re-
sources were limited, affecting the quality of the
work, including the quality of the information pro-
duced. It was also mentioned that tasks emerged that
were not their responsibility, and according to a site
manager from Organisation B, the project guidelines
were inadequate. Therefore, it seems that the roles
and responsibilities were undefined. A site manager
in Organisation A suggested that when the roles and
responsibilities were better defined in their organisa-
tion, human resources could be better allocated and
the amount of unnecessary or duplicated work would
decrease. The management team from the focal case
organisation also identified that a lack of resources
makes implementing new information systems and
policies challenging.
Both management and IT management from the
focal organisation raised concerns about collecting
indispensable information and not concentrating on
valuable information. According to the IT manage-
ment, valuable information had not been identified
when their information systems were built. They also
stated that the instructions for collecting the infor-
mation and the form in which it was to be collected
were unspecified. The management admitted that the
organisation’s information needs were not communi-
cated well enough to their partners that collect the in-
formation. A design project manager in the focal case
organisation wondered which information they
should provide to their partners, and a site manager in
Organisation B stated that they did not know pre-
cisely what information was needed from them,
which indicates that the lack of awareness of infor-
mation needs goes both ways.
A design project manager from Organisation D
stated that managing materials, documents, and data
manually is too burdensome. They desired machine-
readable codes that enable automatic, systematic, fast,
and reliable information collection. A site manager
from Organisation C added that information was
sometimes unreliable since the information acquisi-
tion tools were dependent on internet access. Accord-
ing to a site manager from Organisation B, the focal
organisation wanted to collect information repeatedly
for it to be compatible with their information system.
The maintenance management added that some infor-
mation would get lost in the previous stages, so they
would need to collect the same information again.
The challenges with repetitive information acqui-
sition were related to challenges with information or-
ganisation and storage, which could lead to outdated,
missing, and unreliable data. The information was un-
organised, and there were inadequate information
storage practices. Thus, information was hard to find,
and the information stored was forgotten and never
updated, according to the responses of IT and design
project managers from the focal organisation. The lat-
ter added that the collected information occasionally
would not be stored. Management from the focal or-
ganisation had noticed that the information stored was
uncoordinated, as they would get different outcomes
from different systems for the same requests. This
might also be due to the lack of interfaces, as a
maintenance manager pointed out.
A site manager from Organisation B mentioned
that the information was shared via various channels,
and the information received might not be what was
requested. The maintenance management in the focal
organisation reported their inability to give feedback
on designs, as they would receive the design docu-
ments too late and thus could suggest changes. On the
other hand, design engineers from Organisation B
wished for more feedback on their designs which
were successful, which were not, and why. Also, a
site manager from Organisation C expressed a wish
for more feedback, as they felt that they had no way
of knowing whether the main organisation was satis-
Site managers from Organisations A, B, and C re-
ported that information products created by design are
unreliable, are incompatible, and create additional
costs in the construction phase. They suggested that
site visits should be made and designs checked before
construction to make sure that they do not overlap
with each other, are consistent, and are possible to
construct on-site.
Finally, when it comes to information use, the in-
formation needed might not be available. A site man-
ager from Organisation B reported that they might not
have received requested documents when the con-
struction was supposed to start, and they did not have
access to customers’ asset information systems to
check the documents.
Towards Digital Transformation: Knowledge Management as an Enabler in a Public Sector Asset Lifecycle
This research and the related literature (e.g. Daven-
port, 2014; Eastman et al., 2011; Leonardi & Treem,
2020) show that changes in organisational processes
are needed to enable digital transformation. We now
discuss why the implementation of digital tools is dif-
ficult and how a digital transformation can be ena-
The focal case organisation had challenges with
information and knowledge-related processes. They
had a vision of addressing these challenges with more
advanced digital tools and a digital transformation.
According to Upadrista (2021), the first step of digital
transformation is to link it it to the business strategy
and business objectives. Bojesson and Fundin (2020)
support this idea and emphasise the importance of
communicating the vision and goals to stakeholders.
In other words, the first step is to identify the
needs behind digital transformation and com-
municate them to the organisation and stakehold-
Our findings show that not enough resources are
allocated to data and information quality, which then
affects the quality of information products. Under-re-
sourced implementation of new digital tools and or-
ganisational changes will fail, our findings indicate.
It seems that allocating too few resources to infor-
mation and knowledge management is caused by not
recognising the value of information and knowledge.
This claim is widely supported by other researchers
(e.g. Bojesson & Fundin, 2020; Myllärniemi et al.,
2019; Upadrista, 2021). Dedicated resources and
commitment are important for information and
knowledge to flow in an organisation (Bojesson and
Fundin, 2020; Kianto et al., 2014; Zhao et al., 2018).
Quality data are a primary driver of digital changes
and enabler of the successful implementation of ad-
vanced digital tools (Gould, 2010; Moretti et al.,
2022; Xie et al., 2016). Cooperation is another ena-
bler (Bojesson & Fundin, 2020), which cannot be
achieved without defining roles and responsibilities:
not knowing who should do what results in redundant
work. Dedicating resources and delegating key re-
sponsibilities to each actor is essential for organis-
ing and governing digital transformation. Data,
information, and knowledge need to be acknowl-
edged as valuable resources.
Documenting information flows and continuously
updating information needs is essential for establish-
ing successful knowledge processes (Choo, 2002;
Hellsten & Myllärniemi, 2019; Myllärniemi et al.,
2019; Kretschmer & Khashabi, 2020). Our findings
support the literature in this regard. The focal organi-
sation had not identified and communicated their in-
formation needs, which makes information acquisi-
tion, storage, and sharing difficult. Upadrista (2021)
highlights the importance of understanding the cus-
tomer’s needs. If stakeholders do not identify infor-
mation needs, they will be unable to deliver the re-
quired information. In the case studied, the customer
organisation had decided to collect the needed infor-
mation themselves rather than requesting it from the
contractor to make sure that the information was com-
patible with their systems. We suggest that digital
transformation is more easily achieved if there is a
shared awareness of all stakeholders’ information
needs. In other words, if information gaps hinder
digital transformation, the organisation must
learn to identify the information needs of key ac-
tors. In addition, the information needs must be
communicated clearly throughout the lifecycle.
Information acquisition practices and tools have a
notable effect on business performance (Agrawal,
2021; Turulia & Bajgorić, 2020), as also demon-
strated by our findings. We show that, when acquiring
data and documents requires too much manual effort
or the tools are inadequate, the result is unavailable or
unreliable data and lost information. Frank et al.
(2019) suggest that digital tools and services support
information acquisition. Thus, if an organisation
struggles with information being unreliable and
must constantly reacquire it, we suggest investing
in data acquisition tools.
KM, information systems, and daily operations
have an important link to one another (e.g. Al-Emran
et al., 2018; Myllärniemi et al., 2019). If one fails, the
others are affected. Even when daily operations are
automated and human effort is decreased, the im-
portance of human-executed operations and KM does
not decrease (Tang et al., 2010). Our findings show
that it is difficult to keep data accessible, reliable, and
updated with insufficient interfaces and inadequate
data- and information-storing practices. Therefore,
we suggest that reaching the full potential of exist-
ing information systems is more likely after imple-
menting interfaces and making sure that infor-
mation organisation practices are well organised
and communicated.
Analysing data and processing them into usable
information products and services enables better de-
cision-making (Upadrista, 2021). Our findings show
that unreliable data lead to unreliable information
products. In our case, this means unreliable design
documents for construction. The interviewees sug-
gested double-checking information products and
data reliability before distributing the information
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
products. Xie et al. (2016) add that cooperation be-
tween stakeholders is also required. In sum, infor-
mation products can only be as reliable as the data on
which they are based To improve the quality of in-
formation products, the first priorities are to im-
prove data and information storing and organisa-
tion practices, information acquisition tools, and
the ability to identify the information needs behind
information products in cooperation with stake-
KM is dependent on individuals being willing to
share, acquire, and store data, information, and
knowledge (Al-Emran et al., 2020; Cavaliere, 2015;
Hislop, 2013). Networking is an important part of
digital transformation, which makes information and
knowledge sharing essential (Al-Nahyan et al., 2019).
Our findings support the idea that even if the organi-
sation studied had defined an ideal information and
knowledge management process and implemented
the most advanced tools, the actual benefit could be
lost if people are not willing to share the information
and knowledge they possess. Information and
knowledge sharing should be encouraged through
regular and topical meetings (Al Nahyan et al., 2019).
Feedback and knowledge creation from past mistakes
enable learning and change (Bojesson & Fundin,
2020; Choo, 2002). It was also clear in our findings
that e.g. improving the quality of information prod-
ucts is very difficult without feedback. To enable
digital transformation, it is essential to ensure the
willingness to share information and ability to
learn from mistakes and to create new knowledge
through constant feedback.
In conclusion, we suggest several KM-related en-
ablers of digital transformation, which are bolded in
this section. With these enablers, we want to highlight
that achieving digital transformation is not only about
implementing new technologies.
The aim of this paper was to research which KM-re-
lated challenges can hinder digital transformation and
to provide suggestions on enabling digital transfor-
mation from the KM perspective. Our case study in
the public sector asset lifecycle provided an oppor-
tunity to study digital transformation empirically in
an organisation that prioritises technological solu-
tions over practices and processes, which is our con-
tribution to the theoretical community.
For the practical community, we aimed to provide
enablers that can be practically implemented. Our
suggestions may help organisations advance digital
transformation in their asset lifecycles. Our study
supports the finding of previous literature (e.g. Dav-
enport, 2014; Eastman et al., 2011; Leonardi &
Treem, 2020) that digital transformation requires
widespread changes in organisational processes. We
recommend more research on digital transformation
in a lifecycle setting in both the public and private
According to Yin (2003), a case study’s quality is
evaluated based on its construct validity, external va-
lidity, and reliability. As an effort to ensure construct
validity and include multiple sources of evidence, we
interviewed partner organisations in addition to the
focal organisation. We also presented our findings to
a representative of the focal organisation and another
from a partner organisation. To enhance the external
validity, we complemented our findings with the ex-
isting literature in the discussion section. Finally, re-
garding reliability, we have described our data collec-
tion procedures and introduced the organisation stud-
ied as an exemplary case.
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