Evaluating the Use of Interpretable Quantized Convolutional Neural
Networks for Resource-Constrained Deployment
Harry Rogers
1 a
, Beatriz De La Iglesia
1 b
and Tahmina Zebin
2 c
School of Computing Science, University of East Anglia, U.K.
School of Computer Science, Brunel University London, U.K.
Class Activation Maps, Deep Learning, Quantization, XAI.
The deployment of Neural Networks on resource-constrained devices for object classification and detection
has led to the adoption of network compression methods, such as Quantization. However, the interpretation
and comparison of Quantized Neural Networks with their Non-Quantized counterparts remains inadequately
explored. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel Quantization Aware eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)
pipeline to effectively compare Quantized and Non-Quantized Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Our
pipeline leverages Class Activation Maps (CAMs) to identify differences in activation patterns between Quan-
tized and Non-Quantized. Through the application of Root Mean Squared Error, a subset from the top 5%
scoring Quantized and Non-Quantized CAMs is generated, highlighting regions of dissimilarity for further
analysis. We conduct a comprehensive comparison of activations from both Quantized and Non-Quantized
CNNs, using Entropy, Standard Deviation, Sparsity metrics, and activation histograms. The ImageNet dataset
is utilized for network evaluation, with CAM effectiveness assessed through Deletion, Insertion, and Weakly
Supervised Object Localization (WSOL). Our findings demonstrate that Quantized CNNs exhibit higher per-
formance in WSOL and show promising potential for real-time deployment on resource-constrained devices.
As technology progresses, the field of Artificial In-
telligence (AI) continues to advance enabling more
sophisticated solutions. Typically, for automated
image-processing tasks, Vision Transformers (ViTs)
and variants of deep Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) are commonly employed for object classifi-
cation and detection. However, as researchers pro-
pose increasingly complex architectures, these archi-
tectures are becoming larger and more computation-
ally intensive, posing challenges for training and in-
ference time. Moreover, the hardware limitations of
resource-constrained devices further complicate the
deployment of these larger networks. As a result, re-
searchers have turned to compression methodologies
to address these challenges.
To tackle the need for efficient model deploy-
ment and inference on devices with limited resources,
quantization has emerged as a promising technique.
By reducing the memory footprint and computational
requirements of Neural Networks, Quantized net-
works offer a viable solution that balances model size
and inference speed while maintaining acceptable lev-
els of accuracy.
Quantization involves converting Neural Network
weights from 32-bit floating-point to 8-bit integer rep-
resentation, reducing memory usage and computa-
tion requirements without sacrificing accuracy. By
leveraging the benefits of quantization, larger and
more complex models can be deployed on resource-
constrained devices. The reduced memory footprint
and faster inference time make Quantized CNNs par-
ticularly suitable for real-time applications
In this paper, we explore the application of quanti-
zation on CNNs, aiming to leverage the benefits of re-
duced memory usage and faster inference times using
publicly available architectures from PyTorch (Paszke
et al., 2019). We investigate the impact of quan-
tization on CNN activations, CNN accuracy, CNN
size, and inference speed. Our goal is to provide
insights into the trade-offs and advantages of Quan-
tized networks for efficient deployment on resource-
constrained devices in a Weakly Supervised Object
Rogers, H., De La Iglesia, B. and Zebin, T.
Evaluating the Use of Interpretable Quantized Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource-Constrained Deployment.
DOI: 10.5220/0012231900003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 109-120
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Localization (WSOL) task.
Within literature, there has not been a comparison
drawn between Quantized and Non-Quantized CNNs
to identify regions of interest. Proposed in this pa-
per is an Quantization Aware eXplainable AI (XAI)
pipeline to visualize and compare regions of interest
between Quantized and Non-Quantized CNNs using
Class Activation Maps (CAMs). CAMs are computed
using the last convolutional layer in a specified CNN.
In this paper we use EigenCAM (Bany Muhammad
and Yeasin, 2021) as the method for CAM compu-
tation is gradient-free, allowing for activation only
inference. Using CAMs from Quantized and Non-
Quantized CNNs, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
is applied to identify differences between CAMs. Af-
ter taking the top 5% where the CAMs are different,
we create a subset of images to test. Using this sub-
set, we apply several metrics to activations to identify
differences between Quantized and Non-Quantized
CNNs. To evaluate CAM effectiveness XAI metrics
Deletion and Insertion are applied with a WSOL task.
To facilitate the contrast between networks we use the
ImageNet dataset (Russakovsky et al., 2015). Our
usage of WSOL is intended to allow for resource-
constrained devices to have a lightweight object de-
tector on board without the need for training a more
complex model that cannot be deployed due to its
The core contributions of this paper are as follows:
1. Comparison of Quantized CNNs and Non-
Quantized CNNs using XAI to identify different
regions and features utilized for image classifica-
2. Comparison of Quantized CNNs and Non-
Quantized CNNs in a Weakly Supervised Object
Localization task, considering the feasibility in
real-time usage.
3. Comparison of Quantized and Non-Quantized ac-
tivation blocks using several statistical metrics, to
identify similarities and differences.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents related literature on quantization
methods, with a focus on the application of XAI
methods. It also provides a review of XAI CAM
methods and their evaluations. Section 3 presents the
details of the Quantization Aware XAI pipeline, in-
cluding CAM evaluation metrics, activation metrics,
classification metrics, inference speed test informa-
tion, and ImageNet baselines with the applied quanti-
zation methodologies. The performance of CAM ex-
planations is reported and evaluated in Section 4. Fi-
nally, Section 5 presents the conclusions of the paper
and outlines future work.
Quantized Neural Networks have been combined with
XAI with differing methodologies to enable more ef-
ficient deployment and use of Neural Networks. The
combination of CAMs and Quantized Neural Net-
works has been identified in literature but not fully
explored as we do in this paper.
2.1 Quantization and Explainable
Quantization was originally proposed to be used for
faster inference times for mobile devices with real-
time deployment. Jacob et al. (2017) was the first to
propose Quantization Aware Training (QAT) which
involves training Neural Networks directly with low-
bit Quantized weights and activations. QAT maintains
the performance of higher bit Non-Quantized weights
and activations whilst achieving inference speed-ups
as well as a lower memory usage. Quantization is
achieved through the usage of straight-through esti-
mation. The method approximates gradients during
backpropagration to account for the reduction of in-
formation from quantization, converting 32-bit float-
ing point values into lower bit values.
Following that, there have been many methodolo-
gies to achieve a more efficient inference using quan-
tization with the aim of minimising the error from
quantization (Gholami et al., 2021; Ghimire et al.,
2022; Liang et al., 2021). Various optimization meth-
ods have been explored to enhance the performance of
Neural Networks on hardware with limited computa-
tional power. These methods include hardware-aware
training, which aims to improve network efficiency
on specific hardware platforms. Additionally, zero-
shot quantization techniques have been employed to
convert weights and activations without the need for
retraining or fine-tuning, similar to post static quan-
tization. These approaches collectively contribute to
improving Neural Network efficiency and adaptabil-
ity on resource-constrained hardware. However, each
method may be good on a specific test case, but may
have downsides when compared to each other; there
seems too not be a universal best fit.
Since the adoption of Quantized networks, devel-
opments have been made to make networks more ef-
ficient with other compression methods. For exam-
ple, pruning by removing weights has been used in
conjunction with quantization (Xu et al., 2020; Liu
et al., 2020). Pruning methods can be structured or
unstructured, where structured refers to removing en-
tire nodes from a network and unstructured refers to
setting specific parameters to zero, making the net-
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
work sparse. Both methods make networks lighter
and can have speed-ups whilst retaining accuracy.
Pruning has been used with Quantized networks and
XAI with the usage of Deep Learning Important Fea-
Tures (DeepLIFT) (Shrikumar et al., 2019) to make
models lighter and more efficient (Sabih et al., 2020).
DeepLIFT operates by assigning importance scores to
individual input features based on the difference they
make in the networks activations compared to a refer-
ence baseline. The usage of XAI is an excellent way
to identify weights in a network that could be pruned
as they serve no purpose for inference. However,
Sabih et al. (2020) could have a comparison to the
Non-Quantized counterpart to show key differences to
highlight improvements. Furthermore, usage of other
XAI methods following this should be explored.
Methods such as guided backpropogation with
Quantized networks have been explored in the liter-
ature. For example, Zee et al. (2022) compares a
Quantized CNN to a Non-Quantized baseline CNN,
pruned CNN, ablated CNN, and a pruned and Quan-
tized CNN. The usage of guided backpropogation re-
sults in a CAM for each CNN, however, there are no
metrics used to evaluate the CAMs with regards to
how effective each CAM is at representing what the
CNN actually uses for prediction. Furthermore, there
is only one Quantized CNN tested with QAT.
Similar research has been completed with image
retrieval tasks with explainable Quantized CNNs (Ma
et al., 2023). A novel quantization methodology,
Deep Progressive Asymmetric Quantization, is pro-
posed and CNNs are visualised with CAMs. The
CAM method utilised is not evaluated with metrics
like Zee et al. (2022). There also is no comparison to
a Non-Quantized CNN counterpart to identify what
baselines could be achieved.
From our review of quantization, it can be stated
there are many methodologies for quantization but not
all are openly available online. A key part of research
is being able to replicate results and data, therefore
for this paper we will use pretrained weights that are
publicly available from PyTorch. Comparing quanti-
zation methods to the Non-Quantized counterpart has
also not been fully explored, with little research on
publicly available datasets. Therefore, comparisons
between QAT and Post Static quantization of CNNs
using the ImageNet dataset will be explored in this
2.2 Class Activation Maps and
Within XAI there are methods to identify regions
of interest from CNN predictions. These methods
visualise gradients or activations from CNN predic-
tions by taking the last layer of the architecture and
computing regions of interest called Class Activation
Maps (CAMs). Previously, gradient based methods
have been used with GradCAM, GradCAM++, Full-
Grad, with success (Selvaraju et al., 2019; Chattopad-
hay et al., 2018; Srinivas and Fleuret, 2019). More
recently, gradient-free methodologies have been used
to account for networks that can have negative or non-
differentiable values within gradients.
AblationCAM was one of the first gradient-
free methods proposed (Ramaswamy et al., 2020).
Ablation-CAM measures activations by measuring
the dropout. If the output drops by a large margin,
then that activation is important and receives a higher
weight. Ablation-CAM is reported to perform more
effectively for CNNs with the ImageNet dataset when
compared to using GradCAM. Methods like Eigen-
CAM (Bany Muhammad and Yeasin, 2021) have also
been proposed for gradient-free CAMs. EigenCAM
returns the first principal component of the activa-
tions in the network. These correspond with the dom-
inant object in the image. Similarly, to Ablation-
CAM, EigenCAM reports new baselines for the Im-
ageNet dataset. However, EigenCAM is much more
lightweight and efficient than AblationCAM. Finally,
we look at ScoreCAM (Wang et al., 2020). Score-
CAM uses a two-phase system, in phase one, acti-
vation maps are collected from the CNN using up-
sampling. These activations then work as a mask on
the original image to obtain the forward pass for each
target. In phase two there is a point wise manipula-
tion of these masks using a loop that is the same size
as the number of activation maps. The result is then
a linearly generated combination of the outputs from
phase one and two. This method is slower than Eigen-
CAM (Bany Muhammad and Yeasin, 2021) but is
much faster than Ablation-CAM (Ramaswamy et al.,
Several metrics can be employed to assess the ef-
fectiveness of CAMs in explaining the regions used
by a CNN. In this context, we focus on three metrics:
Deletion, Insertion, and WSOL (Petsiuk et al., 2018).
Deletion and Insertion are two complementary met-
rics commonly used to evaluate the effectiveness of
explanations. Deletion quantifies the change in clas-
sification confidence when different regions of an im-
age are removed. Insertion measures the confidence
change resulting from adding regions, either with sur-
rounding noise or in isolation from any surrounding
context. WSOL is a simple approach that involves
calculating the Intersection over Union (IoU) of re-
gions of high interest with labeled objects.
From the gradient-free methods we have re-
Evaluating the Use of Interpretable Quantized Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource-Constrained Deployment
viewed, EigenCAM will be used as this method
stands out as the most suitable choice for our specific
application due to its lightweight and efficient nature.
As we are using Quantized CNNs, the inference time
will be considered. Therefore, the computation time
for the CAM method should also be recorded as this
has not been explored to be used as a real-time appli-
cation. We will evaluate our CAMs for both Quan-
tized and Non-Quantized CNNs with Deletion, Inser-
tion and WSOL, further details are in section 3.
Our quantization aware pipeline has multiple steps
to rigorously compare Quantized CNNs against their
Non-Quantized counterparts. This comprehensive
evaluation process ensures that we thoroughly assess
the performance, efficiency, and trade-offs associated
with quantization techniques in the context of deep
learning models.
Figure 1 provides a visual representation of the
various stages involved in our quantization aware
pipeline. We begin with collecting weights from pub-
licly available libraries (PyTorch) to generate CAMs
for the ImageNet dataset.
3.1 CAM Generation
To determine if there are differences between the re-
gions of interest used between Quantized and Non-
Quantized CNNs we utilize CAMs. Specifically,
EigenCAM which computes the CAM for both Quan-
tized and Non-Quantized networks. As previously
mentioned, EigenCAM is computationally lighter and
faster than other gradient-free methods therefore this
method is applied.
EigenCAM has been adapted in our work to be
able to work with Quantized or Non-Quantized (8-
bit or 32-bit) weights by checking the type of activa-
tion passed. Once this check is complete the activa-
tions are computed with Singular Value Decomposi-
tion (SVD). SVD is defined in Equation (1), where M
is the activation matrix, U represents the orthogonal
matrix of left singular vectors, Σ represents the diag-
onal matrix of singular values, and V
represents the
transpose of the orthogonal matrix of right singular
3.2 CAM Evaluation Metrics
To create our subset from the validation dataset we
first have to generate all 50,000 CAMs from each val-
idation image. Once these are computed we com-
pare Quantized CAMs to Non-Quantized CAMs us-
ing Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). RMSE is de-
fined as:
where n is the total number of pixels in each image, d
is the grayscale value of the ith pixel in a Quantized
CAM, and f
is the grayscale value of the correspond-
ing i th pixel in a Non-Quantized CAM. RMSE
is used to select CAM pairs (Quantized and Non-
Quantized) that are different to eachother. The high-
est scoring 5% are selected as these have the largest
difference. We are using the top 5% as this equates
to 2,500 images creating a subset from the original
50,000 images. We report in section 4 the average
RMSE across the entire validation set and the average
RMSE across the top 5% selected by this method.
After creating the RMSE subset, Deletion and In-
sertion are calculated from each CAM. The confi-
dence of the CNNs inference will be recorded with
Deletion and Insertion increasing by 1% until the
entire image is deleted or inserted. After plotting
the confidence values against the amount of image
deleted or inserted, the Area Under the Curve (AUC)
is calculated using the Trapezoidal Rule:
+ 2(y
+ y
+ y
+ ··· + y
) + y
where y is the prediction confidence, n is equal to
the number of plotted points, and h is equal to the
increase in Deletion or Insertion change. Deletion
scores that are lower are better and Insertion scores
that are higher are better.
After Deletion and Insertion, WSOL is computed
with each CAM. Intersection over Union (IoU) is
used within WSOL and can be calculated as the area
of overlap divided by the area of union using the
ground truth boxes and prediction boxes from the
CAM. Mathematically it is defined as:
IoU(A, B) =
where A and B are the prediction and ground truth
bounding boxes, respectively.
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: Pipeline for comparison of Quantized and Non-Quantized CNNs.
3.3 Activation Metrics
As we are using a gradient-free CAM method, we
need to compare the activations used not only with
CAM metrics but with statistical tests. Therefore we
have decided to use: Entropy (S ), Standard Devia-
tion (σ), Sparsity(λ), and normalized activation his-
tograms. These metrics are designed to provide in-
sights into the characteristics of the activations and
their contribution to the CNNs predictions. The aver-
age score for each metric across the subset is reported
in Section 4.
Entropy: Entropy is a measure of the uncertainty
in the distribution of activations. A higher entropy
will create a more uncertain prediction meaning
the CNN is less confident in its prediction. A
lower entropy will show a smaller distribution
meaning a CNN is more confident in its pre-
diction. Entropy will not directly help with the
WSOL task, however, it will help with explaining
the effectiveness of CAMs as a higher entropy will
cause less certain CAMs to be generated where
Deletion and Insertion may be not as effective.
Whereas a lower entropy will generate more cer-
tain CAMs that will have regions that are more
important drawn causing Deletion and Insertion
to be effective. Entropy can be defined as follows:
S =
(P(i) + ε) (5)
Where P(i) represents the probability of the ith el-
ement in the probability distribution P, ε is a small
constant of 1e
to prevent taking the logarithm
of zero.
Standard Deviation: The standard deviation
shows the range of neuron values used in the acti-
vation. A high standard deviation would generate
a wide range of activation neurons, this means that
more activation neurons respond to different input
patterns meaning a more used activation block.
Whereas, a lower standard deviation would do the
opposite with lower usage of the activation block.
When considering the WSOL task, a higher stan-
dard deviation could lead to larger areas that clus-
ter around objects of interest as a higher distribu-
tion would likely cause a wider activation pattern.
Standard deviation can be defined as follows:
σ =
where n is the number of activation neurons, x
represents the i
neuron in the activation block.
Sparsity: Sparsity is used to identify neurons that
are not activated that have the value of 0. These
neurons could be pruned to make the CNN lighter.
Sparse activations result in faster execution time
and reduced memory requirements. Sparsity can
Evaluating the Use of Interpretable Quantized Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource-Constrained Deployment
be defined as follows:
λ =
No. of Zero Activation Neurons
Total No. of Activation Neurons
× 100 (7)
Histograms: Histograms provide a visual rep-
resentation of the distribution of activation val-
ues. This will show the frequency of values
and the overall spread of activations. The av-
erage activation will be computed, normalized,
and plotted as a histogram across 256 bins. Us-
ing the Sørensen–Dice Coefficient of the two his-
tograms the similarity can be computed. The
Sørensen–Dice Coefficient is defined as follows:
Dice =
2 × |A B|
|A| + |B|
Where A and B are the activations.
3.4 Classification Metrics
Top-1 and Top-5 accuracy are used within this paper
to describe how accurate CNNs are when using the
ImageNet dataset.
Accuracy can be defined as the measure of how
correctly a CNN predicts the class, shown in Equa-
tion (9). Accuracy refers to the percentage of images
in the dataset that are correctly classified by the CNN
Accuracy =
No. of correctly classified images
Total No. of images
× 100
When considering Top-1 accuracy, the CNN predicts
the correct class label for the given image with the
highest confidence among all the possible classes pre-
dicted. On the other hand, Top-5 accuracy takes into
account a more lenient criterion. It means that the
CNN predicts the correct class label for the given im-
age within the top five most confident predictions.
3.5 Inference Speed Test
The average inference time for each CNN, Quantized
and Non-Quantized, against the entire ImageNet vali-
dation dataset is recorded. Images are passed through
a CNN running on a PC with an Intel Core i7-1800H
CPU and the inference time is recorded. EigenCAM
computation time will also be recorded to identify
any potential speed ups from Quantized weights. The
times for CNN inference and EigenCAM are recorded
in seconds and are reported in Section 4.
3.6 ImageNet Baselines
In this section, we have reported the Top-1 and Top-5
accuracy on ImageNet as baselines for easy reference.
These will be compared too in Section 4.
The models we have used in this work include
MobileNetV2 (Sandler et al., 2019), MobileNetV3
(Howard et al., 2019), ResNet18 (He et al., 2015),
and ShuffleNetV2 (Ma et al., 2018). To ensure the re-
producibility of our work, we utilized publicly avail-
able weights for the models from PyTorch. Py-
Torch provides both Quantized alternatives and orig-
inal weights. MobileNetV2 and MobileNetV3 use
QAT, while ResNet18 and ShuffleNetV2 are con-
verted using Post Static quantization. We have chosen
lightweight versions of each architecture as this is for
a resource-constrained device.
Table 1 presents the Non-Quantized networks’
Top-1 accuracy, Top-5 accuracy, and file size in
megabytes (MB) on the ImageNet dataset. Mo-
bileNetV3 achieves the highest Top-1 and Top-5 ac-
curacy with 74.042% and 91.340% respectively. Mo-
bileNetV2 shows slightly lower scores, with a Top-
1 accuracy of 71.878% and a Top-5 accuracy of
90.286%. ResNet18 and ShuffleNetV2 perform com-
paratively lower, with Top-1 accuracies of 69.758%
and 60.552%, and Top-5 accuracies of 89.078% and
81.746% respectively. The file sizes are 13.598
MB for MobileNetV2, 21.114 MB for MobileNetV3,
44.661 MB for ResNet18, and 5.282 MB for Shuf-
In Table 2, we present the Quantized networks’
Top-1 accuracy, Top-5 accuracy, and file size on the
ImageNet dataset. MobileNetV3 maintains its posi-
tion as the top-performing model with a Top-1 accu-
racy of 73.004% and a Top-5 accuracy of 90.858%.
MobileNetV2 closely follows with a Top-1 accuracy
of 71.658% and a Top-5 accuracy of 90.150%. No-
tably, MobileNetV2 demonstrates the best retention
scores, with the smallest decrease in Top-1 accuracy
of 0.220% and Top-5 accuracy of 0.136% compared
to the Non-Quantized version. ResNet18 achieves a
Top-1 accuracy of 69.494% and a Top-5 accuracy of
88.882%, while ShuffleNetV2 exhibits a Top-1 accu-
racy of 57.972% and a Top-5 accuracy of 79.780%.
The file sizes of the Quantized models are signifi-
cantly reduced, with MobileNetV2, ResNet18, and
ShuffleNetV2 shrinking by approximately 3.9 times
to 3.423 MB, 11.238 MB, and 1.501 MB respectively.
However, the file size of MobileNetV3 increases to
21.554 MB.
To create the RMSE subset, EigenCAM was used to
compute each CAM for each validation image for all
Quantized and Non-Quantized CNNs. In Table 3 the
average RMSE for each CNN is reported, it can be
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Network Top-1 and Top-5 Accuracy (ImageNet).
MobileNetV2 71.878 90.286 13.598
MobileNetV3 74.042 91.340 21.114
ResNet18 69.758 89.078 44.661
ShuffleNetV2 60.552 81.746 5.282
Table 2: Quantized Network Top-1 and Top-5 Accuracy
MobileNetV2 71.658 90.150 3.423
MobileNetV3 73.004 90.858 21.554
ResNet18 69.494 88.882 11.238
ShuffleNetV2 57.972 79.780 1.501
stated that the average RMSE across the 50,000 im-
ages is the highest with the QAT MobileNetV3 with
96.926, followed by the Post Static ShuffleNetV2
with 90.742, then the QAT MoibleNetV2 with 79.541,
and finally the Post Static ResNet18 with 29.220.
When taking the average from the top 5% RMSE val-
ues the scores increase to 144.449 with MobileNetV2,
167.484 with the MobileNetV3, 148.001 with the
ResNet18, and 148.725 with the ShuffleNetV2.
From these results it could be concluded that
quantization changes the regions of interest for net-
works whether they are retrained (QAT) or not (Post
static). This means that Quantized CNNs are likely
learning different features to classify objects within
images across 50,000 validation images from Ima-
geNet. This is further explored when considering the
top 5% highest scoring RMSE values as these will be
completely different regions of interest.
Table 3: EigenCAM RMSE.
Model Average RMSE
Top 5%
Average RMSE
MobileNetV2 79.541 144.449
MobileNetV3 96.926 167.484
ResNet18 29.220 148.001
ShuffleNetV2 90.742 148.725
The activation metrics: Entropy (S), Standard De-
viation (σ), and Sparsity (λ) are reported in Table 4
and Table 5 for the Quantized, and Non-Quantized
CNNs, respectively. These metrics serve as essential
indicators of the efficiency and effectiveness of the re-
spective activation blocks within these networks.
When comparing Quantized and Non-Quantized
CNNs there is promising signs that each Quan-
tized CNN activation block is more efficient and
effective. Each CNN tested has a significantly
lower entropy score when using quantization. Mo-
bileNetV2 increases by 8.732, MobileNetV3 in-
creases by 5.293, ResNet18 increases by 4.104, Shuf-
fleNetV2 increases by 9.587 when going from Quan-
tized to Non-Quantized. This means that Quantized
CNNs are much more certain in predictions as the
entropy is lower. The standard deviation scores de-
crease by 17.313, 10.838, 6.884, and 4.811 for the
MobileNetV2, MobileNetV3, ResNet18, and Shuf-
fleNetV2, respectively against the Non-Quantized
CNNs. This means that Quantized activation blocks
are more utilized, and are more certain with the sub-
set we have generated. Finally, all Quantized CNNs,
apart from MobileNetV3, have a larger sparsity mean-
ing that inference on resource-limited devices will be
faster as there are less computations to complete.
These results are likely due to the conversion of
quantization as values have been essentially general-
ized. The quantized activation blocks will be more
certain in predictions as the Quantized activations are
approximating the Non-Quantized activations. As
quantization has been explored, the approximation is
also efficient as the sparsity within activation blocks
is higher showing that the quantization methodology
for both QAT and Post Static. Which can achieve fur-
ther speedups from less computation being required
at inference time.
The normalized average activation histograms are
plotted in Figure 2, from the distributions plotted it
can be seen that quantized and non-quantized acti-
vations are very similar. Each Sørensen–Dice Coef-
ficient is shown on each plot, MobileNetV2 scored
98.126, MobileNetV3 recorded 95.689, ResNet18
achieved 99.521, and ShuffleNetV2 scored 98.466.
This could be due to classification and localisation be-
ing similar for each CNN whether Quantized or Non-
Quantized. However, these scores are very high and
further testing is needed to identify a spatially aware
normalization process to ensure activations spatial in-
formation from neurons can be preserved.
Table 4: Quantized Network Activation Scores.
Model S
MobileNetV2 0.203 18.259 70.417
MobileNetV3 0.30 12.189 10.425
ResNet18 0.38 8.362 48.589
ShuffleNetV2 1.029 4.898 91.914
To confirm that the Quantized and Non-Quantized
CNNs are not inaccurate with the subset created, the
Top-1 and Top-5 accuracies are recorded in Table 6,
Standard Deviation
Evaluating the Use of Interpretable Quantized Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource-Constrained Deployment
Figure 2: Normalized average Histogram distributions for
activations in all CNNs.
Table 5: Non-Quantized Network Activation Scores.
Model S
MobileNetV2 8.931 0.946 55.791
MobileNetV3 5.596 1.351 16.686
ResNet18 4.484 1.478 45.339
ShuffleNetV2 9.991 0.087 91.877
and Table 7, respectively. Analyzing Table 6, it can
be observed that the Quantized CNNs, even with the
created subset, retain high Top-1 and Top-5 accura-
cies when compared to their Non-Quantized coun-
terparts. MobileNetV2 achieved a Top-1 accuracy
of 68.932% and a Top-5 accuracy of 88.724%, Mo-
bileNetV3 achieved a Top-1 accuracy of 64.680% and
a Top-5 accuracy of 86.840%, ResNet18 achieved a
Top-1 accuracy of 63.640% and a Top-5 accuracy of
85.760%, and ShuffleNetV2 achieved a Top-1 accu-
racy of 53.263% and a Top-5 accuracy of 75.881%.
In contrast, Table 7 shows the Top-1 and Top-5
accuracies of the Non-Quantized networks. The QAT
MobileNetV2 achieved a Top-1 accuracy of 69.212%
and a Top-5 accuracy of 88.724%, the QAT Mo-
bileNetV3 achieved a Top-1 accuracy of 66.920%
and a Top-5 accuracy of 87.840%, the post static
ResNet18 achieved a Top-1 accuracy of 64.440% and
a Top-5 accuracy of 86.120%, and the post static
ShuffleNetV2 achieved a Top-1 accuracy of 55.938%
and a Top-5 accuracy of 78.435%.
The differences when comparing Non-Quantized
and Quantized CNNs for Top-1 and Top-5 accuracies
for our subset are 0.28% Top-1, 0% Top-5 for Mo-
bileNetV2, whereas in Section 3 the baseline differ-
ences are Top-1 0.220% and 0.136% Top-5. For the
MobileNetV3 our RMSE subset creates a 2.24% Top-
1 difference, and 1% Top-5 change against 1.038%
Top-1, 0.482% Top-5 in the baseline from Section 3.
When using the ResNet18 our subset generates a dif-
ference of 0.8% Top-1, and 0.360% Top-5 whereas
the baseline is 0.264% Top-1, and 0.196% Top-5.
ShuffleNetV2 has a Top-1 difference in the subset
of 2.675% and Top-5 of 2.554%, in the baseline is
it 2.58% Top-1 and 1.966% Top-5. Therefore, our
subset has a similar representation as the entire Ima-
geNet validation dataset split. This shows that quan-
tization is able to learn different features to approx-
imate weights, whilst still being able to use differ-
ent features for a similar performance. This is rein-
forced further when using the subset we have gener-
ated showing the largest difference in features as the
CAMs themselves are very different.
The inference speed and computation for Eigen-
CAM with Quantized CNNs is reported in Table 8
and the Non-Quantized counterparts are in Table 9.
Examining the Quantized CNNs, MobileNetV2 took
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 6: Quantized Network Top-1 and Top-5 Accuracy
(ImageNet Top 5% RMSE diff).
Model Top-1 (%) Top-5 (%)
MobileNetV2 68.932 88.724
MobileNetV3 64.680 86.840
ResNet18 63.640 85.760
ShuffleNetV2 53.263 75.881
Table 7: Network Top-1 and Top-5 Accuracy (ImageNet
Top 5% RMSE diff).
Model Top-1 (%) Top-5 (%)
MobileNetV2 69.212 88.724
MobileNetV3 66.920 87.840
ResNet18 64.440 86.120
ShuffleNetV2 55.938 78.435
0.013 seconds on average for inference with CAM
computation taking 0.010 seconds creating a total
time of 0.023 seconds, MobileNetV3 was 0.065 sec-
onds on average for inference and 0.007 seconds for
CAM computation resulting in a total time of 0.072
seconds, ResNet18 classified in 0.023 seconds on av-
erage and CAMs were generated in 0.007 seconds
equating to a 0.030 second total time, and Shuf-
fleNetV2 took 0.073 seconds on average for inference
but only 0.006 seconds for CAM computation mean-
ing a total time of 0.079 seconds. Analyzing the Non-
Quantized CNNs, the MobileNetV2 had an average
inference time of 0.035 seconds with CAM compu-
tation taking 0.017 seconds therefore having a total
time of 0.052 seconds. MoibleNetV3 had an average
classification time of 0.101 seconds and CAMs were
generated in 0.016 seconds to then have a total time
of 0.117 seconds, ResNet18 took 0.037 seconds for
inference on average with a CAM computation time
of 0.020 seconds resulting in a total time of 0.057 sec-
onds, and the ShuffleNetV2 classified images in 0.088
seconds and CAMs were computed in 0.009 seconds
totaling in 0.097 seconds.
When comparing Quantized CNNs to the Non-
Quantized CNNs, MobileNetV2 demonstrated a re-
markable improvement in inference speed, achiev-
ing a 2.69x faster performance compared to its Non-
Quantized counterpart. MobileNetV3 followed with a
1.55x speedup, ResNet18 with a 1.61x speedup, and
ShuffleNetV2 with a 1.21x speedup. These speedups
represent the improvements during inference only.
Moreover, when analysing the speed of the CAM
generation, the Quantized networks also showcased
notable improvements. MobileNetV2 achieved a
1.7x faster CAM generation, MobileNetV3 showed a
2.29x improvement, ResNet18 exhibited a 2.86x ac-
celeration, and ShuffleNetV2 achieved a 1.5x boost.
Considering both inference speed and CAM gen-
eration, the Quantized networks demonstrate signifi-
cant improvements. MobileNetV2 achieved a 2.26x
overall speedup, MobileNetV3 achieved a 1.63x im-
provement, ResNet18 experienced a 1.9x accelera-
tion, and ShuffleNetV2 saw a 1.23x boost.
These results show that using the Quantized CNNs
for CAM computation and inference could be real-
time with similar classification scores when compared
to the Non-Quantized counterparts. This is for both
QAT and Post Static methods of quantization.
Table 8: Quantised Network Speed Tests.
MobileNetV2 0.013 0.010 0.023
MobileNetV3 0.065 0.007 0.072
ResNet18 0.023 0.007 0.030
ShuffleNetV2 0.073 0.006 0.079
Table 9: Non-Quantised Network Speed Tests.
MobileNetV2 0.035 0.017 0.052
MobileNetV3 0.101 0.016 0.117
ResNet18 0.037 0.020 0.057
ShuffleNetV2 0.088 0.009 0.097
Table 10 displays the results of Quantized CAM
evaluations and Table 11 showcases the results for
the Non-Quantized CAM evaluations. The Quan-
tized evaluations when considering Deletion for the
MobileNetV3 and ResNet18 are lower than the Non-
Quantized counterparts, showing that the regions
highlighted are more important for predictions as
when these are removed the confidence scores drop.
The largest difference in Deletion is 0.534% when
using the Quantized MobileNetV2, therefore it could
be argues that quanztied CNNs when using Deletion
create more effective CAMs. Furthermore, the Quan-
tized ResNet18 also has a higher Insertion score than
the Non-Quantized counterpart showing the CAMs
are more representative of the regions used for the
ResNet18 architecture. Which in turn means that the
Quantized ResNet18 is easier to visualize with Eigen-
Deletion and Insertion for all CNNs tested, Quan-
tized and Non-Quantized, are causal where Deletion
is smaller than Insertion showing that CAMs gener-
ated are effective explanations for each CNN.
The Quantized CNNs consistently outperformed
their Non-Quantized counterparts in the WSOL
task. Quantizated CNNs scored 30.717%, 26.896%,
27.942%, and 28.845% for the MobileNetV2, Mo-
bileNetV3, ResNet18, and ShuffleNetV2, respec-
Evaluating the Use of Interpretable Quantized Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource-Constrained Deployment
Figure 3: Comparison of Non-Quantized and Quantized CNNs, white boxes are the ground truth label, red boxes are the lower
accuracy predictions, and green boxes are higher accuracy predictions.
Table 10: Quantized CAM Evaluation.
MobileNetV2 0.984 10.589 30.717
MobileNetV3 1.529 32.032 26.896
ResNet18 0.496 9.244 27.942
ShuffleNetV2 0.289 2.613 28.845
tively. Whereas the Non-Quantized CNNs scored
30.701%, 26.790%, 27.840%, and 28.740% for the
MobileNetV2, MobileNetV3, ResNet18, and Shuf-
fleNetV2, respectively. The scores for the Quan-
tized CNNs were slightly higher, with increases rang-
ing from 0.016% to 0.106% across different models
with the MobileNetV2 increasing by 0.016%, Mo-
bileNetV3 increasing by 0.106%, ResNet18 increas-
Table 11: Non-Quantized CAM Evaluation.
MobileNetV2 0.450 12.658 30.701
MobileNetV3 7.560 44.659 26.790
ResNet18 0.531 10.464 27.840
ShuffleNetV2 0.117 0.127 28.740
ing by 0.102%, and the ShufflenetV2 increasing by
0.105%. These results are not massive, however, they
make sense. Quantization, as mentioned, is a method
of generalization and therefore creates more general-
izable CNNs.
For a visual comparison, Figure 3 illustrates the
comparison between the Non-Quantized and Quan-
tized CAMs. In the first column each image has a
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
ground truth bounding box, in the second column is
the Non-Quantized CAM, and in the third column is
the Quantized CAM. The first row displays a predic-
tion from MobileNetV2 on a Leatherback Turtle, the
second row shows a prediction from MobileNetV3 on
a Tench fish, the third row presents a prediction from
ResNet18 on a Tiger Shark, and finally, the fourth
row exhibits the ShuffleNetV2 with a prediction on
a Goldfish. In each case, it is evident that the CAMs
generated by the Quantized CNNs produce more con-
cise bounding boxes for the respective images. This
observation aligns with the reported WSOL IoU val-
To conclude, we have visualized and statistically
compared activations from Quantized and Non-
Quantized CNNs and identified differences within the
activations themselves. Moreover, we have compared
Quantized CNN activations in a WSOL task and com-
pared the visualizations to their Non-Quantized CNN
counterparts. Through this visualization, we have
identified that Quantized CNNs utilize different fea-
tures and regions for image classification using the
ImageNet dataset. From this, we have demonstrated
that Quantized CNNs exhibit higher performance in
WSOL tasks and can be deployed in real-time using
EigenCAM, and are statisically different. Thus, quan-
tization should be considered in more academic pa-
pers, as it not only offers a more efficient network but
also provides a more interpretable network in some
For our future work, we will apply gradient-free
methodologies to activations, incorporating ViTs, in
order to explore the distinctions between Quantized
and Non-Quantized ViT models.
This work is supported by the Engineering and Phys-
ical Sciences Research Council [EP/S023917/1].
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KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval