A Knowledge Graph Approach for Exploratory Search in Research
Tim Schopf
, Nektarios Machner
and Florian Matthes
Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Knowledge Graphs, Exploratory Search.
Over the past decades, research institutions have grown increasingly and consequently also their research
output. This poses a significant challenge for researchers seeking to understand the research landscape of
an institution. The process of exploring the research landscape of institutions has a vague information need,
no precise goal, and is open-ended. Current applications are not designed to fulfill the requirements for
exploratory search in research institutions. In this paper, we analyze exploratory search in research institutions
and propose a knowledge graph-based approach to enhance this process.
Scientific literature has grown exponentially over the
past centuries, with a two-fold increase every 12
years (Dong et al., 2017). Concurrently, the num-
ber of research institutions as well as the number
of researchers and research areas within these insti-
tutions has also been growing. Once research in-
stitutions reach a certain size, it becomes challeng-
ing to determine which topics are being researched
at an institution and who is researching which top-
ics. The most basic approach to disclosing ongoing
research at research institutions is to post this infor-
mation as unstructured text on the institution’s or its
sub-units’ websites. Usually, these websites are de-
signed according to the organizational structures of
research institutions rather than research areas, fur-
ther complicating the process of understanding what
research is being conducted. More advanced solu-
tions attempt to consolidate the entire research output
of researchers and research units in an institution us-
ing specific Research Information Management Sys-
tems (RIMS). These RIMS can identify and visualize
the domain of expertise of researchers and research
units based on research topic tags automatically ex-
tracted from publications. This may accelerate the
process of a targeted search, such as finding an ex-
pert in a specific domain. However, these systems are
not capable of representing the relationships between
individual research areas and assess the similarity of
researchers based on organizational affiliations. As a
result, the search for related research areas and fur-
ther potentially relevant experts remains challenging.
In addition, RIMS often lack comprehensible statis-
tics and analyses about the specific research fields
of researchers and research units. Therefore, despite
RIMS, it is still very time-consuming for researchers
to obtain an overview of the research landscape of a
research institution.
To understand the current process of researchers
seeking insights into the research landscape of insti-
tutions, we conducted several interviews. Our analy-
sis is based primarily on one-on-one interviews with
researchers, ranging from early to late career stages.
From this, we conclude that the use of RIMS is still
not widely adopted. Consequently, researchers cur-
rently heavily rely on search engines to find relevant
institution websites and then use these as a starting
point for both browsing and formulating new search
queries. The process of searching and browsing con-
tinues iteratively until researchers have a satisfac-
tory overview of an institution’s research landscape.
However, simply using returned lists of relevant el-
ements that need to be analyzed manually limits the
knowledge search of researchers (Jaradeh et al., 2019;
Brainard, 2020). Two main reasons can be identified
for this. First, it is very tedious and time consuming
to search and browse all relevant websites. Second,
important information that is potentially relevant to
researchers but was not searched for because the ap-
Schopf, T., Machner, N. and Matthes, F.
A Knowledge Graph Approach for Exploratory Search in Research Institutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0012223800003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 265-270
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
propriate search queries are unknown can be missed.
We argue that the exploratory knowledge search
process for research activities in research institutions
can be significantly enhanced by the semantic linking
of research topics and their subsequent association
with further relevant entities.
Our aim is to advocate for more clarity and con-
ciseness in presenting the areas of competence of re-
search institutions. In addition, we propose an ap-
proach to enhance the exploratory knowledge search
process for research activities in research institutions.
Researchers seeking an overview of current research
at an institution should be able to identify potential
collaborators more easily and be less likely to miss
important information. Enhancing this knowledge
search process has the potential to encourage and fa-
cilitate more research collaborations within research
institutions. Eventually, enhanced knowledge search
and the resulting potential for more research collabo-
rations may also have a positive impact on an institu-
tion’s overall research output.
2.1 Exploratory Search in Research
The information need for obtaining an overview of an
institution’s research landscape is complex, evolves
during the search, and is open-ended. In this case,
the user objective is rather vague and can be di-
vided into several smaller sub-goals during the search
(e.g., which research areas exist at the institution, who
works in certain research areas, or what exactly is
being studied in the research areas). Furthermore,
users can not rely on a single search result to sat-
isfy their information need. They need to assemble
the relevant information from multiple search results
and institution websites to get an overview of the re-
search landscape. Users perform several reformula-
tions and refinements of their search queries based on
the new information obtained from institution web-
sites. The search process continues until users con-
sider they have obtained enough information to reach
their vague goal. However, users may never know if
their acquired knowledge is complete or if they have
missed important aspects of the research landscape at
the institution. Therefore, the search does not have a
defined end, but can be continued after receiving ad-
ditional information, if users feel that there are still
unanswered questions to be investigated.
Existing search engines are optimized for sim-
ple lookup searches, which are characterized by low
complexity and a precise objective (Athukorala et al.,
2016). However, the described knowledge search for
research activities in research institutions has a rather
vague, complex, and open-ended goal, showing many
characteristics typical of an exploratory search (Palagi
et al., 2017; Grether and Witschel, 2022). In our
interviews, users were able to use search engines to
quickly find answers to specific questions, such as
whether there exists a particular research area at a
research institution. However, in the case of rather
vague objectives, e.g., searching for key research ar-
eas of a particular department in an institution, the
search process turned out to be quite inefficient and
took a considerable amount of time. Moreover, users
were not able to properly assess whether their results
were exhaustive or incomplete at the end of the search
process. We conclude that it is not sufficient to rely
only on existing search engines to gain insights into
the research landscape of institutions. Moreover, we
argue that a new approach is required to sufficiently
address the need for exploratory search in research in-
2.2 Requirements
To investigate the exploratory search process of re-
searchers seeking insights into the research landscape
of institutions, we conducted semi-structured inter-
views. Our participants included graduate students,
PhD students, and professors. We gave each partic-
ipant an exploratory task with a rather vague objec-
tive, such as e.g., identifying the most relevant re-
search areas at an unknown research institution. They
were allowed to complete this task using any re-
sources at their disposal. In many cases, search en-
gines were the tool of choice. We observed the search
and asked participants to express their thought pro-
cesses aloud. Throughout the search, we kept asking
questions about the challenges participants encoun-
tered and what might help them to better deal with
From our interviews, we derive the following
key requirements for an application designed to en-
hance the exploratory knowledge search process for
research activities in research institutions:
Requirement 1: Hierarchical Navigation
Structure Based on Research Topics.
Users are used to navigating through applications
and websites in a hierarchical manner. Thereby,
more general concepts are presented in the upper
levels and more specific concepts are presented in
the lower levels of the navigation hierarchy. An
interface using hierarchical navigation simulta-
neously shows previews of where to go next and
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
how to return to previous states in the exploration
(Hearst and Stoica, 2009). In the scientific
domain, the most important concepts are the
specific research topics and areas. Therefore, to
enable a streamlined and satisfactory semantic
exploration of scientific knowledge, we need to
use a well-organized hierarchical structure of
research topics and areas that comprehensively
covers the broad spectrum of academic disci-
plines (Shen et al., 2018).
Requirement 2: Semantic Linking of Scientific
In addition to the hierarchically structured
research topics, the application has to include ac-
curate representations of the research institution
and its research units as well as the associated
researchers and their publications. The respective
entities have to be semantically linked to ensure
an extensive exploratory search that offers many
opportunities for discovering new information.
Most importantly, the relationships between the
hierarchically structured research topics and the
other entities must be modeled precisely. This
allows for a comprehensive exploratory search
within the research institution based on research
topics. In addition, other relationships such as the
affiliation of researchers with research units or
the similarity of researchers need to be modeled
in order to recommend other relevant entities
during the search process.
Requirement 3: Single Source of Truth.
As a countermeasure to the complex and
open-ended nature of exploratory search, the
application has to act as a single source of truth
containing all relevant data of one research
institution. With all relevant data being available
from one source, the user should feel confident in
receiving a comprehensive overview and it should
not be necessary to involve further external tools
and search engines to find the desired information.
Requirement 4: Support for Lookup Search as
Well as Recommendations.
Exploratory search involves a significant amount
of lookup activities in addition to a wide range
of other goals and tasks (White and Roth, 2009).
Therefore, the application has to implement a
semantic search that supports basic lookup tasks.
Furthermore, based on the semantic relationships,
the application must be able to recommend
further relevant entities for the user to explore.
This facilitates the discovery of new and relevant
knowledge that was potentially unknown to users
prior to conducting the exploratory search.
Requirement 5: Aggregation of Data Points
Into Insights.
The application should provide both a static
overview of all relevant data, as well as dynamic
aggregations of important data points displayed
in meaningful ways, in order to facilitate drawing
impactful conclusions for the respective research
In recent years, knowledge graphs (KGs) have es-
tablished as an approach for semantically represent-
ing knowledge about real-world entities in a machine-
readable format (Schneider et al., 2022). In contrast to
relational databases or document databases, KGs can
explicitly capture all kinds of semantic relationships
between different entities. Since our data is highly in-
terconnected and the primary focus of this approach
is on data retrieval and analysis, we propose the us-
age of a KG as the database for exploratory search in
research institutions.
To construct the KG, first a hierarchy of research
topics is needed that can be used to semantically
link other relevant entities. Manually defined hierar-
chies although very precise, are usually very domain-
specific or generic and cannot fully capture the whole
range of existing research topics in a research institu-
tion. Therefore, we propose to use the automatically
constructed field-of-study (FoS) hierarchy of the Mi-
crosoft Academic Graph (MAG) (Sinha et al., 2015;
Shen et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2020). The hierarchy
consists of over 200K hierarchically structured FoS
concepts, covering a broad spectrum of academic dis-
ciplines. Thereby, each FoS concept represents one
distinct academic discipline. After obtaining the FoS
hierarchy, the other entities need to be semantically
linked to specific research topics. To this end, the
publications of researchers can be classified accord-
ing to the existing FoS concepts. Classification of
articles according to their related FoS concepts can
be performed by using semantic similarity scores be-
tween the respective text representations of concepts
and publications (Shen et al., 2018; Toney and Dun-
ham, 2022). Subsequently, the ontology shown in
Figure 1 can be used as a data model to semantically
A Knowledge Graph Approach for Exploratory Search in Research Institutions
Research Institution
Research Group
Other Research Institution
subclass_of subclass_of
is_author_of has_author
references is_referenced_by
Field of Study
is_studied_in has_eld_of_study
subeld_of supereld_of
Figure 1: Simplified ontology of the research institution knowledge graph. Here, only the University entity, representing
German universities, with its respective sub-units is expanded. Other types of research entities are grouped in the node Other
Research Institution. All entities are transitively connected to the Field of Study entity. This means that each researcher and
each sub-unit of the research institute can be linked to their respective field-of-study by traversing the knowledge graph.
link the remaining entities. Finally, the classification
of publications together with transitive relations can
be used to infer the FoS concepts of researchers and
their associated sub-units.
4.1 Architecture
We propose a proof of concept based on a classic
client-server architecture. Thereby, the backend con-
sists of a NodeJS app which operates as a server and
is connected to a Neo4j database containing all se-
mantically linked data. The frontend is a client-side
single-page application implemented in React with a
thin server architecture where most business logic is
moved from the server to the client that requests data
only as needed, thereby allowing for a seamless user
4.2 Data Model
As data model of the application, we propose the on-
tology shown in Figure 1. For a prototypical imple-
mentation Research Institution should the central en-
tity. This entity concept, which can be substituted
by several sub-classes, is linked to important entities
such as researchers and transitively also to publica-
tions, as well as to fields-of-study. The data model
can be discretionarily extended to support further en-
tities and their associated data.
4.3 Features
Search & Browse.
Users can start looking for the desired information
either by using the full-text search to search for
specific data entities from the underlying model,
or they can browse a sortable list of research fields
that serves as a starting point to navigate deeper
into the data hierarchy and explore the related data
by following the embedded links. As shown in
Figure 2, users can use the input field to search in
the application and browse through research fields
using the FoS tiles.
Statistics & Analytics.
All data entities are enriched with meaningful
statistics and analytics supported by graph visual-
izations for a better understanding. Among other
things, it is possible to compare research fields
regarding amount of citations or check which re-
search topics are currently trending. Figure 2 il-
lustrates how the data can be used to display cur-
rent research trends within the institution.
Semantically Linked Data.
Since all data is semantically linked, it is possible
to navigate to related content from any point in
the data hierarchy. Furthermore, the application is
able to identify and recommend additional related
content by means of a similarity search that is au-
tomatically conducted over the data set, thereby
complementing the identification of related con-
tent through metadata.
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Figure 2: Mock-up of the proof of concept homepage. Users can either use the search to retrieve specific information
or explore the existing research landscape at the institution by using the hierarchically structured FoS concepts. On the
homepage, the FoS concept of each high-level research domain is shown in a convenient layout. Additionally, users can
immediately gain insights into current research trends within the institution. Here, users can examine research trends within
different depth levels of the FoS hierarchy.
Since our proposed solution requires a single source
of truth, it is vital that relevant data is available and
of high quality. Complex data structures are prone
to becoming stale quickly, which reduces the overall
expressiveness of the presented information. The ne-
cessity to acquire all relevant data as well as to keep it
up-to-date and consistent requires the maintainers of
the data source to continually check and if necessary
update the data.
By design, the solution is limited to all relevant
data of one research institution. Further enriching the
data hierarchy with semantic links to external sources
is out of scope. Additionally, since all FoS concepts
are inevitably tied to publications, only those research
areas for which publications exist can be represented.
Due to the inherent complexity of displaying large
amounts of data in a clear and concise manner, our
proposed approach still requires users to invest time
before they can gain an extensive overview of more
complex topics.
A Knowledge Graph Approach for Exploratory Search in Research Institutions
Understanding the landscape of research institutions
is a challenging task for researchers. Current solu-
tions do not fulfill the requirements imposed by the
resulting exploratory search process. Through several
interviews we derived key requirements for a possi-
ble solution that we prototypically sketched out as a
minimal web application serving as proof of concept.
Our proposed application is able to provide extensive
information for a rather vague exploratory objective.
Further, it enables users to gain insights into the de-
sired search space by semantically linking related en-
tities and aggregating relevant data points into insight-
ful analytical views. However, the approach is limited
by the quality and availability of relevant data and is
restricted to data of one research institution. Since
accumulating large amounts of data and presenting
them in an exhaustive yet concise manner is inher-
ently complex, the degree to which such a task can
be simplified is limited and still requires the user to
invest a certain amount of time and effort in order to
reach the desired goal. That being said, we do believe
that having relevant data semantically linked and eas-
ily accessible within one application helps alleviate
the necessary time and effort investment to achieve
an exhaustive overview of a particular research land-
scape. In future work, we aim to implement the pro-
posed application as a minimum viable product that
we can then systematically evaluate. To further en-
hance the proposed approach, we subsequently plan
to extend the initial implementation based on the user
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KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems