Bottlenecks in Regional Innovation Ecosystem: A Case on Region
with Extremely Low RDI Activity
Ville Pöntinen
and Jyri Vilko
Department of Industrial Engineering, Lappeenranta-Lahti University, Kauppalankatu 13, 45100 Kouvola, Finland
Keywords: Innovation Ecosystem, Regional Innovation Network, Knowledge Sharing, RDI.
Abstract: The benefits of innovation ecosystems and the knowledge they contain have long been studied as part of
business innovation and their importance has been recognized as vital for regional vigour. Ecosystems always
involve different kinds of actors and their mutual roles and dialogue form a complex system. This study
examined the performance of an innovation ecosystem in the region in southeast Finland through a single-
case study method. The region is known for the fact that very little innovation activity takes place within it.
The study used a group interview as the primary data collection method. The main findings indicated that
factors hindering RDI activities in the region include a lack of trust in the actors' relationships, which made
organizations less willing to collaborate, and a weak innovation culture, which appears to be caused in part
by the region's blue-collar traditions and low education levels. Furthermore, the innovation funding received
by local higher education institutions had not resulted in a significant increase in company RDI activity.
Another problem appeared to be that companies were not ready to commit to long-term co-development and
were more interested in achieving short-term benefits by focusing on ongoing projects.
Research, development and innovation (RDI)
activities are widely acknowledged as pivotal drivers
of economic progress, catalyzing big leaps in
productivity by creating and implementing new
technologies and refined practices. At a concrete
level, effective RDI activities create, inter alia, new
employment opportunities, especially for people with
a higher education qualification, and enable a shift
towards the production of sophisticated, higher-value
products and services, which leads to economic
growth. This critical role of RDI is also reflected in
the European Union's collective target of allocating
3% of GDP to RDI investment. Increasing the amount
of RDI investments is especially integral for smaller
regions, ensuring their vitality in the long term and
establishing resilience to address wicked challenges.
In particular, the development of regional
innovativeness helps small regions that suffer from a
poor reputation and hence a lack of skilled labor
(Asheim & Coenen, 2005).
A well-functioning innovation ecosystem fosters
cross-sector idea generation for new products and
combinations, while also cultivating an atmosphere of
trust among ecosystem participants, mitigating
uncertainty and aligning with prevailing perceptions,
values, and visions (Harmaakorpi & Melkas, 2005).
The convergence of diverse organizations and
communities within the ecosystem enriches both
explicit and tacit knowledge accessible to all
individuals (Schienstock & Hämäläinen, 2001, p.
From a regional economic point of view, today's
innovation ecosystem functionality holds greater
significance than it did 30 years ago when mega
innovations were less frequent. Industrial regions can
no longer rely on a robust forest industry and paper
production as the production of both has declined
sharply in Finland during the 2000s (Metsäteollisuus,
2023). This shift, combined with growing
globalization, deregulation, and the emergence of
modern megatrends like the heavy usage of social
media and political instability has led us to the age of
temporary advantage, where sustainable advantage
Pöntinen, V. and Vilko, J.
Bottlenecks in Regional Innovation Ecosystem: A Case on Region with Extremely Low RDI Activity.
DOI: 10.5220/0012180900003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 174-184
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
rarely if ever exists (D’aveni, Dagnino & Smith,
2010). Therefore, all regional actors must adapt to
these rapid changes and establish an ecosystem that
enables innovative operations in this dynamic
landscape, aiming to attain at least a temporary
advantage for a limited duration.
Ecosystem has rapidly become a buzz word in various
academic arenas. Innovation and regional
development are no exception in this regard, and
especially in the context of innovation, the ecosystem
paradigm has completely overtaken the traditional
systems discourse. Granstrand and Holgersson
(2020), for example, define an innovation ecosystem
as: “an evolving set of actors, activities, and artifacts,
and institutions and relations, including
complementary and substitute relations, that are
important for the innovative performance of an actor
or a population of actors.” The main objective for
these actors is to leverage the interdependencies to
create and capture shared value (Adner, 2017).
Regardless, the innovation ecosystem can be viewed
as a complex, evolving construct with a distinct
identity that resists replication across different
environments. It can be considered as a combination
of networks and systems (Durst & Poutanen,
2013). As such, innovation ecosystems appear to be
extremely diverse and heterogenic entities. Due to
this complex and heterogeneous nature, the weakness
of the concept is that there are many definitions of the
innovation ecosystem, and it is not possible to give a
completely unambiguous description (Oh, Phillips,
Park & Lee, 2016).
At a regional level, innovation ecosystems have
been studied for over 30 years. One of the first to
study regional innovation ecosystems was Scott
(1991), who analysed relations of economic systems
within regional innovation ecosystem in US. In
Europe, Fagerberg and Verspagen (1996) engaged in
comparable research, categorizing various types of
growth regions, each with distinct growth rates and
differing dynamics. Cooke et al. (1997) identified key
dimensions of a regional innovation system and tried
to make the concept more operational. More recent
regional ecosystem or network studies have focused
on knowledge flows and management (Harmaakorpi
& Melkas, 2005; Laihonen & Lönnqvist, 2015;
Radziwon et al., 2016), the role of regional
development officers (Sotarauta, 2010), value-
capture and creation process (Radziwon et al., 2016
and regional policy measures (Morgan, 2007).
Some have also researched the topic with a
systematic literature review approach. One literature
review was written by Durst and Poutanen in 2013,
who recognized multiple factors affecting the
innovation ecosystem performance: governance,
strategy and leadership, organizational culture,
human resource management, technology, partners,
and clustering.
This paper builds upon Durst's and Poutanen's
(2013) framework, enhancing it through the layered
classification of different levels in the ecosystem and
the incorporation of Chaudharry' et al., 2022 and van
der Panne, van Beers, and Kleinknecht's (2003)
literature reviews to this approach. Chaudharry et al.
(2022) specifically emphasize the open innovation
paradigm, thereby reinforcing the collaborative
aspects of Durst and Poutanen's (2013) innovation
ecosystem concept. Van der Panne et al.’s (2003)
study on the other hand offers a broader perspective
on factors promoting successful innovation.
The three papers have been combined to create a
collection of factors that evaluate ecosystem
performance at the individual, inter-firm, intra-firm
and ecosystem levels. Some of the factors from the
literature review by Durst and Poutanen (2013) have
been shifted to lower levels because they fit there
better. The following paragraphs and figure 1.
provide a summary of the factors drawn from these
three literature reviews affecting the performance of
the innovation ecosystem on different levels (Durst &
Poutanen, 2013; Chaudharry et al., 2022; Van der
Panne, 2003).
Within the innovation ecosystem, the wise use of
resources is crucial for economic development. Thus,
within the ecosystem, the ability of ecosystem actors
to manage (Watanabe & Fukunda. 2006) and allocate
(Tassey, 2010) resources efficiently across different
business operations is at the core of a well-
functioning system. However, this is not sufficient on
its own. The ecosystem must also have access to
different funding possibilities (Tassey, 2010; Samila
& Sorenson, 2010) such as through national or
international financial instruments that can be utilized
to boost the RDI activities in the ecosystem. Funding
should be directed toward all actors and their
activities, spanning organizational barriers (Durst &
Poutanen, 2013).
In evaluating the efficacy of ecosystem
operations, the role of governance must be
highlighted. Governance is a multifaceted construct
and therefore has several sub-categories affecting the
ecosystem functionality. For example, it should be
Bottlenecks in Regional Innovation Ecosystem: A Case on Region with Extremely Low RDI Activity
Figure 1: Factors affecting successful innovation (adapted from: (Durst & Poutanen, 2013; Chaudharry et al., 2022; Van der
Panne, 2003).
clear to all participating organisations what their role
is within the system (Tassey, 2010) and that there are
democratic Carayannis & Cambell, 2012) and data-
driven elements (Iyer & Davenport, 2008) included in
the decision-making process. These factors also help
in conducting timely decisions that make it possible
to act cohesively in the innovation process (Adner,
2006; Watanabe & Fukunda, 2006). For the
infrastructure to function effectively, it is important
that there is a continuous financial investment in the
ecosystem (Iyer & Davenport, 2008) and that systems
are flexible in a sense that they allow for smooth
interaction and expansion of the ecosystem whenever
necessary (Rohrbeck et al., 2009). Furthermore, well-
planned architectural control enables the goals and
objectives of partners to be aligned and systematic
risk assessment (Adner, 2006) helps mitigate
potential disruptions and setbacks in the ecosystem.
Strategy and leadership include subfactors that
affect day-to-day life in the ecosystem, particularly
when things do not go as planned. It is critical that the
ecosystem's actors have faith in their strategy and
remain patient (Iyer & Davenport, 2008) even when
things get tough. Hence, it is also important that the
leadership keeps the ecosystem's purpose clear to
participants, pays attention to detail (Iyer &
Davenport, 2008), and remembers to take at times a
distanced view to innovation (
Mezzourh & Nakara,
It is also essential for ecosystem that novel
information is brought into the ecosystem by different
people, especially researchers (Rohrbeck et al., 2009)
who are in touch with foreign research networks and,
thus, possess up-to-date knowledge from the
scientific fields. Moreover, a diverse array of
partnerships enhances the ecosystem's resilience.
While deeper partnerships are primarily established at
the inter-firm level, their impact resonates at the
ecosystem level, shaping collaborative dynamics and
diversity (Rohrbeck et al., 2009; Carayannis &
Campbell, 2012). One way to increase diversity is to
include university-industry collaboration in the
ecosystem (Mercan & Göktas, 2011).
While the ecosystem is a very abstract concept
and not limited to a particular cluster, there are still
benefits of such focus, particularly in terms of the
ease of interaction with other organisations and their
members when operating from the same physical
location (Mercan & Göktas, 2011). Technologies
(Carayannis & Campbell, 2012), on the other hand,
are the final factor that has an impact at the ecosystem
level. Their usefulness emerges, for example, through
the flexibility they bring to knowledge management
and the reduction in the need for human resources.
At the inter-firm level, interpersonal and
relationship factors include trust (Veugelers et al.,
2010; Rochford & Rudelius, 1997), commitment in
action (Rojas, 2018), and cultural differences (van de
Vrande et al., 2009). Knowledge leakages (Greco et
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
al., 2019) also fall into the same category. They can
be either intentional or accidental.
The effectiveness of cooperation at the inter-firm
level is also influenced by business and strategic
factor. This factor includes subfactors such as how
business models fit together (Brunswicker &
Chesbrough, 2018); Zhu, Xiao, Dong, & Gu (2019)
and how resources complement one another (Pullen
et al., 2012; Maidique & Zirger, 1984; Stuart &
Abetti, 1987) It is frequently the case that
complementary resources are required for productive
innovation activity. The companies' goals (Pullen et
al., 2012) should support each other properly in order
to guide the ecosystem in the appropriate direction at
the inter-firm level. However, sometimes the issue is
that certain organizations are more willing to take
risks whereas others are more risk-aversive
(Veugelers et al., 2010).
Legal factors and knowledge and information
management factors are two other sets of factors. The
first is primarily concerned with defining IPR rights
(Salge et al., 2013) in such a way that their absence
causes problems. In terms of knowledge
management, it is mainly a question about creating,
storing, and sharing knowledge optimally (
Rouyre &
Fernandez, 2019) and being able to transform
knowledge (Katila & Ahuja, 2002) in the proper
At the intra-firm level, three main categories of
factors can be identified: knowledge and capabilities,
culture, and strategy and structure, the first of which
emphasizes matters like experience from previous co-
development activities with other organisations
(Cohen & Levinthal, 1990; Maidique & Zirger, 1985;
Zirger, 1997). Similarly, intra-firm R&D capabilities
(Greco et al., 2019; Sofka & Grimpe, 2010) and
intensity (Kleinschmidt & Cooper, 1995; Stuart &
Abetti, 1987; Brouwer et al., 1999) are both important
and fundamental capabilities that enable smooth
collaboration with others in the creation of
innovation. Also strongly linked to these subfactors is
the organisation's ability to acquire and integrate
external knowledge smoothly for its own use
(Lichtenthaler, 2011; Salge et al., 2013)
When it comes to culture, the culture of the
organization (Ekvall & Ryhammar, 1998; Lester,
1998) is at the heart of everything the organization
does, and at its best, it enables smooth co-creation of
innovation. On the other hand, a culture of resistance
to change (Keupp & Gassmann, 2009) or the not-
invented-here (NIH) syndrome (Schaarschmidt &
Kilian, 2014), can be slowing factors. Similarly, the
commitment of the organisation's management
(Lester, 1998) has a major impact. If it does not show
real commitment to collaborative action, it is likely
that lower levels of the organisation will not do so
either. The strategy and structure on the other hand
focus on the company's strategy towards innovation
(Cottam et al., 2001) and whether the organization's
internal structure (Stuart & Abetti, 1987; Lester,
1998) promotes co-creation activities and is flexible
enough to make it possible.
Individuals have also an impact on the
ecosystem's ability to innovate. Factors include things
like knowledge and attitudes, and psychological and
cognitive abilities. The capacity to effectively apply
existing knowledge to advance an innovation
(Laursen & Salter, 2020) and attitudes toward
external knowledge and open innovation
(Lichtenthaler, 2011) are part of the first factor. The
latter, on the other hand, includes individuals'
emotional competencies and sense of self-efficacy
(McQuilken et al., 2018), and cognitive limitations
(Dahlander & Gann, 2010; Dahlander et al., 2016)
which both have an impact on the functionality of the
This study centers on the region of Kymenlaakso in
Finland, which can be termed as an “extreme” due to
its heavy lack of RDI investments. There, RDI
investments amounted to only 0.5% of the region's
GDP in 2021 (Neittaanmäki, 2023) .This is the lowest
quotation of all Finnish regions. In the case of
Kymenlaakso, we can therefore speak of a real crisis
area, with serious problems in all areas of RDI
activity. Of particular concern, however, is the fact
that the level of business RDI investments in
Kymenlaakso has fallen by 14 percentage points
between 2017 and 2021 (Neittaanmäki, 2023). Thus,
Kymenlaakso not only starts from a disadvantage, but
it also faces the additional challenge of declining
regional innovation activity from its primary
innovation ecosystem actors - companies.
The study examined innovation ecosystem in
Kymenlaakso through a qualitative single case-study
method. A single case-study method was particularly
well suited for this paper, due to its capacity to
facilitate a synthesis and resolution of multiple cases
with the usage of diverse set of data sources.
Furthermore, it allowed the paper to address
important issues such as defining the essence of the
case and recognizing the knowledge that can be
obtained and learned from its in-depth analysis
(Eriksson & Kovalainen, 2008). Figure 2. portrays in
more detail the process behind the methodology of
Bottlenecks in Regional Innovation Ecosystem: A Case on Region with Extremely Low RDI Activity
Figure 2: Development path of the study's methodology.
this study. Next, the stages of the research design for
this paper are further explained.
In practice, the first step was to conduct an
integrated literature review to support the definition
of the purpose of the study and the research question.
However, these were further refined afterwards, once
clear themes had been established and the final
interview questions and questions decided. The main
research question then became:
What factors hinder the functioning of the
innovation ecosystem in the region with extremely
low RDI activity and the emergence of new
After determining the research question, the
interview protocol and data selection were defined. It
was decided that primary data would be gathered
through a group interview technique in which one of
the authors of this study served as a facilitator and led
the discussion using the interview questions shown in
Appendix 1. Thus, the interview technique could be
considered as a semi-structured interview in which
the facilitator asked open-ended questions from the
interviewee group, allowing the interviewees to
engage in a free dialogue on each topic.
Data selection followed an information-oriented
approach aimed at maximizing the informational
value from a limited sample size (Flyvbjerg, 2011).
The selected case subjects possess a high level of
expertise by default, given their pivotal roles within
the Kymenlaakso region's innovation ecosystem.
Consequently, they offer current insights into the
ecosystem's functioning, challenges, and trends. This
selection strategy is also particularly conducive to
gathering data on critical cases, which are cases of
significant magnitude that address well-known issues
(Flyvbjerg, 2011). Kymenlaakso serves as such a
critical case due to its limited innovation activity, and
this method can yield crucial insights and findings
that complement conventional perceptions of the
ecosystem's bottlenecks.
The interview took place via Teams, involving an
event facilitator and seven interviewees, whose
professional titles and organizations are detailed in
Table 1. This comprehensive interview, spanning
approximately 2 hours, covered predetermined topics
outlined in the interview protocol. Following the
interview, both authors reviewed and transcribed the
event recording. Subsequently, the authors engaged
in discussions to reach a consensus regarding the
bottlenecks identified by the interviewees.
Furthermore, the collected data was cross-referenced
with the findings from a study conducted by Finnish
Entrepreneurs, focusing on innovation network
activities across various Finnish regions. This study
was published during the finalization of this research.
Subsequently, the results from both primary and
secondary data sources were analysed, with
researchers reflecting on the interview transcriptions
and secondary data. Ultimately, all the analysed
primary and secondary data were compared with the
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
existing literature, and the authors synthesized their
Table 1: Interviewees information.
Interview subject’s job
Chief executive officer Vocational institute
Competence development
Project consultancy
School director
University of applied
Regional development
Regional council
Regional director
Project consultancy
Communication manager
Regional chamber of
Chief executive officer
Regional chamber of
Triangulation was used to increase the validity
and reliability of the study. Practically, it means that
several different data sources were used in the study
to develop an understanding of the complex
phenomenon. Firstly, the primary data gathering was
conducted as a group interview to collect the experts'
views on the situation in the region. On the other
hand, an external research paper that also addressed
the innovation ecosystem situation in the area was
utilized and compared with the experts’ views.
Finally, the study used it authors’ professional
knowledge consisting of innovation management on
the one hand and logistics, in particular supply chain
management, on the other. By combining this
knowledge with the literature and research data
collected, a high-quality reflection of the state of the
region's innovation ecosystem was achieved.
This section of the paper analyses the qualitative
group interview results about the networked RDI
activity in the region and addresses Finnish
Entrepreneurs’ (2023) barometer results at the end of
the chapter. During the interviews, several aspects
arose to highlight the poor network and culture in the
regional RDI that hinders the functioning of
innovation ecosystem. Overall, bottlenecks to
develop the culture of RDI were seen to hindering in
several aspects, especially in terms of inter-industrial
and university-company-level collaboration, in the
regional regulatory perspective, in personal and
organizational level trust. Especially the latter one
seemed to be a clear bottleneck in the larger RDI
actions which would require vast expertise from
different fields and thus difficult to manage by
individual organizations.
The lack of inter-firm and university-industry
level collaboration was restricted to customer
relationships in particular projects with strict focus on
certain outcome. The collaboration within the project
was typically active and it was seen fruitful between
the companies, however the collaboration was closed
by nature and limited to the short-term goals of the
project, and typically formally sealed with NDAs.
Overall, the companies did not practice collaboration
beyond formal contracts and especially collaboration
between organizations with different natures such as
university or university of applied sciences were seen
non-relevant. The more strategic perspective of the
possible competitive advantage between was not
identifiable for the companies and in many ways even
starting such collaboration seemed risky in the current
economic situation as a comment from a regional
project consultancy company revealed:
“Anything else than our own RDI activity is
foreign to us. We don’t see it as a part of our
operations. Our role in the projects is rather to be a
stooge and we don’t consider ourselves as such a
strong actor which would consider wider and long-
term RDI activity to be natural”
Apart from the challenges in industry
collaboration, significant gaps existed between the
two universities in the region. The university of
applied sciences had a long-standing presence in the
region and played a substantial role in securing
regional development funding. In contrast, the
university unit in the region had been a much smaller
entity, with only a few researchers based there.
However, the university had expanded its presence in
a neighbouring region through mergers with two
universities of applied sciences. In the past, there had
been discussions about a potential merger with the
regional university of applied sciences, but this idea
had been met with resistance. While collaboration
between these two institutions functioned at some
levels, significant difficulties arose at the upper
management level. The university of applied sciences
did not view strategic collaboration as relevant and,
instead, regarded the university as a competitor,
especially because the university had become more
active in the region lately. The problematic
relationship between these two was also seen in the
interview, from the comments of the university of
applied sciences that were directed to undermine the
university’s collaboration with the companies:
Bottlenecks in Regional Innovation Ecosystem: A Case on Region with Extremely Low RDI Activity
“In the university, they are focusing just on
writing academic papers”
This was referring to the fact that one of the
university’s main functions was to produce scientific
publications, and the companies would not benefit
from the collaboration. This was one of the examples
which indicated the lack of trust in the RDI network.
Similarly, the lack of trust was seen to be relevant
among the companies and universities as well, as one
of the comments from the companies revealed:
“We would like to see examples of projects on
how our confidential data is being used, and how the
collaboration with companies is handled”
The utilization of public funding was lacking in
the region. While the region was considered low
developed and thus received relatively high regional
development support, it was underutilized by the
companies. While the university of applied science
had a strong project funding portfolio, in fact the
largest in the country compared to other universities
of applied sciences, alone it did not seem to make
enough impact to the culture. From the companies
perspective the regional RDI funds were not seen that
relevant to their functions and especially the reports
were seen as cumbersome:
“We are bad in utilizing public funding as it
entails reporting. Economic cycles also have an
effect. When the economy is booming, we are too busy
and when its falling, we don’t have enough money for
RDI”The structure of the regional industry was one
of the most mentioned problems in the region. The
old brick-and-mortar heritage, where there had been
always someone who told managers what to do and
how had sticked into culture. The once-vital pulp and
paper giants, which had long served as the backbone
of local businesses, were now in decline, with
factories shutting down and their local RDI functions
relocated to other regions. Some optimism emerged
from the prospects of green transformation, along
with the potential investments in hydrogen and
battery industries slated for the region. However,
these new industries encountered regulatory
challenges at the regional level, with lengthy
complaints lodged against their projects. Overall, the
local attitude towards RDI was seen difficult:
“The local opinion and culture for RDI activities
is not easy. We’ve experienced often rounds of
complaints against development projects”
The regional RDI-activities had risen as a concern
for different players in the region in the previous
years, as one of the recent activities a college
association was founded to fund professorships and to
strengthen the RDI activities in the region. The
association had also collected funds to establish
renewable energy and cyber security professorships
in the region to help in the local RDI. The chamber of
commerce and the regional council had noticed a gap
in knowledge of how academic research is done in the
region and ordered a consult to investigate this. In
addition to the association, the local chamber of
commerce had recently activated to facilitate the
collaboration and discussion around RDI.
While there was a severe bottleneck in the
regional RDI network, a recent study by Finnish
Entrepreneurs (2023) revealed the strength of the
inter-organizational collaboration between the
companies. In the study, the region was ranked as the
best in Finland. Therefore, it can be argued, that while
the wider RDI collaboration is lacking, companies are
focusing on direct contract-based relationship
RDI activities are the essence of long-term
competitiveness for companies, and thus one of the
keys to regional development as well. While Finland
is considered one of the most innovative countries in
the world, and the Research and Innovation Council
of Finland has set up a vision for Finland to become
the most attractive and competent environment for
experimentation and innovation by 2030, there are
major regional differences within the country
(Rinkkala et al. 2019; The Research and Innovation
Council, 2017). This research focused on one of the
lowest RDI-funding receiving regions in Finland to
study the bottlenecks for ecosystem and networked
innovation activities. The study revealed that there
are several factors contributing to the lack of
innovation activity in the region, especially the lack
of networked innovation seemed to suffer in the
As one of the most important factors, the lack of
trust in the ecosystem, inter-firm, and individual
levels seemed to hinder the collaboration activities
between the companies. This relates to the literature,
as several other studies have also identified trust and
its lack as a problem that hinders cooperation among
actors that participate in RDI activities (Veugelers et
al., 2010); Rochford & Rudelius, 1997). The lack of
trust was relevant to the company-university
collaboration as well.
The organizations interviewed were suspicious
about the confidential information being delivered to
the universities and in some ways did not understand
what kind of benefits there could be in the
collaboration, likely because of a lack of prior
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
knowledge and experience with the university
cooperation. Other research literature recognizes that
sharing information and building trust takes time and
does not happen instantaneously (Schartinger et al.
2001; Nsanzumuhire & Groot, 2020). Similar
indications can be seen in this study as the university
in Kymenlaakso is only now beginning to take a
greater role in regional development. On the other
hand, the research field has also found that clear and
wide contractual agreements regarding knowledge
sharing can improve trust in university-industry
collaboration (Hemmert et al., 2014), which could
also be a way to ease the collaboration in this case
where no long-term relationships are established yet.
While public RDI funding was available for the
companies, they considered the reporting required by
the funding to be excess work and therefore did not
apply it. In other studies (Tassey, 2010; Samila &
Sorenson, 2010), additional funding was found to
have a positive effect on innovation activity in the
ecosystem level, but in this research, the effect was
more neutral, as even if funding was available, firms
did not possess resources or skills to apply for it due
to the time limits and effort required, showing that the
lack of experience and capabilities prevented
effective action. This is in line with (Sanchez-Vidal
& Martin-Ugedo, 2005) finding that firms, especially
SMEs lack of knowledge on how to approach
different sources of funding prevents them from
gaining more funding.
In addition, the poor innovation culture related to
the old industrial traditions in the region opposed
challenges for the proactive thinking and mindset of
the people. The region's innovativeness suffers from
the reasonably low education of the people and the
working population comprises mostly from blue-
collar workers. The old industrial plants have been
closing in the region and shifted their RDI functions
to other regions. Similarly, the region has one of the
lowest in-house investors lists as well. The companies
in the region typically focus on closed customer-
related dyadic RDI projects and were struggling to
see the benefit of developing their competencies
through ecosystemic collaboration with other
organizations or institutions.
The role of the university in the region is still
limited due to the fact that there is no established
university campus in the region, rather smaller
research units, with scarce resources. The role of the
university of applied sciences has been however
larger in the region and in many ways, and it has been
responsible for the RDI activities. Indeed, the funding
received by the local university of applied science is
the highest in the country (XAMK, 2019). As the
main actor the university of applied science however
does not seem to be sufficient to lift the RDI activity
in the region. Moreover, the funding received by the
university of applied sciences did not seem to help the
local companies and their RDI activities or increase
funding. A somewhat similar case can be found in the
city of Twente, which, like the Kymenlaakso region,
has a long history as an industrial area. In Twente, the
local university has been able to create some level of
transformation in the innovative capacity of the
region (Hospers & Benneworth, 2012). Nevertheless,
this study shows that always local university actors
cannot translate the abundant RDI funding into
increased regional innovation capacity.
The role of different actors in the networked RDI
activities is relevant especially when trying to
develop the culture of innovation. Some regional
actors had been introduced in order to boost the RDI
activities, however the overall collaboration was still
in its infancy. The regional council had introduced
smart specialization fields according to which the
strategic RDI funding were allocated, however a clear
roadmap about the collaborative arrangements
toward these were lacking. With clear lack of trust
among members and some of the actors still seeking
their place in the ecosystem, the maturity of the
overall RDI ecosystem was still in its infancy
This text has several scientific and managerial
implications: Firstly, the paper sheds light on the
networked innovation activities at a local level by
assessing different aspects of the innovation
indicators. In doing this especially the bottlenecks of
the current case illustrate how the long-term strategic
collaboration with different types of organizations
and institutes suffers as the companies only focus on
short-term benefits in the ongoing projects and also
while showing how the lack of trust and the fear that
sharing information is more bad than good
contributes to business fragmentation and hinders
ecosystem innovation(Tassey, 2010; Rojas et al.,
2018). Secondly, the study provides information
about an extreme case of a low innovation activity
region and how historical weight and resistance to
change can be hindering the development of
innovation culture and activities (Keupp &
Gassmann, 2009; Schaarschmidt & Kilian, 2014).
Finally, the paper illustrates how limited
understanding of different organizations roles and
activities can be a bottleneck for the regional
innovations (Tassey, 2010).
In the future, more research should be focused on
the network types and roles of different organizations,
and how homogenous the ecosystem is. Some
researchers have already started this work (Sotarauta,
Bottlenecks in Regional Innovation Ecosystem: A Case on Region with Extremely Low RDI Activity
2010; Laihonen & Lönnqvist, 2015; Radziwon et al.,
2016). More research is also needed on innovation
culture change management. It would benefit similar
types of regions, networks and organizations in them.
In addition, more knowledge is required on how to
transform an industrial region into a more innovative
one and how the university or university of applied
science can play an effective role in enabling this via
ecosystemic development.
Organizations and managers should acquire more
knowledge on how wider and long-term innovation
projects are managed and what kind of benefits could
be expected from participating actively in innovation
ecosystems. Moreover, distrust (Westergren, 2011)
and competitive positions between different
organizations and institutions can be harmful to
organizations, and in order to develop an innovation
culture management support is essential (Lester,
1998). On the other hand, active regional actors must
make every effort to lower the barriers to attending
innovation ecosystem and thus enable trust to develop
between the actors in the region (Hemmert et al.,
2014; Nsanzumuhire & Groot, 2020).
Finally, as a source of competitiveness and
growth, managing and developing the regional
innovation ecosystems is essential. Currently, new
technologies and many other changes and trends are
increasing the necessity for companies to develop
their operations and value production accordingly.
With low innovation areas, the changes are more
difficult to implement and without changes, the
organization's competitiveness will most likely fall
and with that the regional one falls as well.
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Interview Questions
1. How is information shared within the ecosystem
and networks? Does information reach all actors?
2. What hinders active networking?
3. Are companies successful in forming partnerships
with businesses in the region?
4. Are the different actors communicating effectively
with each other?
5. Do the actors trust each other?
6. How do personal chemistries work within the
5. Do actors within the ecosystem work only with
established partners or do they cooperate on a
broad scale?
6. What is the culture of the regional innovation
7. What is the role of higher education in the region
and is there cooperation with businesses and other
8. Do the actors within the ecosystem share similar
goals and objectives?
9. Are there enough resources in the region to
maintain ecosystem functions?
10. Are different funding sources widely used?
11. How well do ecosystem actors tolerate risk in
12. Is innovation part of the business culture and
strategy of companies in the region?
13. Do firms have experience in innovation?
14. Are firms closed or open to co-creation?
15. Are there sufficient R&D resources in the region's
16. Are firms' organizational structures generally
supportive of innovation?
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems