FaceCounter: Massive Attendance Taking in Educational Institutions
Through Facial Recognition
Adrian Moscol and Willy Ugarte
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Peru
Massive Attendance, Facial Recognition, Face-Recognition Library, Educational Institution, Benchmarking
Facial Algorithms.
Our purpose is to implement a facial recognition system that will improve efficiency when taking assistance in
educational institutes, as well as reducing the possible cases of identity theft. To achieve our objective, a facial
recognition system will be created that, upon receiving a photograph of the students present in the classroom,
will identify them and confirm their attendance in the database. The investigation of pre-trained models using
the agile benchmarking technique will be important, the analyzed and compared models will serve as a basis
for the development of the facial recognition system. This program will be connected to an application that
will use a simple interface so that teachers can save class time or evaluation’s time by taking attendance or
confirming the identity of the students present. Also, it will increase security by avoiding possible identity
theft with tools such as false fingerprint molds (admission exams) or partial and/or final exams (false ID).
Attendance tracking is a common and important task
for educators, but it can be time-consuming and prone
to errors, which can cause delays and inaccuracies in
recording attendance
(Xu et al., 2017).
Particularly in a big classroom, the currently used
conventional method has shown to be unreliable, im-
precise, and time-consuming. On the basis of the tra-
ditional attendance marking approach, it is challeng-
ing to detect absentees and proxy participants (Nordin
and Fauzi, 2020).
In many industries, including business, biometric
technologies with facial recognition systems are in-
creasingly necessary. One such application is the at-
tendance marking system, which is a vital repeating
transaction requirement since it relates to employee
productivity. The removal of the need to make di-
rect contact with the scanning device is one of the nu-
merous advantages of attendance recording utilizing
a person’s face from an ethical standpoint (Wati et al.,
“Why is school attendance so important and what are
the risks of missing a day?” - The Education Hub (Gov UK)
- https://educationhub.blog.gov.uk/2023/05/18/school-att
Face detection, one of the preprocessing steps be-
fore face recognition, seeks to identify the presence of
a face image with an eye, a nose, a mouth, and other
facial features.
In Peruvian universities, attendance is mandatory.
During exams, it is especially important to main-
tain security and accuracy in identifying students and
recording attendance, as the teachers in charge of
supervising the classroom may not know personally
most of the students.
In April 2022, the prosecutor’s office reported that
the first place in the admission exam received help
from impersonators, who charged exorbitant amounts
to ensure admission
To tackle this problem, we propose an automated
process for attendance tracking the will solve possible
delays and human error by providing greater security
during classes and exams by ensuring accurate iden-
tification of students and avoiding impersonation.
There are others works that aim to solve this prob-
lem such as (Yang and Han, 2020; Xu et al., 2017;
Nordin and Fauzi, 2020; Wati et al., 2021), but the
“Prosecutor’s Office denounces that first place in the
admission exam received help from impersonators” (in
spanish) - Peru21 - https://peru21.pe/lima/universidad-s
Moscol, A. and Ugarte, W.
FaceCounter : Massive Attendance Taking in Educational Institutions Through Facial Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0012181100003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 84-94
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
main difference is that Yang and Han use real time
video for face recognition and Xu et al. does not
present an app for the simplicity of it use.
Nevertheless, our approach differs from existing
solutions first of all by creating a mobile user-friendly
interface app that allows teachers to easily take and
upload pictures. Secondly, we have chosen to output
the attendance data as a simple txt file, for an eassier
implementation to school systems.
Finally, we have prioritized simplicity in our sys-
tem, without requiring specialized hardware or com-
plex setup procedures. These three aspects make our
system stand out in the market, providing a valuable
and innovative solution for schools and universities
looking to streamline their attendance tracking pro-
The app, built with the framework React Native,
allows teachers to take a picture of the classroom,
which is then uploaded and processed by the system.
The system will recognize the faces of students and
add them to the database as either present or absent.
The primary aim of our work is to reduce attendance
time taken and increase security during exams identi-
fication of students so they don’t do identity theft or
miss out.
Some limitations of our system is that it relies on
the accuracy of face recognition technology, which
can be affected by factors such as lighting and occlu-
Our main contributions are described as follows:
We develop an easy friendly interface app that al-
lows users to easily manage attendance tracking.
We develop a system capable of analysing one or
multiple pictures with one or multiple faces for
their recognition.
Simple system with no need of complex hardware,
common components and minimal dependencies,
reducing potential compatibility issues and facili-
tating deployment across a range of devices.
The paper details the following: First, related
works will be shown in Section 2. Second, we will
discuss our main contributions, talking about the the-
ory and method used for the solution in Section 3.
Also, we will talk about the experimentation process,
with details on the analysis and selection of the algo-
rithm library of face recognition, the design and de-
velopment and the results of this experiments in Sec-
tion 4. Finally, we will discuss the main conclusions
and possible future work that can be added in Sec-
tion 5.
In the related works of attendance tracking systems
with face recognition, several papers have explored
different aspects of the technology. Some studies have
investigated cheating in exams and methods to pre-
vent it, while others have focused on the challenges
of recognizing faces with masks during the COVID-
19 pandemic. Real-time face recognition in video has
also been explored. Additionally, some studies have
aimed to reduce the complexity and expense of atten-
dance tracking systems. These papers provide valu-
able insights into the development and application of
facial recognition technology, as well as addressing
the problem attendance tracking and exam cheating.
In (Cerd
a-Navarro et al., 2022), the authors pro-
vide an article provides a detailed analysis of the
policies and strategies for academic integrity used by
different educational institutions in Spain to prevent
evaluative fraud. This is a good example to set context
about why this is a problem and how we can solve it,
as we can see the results show that only 27.5% of in-
stitutions use an identification device for online eval-
uation. Private universities are the ones that use iden-
tity verification software the most (75%) compared to
those that do not use it (9.5%).
There are other example of face recognition appli-
cation in other problems that are interesting to take
a look like in (Kocac¸inar et al., 2022), the authors
developed a system to distinguish between masked,
unmasked, and incorrectly masked individuals using
a mobile application called MadFaRe (Masked Face
Recognition application), this because of the COVID-
19 pandemic we had during this last years. This is a
good example to show how our technique can be used
and implemented, in this case to recognise with the
use of a mask. They developed a deep learning and
CNN-based facial recognition algorithm (Kocac¸inar
et al., 2022). The author achieved a validation as-
sertiveness of 80.88% for partial facial recognition.
For the results of facial recognition applying CNN,
an increase in validation was obtained from 78.41%
to 90.40%.
We now can take a look to papers that used the
face recognition as a way to solve the attendance
tracking. Starting in (Yang and Han, 2020), the au-
thors propose a complete assistance system that com-
bines multiple modules to reduce the complexity of
the program and make the code reusable. The system
consists of a video terminal module, a cable transmis-
sion module, data storage, a facial recognition mod-
ule, and a computer terminal module. Tests were con-
ducted in two universities, where 200 students who
must register with ID cards were selected. The facial
FaceCounter: Massive Attendance Taking in Educational Institutions Through Facial Recognition
recognition rate was high (around 82%). The system
aims to reduce absenteeism, and the results showed
that the rate of students skipping classes decreased by
13% compared to the control group.
Then we can analyze the creation of a facial recog-
nition system for attendance taking that aims to re-
duce time and maintenance costs. In (Xu et al., 2017),
the authors have measured the accuracy of their pro-
posal using two tables that focused on scenarios such
as distance, angles, and lighting. The results showed
high accuracy, with recognition rates of 97.1% to
98.8% for face positions in the range of -15
to +15
and an average accuracy of 96.47% under low-light
conditions. This system can recognize faces with an
accuracy of 99% to 98% when the face is 4 to 5 me-
ters away from the camera under normal lighting con-
Finally, in (Khan et al., 2020) the authors con-
ducted 6 tests where the number of recognized indi-
viduals increased per test. In all tests, the program
was able to detect the number of people in the photo
and achieved a 0% false recognition rate. It achieved
100% accuracy in each of the tests, with the most no-
table being case 6, which involved 12 people.
We can then say our proposed multi-facial recog-
nition attendance tracking system for teachers offers
several advantages compared to previous approaches.
While (Yang and Han, 2020) and (Xu et al., 2017)
have demonstrated the potential of facial recognition
for attendance tracking, our system offers a more
user-friendly interface for teachers to take a picture
of the classroom, which is then uploaded and pro-
cessed to recognize all students in the image. Our
system also extends previous work by allowing for
recognition of multiple faces in a single image and
automatically marking students as present or absent
in a database. Additionally, our approach offers the
potential for improved accuracy and convenience over
traditional attendance taking methods.
We aim to present the contributions of a new atten-
dance tracking system. The system is designed to
provide an easy-to-use app for users to manage at-
tendance tracking, with a simple interface that elimi-
nates the need for complex hardware and reduces po-
tential compatibility issues. The attendance data is
stored in both txt and csv files, which can be eas-
ily imported into other software systems for further
processing or analysis. The system also includes a
face recognition model, created using the python li-
brary face-recognition, which is integrated into an
android app that teachers can use to take a picture
of the classroom. However, we have several restric-
tions, such as the requirement for a private connec-
tion to the database, a minimum camera resolution of
2 megapixels, and a minimum Android version of 10.
3.1 Context
3.1.1 Concepts
Henceforth, we list the main concepts used on our
Database: A database is an organized collection
of information that is stored and can be electron-
ically accessed from a computer. Data is typ-
ically structured into tables and fields to facili-
tate searching, sorting, and retrieving specific in-
formation. The database can be used for a vari-
ety of purposes, such as inventory management,
billing, customer tracking, project management,
and much more. An example of the entities can
be seeing in Fig. 1
Figure 1: Database example.
Massive attendance: Massive attendance is the
process of taking attendance for a large group of
people, such as in a conference, lecture, or other
event. It often involves the use of technology to
collect and analyze data quickly and efficiently.
Facial recognition: Facial recognition refers to the
technology of identifying or verifying the identity
of a person based on their facial features. It uses
algorithms to analyze and compare the unique
characteristics of a person’s face (Miller, 2023).
Educational institution: An educational institu-
tion refers to an organization that provides for-
mal education and is recognized by the educa-
tional authorities of a particular country or region.
This can include schools, colleges, universities,
and other institutions that offer educational pro-
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.1.2 Tools
Henceforth, we list the main tools used on our work:
Firebase: Firebase is a cloud platform that en-
ables the development of mobile and web applica-
tions without the need to create and manage your
own server infrastructure. It provides solutions for
real-time data storage, user authentication, push
notifications, among other services. According to
Firebase, their platform integrates with multiple
languages and frameworks
. You can see an ex-
ample in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: Example of firestore database.
React Native: React Native is a mobile applica-
tion development framework that uses JavaScript
and React to create native applications for iOS and
Android. It was developed by Facebook and its
community of developers
3.2 Method
We’ve used the face-recognition Python library
which uses other libraries for their facial recognition
such as:
dlib for the detection and align of faces in images;
OpenCV for the manipulation and upload of im-
ages, as well as to manipulate images; and
NumPy to represent and manipulate pixel ma-
trixes from images.
This algorithm is pre-trained with data to recog-
nise and identify what a face is but we still need to use
our data. We then pre-trained the algorithm with pic-
tures of the users that were going to be tested, which
involved taking a video of twenty to thirty seconds
and using a small program that extracted every frame
of the video and saved it in a folder.
The algorithm was then trained with these folders,
saving the list of images with the name or code of
the user. This training process allowed the algorithm
to accurately recognize the faces of the users. The
algorithm’s recognition capabilities were not limited
to single faces, as it was also able to identify multiple
faces in a single picture. This approach proved to be
highly effective in achieving our goals and could be
further optimized to enhance the precision and speed
of the recognition process.
To ensure that the recognition has been properly
registered, the team has developed a database that
simulates teachers, assigned classrooms, and their
students. Firebase has been chosen as the platform
for storing not only the videos but also the database
that will be connected to the app.
Firebase is a comprehensive platform that pro-
vides tools and services for mobile and web devel-
opment, including app building, authentication, real-
time databases, storage, and hosting. As shown in
Figure 3:
The data is stored in Firebase and connected to the
You login into the app, go to classroom and take a
After the picture is sent, the API is called and runs
the algorithm to recognise faces.
The image analysis starts using its 68 facial land-
The image recieved begins to be analysed.
The image already analysed gets uploaded to the
database to maintain a record.
Figure 3: App Arquitecture.
FaceCounter: Massive Attendance Taking in Educational Institutions Through Facial Recognition
(a) Login Screen. (b) Home Screen. (c) Classroom Screen. (d) Menu.
Figure 4: Screen Mockups.
A csv and txt file is uploaded with all the data of
students present or absent.
When a picture is taken and sent, the face recog-
nition system runs and recognizes the students from
the folder with images. Every time a student is iden-
tified, the program checks whether the student be-
longs to the classroom the picture was taken for. If
the student is present in the classroom, he or she is
marked as present in the database. Otherwise, the stu-
dent is marked as absent. Additionally, each picture
analyzed is saved in another folder in Firebase stor-
age to provide a record of the time and date. Finally,
the database is updated with the information of the
present and absent students, and a txt and csv file are
created for easy implementation in institutions.
To seamlessly integrate the process of face recog-
nition into the mobile app, we needs to develop an
API that connects the app and the recognition pro-
gram. The API will enable the user to simply take
a picture, which will then be automatically uploaded
to the system’s database. Subsequently, the recogni-
tion algorithm will be triggered and will determine
if the student is present or absent. One of the main
advantages of this approach is that it eliminates the
need for teachers to wait for the app to respond, as the
recognition process will be handled automatically in
the background. This will save time and reduce the
burden on teachers, allowing them to focus on other
important tasks. Additionally, this seamless integra-
tion will help ensure that attendance data is collected
accurately and in real-time, providing teachers with
up-to-date information on their students.
3.2.1 Database Building
After the creation of our python algorithm in its most
primitive state, we then decided to create a database
where all the data of students, teachers, curses and
list of assitance will be saved. For this we first started
using postgreSQL. We created the entities but later
on we found some problems with compatibility, then
during the search of new database we found firebase.
Firebase is an online no SQL database, we used it
with our google account and we were able to create
a new app to use all the functions on it. Firebase has
a cost in long term use for big apps but in our case
with the ”pay as you go” selection we were able to
use all functions with no cost. Firebase helped us to
save the pictures, the trained model, the list of assis-
tance that we will talk later on and the videos of the
students plus our database and its own tool of authen-
tication for our app. We used firebase storage for pic-
tures, videos, and files and our model; we used fire-
store database for our no SQL fatabase; and we used
firebase authentication for the login of the app.
3.2.2 Database Connection
After polishing the code it was time to connect it with
our firebase. The connection was easy using the key it
was given to us to get access to the database. We then
used the firebase library. The changes we made in
the code were basically to use the database to indetify
students and for changing the information in order to
see which students where recognised and if they were
from that specific classroom. Then with this informa-
tion we could create the assistance files (csv and txt),
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
this where store in the firebase storage. We used fire-
base storage to take from there our trained model and
also to access the folder with the images for recogni-
tion (the app will send here the pictures taken with the
3.2.3 App Development
For the app development, we utilized React Native
and the Visual Studio Code IDE. The app interface
followed our university’s color scheme and consisted
of a login screen (Fig. 4a), a main page displaying all
the subjects assigned to the teacher (Fig. 4b), and a
subject-specific screen with relevant data and the op-
tion to capture a picture (Fig. 4c).
The purpose was to associate the captured image
with a specific classroom, allowing the recognition
code to access the corresponding information. The
primary objective of the app was to provide teachers
with a convenient way to view their classrooms and
select the desired one for attendance tracking.
We also got a menu option for common app tools
suchs us: change my password, logout, home (return-
ing main page), profile and help menu like shown in
Fig. 4d.
3.2.4 App Database Connection
For the database connection with our app we mainly
needed the access to all 3 functions of firebase. First
we used firebase authentication to create the authen-
tication method for our login screen. Then, we used
the firestore database to get access of the teacher who
is login in, the classrooms they had to get the ID of
the classroom selected and from which the image was
taken, this to send the ID like a parameter to the recog-
nition code. Finally, we needed access to the firebase
storage to upload the pictures taken in into a folder
from where the recognition code will download them
for their analysis.
3.2.5 Deployment
For the deployment of our recognition code in python
we first needed to use flask for creating an app web
with python, after this, we create an image with
docker of the file and finally uploaded it to heroku.
This deployment generated an url that we added to our
app to access the url everytime an picture was taken
and uploaded to the firebase store. In this way, every
time a picuted was uploaded the code run and our face
recognition program will do the recognition, the cre-
ation of assistance files, and the upload of the image
recognised to another folder.
In this section we will show all the results from the
decision of the algorithm chosen in the benchmark-
ing section, to the development of the app and fi-
nally to its testing. We will first show and explain a
small benchmarking summarising the things we took
into consideration for pickingour algorithm of python
face-recognition. Then, in develop of the app we
will show images of the app, explain the python algo-
rithm, explain the no SQL database we used, firebase
and finally the deployment of the python algorithm in
heroku for the connection with the app.
4.1 Benchmarking
For the benchmarking we analysed different pre
trained models that we can use for trainning and im-
plement it with our app, we tried 4 models (Yang and
Han, 2020; Khan et al., 2020)
. In Table 1, these
models were tested to see if they detect and recognise
faces or if they only have detection; which metrics
they used to test the algorithm; which datasets they
have use; finally, the results.
As we can see accuracy is really good in most of
this models. Payment and information of the model
were also taken into consideration at the moment of
selection. In the end we chose the library of python
face-recognition due to all the information and active
community they have. Also because of the easy use
for windows and libraries they included on it, also
with all the trainning this model had.
4.2 Image Testing
For our testing we devided into the categories of dis-
tance, lighting, twins and classroom escenario. for the
distance and lighting test we used only 3 people for
the pictures and a total of ten images per test. In this
pictures the members appearing on it changed their
positions so we don’t use the same pictures with dif-
ferent gestures.
For the twins test we only used one pair of twins
and 5 images of them with no distance or lighting
Finally, for the classroom test we had 2 class-
rooms, a regular and a computer lab one. In each we
used 5 pictures that differ one from other in zoom-
ming done and angles. Also, some pictures (like in
the lab test) had the students on it cutoff because of
“Face recognition with OpenCV, Python, and deep
learning” - PyImageSearch - https://pyimagesearch.com/
FaceCounter: Massive Attendance Taking in Educational Institutions Through Facial Recognition
Table 1: Benchmarking.
Name Category Dataset Accuracy
Percentage of
Face detection
and recognition
Around 3 million images
Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset
Microsoft Azure API
Face detection
and recognition
20 photos from 12 individuals
240 image dataset
YoloV3 (Redmon and Farhadi, 2018)
Face detection
20 photos from 12 individuals
240 image dataset
OpenCV (Bradski, 2000)
Face detection
and recognition
Photos from 200 students
from 2 universities
82.00% 15%
Table 2: Comparison of Pictures in Different Contexts.
(a) Pictures with Different Distances.
(in meters)
(b) Pictures with Different Lightnings.
High lighting
Low lighting
zoomming. Students that did not want to participate
in the experiment where censored in the final pictures
and not taken into consideration.
4.2.1 Distance Images Testing
In Table 2a, the distance testing for pictures from 2,
5 and 10 meters with 3 people. For 2 meter distance,
there is no problem for the detection. For 5 meter
distance, there is no problem for the detection, even
if we inially thought that longer distance will carry
some problems in the recognition, there are no detec-
tion problems. For 10 meter distance, we start to see
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
some issues, the distance seem to see really far and
the recognition does not always works correctly.
4.2.2 Lighting Images Testing
Lighting test will use 10 images per test as before
with same members starting with backlight, then good
lighting and finally bad lighting.
In Table 2b, the image is a little darker than it
should be with low lightning but still you can be able
to distinguish faces. For the good lighting pictures,
there is no problem at all with a high accuracy. Fi-
nally, we have the bad lighting images, in this test we
believe it will have some issues in the recognition be-
cause of the lack of lighting.
4.2.3 Twins Images Testing
In Fig. 5, a test with twins is depicted, showing that
the method can distinguish them accurately
4.2.4 Classroom Images Testing
In Fig. 6, a classroom controlled environment where
we took two examples. First, we got a computer lab
with separate desktops and equipment that will inter-
fere in the image like obstacles. Second, we got a
regular classroom with desks close to each other and
a more clearer view. As it was mentioned before, not
Figure 5: Twins recognised picture.
Figure 6: Lab Classroom recognised picture.
Figure 7: Regular Classroom recognised picture.
all students wanted to participate in the test and they
were not taken into consideration and censored from
the images test.
In Fig. 7, in the lab test we are able to observe how
it was able to recognise most of students but comput-
ers make it difficult to get a clean view and searching
for some complicated angles to take the picture. We
will go deep into its analysis in the results section.
Here we got the image of the regular classroom
image. As we can obserb students appear clearer than
in the lab class, this could be because of the loca-
tion of desks, in rows and columns like it usually is
making students align and always looking at the front.
As we can see, it did not had problems to detect and
recognise all students in the picture, including the one
that was the farthest away. We will see the results of
this tests later on.
4.3 Results
Here we will talk about the results of our testing of
images. We are going to divide this into distance,
lighting, twins and classrooms testing. In this case
for the accuracy we use the equation (1):
a =
where a : accuracy
r : number of recognised faces
e : number of unrecognised faces
d : total number of faces
FaceCounter: Massive Attendance Taking in Educational Institutions Through Facial Recognition
Table 3: Accuracy Results for Different Distances.
(a) For 2 meter distance.
1 3 3 0 100%
2 3 3 0 100%
3 3 3 0 100%
4 3 3 0 100%
5 3 3 0 100%
6 3 3 0 100%
7 3 3 0 100%
8 3 3 0 100%
9 3 3 0 100%
10 3 3 0 100%
Total 30 30 0 100%
(b) For 5 meter distance.
1 3 3 0 100%
2 3 3 0 100%
3 3 3 0 100%
4 3 3 0 100%
5 3 3 0 100%
6 3 3 0 100%
7 3 3 0 100%
8 3 3 0 100%
9 3 3 0 100%
10 3 3 0 100%
Total 30 30 0 100%
(c) For 10 meter distance.
1 3 0 0 0.0%
2 3 2 0 66.7%
3 3 1 0 33.3%
4 3 3 0 100.0%
5 3 3 0 100.0%
6 3 3 1 66.7%
7 3 1 0 33.3%
8 3 3 0 100.0%
9 3 2 0 66.7%
10 3 3 0 100.0%
Total 30 21 0 67.0%
The facial detection will be refered to how many
people is in the picture with their faces looking at
the camera for it to be recognised. Facial recogni-
tion will be refered to how many people were labeled
not taking in consideration a wrong label. Finally, fa-
cial error will be associated to how many people was
wrong labeled, which means they were given a label
of someone they are not.
During the experiments as you may see we have
reduced the images original size by 50% so it will be
faster and accurate. Originally the image was reduced
up to 15% of its original size, this because larger im-
ages take longer time to be analysed but are more ac-
curate than smaller images. In this test we have re-
duced most of them up to its 50% and in some cases
we leaved the original size where distance had a big
impact, like 10 meters distance and classroom test.
For the testings we’ve used 10 images in which we
had 3 people on it except in the twins and classroom
testing. During the tryouts, the 3 people in the pic-
tures have changed their positions to right or left with
the purpose of not having the same image ten times
with different facial expressions.
4.3.1 Distance Testing
In this case we have done three experiments of dis-
tance with the 2, 5 and 10 meters to know what would
be the limit of our face-recognition model. Our hy-
pothesis is that farther from 5 meters it will start to
have issues at the momento of recognition, this due to
the fact of image quality downgrade.
As we can see in Table 3a we managed to get
100% of accuracy in the 2 meter test. All faces were
recognised with no problems. This is a good start be-
cause 2 meters is close but what would be a minimun
distance from where the teacher will take a picture.
In Table 3b we also got a 100% accuracy. This dis-
tance was starting to be farther away from the camera
but still close, it is almost double the distance of the
first test.
For Table 3c we started to have some errors, orig-
inally in the test of 50% of image size reduction the
program was not able to recognise nor detect any face
in the picture, this is probably because of the image
quality downgrade in the moment of modifying the
size of the image, reducing pixels. We decided to
leave the original size of the image which needed 11
minutes per images for analysis. In the end, after leav-
ing the original size we got the result of a 67
4.3.2 Lighting Testing
For the lighting experiments we will take in consid-
eration lighting factors that can affect the recognition
directly or indirectly. This would be the case of a good
lighting classroom that will make easier the recogni-
tion for the model, but also some other variaties like
bad lightint (with no light at all) and backlight (in case
the classroom got windows).
For the lighting test we start with the backlight, to
see if the model has problems to recognise faces with
a bad lighting. Table 4a shows us that it got 100%
of accuracy, independent from the distance, backlight
will affect the quality of the image and how clean the
faces will be for the recognitions, in this cases it had
no effect.
For the good lighting test in Table 4b we also got
a 100% accuracy as expected, with artificial lighting
of a classroom.
In the final lighting test which was with bad light-
ing (no light at all) we got a 100% accuracy as shown
in Table 4c. Even though there was no good light-
ing and the image was darker the face-recognition
alogrithm was able to detect the people in the picture
with no problem.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 4: Accuracy Results for Different Lightnings.
(a) Backlight.
1 3 3 0 100%
2 3 3 0 100%
3 3 3 0 100%
4 3 3 0 100%
5 3 3 0 100%
6 3 3 0 100%
7 3 3 0 100%
8 3 3 0 100%
9 3 3 0 100%
10 3 3 0 100%
Total 30 30 0 100%
(b) Low Lightning.
1 3 3 0 100%
2 3 3 0 100%
3 3 3 0 100%
4 3 3 0 100%
5 3 3 0 100%
6 3 3 0 100%
7 3 3 0 100%
8 3 3 0 100%
9 3 3 0 100%
10 3 3 0 100%
Total 30 30 0 100%
(c) High Lightning.
1 3 3 0 100%
2 3 3 0 100%
3 3 3 0 100%
4 3 3 0 100%
5 3 3 0 100%
6 3 3 0 100%
7 3 3 0 100%
8 3 3 0 100%
9 3 3 0 100%
10 3 3 0 100%
Total 30 30 0 100%
Table 5: Accuracy Results for Twins Tests.
1 2 1 0 50.0%
2 2 2 0 100.0%
3 2 2 0 100.0%
4 2 2 0 100.0%
5 2 2 0 100.0%
6 2 2 0 100.0%
Total 12 11 0 91.6%
4.3.3 Twins Testing
In this section of the experiments we had the oppor-
tunity to test twins in regular scenarios to see if it
was able to see the differences. Distance, lighting, or
background was not taken into consideration for this
experiment, the only goal was to see if it was able to
recognised each of them.
As Table 5 shows, the program was able to recog-
nised the twins with no problem and no error taken.
Only in image one it could not detect one of them but
the one recognised was correct.
4.3.4 Classroom Testing
In Table 6a, we took 5 pictures of a classroom with 12
students. All 5 pictures were different, in some cases
some students did not appear due to a zoom done and
in other cases students where not showing their faces.
We only considered for the column of facial detection
the faces that were clean looking at the camera and
not the faces covered by monitors or other students.
Even though our expectations were low in a labora-
tory classroom due to the separation of desktops and
Table 6: Accuracy Results for Different Rooms.
(a) Lab Class.
1 10 10 0 100%
2 10 7 4 30%
3 11 7 1 55%
4 11 9 2 64%
5 9 7 3 44%
Total 51 40 10 59%
(b) Regular Classroom.
1 9 9 0 100%
2 9 9 0 100%
3 9 9 0 100%
4 9 9 0 100%
Total 36 36 0 100%
students positions from one another, we still managed
to get in image 1 a 100% facial recognition of the stu-
dents in the picture. In some cases wwe had errors
in recognition, some because of the distance, others
probably because of the use of glasses, etc. We got in
the end an average of 59% of facial recognition.
In Table 6b, we took four pictures in a regular
classroom with 14 students and desks in rows and
columns. However, we did not managed to get all stu-
dents to participate and they where censored from the
testing. Then, there were nine students from which
we took the data and nine faces to detect from each
FaceCounter: Massive Attendance Taking in Educational Institutions Through Facial Recognition
image (in this one all were looking to the front mainly
because of desk position). For this opportunity we
had the hypothesis that the accuracy was going to be
good due to the fact students are closer and there are
less objects that obstruct their faces. The results fi-
nally confirms our thoughts with an accuracy of 100%
in all pictures and no errors of mistaken recognitions.
This results shows that our work is better in an envi-
ronment where people is closer, looking to the front
and with less objects that obstruct the picture taken.
We can conclude that we have successfully devel-
oped a user-friendly and straightforward application
for teachers to efficiently record classroom attendance
tracking. Through the algorithm testing, we observed
that it is highly effective, although image size reduc-
tion can impact image quality while accelerating the
recognition process. Furthermore, based on our ex-
perimentation with regular classrooms and laboratory
classrooms, we can infer that the algorithm performs
better in regular classrooms, benefiting from its opti-
mal viewing angle and fewer obstructions caused by
To achieve this accuracy the image needs to loose
the minimum of its original size and quality, that is
the main reason the image reduction is to its 50% and
not less. If the image is reduced lower it can affect its
quality downgrade and have more errors in the recog-
nition. The objective would be to not loose quality
or size at all but this takes a long quantity of time
(11 minutes per image) for the program to process.
This work is deployed in heroku because of its lower
prices for deployment, but this gives a low quantity of
ram memory and time for the program to run. When
the image reduction is set to its 50% it crashes due
to time. For this reason, we reduce the images to a
15% of their original size. It was demonstrated in the
section of results that the algorithm has good results
depending on the quality an size of the image.
For future works it would be centered mainly in
the upgrade of this run time issue, to be able of putting
images to its 50% size or even its original size, simi-
lar to (Rodriguez-Meza et al., 2022; Rodr
ıguez et al.,
2021). Also, it would analyse to see if theres a better
way to speed the process of analysis and not reducing
the image quality and size (Leon-Urbano and Ugarte,
2020). Also, the algorithm can be upgrade using other
tecnologies to be able of recognising people that is
farther away, this by using another program that that
polishes the image to have better quality.
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WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies