Semiotic Knowledge Models for Personal Knowledge Repositories
Stefano Casadei
Memorilog, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.
Keywords: Knowledge Representation, Personal Knowledge Representation, Semiotic Model.
Abstract: Knowledge graphs have been used successfully to represent and acquire general knowledge and have also
been proposed for personal knowledge representations. While general knowledge data can be modelled
statistically as being a noisy projection of universal (and crisp) entities, categories, and relationships, personal
knowledge data requires a more refined model: each user’s peculiarities and fluctuations in associating words
with meanings and meanings with words should be tracked and analysed instead of being treated as noise and
averaged out. This position paper describes a semiotic knowledge model whose primitives are the
signification events which occur when symbols such as words and linguistic expressions are associated with
an instantaneous meaning. Semiotic structures constructed from these primitives with users’ active
participation, enable them to create, update, modify, organize, re-organize and curate detailed and
comprehensive representations of their own personal knowledge by means of their own personal
terminologies, taxonomies, and organizational schemes.
Computer-implemented representations of
knowledge and information of different kinds are
widespread and underly many of our everyday
activities, from doing a search on the internet to
booking an airline ticket. While technologies for
creating repositories of general knowledge have
advanced significantly during the last few years, the
problem of representing and exploiting personal
information lacks an equally successful solution.
Knowledge graphs have been proposed as a
means for representing personal information (Balog,
Mirza, & Skjaeveland, 2022; Montoya, & al. 2018)
but, as it has been pointed out by (Balog & Kenter,
2019) the particular nature of personal information
presents unique challenges still in search of definitive
solutions: 1) Entities of personal interest are typically
mentioned only a few times and information about
them can be sparse. This makes it difficult to apply
statistical and deep-learning methods commonly used
for general knowledge. 2) Relations in a personal
knowledge scenario may be short-lived and common
relation extraction methods may not applicable. 3)
Users may be more inclined to use their own
organization schemes based on freely defined
semantic categories” rather than external ontologies
designed by somebody else.
To address these issues and to develop friendly
user interfaces for knowledge repositories, this
position paper describes a knowledge model whose
symbolic primitives are more refined than those used
in knowledge graphs, making it possible to build
more powerful and more flexible symbolic
The constituents of typical knowledge graphs
(named entities, types, attributes, relationships, etc.)
and of many other types of knowledge
representations, are crisp and universal: their
meanings are assumed to be well defined, constant
over time and invariant across all users. Data is
modeled as a noisy projection of these underlying
universal crisp constituents and the goal of
knowledge acquisition (harvesting) is traditionally
viewed as one of removing this noise and of
“cleaning” the data to recover the underlying
constituents. Consequently, many knowledge
acquisition methods are of a statistical nature and
require large amount of data to counter the noise
(Ilyas & Chu, 2019; Weikum, Dong, Razniewski, &
Suchanek, 2021; Kejriwal, Knoblock, & Szekely,
Casadei, S.
Semiotic Knowledge Models for Personal Knowledge Repositories.
DOI: 10.5220/0012209100003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 240-247
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
It is well-known, however, that entities, attributes,
relationships, and especially types and categories are
not always crisp and universal. For example, users
think more in terms of “natural kinds” than rigid
categories (Rusell, Norvig, & Davis, 2010). This is
particularly important in a scenario where knowledge
is produced by users describing what is important to
them. Consider for example two users, Alia and
Barouk, who maintain a list of their friends. Alia may
want to include co-workers in the same category of
friends, while Barouk may prefer to maintain two
distinct categories, one for friends and one for co-
workers. Even worse, users change their mind on how
they use vague categories such as “friends”, resulting
in inconsistencies even within a knowledge
repository created by a single user; for example, Alia
may decide, down the road, that her list of friends
(which includes initially co-workers) has grown too
big and that she wants to redefine the meaning of
“friends” to exclude co-workers.
Semiotic fluctuations due to the erratic semiotic
behavior of users, illustrated by the example above,
should be tracked instead of being smoothed-out. A
system that represents personal knowledge should
adapt to the idiosyncrasies of each user rather than
imposing an average, universal, same-for-everybody
interpretation of vague terms such as “friends”.
2.1 Signification Events
This motivates the adoption of a more refined
knowledge model, which we call a semiotic
knowledge model, whose primitives are the
signification events which occur when a symbol is
paired up with a particular interpretation or
instantaneous meaning. Knowledge is intimately
related to representations: known things, facts,
events, situations, rules and laws are those for which
an agent possesses an internal representation. Internal
representations rest still in some repository, providing
static knowledge, until they are recruited by a
signification event yielding a fragment of dynamic
knowledge, which is the manifestation of the
representational activity of the agent.
A signification event (SE) is somewhat related to
what semioticians call a sign, which comprises
something, called a signifier (or symbol) which stands
for something else (signified), the represented entity
(Chandler, 2007).
Speaking results in signification events. Consider
the following example. John is at his desk chatting
with his friend Mary over the internet. Suddenly, a
mouse jumps on John’s desk and John tells Mary:
“There is a mouse on my desk!”. Mary replies:
“What’s new, there is always a mouse on your desk!”.
The word “mouse”, a symbol, yields (at least) four
SEs in this exchange; a first one, which is an efferent
SE, occurs when John maps an internal mental
representation of the rodent he has just seen to the
word “mouse”; a second SE, which is an afferent SE,
occurs when Mary hears “mouse” and maps this word
to an internal mental representation of a computer
device; a third one (efferent) occurs when Mary utters
“mouse” and a fourth one (afferent) occurs when John
hears “mouse”. The instantaneous meaning in the first
SE is a rodent, whereas it is a computer device in the
last three (assuming John understood the intended
meaning of Mary’s sentence).
Note that the utterance of a sentence involves a
burst of signification events corresponding to the
grammatical components of the sentence: “desk”,
“my desk”, “on my desk”, “a mouse on my desk”, and
the whole sentence “There is a mouse on my desk” all
yield signification events.
To better visualize a semiotic model of
knowledge, it may be useful to assign space-time
coordinates to SEs which identify the location of the
agent at which the SE occurs (and perhaps even the
specific location within an agent where the
representation of a symbol is stored) and the time at
which the SE occurs. A SE becomes then a semiotic
point, where the term point indicates, in addition to
its space-time embedding, its primitive and atomic
nature as a constituent of signification and dynamic
knowledge: the instantaneous co-presence of a
signifier and a signified is the minimum requirement
to establish a representation and a fragment of
knowledge. The ensemble of semiotic points yields
the semiotic field.
The semiotic knowledge model described here
represents semiotic points by immutable symbols
called semiotic point representations (SPR) and uses
these to build dynamic and adaptive semiotic
structures, which can represent all types of
information elements (categories, named entities,
lists, properties, relationships, facts, facts about facts,
etc.) by adopting and tracking over time each user’s
terminology and organizational schemes.
In the context of personal knowledge
representations where several people (e.g., the
members of a family) share the same database and
contribute information to it, a basic SPR can be
constructed by concatenating (1) an identifier for the
Semiotic Knowledge Models for Personal Knowledge Repositories
symbol involved in the SE; (2) an identifier of the
information contributor; (3) a timestamp of when the
information was entered. This basic SPR can be
enriched by any kind of available contextual
information to yield a more informative SPR (e.g.: the
place where the contributor was when he/she entered
the information, his/her mood, etc.).
2.2 Modes of Operation
Users enter information into the system in one of
several ways: (1) Direct entry method: users speak or
type information such as primitive linguistic symbols
(words, names, etc), primal symbols (numbers, dates,
physical quantities) and simple natural language
expressions; (2) Compositional entry method: users
select existing symbol by browsing the repository and
compose them into new composite symbols, for
example, by manipulating widgets displayed on a
screen via a drag-and-drop interface. The
compositional method, which produces structured
linguistic expressions (SLEs), described later,
minimizes and simplifies the recognition step since
the user utilized symbols already known to the
system. (3) Analytical method: Unstructured
linguistic expressions, such as “It rains today”,
entered directly into the system, must be converted
into SLEs, either manually, or with the assistance of
a suitable natural language processing module.
By combining the above entry methods, users can
introduce their own terminology into the system and
reuse it. In addition to these entry methods, users can
operate at the level of semiotic structures to update,
revise, organize and re-organize their information.
Users can also import (portions of) external
dictionaries and ontologies and adapt them to their
personal ones.
2.3 Ingestion, Matching, Inference
(Balog & Kenter, 2019) point out that entity linking,
population of the repository and detection of new
entities (nil-detection) are intertwined in personal
knowledge representations: the semiotic model
proposed here comprises a symbol matching
component which carries out these three steps in a
unified fashion every time the repository system
ingests a packet of information delivered by the user.
The repository acts like an active memory and
attempts to recognize every symbol occurring in the
burst of signification events (SEs) produced by the
input data; every detected input symbol is matched
against the symbols stored in memory. Different
methods and data structures are used for symbol
matching: K-nearest neighbours algorithms to search
primal symbols embedded in metric spaces;
“vertical” compositional hypotheses lists, obtained by
tracking and recording the usage of symbols in
composite symbols, to detect potential matches;
“horizontal” relaxation, to deal with noise by
extending the search to neighbouring symbols; and
rule-based reasoning, which attempts to infer
searched symbols from existing symbols.
It is well known that there is a trade-off between
the expressive power of a representation language and
the mathematical computational properties of its
reasoning capabilities (Suchanek, 2020). The
representation language adopted here, defined by
parametric symbols and the structured linguistic
expressions (SLEs) described later, does not place
any restrictions on the kind of information that users
can try to communicate to the knowledge repository.
Reasoning is viewed here more as a sequence of
internal signification events than a crisp logical
computation; its grounding is more of a statistical
nature than an axiomatic one, so that issues of
plausibility and defeasibility of the derived results
take precedence over decidability. As in many
knowledge models based for example on modal logic
or fuzzy logic, truth is not an absolute value, and the
goal of reasoning is more one of growing large
regions of coherence (both logical and semiotic
coherence) than one of deducing true facts missing
from the repository. An inference graph method,
which complements the search method by using rules
to complete partial matches detected by the search
module, will be described elsewhere.
2.4 The Symbol Abstraction Hierarchy
The term “symbol” is used here in a quite broad sense
and includes both “concrete” and “abstract” symbols.
Three abstraction levels for symbols are considered:
materialized (or concrete) symbols, and two levels of
abstract symbols: symbol forms and multiform
Materialized Symbols are physical embodiments of
symbols and are physically connected to the
signification events (SEs) which they trigger, or by
which they are created or “activated”. Materialized
symbols occupy a region in space-time. For example,
a road sign positioned near a road intersection triggers
signification events whenever someone sees it; a
neuron or a pool of neurons in the visual cortex of a
primate is a materialized symbol which is activated
when a particular visual stimulus is presented; a
chunk of memory cells in a computer holding a digital
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
representation of a word triggers signification events
whenever a computer program reads the memory
cells and acts on it based on a meaning assigned to the
word. Distributed representations also have
materialized embodiments; however, they are not
uniquely identified by space-time coordinates since
multiple distributed representations share the same
region in space-time. Mental representations (which
are arguably distributed representations) also have
materialized embodiments, even though it is not
always clear what they are.
Symbol Forms. It is convenient to (conceptually)
group a collection of materialized symbols which are
invariant under some transformation into a symbol
form. Symbol forms are abstract symbols, where
“abstract” means here non-physical, that is, not
localized in space-time. Examples of symbol forms:
(1) the equivalence class of all instances of the
character string “mouse”, across all printed
documents. (2) The equivalence class of all stored bit
sequences representing the string “mouse” in a
computer (3) The equivalence class of all visual
representations of the string “mouse” on a computer
Multiform Symbols. As illustrated by the previous
example, what is commonly called a symbol, such as
the word “mouse”, is typically associated with
multiple forms: printed form, digital form, displayed
form, etc. Hence it is called a multiform symbol.
Multiform symbols are a useful concept to build
efficient software implementations of knowledge
representations. Specifically, with an object-oriented
programming language (OOPL) such as Java, it is
possible to construct objects which provide detailed
representations of any kind of entity. These objects
can be quite complex, and their size can be very large;
think for example of the list of all filenames of
someone’s digital photos. It makes sense then to
introduce more compact representations of these
The most compact representation form of a
symbol is arguably an integer which identifies the
memory address of a record which defines the symbol
(this is roughly how Java represents the values held
by variables). Composite symbols built from
constituents can be represented by the array of integer
identifiers of its constituents, called the compositional
code of the multiform symbol. For example, a large
list of file names can be represented more compactly
by representing each file name with an integer rather
than a string containing the file name. The full-
fledged form of the object, given by an object wherein
all nested identifiers have been expanded, is called the
exploitable form of the symbol. Hybrid
compositional codes contain some constituents in
identifier form and some in exploitable form.
Optimized variable-complexity representations are
obtained by cleverly managing the computational
forms of a symbol so that only those components that
are needed in exploitable form are expanded.
The different forms of a multiform symbols all
have same putative (assigned) meaning although they
do not have the same intelligibility and exploitability:
form conversions, which are semantically invariant,
are needed to enable efficient computation and
2.5 Primal Symbols
Semioticians distinguish between three types of
symbols: indexical, iconic and conventional
(Chandler, 2007). Indexical ones are those which are
physically or causally linked to their signifiers,
whereas for conventional symbols the link is
established via conventions (iconic symbols are not
discussed here). An analogous distinction can be
made between primal and linguistic symbols.
Whereas linguistic symbols are plagued with all the
issues due to the conventional nature of their meaning
(ambiguities, redundancies, context-dependence of
the meaning, vagueness), primal symbols are those
which are assumed to be free from these problems.
Every symbol of a mathematical nature (numbers,
real vectors, etc.) or issued from a formal language is
a primal symbol. Physical quantities, such as 3kg, and
standard-defined entities, such as GPS coordinates,
are primal symbols. Character strings, stripped of any
linguistic meaning, can also be treated as primal
Primal symbols usually belong to metric spaces
whose metric structure is important for search and
matching. For example, K-nearest-neighbours
algorithms can be used when searching for a match to
a primal symbol, and ad-hoc clustering algorithms
can be used for organizing and grouping occurrences
of primal symbols. It seems appropriate to store and
maintain primal symbols in ad-hoc memory slices or
databases where these operations can be carried out
more efficiently.
2.6 Structured Linguistic Expressions
Natural languages are arguably the most powerful
representation systems and can be used to represent
all types of entities. The term “entity” is used here in
Semiotic Knowledge Models for Personal Knowledge Repositories
the broadest sense possible: anything which can be
referred by a linguistic expression is an entity,
whether it “exists” or not. Things, stuff, living beings,
abstract concepts, relationships, statements, facts,
facts about facts, rules, etc., are entities which can be
represented (signified) by a symbol, notably by a
linguistic expression, which is encoded here as a
Structured Linguistic Expression (SLE).
One simple way to obtain an SLE is to begin with
an unstructured linguistic expression, that is, a
character string containing a natural language
expression, and to build a parametric linguistic
symbol representing an n-ary predicate or relation, by
replacing one or more fragments of this character
string with “fillable slots”. For example, from: “There
is a mouse on my desk”, one can build the parametric
symbol “There is #1 on #2”, obtained by replacing “a
mouse” and “my desk” with fillable slots denoted #1
and #2.
A parametric symbol can be viewed as a lambda
expression or a function which maps tuples of
symbols to a symbol. We use the notation <*| to
indicate such a function, and |*> to denote the
arguments passed to the function. We further
associate an integer identifier to these symbols so that
the construction of an SLE encoding for our example
can be represented by the following “script”:
$0< There is a mouse on my desk>
$1< There is #1 on #2|
$2|a mouse>
$3|my desk>
$4[1,2,3]< There is #1 on #2|a mouse, my desk>
The multiform symbol with identifier $4 has a
compositional code form [1,2,3] and an exploitable
form <There is #1 on #2|a mouse, my desk> as
indicated by the last line of the script.
The symbol $4 is an SLE encoding of the original
unstructured expression $0; note that even though
they can be declared to be semantically equivalent, $0
and $4 are two distinct multiform symbols.
Unary predicates, such as <#1 is a mouse|, can be
converted into category symbols denoted, for
example, {#1 is a mouse|. An equivalent symbol for
this category is {mice|. Conversely, a category can be
converted to a predicate, for example <mice| is a
predicate equivalent to <#1 is a mouse|.
Samples of categories are obtained by specifying
N arguments which are typically the names associated
with the items in the sample; for example, two mice
named “Jerry” and “Billy” can be represented as {#1
is a mouse| Jerry, Billy or {mice|Jerry, Billy}. A
category sample can also be built by specifying an
integer which indicates the number of (unnamed)
items in the sample; for example, “a mouse” is
encoded as {mice|1}. Category sample can also be
used to denote quantities of “stuff”, for example
{water|1 litre} denotes one litre of water.
Categories can be used to restrict the allowed slot
fillers of a parametric symbols, for example:
<The capital of <states|#1> is <cities|#2> |
is a restricted parametric symbol.
Note that SLEs can contain other SLEs as
constituents, which gives users practically unlimited
expressive power; facts about facts, beliefs, etc. can
be easy expressed as an SLE, for example, “João
believes that it will rain today” can be encoded as:
$0<it will rain today>
$1<#1 believes that #2 | João, $0>.
On the other hand, unless constraints are
introduced, it is possible to build nonsensical SLEs
and statements such as $0<$0 is false>, which cannot
be assigned a truth value.
2.7 Symbol Groupings
In addition to linguistic symbol composition
(obtained via parametric symbols) and category
samples (normally obtained via lists of items),
symbols are grouped according to the following
organizing principles. (1) Topological groupings are
obtained by grouping symbols related by proximity or
similarity. These groupings provide relaxation
regions used when searching for symbol matches; for
example, when searching for a word, a synonym
found in a relaxation region can be returned as a valid
potential match. Clusters in primal metric spaces are
also topological groupings. (2) Inferential groupings
are obtained by grouping symbols which participate
in an inferential derivation (e.g., a syllogism). These
groupings provide a justification for an inferred
symbol and can be useful to assign plausibility scores
and to compare alternative or incompatible states of
affairs. (3) Descriptive aggregates enhance the
description of some entity by combining, for
example, SLEs which refer to a common entity. For
example, $1<$0<Li> lives in Boston> and
$2<$0<Li> likes movies> can be grouped into a
descriptive aggregate {$1,$2}. As another example, a
category symbol can be aggregated with restricted
parametric symbols which use that category as a
restricting category, so that a user can be presented
with a list of available statement builders applicable
to members of that category. Note that from the point
of view of knowledge graphs, a descriptive aggregate
can be viewed as the reification of a star-shaped
subgraph centered at the “descripted” entity.
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Taming Complexity. Symbol groupings play an
important role for (1) building a flexible and
incremental representation system; (2) representing
the “topology” of symbols (which, in turn, is essential
to make the system robust) and (3) making search and
matching with relaxed compositional hypotheses lists
more efficient by gathering an entity’s features under
a unifying symbol identifier. However, they also
introduce a great deal of complexity if they are
allowed to proliferate in an uncontrolled way. One
answer to this problem is to organize the multiple
manifestations of an entity (including symbol
groupings), which emerge from the interactions with
users and their data, into semiotic structures, as
described later in more detail.
A second difficulty arises from the potentially
very large size of the computational objects needed to
represent complex symbolic constructs, such as
symbol groupings. Think for example to a computer
program that maintains a table to represent all the files
or all the emails of a user: it is clearly impossible to
hold such objects permanently in live memory.
Multiform symbols and variable-complexity
representations play a role here by converting each
symbol to the most appropriate computationally
optimized symbol form, ranging from simple integer
identifiers to full-fledged exploitable forms (with
hybrid compositional code in between).
2.8 Contextualized Symbols
In the analysis of documents, a distinction is made
between word types and word tokens. We generalize
this distinction by considering word types a subclass
of de-contextualized or context-free symbols and
word tokens a subclass of contextualized symbols.
Words such as <mouse> and sentences such as
<There is a mouse on my desk> are context-free
symbols because no context is specified.
A contextualized symbol is one for which some
contextual information is specified.
Plucked symbols are one type of contextualized
symbols. They are obtained by “plucking” a
constituent symbol from a composite symbol. For
example, the occurrence of $0<a mouse> in
$1<#1 ran across my desk | $0<a mouse>>,
denoted by the symbol coordinate $1.1 ($n.k denotes
the k-th constituent of $n) is a contextualized symbol
because a context has been specified for the symbol
$0, namely a sentence in which it occurs. Note that $0
and $1.1 are quite different symbols: $0 can be either
rodent or a device, whereas $1.1 is (most likely) a
Semiotic Point Representations (SPR). Semiotic
point representations, which represent signification
events, are contextualized symbols. Recall that a
signification event occurs when a materialized
symbol gets connected to a referent or signified. The
sequence of signification events triggered by a
materialized symbol corresponds to a sequence of
time samples of the spatial region occupied by it. For
example, a road sign planted at a crossroad is
“sampled” every time someone sees it and
understands its meaning (and also when the sign is
There are different types of SPR which differ in
the amount of information they convey about the
signification event. A bare semiotic point identifier
simply identifies a signification event by providing
the space-time coordinates that uniquely identify it
but does not convey any information about the
meaning conveyed. For example, specifying the GPS
coordinates of a road sign and the times at which it
has been seen identifies a sequence of signification
events, but does not provide any information about
what the sign meant to those who viewed it.
An informative SPR is one which does provide
useful information to recover the instantaneous
meaning of the represented signification event. A
typical informative SPR specifies the symbol
involved in the signification event plus some
contextual information that restricts its possible
interpretations. In the context of information
extraction, word mentions, which are often associated
with a few surrounding words, can be viewed as
informative SPRs. A word along with the sentence in
which it appears does not, however, specify a unique
semiotic point since the word and the enclosing
sentence are created once, yielding an initial semiotic
point; and then read multiple times by different
readers, yielding many additional semiotic points.
2.9 Semiotic Structures
All multiform symbols discussed in detail up to now,
that is, primal symbols, parameterized symbols, SLEs
(including categories and category sample), symbol
groupings of various kinds, SPRs, are immutable
symbols. Once created, they can be stored
permanently in a repository and assigned an identifier
which can be used confidently to refer to the symbol,
with a guarantee that the symbol does not change,
except for semantically invariant form conversions.
For this reason, they can be called stock symbols.
It should be noted that an immutable symbol is not
one whose meaning is necessarily immutable (unless
it is a primal symbol). For example, the symbols
Semiotic Knowledge Models for Personal Knowledge Repositories
<today> and <you> are immutable but their meaning
clearly depends on the context in which they are used.
Semiotic structures are mutable symbols. A
semiotic structure designates a representative symbol
which can be replaced by another representative
symbol when the semiotic structure needs to be
updated. An identifier of a semiotic structure
identifies a symbol which can change over time,
differently from identifiers of immutable symbols.
There is a crisp and fundamental distinction between
immutable and mutable symbols.
We now describe some of the ways a semiotic
structure evolves over time, usually with the active
intervention of a user.
State Updates. The list of my friends must be
updated every time I meet a new friend. To enact this
update, a new immutable symbol representing the
new list of friends is created and the semiotic
structure representing “my friends” is updated with
the new list, which becomes the new representative
symbol of the semiotic structure (the new list can of
course be represented more efficiently as an edit to
the old list if, for example, only one friend has been
added). This type of update is called a state update
because it reflects a state change in the underlying
entity represented by the semiotic structure. As
another example, a semiotic structure representing the
GPS coordinates of my car must undergo a state
update every time the car moves.
Informative Updates. State updates should be
contrasted with informative updates, which occur
when new information is provided about the
represented entity (and the underlying entity does not
change). For example, suppose a user Xiu, while
tagging pictures with people’s names, has quickly
introduced a new person into the database by a simple
keyword such as $0<Chen>. Later, Xiu realizes that
she knows two Chen’s, so that she needs to provide a
more informative representation of the first Chen, for
example, by means of the more informative symbol
$1<coworkers|Chen>. This informative update is also
a refinement update because not only does it provide
additional information about the entity (that is, that
Chen is a co-worker), but it also reduces the
ambiguity of the symbol, hence refining the set of
objects it may refer to.
A purely informative update which does not
reduce ambiguity is referred to as a descriptive
update. For example, suppose Maria knows only one
Pablo but she wishes to enhance her representation of
Pablo by including his phone number. In a knowledge
graph this would be done by adding one edge; in the
currently proposed model this could be done creating
an SLE such as $2<The phone number of #1 is #2 |
$0< Pablo >, (617)-123-4567> and then by plucking
“Pablo” from this SLE, to yield the plucked symbol
$2.1. An alternative way is to create a descriptive
aggregate which annotates $0 with $2.
Renaming updates are used for renaming an
entity; for example, if Maria decides to rename Pablo
to “Pablito”, the current representative of the semiotic
structure, say <Pablo>, is replaced with <Pablito>.
Consolidation Updates. Suppose that after using the
repository for a while, Maria has mentioned Pablo
multiple times so that the repository now contains
multiple SLEs having <Pablo> as a constituent.
While browsing through the repository and seeing
multiple mentions of Pablo, Maria decides to gather
all the information about Pablo in one place and
creates a descriptive aggregate about Pablo: this new
descriptive aggregate becomes the new representative
of the semiotic structure representing Pablo. Note that
a consolidation update is an informative update.
Consolidation updates play a crucial role in taming
the proliferation of symbols referring to the same
entity and ought to be triggered automatically by the
system when necessary.
Splitting. An shown earlier, fluctuations arising with
the use of vague symbols such as <friends> may lead
to inconsistencies. Nested semiotic structures can be
used to track these semiotic fluctuations and to
represent the structure of vague entities. Specifically,
an initial semiotic structure representing a vague
symbol such as <friends> can spawn two nested
semiotic structures by creating two refinements of
<friends>, one which includes co-workers and one
which exclude co-workers. These two refined
symbols become the initial representatives of the two
nested semiotic structures, each of which inherits one
portion of the semiotic history of the original vague
Merging. Two semiotic structures whose meanings
are similar or overlapping can be combined into a
coarse semiotic structure. For example, suppose that
a group of family members has independently kept
lists of <people> but they have (unconsciously)
assigned slightly different meanings to the symbol
<people>. For example, Alia has excluded fictional
character, such as Harry Potter, from her list (she has
a separate category for them); Elif has also excluded
people he has never met (he has a special category
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
“celebrities” for famous people he has never met);
Canan has instead included all speaking entities into
his list including cartoon characters such as Tom the
cat and Jerry the mouse, just because he was too lazy
to create a special category for them. It is finally
decided to consolidate the databases of all family
members and for doing so, a coarse semiotic structure
named <people> is created and the 3 <people>
categories appear as nested categories within the
coarse <people> category. The flavors of <people>
“invented” by each family member is not lost and is
now organized under a vague category symbol that
acknowledges each one of three interpretations.
Extension-by-Reference and Rewinds. A semiotic
structure not only keeps track of the updates of its
representative symbol but also of the references to its
current representative symbol from other symbols. In
other words, a semiotic structure maintains an
historical record of all the signification events in
which it participates. A user may use this history to
fine-tune the meaning of a symbol. For example, the
meaning of a symbol may drift over time and a user
may realize that the a past usage of the symbol
represents better its current intended meaning than the
last occurrence of the symbol: a rewind operation is
then executed.
2.10 Reflection
Semiotic structures are meta-symbols: the history of
signification events they contain (in the form of
SPRs) represent symbols representing something.
The elementary operations just described, occurring
at the semiotic structure level: state updates,
information updates, refinements, splits, merges,
extension-by-reference, rewinds, consolidations, etc.,
accompany every population step and curation step.
To carry out any of these operations, an agent
(human or machine) must engage in reflection, which
involves recollecting or reconstructing the past
meanings of symbols. Reflection results in a semiotic
link being created between a current signification
event and a past signification event which have been
assessed by an agent to pertain to the same underlying
entity. The two linked signification events become
then part of the same semiotic structure.
A linear semiotic structure is obtained when an
agent always determines that the current meaning of
a symbol is the same as its previous occurrence.
Bifurcations occur when rewinds are necessary due,
for example, to semiotic drift.
A knowledge representation model has been
described which enables users to enter, modify
organize, re-organize, and curate their own personal
information by leveraging their own terminologies
and organizational schemes. We believe that ideas
discussed in this position paper can be used to
develop an interactive repository with a user-friendly
interface to store and recall personal information. One
should also explore the possibility of using semiotic
structures (and other symbolic representations
described here) to enhance knowledge graphs in
general, for example, to represent knowledge
extracted from large amounts of text.
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Semiotic Knowledge Models for Personal Knowledge Repositories