An Ontology-Based Question-Answering, from Natural Language to
Davide Varagnolo
, Dora Melo
2,3 a
and Irene Pimenta Rodrigues
1,3 b
Department of Informatics, University of
Evora, Portugal
Polytechnic of Coimbra, Coimbra Business School - ISCAC, Coimbra, Portugal
NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics, NOVA LINCS, Caparica, Portugal
Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Discovery, Semantic Web, Archives
Linked Data Semantic Representation.
In this paper an Ontology-based Question-Answering system for exploring the information on CIDOC-CRM
ontology representing the Portuguese Archives metadata text descriptions is presented. The proposed approach
transforms the natural language input question into a SPARQL query over the target knowledge base, the
Portuguese Archives CIDO-CRM Population. To interpret the user´s natural language questions, a pipeline
with a natural language grammar, Stanza, a Discourse Representation Structure builder and the final question
interpretation on a Query ontology is used. After obtaining the best representation of the user question on
the Query ontology, the query constraints classes and properties are translated to CIDOC-CRM ontology
and a SPARQL query is generated. The matching of the questions DRS on the query ontology is done as a
constraint satisfaction problem and the choice of the best interpretation (matching) is obtained by solving a
multi-objective optimizer.
The representation of information on an Ontology,
such as CIDOC-CRM (Conceptual Reference Model)
which was developed for museums by the Interna-
tional Committee for Documentation (CIDOC) of the
International Council of Museums (ICOM) (Megh-
ini and Doerr, 2018; ICOM/CIDOC, 2020), enables
new searches using dedicated interfaces or using a
specific query language, such as SPARQL. In the re-
search project EPISA (Entity and Property Inference
for Semantic Archives), one of the achieved results
is the migration of the Portuguese Archival Informa-
tion into CIDOC-CRM Ontology (Melo et al., 2023).
This OWL knowledge base also includes the repre-
sentation of the information extracted from the semi-
structured text fields of the Portuguese Archives meta-
data, such as passport requisitions or baptism regis-
ters (Melo et al., 2023; Melo et al., 2020; Varagnolo.
et al., 2022).
Information on Birth events could be extracted
from the metadata of the archival materials of the Por-
tuguese Catholic Church Archives referring to bap-
tisms and marriages, or from the Portuguese Civil
Administration Archives metadata, referring to pass-
port requisitions, testaments, marriages or divorces
(Varagnolo. et al., 2022). To explore this informa-
tion represented in CIDOC-CRM, SPARQL queries
or DL-Queries are adequate tools to be used. Por-
tuguese Archives users who are interested in explor-
ing the content of the archive find difficult the use
of a formal query language such as SPARQL. A
Question-Answering system for exploring the infor-
mation on CIDOC-CRM ontology was developed to
enable these Portuguese Archives users to explore the
information migrated to CIDOC-CRM. This system
translates natural language questions into SPARQL
queries on CIDOC-CRM.
is the standard query language and pro-
tocol for Linked Open Data on the web or for RDF
triplestores that enables users to query information
from knowledge bases mapped to RDF, such as OWL
knowledge bases. Querying such knowledge bases
using SPARQL queries is difficult and complex, even
for experts. In addition to the syntax and semantics
Varagnolo, D., Melo, D. and Rodrigues, I.
An Ontology-Based Question-Answering, from Natural Language to SPARQL Query.
DOI: 10.5220/0012180000003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 174-181
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
of the SPARQL language, it is also necessary to know
the information representation model of the knowl-
edge base.
The natural language processing module uses a
state-of-the-art statistical English parser, Universal
dependencies parser - Stanza
and the semantic rep-
resentation of the question is a simplified form of a
discourse representation structure (Kamp and Reyle,
1993; Geurts et al., 2020).
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents the proposed approach on
how a natural language question is transformed into a
SPARQL query representation. The process of trans-
forming the natural language input question into its
discourse representation structures variants, based on
syntactic analysis and dependencies tree, is explained
in Section 3. The Query Ontology, which serves as
a middle layer to adequately interpret the vocabulary
used in the input question and the knowledge base, is
detailed in Section 4. Afterwards, Section 5 explains
the methodology used to choose the best semantic in-
terpretation solution. In Section 6, the transformation
process of the semantic interpretation solution, as a
Query Ontology representation, into the correspond-
ing SPARQL query is presented. The evaluation of
the proposed Question-Answering System is detailed
in Section 7. Finally, in Section 8, conclusions and
future work are drawn.
The strategy followed in transforming a natural lan-
guage question into a SPARQL query representation,
see Figure 1, includes a pipeline with three modules:
Partial Semantic Representation, Pragmatic interpre-
tation, and SPARQL generator.
The Partial Semantic Representation module has
two steps. First, a dependency parser, Stanza
, is ap-
plied to the question and, then, the resulting parser
tree is transformed into a set of partial Discourse Rep-
resentation Structures (DRSs), performed by the DRS
process and detailed in Subsection 3.1. This module is
language-independent and domain-independent, the
Stanza is defined for many languages and the DRS
process uses the Universal Dependencies Tags de-
fined equally for all languages. As an illustrative ex-
ample, consider the question ”Which children were
born in 1900?”. The dependency tree is shown in
Figure 2 and the corresponding DRS obtained by the
Stanza library
Partial Semantic Representation module is illustrated
in Figure 3.
The next module, Pragmatic interpretation,
rewrites the partial semantic representations of a
question into a set of variant meanings of the question
in the domain-specific context, see Subsection 3.3 for
further details. This process uses an ontology-based
domain representation detailed in Section 4, and a
multi-objective optimization approach to choose the
best interpretation of the question in the domain on-
tology context, further details are presented in Section
5. Regarding the illustrative question example, Figure
4 presents the solution obtained by this module.
Finally, a SPARQL Query Builder is applied to
the Semantic Query Representation solution and gen-
erates the corresponding SPARQL query representa-
tion, more details are presented in see Section 6.
Each partial question representation results from:
first, applying a Universal Dependencies Parser
obtain the syntactic dependency representation of the
question, which contains the question terms properly
classified and the existing syntactic relations between
them; and, then, an algorithm is applied to rewrite the
dependency parser into a simplified discourse repre-
sentation structure. This algorithm is based on the
Discourse Representation Theory (Kamp and Reyle,
1993) restricted to some discourse phenomena, such
as establishing that variables are always existentially
quantified and conditionals are not considered (Silva
et al., 2023). These options make the question rep-
resentation consistent with the domain-specific ontol-
ogy structure. In the future, this algorithm can be ex-
tended or replaced by a new tool such as a semantic
parser (
y et al., 2020; Reddy et al., 2016).
To interpret all the DRS variants, each DRS is
mapped on the Query ontology by representing this
process as a constraint satisfaction problem.
3.1 DRS Builder from Dependency
The partial semantic representation of the question,
a simplified discourse representation structure (DRS)
Stanza library(
is used to perform the syntactic analysis of the question.
Stanza is a Python natural language analysis package, con-
taining a collection of accurate and efficient tools for the
linguistic analysis of many human languages.
An Ontology-Based Question-Answering, from Natural Language to SPARQL Query
Figure 1: Natural Language Questions Representation as SPARQL Queries Architecture.
Figure 2: Dependencies Tree of the question ”Which chil-
dren were born in 1900?”.
Figure 3: DRS of the question ”Which children were born
in 1900?”.
Figure 4: Query Ontology Solution of the question ”Which
children were born in 1900?”.
(Kamp and Reyle, 1993), is defined by using the de-
pendency tags, where:
Each noun phrase gives rise to a corresponding
discourse referent.
Each verb also gives rise to a corresponding dis-
course referent representing the event or action.
Each subject, object and indirect object of a verb,
and modifiers, such as propositional phrases, ad-
jectives and adverbs, define the relations between
discourse referents, namely the conditions.
A discourse entity is represented by a referent that
is always existentially quantified and the information
on the determinant and the lemma will be kept. A
condition is defined as having a name composed of
the lemma and the syntactic role, preposition or sub-
ject, and one or two discourse referents.
3.2 Constraint Satisfaction Problem
To map a DRS into an Ontology as a constraint satis-
faction problem (CSP) the problem is defined by:
1. the set of variables X = {X
, X
, ..., X
}, X
, the
discourse referents;
2. the set of variable domain values D =
, D
, ..., D
}, D
the ontology classes;
3. the set of constraints C = (C
...) ...
...), established by the conditions in the
partial representation and the object properties in
the ontology.
The set of variables X is defined by the set of
discourse referents and the corresponding domain for
each variable is defined by the set of ontology classes,
i.e., each variable X
can take any value from the
nonempty domain D. Therefore, each variable can
take any value from the ontology classes.
The set of constraints is defined by applying re-
strictions to the variables according to the conditions
in the DRS and the object properties in the ontol-
ogy, i.e., for each condition from discourse referent
to discourse referent X
in the semantic represen-
tation, the conjunction of the following restrictions is
added: for each object property in the ontology with
domain D
and range D
, the disjunction of the con-
straint (X
= D
= D
) is added.
An evaluation of the variables is a function from
a subset of variables to a particular set of values in
the corresponding subset of domains. An evaluation
v satisfies a constraint C
if the values assigned to the
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
variables satisfy the constraint C
. A solution is an
evaluation that is consistent, i.e. does not violate any
of the constraints, and that is complete, i.e. includes
all variables. Such an evaluation is said to solve the
constraint satisfaction problem.
The Python tool CP-SAT Solver
is used to solve
the constraint satisfaction problem.
3.3 Ontology Content-Matching
Ontology Content-Matching consists of obtaining the
instances of ontology classes and properties that com-
plete each CSP solution, i.e., consists of the matching
process between the DRS’s relations and the ontology
properties for each CSP solution.
For each DRS condition, C
= (X
, P
, X
) in a
CSP solution, it is determined the ontology property
that links the ontology classes values of the vari-
ables X
and X
, obtaining the ontology representation
of the solution. If there exists more than one ontology
property in these conditions, it means various ontol-
ogy representations exist for the question.
Completing the ontology content-matching pro-
cess results in a set of ontology solutions for each
Query Ontology is a domain-specific knowledge base
structure where concepts and properties reflect the vo-
cabulary used in the input question and the knowledge
base, the expressed information needs and the repre-
sentation of the knowledge base, and the syntax and
semantics of the SPARQL queries. In the following
subsections, the Query Ontology is explained in more
4.1 Ontology for Representing
SPARQL Queries
The user input question concept is defined as a
’Query’, in the Query Ontology. A ’Query’ has an
’Object’ or an ’Action’, and a ’Qualifier’ that
corresponds to the SPARQL structure:
SELECT (Qualifier(?Object) as ?result)
WHERE { (...) }
For instance, consider the question
”Which are the children born in 1900?”
5, https:
t/python/cp model
The representation of this question is defined as a
’Query’ composed of a ’qualifier’, with the value
’which’, and an ’Object’ corresponding to the child
born in 1900.
If it is considered syntactic variants of the ques-
tion, such as ”Which children were born in 1900?”,
then their representation in the Query Ontology is the
same as the previous one.
Now, consider the following question:
”How many children were born between 1900
and 1910, per woman?”
This question has a modifier, the prepositional phrase
’per woman’, reflecting a grouping to perform the an-
swer. The intention of the user is to be informed of
the total of children for each woman during a period
of time.
To enable this type of query, the ontology must be
extended to allow aggregations:
SELECT ?Aggregate (Qualifier(?Object) as ?result)
WHERE { (...) } GROUP BY ?Aggregate
The modifier ’per woman’ is associated with this
type of SPARQL query, where ’Aggregate’ corre-
sponds to ’woman’ and in the clause ’Where’ there
must exist a property in the ontology linking the
’Object’ to the ’Aggregation’. The question
’Qualifier’ is ’how many’.
The ontology extension to represent queries with
aggregations is:
Classes = {Query; Object; Qualifier}
Object properties = {Query select Object;
Query aggregate Object; Query qQualifier
This ontology will be populated from the content
of the user input questions, and then from the ontol-
ogy instances, a SPARQL query can be generated.
4.2 Ontology for Matching the
Questions DRS
A user input question DRS is the semantic represen-
tation of the user question and is defined as: a set of
discourse referents and a set of conditions on the dis-
course referents and constants.
The ontology matching is done by assigning an
Ontology Class to each discourse referent and an Ob-
ject Property or Data Property to each condition.
Consider now the question:
”Which are the children born?”
Its DRS is composed of:
Discourse referents = {X1 - to be; X2 - Which;
X3 - Child; X4 - Born}
An Ontology-Based Question-Answering, from Natural Language to SPARQL Query
Conditions = {X1 subj X2; X1 obj X3; X4 obj
The corresponding Ontology classes to each en-
tity referent are {X1 - Query; X2 - Qualifier; X3
- Person; X4 - Born}.
Therefore, the Query Ontology is extended to in-
clude the classes corresponding to the concepts ’Per-
son’ and ’Activity’, as follows.
Classes = {Query; Object - Person;
Qualifier; Activity - Born}
Object properties = {Query select Object;
Query aggregate Object; Query qQualifier
Qualifier; Born whomBorn Person; Born
fromBorn Person}
The corresponding Ontology Object Properties to
the DRS relations between referents should be { X1
subj X2 - qQualifier; X1 obj X3 - select; X4
obj X3 - whomBorn }
Note that the matching of ’X4 obj X3’ could be
’whomBorn’ or ’fromBorn’, since both properties
have the same domain and range classes.
4.2.1 Ontology Properties Annotations
To enable preferences taking into account the ques-
tion syntactic features, ontology properties are anno-
tated with their syntactic preferences. For instance,
the property ’whomBorn’ is annotated with the term
’obj’, and the property ’fromBorn’ is annotated
with the term ’obl from’ since, for instance, in a
question, the parents are indicated in a propositional
phrase with the preposition ’from’, as in ’John was
born from a young mother’.
4.2.2 Ontology New Instances and Properties
Inference Rules
Another problem that must be dealt with is when the
question’s syntactic structure is not as expected, such
as when a question modifier is attached to another
constituent as in the question:
”How many children were born per woman?”
This question DRS is composed of:
Discourse referents = {X1 - Born; X2 - Child;
X3 - Women}
Conditions = {X1 subj X2; X1 obl per X3; X2
oQualifier ’how many’}
The ontology matching of this DRS results in
{X1 - Born; X2 - Person; X3 - Person; X1 subj
X2 - whomBorn; X1 obl
per X3 - fromBorn; X2
nQualifier ’how many’}.
In this case, the question interpretation is not a
’Query’ but it is easy to guess what the query should
be and fix the representation: an ’Object’ can have
a data property ’oQualifier’ and a rule that should
be triggered when a question does not have a Query
in its representation:
oQualifier(A,Nql) -> new(Q,Query), select(Q,A),
new(Ql,Qualifier), has_name(Ql,Nql),
This rule creates a new instance of ’Query’ and a
new instance of ’Qualifier’, the query object is the
instance that has a ’oQualifier’. The question DRS
is then updated to {X1 - Born; X2 - Person; X3
- Person; X4 - Query; X5 - Qualifier; X1 subj
X2 - whomBorn; X1 obl per X3 - fromBorn; X2
nQualifier ’how many’ - oQualifier; X4 select
X2; X4 qQualifier X5}. However, the interpreta-
tion of the question is not yet complete, since its
representation does not have an aggregation.
The creation of an object property over the
’Activity’ will allow defining the aggregation re-
lation between an activity and an object.
Activity activity_agregation Object
And adding the following inference rule will guaran-
tee the existence of an aggregation over a ’Query’:
activity_aggregation(A,O1), query(Q) -> aggregation(A,O1)
At this point, it is necessary to assure that there
is a chain of properties linking the object selected to
the aggregation. The following properties, with the
corresponding annotation, are included in the Query
Person child_of Person
child_of:annot{"n per", "n for"}
Person ichild_of Person
ichild_of:annot{"obl_per", "obl_for"}
The matching of X2 obl per X3 can be the in-
tended relation ’ichild of’, since the annotation
"obl per" may be used when preferring the solution.
The representation of the question DRS is then {X1
- Born; X2 - Person; X3 - Person; X4 - Query;
X5 - Qualifier; X1 subj X2 - whomBorn; X1
obl per X3 - activity aggregate; X2 nQualifier
’how many’ - oQualifier; X4 select X2; X4
qQualifier X5; X4 aggregate X3; X2 child of
4.2.3 Ontology Class Annotations
The question vocabulary should enable preferences
on the Ontology classes assigned to the question dis-
course referents. For instance, the term ’child’ as-
sociated with the ontology class ’Person’ is a bet-
ter choice than associating it with the Class ’Place’.
To take into account the vocabulary preferences, the
ontology classes are annotated with ’lemmas’ that
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
better express their sense. For instance, the Ontol-
ogy class ’Person’ can be annotated with the lem-
mas: ’child’, ’mother’, ’father’, ’couple’,
etc. This information can be imported from domain-
controlled vocabularies or from general-purpose tax-
onomies, such as WordNet.
4.2.4 Inference Rules to Model Preferences on
Ontology Representations
The ontology can model representation preferences
by defining SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language)
such as:
select(?q,?o) -> entity_ok(?q, "1"ˆˆxsd:int)
The data property ’entity ok’ contains the eval-
uation of a question discourse referent interpretation.
The rule above evaluates a query to ’1’ if there is an
object associated with the query.
The next rule, states that a query with an aggrega-
tion is better than a query with a select.
select(?q,?o), aggregate(?q,?o1)
-> entity_ok(?q, "2"ˆˆxsd:int)
These preference rules are defined to give prefer-
ence weights to the interpretation of domain-specific
knowledge. For instance, the following rule states
that, in question interpretations, where there is a per-
son that has been born from a person on a date, is
better than the interpretation where the person is only
associated with a parent.
whomBorn(?a,?o1), fromBorn(?a,?o2)
-> entity_ok(?a, "1"ˆˆxsd:int)
The data property ’entity nok’ will also contain
the evaluation of questions discourse referents inter-
pretation, to express that some interpretation is not
oQualifier(?o, ?nq), Qualifier(?q),
sentence(?q,?nn) -> entity_nok(?q, -1)
The above rule states that when a question inter-
pretation has a qualifier attached to a noun, and there
is another ’Qualifier’ in the interpretation which
results from a question discourse referent, then the
question interpretation is evaluated as ’-1’, i.e., the in-
terpretation should be passed over by another possible
interpretation of the question.
4.2.5 Language Model Classes and Properties
In the ontology for representing SPARQL queries,
there are some classes and properties that are used
for meta-reasoning on the question representations.
These classes and properties should not be used
to match the discourse referents to obtain the cor-
responding question interpretation. To formalize
the classes and properties that can be used to
model the questions, a special ontology class, named
’Language Model’ is defined as a superclass of
those classes and the same procedure is done for ob-
ject and data properties.
Given a DRS, a semantic interpretation of the ques-
tion in the domain-specific ontology is defined as: the
assigning of an ontology class to each discourse ref-
erent; the assigning of an ontology object property
to each condition; and the assigning of an ontology
data property to each one argument condition, such as
’has text’, ‘has name’, ‘has value’ or ‘qualifier’.
Some of these assignments are more adequate
than others, corresponding to a more adequate seman-
tic interpretation of the question. A set of weighting
rules are applied to choose the best interpretation of
the question in the domain-specific ontology.
The time complexity of assigning an ontology
class to each discourse referent can be as high as
, where #C is the number of ontology classes and
#V is the number of discourse referents.
The question interpretation in the domain-specific
ontology can be seen as a multi-objective optimiza-
tion problem, where the weighting semantic, syntac-
tic, and lexical rules define the set of objective func-
5.1 Objective Functions Calculus
The ontology content-matching process produces a
set of possible solutions. To reduce this set of solu-
tions, it is applied a set of measures calculated from
each solution that evaluates the vocabulary interpreta-
tion, the adequacy of the object properties to the orig-
inal syntactic structure, the number of proper names,
and the semantic adequacy of the entities in the solu-
tion. In the best case, this reduction can lead to only
one ontology solution, corresponding to the best in-
terpretation of the question in the domain-specific on-
The evaluation measures, i.e., the objective func-
tions, considered are:
= the number of discourse referents that have
a class assigned matching the referent lemma.
An Ontology-Based Question-Answering, from Natural Language to SPARQL Query
= the number of discourse referents that have
a lemma belonging to the annotations of the as-
signed class.
= the number of object properties annotated
with the lemma of the DRS condition, translated
by the object property.
= the number of object properties annotated
with the ’n’+lemma of the DRS condition, trans-
lated by the object property.
= F
the sum of all V, for all I that entity ok(I,V)
the sum of all V, for all I that
entity nok(I,V)
- the number of proper names
For each ontology solution, the calculus of the
corresponding objective function values is performed,
and the maximum value of each objective function,
for all solutions, is calculated.
The set of best solutions is obtained by selecting
those that verify the greatest number from all the max-
imal values of the six objective functions.
The SPARQL Query Generation consists of trans-
forming the specific-domain ontology solution to a
SPARQL Query format, in the context of the Por-
tuguese Archival CIDOC-CRM population (Melo
et al., 2023; Melo et al., 2020; Varagnolo. et al., 2022;
Varagnolo et al., 2021).
The translation of the specific-domain solution
into SQARQL Query is accomplished by applying a
set of mapping description rules that for each indi-
vidual in the Query Ontology defines: its representa-
tion in the Portuguese Archival CIDOC-CRM repre-
sentation; or the corresponding part of the SPARQL
scheme, as explained in Subsection 4.1. Table 1
presents some of the mapping rules regarding the
examples illustrated throughout this work. For in-
stance, given the Query Ontology property whomBorn,
with domain Born and range Person, two vari-
ables are defined, one to address the domain and the
other the range, it is intended to find in the Por-
tuguese Archival CIDOC-CRM Population the per-
sons that were born. For this purpose the CIDOC-
CRM property cidoc:P98 brought into life is
used. Therefore, the CIDOC-CRM representa-
tion of ?Born1 whomBorn ?Person1 is ?Born1
cidoc:P98 brought into life ?Person1.
The evaluation of the proposed system can be done on
a dataset with natural language questions and the cor-
responding SPARQL representation. However, at the
current stage of this project development, this dataset
is still under construction.
The evaluation of the proposed system should be
done by assessing the performance of the different
modules: the Partial Semantic Representation cor-
rection, the correction of the Pragmatic Interpreta-
tion, the SPARQL Generator correction, and finally
the question answers.
The Partial Semantic Representation has good re-
sults on the correction of the question representation,
with time and space efficiency. The question analyses
are done in milliseconds with no memory problems.
The Pragmatic interpretation has also good results on
the correction, but time complexity is a problem since
the number of possible solutions grows exponentially
with the number of classes, nc, and the number of
discourse referents, nr (nr
). The SPARQL Genera-
tor is correct and is very efficient, regarding time and
space. Finally, the evaluation of the question answers
helps in the task of evaluating the SPARQL genera-
tor. For the time being, the evaluation is done man-
ually by annotating a dataset with questions and the
corresponding SPARQL answers, which is then used
to evaluate the system’s precision (number of correct
A Query-Answer System to translate natural language
questions to SPARQL queries was proposed. This
system uses a dependency parser to analyse the nat-
ural language question. The parser analysis builds
a simplified Discourse Representation Structure that
is interpreted in an Ontology, which was also built
with this purpose. The Query Ontology uses concepts
close to the ones used by users in their input ques-
tions, ontology annotation on the classes to add spe-
cific vocabulary information, ontology annotations on
the properties to provide syntactic role preferences,
and semantic web rules (SWLR) to evaluate the ad-
equacy of the question representation. The question
interpretation is obtained by matching the DRS initial
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 1: Mapping rules.
#Rule Property Relation CIDOC-CRM Triple
1 whomBorn ?Born1 whomBorn ?Person1 ?Born1 cidoc:P98 brought into life ?Person1 .
2 bornFrom ?Born1 bornFrom ?Person1 ({?Born1 cidoc:P97 from father ?Person1}
{?Born1 cidoc:P96 by mother ?Person1})
3 child Of ?Person1 child of ?Person2 {?newBirth1 cidoc:P97 from father ?Person2 .}
{?newBirth1 cidoc:P96 by mother ?Person2 .}
?newBirth1 cidoc:P98 brought into life ?Person1 .
representation on the Query ontology. With this strat-
egy, each question can have many interpretations, and
the choice of the best solution is resolved as a multi-
objective problem, where the objective values are ob-
tained for each solution using lexical, syntactic and
semantic information. The evaluation of the proposed
approach is still ongoing and includes the extension of
the Query Ontology with more classes and properties
to cover the DBpedia information and with new mi-
gration rules to a new target ontology, DBpedia, with
the purpose of using the publicly available datasets in
the evaluation of the system. This question-answering
system is language-independent, except for the an-
notations on the query ontology that are language-
dependent. To adapt this system to a new domain,
the Query Ontology must be designed to represent the
new domain questions concepts. A new set of migra-
tion rules must be written to transform the classes and
properties of the solution into classes and properties
of the target ontology of the new domain.
This work is financed by National Funds through FCT
- Foundation for Science and Technology I.P., within
the scope of the project UIDP/04516/2020 (NOVA
Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics).
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Representation Theory. In Zalta, E. N., editor, The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics
Research Lab, Stanford University, Spring 2020 edi-
ICOM/CIDOC (2020). Definition of the CIDOC Concep-
tual Reference Model. ICOM/CRM Special Interest
Group, 7.0.1 edition.
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