Knowledge Sharing Between Higher Educational Institutions:
Evaluation of a Transfer Platform
Claudia Doering
1 a
, Holger Timinger
1 b
and Christian Wolff
2 c
Institute of Data and Process Science, University of Applied Sciences Landshut, Germany
Faculty for Informatics and Data Science, Media Informatics Group, University of Regensburg, Germany
Knowledge Management, Transfer, Higher Educational Institutions, Collaboration, Evaluation, Prototype,
User Experience, Information Management, Lean Administration.
The paper presents a platform for knowledge and technology transfer processes and relevant information for
higher educational institutions (HEIs). Nowadays knowledge transfer or third-mission activities are daily
business for universities. Nevertheless, they often lack internal standardized processes and procedures. Every
HEI tends to establish their own way of efficiently handling transfer activities, without sharing their knowledge
with other HEIs. The presented platform outlines standardized processes with knowledge from several HEIs,
presented in digitized form. The processes and the platform were evaluated with use cases and a standardized
user experience questionnaire (UEQ). The results presented in this contribution indicate a high need for and
positive perception of the processes and the platform.
Transfer of knowledge and technology from and to
higher educational institutions (HEIs) is a key driver
for innovation and change. This idea is often summa-
rized by the terms third-mission or transfer (Zomer
and Benneworth, 2011), which are described by many
different models with a lot of different characteris-
tics. Throughout this paper, the term transfer is used
for the idea of knowledge and/or technology transfer.
In a concrete transfer situation, the transfer object is
the actual knowledge, new theory or a newly devel-
oped technology. This includes, among other things,
the communication of research-based knowledge, sci-
entific consulting, and the application of knowledge
and technologies derived from research to solve real
challenges faced by the economy or society. Knowl-
edge in this context refers to the totality of scientifi-
cally developed findings (Wissenschaftsrat, 2016). In
this process, knowledge is represented declaratively
by concepts, statements, or models as well as proce-
durally by research methods and process skills (Zack,
1999). Technology transfer refers to methods, pro-
cedures and courses of action that range from sci-
entific and technical work to social or artistic tech-
niques (Santoro and Gopalakrishnan, 2000). Lately,
there has been a shift in universities to move from
’just’ teaching and performing research to interact
with and contribute more intensely to society (Urdari
et al., 2017). These activities are often associated with
the term third mission, which describes a deeper ex-
change of HEIs with society (Compagnucci and Spi-
garelli, 2020). This, of course, has presented HEIs
with new internal challenges. In addition to the tasks
that the administration previously had to perform only
for the operation of teaching and research, activities
for the processing of third mission projects are now
added on top. Every HEI tends to establish their own
way of efficiently handling transfer activities, without
sharing their knowledge with other HEIs.
As administrations are slowly starting digitaliza-
tion initiatives and the complexity of administrative
tasks rises, the idea of sharing knowledge about all
necessary procedures between HEIs emerges (Doer-
ing et al., 2021). The objective of this paper is to eval-
uate a tool for the efficient handling of knowledge and
technology transfer activities of HEIs, developed by
the authors, which is the Transfer Platform (TP). The
suggested processes and procedures are developed on
basis of shared knowledge by six German universi-
ties. These universities have established a network
for transfer, called TRIO (Transfer and Innovation in
Doering, C., Timinger, H. and Wolff, C.
Knowledge Sharing Between Higher Educational Institutions: Evaluation of a Transfer Platform.
DOI: 10.5220/0012179800003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 166-173
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Eastern-Bavaria), with the aim to expand and actively
shape their knowledge and technology transfer.
1.1 Transfer Platforms in HEIs
To examine the current state of platforms or tools for
the handling of transfer activities in HEIs, a system-
atic literature review (SLR) was conducted. Follow-
ing the guidelines of PRISMA (Moher et al., 2010)
the literature search and analysis was structured ac-
cordingly. In the process of selection by title, abstract
and paper content, a total of 13 papers were found for
further review, which indicates a comparatively lim-
ited theory and analysis on how knowledge is shared
between universities (Doering et al., 2022). This has
then led to the design of an own concept, which is
evaluated within the scope of this publication. The
platforms and tools, which were found in this review
are dedicated to collaboration and knowledge shar-
ing for mainly educational purposes, like e-learning
or the assessment of learning processes. Only lim-
ited theory and analysis on how universities, who col-
laborate with each other, could share their knowledge
with each other was found. As a result of the fact that
the literature review did not reveal any transfer plat-
forms or equivalent models, the authors recognize a
research gap, which may be closed with the proposed
TP. The structure of the paper is as follows: a brief
overview on how the TP was built will be given in the
next section, followed by the evaluation methodology
and study design. Next, an in-depth evaluation of the
tool and its contents (applicability, usability, and user
experience) is outlined. The most important evalua-
tion results are then presented in the following sec-
tion. In the discussion, the authors conclude on the
obtained results from the evaluation and analyze the
contribution of this research, its limitations and pos-
sible future research issues.
Given the need for a digital and standardized rep-
resentation of transfer processes and procedures in
HEIs, a TP has been conceived to support the ease
of the transfer activities. The transfer-platform is a
web-based tool meant to provide assistance regarding
all activities around the life-cycle of a transfer activ-
“Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses”. [Ac-
cessed: 25.05.2023]
ity - starting with the initiation, the handling and fi-
nally the completion of a transfer activity. The tool
provides a set of functionalities for choosing the best
fitting processes and relevant documents. The TP is
based exclusively on HTML and CSS. For the reuse
of single HTML-elements JavaScript was used. All
presented processes were developed and evaluated it-
eratively, using the Design Science Research (DSR)
paradigm by Hevner (Hevner and Chatterjee, 2010).
In a four-loop approach, the processes were created
and evaluated in a user-centered approach, following
the recommendations of the ISO 9241-210:2010 (Er-
gonomics of human-system interaction Part 210:
Human-centred design for interactive systems) (Inter-
national Organization for Standardization, 2023). The
first two creation and evaluation loops are based on
expert interviews and their feedback. Hereby, in a first
step, expert interviews were conducted to gather rele-
vant process steps and information. Expert interviews
were chosen as they are a typical research method in
DSR (Offermann et al., 2009) and appear to be ade-
quate given our project context in which there is only
a fairly small number of possible interviewees with
transfer-related knowledge. The results were then in-
tegrated in a first version of the process model, which
was then re-evaluated, again by expert interviews. In
this first version, the main core, support and manage-
ment processes were gathered and incorporated into a
regulatory framework of our reference model.
This second evaluation has then led to a revised
version of the reference model. To evaluate the modi-
fied version of the model, relevant use cases were de-
termined and modelled into the core processes of the
framework. With this method, the revised version has
been evaluated, which has led to the final set of pro-
cesses and documents within the reference model.
For better usage and an improved understand-
ing, the whole model was then integrated into the
software-based TP (see Figure 1). The TP shows
on its landing page on the right side the different
core, support and management processes of transfer
projects. The user can then choose a process in which
he/she has interest in and by clicking on it, a detail
view of the respective process opens up (see Figure 2).
There, the user can find a textual description of the
process and the possibility to download it as a Busi-
ness Process Model and Notation (BPMN) model. In
addition, a fact sheet gives a short overview of the
process, its main actors, and its results.
To evaluate the TP (e.g. its design, usage and
efficiency), it was then assessed using the standard-
ized method User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)
(Schrepp, 2020), as this is a fairly easy to handle and
brief questionnaire. This UX questionnaire was ex-
Knowledge Sharing Between Higher Educational Institutions: Evaluation of a Transfer Platform
plicitly chosen from the various number of different
UX questionnaires, as it considers usability and the
hedonic quality of a system or product to be of equal
value, which is not represented in for example the
SUS or UMUX-LITE questionnaires (Schrepp et al.,
2023). This parameter is particularly important in this
evaluation, as the users need to like using the TP, be-
cause otherwise it must be assumed that the TP would
not be used.
Any research should follow an appropriate research
paradigm to demonstrate robustness. To meet this
requirement, the research results presented in this
contribution were evaluated based on the reference
modeling research of Fettke and Loos (Fettke and
Loos, 2003). According to them, a variety of dif-
ferent evaluation methods for reference models ex-
ist. One possible way is to use case studies (Yin,
2018). Other evaluation methods include for exam-
ple surveys, fields studies and laboratory experiments
(see (Fettke and Loos, 2003)). Case studies examine
a reference model situation at a specific point in time
within the concerned context. They are often found
where other research methods are not possible due to
the complexity or scope of the context. Case studies
involve a user, who is solving a practical and repre-
sentative problem with the reference model (Turnbull
et al., 2021). A case study therefore describes a real
problem, possible solutions and results. The advan-
tage in the use of case studies is that the creator of the
model can obtain important information, e.g. on the
application of the processes, directly from the model
user. Normally, the model creator and the model user
sit together and go through the model together and
check it for inconsistencies or for potential improve-
ment. However, case studies are often not represen-
tative and cannot be generalized, which can lead to
subjective reference models. Nevertheless, this ap-
proach was chosen, as this made it possible to obtain
a comprehensive survey of the problem and possible
solutions directly from the concerned users. This is
also the great advantage of using case studies over
use cases. Here, a tried and tested solution can be
used, while a use case would only cover possible so-
lutions for the handling of transfer. As, during the
creation of the reference model and its processes, all
single steps were evaluated over and over again, an
evaluation with before tested and used processes was
possible. Since the case studies were carried out at
several universities and the results were subsequently
consolidated, it can be assumed that they are at least
partially generalizable. Also, it is often suggested that
problems in the usage should be identified as early as
possible in the development and modeling of new sys-
tems, which is possible with the usage of case studies
as evaluation method (Hornbæk et al., 2007). For this
evaluation, two specific use cases for the processes
and the TP were chosen, as they both incorporate the
main steps in the initiation and handling of transfer
activities and therefore provide a good overview of
all the important aspects.
3.1 Expert Interviews with Case Studies
Working together with experts is particularly suitable
in a context where the content is still comparatively
new and unpredictable. This is especially true when
emphasis is placed on real-time interaction and bring-
ing together different perspectives (Hornbæk et al.,
2007). Therefore, specific case studies were gener-
ated and discussed together with the experts. In this
context, an expert is a person with specific exper-
tise and knowledge that can be acquired, for example,
through a specific job in a company or organization.
Table 1: Overview of experts and their background.
Number Experience Position
Expert 1 7 years Department Head
Expert 2 3 years Employee
Expert 3 21 years Employee
Expert 4 11 years Department Head
Expert 5 8 years Vice President
Expert 6 2 years Employee
Expert 7 6 years Employee
Expert 8 10 years Department Head
Expert 9 12 years Vice President
Expert 10 8 years Department Head
Expert 11 7 years Employee
Criteria for the selection of experts include a min-
imum of three years of experience and professional
experience in the conduction of transfer activities and
a current job position in the direct area of knowledge
and/or technology transfer. They all have a special
view on the topic of transfer processes and bring dif-
ferent perspectives to the discussion. All of the ex-
perts work at HEIs, but at the same time they have
a large knowledge base from the other transfer side,
for example, because they themselves have worked in
companies in a transfer position or support companies
that want to cooperate with HEIs in their current posi-
tion. Table 1 provides an overview of the professional
background and experience of the participants. All
experts are employees at a German HEI, where they
work for example as Department Head of a Transfer
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Figure 1: Landing page of transfer-platform.
and Collaboration Department or are Vice Presidents
for Knowledge and Technology Transfer. In total, ex-
perts from six German (research) universities as well
as universities of applied science were consulted. In
this evaluation loop eleven interviews were conducted
(one interview with each expert).
Based on the requirements analysis carried out
and considering the conceptual requirements identi-
fied in advance, the system architecture was designed
successively. The result is described below with the
help of corresponding UML diagrams. Each case
study was described according to a scheme based
on Rupp (Rupp, 2009). It contains the component’s
name, a brief description, actors, results, and essential
process steps. Based on the functional requirements,
use cases were defined and formulated.
Case Study 1:
The problem domain of case study 1 is contract
research done by HEIs. Figure 3 shows the cor-
responding use case diagram. In general, contract
research is scientific research commissioned by a
private-sector or public-sector funder (= client). The
process regulates the application and implementation
of non-public industry projects at universities. The
goal of the research is specified by the client, and
the rights to the research results are in most cases
reserved for the client. The content of the contract
is defined in a research and development contract
concluded between the client and the HEI. When all
parties have agreed on the project content and the
contract is signed by both parties, the project can be
carried out.
Fact Sheet of Process:
Name: Contract Research
Brief description: the use case describes which
actions are necessary to initiate and execute a con-
tract research project
Actors: client, researcher, research consultant,
employee of a HEI administration
Results: knowledge or technology development
and transfer
Essential process steps: communicate project
idea; re-conciliate project idea; agree on project
content; set up project profile and contract; exe-
cute administration; carry out industrial project
Case Study 2:
The problem domain of case study 2 is third-party
research done by HEIs (see Fig.3). Third-party
funding is defined as financial resources that flow
to HEIs from third parties in addition to the current
funds provided by the funding bodies (basic funding).
As a rule, they are made available for a limited period
of time for specific projects, for example research
projects. Research funding can be provided by both
national and international funding agencies. Accord-
ing to the German federal ministry for education,
Knowledge Sharing Between Higher Educational Institutions: Evaluation of a Transfer Platform
Figure 2: Overview of the process cooperation in contract research.
Figure 3: Use Case Diagram of Case Study 1 (Contract Research) and Case Study 2 (Third-Party Research).
science and research, German HEIs received approx-
imately 788 million euros in third-party funding for
research in 2021 (Bundesministerium f
ur Bildung
und Forschung and (Federal miniatry of Education,
Science and Research), 2023). About 64% of these
funds come from public donors, such as the European
Union, while about a quarter is funded by companies.
In contrast to contract research, which is generally
referred to as the traditional transfer, it is a bit more
difficult with third-party funded research. This type
of research is often associated with the goal of devel-
oping new technologies, products or processes and
aims to bring scientific knowledge and technologies
from academia into practical applications. The results
of such projects can take the form of patents, licenses
or prototypes, for example, and find their way into
industry or the market. New ideas and concepts are
developed to address existing problems and open
up new opportunities. This innovation process is an
important aspect and clarifies third-party research as
a transfer activity.
Fact Sheet of Process:
Name: Third-Party Research
Brief description: the use case describes which
actions are necessary to initiate and execute a
third-party research project
Actors: researcher, research consultant, employee
of a HEI administration, cooperation partner,
funding agency (e.g. project sponsor)
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Results: knowledge or technology development
and transfer
Essential process steps: screen project calls; agree
on project content; apply for funding; decide on
funding; set up project profile and contract; carry
out research project
The two cases studies were chosen for evaluation as
they cover the majority of processes within the refer-
ence model and therefore enable an extensive evalua-
tion of the model. Furthermore, these two use cases
serve as a major source of funding for research for
HEIs. Generally said, funding originates either from
companies or from government (and a small amount
from charitable foundations, private persons, etc.).
Therefore, these two case studies represent two of the
most important transfer scenarios for HEIs.
3.2 User Experience Questionnaire
The user experience questionnaire (UEQ) is a stan-
dardized questionnaire to survey the user experience
of products (Schrepp et al., 2023). User experience
can be defined as the ”user’s perceptions and re-
sponses that result from the use and/or anticipated use
of a system, product or service” (International Organi-
zation for Standardization, 2023). Accordingly, user
experience (UX) comprises the factors of emotion,
comprehensiveness and usability of a product before,
during and after use (Hinderks et al., 2019). One pos-
sible metric to measure UX is the usage of the UEQ.
It consists of 26 items that are grouped into six scales
(attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability,
stimulation and novelty). All items are presented in
the form of a semantic differential, which means that
each item is represented by two terms with opposite
The purpose in evaluating reference models is to test
them for their value and usefulness. In this way, the
suitability of the reference model to a certain situa-
tion, in this case the transfer of knowledge into and
out of HEIs or university networks, is analyzed and
Findings From Case Study Evaluation:
The chosen case studies and their representation
as core processes of transfer correctly display the
experiences of the experts.
The single process steps in the two chosen case
studies show the respective scenarios in great de-
tail, which was perceived as positive. However,
this makes it difficult for HEIs that already have
their own process ideas to find points of reference.
Hence, it was requested whether it could be possi-
ble to upload own processes and then receive au-
tomatic feedback for potential process improve-
The opportunity to obtain further information via
links and the overview of funding possibilities are
perceived positively by the experts.
A discussion forum or an other way to exchange
information about the different transfer scenarios
was also suggested by the experts. In this way,
they could easily interact with corresponding per-
sons in other HEIs.
Processes are only available to download in the
modeling language BPMN 2.0. This format can-
not be integrated in all different process admin-
istration software used by HEIs and can be diffi-
cult to understand without any previous modeling
Findings from UEQ:
In total, 12 questionnaires could be analyzed, which
were sent in advance by e-mail to the selected partic-
ipants. The participants are directly related to the ini-
tiation and execution of transfer project in HEIs. For
this reason, the responses to the questionnaires consti-
tute a representative opinion. It may happen that in-
dividuals misinterpret the individual items. An exem-
plary scenario for this is the item ”safe/unsafe”. This
item is intended to consider or depict the following
aspect: To what extent is the interaction by the user to
be classified as safe and controllable? However, the
respondents could also interpret this item as follows:
Is the protection of my data guaranteed? This may
result in an inconsistent evaluation.
The results of the UEQ can be interpreted by the
means of scales. They range from -3 (horribly bad)
to +3 (extremely good). The findings from the eval-
uation with the UEQ are shown in the following by
their means:
Attractiveness: 2,056 (TP makes an overall good
impression and the users seem to like it)
Perspicuity: 1,792 (TP seems to be reasonably
easy to learn and to get familiar with)
Efficiency: 2,146 (TP supports the users in solv-
ing their tasks without unnecessary effort)
Dependability: 1,729 (The users feel somewhat in
control of the TP)
Stimulation: 1,667 (The use of TP is moderately
motivating and somewhat exciting)
Knowledge Sharing Between Higher Educational Institutions: Evaluation of a Transfer Platform
Novelty: 0,917 (TP is regarded as a not very cre-
ative or innovative software and therefore does not
catch the interest of users)
After the UEQ evaluation, all of the experts also
gave some additional comments about the TP in
The design of the TP was assessed very differ-
ently by them. Some liked it very much, others
found it too playful.
All of the experts found that the usage of the
TP is very easy to learn and that it is easy to
navigate through the pages.
In general, the TP does meet the expectations
of the experts, but some thought that it could
replace an own process portal, which is inter-
connected with all relevant administrative de-
This research can be seen as a first step to digital-
ize processes in the transfer administration of HEIs.
Although the concept of digitalization is not new, in
some areas the administration of HEIs is still at a
starting point for this change. The streamlining of
processes and the topic of digitalization have already
been covered in many publications regarding HEIs,
but most of the times with a clear focus on teach-
ing (e.g. massive open online courses), student ap-
plications, student mobility digitization (like e.g. the
applications ELMO or EMREX) or campus manage-
ment systems (Bacharach et al., 2021). In the sense of
a faster and waste-free completion of administrative
activities for transfer, it is the goal of digitalization in
HEIs to simplify processes and administrative proce-
dures. In order to achieve this, the present reference
model has been developed and evaluated.
The reference model seems plausible and imple-
mentable at first glance - but, as recently stated by a
big German newspaper in March 2023, many digital-
ization projects in administrations fail already at the
implementation of basic digital procedures (Bernau,
2023). For example, German members of the Bun-
destag had to fill out a form to declare their sideline
activities until January 2022. Now, more than a year
later, this information is still not available on the web-
site of the Bundestag, as the form could not be filled
out electronically. Members of the Bundestag had to
hand in their details on paper and employees of the
Bundestag had to type them in and sent them back
to the members of the Bundestag for checking. With
currently 736 members of the Bundestag and a 20-
page form, this results in approximately 15,000 pages
of paper. This is just one example for possible digiti-
zation approaches and missing or hindering adminis-
trative processes. After all, it worked and also knowl-
edge and technology transfer projects in HEIs were
carried out with only little digital support and usually
with processes adapted depending on the situation.
A possible methodological limitation of this re-
search is the comparatively small number of experts
for the evaluation. Therefore, this evaluation can only
be seen as a starting point for future research, which
needs to incorporate more users from different forms
of HEIs from Germany and other countries. There-
fore, it is crucial that the administrations of HEIs open
up and share their knowledge with each other.
Due to the limitation of this publication, it was
also only possible to include two relevant case studies,
which restricts of course the possibilities to generate
knowledge about the processes and the TP.
Another limitation of this research is that until
now only core processes of transfer activities could
be evaluated. This is mainly due to the fact that man-
agement and support processes for transfer are very
heterogeneous and differ strongly between research
universities and universities of applied sciences. This
in turn is mainly because of different strategic orien-
tations of the HEIs.
The streamlining of processes and the avoidance of
waste are integral parts of process improvements and
therefore also an important starting point for research
and practice. This publication and the developed ref-
erence model focus on the digital support of knowl-
edge and technology transfer projects and a stream-
lining of necessary processes and procedures at HEIs.
The current status-quo of the reference model and
the transfer-prototype were developed on basis of
knowledge about processes and procedures from six
universities. This contribution outlines the evaluation
process with the remark that it should be evaluated
in the future at other universities and possibly also
across national borders.
In the evaluation points for improvement were
found, which will be integrated into future work. One
main remark of the experts in the evaluation was that
the process modeling language BPMN 2.0 is hard to
understand without any prior modeling knowledge or
explanation. Therefore, a process caption will be in-
troduced and the processes are also going to be ex-
plained textually in future work. With this approach,
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
established methods from business informatics (e.g.
the modeling language BPMN or process modeling
in general) are combined with those from media infor-
matics (e.g. UX, evaluation of functionality and user
experience quality, user centric development). This
interdisciplinary approach is especially crucial to en-
sure the sustainable use of the TP.
Another approach to further improving the TP is
to enable users to include their own knowledge in the
suggested processes and to make suggestions on mod-
elled procedures. This could simplify the activity to
keep processes up-to-date, but also comes along with
technical challenges and a huge coordination effort.
The same also applies to the proposed discussion fo-
A further potential starting point for further devel-
opments is the design of the TP. Some experts found
it nice and intuitive, whereas others found it too play-
ful and complex. As preferences for design are very
personal, the main focus of improvements will be laid
on the usability of the TP.
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Knowledge Sharing Between Higher Educational Institutions: Evaluation of a Transfer Platform