Which Word Embeddings for Modeling Web Search Queries?
Application to the Study of Search Strategies
Claire Ibarboure, Ludovic Tanguy and Franck Amadieu
CLLE: CNRS & University of Toulouse, France
Word Embeddings, Information Retrieval, Queries, Search Strategies.
In order to represent the global strategies deployed by a user during an information retrieval session on the
Web, we compare different pretrained vector models capable of representing the queries submitted to a search
engine. More precisely, we use static (type-level) and contextual (token-level, such as provided by transform-
ers) word embeddings on an experimental French dataset in an exploratory approach. We measure to what
extent the vectors are aligned with the main topics on the one hand, and with the semantic similarity between
two consecutive queries (reformulations) on the other. Even though contextual models manage to differ from
the static model, it is with a small margin and a strong dependence on the parameters of the vector extraction.
We propose a detailed analysis of the impact of these parameters (e.g. combination and choice of layers). In
this way, we observe the importance of these parameters on the representation of queries. We illustrate the use
of models with a representation of a search session as a trajectory in a semantic space.
This study is part of a project which aims to investi-
gate information retrieval (IR) strategies based on ex-
perimental data. Ultimately, the aim is to distinguish
behaviours that may vary according to criteria such
as the users’ level of knowledge, the type of the task
or socio-demographic criteria. Therefore, we aim to
automate the analysis of the language data involved
in an IR session (queries, result pages, documents
and verbalisations of the intentions formulated by the
users) with the queries in the foreground. In this
experiment, we use the CoST dataset (Dosso et al.,
2021): an experimental dataset in French in which
several participants were asked to perform the same
IR tasks with a web search engine.
Our more precise question here is to know which
NLP (Natural Language Processing) models can best
be used to represent these data and especially queries
given their characteristics. Indeed, queries are mostly
expressed by keywords, even though more and more
natural language formulations are submitted to web
search engines (White et al., 2015). As a result, we
seek here to identify how pretrained word embedding
vector models, and in particular those dealing with
word sequences (transformer models like BERT (De-
vlin et al., 2019)), can be used to effectively represent
queries, knowing that they do not match the training
data of language models and that we do not have suf-
ficient data for specific retraining or finetuning. We
also want to apply an agnostic method, without fo-
cusing on a precise characteristic for queries. More
specifically, we seek here to test the ability of these
models to capture the semantic relationships (in broad
sense) between queries within a search session. The
question can be asked at two levels: locally, to iden-
tify the different types of reformulation (e.g. to detect
whether the user is trying to specify or generalise his
search (Rieh and Xie, 2006) and if so in which direc-
tion, or whether he is staying in the same search space
or initiating a new one), and more globally, to identify
the global strategy and the dynamics of the search.
Our long-term objective is to identify user profiles
based on the study of behavioural variations in experi-
mental data. In particular, we are looking at how users
explore the semantic space of a search session. As a
result, we are seeking to construct a neutral represen-
tation without pre-training models to bring out broad
behavioural variations and explore these variations.
Table 1
shows three sessions corresponding to
the same information need (concerning the compar-
ison of different NLP methods for plagiarism de-
). We can note the usual characteristics of
These sessions have been partially modified and sim-
plified for the purposes of illustration.
Task: As part of your Masters internship, you aim to
Ibarboure, C., Tanguy, L. and Amadieu, F.
Which Word Embeddings for Modeling Web Search Queries? Application to the Study of Search Strategies.
DOI: 10.5220/0012177600003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 273-280
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
queries (orthographic approximation, free syntax),
rewriting operations (correction, paraphrases) but also
reformulations with different levels of semantic vari-
ation. Semantic variation is one of the elements that
we can analyse in the study of user behaviour, in or-
der to identify user strategies. Above all, in these ex-
amples, we observe varied global behaviours: in ses-
sion 1 the user concentrates on the central problem,
which he completes by modifying part of the query.
Conversely, in session 2, the user scans the different
notions mentioned in the task statement, not delving
into any of these notions except from query 4 to 5.
The last session shows the user’s interest in the ”pla-
giarism detector”, interrupted by a query concerning
”thesaurus”, to return to the previous notion.
In this article, we propose an exploratory approach
to represent the semantic variations between queries
in order to identify the overall strategies used at the
session level with the aim of proposing a typology.
To bring out this type of global strategies, the first step
we detail in this article consists in identifying the way
in which queries will be represented by vectors (one
per query). Our objective is to find a representation
of the queries that allows us to compute the different
facets of a search session.
To do this, we propose two ways of comparing
models on their ability to:
1. distinguish the broad domains associated with
2. evaluate the correlation between a manual anno-
tation of reformulations that could correspond to
a measure of semantic distance, and a measure
of similarity calculated automatically by vector
In this article we present a brief review of the state
of the art dealing with the variation of behaviours
through the study of queries, vector representations
of queries in IR, and knowledge of the inner mechan-
ics of contextual vector models. We then present the
methodology of our studies and the data used. We
then look at the results before concluding with a dis-
develop a plagiarism detection program. You would like to
set up a text analysis methodology but you are hesitating be-
tween the simple use of text morphology (words, n-grams,
sentences etc.) or the use of external resources (dictionar-
ies, thesaurus, Word embeddings). After outlining the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of each type of analysis, select
the method that seems best to you and justify your choices.
Table 1: Example of search session for computer science
decision making tasks - (Translation of sessions in italics).
analyse texte methodologie
analyse texte thesauraus
analyse texte anti plagiat methode
analyse texte anti plagiat m
analyse texte anti plagiat n-grammes
text analysis methodology
text analysis thesauraus
text analysis anti plagiarism method
text analysis anti plagiarism methods
text analysis anti plagiarism n-grams
Session 2
etection de plagiat m
word embedding
word embedding n-grammes
plagiarism detection method
word embedding
word embedding n-grams
Session 3
etecteur de plagiat
programme d
etecteur de plagiat
conception programme d
etecteur de plagiat
thesaurus plagiat
etection de plagiat
plagiarism detector
plagiarism detector program
design plagiarism detector program
thesaurus plagiarism
plagiarism detection
Several authors are interested in search sessions, in
particular through the study of queries. The interest of
being able to represent search sessions, and by exten-
sion to understand the interactions between the user
and the search engine, is to allow the improvement of
browsers interfaces, particularly in relation to auto-
completion or query prediction.
2.1 Study of Search Behaviour Through
Search sessions provide a space for analysing be-
haviour and, in particular, variation.
Queries have often been analysed to study vari-
ation in user behaviour. Some studies propose ty-
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
pologies of queries enabling analysis of semantic or
surface variation (Rieh and Xie, 2006; Huang and
Efthimiadis, 2009; Adam et al., 2013). These typolo-
gies provide a linguistic criterion (e.g. use of semantic
relationships (hyperonym, synonym, etc.)) on which
to study behavioural variations.
Recent research is attempting to study user be-
haviour during reformulation phases in order to pro-
pose the best search techniques and subsequently per-
sonalised search engines for users (Chen et al., 2021).
Some works try to understand the intentions and be-
haviours of users during an IR activity in order to pro-
vide new applied prospects (Liu et al., 2019).
To study these variations, we seek to qualify
search sessions with vector models. Some studies
have already dealt with the vector representation of
IR elements (e.g. sessions, URLs, etc.)
2.2 Representation of Queries in IR
Studies have generalised the use of NLP tools such as
neural models to study search sessions. Vector mod-
els are used for various studies on sessions and on
reformulations made by users on search engines.
Many studies have focused on how to repre-
sent queries. Mitra (2015) is interested in the vec-
tor representation of queries and reformulations as
part of work on query prediction or auto-completion.
Mehrotra and Yilmaz (2017) uses the context of the
search task to try to provide a better representation
of queries. Other works will also build enriched se-
mantic spaces including different elements associated
with the session, such as URLs for web searches
(Bing et al., 2018).
To represent our search sessions and queries, we
are testing contextual vector models (BERT-type). We
know that these models have complex structures that
have been of interest to a number of researchers.
2.3 Transformers Architecture
Transformer neural models have now become the
main tool used in NLP for processing any kind of data
for any task. Most of the time pretrained models are
integrated in a classifier and trained on a specific con-
figuration. But transformer models can also be used
for their ability to provide a vector representation of
the input text data.
In fact, transformer-based models provide access
to the weights of the different hidden layers of the
neural network. A lot of work continues to be pub-
lished on the study of BERT like models in order to
understand how capture the different aspects of lan-
guage and in particular at which layer(s) of the neural
network certain linguistic information is acquired dur-
ing training. To this end, many studies have focused
on the analysis of the different layers of BERT (i.e.
The 0
layer (input) is described by Ethayarajh
(2019) as a non-contextualised layer which is used
as a reference for the comparison of other layers in
contextualisation work. We know that surface infor-
mation is found in the early layers of BERT (Jawahar
et al., 2019). From the work of Lin et al. (2019), cited
by Rogers et al. (2020), up to the fourth BERT layer
of the base model, the latter relies in particular on lin-
ear word order. The middle layers refer in particu-
lar to syntactic features (Rogers et al., 2020; Jawahar
et al., 2019). From the upper layers, semantic features
emerge and the models will have representations par-
ticularly related to the context (Jawahar et al., 2019;
Mickus et al., 2020; Ethayarajh, 2019).
In our study in which we apply pretrained trans-
former models to search queries, it is therefore very
important to carefully choose the layers used (and
how they are combined).
We will first present the data, then the different vec-
tor models used to represent them. Our scheme com-
pares the models by considering the queries from two
different levels: at a higher level, they are associated
with a general domain (search topic set by the task)
and more locally according to the semantic relations
between two consecutive queries (reformulation).
3.1 Experimental Data
In this study, we work on experimental data. This al-
lows us to have clearly delimited search sessions with
a clear beginning and an end, since the user has to
perform a complex search around a predefined topic.
These data are an interesting alternative to ecological
data from search logs that require a significant effort
to reconstruct sessions (Gomes et al., 2019) and we
are able to better control the divergences and discon-
tinuities of a multi-task IR activity (Mehrotra and Yil-
maz, 2017).
The CoST dataset was collected by Dosso et al.
(2021) in the context of a work in cognitive psychol-
ogy and ergonomics. For this purpose, the authors set
up a protocol requiring the completion of fifteen infor-
mation search tasks of different complexities in three
research topics: computer science, cognitive psychol-
ogy/ergonomics and medicine. Participants had to
perform a web search using the Google engine, and all
Which Word Embeddings for Modeling Web Search Queries? Application to the Study of Search Strategies
their actions were tracked and timed (queries, number
of result pages observed, URLs visited).
From the available data, we selected nine tasks
(three per domain) among the most complex ones
in order to maximise the size of the sessions stud-
ied. These were the multi-criteria (Bell and Ruthven,
2004), problem solving and decision making tasks
(Campbell, 1988). 18 participants were randomly se-
lected to reduce the computation load. The dataset
used here represents a total of 162 search sessions, or
1262 queries. These sessions varied in size depend-
ing on the complexity of the task, but also according
to the search domain. On average, the sessions are
made up of 8 queries, the longest has 48 and 27 of the
sessions contain only one query.
The sessions (and therefore the queries they con-
tain) are divided into three very distinct topics, which
involve very different notions, lexicons and themes.
It is this first level of distinction between queries that
we use to compare embeddings.
The second level concerns the pairs of consecu-
tive queries of the sessions: it is a qualification of
the reformulation operation. The annotation avail-
able in the dataset is based on the distinction proposed
by Sanchiz et al. (2020) between exploration and ex-
ploitation. Exploration is qualified as the initiation
of a new search space, represented by a significant
semantic ”jump” between two queries. Conversely,
exploitation is seen as the pursuit of a search path.
The annotation applies a further distinction between
exploitation and narrow exploitation. In the end, each
pair of consecutive queries in the same session is qual-
ified on a 4-level ordinal scale: exploration (large
”jump”), exploitation (intermediate ”jump”), narrow
exploitation and surface reformulation when no se-
mantic change is made (e.g. spelling correction), as
illustrated in Table 2.
Table 2: Example of annotations.
Session Annotation
plagiarism detector
plagiarism detector program
plagiarism detector design
anti-plagiarism text analysis method
anti-plagiarism text analysis methods
Exploitation (2)
Narrow exploitation (3)
Exploration (1)
Spelling correction (4)
3.2 Pretrained Embeddings
We tested two types of vector models to represent
queries. To begin with, we used FastText (Grave
et al., 2018), a so-called ”static” (or type-level) model
where a single vector is associated with a word in
the vocabulary without taking into account its con-
text. The interest of Fastext among other static mod-
els (such as Word2Vec) lies in its ability to propose
a representation for the frequent out of vocabulary
(OOV) query terms in our data (proper nouns, typos,
etc.). The model used was trained on Common Crawl
(around 12M words) and Wikipedia with the CBOW
method and the following hyperparameters: 300 di-
mensions, character n-grams of length 5 and a win-
dow of size 5. To represent the queries, we com-
puted the average vector of the tokens that compose
it based on a simple tokenisation on spaces. It should
be noted that the corpus used is a generic corpus. As
a reminder, we did not pre-train the models because
we are taking an exploratory approach to see how the
models represent queries.
We also used contextual models. Unlike static
models, these models assign a vector to a word ac-
cording to its context, i.e. the other words in the sen-
tence and therefore for us in the query, by exploit-
ing their relative position. We decided to use the
basic models of CamemBERT and FlauBERT, two
variants of BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) pretrained for
French. These are the most commonly used ligh-
weight generic French models. The CamemBERT
base model was trained on the OSCAR corpus ex-
tracted from Common Crawl (Martin et al., 2020).
The FlauBERT base model was trained on differ-
ent sources: Wikipedia articles, novels or texts from
Common Crawl (Le et al., 2020). In both cases we
used the base model (12 layers of 768 dimensions),
and we did not perform any fine-tuning. Indeed, as
we said earlier, there is no specific data large enough
to allow us to fine-tune the models. Our goal is not to
identify the best model to use, but to determine their
ability to build a query representation from their orig-
inal training data.
To represent each query by a single vector, we
considered two different strategies commonly used.
The first is to use the vector corresponding to the
[CLS] token which can be used as a support for the
global representation of the word sequence it delim-
its; the second is, as for static models, to compute
the average vector of the query tokens (Rogers et al.,
Given the specificity of our data, which are
not necessarily sentences (and rarely complete sen-
tences), the question of which layers are most rele-
vant remains and we therefore wanted to test a large
number of configurations. In the end, we tested all
possible subsets of the 13 layers (including the in-
put layer) of the CamemBERT and FlauBERT mod-
els. For combinations of 2 or more layers, we tested
the mean and the concatenation of the vectors. In to-
tal we compared 65477 different ways of representing
the queries.
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
3.3 Comparison Methods
As mentioned above, we confronted the query repre-
sentations with two external features (search domains,
and similarity between reformulations). At this stage
our aim is not to build a predictive model by train-
ing a model, but rather to understand how the features
presented above are correlated to the representation
of queries. In both cases, we need to define a similar-
ity measure between the vectors, and we considered
two standard metrics: Euclidean distance and cosine
We measure the abilities of the models to cap-
ture the coarse-grained topic of a given query because
we assume that query terms belong to different and
clearly delimited semantic lexical classes. By cluster-
ing queries on these topics, we aim to see whether
these semantic classes are captured by the models.
For the clustering by topic, we performed a hierar-
chical ascending classification (HAC) of the queries
into three clusters that we compared to the three do-
mains of the dataset (psychology, computer science,
medicine) using the Rand index. We only considered
distinct queries within the same domain and removed
duplicates. This left us with three groups of queries of
almost similar size: 332 queries for psychology, 348
for computer science and finally 313 for medicine.
The Rand index score is a simple measure of the alig-
ment between these 3 groups and the 3 clusters ob-
tained based on query similarity.
For the second task, we used the manual annota-
tions described above and compared, for each pair of
consecutive queries in the same session (1101 in to-
tal). We believe that the annotation scale can be seen
as a semantic distance between two queries. We con-
sider that exploration corresponds to a greater seman-
tic distance than exploitation, which corresponds to a
smaller distance. We rate the annotations on a scale
from 1 (exploration) to 4 (surface correction). The
comparison between these annotations and the dis-
tance between the vectors of the two queries is mea-
sured by the Spearman correlation coefficient.
4.1 Clustering by Topics
The highest score, normalised Rand index of 0.61,
is achieved by the FastText model (with Euclidean
distance). The highest score achieved by the con-
textual embeddings is 0.53. It is impossible in this
study to have a perfect rand index as there are com-
mon queries (e.g. so-called navigational queries, e.g.
google scholar) across the different search domains.
This result is not necessarily very surprising, as
domain membership is directly related to the lexicon
present in the queries, with little need for disambigua-
tion or contextual representation. If we look in more
detail at the results of the contextual models, we see
that the highest score is obtained by the FlauBERT
model with the average vector of tokens in a query
and a combination by average of layers between 0 (in-
put layer) and 3. For CamemBERT, we see the best
results with low layers, although we also have some
good results with high layers.
To conclude on this task, it is therefore the static
models whose representation of the queries comes
closest to a categorisation by topic since they are es-
sentially based on the similarity between the isolated
words. As for contextual models, those based on the
lower layers have a similar behaviour. The represen-
tations based on the high layers, which we know are
capable of capturing a certain abstraction of the con-
tent of the queries, lead to a grouping of queries on
different bases than the simple domain.
However, this task remains trivial compared with
the second task which is much more qualitative in its
4.2 Distance Between Consecutive
As a reminder, we calculate the correlation between
the vector based similarity measure and the manual
annotation that may correspond to a semantic similar-
ity scale, to compare the representation of queries by
The highest correlation coefficient obtained be-
tween the similarity of the vectors and the seman-
tic annotations of the query pairs is 0.77. This is
achieved with the FlauBERT model, which slightly
exceeds the static model, which obtained a coefficient
of 0.75 (score obtained with the Euclidean distance
and cosine distance). FlauBERT gives several results
around this maximum value of 0.77 with mostly low
layers averaged between 0 and 6 for the mean vector
of tokens and Euclidean distances or cosine distance.
In order to provide a more detailed analysis, we
applied a multiple linear regression on all the data.
The dependent variable was the correlation score be-
tween the manual annotation and the similarity mea-
sure, and the explanatory variables were all the pa-
rameters described above and the models detailed in
Table 3.
We observed a t-value of -735.86 for FlauBERT
compared to CamemBERT. This shows that
FlauBERT has an overall negative impact on
Which Word Embeddings for Modeling Web Search Queries? Application to the Study of Search Strategies
Table 3: Linear regression analysis: t-values of all studied
Parameters t-value
FlauBERT (vs CamemBERT)
Euclidean distance (vs cosine distance)
[CLS] token vector (vs average query token vector)
Concatenation of layers (vs mean)
Layer 0 included
Layer 1 included
Layer 2 included
Layer 3 included
Layer 4 included
Layer 5 included
Layer 6 included
Layer 7 included
Layer 8 included
Layer 9 included
Layer 10 included
Layer 11 included
Layer 12 included
correlation, unlike CamemBERT, which reports
better results overall. In terms of vector type, we
had a t-value of -365.97 for the vector [CLS] token.
It is therefore preferable to use the average vector
of the query tokens to represent the queries. For
similarity measures, it seems more appropriate to
use a Euclidean distance. It is preferable to average
the layers rather than concatenate them (t-value =
-141.86). For best results, it is advisable to use
mainly layers 0 to 5, and a bit of the 6
layer, with
priority given to layers 1 and 2, which have t-values
of 139.63 and 110.57 respectively.
Figure 1: Overall impact of each layer on the correlation
Figure 1 represents the t-value for each layer. We
can see that from layer 5 onwards the results decrease,
crashing completely with the higher layers.
In general, the vector representation which are
most distant to manual annotation are the [CLS] vec-
tor and the FlauBERT model for this task. To get
closer to the manual annotations it is generally prefer-
able to build the representations by taking the average
of the low layers (between 0 and 5, and a bit 6) for the
mean vector and the Euclidean distance.
We also used linear regression, focusing on one
model at a time. The results are quite similar to the re-
sults for the whole data set. We can only note that the
layers to be favoured for CamemBERT are included
between 0 and 3, and for FlauBERT we can use lay-
ers from 0 to 6. Figure 2 shows the distribution of re-
sults between the models. We can see that the best re-
sults obtained by FlauBERT are atypical cases. Con-
versely, the worst results obtained by CamemBERT
are atypical cases. Overall, we can therefore conclude
that CamemBERT correlates better with manual an-
Figure 2: Comparison of models by correlation - dotted line
for FastText result.
To conclude on this task of correlating a manual
annotation with a similarity measure calculated auto-
matically, CamemBERT seems to give better results
overall. It is advisable to use mainly low layers and
average vector of query tokens to represent queries.
However, these models are highly dependent on the
parameters to be selected. In addition, FastText is
both very similar in terms of semantic similarity and
is less expensive to use.
To conclude, pre-trained models do capture the sim-
ilarity between search queries and therefore can be
used for more refined explorations, even if they have
been trained on generic language data that can differ
widely from our target.
Mainstream transformer-based models can be
used, but they are highly dependent on a number of
choices that need to be made. We have observed that
the average vector of query tokens and the use of the
lower layers are more correlated with the semantic
similarity between consecutive queries. For the type
of data and benchmark we used, the abstraction com-
puted by the upper layers of the transformers are not
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
These results can perhaps be explained by repre-
sentations of these layers that are too abstract for our
data. This can also be explained by the non-canonical
character of the word sequences that form the queries,
but more precisely by the fact that some queries are
very precisely composed of juxtaposed words with-
out any explicit syntagmatic link (e.g. ”thesaurus pla-
giarism”, as occurrences in a standard corpus would
require at least a preposition).
We showed that using the default average of up-
per layers (or even the sole output layer) of trans-
former models is not the most efficient way to obtain
semantic-aware embeddings of search queries.
At this stage we will therefore favour the represen-
tations proposed by Fastext, averaging the type-level
vectors of each query terms. This method also has the
decisive advantage of being much less expensive to
Returning to our exploratory objective, a search ses-
sion (minimally defined as a sequence of queries) can
be very simply visualised as a trajectory in a semantic
vector space, along the lines of what was proposed by
Mitra (2015). Figure 3 shows the sessions presented
in Table 1 in this form, using a principal component
analysis to project the different vectors in two dimen-
sions (with a represented variance of 19.89%), with
arrows connecting successive queries and colours dis-
tinguishing the different sessions.
Figure 3: Examples of sessions projected into vector space.
To understand this figure, we can try to retrace the
path of the sessions. If we look at session 1 (in blue in
the figure), we can see that it is very close to queries
3 and 4. This represents the very close similarity be-
tween the two requests, which differ by one morpho-
logical variation and one spelling correction on one
of the words (”methode” – ”m
ethodes”). Overall, this
session does not extend over a large part of the seman-
tic space. Session 2 (in orange in the figure), on the
other hand, occupies a larger area. We can see quite
significant variations between the first three queries,
compared with queries 4 and 5 which are very sim-
ilar (differing by only one term: ”word embedding”
”word embedding n-grams”). Finally, session 3 (in
green in the figure) is represented by a loop. In fact,
after the first three fairly similar localised queries, we
have a significant variation with the 4
query corre-
sponding to a major change with the change from ”de-
tector program design” to ”thesaurus”. However, the
user seems to return to the notion of detection in the
first query, represented by a trajectory from the query
to the origin of the session.
We see that the shape of the trajectory is a telling
indicator of the overall strategy adopted by the user.
However, it remains difficult to associate interpretable
semantic operations with these trajectories.
At present, we are planning to deepen our ap-
proach to study behavioural variations. We want to
study variations in user processing of thematic spaces.
We define a thematic space as a search axis referring
to a precise theme with a precise semantic content.
We are building a new dataset in French with com-
plex search tasks. In the statements of these tasks,
two thematic spaces are distinguished (e.g. a task re-
quiring detailed information on both Greek mythol-
ogy and Italian Renaissance painting). We observe
how these spaces are processed by users at the session
level. We study, for example, the presence or absence
of these spaces, their chronology of appearance or the
separation of the spaces across queries.
This approach may enable us to identify user pro-
files for the exploration and organisation of the the-
matic search space. With a neutral representation
as presented in this paper, we can continue our ex-
ploratory approach with the study of thematic spaces
and thus see how the models capture these different
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emantique distributionnelle)
dans le cadre de TALN 2013, page (publication en
ligne), Sables d’Olonne, France.
Bell, D. J. and Ruthven, I. (2004). Searcher’s assess-
ments of task complexity for web searching. In Euro-
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Which Word Embeddings for Modeling Web Search Queries? Application to the Study of Search Strategies
Learning a unified embedding space of web search
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