Easy to Find: A Natural Language Query Processing System on
Advertisements Using an Automatically Populated Database
Yiu-Kai Ng
3361 TMCB, Computer Science Department, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, U.S.A.
Query Processing, Databases, Classification, Data Extraction.
Many commercial websites, such as Target.com, which aspire to increase client’s transactions and thus profits,
offer users easy-to-use pull-down menus and/or keyword searching tools to locate advertisements (ads for
short) posted at their sites. These websites, however, cannot handle natural language queries, which are
formulated for specific information needs and can only be processed properly by natural language query
processing (NLQP) systems. We have developed a novel NLQP system, denoted AdProc, which retrieves
database records that match information specified in ads queries on multiple ads domains. AdProc relies on
an underlying database (DB), which contains pre-processed (ads) records that provides the source of answers
to users’ queries. AdProc automates the process of populating a DB using online ads and answering user
queries on multiple ads domains. Experimental results using ads queries collected through Facebook on a
dataset of online ads extracted from Craigslist.org and Coupons.com show that AdProc is highly effective in
(i) classifying online ads, (ii) labeling, extracting, and populating data from ads in natural language into an
underlying database D, (iii) assigning ads queries into their corresponding domains to be processed, and (iv)
retrieving records in D that satisfy the users’ information needs.
The Web is a perfect forum for information ex-
change and access, since most websites allow users
to freely extract archived and newly-created docu-
ments anytime and anywhere. The number of (un-
/semi-)structured web pages has made the Web a huge
repository of information of various kinds, which in-
clude advertisements (ads for short). While users
can search for information using keyword-based and
phrase-based queries, or even advanced searches that
include simple Boolean operators on websites, these
websites cannot process complex queries, which can
only be handled properly by natural language query
processing (NLQP) systems. In this paper, we
introduce a closed-domain NLQP system, denoted
AdProc, which retrieves exactly matched answers to
(Boolean, incomplete, or ambiguous) queries on ads.
AdProc can answer queries on multiple ads domains
using (i) an enhanced Na¨ıve Bayes classifier to de-
termine to which ads domain a users query belongs
and (ii) an underlying database (DB for short) with
populated ads records, which serves as the source
of answers to ads queries. Manually populating on-
line data to a DB is not feasible, since it is a labor-
intensive, time-consuming, and impractical process.
AdProc applies the (i) Joint Beta-Binomial classifier
to classify ads according to their domains, (ii) Sup-
port Vector Machine (SVM) to label non-stop key-
words in ads based on their types, (iii) decision trees
to extract previously-labeled keywords in an ad that
are valid DB attribute values to generate a DB record,
and (iv) feature set of attribute values in answering
ads queries.
AdProc utilizes the efficiency of relational DB
systems in managing data (records) and avoids the
burden of analyzing the syntax and semantics of a
user’s natural language query Q such that interpret-
ing the semantics of the keywords in Q employs at
most the simple context-switching analysis, which fa-
cilitates the process of transforming the information
needs expressed in Q into a SQL query to be evaluated
against the underlying data(base records). Further-
more, AdProc combines the tasks of classifying and
extracting data from ads into a single, automated pro-
cess for populating a DB and extracting relevant data.
AdProc applies information retrieval techniques
and machine learning approaches, which are simple
Ng, Y.
Easy to Find: A Natural Language Query Processing System on Advertisements Using an Automatically Populated Database.
DOI: 10.5220/0012179900003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 71-83
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and widely-adapted, in its design. Compared with us-
ing popular deep learning models, the latter require
massive data for training, expect high computational
power for processing data, and lack of transparency,
which are excessive for designing AdProc.
The effectiveness and merits of AdProc have been
experimentally verified in terms of achieving high ac-
curacy of interpretation for complex queries. Further-
more, it has been validated that QuePR retrieves rele-
vant results to the user with the accuracy ratio in the
upper 90 percentile.
A number of methods have been proposed in the past
in solving the classification problem. Dayanik et al.
(Dayanik et al., 2006) perform classification using a
Bayesian logistic regression framework that combines
domain knowledge and supervised learning, whereas
Xue et al. (Xue et al., 2008) extend the Probabilis-
tic Latent Semantic Analysis algorithm by integrating
labeled training data and unlabeled test data. As op-
posed to (Dayanik et al., 2006; Xue et al., 2008), the
classifier of AdProc adopts a Beta-Binomial model,
which considers the varying probability of word oc-
currence among documents in the same class for
text classification. While AdProc can classify doc-
uments in various domains, the Relaxed Online SVM
in (Sculley and Wachman, 2007) has only been eval-
uated for (spam) email classification, which involves
only highly separable data.
Nguyen et al. (Nguyen et al., 2008) introduce
a machine learning approach for labeling attributes
from web form interfaces. Similar to our proposed
tagging method, the labeling approach in (Nguyen
et al., 2008) matches a form element (i.e., a keyword
in an ad in our case) with its corresponding textual de-
scription (i.e., a type in our case). AdProc, however,
avoids learning structural patterns required by the la-
beling approach in (Nguyen et al., 2008) for perform-
ing the keyword-tagging task.
AdProc relies on Support Vector Machine (SVM)
for labeling keywords, which differs from the Hidden
Markov Model (HMM) approach in (Khare and An,
2009) that labels components of web interfaces, such
as text labels or text boxes. HMMs have been suc-
cessfully adopted for extracting data from text docu-
ments which are later populated into DBs (Liu et al.,
2003). Since training a HMM with data from multi-
ple domains is ineffective, Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2003)
first group analogous data and train separate HMMs,
which however is a complex process.
Rajput and Haider (Rajput and Haider, 2009) ap-
ply ontologies, various information extraction tech-
niques, and Bayesian Networks for extracting and
predicting missing information from unstructured,
ungrammatical, and incoherent data sources, such as
online ads extracted from Craigslist.org. Although ef-
fective, the proposed model has not been validated for
text classification using more than one ads domain.
In developing a closed-domain NLQP system for
the construction business, Zhang et al. (Zhang et al.,
2004) rely on a thesaurus, which consists of a set
of domain-specific concepts and the relations among
them organized into a hierarchy, whereas the NLQP
system in (Demner-Fushman and Lin, 2007) re-ranks
publications retrieved by the PubMed search engine
for a given query Q so that the publication abstracts
that contain medical terms relevant to the ones in Q
are positioned higher in the answer set. Wang and
Luo (Wang and Luo, 2009) present a Chinese NLQP
system that answers queries in the telecom product
domain by (i) applying semantic role tagging and (ii)
using Hownet, an online knowledge based which de-
scribes the inter-conceptual and inter-attribute rela-
tions of Chinese and English words. On the contrary,
AdProc depends only on a few predefined attribute
types to retrieve potential answers to a user query.
In this section, we discuss ads data types (in Sec-
tion 3.1) and describe the three consecutive tasks of
AdProc: (i) classifying online ads into their respective
domains (in Section 3.2), (ii) tagging keywords in on-
line ads according to their types (in Section 3.3), and
(iii) extracting the previously-tagged non-Types IV
keywords in ads and populate them as attribute val-
ues in the corresponding DB records (in Section 3.4),
which fully automate the process of extracting online
ads data to generate the underlying DB records.
3.1 Data Types Used in AdProc
In populating online ads and answering queries in
multiple domains, AdProc considers various attribute
types proposed in this paper.
Type I attribute values in an ad A yield the unique
identifier of A that are required values to be in-
cluded in A (its DB record, respectively). Type I at-
tributes are primary-indexed fields of the relational
schema which defines the corresponding ads do-
main. Sample Type I attributes in the Cars-for-Sale
ads domain are “Maker” and “Model”, and “Toy-
ota” and “Camry” are one of their respective values.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Type II attribute values describe the properties of
an ad A, which are not required values in A. Type II
attributes are secondary-indexed fields in the cor-
responding relational schema. “Color” is a Type II
attribute in the Car-for-Sale ads domain, and “Blue”
is one of its domain values.
Type III attribute valuesspecify the quantitative val-
ues in an ad. A sample Type III attribute is “Salary”
in the Jobs ads domain, and $70,000 is one of its
values. In addition, “usd” is also a Type III attribute
value, which identifies the unit of “Price” (a Type III
attribute) in the Cars-for-Sale ads domain.
Type IV attribute values are non-essential, cosmetic
keywords in ads, such as “large”, which are not ex-
tracted as attribute values from any online ads.
3.2 Classification of Advertisements
In classifying online ads, we adopt a Na¨ıve Bayes
classifier, which is a popular text classification ap-
proach, since it is simple, easy to implement, robust,
highly scalable, and domain independent.
3.2.1 Joint Beta-Binomial Sampling Model
The well-known Na¨ıve Bayes’ Theorem, which con-
siders the conditional distribution of the class vari-
able, computes the probability of assigning the natural
class c to a document d as
P(c|d) =
To estimate P(d | c) in the Bayes’ Theorem, we use
the Joint Beta-Binomial Sampling Model introduced
in (Allison, 2008), denoted JBBSM, which considers
the “burstiness” of a word, i.e., a word is more likely
to occur again in d if it has already appeared once in
d. JBBSM computes P(d | c) as a sequence of proba-
bilities of the form P(d
| c), which is the probability
of the j
(1 j n) keyword in d, i.e., d
, given a
particular class c
| α
, β
) =
+ α
, n d
+ β
, β
where n is the length of d, which is the total num-
ber of keyword counts in d, B is the Beta function of
JBBSM, and α
and β
are the parameters
that es-
timate the presence and absence of d
in a particular
class c, respectively.
Documents in JBBSM are represented as vectors of
count-valued random variables, and thus in Equation 2, d
denotes the frequency count of the j
keyword in d.
and β
are the parameters associated with a partic-
ular word j, which are computed using Equations 3 and 4
for each of the natural classes.
The following equations estimate the parameter
values of α
and β
in the Beta-Binomial model as
defined in (Allison, 2008):
+ β
i, j
+ β
+ β
+ 1)
i, j
where k is the size of the document collection used for
training the classification model, θ
i, j
is the expected
distribution of the j
keyword in the i
(1 i k)
document in the collection,
i, j
is the maximum like-
lihood estimate of the parameter θ
i, j
, θ
is the proba-
bility of selecting the j
word in d, E[θ
] (=
i, j
) is the expected value for the distribution over θ
and (
i, j
]) yields the error in estimating the pa-
rameter θ
i, j
Using JBBSM, the probability P(d | c) is
P(d | α, β) =
| α
, βj) (5)
where α and β are parameters of the Beta-Binomial
of d, and P
| α
, β
) is as defined in
Equation 2.
In choosing the ads domain to which an ad d
should be assigned, we compute the conditional prob-
ability P(c | d) for each predefined ad domain. We
assign to d the domain that yields the highest P(c |
d) among the set of predefined ads domains, C, i.e.,
Class(d) = argmax
P(c | d).
3.2.2 Feature Selection
As claimed by Yang and Petersen (Yang and Peder-
sen, 1997), one of the main problems in document
classification is the high dimensionality of the feature
space, i.e., the large number of unique keywords in
documents, which affects the performance of classi-
fier algorithms in terms of computational time. In
solving this problem, we apply different feature se-
lection strategies (given below), which select a subset
of keywords to represent ads in a set of predefined ads
domains, without affecting the accuracy of the chosen
classifier. Furthermore, as claimed by Chouaib et al.
(Chouaib et al., 2009), feature selection strategies are
often applied to reduce irrelevant/misleading features.
During the feature selection process, we first re-
move stopwords, i.e., words with little meanings,
which often do not represent the content of an ad, as
well as numericalvalues. Hereafter,we apply the gain
approach in (Yang and Pedersen, 1997), which de-
fines a criterion for feature selection often adopted in
α and β (α
and β
, respectively) are the parameters of
the distribution of d (keyword j in d, respectively).
Easy to Find: A Natural Language Query Processing System on Advertisements Using an Automatically Populated Database
the field of machine learning. Information gain, as de-
fined below, determines the “goodness” of a keyword
globally for classification, which yields keywordsthat
are the most representative of ads in various prede-
fined domains.
G(t) =
) + P(t)
+ P(
t) log P(c
t) (6)
where m is the number of distinct ads domains, P(c
is the probability of domain c
, P(t) (P(
t), respec-
tively) is the probability of occurrence (absence, re-
spectively) of keyword t, and P(c
| t) (P(c
t), re-
spectively) is the probability of domain c
given that t
is present (absent, respectively).
After computing the gain of all the distinct key-
words in a collection of ads used for training purpose,
we select the top n keywords that have the highest
gain for representing ads in the set of predefined ads
domains. In defining the appropriate n, we conducted
an empirical study using a total of 80,000 randomly
selected online ads belonged to the eight domains in-
troduced in Section 5.1. We considered alternative
values of n, such that n {50, 100, 200, 500, 1000,
2000}, and set n = 1000. By using 1000 keywords on
the 80,000 ads we achieve the highest classification
accuracy and still maintain the classification process-
ing time on ads within a minute.
3.3 Keyword Tagging Based on Types
To tag each non-stop, non-numerical
keyword in on-
line ads according to their types, we rely on the Sup-
port Vector Machine (SVM) approach, since SVM is
a robust methodology which has been shown to yield
state of the art performance on classification (Sculley
and Wachman, 2007). SVM constructs hyper-planes
as decision surfaces in a higher dimension space so
that data becomes linearly separable and maintains a
maximum margin of separation between positive and
negative examples, i.e., binary training instances.
3.3.1 RBF Kernel
In implementing SVM for tagging ads keywords ac-
cording to their types, we adopted Radial Basis Func-
tion (RBF) in Equation 7 as the kernel function for the
SVM, since RBF is one of the most typical kernels.
, x
) = exp(
) (7)
Numerical keywords are tagged as Type III by default.
where ||x
|| is the Euclidean distance computed
between vectors x
and x
, and σ is the parameter that
determines the area of influence of the corresponding
support vector. In our implementation of SVM, we
have empirically determined the value of the param-
eter σ to be 500, which yields a smoother decision
surface, since an RBF with σ set to be 500 allows a
support vector to have a larger area of influence.
3.3.2 Multiclass-SVM
In tagging keywords based on their types, we cannot
apply directly a binary SVM, since the adopted SVM
must handle more than two types of attribute values.
We consider one-against-all and one-against-one for
solving the multi-class problem using binary SVM.
As claimed by (Liu and Zheng, 2005), the most com-
mon strategy, which is the one we adopt, in imple-
menting SVM is one-against-all.
Given j ( 1) different predefined types, the one-
against-all approach constructs j binary SVM classi-
fiers, each of which separates one type from the rest.
Hereafter, the j
SVM is trained using the training
instances in which the ones belonged to the j
are given positive labels and the remaining instances
negative ones (Liu and Zheng, 2005).
3.3.3 Feature Representation
To train our multi-class SVM, each training instance,
i.e., input vector, is a feature-vector associated with a
non-stop, non-numerical keyword k in an ad, in which
a “1” is assigned to each feature f (introduced below)
if f applies to k and is assigned a value “0”, otherwise.
Is-Plural. This feature is set to ‘1 if a keywordis in
a plural form and is ‘0’, otherwise. Type I attribute
values tend to be expressed in the singular form.
Is-Capitalized. We have observed that, in general,
the first character in keywords that represent Type I
attribute values is capitalized, and this feature is
assigned the value of ‘1’, and ‘0’, otherwise.
Is-Style. This feature is set to ‘1’ if the keyword be-
ing evaluated is either bolded or italicized in an ad
and is 0’, otherwise. The most important attribute
values in an ad tend to be either bolded or italicized
and are Type I attribute values.
In-Title. Since the most descriptive attribute values
of an ad d appear in the title or first sentence of
d, this feature is assigned a value ‘1 if the keyword
being analyzed is in the title or in the first sentence
and x
are two input vectors. In our case, each input
vector represents the heuristics, i.e., features (to be intro-
duced in Section 3.3.3), of a keyword in an ad.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
of d and is given a ‘0’, otherwise. In-Title values
are Type 1 attribute values.
Is-Adjective. In implementing this feature we rely
on the part-of-speech (POS) tagger
, which assigns
POS, such as noun or verb, to (key)words (in ads).
A feature is assigned a ‘1 if the word is given an
“adjective” POS tag and ‘0’, otherwise. Most of
Type II attribute values are adjectives which de-
scribe essential information of an ad.
Is-Measurement. This feature takes a value of
‘1’ if the keyword being evaluated represents a
measurement, e.g., $, usd, miles, square feet, or
inches, and ’0’, otherwise. The set of measurement
terms was extracted from Hobby
, a website that
lists units of measurements for different categories,
such as length, area, power, or speed. This feature
is a clear indicator of Type III attribute values.
Is-Alphanumeric. This feature is assigned a ‘1’ if
the keyword being evaluated is alphanumerical and
is assigned a ‘0’, otherwise. This feature assists in
identifying Type II attribute values.
Is-Location. This feature relies on a set of prede-
fined locations to decide whether the keyword being
evaluated is a location, in which case the feature is
set to 1’ and ‘0’, otherwise. The list of locations,
e.g., US cities, was extracted from Wikipedia
Is-Acronym. This feature is set to ‘1’ if the word
being evaluated represents an acronym and is ‘0’,
otherwise. In determining whether a word is an
acronym, we adapt the approach proposed by Chieu
and Ng (Chieu and Ng, 2003) to look for sequences
of capitalized words in an ad d that match (poten-
tial) acronyms found in d. If a sequence of cap-
italized letters in an ad matches the word k being
evaluated, then we treat k as an acronym.
3.4 Extracting Data for Query
Having identified the domain of an ad d (in Sec-
tion 3.2) and assigned the corresponding type to each
(non-stop) keyword k in d (in Section 3.3), AdProc
proceeds to extract data in d and populate the under-
lying DB
employed by AdProc in answering queries
on ads. In this regard, extracting information from
unstructured data sources is a classification process,
of units.html
of cities, towns, and
villages in the United States
The DB schema for each ad domain is defined prior to
invoking AdProc to automate the data extraction process.
since k is either assigned as a value to its correspond-
ing attribute in the DB record of d or a “not-valid” la-
bel, indicating that k will not be populated to the DB.
We apply the C4.5 decision tree algorithm
(Mitchell, 1997) to construct a decision tree for ex-
tracting data from online ads. Decision trees are
widely-used and employ a simple classification tech-
nique for inductive inference which utilizes the de-
cision process as a set of if-then rules. The algo-
rithm applies the divide-and-conquer strategy and re-
cursively partitions the training instances into sub-
sets according to a splitting criterion (test separation),
which is predefined prior to constructing the tree. We
construct a decision tree for each previously-defined
ad domain (schema).
Prior to extracting and populating data in online
ads to the underlying DB, we first define the set of
training instances S for constructing the correspond-
ing decision tree. A training instance in S, which is
associated with a keyword k in an online ad d, is a
sextuple of the form < f
, f
, f
, f
, f
, A>, where
(1 i 5) is one of the possible values which can
be assigned to i, where i Feature-Set with features
defined below, and A is one of the DB attributes in the
corresponding schema for which k is a valid value of
A or A is the label “not-valid” (when k is not a valid
attribute value). Each feature i in Feature-Set is de-
fined below.
1. Keyword-Type is the attribute type of k.
2. Previous-Keyword-Type is the attribute type of
the keyword immediately preceding k in d.
3. Post-Keyword-Type is the attribute type of the
keyword immediately following k in d.
4. Previous-Keyword-Attribute is the DB attribute
of the keyword immediately preceding k in d.
5. Closest-Type-IV is the Type IV keyword in d that
is closest to k.
The possible values of Keyword-Type, Previous-
Keyword-Type, and Post-Keyword-Type are Type I -
IV, whereas the possible values of Previous-Keyword-
Attribute include the set of attributes in the DB
schema corresponding to the domain of d and the la-
bel “not-valid”.
The features in Feature-Set are defined for captur-
ing essential information to accurately identify each
keyword k as an attribute value, which are based on
the context in which k appears, i.e., based on other
keywords that appear before and after k, in an online
ad. Moreover, the Closest-Type-IV feature identifies
keywords commonly associated with numerical val-
ues for data extraction. For example, given the phrase
“25 acres”, we rely on the keyword “acres”, i.e., the
Easy to Find: A Natural Language Query Processing System on Advertisements Using an Automatically Populated Database
closest Type IV keyword to “25”, in assigning the nu-
merical value “25” to its corresponding DB attribute.
AdProc constructs a decision tree for each ads do-
main of interest to perform the data extraction task.
A major task in constructing a decision tree is to es-
tablish the criterion used for identifying the feature
(in Feature-Set) that is the most effective in splitting
training instances into different groups, i.e., various
DB attributes in our case. A goodness measure used
for indicating the classification power of a split is the
information gain, which we adapt.
In f ormation Gain(S, F) =
) (8)
where F is a feature, Values(F) is the set of all possi-
ble values of F, S
is the subset of training instances
in S in which the value of F is f, |S
| (|S|, respec-
tively) is the number of training instances in S
(S, re-
spectively), and Entropy(S) is defined in Equation 9.
Entropy(S) =
where p
is the number of instances in S that include
attribute i, and |A| is the number of attributes in the
corresponding schema plus one, the “not-valid” label.
Constraints specified by users in natural language
queries must be translated into database query lan-
guages for execution. For the implementation of
AdProc, we selected SQL as the query language of
translation output. There are three common compo-
nents to a AdProc SQL query: the SELECT-FROM,
WHERE, and ORDER BY clauses.
4.1 The SELECT-FROM Clause
During the classification process, AdProc determines
the category of the given query Q, which dictates the
corresponding table name in the underlying database
scheme. To retrieve all the relevant information to
the user, AdProc extracts all the columns of the table
for each ad that satisfies the constraints specified in Q
using the wildcard (*), i.e., SELECT *.
4.2 The WHERE Clause
The WHERE clause is a logical combination of
each of the parsed constraints stated in a user query.
AdProc links each constraint to the corresponding at-
tribute/column in the database table in the WHERE
clause. Since in a natural language query Q the
user often does not identify the correct table column,
AdProc make inferences of the correct attribute based
on the information provided in Q. AdProc performs
the matching based on the “Type” constraints.
For Type I and Type II constraints, the correspond-
ing table column can be determined by a local
search of the value, called value matching, using
a trie data structure. For example, if “Toyota”
and “Camry” are specified as constraints, AdProc
looks up the corresponding trie (that is periodically
updated), which is created according to the col-
umn values of the DB tables, to determine whether
the values appear and their corresponding column
names, i.e., “Make” and “Model”, respectively.
Value matching has the potential to return multiple
rows for a single value, since a constraint value may
appear in different rows in the corresponding table.
For Type III constraints, they cannot be identified
by using their corresponding attributes based on
value matching due to the infinite nature of num-
bers. A similar approach to the value matching,
however, can be performed by using the unit of the
Type III constraint instead of the value alone. For
this strategy to be effective, two conditions must be
satisfied: (i) each Type III attribute in the DB table
includes a list of related units (which is anticipated)
and (ii) there is an attached unit for each Type III
constraint in a query (which is often the case).
The WHERE clause of the SQL query is composed of
the translated constraints of Types I, II, and/or III. The
values of Type I and Type II constraints are compared
with the column values in SQL using the
tor, which requires that the given substring appears in
all matches. For Type III comparison constraints, if a
comparison operator is not given, the equality opera-
tion (=) is assumed. For range Type III comparisons,
operator is used.
4.3 The ORDER BY Clause
The “ORDER BY” clause is created for implicit
sorting order of Type III comparisons. These im-
plicit constraints come from sorting each result by
its distance from the optimal value of the compari-
son. Equality comparisons have an optimal value of
the number to be matched on, and they are sorted by
, where x is a Type III attribute value and y
is an expected value. < or operations have an opti-
mal value of 0, whereas > or operations have an op-
timal value of infinity, i.e., . Ranges have no optimal
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
value, and therefore do not create an implicit sorting
constraint. Consider the constraints specified in Q,
Toyota blue Camry or white Corolla 2015 less than
$15000 in NY”. In the WHERE clause, the constraint
“Toyota” is determined to be car
, “blue” and
“white” are
, whereas “Camry” and “Corolla”
are car
. “2015” is assumed to be a year, since
it is within the range of
. The constraint “less
than $15K” matches with
because of the dollar
sign. Lastly, “NY”, an abbreviation of “New York”, is
matched in the
table as a
value. Here-
after, the ORDER BY clause is constructed in which
“2015 is the optimal value for
minimized. The constructed SQL statement for Q is
WHERE (make LIKE “Toyota” AND ((color LIKE
“blue” AND model LIKE “Camry”) OR (color
LIKE “white” AND model LIKE “Corolla”))
AND year = 2015 AND price < 15000 AND
location LIKE “New York”)
ORDER BY ABS(year - 2015), price;
In this section, we assess the performance of AdProc
by evaluating its major tasks in populating ads and an-
swering ads queries. We (i) first introduce the dataset
and metrics used for the performance evaluation (in
Sections 5.1 and 5.2, respectively), and (ii) analyze
its accuracy in classifying (in Section 5.3), tagging
(in Section 5.4), extracting ads data (in Section 5.5),
and evaluating its populating process (in Section 5.6),
besides retrieving answers to queries (in Section 5.7).
5.1 The Dataset
To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing
dataset for evaluating classification, labeling, and/or
data extraction of online ads. Thus, we have cre-
ated our own dataset, denoted EData, for assessing
the performance of AdProc based on it.
EData consists of 80,000 uniformly distributed
online ads, with 10,000 ads in each of the eight dif-
ferent ads domains, which were randomly extracted
from Craigslist.org, a popular source of unstructured
ads in various domains, and Coupons.com. The eight
domains are cars(-for-sale), food (coupons), furni-
ture, houses(-for-sale), jewelry, C(omputer) S(cience)
jobs, motorcycles(-for-sale), and music(al instru-
ments). These chosen ads domains vary in terms of
their (i) diversity, which include ads in jobs, food,
housing, transportation, and entertainment that offer
our daily needs, (ii) ad size, from arbitrary long (such
as houses) ads to relativelyshort (such as jewelry) ads,
and (iii) word distribution, i.e., different word usage
associated with different types of ads. Moreover, to
test the versatility of AdProc, domains that are closely
related, e.g., cars and motorcycles, and diverse, e.g.,
food and jobs, in content and nature were chosen.
To obtain a representative set of queries for veri-
fying the accuracy of AdProc from (i) classifying ads
queries to their corresponding domains to (ii) retriev-
ing answers in multiple ads domains, we collected
1,750 queries on the eight ads domains from Face-
book users between January 9, 2023 and May 11,
2023. These Facebook users were recruited by the
(friends of the) authors for the empirical studies.
5.2 Evaluation Measures
To evaluate the effectiveness of AdProc in classifying
ads, tagging keywords, extracting ads data, and as-
signing users’ queriesto their correspondingdomains,
we rely on the accuracy ratio defined below.
Accuracy =
classified instances
where |Dataset| is the size of a given dataset, i.e., the
total number of instances considered for evaluation,
and Correctly
classified instances is the number of
instances correctly classified/labeled/extracted by the
corresponding evaluated method.
To measure the accuracy of AdProc in retrieving
correct answers, we compare the answers generated
by AdProc on each one of the 1,750 Facebook queries
with the ones on the same answer set provided by a
group of 350 independent Facebook appraisers, which
serve as the gold-standard, using the Spearman Rank
Correlation Coefficient (SRCC) (Callan and Connell,
2001). SRCC returns -1 or 1, where ‘1’ indicates that
the two given results to be compared are identical and
‘-1’ implies that the results are not related.
× (
( f
where d
is the difference between the two results for
the same query i, n is the total number of queries, f
is the number of ties in the k
( 1) group of ties
created by the appraisers.
To measure the performance of AdProc in cor-
rectly transforming the information needs expressed
in a user’s query into a correct SQL statement, we use
precision as the evaluation metric.
Precision =
#Correct Matches Retrieved by AdProc
#Records Retrieved by SQL
Easy to Find: A Natural Language Query Processing System on Advertisements Using an Automatically Populated Database
Figure 1: Accuracy ratio and classification time for the
80,000 ads used for determining the ideal value of n, the
size of the reduced vocabulary for ads classification.
where a correct match is a retrieved answer that satis-
fies all the search criteria specified in a query.
5.3 Classification of Ads
Prior to performing the classification task, feature se-
lection introduced in Section 3.2.2 is applied to re-
duce the size of the vocabulary, i.e., the number of dis-
tinct keywords in EData, so that the top n ( 1) non-
stopwords and alphanumerical keywords are chosen
for representing ads in the corresponding domains.
Figure 1 depicts the accuracy ratio and classification
time for determining the ideal value n (= 1,000).
Figure 2 shows that the accuracy ratio of clas-
sifying EData ads in each domain, and the aver-
age achieved by AdProc are in the ninety percentile.
Ads in the jobs, food coupons, and houses domains
achieve higher classification accuracy, whereas cars
and motorcycles achieve lower accuracy ratios. We
observed that domains in which (i) ads descriptions
are short, such as jewelry ads, and (ii) their word us-
age is similar to the one in others, such as cars and
motorcycles ads, tend to yield lower accuracy.
To analyze the effectiveness of the proposed clas-
sifier in assigning ads to their corresponding domains,
we used a confusion matrix, denoted CF. CF (=
i, j
]) displays the total number of instances I
i, j
(i 6= j)
in class c
which have been misclassified into class
, and the principal diagonal of CF denotes the to-
tal number of instances correctly classified. Table 1
shows that most of the classification errors occur
when any two ads domains share a similar probability
distribution on a considerable number of keywords,
e.g., cars and motorcycles, as mentioned earlier.
We have verified the effectiveness of the classi-
fier used by AdProc to a greater extent by comparing
its classification accuracy with two other well-known
classifiers, the multinomial Na¨ıve Bayes (MNB) clas-
sifier (McCallum and Nigam, 1998) and the SVM
Figure 2: Classification accuracy of ads in EData.
Figure 3: Classification accuracy obtained by using MNB,
SVM, and the classifier of AdProc, JBBSM, on EData.
extracted from WEKA
, an open-source collection
of machine learning algorithms, based on the 80,000
Craigslist.org and Coupons.com ads in EData.
MNB follows the premises of the Na¨ıve Bayes
classifier (as discussed in Section 3.2) in assigning a
document to a class. As opposed to the Joint Beta-
Binomial Sampling model (JBBSM) introduced in
Section 3.2.1, MNB computes the probability of a
keyword w
in a class c
, P(w
), by considering the
frequency of keyword occurrence in each document,
whereas SVM is as defined in Section 3.3. Figure 3
shows that the classifier of AdProc, i.e., JBBSM, out-
performs MNB and SVM in assigning ads in EData
to their corresponding domain, and the results are sta-
tistically significant (p< 0.05) based on the Wilcoxon
Signed-Rank test (Rey and Neuh¨auser, 2011).
To further assess the effectiveness of AdProc in
ads classification, we repeated the conducted exper-
iments two more times, using two new subsets of
80,000 ads uniformly distributed among the eight do-
mains. The overall evaluation of AdProc in terms ads
classification is shown in Table 2.
5.4 Tagging Keywords Based on Types
To assess the effectiveness of the multi-class SVM
approach (introduced in Section 3.3) on tagging key-
words in ads according to their corresponding types,
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: The confusion matrix generated according to (in)correctly classified ads in EData.
Ads Domain Cars Food Furniture Houses Jewelry CS Jobs Motorcycles Music
Cars 927 1 3 2 0 0 67 0
Food 0 987 3 2 6 1 1 0
Furniture 8 2 979 5 1 0 0 5
Houses 1 1 6 985 1 4 0 2
Jewelry 4 4 5 8 963 5 5 6
CS Jobs 0 1 0 2 2 988 0 7
Motorcycles 58 1 3 3 1 1 931 2
Music 1 3 4 5 3 7 2 975
Table 2: Averaged accuracy for AdProc, as well as the clas-
sification approaches used for comparison.
Classification Approach Accuracy
MNB 87.4 +/- 0.8
SVM 92.4 +/- 0.4
AdProc 97.8 +/- 1.1
Figure 4: Performance evaluation using AdProcs multi-
class SVM, as well as alternative machine learning ap-
proaches, for tagging keywords.
we first created training/test instances using each
of the ads in EData and for each non-stop, non-
numerical keyword in each ad we extracted the cor-
responding features, as discussed in Section 3.3.3.
As shown in Figure 4, the overall accuracy of our
SVM in assigning Types I-IV tags to keywords in ads
is in the 90 percentile. Most of the misclassification
errors occur when attribute values that should be as-
signed a Type I tag are incorrectly labeled as Type II.
When none of the keywords in an ad are bolded, ital-
icized, or capitalized, the values assigned to features,
such as Is-Style or Is-capitalized, are the same for key-
words of Types I and II, which causes the misclassi-
fication. Figure 4 also reveals that Type II attribute
values yields the lowest accuracy, since they are often
labeled as Type IV due to their proximity in ads.
To further assess AdProcs tagger, we have com-
pared its performance with two other widely-used ap-
proaches, C4.5 decision tree classifier and an artificial
neural network, since decision trees and neural net-
works are frequently adopted to solve machine learn-
ing tasks, such as for text classification and labeling
(Mitchell, 1997). Figure 4 shows that the multi-class
SVM of AdProc outperformsthe two methods for tag-
ging keywords in ads according to their types, and
based on the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test, the results
are statistically significant (p < 0.04).
5.5 Extracting Ads Data
To determine the effectiveness of the decision-tree
based approach (introduced in Section 3.4) which as-
signs non-stop keywords in ads that are valid attribute
values to their corresponding DB attributes, we first
created training/test instances using the ads in EData.
In constructing the instances, we considered the (i)
domain assigned to each ad in EData, (ii) type of each
non-stop keyword in the ads, and (iii) features defined
in Section 3.4. The set of training/test instances in-
cludes approximately 135,400 feature vectors, one for
each non-stop keyword in EData ads.
Figure 5 shows the high accuracy ratio of AdProc
in assigning valid attribute values to their correspond-
ing DB attributes in different ads domains. On the
average, the decision-tree based approach achieves
95.8% accuracy. Based on the conducted empirical
study, we have observed that the accuracy ratios for
ads domains that contain a large number of attributes
are lower compared with others with a smaller num-
ber. This is because the larger the number of DB at-
tributes, proportionally the lower the number of avail-
able instances in any training set that describe a par-
ticular DB attribute to train the decision tree, which
translates into lower accuracy ratios in correctly as-
signing values to the attribute. Furthermore, (i) key-
words of Types I and II in the cars and motorcycles
domains are often correctly assigned to their corre-
sponding DB attributes, and (ii) keywords of Type IV
are not assigned to any DB attribute, as anticipated.
However, the overall accuracy of each of these two
domains is among the lowest of the eight domains.
This is caused by the common (numerical) Type III
attribute values which are assigned to incorrect DB at-
tributes with the same or compatible domain(s), e.g.,
Easy to Find: A Natural Language Query Processing System on Advertisements Using an Automatically Populated Database
Figure 5: Accuracy ratios of data extraction computed for
the eight domains in our empirical study.
in motorcycles ads, ‘2000 is assigned to the attribute
‘Year’, instead of the attribute ‘Miles’.
We have compared the performance of AdProc, in
terms of extracting data from online ads to populate
the DB, with the WEKA implementation of two ma-
chine learning approaches: the Decision Tables Na¨ıve
Bayes approach (DTNB) in (Hall and Frank, 2008)
and the Rule Induction approach in (Cohen, 1995),
denoted JRIP. DTNB is a hybrid method that com-
bines two well-established approaches: decision ta-
bles and Na¨ıve Bayes classifiers. JRIP, on the other
hand, is a bottom-up method such that given a class,
i.e., a DB attribute A, it finds the set of rules that cover
all the members of that class, i.e., all the training in-
stances associated with A.
As shown in Figure 6, the decision-tree based
approach of AdProc outperforms the alternative ap-
proaches for extracting data from online ads. Al-
though the difference in accuracy between JRIP and
Decision Tree is less than 1%, AdProc is simpler in
terms of implementation, which has been verified.
Even though AdProc does not outperform JRIP, it sur-
passes DTNB and the results are statistical significant
(p < 0.05) based on the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test.
In comparing with DTNB and JRIP on extracting
data from online ads to populate the underlying DB,
Figure 7 shows that the training and testing time of
Decision Tree on EData are reduced on an average
by 45% and 46%, respectively. These results verify
that AdPorc is an efficient tool for data extraction.
5.6 Accuracy in Populating the DB
To assess the overall performance of AdProc, in terms
of its accuracy in populating the DB with extracted
ads data, we first created a new collection of ads, de-
noted TData. TData consist of 8,000 Craigslist.org
and Coupons.com ads, uniformly distributed among
the eight ads domains. A DB record d created by
AdProc is treated as incorrect if (i) at least one valid
attribute value in the ad used for creating d is assigned
to a wrong DB attribute in d or not assigned to d, or
Figure 6: Performance evaluation using the decision trees of
AdProc and other machine learning methods for extracting
data from ads to create DB records.
Figure 7: Training/Testing time of DTNB, JRIP, and deci-
sion tree using the instances created for non-stop keywords
in EData for data extraction.
(ii) a Type IV, non-essential attribute, value in an ad is
assigned to an attribute in d. The calculated accuracy
ratio of correct DB records generated by AdProc on
the ads in TData is 80.3%.
Besides measuring the accuracy ratio at the record
level, we conducted the same evaluation at the DB
attribute level. In doing so, we determined the por-
tion of attribute values that were correctly assigned to
their corresponding DB attributes. The experimental
results show that AdProc correctly assigned 96.4% (=
) of the attribute values in TData. As shown
in Figure 8
, most of the incorrect DB records in-
clude a low percentage, i.e., between 10% and 15%,
of incorrectly assigned attributes values. In fact, each
incorrectly created record includes at least 85% cor-
rectly assigned attribute values.
Based on the conducted experiments, we draw the
conclusion that AdProc is highly accurate in assign-
ing keywords in an ad A to its corresponding attribute
in the DB record of A (according to the predefined ad
schema to which A belongs), since close to 90% of the
DB records are either correctly created (i.e., 80.3%)
or have at most 15% of invalid attribute values in their
DB attributes as shown in Figure 8.
If the percentage of incorrect attribute values in a given
DB record R falls in between the interval of any two per-
centages shown in Figure 8, R is counted towards the incor-
rect number of records rounded to the nearest percentage.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 8: Error distribution in terms of percentages of at-
tribute values incorrectly assigned to DB attributes in the
288 incorrectly created DB records.
Figure 9: Average SRCC values and Precision computed
for the eight ads domains.
5.7 Accuracy on Processing Queries
In verifying the accuracy on answers retrieved by
AdProc, we computed the SRCC values on the an-
swers to each one of the 1,750 Facebook queries in
multiple ads domains compiled by the appraisers. As
shown in Figure 9, regardless of the ads domain being
evaluated, AdProc achieves an accuracy for each ads
domain that is alike the gold standard established by
the 350 appraisers. The average SRCC value on the
eight domains, which is in the 73%, verifies that the
retrieval strategy adopted by AdProc is reliable. Fig-
ure 9 also includes the average precision of the DB
records retrieved (up till the 15
) for each one of the
1,750 Facebook queries in the eight ads domains with
an average precision of 93%.
To further measure the performance of AdProc in
retrieving answers that match the constraints speci-
fied in users’ natural language queries, we randomly
selected one third of the queries created by our Face-
book users, i.e., 1,750, and processed them using
AdProc. The evaluation metrics for measuring the
correctness of retrieving exactly-matched answers to
a user query are precision (P), recall (R), and F-
measure, where a correct match is a retrieved (up till
the 15
) DB record that satisfies all the search criteria
specified in a question. We measured precision based
on the correct (up till the 15
) DB records retrieved,
and recall without restricting the total number of DB
records retrieved. Since it can be biased to mea-
sure the effectiveness of AdProc using precision and
recall alone, we consider the F-measure which com-
bines precision and recall with the same weight as-
signed to the two measures. AdProc achieves 94.2%,
93.3%, and 93.9% for the averaged P, R, and F-
measure, respectively. We found that most of the test
questions yield 100% for P and R, whereas a few yield
0%, i.e., answers are either correct or incorrect.
5.7.1 Existing Approaches to be Compared
Besides verifying the accuracy of AdProc based on
SRCC, P, R, and F-measure for answering natural
language queries, we present four query processing
approaches to be compared with AdProc below.
Random Processing (Meng et al., 2009) shuffles
all the retrieved DB records into some potentially new
order by using a random number generator. In this
case, we implemented the number generator using
the pseudorandomness from Python’s random mod-
ule, which served as a useful baseline measure.
FAQFinder (Burke et al., 1997) uses TF-IDF for
computing the similarity of different results to the
constraints specified in user queries. Generally, TF
is the number of times an ad fulfills some constraint,
and IDF is the relative rarity of that constraint being
fulfilled by other ads.
Cosine similarity (Li and Han, 2013) relies on the
Vector Space Model (VSM). Each ad is represented
as a vector of numeric values, where each value in-
dicates whether the correspondent constraint is satis-
fied, which is ‘1 if it is, and ‘0’ otherwise, and the
score of the ad is calculated as the cosine similarity
between the ad vector and the query constraint vector.
AIMQ (Nambiar and Kambhampati, 2006) de-
pends on attribute-value pairs (denoted AV-pairs) to
generate the associated supertuple of each attribute.
A supertuple is an inferred DB tuple A that contains a
set of attribute values, each of which includes a sum-
mary of values in the corresponding table column, and
is used for calculating the similarity of categorical
attributes. AIMQ determines the similarity between
query Q and a DB tuple (i.e., record) A.
5.7.2 Comparison of Performance Evaluation
To avoid bias, the top-3 answers for each one of
the 1,750 randomly-selected test queries generated by
each of the five natural language query processing
approaches were evaluated by the 350 Facebook ap-
praisers. The appraisers were asked to determine the
relevance of the 15 chosen results for the correspond-
ing query. The study was performed between May 20
Easy to Find: A Natural Language Query Processing System on Advertisements Using an Automatically Populated Database
Figure 10: Precision@K (K = 1, 3) and MRR scores on
the (top-3) answers achieved by AdProc and other query
processing approaches for the 1,750 test queries
and May 27, 2023. The metric P@1, P@3, and MRR
were computed based on the evaluation provided by
the 135 Facebook users on the 1,750 test cases, which
serve as the ground truth for this empirical study.
As shown in Figure 10, QuePR outperforms the
other four querying systems based on P@1, P@3,
and MRR, which verifies the effectiveness of AdProc.
The results are statistically significant based on the
Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test (p < 0.01).
Among all the ve approaches, the P@1, P@3,
and MRR values for FAQFinder are the lowest, ex-
cept the Random approach, since FAQFinder uses a
simple method that does not compare numerical at-
tributes. On individual category, we observed that the
lowest scores on the three measures for AdProc occur
in the jobs category. For this category, appraisers did
not consider the answers based on their similarity to
the original query. For example, a Java programmer
job is closely related to a C++ programmer job, but
the appraisers considered the answers based on which
result is more relevant to their own expertise and ex-
perience, which is different from one user to another.
We have introduced AdProc, a closed domain natural
languagequery processing system on multiple ads do-
mains, which (i) automates the process of classifying,
extracting, and populating data from online ads to its
underlying database, (ii) relies on simple probabilistic
models to determine the domain an ad query belongs,
and (iii) generates answers that match the informa-
tion needs expressed in an ad query. Empirical stud-
ies conducted on a set of 80,000 online ads show that
AdProc is highly effective in classifying ads in mul-
tiple domains and labeling and extracting their data,
with accuracy in the ninety percentile. Furthermore,
the approaches adopted by AdProc outperform other
machine learning approaches (up to 9%) in accom-
plishing the same task. In addition, a conducted study
has verified the effectiveness of AdProc in answering
natural language queries in multiple ads domains.
For future work, we intend to further enhance
AdProc so that it can (i) automatically define the
schema of the underlying database for storing ads
from multiple domains, and (ii) handle online ads that
include multiple products within the same ad, such as
video games ads.
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Easy to Find: A Natural Language Query Processing System on Advertisements Using an Automatically Populated Database