Acceptance of Digital Sales and Marketing Tools: A Customer
Perspective on Intention to Use
Tommi Mahlamäki
, Kaj Storbacka
and Samuli Pylkkönen
Unit of Industrial Engineering and Management, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland
Department of Marketing, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Keywords: Information System Acceptance, Sales Configurators, Customer Perspective.
Abstract: Digital sales and marketing tools are important for the success of modern business-to-business (B2B)
companies. While many of these information systems or tools can also be used by the customer, surprisingly
little is known about the customer’s perception of these tools and the acceptance process itself. This research
targets this research gap by developing and testing a structural equation model (PLS-SEM) to investigate
customer perceptions and intentions to use digital sales and marketing tools, namely sales configurators. An
online questionnaire was developed, and the responses of 113 B2B professionals were analyzed. The results
showed that customers’ intention to use digital sales and marketing tools was influenced by ease of use and
perceived usefulness. Ease of navigation and information quality also played a significant role in the
acceptance process of these tools.
Digital sales and marketing tools are important for the
success of modern business-to-business companies
(Hunter & Panagopoulos, 2015; Mahlamäki,
Storbacka, Pylkkönen & Ojala, 2020; Maridoss,
Milewicz, Lee & Sahaym, 2014; Sheth & Sharma,
2008). One important digital sales and marketing tool
category is the sales configurator. These tools are
used in the process of providing relevant product
information to the buyer. Sales configurators’ main
purpose is to produce valid configurations of market
offerings that fulfill the customer requirements while
keeping in mind the interests of the selling company
(Trentin, Perin & Forza, 2013; Rogoll & Piller, 2004).
Sales configurators have been studied in terms of
their design (Salavador & Forza, 2007), capabilities
(Trentin, Perin & Forza, 2013), and the benefits they
generate (Trentin, Perin & Forza, 2014). While
research on sales configurators, and digital sales and
marketing tools in general, has been robust, only a
few studies have focused purely on customer
perspectives about using such tools. For example,
Boujena, Johnston & Merunka (2009) studied the
customer benefits of Sales Force automation, while
Mahlamäki et al. (2020) studied the perceived
usefulness of sales configurators from customer
perspective. The previous studies fail to investigate
the customer perspectives regarding behavior or
behavioral intent on the use of digital tools. The
present study, however, focuses on this important
research gap and examines customer attitudes
towards sales configurator use. More specifically, we
define our research question as: What are the
antecedents of intention to use regarding sales
configurators from the customer perspective.
From a theoretical perspective, this study builds
on research on sales configurators by Trentin et al.
(2014) and on the technology acceptance model
developed by Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw (1989). To
address our research questions, we developed a
quantitative study, in which the empirical data consist
of online survey data, and tested the hypotheses with
a structural equation model developed based on the
technology acceptance literature.
The main contribution of this study is the
increased knowledge about intention to use and its
antecedents regarding sales configurators from the
customer perspective. The study also contributes to
the technology acceptance literature.
Mahlamäki, T., Storbacka, K. and Pylkkönen, S.
Acceptance of Digital Sales and Marketing Tools: A Customer Perspective on Intention to Use.
DOI: 10.5220/0012204800003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 224-230
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The paper proceeds as follows. The next section
provides a theoretical contextualization and builds
towards the research model. Section 3 describes the
hypotheses and the research model, followed by
explanations of the methods in section 4. The results
are presented in section 5. Conclusions are presented
in section 6.
2.1 Sales Configurators
A sales configurator is a digital tool that is responsible
for guiding the user through a service- or product-
configuration process (Rogoll & Piller, 2004). Sales
configurators may be stand-alone applications or
modules of other applications that support translation
of needs into sales specifications, as well as
translation of sales specifications into the product
data necessary to build the product variant requested
by the customer (Trentin, Perin & Forza, 2013;
Rogoll & Piller, 2004).
The fundamental idea behind the configurator is
that it makes the customization of complex products
and services as easy for the user as possible. The user
should not be able to make invalid configurations, and
the system should guide the configuration process so
that the end result is a valid product or service that
can be delivered by the supplier and the distributor.
The configuration rules can be implemented in many
ways, but some of the most common methods include
the following logic-systems (Felfernig, Hotz, Bagley
& Tiihonen, 2014; Sabin & Weigel, 1998):
1. Rule-based systems. In these systems, the
system rules have the formation “if condition then
consequence.” These systems derive solutions in a
forward-chaining manner: at each step, the system
examines the entire set of rules and considers only the
rules it can execute next. The system then selects and
executes one of the rules under consideration by
performing its action part. As the system rules do not
separate directed relationships from actions,
knowledge maintenance may become difficult, due to
the knowledge of a single entity being spread across
multiple rules.
2. Constraint-based systems. In these systems,
each component is defined by a set of properties and
a set of ports for connecting to other components.
Constraints among components restrict the ways in
which various components can be combined to form
a valid configuration. As opposed to rules, the order
in which constraints are invoked does not matter: one
option restricts another, regardless of which one is
chosen first.
3. Resource-based systems. The goal of a
resource-based system is to find a set of components
that bring the overall set of resources to a balanced
state, one in which all demands are satisfied. A
configuration is acceptable only if the resources that
the environment and different components demand
are all balanced by the resources that the environment
and components can maximally supply.
2.2 Technology Acceptance Model
According to Davis et al. (1989), the technology
acceptance model (TAM) is an adaptation of Fishbein
and Ajzen’s (1975) theory of reasoned action (TRA)
model, specifically tailored for modelling user
acceptance of information systems. The goal of TAM
is “to provide an explanation of the determinants of
computer acceptance that is general, capable of
explaining user behavior across a broad range of end-
user computing technologies and user populations,
while at the same time being both parsimonious and
theoretically justified” (Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw,
TAM is designed to be parsimonious so that it can
be readily adapted to various information system
contexts: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of
use are postulated a priori and are meant to be fairly
general determinants of user acceptance (Davis,
Bagozzi & Warshaw, 1989).
Although rooted in TRA, TAM closely resembles
aspects of social cognitive theory. This is also noted
by Davis (1989), according to whom the perceived
ease of use construct is similar to Bandura’s (1977)
concept of self-efficacy, while perceived usefulness
is similar Bandura’s outcome expectation.
Perceived usefulness items are measurements of
behavioral beliefs, which are indirect measures of
attitude, according to TRA. Although originally
included in the model, the attitude construct did little
to help explain the linkages between beliefs and
intentions in Davis (1989) and Davis et al. (1989),
however, and was dropped from the model. Similar
results have been reported by Taylor and Todd
(1995), who suggested that the non-significant,
indirect link from attitude to behavior may have been
due to the fact that TAM allows a direct link from
perceived usefulness to intention, which seemed to
capture the effect of attitude as well.
TAM has also been further developed since its
introduction: Venkatesh and Davis (2000) introduced
TAM2, which adds several antecedents to perceived
usefulness, while Venkatesh and Bala (2008)
Acceptance of Digital Sales and Marketing Tools: A Customer Perspective on Intention to Use
introduced TAM3, which adds antecedents to
perceived ease of use. Davis et al. (1992), Venkatesh
and Davis (2000), and Venkatesh and Bala (2008)
(Venkatesh & Bala, 2008) all demonstrated that the
perceived quality of a system’s output had a
significant effect on its perceived usefulness. Output
quality is judged by observing the quality of the
intermediate or end products of the system, as defined
by Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw (1992). Therefore, in
order for a system to provide work performance
benefits for the user, the output of the system should
be of high quality.
This section presents our research model and
hypotheses development. Figure 1 illustrates the
overall model.
Figure 1: Research constructs and hypotheses.
3.1 Antecedents to Perceived
Following Goodhue and Thompson’s (1995)
conceptualization, information quality and system
adaptability constructs relate to the fit between the
technology and the task requirements: should the
information or functionalities provided by the system
be insufficient to the task requirements as judged by
the respondent, they should attribute the cause of their
own inefficacy to the system’s poor fit to the
requirements of the task. For example, a sales
configurator could be attributed a low task-
technology fit when it offers incorrect product
information to the user. Specifically, in a sales
configurator context, users may find it difficult to
trust the information provided by an automated expert
system (Tiihonen, Soininen, Männistö & Sulonen,
1996). Moreover, the sales configurator should
provide the user with information that is relevant and
on the right level of abstraction (Salavador & Forza
Iivari and Koskela (1987) defined system
adaptability as the degree to which the system adapts
to changes in task requirements. The better the
functionalities of the sales configurator can adapt to
the different steps of the configuration task – that is,
selecting components, determining parameter values
for the components, designing the layout,
determining component connections, checking for
completeness and consistency of the configuration,
etc. – in different conditions and situations, the more
useful the configuration task is. Thus, we present the
following hypotheses:
H1: A positive relationship exists between
system adaptability and perceived
Venkatesh and Davis (2000) argue that, given a
choice set containing multiple systems, one would be
inclined to choose the system that delivers the highest
output quality. Indeed Calisir et al., (2014), Davis et
al. (1992), Seddon and Kiew (1996), Venkatesh and
Davis (2000), and Venkatesh and Bala (2008) all
found a statistically significant relationship between
output or information quality and perceived
usefulness. Hence, we posit:
H2: A positive relationship exists between
information quality and perceived
3.2 Antecedents to Perceived Ease of
Similarly to Mahlamäki et al. (2020), we identified
format quality and ease of navigation as antecedents
to perceived ease of use. Format quality refers to the
user-interface design, which determines how easy or
difficult the system is to interact with. Interaction is
easy when the information provided by the system is
structured in visual hierarchies, information is
consistent, use of the system does not require
memorization but is based on recognition, and so on.
(Johnson, 2010) Thus, the degree of format quality
provided by the system affects how easy the system
is to use (Tiihonen et al., 1996; Bailey & Pearson,
1983; Wixom & Todd, 2005).
H3: A positive relationship exists between
format quality and perceived ease of use
Similarly, the degree to which the system’s user
interface is easy to navigate should affect how easy it
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
is to interact with (Aladwani & Palvia, 2002; Palmer,
2002). Thus, ease of navigation is hypothesized to
affect perceived ease of use.
H4: A positive relationship exists between ease
of navigation and perceived ease of use
3.3 Relationships Between Intention to
Use, Perceived Usefulness, and
Perceived Ease of Use
Following the Venkatesh and Bala (2008) TAM3
model, we hypothesize that intention to use is affected
by both perceived ease of use and perceived
usefulness. In addition, we hypothesize that perceived
ease of use has an effect on perceived usefulness.
H5: A positive relationship exists between
perceived ease of use and perceived
H6: A positive relationship exists between
perceived usefulness and intention to use
H7: A positive relationship exists between
perceived ease of use and intention to use
To explore customer perceptions of sales
configurators, we developed a model based on
existing literature and designed an online
questionnaire that we administered to Finnish
industrial distributor companies.
4.1 Online Questionnaire Context and
To empirically validate the model, an online
questionnaire was created that targeted Finnish B2B
distributors. First, the names and contact information
of Finnish industrial distributor companies were
obtained from Statistics Finland, a governmental
statistical agency. We randomly phoned 630 of those
companies to identify the most relevant responder.
We then contacted the identified responders and
determined their willingness to participate in our
research. Of the 342 representatives who indicated
their willingness to respond, 152 eventually
responded. Of the 152 responses, 39 were removed
from the final data set because they either provided
answers that were too brief, did now answer the
relevant questions, or used repetitive answer patterns.
The data-cleaning process resulted in 113 responses
that could be used in the analysis.
4.2 Measures
The information quality scale was adapted from
Seddon and Kiew (1996) and Kankanhalli, Tan and
Wei (2005). Format quality and system adaptability
scales were both developed based on Bailey and
Pearson (1983), Wixom and Todd (2005), and Iivari
and Koskela (1987). The ease of navigation scale was
developed based on Aladwani and Palvia (2002),
Palmer (2002), and Yang, Zhou and Zhou, (2005).
The perceived usefulness scale was adapted from
Davis (1989), which was shortened from six to four
items. The intention to use scale was adapted from
Ajzen (2002). All the measurement items in the above
scales utilized a seven-point Likert scale.
The model’s predictive ability was estimated with the
partial least squares (PLS) method. The reason for
choosing PLS-based structural equation method
(SEM) over the more conventional covariance-based
SEM was the relatively low sample size at hand and
the robustness of the PLS-SEM method (Hair,
Sarstedt, Ringle, and Mena, 2012).
We follow the typical two-stage approach, where
the measurement model is first assessed for reliability
and validity and then the structural model is assessed
(Hulland, 1999).
5.1 Measurement Model
The reliability of the measurement model was
assessed with Cronbach’s alpha and composite
reliability. All Cronbach alphas were above .90.
Similarly, the composite reliability levels were above
.90, while the recommended level is .70 (Hulland,
1999). To evaluate convergent validity, the average
variance extracted (AVE) was analyzed. The lowest
AVE value was .69, which is well above the
suggested .50 level (Henseler, Ringle, and Sinkovics,
2009). Table 1 presents the correlation analysis of the
Table 2 shows the Cronbach alphas, composite
reliabilities, AVEs, and numbers of items used. In
addition, the discriminant validity was assessed with
the Fornell-Larcker criterion (Fornell & Larcker,
1981). Finally, the level of multi-collinearity was
assessed with the variance inflation factor (VIF). The
Acceptance of Digital Sales and Marketing Tools: A Customer Perspective on Intention to Use
largest VIF value was 2.18, which is well below the
suggested level of 5 (Hair, Risher, Sarstedt and
Ringle, 2018).
Table 1: Correlation analysis.
Table 2: Reliability, Average Variance Extracted, and the
number of items.
5.2 Structural Model
The path model was assessed with R-square statistics,
path coefficients, p-values, variance explained, and
SRMR. Figure 2 presents the path coefficients,
variances explained, and the significance levels based
on p-values. The SRMR for the model was .066 and
the R-squares ranged from 1.71 to 4.55.
5.3 Hypotheses
Next, we tested the hypotheses based on the results of
the analysis. Hypothesis 1 postulated that system
adaptability has a positive effect on perceived
usefulness. We did not find evidence supporting the
hypothesis (β = .106, p = .451). This result contradicts
previous research (Venkatesh & Bala, 2008). By
contrast, hypothesis 2 was supported by the current
research = .299, p = .012) and the previous
literature (Venkatesh & Bala, 2008).
Hypotheses 3 and 4 were supported. Format
quality was found to have a positive relationship with
perceived ease of use (β = .243, p = .030) and ease of
navigation with perceived ease of use = .476, p =
.000). These results indicate that ease of navigation
had a more significant relationship than format
quality. The results were in line with previous
research (Mahlamäki et al, 2020).
Surprisingly, hypothesis 5 was rejected, with no
evidence found on the relationship between perceived
ease of use and perceived usefulness = .076, p =
.503). This result contradicts the TAM3 model
(Venkatesh & Bala, 2008).
Hypotheses 6 and 7, which were also based on the
TAM3 (Venkatesh & Bala, 2008), were supported.
Perceived usefulness had a significant relationship
with intention to use = .545, p = .000). Another
significant relationship was found between perceived
ease of use and intention to use = .233, p = .003).
Table 3 summarizes the hypotheses, relationships,
path coefficients, t-values, and p-values.
Table 3: Hypotheses.
Figure 2: Results.
Many industrial companies are developing marketing
and sales tools that can be utilized on several levels
of their value chain; therefore, it is increasingly
important to understand the adoption process of these
tools from the perspectives of the different parties in
the value chain (e.g., supplier or customer).
This position paper presents the preliminary
results regarding intention to use and its antecedents
regarding sales configurators from a customer
perspective. The results aligned with the TAM3
model (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000; Venkatesh & Bala,
2008) regarding the relationship between perceived
usefulness and intention to use and between ease of
use and intention to use. Unlike the TAM3, we did
not find a relationship between ease of use and
perceived usefulness. Information quality was found
to have a strong relationship with perceived
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
usefulness, while system adaptability played no
significant role in determining perceived usefulness.
As in Mahlamäki et al.’s (2020) model, format quality
and ease of navigation were statistically linked with
perceived ease of use.
In the following steps this position paper is
developed especially regarding literature review and
discussion of the findings. Future research agenda
and limitations are also to be introduced.
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KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems