Emergency Meteorological Data Preparation for Artillery Operations
Jan Ivan
, Michal Šustr
, David Sládek
Jaroslav Varecha
and Jiří Gregor
Fire Support Department, University of Defence, Kounicova 65, Brno, Czech Republic
Department of Military Tactics and Operational Art, Armed Forces Academy of general Milan Rastislav Štefánik,
Demänová 393, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia
Department of Process Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Antonínská 548/1, Brno, Czech Republic
Keywords: Artillery, Knowledge Based System, Meteorology, Military, Synopsys, Tacticle Sensor.
Abstract: The article discusses a research project focused on new approaches to the meteorological preparation of
artillery units. As can be observed in the current conditions of the war in Ukraine, artillery is a key component
of both warring parties. The effectiveness of artillery is based on the accuracy of its fire. However, in order
for the artillery to fire accurately, it is necessary to compensate for all the influences that may affect the shell
flight. The main component of influencing factors are meteorological conditions, which the artillery
determines by upper air sounding of the atmosphere. However, currently used methods are very susceptible
to enemy activity and artillery must therefore be able to obtain meteorological data at any level of degradation
of its capabilities. This article describes the research project which is aimed to create an aggregated predictive
model based on historical meteorological data. Using this model, it would be possible to obtain meteorological
data autonomously, without the need for complex sounding of the atmosphere or obtaining data from external
sources. The article describes the proposed approaches to the solution of the project and the creation of an
aggregated predictive model for the use of artillery units.
Although many statements predicted the gradual
decline of artillery in modern conflicts, the opposite
is true. Currently, as we can unfortunately see,
especially in the conditions of the war in Ukraine, the
artillery is an absolutely key component providing
fire support to combat units. However, the degree of
effectiveness of artillery must be seen in the broader
context of its operation and through the lens of all the
data and technologies that artillery uses in order to be
able to fire accurately and efficiently.
Unlike other types of combat support and combat
security forces, which include, for example,
chemical, anti-aircraft, logistics and engineering
forces, artillery is one of the oldest components of the
armed forces, whose principles and principles of
operation have undergone fundamental changes in the
course of modern history. These changes have
become more or less reflected in the character they
operate on the battlefield (Rolenec and others, 2021).
Artillery is a technical branch of military whose
main purpose is to provide fire support to combat
units. However, this general definition, which can be
found in all sources, must be seen in a clear context.
Providing artillery support to combat units in detail
means providing those units with an effect that they
are unable to achieve with their weapons at distances
that their weapons cannot fire at. In addition to the
size of the effect, there is another aspect to be seen in
the background of the general definition, which is
accuracy. Therefore, if we should mark the clear
pillars of artillery activity, it is accuracy combined
with long range, because these two parameters clearly
define the effectiveness of artillery fire. Thus,
Ivan, J., Šustr, M., Sládek, D., Varecha, J. and Gregor, J.
Emergency Meteorological Data Preparation for Artillery Operations.
DOI: 10.5220/0012205500003543
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2023) - Volume 1, pages 250-257
ISBN: 978-989-758-670-5; ISSN: 2184-2809
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
throughout history, the vast majority of innovations
have been aimed at increasing artillery capabilities in
the area of accuracy and range.
In order to understand the issue of how modern
artillery improves its accuracy by using
meteorological data, it is first necessary to describe
the basics of artillery fire control and the methods of
supplying meteorological data.
Artillery is a multidisciplinary, technical type of
branch that is quite specific in how comprehensive
data it needs for its operations. In general, artillery
consists of four sub-groups:
1) weapon and ammunition systems,
2) sensors,
3) fire control,
4) supporting means.
Effectors are the most visible part of the artillery,
because they stand at the very end of the entire chain.
In the artillery environment, effectors are cannons
(howitzers), mortars, and rocket launchers. Effectors
are artillery tools, the purpose of which is to deliver
the ammunition, which is the carrier of the effect on
the target. For the effective function of effectors,
firing data is necessary, because they accumulate
positional and ballistic data about the effector, and the
ammunition used by it, as well as the meteorological
data informing about meteorological conditions that
may affect the flight path of the shell. The firing data
are determined within fire direction centers, with
information from the supporting means and other
sources being used to determine them.
Sensors are another combat components of
artillery, which are still necessary even in modern
conditions, because they are the means that allow the
observation of the target, its localization,
identification and subsequent cooperation on fire
control. Fire control cooperation consists in the fact
that the sensors observe the shell impacts and provide
the fire direction centers with their position data,
based on which corrections are made to the firing data
so that the target is hit. Modern sensors can take many
forms and are typically based on optical,
optoelectronic or radar instruments positioned on
self-propelled ground platforms, or aircrafts.
Fire control is one of the main components of
artillery, it is a process that involves planning,
coordinating, preparing and directing the firing of
artillery effectors. Its main objective is to achieve
maximum effect in the target, taking into account the
needs of the operational environment and the tasks of
the supported unit. Generally, artillery fire control is
divided into tactical fire control and technical fire
Tactical fire control is part of the broader fire
control process and focuses on planning and
conducting fire at the tactical level within a specific
combat deployment. Typical tasks of tactical fire
control are the selection of the most suitable fire unit
to meet the objective according to combat
effectiveness, ammunition supply, position and other
metrics. (Świętochowski, 2019)
Technical fire control is the process of converting
the characteristics of weapon sets and ammunition
(ballistic firing conditions), the location of weapon
sets and targets (conditions of topographic-geodetic
connection) and meteorological conditions into firing
data. To put it simply, technical fire control deals with
the calculation of the firing data, which are set on the
effector sights. (Blaha and others, 2016)
Currently, technical fire control is an activity that
can be performed by a human entity or automated tool
using specialized software (fire control system or
ballistic computer). The method of performing
technical fire control is thus divided into manual and
digital gunnery.
Supporting means are a specific components
whose goal is to supply artillery units with all the data
necessary to fire. This is mainly the delivery of
navigation data for effectors and sensors (artillery
survey) and upper air sounding of the atmosphere, the
aim of which is the delivery of actual meteorological
Meteorological techniques and preparation is a key
component of artillery fire control and artillery target
acquisition. The reason for this is that meteorological
conditions significantly affect the flight path of the
shell. The firing data must compensate for these
conditions in order to adjust the flight path of the shell
to hit the target. Approaches to technical fire control
and the inclusion of meteorological data vary across
individual states. However, in general, when
determining the firing data, corrections are included
that adjust the flight path of the shell for the effect of:
air temperature,
air density,
air pressure,
air humidity,
wind speed and direction.
Emergency Meteorological Data Preparation for Artillery Operations
The inclusion of current meteorological
conditions in the firing data allows the artillery to
conduct fires for effect without prior adjustment,
which significantly increases the level of surprise and
the resulting effectiveness of artillery fire (Němec and
others, 2022).
The assessment of current meteorological
conditions can also have a major influence on the
planning of the routes of movement of artillery units
on the battlefield. Patency, security and concealment
are the main requirements for the routes of movement
between non-combat deployment areas, hiding areas
and firing positions. With regard to the increasing
dynamics of conflicts, it is necessary to plan the
routes of movement for artillery reconnaissance
means, fire support means, as well as logistic units
bringing supplies quickly and automatically (Nohel
and Others, 2019, 2022).
3.1 Ascertaining of Meteorological
Meteorological conditions can be detected in
different ways. Currently, the most widely used
method is the upper air sounding of the atmosphere,
which is carried out by specialized artillery units,
which are equipped with specific technical means for
this purpose.
In the conditions of the artillery of the Czech
Army, the upper air sounding of the atmosphere is
carried out using the newly developed PODTEO
vehicle. This vehicle consists of a modified wheeled
M65E19WM 4×4 LMV Chassis Cab complete with
a CL 35ARM PODTEO trailer (Figure 1).
Figure 1: PODTEO vehicle.
PODTEO vehicle is equipped with:
meteorological computer Marwin MW32,
radiotheodolite RT20,
CG31 antenna set,
surface station MAWS201M Tacmet.
The operation of this vehicle is based on the
ability to perform the upper air sounding and surface
observations and measurements. Upper air sounding
is realized by releasing meteorological balloons filled
with hydrogen, on which Vaisala RS92-SGP, RS41-
SGP or RS92-D radiosondes are attached (Figure 2a).
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Radiosonde and radiotheodolite RT-20.
These radiosondes transmit meteorological data to
the RT20 radiotheodolite (Figure 2b). Upper air
sounding can be characterized as the main
component, because its goal is to find out the
meteorological conditions at individual heights, in
which artillery shells fly, and thus it is possible to
accurately determine the influence of meteorological
conditions on the flight of the shell.
However, surface observations and measurement
is also important, which is carried out using the
MAWS201M Tacmet surface weather station. The
data detected by upper air or surface measurements
are sent to the Marwin MW32 computer, which
compiles meteorological messages based on them,
and then distribute them to the fire direction centre,
automated fire control system, ballistic computer
and/or sensors.
3.2 Meteorological Messages
Meteorological messages represent the main output
of upper air sounding, as meteorological data are
transmitted by them. These data are:
surface air pressure,
surface virtual air temperature,
surface wind direction and speed,
mean changes in air density,
mean changes in virtual air temperature,
mean wind direction and speed,
direction data and wind speeds in the lower
air density values and other data.
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Meteorological messages take the form of
a system of alphanumeric characters - data about the
state of the atmosphere in the vicinity of the
meteorological unit that detected these data, up to
a specified height. The determined data are presented
in the meteorological message in two-digit and multi-
digit groups. Individual places in groups have
a predetermined and unchanging meaning. The
groups are sorted in a fixed way and their order does
not change. This guarantees that the placement of
a certain number in a group clearly determines its
meaning, and the order of the group in the report
determines the name of the fact that the data in the
group describes.
Artillery uses following types of meteorological
- Meteo 11,
- others.
These messages are passed directly to software
tools or, in the case of manual calculation of firing
data, they are de-rooted and the individual data used
in an analytical calculation. Without the supply of
meteorological data in the form of a meteorological
message, the artillery cannot fire with such accuracy
that it does not have to adjust the fire. (Blaha and
others, 2018) The ability to create and deliver them is
thus absolutely crucial for the element of surprise and
the resulting effectiveness of artillery fire.
3.3 Identified Downsides
Upper air sounding is advantageous in fact that it
provides up-to-date meteorological data for a given
area, such as an artillery emplacement. However, this
method of determining meteorological data has
several fundamental negatives. The first negative is
the spatial limitation on which the data obtained in
this way can be used. Another negative is the active
radiation of individual devices and the consequent
possibility of locating the meteorological station and
its subsequent destruction. This lack of upper air
sounding of the atmosphere is often observed in the
war in Ukraine, where meteorological assets are
targeted and destroyed so that the artillery does not
have meteorological data available and its fire is not
accurate. (Hrnčiar and Kompan, 2023)
The last of the main shortcomings is related to the
possibility of destruction or malfunction of sounding
devices. Considering that these are highly specific
means, the availability of which, as well as the
availability of specially trained personnel - their loss
(caused by any reason) is very noticeable. As a result
of the unavailability of meteorological data, in
addition to reducing the accuracy of fire control and
the resulting efficiency of artillery activity, it will be
reflected in an increase in the consumption of
ammunition, which is actually a commodity that, with
the prolongation of the war in Ukraine, is proving to
be absolutely crucial. The lack of metrological data
can thus have strategic consequences (Šlouf and
Others, 2023).
For the stated reasons, the effort is to replace the
upper air sounding of the atmosphere with other
methods, which will not be so materially (personaly)
demanding and thus will not be so sensitive to
detection. One of these ways is the acquisition of
gridded meteorological data from multiple sources
within the World Area Forecast Center (WAFC). This
method is advantageous in fact that it is not based on
the discharge of a meteorological radiosonde, and
thus the negatives associated with this means are
eliminated. Even so, this method has shortcomings,
which paradoxically revealed themselves during the
COVID-19 pandemic. One of the main sources on
which this method is based is the data detected by
aerial platforms flying at different altitudes. At the
time of the pandemic, when air traffic was
enormously suppressed, this was reflected in
a fundamental lack of data for compiling
meteorological messages. Although it was a non-war
reason, it can also be expected in the event of armed
conflicts, when civilian air traffic will not be operated
and military platforms will fly only in selected areas
with a lower level of risk from air defense. These
areas can be significantly far from the artillery
deployment areas and the obtained meteorological
data will not be as accurate as needed. The
availability of data obtained in this way can be quite
fundamentally limited even in armed conflicts.
The last of the main limitations is the ability to
distribute the detected meterological data in the form
of meteorological messages. (Blaha and Brabcová,
2010) In the current war in Ukraine, it is possible to
observe a significant capability of electronic warfare,
which is able to effectively disrupt electromagnetic
transmissions. Both the distribution of data from the
radiosonde to the ground station and the distribution
of data from the WAFC can be significantly difficult,
if not impossible. For these reasons, it is necessary to
look for methods that are not based on active
transmission, remote data download and will be
usable even with various degradation of capabilities
so that, even from the point of view of meteorological
preparation, the artillery is autonomous and can thus
Emergency Meteorological Data Preparation for Artillery Operations
fire accurately even in the unavailability of any
components of meteorological preparation.
Based on the analysis of the current situation and
findings from the war in Ukraine, two key facts
regarding the meteorological preparation of artillery
were identified. Specifically, it is the fact that
meteorological preparation continues to be an
absolutely necessary part providing key data for
artillery, without which it is not and will not be
possible to fire accurately in the future. The second
fact is that the current methods of obtaining
meteorological data have a number of shortcomings,
which can very easily cause the non-delivery of this
vital data for any reason.
Based on the evaluation of the current situation,
the research team defined a new project, called
Emergency METEO, whose goal is to ensure the
availability of meteorological data for the needs of
artillery fire control in case of degradation of the
capabilities of artillery meteorological units or other
sources from which artillery units obtain
meteorological data.
4.1 Overall Project Concept
The basis of the project is set on the intention of
obtaining an autonomous ability to generate
meteorological data (and from them to create
meteorological messages of any format) without the
need for sounding.
One of the initial insights that the research team
brought to the possibility of autonomous
determination of meteorological data was work with
fire control systems. Some of these software tools
make it possible to generate overall reports, for
example, for a climate zone and a season, if an actual
meteorological message is not available. Determining
firing data based on meteorological messages
generated in this way can generally be better than
working with basic (tabular) values. However, the
errors that arise when using such a message can also
be very large, and therefore it will be necessary to
always conduct fire adjustment. The applicability of
this method is thus close to zero, because on the basis
of the firing data determined in this way, it will not be
possible to conduct accurate fire in the form of
effective fire.
For this reason, the research team came up with
the idea of working on a similar basis of generating
meteorological data based on spatial and temporal
conditions, but with a significantly greater degree of
detail of the underlying data, which will allow the
generation of meterological messages with greater
accuracy, which will already allow firing without
Historical data was identified as the main source
of information, based on which the research team
would like to define a predictive (statistical) model
from which future meteorological data
(meteorological messages) would be generated.
The first step in the research is therefore to
determine the initial demands on the spatial and
temporal scale for the intended predictive model.
4.1.1 Spatial Scale
In the introductory part, the intention is to create a
predictive model that would cover the entire territory
of the Czech Republic.
In order to achieve this spatial coverage, it will be
necessary to obtain historical meteorological data
from the largest possible portfolio of measuring
stations, which would adequately cover the entire
territory of the Czech Republic. In this area, the first
problematic aspect arises regarding the requirements
of artillery for meteorological data and the resulting
requirements for character of sounding from a given
measuring station. One problematic part is the
maximum height from which meteorological data is
collected. The research project is primarily aim for
the firing of 155 mm effectors, which allow firing at
distances of up to 40 kilometers. As the distance
increases, so does the height that the shell reaches
during flight, and thus the height for which
meteorological data must be known. In the case of
155 mm effectors, it is necessary to work with height
parameters also related to shooting at a high angle,
when individual projectiles reach greater heights than
when shooting at a low angle (Balon and Komenda,
According to the basic data on the height scale of
155 mm shells, it is therefore necessary that only
those stations that carried out upper air sounding of
the atmosphere up to a height of 20,000 meters AGL
are selected for the collection of historical data.
(Figure 3) The reason why this fact is problematic is
that this type of sounding is carried out by only
a limited number of meteorological stations on the
territory of the Czech Republic. With a smaller
number of meteorological stations, the coverage and
therefore the accuracy of the predictive model
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
decreases. The further away the place of application
of the aggregated meteorological data would be from
the meteorological station, the greater the error rate of
the predictive model will be.
It is this area that is a possible point of conflict on
which the research team plans to work so that it is
possible to find ways to also use data from
meteorological stations that carry out sounding, for
example by ground measurements or at lower
altitudes, which would increase the spatial coverage.
Figure 3: Maximum heights of artillery ammunition flight
4.1.2 Temporal Scale
Another addressed area is the temporal scale for
which it will be possible to determine data from the
predictive model. As already mentioned, the artillery
needs to work with the most accurate data possible.
The intention of the research team is thus to prepare
a framework prediction of the meteorological
situation for individual days of the year, with the fact
that this general framework will be refined for sub-
parts of the given calendar day.
The output will be a predictive model within
which artillery specialists will be able to generate
a meteorological message for their position and
a specific part of the day of the year. Dividing the day
into individual time stages will be a separate area of
solution, because during the day we will find time
periods with higher weather stability and time periods
where changes occur (for example, sunrise and
sunset, noon, etc.).
4.2 Project Workflow
It is already clear that the creation of such a model
will take a large amount of time and work, as it will
primarily involve working with a large amount of
historical data, which must be analyzed, sorted and
aggregated into a predictive model that can be further
used in specific applications. The research team has
currently defined the successive steps of work on the
new project, which they would like to implement in
the short, medium and long term horizon.
4.2.1 Phase 1 (Short Term Horizon)
The first phase is primarily aimed at finding out
whether the proposed concept of emergency
determination of meteorological messages is
applicable in terms of accuracy, which means
whether the output meteorological data in the form of
a meteorological message is accurate.
Therefore, the predictive model in this phase will
be processed only for one measuring station (Prague)
and a retrospective time horizon of 20 years. The
meteorological station in Prague was chosen for the
reason, because it meets all the initial requirements, it
performs measurements up to the maximum height
(30-35 km) and the measured data is stored for further
use. For this station, it is thus possible to find
historical data up to 49 years back (since 1974).
However, the research team defined a limit of 20
years back, which is the time horizon of
measurements from which the predictive model will
be created.
Complex soundings of the atmosphere at this
measuring station take place three times a day (at 0, 6
and 12 hours UTC), outside these dates on request.
The predictive statistical model will thus be based on
the average values at the height corresponding to the
meteorological situation on the ground to determine
the meteorological conditions of individual days of
the year. This similarity will be defined by the so-
called typification of the synoptic situation. Within
Phase 1, the biggest challenge will be the processing
of a large volume of meteorological data and their
interpretation. One of the biggest problems identified
will be defining the average weather value for each
day of the year.
Approaches to defining the mean value vary, with
the research team intending to involve statistical
specialists in addition to experts in meteorology and
artillery to analyze the data and define the mean
value. In general, the biggest crisis point is the
determination of extreme values on individual days,
which can then affect the mean value. A typical
example of this can be, summer storms with hail,
which can significantly reduce the air temperature
and change the direction and speed of the wind. The
exclusion of such values will therefore have to be
implemented not only by the professional consensus
of artillery experts and meteorologists, but must also
Emergency Meteorological Data Preparation for Artillery Operations
be assessed from the point of view of mathematical
and statistical methods.
The main goal of this part will be to find out
whether it is possible to create an applicable
predictive model for artillery and whether it is worth
continuing the research. To achieve this goal,
a predictive meteorological model will be created for
the Prague area. This model will then be verified by
a practical experiment. This experiment will consist
in the fact that the output from the predictive model
is compared with the result from a real upper air
sounding of the atmosphere.
If the results of the experiment are satisfactory,
the research will continue in phase 2. If not, the
research team will look for critical points and try to
eliminate them.
At the moment, the research team is already
working on phase 1, when it analyzes classified data
from the meteorological station in Prague. The
intention of the research team is to obtain the first
outputs for the processing of the predictive model
already in the fall of this year.
4.2.2 Phase 2 (Mid Term Horizon)
If the predictive model is applicable, the research will
enter the second phase, the aim of which will be to
extend its validity to the entire territory of the Czech
Republic. This is a rather challenging part because in
phase 1 the predictive model will be defined for only
one meteorological station and will be checked for
validity at its location. The extension of the predictive
model to the entire territory of the Czech Republic,
however, brings further challenges that will have to
be overcome.
First of all, it is mainly about the fact that it will
be necessary to analyze and process meteorological
data from other meteorological stations. However, the
main problem will be the design of approaches for
aggregating the model to spaces outside the source
meteorological station so that the predictive model
still provides valid data.
In this case, it will be necessary to work with the
variability of the terrain, which will influence the
station from which the primary data will be obtained,
which interpolation method of height data will be
chosen, or which numerical model to use and also
how the model will eventually compare data between
multiple stations according to the position of the
firing position, for which meteorological data will
need to be determined.
The output of this part should be a predictive
meteorological model that will be applicable on the
entire territory of the Czech Republic. The
verification of its applicability will be realized by two
practical experiments. The first experiment will be
identical to the experiment based on the comparison
with the real upper air sounding of the atmosphere.
However, as part of phase 2, this sounding will be
carried out by the PODTEO vehicle, which will carry
it out in a selected area on the territory of the Czech
Republic, outside the stationary meteorological
The second experiment will be based on the use
of aggregated data during live artillery fire. In this
case, effective fires will be conducted with firing data
incorporating meteorological data from the upper air
sounding and predictive model. The difference in data
will then be compared, as will the accuracy of the
resulting fire.
4.2.3 Phase 3 (Long Term Horizon)
The long-term vision of the research implementation
is the advanced use of meteorological data and the
creation of a progressive version of a predictive
statistical model, which would not only determine the
meteorological report for a given part of an individual
day, but also work progressively with the measured
data view of the outlook for the next hours, days to
By analyzing the measured data, it will be
possible to monitor their development over the years,
and the goal of the research team is thus to determine
the curve of the development of the meteorological
situation and the resulting ability to refine the
meteorological predictive model in the form of an
outlook for the next hours, days or weeks.
The Emergency METEO project is based on current
findings from the war in Ukraine, in which both the
benefits and negatives of modern technologies are
fully manifested. From the artillery point of view, we
can observe that modern technologies significantly
advance the capabilities and effectiveness of artillery.
It can be observed that accuracy and long range are
the absolute basis that define the final effect of an
artillery fire. At the same time, we can see how the
accumulation of fire is gradually abandoned and the
mass deployment of artillery as it was before is
already a thing of the past.
As artillery moves from mass deployment to
precision target engagements, providing supporting
data for fire control support is critical. The ability to
deliver meteorological data is thus absolutely
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
essential. However, the environment of modern
conflicts is very demanding in terms of capability
degradation, where many modern technologies are
very sensitive to enemy activity or harsh conditions
on the battlefield. The Emergency METEO project
thus aims precisely at preserving the ability to supply
meteorological data in the event of a degradation of
this ability, which can have major consequences.
The intention is to create an aggregated predictive
meteorological model based on historical data, with
the use of which it would be possible to compile
meteorological messages without the need for upper
air sounding of the atmosphere or obtaining
meteorological data from other, external sources. The
solution to the research project is currently in the
initial phase when, after defining the content of the
project, the research team is developing possible
approaches to data evaluation. The initial design
works with the hypothesis that data from a predictive
weather model will be accurate and applicable to
artillery fire. The current phase of developing the
predictive model is intended to confirm or refute this
hypothesis, or to help identify problematic nodes.
If the research is successful and the predictive
meteorological model provides accurate data, it will
be a major step towards artillery autonomy. Artillery
units of the NATO armies will thus be able to fulfill
the tasks of the main type of branch with an expanded
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