Data Digitalization and Conformity Verification in Oil and Gas Industry
Databooks Using Semantic Model Based on Ontology
Mario Ricardo Nascimento Marques Junior, Eder Mateus Nunes Gonc¸alves,
Silvia Silva da Costa Botelho and Emanuel da Silva Diaz Estrada
Center of Computational Sciences, Federal University of Rio Grande, Rio Grande, Brazil
Data Digitalization, Oil and Gas Industry, Ontology, Semantic Model.
Databooks are essential for monitoring and validating construction projects in the oil industry, containing cru-
cial information like quality certificates and technical reports. However, manual analysis of these databooks
is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone. This study proposes an intelligent system to streamline
databook search and validation, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. Developing a valid conceptual model for
databooks and their components presents a significant challenge. To overcome this, we focus on acquiring
semantics for databooks and utilizing a semantic model for compliance checks. We introduce an ontology
designed specifically for verifying completeness and compliance in Brazilian oil industry documents, encom-
passing domain knowledge and verification processes. Using the Methontology methodology, we create the
ontology and integrate it with an annotation tool to validate its ability to incorporate semantic structures and
facilitate compliance verification. Comparative analysis with manual verification by experts shows identical
outcomes, confirming the effectiveness of the automated compliance checking process. The ontology-based
approach offers advantages such as time savings, enhanced accuracy, and simplified work for specialists. This
study contributes to oil industry document analysis by providing a semantic model that streamlines databook
verification, with potential applications for compliance verification of complex documents in various domains.
Databooks are pivotal documents in the oil and gas
sector, housing essential equipment and work-related
data. They compile an array of information, including
engineering documents, modifications, purchase or-
ders, tests, certificates, and inspection reports (Duarte,
2010). These records encapsulate an enterprise’s his-
tory and components, potentially spanning thousands
of pages for entities like ships or entire platforms.
In the context of Brazil’s oil industry, the ABC
of Inspection of Manufacture document (S.A, 2017)
governs inspection guidelines for oil and gas equip-
ment production. As per this document, manufactur-
ing inspection is performed to verify the conformity
of equipment or materials with contractual specifica-
tions at suppliers’ or sub-suppliers’ premises.
An Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP) is devised,
based on inspected equipment, technical standards,
and inspection levels. The ITP, part of the supplier’s
quality plan, outlines tests and certifications aligned
with contract-defined quality and technical standards.
All equipment documents are collated in a databook,
serving as a customer’s assurance certificate and con-
taining crucial traceability information.
Post-manufacturing, a contracting party’s inspec-
tor reviews documentation for completeness and com-
pliance. Completeness entails ensuring all necessary
information, certificates, reports, and tests are present
in the databook. Compliance involves verifying that
these documents adhere to contract-specified stan-
dards. If complete and compliant, material release
occurs; otherwise, non-conforming product registra-
tion is initiated.
Professionals meticulously analyze and maintain
these databooks, checking for anomalies such as
missing reports or unsigned documents. The chal-
lenge lies in the time-intensive and costly nature of
this manual analysis. Moreover, professionals verify
databook completeness and compliance—tasks po-
tentially optimized by an intelligent search system.
Digitization and algorithms could streamline analy-
sis, aiding in data retrieval, verifying completeness,
and bolstering efficiency.
The majority of databook documents are scanned
as PDF images, necessitating Optical Character
Nascimento Marques Junior, M., Gonçalves, E., Botelho, S. and Estrada, E.
Data Digitalization and Conformity Verification in Oil and Gas Industry Databooks Using Semantic Model Based on Ontology.
DOI: 10.5220/0012176700003543
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2023) - Volume 1, pages 180-187
ISBN: 978-989-758-670-5; ISSN: 2184-2809
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(Optical Character Recognition)
Text file Ontology
Not complete
Figure 1: Proposal system.
Recognition (OCR) for conversion into structured text
files. However, diverse companies contribute to data-
books in varying formats, posing data modeling chal-
lenges. In this context, ontologies are more advanta-
geous than data schemas, as they provide clearer se-
mantics and mechanisms for content verification.
Ontologies model reality and logical representa-
tions in computer science, defining concepts, prop-
erties, and relationships. They enhance knowledge
sharing within specific domains through a vocabu-
lary. Works in oil and gas employ ontologies, such as
IKBO for inspection knowledge (Rachman and Rat-
nayake, 2019) and ISO 15926-based high-level mod-
els (Batres et al., 2007). DoCO (Constantin et al.,
2016) serves as a general-purpose vocabulary for aca-
demic texts.
The proposed system, as depicted in Figure 1,
transforms image files into structured Q&A formats,
leveraging an ontology for semantic inferences. This
paper’s focus is on imbuing a Q&A-structured doc-
ument with semantics for conformity verification,
using the Methontology methodology (Fern
opez et al., 1997). The study is part of a broader
project automating verification using data science in
a Big Data context.
The article follows this structure: Section 2 cov-
ers background and OntoToT development using
Methontology. Section 3 presents ontology incorpo-
ration of actual documents. Section 5 concludes and
discusses future work.
The process of digitizing data in a Databook involves
several complex steps. Firstly, the PDF file of the
Databook undergoes an OCR process. This Optical
Character Recognition (OCR) process is responsible
for converting the text embedded within images into
a machine-readable text file. By doing so, it enables
the computer to capture data from sources that were
previously inaccessible or difficult to process.
However, not all the information present in a data-
book is relevant. To filter out only the pertinent in-
formation, an annotation tool has been developed.
Through this tool, experts manually select the neces-
sary information based on predefined labels.
Once the relevant data has been selected, it is an-
notated in a question and answer format, following
the concepts and relationships defined by the ontol-
ogy. Additionally, the annotation process generates a
file that captures spatial and geometric aspects of the
digitized document, which will be incorporated into
a dataset. This dataset will be utilized for machine
learning purposes, aiming to optimize the document
understanding and form recognition process, thereby
reducing or eliminating the need for manual annota-
tions by the user.
The labeled data can then be inserted into a
database, where it is stored and managed alongside
the OCR-digitized data. This database facilitates the
verification of data integrity and enables retrieval and
consultation of the digitized information. The ontol-
ogy is fed with this database, allowing for inferences
related to completeness and compliance based on the
representation of concepts and relationships. The pro-
cess described above is illustrated in Figure 2.
Overall, this approach enhances the efficiency and
accuracy of data digitization by combining manual se-
lection, machine learning, and ontology-based infer-
2.1 OntoToT - Ontology for
Completeness and Compliance
Verification in Petroleum Industry
Developing an ontology is an iterative process that re-
quires the use of a methodology, similar to software
development (Aminu et al., 2020). However, despite
the existence of different methodologies, there is no
widely accepted standard for ontology development
(Mendonc¸a and Almeida, 2014).
In a comparative study conducted in (Aminu et al.,
2020), the individual weaknesses of various method-
ologies are identified. Three methodologies, in partic-
ular, stand out: Methodology 101 (Noy and McGuin-
ness, 2001), Methontology (Fern
opez et al.,
1997), and the Methodology of Gruninger and Fox
uninger and Fox, 1995). These methodologies are
Data Digitalization and Conformity Verification in Oil and Gas Industry Databooks Using Semantic Model Based on Ontology
Annotation tool
Databook OCR
Expert annotation
Text file
Automatic form matching
Machine Learning
Figure 2: Databook digitalization process.
well-known and frequently used in the fields of soft-
ware engineering and knowledge representation.
The analysis reveals that some approaches pri-
marily focus on development activities, particularly
ontology implementation (as seen in Methodology
101). These approaches tend to overlook crucial as-
pects such as project management, feasibility study,
maintenance, and ontology evaluation, placing exces-
sive emphasis on implementation details (Silva et al.,
2008). It is worth noting that among these method-
ologies, Methontology is the only one that addresses
project management and maintenance phases.
For the development of the OntoToT ontology, the
Methontology methodology was chosen. Through re-
search, it was determined that this methodology is the
most suitable for the development of the ontology,
as it provides a clear definition of the development
stages and the corresponding activities. This ensures
a proper and systematic development of the ontology.
The following sections will provide a detailed expla-
nation of the main stages involved in the development
of the OntoToT ontology.
The ontology has the representation of documents
found during the equipment inspection process as its
primary objective. In addition, the ontology must in-
clude aspects related to the completeness verification
process of databooks.
Acquisition of Knowledge
In the knowledge acquisition phase, it was neces-
sary to read several databooks, ITPs, and purchase
orders referring to different types of equipment. In
addition, periodic meetings were held with employ-
ees of the partner company to clarify specific points
and solve possible mistrust. It is also worth noting
that its employees are specialists with several years of
experience in the field studied here. Finally, the en-
tire knowledge acquisition process was documented
in text and slide shows.
The conceptual modeling phase organizes and rep-
resents the knowledge acquired about the domain
through intermediate representations. For example, in
the ontology developed here, we used document anal-
ysis and the creation of trees to represent the concepts
and their relationships.
The formalization activity transforms the concep-
tual model into a formal or semi-computable model
through a formal language(G
erez et al., 2004).
When tools like the ontology editor are used, the con-
ceptualization model can be implemented directly in
several ontology languages and, consequently, for-
malization is not a mandatory step (G
et al., 2004). Thus, as the Prot
e environment will
be used to implement the ontology, this step will not
be performed.
To develop the ontology, the Prot
e environment
e, 2020), developed by Stanford University,
was utilized. This is an open-source tool that employs
a language based on descriptive logic (OWL-DL - On-
tology Web Language Description Logics). Prot
consists of an ontology editor and a library of plugins
with various functionalities.
For making inferences, we utilize HermiT (Her-
miT, 2020), Prot
e’s inherent inference engine tai-
lored for handling OWL-based ontologies. HermiT
adeptly checks the ontology’s coherence, identifies
subsumption connections among classes, and assesses
other relevant attributes sourced from an OWL file.
Remarkably, HermiT completes these assessments
within mere seconds.
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
We also used LODE (Live OWL Documentation Envi-
ronment) (Peroni et al., 2012), an online service that
automatically generates a human-readable description
of any OWL ontology, taking into account both onto-
logical axioms and annotations and sorting them with
the appearance and functionality of a W3C recom-
mendations document. This documentation is pre-
sented to the user as an HTML page with embedded
links for easy navigation.
Ontology Description
Through the information obtained through the con-
ceptual modeling, where the knowledge about the
studied domain was organized and represented, arti-
fices were generated that facilitated the ontology im-
plementation. The definition of class and subclasses
that make up the ontology is described below. The
class hierarchy is illustrated in Figure 3.
Classes Description
PDF File: Class connected directly to Thing
class. This class represents the PDF file, the origi-
nal source of the data present in the documents of
the studied domain;
PDF ID: Subclass of PDF File. Represents a
unique identifier for each PDF file required for file
retrieval from the data storage system. Thus, ID
PDF represents an integer;
PDF File Name: Subclass of PDF File. It is a set
of characters that aims to identify a file, and can
also be used to recover the file;
Page: Subclass of PDF File. As a PDF can con-
tain several pages and each page can contain a dif-
ferent quality certificate, it is necessary to know
which page of the PDF this certificate is located
on. Therefore, Page represents an integer;
Documents: Class linked directly to Thing class.
This class is responsible for grouping the types of
documents and all the attributes they can contain
in the documents of the studied domain;
Documents Type: Subclass of Documents. It
groups the types of documents that the ontology
must include, namely: Quality certificate, Pur-
chase order and ITP.
Quality Certificate: A quality certificate is a doc-
ument that gathers information that attests to the
quality of a given product/service according to
pre-defined standards;
Purchase Order: It is a legal contractual instru-
ment where the customer specifies the equipment
to the supplier. This document has a detailed
description of the item, such as quantity, stan-
dards that must be met and type of inspection per-
Inspection and Testing Plan - ITP: It is a doc-
ument prepared by the supplier contained in its
quality plan, following the standards established
by the quality management norms and technical
norms defined in the contract;
Document Attributes: Subclass of Documents. It
is responsible for grouping all the information that
must be extracted from the documents. Therefore,
its subclasses are Signature, Stamp, Customer,
NCM Code, Race, Date, Description, Equip-
ment, Inspection Phases, Supplier, Item, Refer-
ence Standard, Certificate Number, Purchase Or-
der Number, ITP Number, Quantity, Record, Test
Signature: A signature or signature is a mark
or writing in some document that aims to give it
validity or identify its authorship;
Stamp: Seal used for the recognition, proof or at-
testation of authenticity of a document;
Client: Potential buyer or user of the supplier’s
Heat Number: It is a unique identification code
that a technician stamps on a piece of metal to pro-
vide information about its origins;
NCM Code: Any and all merchandise that circu-
lates in Brazil must have the NCM code (Merco-
sur Common Nomenclature) and this code must
be informed when filling in the invoice and other
foreign trade documents;
Date: Informs the time in the calendar when a
certain document was generated;
Description: Description of the equipment or
component being purchased through a purchase
order or evaluated through a quality certificate;
Equipment: Equipment that is being acquired or
evaluated before an essay or test;
Inspection Steps: Phases of the inspection pro-
cess of a certain equipment;
Provider: Individual or legal entity that pro-
duces, assembles, creates, builds, transforms, im-
ports; exports, distributes or markets products or
Item: Code used to identify a specific piece of
equipment or component in a document;
Data Digitalization and Conformity Verification in Oil and Gas Industry Databooks Using Semantic Model Based on Ontology
Figure 3: OntoToT class hierarchy.
Reference Standard: It is a document, produced
by an official body accredited for this purpose,
which establishes rules, guidelines, or characteris-
tics about a material, product, process or service;
Certificate Number: Identifying number of a
given quality certificate;
Purchase Order Number: Identifying number of
a given purchase order;
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
ITP Number: Identifier number of a given ITP;
Quantity: Number of items in a given purchase
Register: Describes which document is the
record that a certain inspection phase was per-
Test Result: Result of a given test or test for a
physical or chemical property;
Type of Inspection: Indicates the type of man-
ufacturing inspection, which varies according to
the criticality of the material, operational com-
plexity of the material, complexity or novelty of
the manufacturing process and quality control,
and complexity or uniqueness of the project;
Object Properties
Object properties are basically divided into two
groups, must have and may have. During the elab-
oration of the ontology, it was argued that, in the case
of the quality certificate, some attributes must always
appear, i.e., they are mandatory for the verification
of completeness. However, other attributes have a
certain frequency in the documents, but they are not
mandatory for verifying completeness, i.e., the qual-
ity certificate can have these attributes. In the table
1 the properties, their domains, and their ranges are
The axioms developed have the function of impos-
ing restrictions on the classes used for completeness
checking. That is, these axioms represent the rules
that a certain type of document must respect in order
to be considered complete or incomplete. To imple-
ment these axioms, the descriptive logic provided by
e was used. For each of the axioms a subclass
of Completeness was created. These classes are de-
scribed below.
Class Quality Certificate Complete: A quality
certificate is said to be complete if all relevant in-
formation is correctly extracted. This information
is defined by the object property Quality certifi-
cate must have and are: Signature, Stamp, Cus-
tomer, Date, Certificate Number and Test Result;
Class Quality Certificate Not Complete: A qual-
ity certificate is not complete if at least one of the
classes defined in the property Quality certificate
must have is not extracted;
Class Purchase Orders Complete: A purchase or-
der is considered complete if it has all relevant
information present. That is, a purchase order
is considered complete if the Signature, Stamp,
NCM Code, Date, Description, Supplier, Item,
Reference Norm, Purchase Order Number and
Quantity information is extracted successfully;
Class Purchase Orders Not Complete: A pur-
chase order is considered incomplete if at least
one of the relevant information is not extracted;
Class Complete ITPs: A ITP is said to be com-
plete if it has all relevant information present.
That is, it must contain Signature, Stamp, Cus-
tomer, Date, Equipment, Inspection Phases, Sup-
plier, ITP Number, Registration;
Class Non-complete ITPs: A ITP is said to be
non-complete if at least one of the relevant infor-
mation is not extracted.
ASTM A193 B7 Compliant Chemical Analysis
Certificates: For a chemical analysis certificate
to comply with the ASTM A193 B7 standard, it
is necessary that the reference standard is the one
referred to and that the values of the chemical el-
ements correspond to those shown in the Table 2;
Non-ASTM A193 B7 Chemical Analysis Certifi-
cates: For a chemical analysis certificate not to
comply with the ASTM A193 B7 standard, it is
necessary that the reference standard is the one
referred to and that at least one of the values pre-
sented in the Table 2 is different from that found
in the certificate.
2.2 Pipeline for Data Conformity
As described in this section, the data extracted
through OCR is stored in a database. Subsequently,
a Python script is utilized to query the database and
convert the data into instances within the ontology,
establishing the necessary relationships for accurate
In the Prot
e environment, the generated file,
containing only the classes and instances, is opened
along with the OntoToT ontology file, which encom-
passes all the developed classes and rules. Following
this, the inference mechanism is executed, utilizing
the axioms to perform analysis on the completeness
and conformity of the documents. The results of this
analysis are displayed on the screen. The entire pro-
cess is visually depicted in Figure 4.
To evaluate the proposed system, a set of databooks
that align with the scope of the study was chosen.
Data Digitalization and Conformity Verification in Oil and Gas Industry Databooks Using Semantic Model Based on Ontology
Table 1: OntoToT object properties.
Object property Domain Range
Quality certificate
must have
Signature, Stamp, Customer, Date, Description, Certificate Number, Test Result
Quality certificate
may have
Heat number, Reference Standard, Purchase Order Number, Quantity
Purchase order
must have
Signature, Stamp, NCM Code, Date, Description, Supplier, Item, Reference Standard,
Purchase Order Number, Inspection Type
ITP must have
Inspection and
Test Plan - ITP
Signature, Stamp, Customer, Date, Equipment, Inspection Phases,
Supplier, ITP Number, Registration
Database Databook.owl
Conformity Not conformity
Figure 4: Ontology inference process.
Table 2: Chemical requirements requested by ASTM A193
Gr. B7.
Chemical element Range (%)
Carbon 0.37 - 0.49
Chrome 0.75 - 1.20
Sulfur max 0.040
Phosphor max 0.035
Manganese 0.65 - 1.10
Molybdenum 0.15 - 0.25
Silicon 0.15 - 0.35
As the machine learning stage is still in development,
each of these documents was manually annotated by
an expert using the annotation tool, as depicted in Fig-
ure 2. The extracted data from these annotated docu-
ments were then stored in a database.
Table 3: Verification of compliance in chemical analysis
certificates ASTM A193 Gr. B7 manually and through the
Compliance check
by human
Compliance check
by ontology
105501 Conforming Conforming
2447/15 Conforming Conforming
1236/17 Conforming Conforming
105502 Conforming Conforming
0390/18 Nonconforming Nonconforming
Using the script illustrated in Figure 4, the data
stored in the database was used to generate instances
in the ontologies. Each generated file was subse-
quently inserted into Prot
e along with the OntoToT
The inference mechanism in Prot
e was then ex-
ecuted, utilizing the axioms to provide information
about the completeness and conformity of the docu-
ments. The results of this analysis are presented in
Tables 4 and 3. For comparison, the same set of doc-
uments was analyzed by humans using the same crite-
ria, and the results obtained from this manual analysis
are also included in the tables.
This work presents a system proposal for digitizing
and ensuring compliance in oil and gas industry data-
books. The first step involves converting image files
into text files to enable computer understanding. To
provide a semantic structure and enable inferences,
an ontology called OntoToT was developed using
the Methontology methodology, ensuring proper de-
velopment, documentation, and incorporating project
management and maintenance stages.
The annotation process confirmed that the ontol-
ogy offers sufficient semantic structure for represent-
ing the analyzed databooks and demonstrated suc-
cessful integration with the annotation tool. The pro-
posed approach enables the digitization of documents,
adds semantics to the data, and facilitates automatic
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Table 4: Verification of completeness in quality certificates performed by human and by ontology.
Completeness check
by human
Completeness check
by ontology
3418/17 Complete Complete
1049/18 Complete Complete
0700/17 Complete Complete
2650/2018 Complete Complete
111845 Complete Complete
1078/2018 Complete Complete
106210 Complete Complete
3503/2017 Complete Complete
1338739/2007 Not complete Not complete
108277 Not complete Not complete
compliance verification, thus simplifying the work of
Future work includes expanding the ontology to
handle more complex documentation and verifica-
tions, such as assessing the completeness of an entire
databook for specific equipment. The development
of a dictionary to unify different labels for the same
attribute could also be considered. It is essential to
address ontology maintenance to accommodate new
documents and verifications effectively.
Additionally, enhancements to the annotation tool
using machine learning techniques could optimize ex-
pert annotation by requesting it only when necessary.
Improvements in the inference process could involve
developing a script for automated inference without
manual intervention, storing the results in a database.
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Data Digitalization and Conformity Verification in Oil and Gas Industry Databooks Using Semantic Model Based on Ontology