Collaborative Emotion Annotation: Assessing the Intersection of
Human and AI Performance with GPT Models
Hande Aka Uymaz
and Senem Kumova Metin
İzmir University of Economics, Department of Software Engineering, İzmir, Turkey
Keywords: Emotion, Sentiment, Lexicon, Annotation, Cohen’s Kappa, Fleiss Kappa.
Abstract: In this study, we explore emotion detection in text, a complex yet vital aspect of human communication. Our
focus is on the formation of an annotated dataset, a task that often presents difficulties due to factors such as
reliability, time, and consistency. We propose an alternative approach by employing artificial intelligence
(AI) models as potential annotators, or as augmentations to human annotators. Specifically, we utilize
ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. We use its latest versions, GPT3.5 and GPT4, to
label a Turkish dataset having 8290 terms according to Plutchik’s emotion categories, alongside three human
annotators. We conduct experiments to assess the AI's annotation capabilities both independently and in
conjunction with human annotators. We measure inter-rater agreement using Cohen’s Kappa, Fleiss Kappa,
and percent agreement metrics across varying emotion categorizations- eight, four, and binary. Particularly,
when we filtered out the terms where the AI models were indecisive, it was found that including AI models
in the annotation process was successful in increasing inter-annotator agreement. Our findings suggest that,
the integration of AI models in the emotion annotation process holds the potential to enhance efficiency,
reduce the time of lexicon development and thereby advance the field of emotion/sentiment analysis.
Emotion and sentiment are two terms that define the
feelings of people. Emotion encompasses a broad
range of distinct categories, such as happiness, anger,
fear, and sadness, among others. In contrast, senti-
ment is a more general feeling that can be categorized
as positive, negative, or neutral. People may experi-
ence different emotions or sentiments in the same cir-
cumstances. This can be affected by a variety of
factors, including gender, age, psychology, culture,
and personal experiences. Considering the
differences between emotions and sentiments,
emotion detection becomes a challenging task.
Emotion and sentiment play a crucial role in human
communication and expression. Text, speech, video,
or EEG signals are used to reflect the emotions of
people. For centuries, texts have served as a means of
communication and have consequently become a
valuable source for studies on emotion detection.
Furthermore, with the popular usage of social media,
collecting data for emotion analysis studies is easier.
There are several ways to extract emotive data from a
data source. For instance, we naturally remark facial
expressions, body language, tone of voice, and
gestures as powerful indicators of emotions. Word
choice, frequency of word usage, sentence structure,
use of emoticons and emojis, and context are among
the key factors examined in text-based emotion
There exist multiple approaches to determining
the emotion or sentiment conveyed in a text,
including machine learning techniques and lexicon-
based methods. Having an emotion/sentiment
lexicon, which is a list of labelled words, is generally
a necessity to apply these methods. There are multiple
methods for collecting annotated datasets, including
expert, crowd and automated annotation (e.g., Staiano
& Guerini, 2014; Schuff et al., 2017; Mohammad &
Turney, 2010; Aka Uymaz & Kumova Metin, 2022)).
Each method has its own advantages and
disadvantages in terms of reliability, time, and
consistency. For example, expert annotation involves
the expertise of domain experts or linguists, but it can
Aka Uymaz, H. and Kumova Metin, S.
Collaborative Emotion Annotation: Assessing the Intersection of Human and AI Performance with GPT Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0012183200003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 298-305
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
be a time-consuming and costly process. Moreover,
examining the previous studies, the lexicons proposed
are mainly in English, which has the most resources.
The research on languages other than English utilizes
translated versions or constructs the lexicon from the
ground up. Utilizing translated versions for creating
emotion/sentiment lexicons poses several challenges.
A significant concern is the loss of nuances and
cultural distinctions, as emotions are intricately tied
to cultural contexts, and direct translations may not
fully capture their intricacies. Moreover, some
languages lack equivalent words, leading to
approximate matches and potential inaccuracies.
Ambiguity and polysemy in words across languages
further complicate matters, as a single word can carry
multiple meanings and interpretations. Additionally,
languages evolve over time, introducing new
emotion-related expressions that may not be
adequately reflected in translated lexicons. Keeping
such lexicons up-to-date requires frequent revisions.
Due to such reasons, it would be advantageous to
develop emotion/sentiment lexicons natively in the
target language, through collaboration with linguists
and native speakers, ensuring the accurate
representation of cultural and contextual nuances of
In this study, considering the difficulties of
forming an annotated dataset, we considered utilizing
AI models as an alternative to human annotators or
increasing the number of annotators by forming a
combination with human annotators.
As an artificial intelligence, we utilize the
ChatGPT AI language model (OpenAI, 2023)
developed by OpenAI. ChatGPT is trained on
massive amounts of data to understand and generate
text-based outputs, like humans. We employ its latest
versions, GPT3.5 and GPT4, as two different AI
annotators for our emotion labeling task. We also
have three human annotators, and they, along with
two AI language models, labeled the same Turkish
dataset according to Plutchik’s eight emotion
categories and the neutral category. We carried out
multiple experiments to assess the annotation
capabilities of AI models, both with and without the
involvement of human annotators.
We measured the inter-rater agreement among
annotators in different perspectives employing three
metrics which are Cohen’s Kappa, Fleiss Kappa and
percent agreement. These statistics are evaluated
when lexicon words are labeled according to eight,
four or binary emotion categories. We utilized
Plutchick’s emotion categories for eight discrete
emotion categories (Robert Plutchik, 1980). Then,
we eliminated them to 4 basic emotions. For binary
emotion labeling we considered the label of a word as
an emotive word or non-emotive word.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows. Section II provides an overview of previous
work related to the topic. Section III describes the
process of lexicon annotation employed in this study.
In Section IV, we present the experimental results
obtained from our analysis. Finally, Section V gives
the conclusion.
Emotion or sentiment lexicons are linguistic
resources, where each entry consists of a word
associated with its respective emotional or sentiment
label/labels. Typically, sentiment lexicons are
structured around polarity values, assigning words to
categories of positive, negative, or neutral. On the
other hand, emotion lexicons consist of words with
discrete emotion categories (e.g., happiness, sadness,
or anger) or emotional dimensions such as pleasure
and arousal.
The process of annotating lexicons and the quality
of annotation are vital as they directly impact the
performance of emotion detection studies. Annotators
need to label independently from each other by
following a specific guideline. Different methods
exist for the collection of annotated datasets: expert
annotation, crowd-sourced annotation, and automated
annotation. For example, National Research Council
Canada (NRC) emotion lexicon (Mohammad &
Turney, 2013) is a frequently utilized publicly
available emotion lexicon. It is based on English, and
there exists automatically translated versions for
other languages. The lexicon is constructed by
crowdsourcing annotation with Amazon’s
Mechanical Turk service. While crowdsourcing
offers several benefits such as cost-effectiveness and
speedy turnaround times, it also presents certain
drawbacks. For example, the quality of annotation
can be a concern, with issues like random or incorrect
annotations and not following all the directions for
the annotation process. Thus, the educational
background of participants remains uncertain in the
crowdsourcing environment (Mohammad & Turney,
2013). DepecheMood is another emotion lexicon
where automatic annotation was carried out by
gathering data with the extraction of news articles
considering readers' selection of emotion categories
related to the news (Staiano & Guerini, 2014).
Valence Aware Dictionary for sEntiment Reasoning
(VADER) (Hutto & Gilbert, 2014) is a sentiment
polarity lexicon annotated by expert human
Collaborative Emotion Annotation: Assessing the Intersection of Human and AI Performance with GPT Models
annotators. To ensure the collection of meaningful
data, certain quality control measures were
implemented for the annotators, which included
testing for English comprehension and sentiment
rating abilities.
Although there are more studies on English
dataset construction, as in other natural language
processing tasks, a limited number of emotion
lexicons/datasets have been developed in different
languages. TEL lexicon (Toçoglu & Alpkoçak,
2019), which is valuable as an alternative to the
lexicon that is the output of our study, is one of them.
TEL is the first constructed Turkish emotion lexicon
based on TREMO dataset (Tocoglu & Alpkocak,
2018)which has 27,350 documents collected from
4709 people. Furthermore, the dataset has been
validated by 48 annotators to address ambiguities in
documents. It has several versions based on different
enrichment methods and preprocessing techniques
that have 3976 to 7289 terms. Gala and Brun (2012)
proposed a French sentiment lexicon having 7483
nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. In the lexicon,
terms are annotated by polarity values are labeled by
a semi-automatic method. Navarrete, presented
a Spanish emotion lexicon (Segura Navarrete et al.,
2021). The Emotion Lexicon includes specific
emotions and their corresponding intensities
associated with 1892 Spanish words. EmoLex
lexicon (Mohammad & Turney, 2013) has been
translated, validated, and further enhanced with
synonyms derived from WordNet (Strapparava &
Valitutti, 2004).
In the work of Aka Uymaz and Kumova Metin
(2022) a detailed review on emotion lexicons and
other resources employed in emotion/sentiment
detection is provided.
AI models such as ChatGPT and other advanced
language models have brought about a paradigm shift
in Natural Language Processing (NLP) due to their
exceptional capabilities. These models, driven by
advanced deep learning algorithms and trained on
extensive textual data, perform exceptionally well in
comprehending and generating human-like text. The
possibilities for their use in NLP are vast and
promising. One key application involves virtual
assistants, which can now engage in more natural and
contextually relevant conversations, leading to
improved customer support and assistance (Day &
Shaw, 2021). Furthermore, these models have
revolutionized sentiment analysis, empowering
businesses to accurately assess customer feedback.
For instance, Kertkeidkachorn and Shira introduced
an approach that combines graph neural networks
with a model called Graph Neural Network-based
model with the pre-trained Language Model
(Kertkeidkachorn & Shirai, n.d.). The model
effectively captures the connection between users and
products by generating distributed representations
through a graph neural network. These
representations are then integrated with distributed
representations of reviews from the RoBERTa (Liu et
al., 2019) pre-trained language model to predict
sentiment labels. Additionally, language models have
also simplified language translation, making cross-
lingual communication seamless. Furthermore, they
play a pivotal role in content creation, summarization,
and recommendation systems, enabling users to
access relevant information more efficiently. For
example, the survey of Cao explores the
growing interest in Generative AI techniques, such as
ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2023), DALL-E-2 (Ramesh et al.,
2021), and Codex (Chen et al., 2021), and their
application in Artificial Intelligence Generated
Content that involves the efficient production of
digital content using AI models based on human
instructions and intent information (Cao et al., 2023).
The integration of large-scale models has enhanced
the extraction of intent and content generation,
leading to significantly more realistic results.
In this study, we utilized the ChatGPT language
model with both GPT3.5 and GPT4 architectures to
annotate the emotion lexicon in the Turkish language.
Although this language model has been used in
various natural language processing tasks, as far as
we know, it has not been studied for lexicon
annotation and the Turkish language yet.
In this study, we construct a Turkish emotion lexicon
based on 8 discrete categories of Plutchik’s theory of
emotions which are joy, sadness, anger, fear, trust,
disgust surprise and anticipation (Robert Plutchik,
1980). The words for our lexicon have been sourced
from the frequently used English NRC emotion
lexicon (Mohammad & Turney, 2013). Totally, there
are 8290 terms are annotated for this lexicon. The
terms are translated to Turkish manually. Afterwards,
the word list was reviewed by the researchers and the
observed translation errors were corrected.
For the annotation of emotion labels for these
Turkish words, a combination of three human
annotators and two AI annotators are employed. The
human annotators consist of three individuals who are
native Turkish speakers and currently enrolled in a
master's degree program who will be named as A1, A2
and A3. We used two models of ChatGPT as artificial
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
intelligence annotators (GPT3.5 and GPT4). ChatGPT
is a language model developed by OpenAI, based on
the transformer based GPT (Generative Pretrained
Transformer) architecture (Radford et al., 2019). Both
versions, GPT3.5 and GPT4 are trained on vast
amounts of internet data and designed to produce
answers like human. They can be utilized in a variety
of tasks such as, translation, question answering,
tagging, or classifying information. It has been trained
on a multilingual corpus and can generate text in a
variety of languages. GPT3.5 has been launched as the
fastest model suitable for a wide range of everyday
tasks, while GPT4 is described as a more proficient
version designed specifically for tasks that demand
creativity and advanced reasoning abilities.
We asked both human annotators and AI
annotators to match the given words with a maximum
of two out of Plutchick’s eight emotion categories or
neutral category and specify the primary and
secondary emotions, if applicable. During the word
labeling of these two AI annotators, we realized that
GPT3.5 model sometimes labeled the words with
other emotion categories that are not specified in the
query. However, in contrast, GPT4 was much more
successful in complying with the given instructions.
After completing the entire annotation process, we
conducted three analyses to measure inter-rater
reliability using three different metrics:
(1) Cohen's Kappa (Jacob Cohen, 1960),
(2) Fleiss Kappa (Joseph L. Fleiss, 1971),
(3) Percent agreement.
These are the metrics that are accepted as reliable
measures of inter-rater agreement in various fields
(e.g., Atapattu et al., 2022; Pérez et al., 2020; Pham
et al., 2023; Wilbur et al., 2006).
Cohen's Kappa is a statistical measure used to
assess level of agreement between two raters. It
quantifies how well two observers' assessments align
based on the same conditions. If there is no agreement,
its value is less than 0, while perfect agreement is
represented by a value of 1. On the other hand, Fleiss
Kappa is a metric used to assess the level of
agreement among multiple raters or observers. It
extends the concept of Cohen's Kappa to situations
where there are more than two raters. Fleiss kappa
and Cohen's kappa both consider the possibility of
agreement occurring by chance. Essentially, these
statistical measures evaluate the level of agreement
while considering the agreement that could be
expected to happen randomly.
Percent agreement is a statistical metric used to
assess the level of agreement among multiple
annotators based on their categorical decisions. It is
calculated by simply dividing the total number of
agreements by the total number of samples and
representing it as a percentage.
Table 1 presents the number of labels (in
percentages) assigned by human and AI annotators.
For example, the first column presents that annotator
A1 labels 5.1% of all samples with Anger category.
Last four columns, in Table 1 show the percentages
for majority of votes. The term majority of votes
refers to the approach where a sample is labeled with
the emotion category which gets the most votes (at
least half of the votes) in multi-annotator environment.
To exemplify, when all human and AI annotators,
totally 5 annotators, are involved (A1-A2-A3-
GPT3.5-GPT4) in labeling (last column in Table 1),
3.4% of samples are tagged as Anger by at least 3
annotators. In our study, the samples that are not
labeled with the same category by most of the
annotators are set as “No label”.
In Table 1, the bold cells refer to the label that
holds the highest percentage for each annotator,
except no label case. Examining the results in Table
1, it is seen that the percentage of words that are
labeled as Joy are dominantly higher except A2. It has
also been observed that AI models tend to assign
approximately equal number of samples to all labels
when compared to human annotators.
Table 2 represents the results of Cohen’s Kappa
and percent agreement measures. The table presents
all possible pairwise combinations of annotators. We
calculated Cohen’s Kappa and percent agreement
scores for three versions presented as 8-emotion, 4-
emotion, binary (emotive or no-emotive). 8-emotion
version refers to the experiment where the labels
given by annotators are employed without any
preprocessing. In 4-emotion version, samples labeled
with emotions other than 4 core emotions (anger, fear,
sadness and joy) are assigned to neutral category. And
binary version is the case where samples who are
labeled with one emotion is accepted to be in emotive
group and others are assigned to non-emotive. In
Table 2, the three highest values are highlighted in
bold in every column.
The experimental results in Table 2 revealed the
following outcomes:
(1) Both 8 and 4-emotion versions, the higher
Cohen’s Kappa values are obtained with
annotator pairs GPT 3.5-GPT 4, A1-A2,
and GPT 4 and the majority of votes of 3
human annotators.
Collaborative Emotion Annotation: Assessing the Intersection of Human and AI Performance with GPT Models
(2) The highest Cohen’s Kappa value is
obtained with annotators A1 and A2 when
considering only human judges.
(3) Examining the percent agreement scores,
the score between human raters is higher
than the other pairs in binary emotion
(4) The highest percent agreement is obtained
with GPT 3.5GPT 4 pair considering
eight and four emotion categories.
Table 1: Emotion label percentages of annotators (Totally 8290 Samples).
A1 A2 A3 GPT3.5 GPT4
Anger 5.1% 6.5% 21.3% 3.0% 5,6% 4.7% 5.9% 7.0% 3.4%
Anticipation 16.5% 19.0% 15.3% 4.1% 3,1% 10.7% 12.1% 11.8% 3.2%
Disgust 7.3% 5.4% 2.7% 5.2% 3,6% 2.4% 3.4% 3.2% 1.6%
Fear 10.3% 14.8% 9.2% 4.0% 5,1% 7.2% 8.1% 8.2% 4.1%
Joy 22.3% 22.4% 10.1% 7.9% 9,9% 15.3% 17.0% 17.6% 9.2%
Sadness 12.6% 9.8% 7.6% 3.1% 5,7% 6.5% 6.9% 7.1% 4.5%
Surprise 5.5% 3.6% 11.5% 4.1% 1,4% 2.1% 2.9% 2.3% 0.8%
Trust 10.8% 11.6% 17.6% 6.9% 4,8% 7.4% 8.5% 8.3% 3.7%
Neutral 9.6% 6.8% 4.7% 61.8% 60,8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
No label - - - - - 39.7% 23.9% 22.5% 57.0%
Table 2: Cohen's Kappa and Percent Agreement scores (The top three values are indicated in bold).
Figure 1: Framework for annotation procedure with filtering.
Cohen’s Kappa Percent Agreement
Pair 8-Emotions 4-Emotion Binary 8-Emotions 4-Emotion Binary
Human & Human
A1 - A2
0.303 0.366 0.289 39.88% 56.36% 89.28%
A1 - A3 0.089 0.101 0.137 18.90% 37.93% 88.49%
A2 - A3 0.104 0.123 0.246 20.75% 38.43% 91.81%
AI & Human
GPT3.5 - A1
0.150 0.209 0.068 24.01% 55.30% 44.49%
GPT3.5 - A2 0.129 0.203 0.048 20.84% 52.94% 42.67%
GPT3.5 - A3 0.059 0.089 0.024 12.83% 49.48% 40.75%
GPT3.5 - Majority 0.196 0.282 0.066 27.14% 55.78% 46.26%
GPT4 - A1 0.214 0.326 0.106 30.01% 59.82% 47.45%
GPT4 - A2 0.197 0.342 0.065 27.27% 59.29% 44.50%
GPT4 - A3 0.073 0.135 0.025 14.22% 49.20% 41.69%
GPT4 - Majority 0.290 0.453 0.094 36.22% 64.50% 50.58%
AI & AI annotato
GPT3.5 - GPT4 0.395 0.433 0.447 63.49% 78.35% 73.78%
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 3: Cohen's Kappa and Percent Agreement scores filtered by GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 (The top three values are indicated in
Cohen’s Kappa Percent Agreement
Pair 8-Emotions 4-Emotion 8-Emotions 4-Emotion
AI (GPT 3) & Human
GPT3.5_Filtered - A1 0.354 0.619 43.96% 72.41%
GPT3.5_Filtered - A2 0.320 0.617 41.04% 72.28%
GPT3.5_Filtered - A3 0.146 0.305 24.82% 47.22%
GPT3.5_Filtered -
Majority 0.451 0.724 52.74% 80.11%
AI (GPT 4) & Human
GPT4_Filtered - A1 0.469 0.652 54.73% 74.31%
GPT4_Filtered - A2 0.469 0.662 55.16% 75.18%
GPT4_Filtered - A3 0.173 0.300 27.90% 47.64%
GPT4_Filtered -
Majority 0.611 0.754 67.61% 82.04%
AI & AI annotato
GPT3.5_Filtered -
GPT4_Filtered 0.533 0.781 59.75% 83.99%
Our experimental results showed us that not only
the agreement between AI models and human
annotators is low, but also the agreement between
humans is low in emotion labeling. Based on this
result, we experimented to use the decisions of
artificial intelligence models as a filter. The general
framework used for filtering proceduce is represented
in Figure1. Namely, we eliminate the words labeled
as neutral” by AI annotators and recalculated the
Cohen’s Kappa and percent agreement scores as can
be seen in Table 3 (highest three values are indicated
as bold in every column). By examining the Cohen’s
Kappa values, it is clear that the removal of the
“neutral” label (filtering) increased the level of
agreement between AI models and human
annotators for both the 8-emotion and 4-emotion
categories compared to the unfiltered data. According
to results, both in eight and four emotion categories,
the Cohen’s kappa value between both AI models and
the majority of votes of three human annotators are
higher than the pairs of AI models and a single human
Tables 4-6 presents Fleiss Kappa statistic results
between 3 human annotators or between 3 human
annotators and GPT 3.5 or/and GPT 4. As can be seen
from the tables, filtering of “neutral” categories again
increased the Fleiss Kappa values between all
annotator groups (except some cases in binary
labelling). Furthermore, examining Table 4, adding
GPT3.5 as an annotator increased the Fleiss Kappa
value from 0.19 to 0.23, 0.22 to 0.25 and 0.14 to 0.95
with eight, four and binary emotion categories,
respectively. The similar improved results are
obtained when adding GPT4 as an annotator with
human raters (from 0.21 to 0.28, from 0.23 to 0.30
and from 0.10 to 0.97) as can be seen in Table 5.
Finally, Table 6 presents the Fleiss Kappa statistic
results of all human and AI annotators. Filtering
(eliminating) the terms labeled as “neutral” by
GPT3.5 and GPT4 results in an increase in inter
annotator agreement when adding AI annotators to
the labeling process compared to only expert
Table 4: Fleiss Kappa scores between human annotators
and GPT 3.5.
8-Emotions 4-Emotions Binary
A1 - A2 - A3 0.16 0.19 0.22
A1 - A2 - A3 -
GPT3.5 0.11 0.17 0.66
A1 - A2 - A3
(Filtered) 0.19 0.22 0.14
A1 - A2 - A3 –
GPT3.5 (Filtered) 0.23 0.25 0.95
Table 5: Fleiss Kappa scores between human annotators
and GPT 4.
Emotions 4-Emotions Binary
A1 - A2 - A3 0.16 0.19 0.22
A1 - A2 - A3 – GPT4 0.14 0.22 0.67
A1 - A2 - A3
(Filtered) 0.21 0.23 0.10
A1 - A2 - A3 -
GPT4(Filtered) 0.28 0.30 0.97
In Table 7, the distribution of labels when samples
that are either labeled as neutral by GPT3.5 or GPT4
are removed from the data set is given. The table
provides for two sets. First column (A1-A2-A3)
refers to the set that is the filtered version of majority
of votes for human annotators. And the second is
filtered set of majority of votes for all annotators. In
Table 7, it is examined that still the top-most
Collaborative Emotion Annotation: Assessing the Intersection of Human and AI Performance with GPT Models
Table 6: Fleiss Kappa scores between all human and AI
8-Emotions 4-Emotions Binary
A1 - A2 - A3 0.16 0.19 0.22
A1 - A2 - A3 –
GPT3.5 - GPT4 0.14 0.21 0.60
A1 - A2 - A3
(Filtered) 0.22 0.23 0.08
A1 - A2 - A3 –
GPT3.5 -
GPT4(Filtered) 0.31 0.32 0.98
percentage belongs to the Joy category. In addition,
four core emotions (joy, anger, fear, and sadness)
have dominantly more samples in final lexicon. It is
examined that as the filter (GPT3.5+GPT4) is applied
from Table 7, the data set size is decreased from 8290
to 2119 samples. But on the other hand, it is observed
that the annotation process becomes much more
feasible by decreasing the time and effort in human
annotation. As a result, it can be stated that an
increased number of initial samples may be provided
to AI models to determine the emotive samples and
only samples determined to contain emotion can be
submitted for human annotators to label.
Table 7: Emotion label percentages after filtering (Totally
2119 Samples).
Anger 10,3% 10,3%
Anticipation 4,4% 5,1%
Disgust 4,2% 2,8%
Fear 11,9% 13,8%
Joy 19,8% 17,5%
Sadness 11,3% 11,9%
Surprise 2,4% 2,0%
Trust 6,9% 6,0%
Neutral 0,0% 0,0%
No label 57,0% 30,3%
This study focuses on creating an annotated dataset
that can be used in emotion detection studies.
Labeling set of words is a process that often presents
challenges due to reliability, time, and consistency.
We explored an alternative approach using AI
models, specifically ChatGPT versions GPT3.5 and
GPT4, as annotators for a Turkish dataset with 8290
terms, based on Plutchik’s eight emotion categories.
Using three human annotators, we conducted
experiments to assess the AI's annotation capabilities
independently and in combination with human
annotators. The experiments are performed over not
only 8 emotion labeled version of the dataset but also
on the versions where four core emotions and
emotive/non-emotive labels are considered.
By measuring inter-rater agreement using
Cohen’s Kappa, Fleiss Kappa, and percent agreement
metrics, we found that integrating AI models in the
annotation process increased inter-annotator
agreement. Especially, when the AI decision is
employed as a preprocessing filter, the agreement
among annotators comes to an acceptable level
relative to initial scores. This suggests AI models can
enhance efficiency, reduce time of emotion lexicon
development, and advance the field of emotion
detection and sentiment analysis.
In the scope of this study, Senem KUMOVA METİN
contributed to formation of the idea and the design,
conducting of the analyses. Hande AKA UYMAZ
contributed to formation of the design, collecting the
data and conducting the analyses and literature review.
The paper is written by both authors; all authors had
approved the final version.
This work is carried under the grant of Izmir
University of Economics - Coordinatorship of
Scientific Research Projects, Project No: BAP2022-
6, Building a Turkish Dataset for Emotion-Enriched
Vector Space Models.
The authors wish to thank anonymous annotators for
their great effort and time during the annotation
Aka Uymaz, H., & Kumova Metin, S. (2022). Vector based
sentiment and emotion analysis from text: A survey. In
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
(Vol. 113). Elsevier Ltd.
Atapattu, T., Herath, M., Elvitigala, C., de Zoysa, P.,
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Collaborative Emotion Annotation: Assessing the Intersection of Human and AI Performance with GPT Models