Robust Single Object Tracking and Following by Fusion Strategy
Alejandro Olivas
, Miguel
Angel Mu
, Edison Velasco
and Fernando Torres
Group of Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Target Tracking, Autonomous Vehicles, Robot Sensing Systems, Real-Time Systems.
Single Object Tracking methods are yet not robust enough because they may lose the target due to occlusions or
changes in the target’s appearance, and it is difficult to detect automatically when they fail. To deal with these
problems, we design a novel method to improve object tracking by fusing complementary types of trackers,
taking advantage of each other’s strengths, with an Extended Kalman Filter to combine them in a probabilistic
way. The environment perception is performed with a 3D LiDAR sensor, so we can track the object in the point
cloud and also in the front-view image constructed from the point cloud. We use our tracker-fusion method in
a mobile robot to follow pedestrians, also considering the dynamic obstacles in the environment to avoid them.
We show that our method allows the robot to follow the target accurately during long experimental sessions
where the trackers independently fail, demonstrating the robustness of our tracker-fusion strategy.
In the last years, Single Object Tracking (SOT) has
been a hot research topic. The task of following an
object over time is still challenging because of the
changes in its appearance and in the environment. The
use of Machine Learning (ML) methods has increased
the accuracy and speed of the trackers, making it vi-
able to use them in real-time applications. The current
problems associated with SOT are losses of the target
due to occlusions or misunderstandings with similar
There is a trend in using mobile robots for collabo-
rative tasks with people. In this context, we propose
the use of pedestrian tracking for the design of follow-
ing behaviour. There has been a lot of research with
the aim of making a robust pedestrian follower robot
(Yoshimi et al., 2006; Koide and Miura, 2016). Be-
sides tracking the target robustly, the robot has to fol-
low the target while avoiding dynamic obstacles for
safety reasons, a fact not usually considered in the li-
For many years, researchers have dealt with SOT
in images, solving the problem with different types
of approaches. One of them is tracking-by-detection,
which uses first a detection algorithm and then an
association method to match the target across the
frames. The shortcomings of tracking-by-detection
are the limitations of the detector, which may produce
false positives or missed detections, and failures in the
target re-identification that produces incorrect object
The most trending approach in the last years is the
use of deep learning algorithms (Zhang et al., 2021).
Among these, the Siamese Neural Networks (SNN)
(Tao et al., 2016) highlight because of their outper-
formance in terms of speed and accuracy. These net-
works are trained in an end-to-end manner, feeding
the network with a template of the object and the cur-
rent frame and retrieving the target’s current bounding
box. Using the obtained prediction as the template for
the next frame, the target is tracked over time. The
SNNs have difficulty differentiating between similar
objects and recent research has focused on this pro-
There are many approaches for detecting and
tracking objects in point clouds because of the use
of LiDAR sensors to perceive the environment. The
use of geometric information may help in being aware
of the occlusions of the target, but the increase of the
search space makes the problem heavier computation-
ally. Recently, 3D SNNs have appeared to track sin-
gle objects in real time, but increasing robustness and
accuracy remains a challenge.
For tracking pedestrians, a recent work (He et al.,
2021) uses a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Olivas, A., Muñoz-Bañón, M., Velasco, E. and Torres, F.
Robust Single Object Tracking and Following by Fusion Strategy.
DOI: 10.5220/0012178900003543
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2023) - Volume 1, pages 624-631
ISBN: 978-989-758-670-5; ISSN: 2184-2809
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
to detect the person and a SNN for tracking him. This
approach combines different deep learning meth-
ods to track the pedestrian, but we prefer to com-
bine different trackers in a probabilistic way, as they
are complementary. For this reason, we present a
tracker-fusion method that integrates a tracker based
on tracking-by-detection, another based on SNNs and
another on point cloud tracking. To do this, we use an
Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to consider the three
trackers and coordinate them to overcome their fail-
ures. Compared with the other trackers in several ex-
periments, our method tracks the target more robustly
and precisely.
There is much research on obstacle avoidance and
this problem is not in the scope of this paper, as it is
focused on the SOT problem. We use a local planner
based on (Mu
on et al., 2022).
To summarize, the contributions of our work are:
1) A tracker-fusion strategy to combine heteroge-
neous approaches to increase the robustness and
accuracy of SOT. Our method helps to automati-
cally detect when a tracker misses and corrects it.
2) The integration of our tracker-fusion method with
a local planner in an autonomous vehicle, follow-
ing the target correctly while avoiding dynamic
3) A comparison between the trackers and our ap-
proach, showing that our method outperforms
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 describes the state of the art of the SOT pro-
blem. Section 3 explains the designed trackers and
our tracker-fusion method. Section 4 presents the ex-
perimental results, comparing our method to the se-
lected trackers. Finally, in Section 5, the conclusions
are exposed.
Our method fuses a visual tracking-by-detection
tracker, a visual tracker based on SNNs and a 3D point
cloud tracker. This section shows a brief review of
these topics in the literature.
Visual tracking-by-detection. For people tracking,
there are approaches that combine a pedestrian de-
tector with a data association and filtering algo-
rithm, such as a particle filter (Breitenstein et al.,
2011). (Andriluka et al., 2008) present an approach
that combines tracking-by-detection with detection-
by-tracking, a paradigm that takes advantage of the
tracking information to improve the detections, in
a framework to track multiple people in situations
with occlusions. To re-identify the person, clothing
appearance is typically used, and many descriptors
have been proposed based on global or local features
(Satta, 2013). This type of approach has become more
robust and accurate thanks to the use of detectors
based on CNNs. The You Only Look Once (YOLO)
architecture (Redmon et al., 2016) deals with object
detection in a fast and precise way, and it has been a
hot research topic in recent years.
Siamese Neural Networks. SNNs track a single
object by similarity comparison strategy. Because
of the efficiency in terms of speed and accuracy, it
has drawn the attention of visual tracking researchers
(Held et al., 2016; Bertinetto et al., 2016). Many of
these approaches have the drawback of discriminating
only the foreground from non-semantic background,
having difficulties in distinguishing between similar
targets. SiamRPN (Li et al., 2018) employs a re-
gion proposal after the SNN to formulate the tracking
problem as a local detection task. Zhu et al. (Zhu
et al., 2018) presented DaSiamRPN, which uses a
distractor-aware module to track the target between
similar ones. (Ondra
c and Tar
abek, 2021) present
a comprehensive review of the SNNs, highlighting
the main challenges of dealing with distractors (si-
milar interference) and severe occlusions. The re-
view also discusses approaches that address these is-
sues, such as DaSiamRPN, which demonstrate better
performance in handling these challenges. However,
these problems are still not completely solved.
3D Object Tracking. Early research about object
tracking in point cloud focused on RGB-D informa-
tion, improving the tracking in images by adding
information of the depth channel (Song and Xiao,
2013). (Liu et al., 2018) present a method that uses
3D properties to separate objects that might look ad-
jacent in the images to deal with occlusions. Deep
learning methods are used to track objects in point
clouds obtained by LiDAR sensors. (Luo et al., 2018)
present a CNN to detect and track multiple objects
and forecast their motion. It uses the bird-eye-view
(BEV) of the 3D world.
Recent research has adapted SNNs for point
clouds (Giancola et al., 2019) to solve the 3D SOT
problem. (Qi et al., 2020) presented a method that
identifies potential candidates in a 3D search area us-
ing the information of the target’s template. Then, the
target proposal and verification steps are executed in-
side the net, avoiding an exhaustive 3D search which
is time-consuming. M
-Track (Zheng et al., 2022)
is based on motion-centric paradigm instead of the
appearance matching paradigm of preview research.
The use of a transformer (Hui et al., 2022) to learn a
robust cross-correlation between the template and the
Robust Single Object Tracking and Following by Fusion Strategy
search area point clouds achieves state-of-the-art per-
formance for many classes, although for pedestrian
tracking M
-Track shows better results. Pedestrians
have many changes in their appearance while moving,
so it makes sense that motion paradigm works better
for this class.
These types of trackers are complementary as
tracking-by-detection keeps better the target’s shape,
SNNs accurately track the object in short-term situa-
tions, and point cloud trackers take geometrical infor-
mation into account.
In this research, we designed a strategy to fuse three
different trackers. Two of them are visual trackers,
one based on YOLO and the other on DaSiamRPN,
and we explain firstly the adaptations for the front-
view images of the point cloud projection. These im-
ages have four channels: depth, intensity, reflectivity
and infrared. Next, we explain the point cloud tracker,
which is based on M
-Track. Then, the combination
of the trackers using an EKF is explained.
3.1 YOLO Tracker
The designed YOLO tracker follows the tracking-by-
detection paradigm, where the detector is a YOLO
neural network. Firstly, the pedestrians in the image
are detected and the target is selected. We decided to
choose the person who is at the front of the robot stat-
ically for a parameterized number of seconds. Then,
the three trackers are initialized to follow the selected
For the association of the detections with the tar-
get, it is needed to define the pedestrians with descrip-
tors. Firstly, the detected person is segmented using
the depth channel to remove the background. Accord-
ing to previous research (P
aez-Ubieta et al., 2022),
when determining the depth of an identified object, its
bounding box size is decreased by 40% and the depth
is estimated as the mean value of that interior box.
The bounding box of a pedestrian has many points
of the background, so to filter them we used the me-
dian value instead of the mean. Then, considering this
value, each candidate is segmented erasing the back-
ground and front obstacles.
To build the descriptor, we use histograms to de-
fine the pedestrian, in a similar way to color his-
tograms, but in this case with the other three chan-
nels detected by the LiDAR, defining the pedestrian
mainly by its clothes’ appearance. The depth is not
used because it is not a representative characteristic
Figure 1: The 5 parts into which the person is divided in
order to calculate the descriptor.
of the person, as it only depends on the distance to
the sensor. Usually, the clothes of the top part of the
body are different from the ones of the bottom, so we
divided the person into five parts as shown in Figure
1, although the bottom part is not considered because
it has undesired ground points. For each part, three
histograms are calculated, one for each channel, and
the descriptor is built concatenating them. There are
many possibilities to get a descriptor from a person,
but we decided to use this because it has to be fast to
build and compare to work in a real-time application
while using other trackers.
During the tracking, YOLO detects the pedestri-
ans of the image, and the ones inside a search area are
considered candidates. The search area is explained
in Section 3.4, and it is defined by the position and
covariance of the target estimated by the EKF. The
candidates’ descriptors are calculated and compared
to the target’s descriptor, using the histogram correla-
tion defined by (1), where H
are the histograms.
) =
(K) H
(K) H
(K) H
(K) H
(J) (2)
and N is the total number of histogram bins.
The most similar candidate to the target is consi-
dered the target in the current frame if the correlation
is above a minimum threshold. Finally, the target’s
descriptor is updated as the mean value between the
previous and the new descriptor, because it changes
when the target or the robot moves.
Among the YOLO architectures, we decided to
use YOLOv5 (Jocher et al., 2022) to build our model.
A dataset with 2392 LiDAR images with labelled peo-
ple was created and we trained models using a differ-
ent combination of the four channels of the LiDAR
images. The best results were obtained with all the
channels. Problems that affect this tracker are high
changes in the target’s descriptor or people with simi-
lar clothes to the target, but they are mitigated by our
tracker-fusion method.
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
3.2 Siamese Tracker
For tracking, a SNN receives as input the current
frame and the bounding box of the target in the pre-
vious frame and it returns directly the bounding box
in the current frame. We decided to use DaSiamRPN
(Zhu et al., 2018) because, even for the LiDAR im-
ages, it works better than other trackers without train-
ing a new model. The network is prepared for RGB
images, i.e. three channels images, so we use the
intensity, reflectivity and infrared channels. This
change is done without fine-tuning the model, as it
shows that it can follow targets in these images.
The pedestrian can be tracked on the boundaries
of the image because the LiDAR has a view of 360º.
However, DaSiamRPN is not prepared for this. To
adapt the method, we have to add the pixels of the
other boundary to the search area when the target is
near the image limits. For doing this, the image is
shifted as shown in Figure 2 and the target can be fol-
lowed when it crosses the boundaries of the image.
As this tracker was not trained with LiDAR im-
ages, it may miss the target more frequently than in
RGB images. Furthermore, as it is designed for ge-
neral object tracking, the bounding box tends not to
focus on the whole person, which increases the error
on the position of the target. When fusing the track-
ers, these problems are overcome.
3.3 Point Cloud Tracker
We decided to use a 3D SNN for tracking the target in
the point cloud because they surpass previous meth-
ods in terms of speed and accuracy. Among these, we
decided to use M
-Track (Zheng et al., 2022) because,
as mentioned in the related work, it outperforms the
other networks in pedestrian tracking. We used the
model that was trained using the KITTI dataset, al-
though our LiDAR sensor is a different model with
more layers, specifically 128 against the 64 of the
This network receives as input the previous and
current point cloud and the 3D bounding box of the
target in the previous frame and returns the current 3D
bounding box. The computational time of processing
the point clouds and predicting the target’s current po-
sition where larger than expected (more discussion in
Section 4) and we take advantage of the search area
in the frontal-view image, which will be explained in
Section 3.4, to speed up the tracker. Instead of feed-
ing the net with the whole point cloud captured by the
LiDAR, only the point cloud inside the search area is
sent to the net. Even if it requires a reconstruction
from an image, it does not consume much time for a
small part of the image and speeds up the tracker.
The drawbacks of this tracker are failures when
the target crosses paths with other pedestrians. The
computational cost may be a problem for real-time
applications when using it with other trackers and
we will discuss if the increase of time in the tracker-
fusion is worth the gain in robustness and precision in
Section 4.
3.4 Tracker Fusion
The diagram of our tracker-fusion strategy is shown in
Figure 3. Using the characteristics of the sensor, it is
possible to calculate the 3D coordinates of a pixel of
the image using its value in the depth channel. With
the centre pixel of the bounding box and the depth
value estimated by the method explained in Section
3.1, the coordinates of the target are estimated, which
are considered from now on as observations of a dy-
namic system. The centroid of the 3D bounding box
predicted by the point cloud tracker is also considered
an observation.
The position merging is performed with an EKF,
which uses the predict and update phases to estimate
the state and the covariance of the target. The state is
defined by the position in the X and Y axis because
our local planner only needs these two coordinates.
In our case, the prediction phase works as a constant
propagation model. A new observation updates the
state of the EKF, and its covariance represents the ex-
pected error of it. We consider that, if the tracker re-
turns a bounding box that is very different or far from
the previous one, the error may be larger, as if the
tracker failed the target would be around the previous
position. Therefore, the covariance of the observation
should be higher.
For the visual trackers, the Intersection over
Union (IoU) is calculated and the covariance is in-
versely proportional to it. The IoU is defined as
the percentage of the intersection area between both
bounding boxes with respect to the union of both ar-
eas. Besides, there may be a larger error in the direc-
tion between the robot and the target because of errors
in the target’s depth estimation, so the observation co-
variance is estimated higher in this direction:
R = Rot(arctan(y/x)) (3)
C =
α · (c +s · (1 IoU)) 0
0 c + s ·(1 IoU)
Cov = RCR
Where x and y are the estimated coordinates for
the bounding box with respect to the robot, Rot(ω)
the 2D rotation matrix of the angle ω, c is a constant,
s is a variable proportional to the state covariance and
Robust Single Object Tracking and Following by Fusion Strategy
Figure 2: The blue bounding box shows the target, who is cut by the boundaries of the original image (top image). The image
is shifted (bottom image) to track the target with DaSiamRPN. The front-view images are pseudo-colorized using the LiDAR
Figure 3: Scheme of our tracker-fusion method.
α is a constant greater than 1 to consider the errors
due the estimation of target’s depth.
For the point cloud tracker, we consider the size
of the 3D bounding box constant, so in this case, the
covariance is proportional to the Euclidean distance
between the previous position and the current.
A pedestrian cannot move from one position to an-
other in a short period of time. Therefore, we con-
sider a new observation as an outlier if it is far away
from the current position. We use the Mahalanobis
distance for outlier rejection because it considers the
covariance of the EKF state and of the observation.
To coordinate the three trackers, we estimate a
search area from the current state and covariance of
the EKF. Hence, the size of the search area is dynam-
ically tuned and it is proportional to the covariance,
which represents the error of the current position, and
therefore the target should be searched inside the area
defined by it.
When YOLO does not detect the target in the
search area for several seconds, but it detects a per-
son there, the tracker is initialised with that pedes-
trian. This means that the target has been tracked
by the other methods and therefore it is inside the
search area. If DaSaimRPN detects the target outside
the search area, it is reset with the target detected by
YOLO. However, this is not enough to deal with the
misses of this tracker, so it is also reset if the bounding
boxes of YOLO and DaSiamRPN are very different,
i.e. the IoU between the bounding boxes is low, and
the YOLO prediction is closer to the last position es-
timated by EKF. If the point cloud tracker had failed,
which is determined by comparing the current posi-
tion of the target and the predicted position of M
Track, M
-Track is reset using the target’s current po-
The target position is sent to the local planner,
which computes the trajectory to follow the person
while avoiding the obstacles. The planner is based
on (Mu
on et al., 2022), and the speed of the
robot is adjusted with the distance to the target, so
when the robot gets close to the target it slows down.
In this section, we show the results of our method. It
is compared with the three presented trackers, show-
ing the benefits of fusing them. The experiments were
done in a robot equipped with the OS1-128-U LiDAR
Sensor-Ouster to perceive the environment and an on-
board computer with AMD Ryzen 7 5700G, NVIDIA
GTX 3060 (12 GB) and 32 GB of RAM.
About the metrics for comparing the methods,
we use the Euclidean distance between the predicted
and the ground truth position. The ground truth of
the bounding boxes was labelled manually in some
frames, and for the other frames, it was estimated as
the linear interpolation between the previous labelled
frame and the next. Then, the position is estimated
from the bounding boxes as explained in Section 3.4.
For the visual trackers, the IoU is also used to com-
pare the methods.
The experiments consist in eight sessions where
the robot follows different people, using the designed
tracker-fusion and the local planner. In the first expe-
rimental session, using the DaSiamRPN tracker, the
target is lost when it moves near the robot. With the
YOLO tracker, when he crosses paths with another
person. The two pedestrians have similar clothes with
respect to the LiDAR channels and the tracker con-
fuses both after the occlusion. The point cloud tracker
also missed the target at that moment. Despite the
problems of the trackers when they are used sepa-
rately, the target is not lost when fusing them. Figure
4 shows the position error during this session.
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 4: Position error during the first experiment.
Figure 5: Box plot of the error during the second session.
The outliers are not represented for clarity, but the maxi-
mum errors were 4.45 m, 1.78 m and 1.86 m respectively.
About the IoU values for the visual trackers when
the fusion is done, YOLO tracker has better results
with a mean value of 75.7% while DaSiamRPN has
63%. This trend is common in all the sessions because
the YOLO bounding box fits better to the pedestrian
than the DaSiamRPN bounding box.
In experimental session 2, M
-Track lost the target
when it crossed paths with another pedestrian, while
YOLO missed it because variations in illumination
caused a large change in the descriptor of the target.
DaSiamRPN did not lose the target in this session, al-
though our tracker-fusion method tracked the target
more accurately, which is shown in Figure 5.
Table 1 compares the different methods, showing
the time when the target is lost, if it happens, and
the average position error while tracking the target in
the 8 experimental sessions. Using the three trackers
in isolation, the target is always lost except in ses-
sion 2 with DaSiamRPN tracker and in session 6 with
YOLO. Despite being more time-consuming than the
other trackers, M
-Track does not show noteworthy
robustness and accuracy. Our tracker-fusion without
-Track outperforms the version with it, as it suc-
ceeded in more sessions.
Figure 6: (a) The trackers detect correctly the target before
the occlusion. (b) After the occlusion, the YOLO tracker
(red) detects correctly the target, but DaSiamRPN (blue)
tracks another person. (c) DaSiamRPN tracker is corrected.
In sessions 6 to 8, there were consecutive occlu-
sions that our tracker-fusion handled, and our method
was also robust to occlusions during several seconds
and could track the target when it passed from one
boundary of the image to the other. Figure 6 shows
how the target is restored after an occlusion when one
tracker misses. However, in session 5 it failed when
the target was far away, around 14 m, and the robot
rotated, which produced a high change in the position
of the target. Nevertheless, the robot should be close
to the target for our application of following, so it is
not a big issue.
We commented in Section 3.3 that the computa-
tional time of M
-Track was large for using it in a
robotic application. M
-Track consumes on average
70.5 ms when feeding the net with the whole point
cloud, while it consumes 38.3 ms when using only
the point clouds of the search area. The point cloud
reconstruction is included and is on average 3.2 ms.
In the presented results, we used the point cloud of
the search area.
About the other components, YOLO tracker con-
sumes on average 11.5 ms and DaSiamRPN 3.7 ms,
the process to get the positions from the bounding
boxes plus the update of the EKF consumes 0.4 ms
and the local planner 10.3 ms. It is needed to recon-
struct the point cloud from the image without the tar-
get because the local planner does not have to con-
sider it as an obstacle, and this process consumes 4.9
ms. Considering all these times, the method can work
at a frequency of 13.8 Hz. Therefore, our method
Robust Single Object Tracking and Following by Fusion Strategy
Table 1: Comparison between the trackers in the 8 sessions, duration of each one in parenthesis. T
expresses the tracking
time until the target is lost (if it happens), and Error is the average Euclidean distance between the detected position and the
ground truth.
Session 1 (250 s) Session 2 (600 s) Session 3 (138 s) Session 4 (140 s)
(s) Error (m) T
(s) Error (m) T
(s) Error (m) T
(s) Error (m)
YOLO tracker 186 0.17 66 0.08 5 0.53 77 0.28
DaSiamRPN 10 0.24 - 0.13 136 0.17 81 0.11
-Track 186 0.22 125 0.17 68 0.23 35 0.17
Ours without
- 0.11 - 0.09 - 0.18 121 0.39
Ours - 0.12 - 0.10 - 0.19 132 0.24
Session 5 (119 s) Session 6 (181 s) Session 7 (172 s) Session 8 (240 s)
(s) Error (m) T
(s) Error (m) T
(s) Error (m) T
(s) Error (m)
YOLO tracker 38.5 0.10 - 0.15 57.5 0.26 148.5 0.14
DaSiamRPN 102 0.63 43 0.10 40 0.11 170 0.15
-Track 19 0.15 43 0.25 24.5 0.24 75 0.20
Ours without
105 0.33 - 0.15 - 0.23 - 0.10
Ours 61.5 0.47 - 0.16 41 0.12 156.5 013
works in real time, as we process the measurements
faster than the frequency at which LiDAR works, 10
Although the algorithms were executed offline
to compare the different trackers, we also used our
tracker fusion to follow the pedestrian while record-
ing the sessions. During sessions 3 and 4, we used the
3 trackers, and the onboard computer could not pro-
cess the point cloud correctly because of the compu-
tational cost, and the images were corrupted as shown
in Figure 7. For this reason, our method failed dur-
ing session 4, and the rest of the experiments were
recorded without using M
Therefore, we conclude that M2-Track is not
worthwhile for our fusion method with our current
hardware. Besides, if it were possible to process the
whole point cloud in less time, the point cloud tracker
should miss less, as it failed many times when the
robot rotated and the point cloud changed rapidly, so
the search space was not enough to track the target.
Even though, without using M
-Track, our method is
robust enough and can work in real time. The code is
and there is a video of the experiments
Figure 7: Part of an image from a corrupted point cloud. It
has no information about a region of the image.
1 detections
2 BEgYg2k
In this research, after showing a comparison of
pedestrian trackers in long experimental sessions, we
demonstrated that fusing them is a promising way to
improve accuracy and robustness. Our tracker-fusion
method, which uses an EKF to integrate the trackers
probabilistically, shows better performance without
-Track, only with visual trackers. Consequently,
our method can work in real-time applications cor-
rectly, as there is no need to use time-consuming point
cloud trackers.
We integrate our method in an autonomous vehi-
cle to implement following behavior. Although we fo-
cus the research on pedestrian tracking, our method is
potentially useful in all tracking applications. In ad-
dition, our method can track other dynamic objects,
such as vehicles or robots, if the YOLO model is
trained for those objects.
This work has been supported by the Ministry of
Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government
through the research project PID2021-122685OB-
I00 and through the Formaci
on del Personal Investi-
gador [Research Staff Formation (FPI)] under Grant
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
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Robust Single Object Tracking and Following by Fusion Strategy