No Pain no Game or More Game More Pain? The Effects of Summer
Congested Games Periods on Professional European Male Football
Players’ Injury Occurrences for the Following Season: A Data
Analytics Approach
Andria Procopiou
and Koulla Parpa
Department of Computing, School of Sciences, University of Central Lancashire (Cyprus), Larnaca, Cyprus
Department of Sports Sciences, School of Sciences, University of Central Lancashire (Cyprus), Larnaca, Cyprus
Football/Soccer Injuries, Injury Risk, Data Analytics, Games Congestion, Fatigue, Sports Trauma, Big Data.
Two recent congested periods, the post Covid19 lockdown period (May-August 2020) and Euro 2020 (June-
July 2021) forced European male footballers to consistently play games for nearly three years with long
duration of congested games and insufficient rest days. This phenomenon has not been previously observed
to such extent. This study uses data analytics and statistics to investigate how these two congested periods
during seasons 19/20, 20/21 and 21/22 affected the injuries occurrences in European male footballers who
both participated in Euro 2020 and played in one of the seven major European leagues, using Transfermarkt
data. The results indicate that the severity and injury days out for each injury were significantly increased when
comparing the 20/21 and 21/22 seasons (before and after Euro 2020), but not for 19/20 and 20/21 seasons. In
contrast, there were no significant differences on injury rates and occurrences when comparing the congested
games period after March 2020 lockdown with the season before lockdown or the 20/21 season. Furthermore,
the players whose national teams reached the group of 16 stage onwards in Euro 2020, exhibited more fitness-
related occurrences during the 21/22 season. With regards to the injuries each player exhibited, there was a
significant difference on their total days out, and days out for their first and longest injury when comparing
seasons 20/21 and 21/22. Also, there was a significant increase on the severity of injuries each player exhibited
as well as the how soon each player was reported with an injury. However, no similar results were observed
when comparing the 19/20 season (before the Covid19 March 2020 lockdown) and the 20/21 season.
The increase of games and competitions in Euro-
pean male football has led to even more congested
fixture periods during each calendar year, starting
with the introduction of the Nation’s League back
in 2018. This matter was magnified after the first
Covid19 pandemic lockdown, in March 2020. The
European leagues were interrupted, only to resume
in May 2020, along with the European club com-
petitions (UEFA Champion’s League, UEFA Europa
League) and finish around mid-August 2020 with the
two European Competitions finishing towards the end
of August. From the seven most successful European
leagues according to the UEFA coefficient (UEFA,
2023) (Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, Ligue
1, Serie A, Eredivise and Primeira Liga), we observe
that Ligue 1 and Eredivisie did not complete their re-
maining fixtures. The Premier League with 10 games
remaining, Bundesliga with 9 games remaining and
Serie A with 12 games remaining were completed
in the time-span of approximately 40 days. The La
Liga 11 remaining games were conducted in approx-
imately 36 days and the Primeira Liga 10 remaining
games in 51 days. We also note that selected teams
from this set of European leagues played additional
games in both domestic and European competitions.
Undoubtedly, this issue contributed to the in-
creased congested games period. Provided that many
of the teams returning back into play also had to com-
pete in other domestic competitions as well as interna-
tional ones, they had to face a challenging congested
games period ahead. In practice, this yielded at least
1.75 games per week for the Premier League teams,
2.1 games for the Serie A teams, 1.57 games for the
Bundesliga teams, 2.14 games for the La Liga teams,
Procopiou, A. and Parpa, K.
No Pain no Game or More Game More Pain? The Effects of Summer Congested Games Periods on Professional European Male Football Players’ Injury Occurrences for the Following
Season: A Data Analytics Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0012233600003587
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2023), pages 202-212
ISBN: 978-989-758-673-6; ISSN: 2184-3201
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and 1.37 for the Primeira Liga teams. Less than a
month later, 20/21 football season commenced, giv-
ing little to no sufficient time to the male footballers
to recover properly. All the seven major European
leagues finished mid-end of May, with the Euro 2020
competition only starting in at 11/6/2021. The con-
duction of a back-to-back nearly full summer of foot-
ball games has left the majority of male European
football players with, once again, insufficient time to
rest, properly recover, and appropriately participate in
the pre-season training sessions (Julian et al., 2021).
1.1 Motivation and Contribution
The literature consists of notable studies investigating
congested games periods, including seasons interrup-
tions (e.g. winter break) (Leventer et al., 2019), pre-
training seasons (Ekstrand et al., 2020), congested
schedules (Dupont et al., 2010b), (Lago-Pe
nas et al.,
2011), (Dellal et al., 2015), (Julian et al., 2021),
(Trewin et al., 2017) and so on. However, this 3-
year period with such a long duration of congested
games and insufficient rest days between seasons has
not been previously observed and what it could mean
for the players’ fitness, health and overall well-being.
In this study we aim to investigate on whether
and how this 3-year period (seasons 19/20, 20/21 and
21/22) has affected the injury occurrence and rates
in male European footballers, competing in both one
of the seven most difficult European leagues accord-
ing to the UEFA coefficient (UEFA, 2023) and Euro
2020. In summary, this period was special for the fol-
lowing reasons:
1. Season 19/20 was interrupted for approximately
40 days in each country, only for the players to
return back and complete the season in approxi-
mately 40 days.
2. Season 20/21 started in less than a month later on,
giving insufficient time for the players to rest, re-
cover and receive proper pre-training. This was
more evident for the players who also participated
in the international competitions (e.g. Champi-
ons’ League/Europa League). In addition, to the
already congested programme experienced so far,
the Euro 2020 competition was held during sum-
mer 2021.
Hence, we are interested in following research
1. RQ1: Has the Euro2020 competition increased
the overall number of injuries for the following
2. RQ2:Has the congested games period after
Covid19 lockdown (March 2020) increased the
overall number of injuries for the remaining of the
season (summer 2020) or season 20/21?
3. RQ3: Have these two congested games periods
(Remaining of 19/20 season after March 2020
lockdown and Euro 2020 held in summer 2021)
increased fatigue and fitness related occurrences
for the respective following season?
4. RQ4: Has the Euro2020 congested period af-
fected the injuries per player for the following sea-
The rest of the paper is organised as follows; in
Section 2, we review the relevant literature. Proceed-
ing, we investigate the Research Questions using the
data extracted from Transfermarkt and discuss the re-
sults. Then, we dicuss the paper’s limitations and fu-
ture work. Finally, we make our concluding remarks.
To the best of our knowledge, no other study at-
tempted to perform such in-depth investigation of in-
juries related to European male football players from
seven European major leagues for three consecutive
seasons (19/20, 20/21 and 21/22) which consisted of
two summer congested games periods in-between. In
addition, no other study attempted to investigate how
each of these two games congested periods affected
the injury occurrence and/or rates for the following
season. Our work is summarised through the follow-
ing contributions:
1. Total Injuries Dataset: Construction of a dataset
of all the injuries of male footballers who partic-
ipated in Euro 2020 and played for a club from
one of the seven European leagues with the high-
est UEFA coefficient and their labelling based on
their severity and category according to (Del Coso
et al., 2018) using the Transfermarkt platform for
seasons 19/20, 20/21 and 21/22.
2. Injuries per Player Dataset: Construction of a
dataset of injuries for each player with the calcula-
tion of various metrics based on their total number
of injuries, first and longest injury for each of the
three seasons.
3. Data analysis of injuries reported for 340 different
male footballers using both datasets explained in
1) and 2).
It is estimated that footballers can be exposed
from 10-20 consecutive weeks of congested games,
both domestically and internationally (transfermarkt,
2023) in a single season. Inevitably, this leads to play-
ers having fewer days between games, thus unable
No Pain no Game or More Game More Pain? The Effects of Summer Congested Games Periods on Professional European Male Football
Players’ Injury Occurrences for the Following Season: A Data Analytics Approach
to rest and recover properly (N
elec et al., 2012),
(Ispirlidis et al., 2008), (Bengtsson et al., 2013a).
There are different studies proving the link be-
tween congested games periods and injury incidence
rates. Carling et al. (Carling et al., 2016) investigated
injuries in short periods of games congestion in 25
players who participated in the French Ligue 1 and
European competitions over seasons 2009-2015. The
authors monitored the exposure time and reported in-
juries during congestion periods and non-congestion
periods. The results demonstrated a higher risk of in-
jury during the final 15 minutes of the second game
of a congested period, in contrast to the respective
non-congested periods. Also, they reported an over-
all higher risk of injury, a risk of ankle sprains and
non-contact injuries during the final game of a three-
match congestion period in contrast to the respective
time-frame of a non-congested period.
Similarly, Bengtsson et al. (Bengtsson et al.,
2013a), also aimed to investigate how congested game
periods affected 27 teams over 11 seasons. Linear
regression was used to investigate on whether there
was an association between the recovery time, game
load, injury rates and performance from each team.
They reported an association between games lost and
short recovery time in Europa League. They also re-
ported an increased rate of injury and muscle injury
(hamstring and quadriceps), when there was a game
in equal or less than 4 days, compared to 6 days.
There was also an increase in ligament injuries during
the training session after the congested games period.
Similarly, the authors in (Dupont et al., 2010a) moni-
tored 32 football players from a team participating in
the Champions League to investigate the possible ef-
fects a 2 weekly game congestion period for 52 home
games had for their performance over a 2-season pe-
riod. Injury rate was significantly increased during the
congestion game period compared to non-congestion
period (1 weekly game).
Aiming to investigate how congested game pe-
riods affect both performance and injury rate, Del-
lal et al. (Dellal et al., 2015) monitored 16 players
competing in the French League, French Cup and the
Champions’ League. The period monitored was dur-
ing the 2011-2012 season’s three different congested
periods of games (=six games in 18 days). In their
results, they report no significant differences in any
of the six games during the congested period or in-
between congested games periods when it came to
the players’ physical and technical performance. Fur-
thermore, even though there was also no change in
the total incidence of injuries, the injury rate during
game-play was significantly higher during the con-
gestion period. On the other hand, the mean lay-off
duration for injuries was significantly shorter during
congested periods than in non-congestion periods.
Multiple studies aimed to investigate a poten-
tial differentiation in physical game performance and
injury rates and occurrences before and after the
Covid19 March 2020 lockdown in different European
football leagues, including Bundesliga and Serie A
(Thron et al., 2021), (Krutsch et al., 2022), (Marotta
et al., 2022a). In their findings they report that there
were no significant differences with regards to the in-
jury rates and occurrences before and after the first
lockdown. Thron et al. (Thron et al., 2022) rightfully
claim that the increase in substitutions from 3 to 5
has a positive effect in reducing the injury risk. Sim-
ilarly, a study conducted for the Japanese league was
also unable to prove a significant increase on injury
occurrences before and after the March 2020 lock-
down (Matsunaga et al., 2023). However, the authors
report that muscle-related injuries were notably in-
creased during the first two months after the initial
suspension period.
From the studies presented, injury incidence was
higher during congested periods, but not after the
Covid19 March 2020 lockdown. This is of special
interest since it directly contradicts previous findings
proving a notable increase on injury occurrences af-
ter short breaks (e.g. winter break) (Leventer et al.,
2019), (Ekstrand et al., 2020). A notable difference
between a normal congested games period (which in-
volves international games) compared to the Covid19
lockdown after season, was travelling to and from
away matches (Fowler et al., 2015), (Abbott et al.,
2018) or/and playing during the night (Fullagar et al.,
2016). This could potentially play a potential roles
in the players being exposed to injury risk, something
which holds especially true for the Euro 2020 compe-
tition with all the excessive travelling conducted.
However, the fact remains that these two con-
gested games periods occurred in two-consecutive
summers, in 2020 and 2021. To the best of our knowl-
edge, there has been no previous work conducted in-
vestigating the effects of both these two congested
games period across such a large number of male
footballers who player across seven different Euro-
pean leagues. Most importantly, to the best of our
knowledge, there has been no other study investigat-
ing how these two congested games periods could
have impacted the injury rates and occurrences for the
following season. Our study aims to fill in these gaps
and investigate the possible effects on injury rates and
occurrences due to this back-to-back summer games
congested period for the next seasons respectively.
icSPORTS 2023 - 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
3.1 Experimental Testbed
For the extraction/analysis and visualisation of the
data, Python 3.8, Pandas, Seaborn and Selenium li-
braries were used. All the data our implemented
software scrapped through, was from Transfermarkt
(transfermarkt, 2023). Only the players who partic-
ipated in Euro 2020 and belonged to a team of the
seven following football leagues presented in the In-
troduction section were considered.
3.2 Injuries Classification and Data
Unfortunately, footballers can suffer from a plethora
of different injuries due to the high physical demands
and the high risk of physical impact of the sport.
There are various types of injuries and with differ-
ent severity. Injury severity describes the severity of
an injury based on how many days each individual
was out. Hence, we followed the injuries classifica-
tion method proposed by (Del Coso et al., 2018). In
total, there are four different classifications, presented
below: Minor injuries which lasted less than 7 days;
Mild injuries which lasted 7-13 days; Moderate in-
juries which lasted 14-20 days; Severe injuries which
lasted more than 20 days. Based on this information,
we classified each injury based on its severity, as pre-
viously described.
Using (Del Coso et al., 2018), we classified each
injury based on the description by Transfermarkt. We
briefly explain how the type of an injury is conducted
based on the authors’ proposed model. Bone-related
injuries include fractures and other-bone related in-
juries. Joint and/or ligament injuries include dislo-
cations/subluxations, ligament stretching, tear or rup-
ture, meniscus/cartilage wearings, tears or ruptures
and so on. Muscle and/or tendon injuries include
muscle cramps, tears or ruptures, tendon injuries and
so on. Contusions injuries include hematomas, abra-
sions or lacerations. Nervous system injuries in-
clude concussions and other nervous-related injuries.
Knocks include all types of knocks.
Table 1: Euro 2020 Players by Country.
Country Players No.
Austria 20
Belgium 20
Croatia 12
Czech Republic 9
Denmark 17
England 24
Finland 3
France 26
Germany 26
Hungary 4
Italy 26
Netherlands 22
North Macedonia 3
Poland 11
Portugal 26
Russia 3
Scotland 9
Slovakia 8
Spain 24
Sweden 8
Switzerland 16
Turkey 11
Ukraine 3
Wales 9
3.3 Data Collection and Dataset
3.3.1 Injuries Dataset Construction
It was important to firstly collect all the necessary in-
formation for the players who participated in Euro
2020. We obtained the full lists of the squads par-
ticipating from (UEFA, 2021) . Then, we picked up
the players who participated in one of the seven Eu-
ropean leagues considered, namely Premier League,
La Liga, Bundesliga, Ligue 1, Serie A, Eredivisie and
Primeira Liga. The total number of players consid-
ered for the present study was 340. Only the players
who both participated in Euro 2020 and belonged to
one of the seven European leagues stated in the Intro-
duction were considered and summarised in Table 1.
The general information we extracted for each player
was the following: player’s name, player’s age (at the
start of the season), player’s position, player’s club,
player’s league and player’s birth country. For the
purpose of the study, we extracted injury information
for the set of player explained above for three con-
secutive seasons, specifically 19/20, 20/21 and 21/22
seasons. The total number of injuries per season is
presented in Table 2. All non-injury related reasons
for absence (e.g. due to illness) records have been
omitted. For each injury occurred to each player, the
following information was extracted:
No Pain no Game or More Game More Pain? The Effects of Summer Congested Games Periods on Professional European Male Football
Players’ Injury Occurrences for the Following Season: A Data Analytics Approach
Table 2: Total Injuries and Fitness Occurrences per Season.
Season Injuries No.
19/20 (before/after March Lockdown) 455(377/78)
20/21 449
21/22 498
Injury Season: Season the injury occurred.
Injury Description: Injury Description the Trans-
fermarkt platform provided.
Injury Start Date: Date the injury occurred.
Injury Start Month: Month the injury occurred.
Injury End Date: Date returned from injury.
Injury Days Out: The total number of days the
player was out due to injury.
Injury Severity: Based on the days injured, the
classification of the injury’s severity.
Injury Type: Type of the injury based on the ”In-
jury Description” field.
3.3.2 Injuries per Player Dataset Construction
For the purpose of this study, it is equally impor-
tant to investigate on how the different injuries occur
not only in overall, but also on each player individ-
ually. Proceeding, we calculated the relevant infor-
mation for each player’s injury history. Specifically,
the information extracted for each player per season
Injuries Total Number: Total number of injuries a
player had for the season.
Injury Total Days Out: Total number of days the
player was out due to injuries for the season.
Injury Maximum Days Out: Number of days
the injury from which the player recovered the
longest lasted.
Injury Maximum Severity: Severity the injury
from which the player recovered the longest.
Injury Maximum Category: Category the injury
from which the player recovered the longest.
Injury Maximum Month: Month the injury from
which the player recovered the longest occurred.
Injury First Days Out: number of days the player
had their first injury for the season lasted.
Injury First Severity: Severity the player had their
first injury for the season.
Injury First Category: Category the player had
their first injury for the season.
Injury First Month: Month the player had their
first injury for the season.
For the analysis of the results and the investigation
of the research questions defined in the Introduction
presented in this paper, the following techniques were
Descriptive Analytics and Statistics (mean, stan-
dard deviation, median, mode, min, max and quar-
tiles) to calculate, describe, and summarise col-
lected injury data, including rates per season, days
out, severity, and start date.
Inferential Statistics and Diagnostic Analytics
(Mann Whitney U test) to investigate significance
on the difference between the injury days out
Bar Charts, Pie Charts and Tables to visualise the
data extracted.
4.1 RQ1: Has the Euro2020
Competition Increased the Overall
Number of Injuries for the
Following Season?
Based on the injuries for the two seasons presented
in Table 2, we observe an increase of 10.9% (3 s.f.).
Hence, we cannot support that the conduction of ad-
ditional congested games through Euro2020 signifi-
cantly increased the total number of injuries occurred.
However, it appears that the conduction of Euro2020
significantly increased the number of injury days out
for each injury. Based on Table 3, the mean/median
values for the injury days during the 20/21 season
were 19.95 and 12 respectively while for the 21/22
season 28.22 and 15. Also, there is a notable dif-
ference between the values for the maximum injury
days variable between the two seasons. By perform-
ing Mann-Whitney U test, we conclude that there is
a significant difference between the injury days out
between the two seasons (p=0.0001). We proceed by
analysing in further the injuries for both seasons, fo-
cusing on the distribution of the severe and moderate
type injuries as well as the types of injuries observed
for the two seasons.
For the 20/21 season, 127 severe injuries were re-
ported, while for the 21/22, 185, exhibiting a 45.67%
Table 3: RQ1 Descriptive Statistics.
Mdn. Md.
12 7 1/242
6 (25%)
25 (75%)
15 7 1/383
31.5 (75%)
icSPORTS 2023 - 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
increase. With regards to the moderate injuries, for
the 20/21 season 49 were reported and for the 21/22
season, 64, exhibiting a 30.61% increase. In addition
to the significant difference in the number of severe
and moderate injuries, we also observe that such a no-
table difference is also observed on the injury out days
variable for the severe and moderate types of injuries.
Specifically, the mean/median of injury out days for
the severe injuries during the 21/22 season were 56.9
(3 s.f.) and 36 respectively, while for the 20/21 sea-
son they were 45.6 (3 s.f.) and 34. For the moderate
injuries, the mean/median of injury days during the
21/22 season were 18.4 (3 s.f.) and 18 respectively,
while for the 20/21 season they were 18.3 (3 s.f.) and
18. Based on the results presented, we believe that the
conduction of the Euro2020 competition had an im-
pact not only on how many days an injury lasted for
the players who participated in, but also on how many
severe and moderate types of injuries, as well as for
the former’s overall number of injury days out for the
severe injuries. Based on Figure 1 results, we observe
that in both seasons, the distribution of injuries based
on their type remained unchanged. As expected, the
muscle and tendon injuries were the most frequent
amongst the players investigated, followed by joint
and ligament injuries. The rest of the injury categories
did not demonstrate any significant differences. Even
though we do not have sufficient information on the
nature of the injury and whether it was caused due to
overuse, it is clear that there is a significant rise in the
overall numbers of muscle/tendon and joint/ligament
injuries when comparing the 20/21 and 21/22 seasons.
In addition, based on the results in Figure 2, we
observe that the Italian players had the highest num-
ber of injuries total for both seasons 20/21 and 21/22.
This is possibly the case due to two reasons. Firstly,
the Italian national team reached the final of Euro
2020 and eventually won the trophy. This indicates
that the Italian players eventually played more games
and the longest with little break between them dur-
ing the competition and had less time to rest before
the start of the pre-season training. Secondly, the ma-
jority of Italian players belong to the Serie A league,
where during the rest of the 19/20 season, the Ital-
ian teams played at least 2.1 games per week. A full
congested-games period (summer 2020), followed by
a full season and the, undoubtedly, overperformance a
team requires to win a European competition is likely
to have contributed to the high injury occurrences for
the Italian players.
Figure 1: Injuries Categories Distribution for 20/21 and
21/22 Seasons.
Table 4: RQ2 Season 19/20 Injury rates per League.
Phase A
3.65 2.64 1.86 1.07 0.29
Phase B
1.79 1.24 1.03 0.48 0.07
4.2 RQ2: Has the Congested Games
Period after Covid19 Lockdown
(March 2020) Increased the Overall
Number of Injuries for the
Remaining of the Season (Summer
2020) or Season 20/21?
For the purpose of this research question, we decided
not to include the records of injuries from the two
fully interrupted leagues during the 19/20 season due
to Covid19 (Ligue 1 in France and Eredivisie in the
Netherlands). For the remaining of this subsection,
we refer to the 19/20 season until March 2020 as Sea-
son 19/20 Phase A (lasted for 34.5 weeks) and from
April 2020 to August 2020, as Season 19/20 Phase B
(lasted for 14.5 weeks). In Table 4, the weekly injury
rates per league for season 19/20 Phases A and B. By
performing a Mann-Whitney U test on the injury rates
between the two phase, we conclude that there are no
significant differences between the two distributions
(p=0.2113). Therefore, there are no significant dif-
ferences on the injury rates between the two phases
and no changes between the injury rates between the
leagues. Our findings are consisted with the related
studies presented in the Review of the Literature sec-
To ensure consistency when comparing the 19/20
season (Phase A) and the 20/21 season, we only con-
sidered the injuries from the start of each season until
No Pain no Game or More Game More Pain? The Effects of Summer Congested Games Periods on Professional European Male Football
Players’ Injury Occurrences for the Following Season: A Data Analytics Approach
Figure 2: Total Injuries per Country for 20/21 and 21/22 Seasons.
March 2021. The total number of injuries reported
during the 19/20-Phase A season was 313, while for
the 20/21 season was 343. Based on the results ob-
tained, we observe an 9.58% increase in the over-
all number of injuries. Regarding the injury days
out variable, Table 5, we observe that interestingly,
the average days out value for the 19/20 season is
29.73 (±39.26) days, while for the 20/21 season was
19.10(±21.07) days. By performing a Mann-Whitney
U test, there is a significant difference (p=0.00164).
Hence, we conclude that the injuries did not exhibit
any increase rates of injury out days due to Covid19
after the first-lockdown congested period.
4.3 RQ3:Have These Two Congested
Games Periods Increased Fatigue
and Fitness Related Occurrences for
the Following Season Respectively?
Based on the literature, we assume that in a season
following a congested period of games, more fitness-
related occurrences will be observed. The occur-
rences we consider as fitness-related ones are reported
by Transfermarkt as ”Fitness”, ”Muscle Fatigue”, and
”Rest”. Hence, we made two comparisons:
Comparison No.1: Comparison between the play-
ers who participated in the Euro 2020 competition
for seasons 20/21 (before Euro2020) and 21/22
(after Euro2020).
Comparison No.2: Comparison between the play-
Figure 3: Fitness-related Occurrences by Country for Sea-
son 20/21.
ers whose leagues were not fully interrupted af-
ter the first Covid19 lockdown, specifically season
19/20 (until March 2020) and season 20/21.
4.3.1 Comparison No. 1 Results
To gain a more accurate view of the injuries’ occur-
rences we considered only the injuries until March
2021. With regards to the total number of fitness-
related occurrences, there is no significant difference
between the two seasons, 30 for 20/21 and 28 for
21/22. By performing a Mann-Whitney U test, we
observe that there is no significant difference between
the distributions of the injury days out for the two sea-
sons (p = 0.448). Therefore, we conclude that there is
no significant increase in the number of injury days
out for each injury occurrence from one season to
icSPORTS 2023 - 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Table 5: RQ3 Descriptive Statistics - Comparison No.2.
Mdn. Md.
15 7 0/263
11 7 0/242
Figure 4: Fitness-related Occurrences by Country for Sea-
son 21/22.
the other. However, based on Figures 3 and 4, we
note that for the 21/22 season, more than 50% of the
fitness-related occurrences were observed on players
whose national teams reached the quarter-final stage
of the Euro2020 competition. From the remaining
50%, only 3.5% of fitness-related occurrences hap-
pened to players whose teams did not pass through
the group stages phase of the Euro2020 competition,
with the remaining 46.5% occurring to players whose
national teams reached the group of 16 stage. In con-
trast, for the 20/21 season, the fitness-related occur-
rences of players whose national teams would reach
the quarter finals stage was only 20%.
In addition, the parentage of the moderate and se-
vere fitness-related occurrences the 21/22 season was
21.4% (3 s.f.) while for the 20/21 season was 13.3%
(3 s.f.). Concluding, the congested games period of
Euro2020 competition seems to not have significantly
increased the number of fitness-related occurrences or
their days out. However, it potentially had an im-
pact on which players experienced such occrrrences
based on how far they went through the competition,
given that Italy (Euro2020 champions) demonstrated
the most fitness-related problems.
4.3.2 Comparison No.2 Results
For the second comparison, the results are presented
in Table 5. Firstly, in contrast to the previous com-
parison, we observe that for the 19/20 season (until
March 2020) the total number of fitness-related oc-
currences was only half the total number, compared
Figure 5: First Injury Severity for 20/21 and 21/22 Seasons.
Figure 6: First Injury Month Occurrence for 20/21 and
21/22 Seasons.
to the 20/21 season (until March 2021) , specifically
12 and 25, yielding an increase of 108.33%. However,
we observe that during the 19/20 season, the days out
between the two seasons was not significantly dif-
ferent by using a Mann-Whitney U test(p=0.4965).
Based on the two sets of results presented, the con-
gested games period after the Covid19 pandemic first
lockdown (March 2020) possibly affected the fitness-
related occurrences, compared to the 19/20 season,
but it did not significantly affect the days out for each
fitness occurrence reported.
4.4 RQ4: Has the Euro2020 Congested
Period Affected the Injuries per
Player for the Following Season?
A possible increase in the total number of injuries,
when comparing two or more seasons does not nec-
essarily mean that all the of the players considered
exhibited a higher number of injuries personally. A
plausible scenario would consist of certain players
who are more injury prone, due to various reasons,
injured more frequently. Therefore, it was essential
to investigate on whether the conduction of Euro2020
or the Covid19 March 2020 lockdown had a negative
impact on the injuries occurrence for each individual
player. Hence, we aimed to investigate on how the
injuries, were classified based on the severity system
chosen in Section 3.2, as well as what month each in-
No Pain no Game or More Game More Pain? The Effects of Summer Congested Games Periods on Professional European Male Football
Players’ Injury Occurrences for the Following Season: A Data Analytics Approach
Table 6: Injuries for Seasons 20/21 and 21/22.
Season Players No. Mean (Stand. Dev.)
20/21 225 1.99(1.15)
21/22 233 2.13(1.43 )
jury for every individual player was reported.
In Table 6 we summarise the total number of in-
jured players and the mean and standard deviation of
injuries per player for seasons 20/21 and 21/22. In
general, based on the results in Table 6, the total num-
ber of players injured between the 20/21 and 21/22
seasons was increased by only 4%, In addition, the
mean( number of injuries per player for
the 20/21 and 21/22 seasons was 1.99(1.15) and 2.13
(1.43) respectively and their difference cannot be con-
sidered significant (p=0.881). The mean number of
injuries each player suffered from during both seasons
results agree with previous studies (Ekstrand et al.,
2011). Hence, we conclude that the number of injured
players and the total number of injuries per player was
not significantly altered in seasons 20/21 and 21/22.
However, based on the results presented in Ta-
ble 7, we observe that there is a significant differ-
ence on the injury days out the players have experi-
enced between the two seasons. Specifically, there
is a significant difference in the total days out vari-
able (p=0.0002), the first injury days out variable
(p=0.00308), and the maximum injury days out vari-
able (p=00308). Hence, it is evident that a player has
spent significantly more time being out due for all of
their injuries, for their first injury as well as for their
maximum days out injury.
Furthermore, with regards to the first injury each
player has experienced when comparing the seasons
20/21 and 21/22, we firstly observe that the total num-
bers of severe and moderate injuries has been con-
siderably increased, as illustrated in Figure5. There-
fore, we believe that the conduction of Euro2020 has
contributed not only on earlier injuries during the
season, but also on more serious injuries being re-
ported. In addition, the number of injuries for July,
August, March, April, May and June was signifi-
cantly increased, when comparing the two seasons,
based on Figure 6. This is due to the players com-
ing back to full-training almost immediately, follow-
ing the Euro2020 competition, hence why during the
first two months (July and August), a considerable in-
crease in injuries was observed. Regarding the rest
of the months (March, April, May and June), we be-
lieve this is due to the overplaying from the players
due to the high number of games to play with insuf-
ficient resting periods between them, followed by the
conduction of Euro2020.
Table 7: Injuries Mean and Stand.Dev for Seasons 20/21
and 21/22.
Season Days Out 1st Injury Max Injury
20/21 38.04(36.86) 21.41(29.59) 28.24(30.83)
21/22 57.95(60.87) 29.93(43.77) 43.86(53.49)
Figure 7: Maximum Days Injury Severity for 20/21 and
21/22 Seasons.
In Figures 8 and 7, the injuries that kept the play-
ers out of game for the maximum amount of time dur-
ing the seasons and their severity classification are
presented respectively. Evidently, there is a signif-
icant difference on the maximum days out injuries
during August and September for season 21/22 com-
pared to season 20/21. We believe this is once again
to the congested games of Euro2020, since these in-
juries occur soon after the end of the competition. We
also observe a considerable increase on the maximum
days out injuries during April and May. We believe
the same case applies as for the first injuries results al-
ready described. In addition, we observe that there is
a considerable increase on the maximum days out in-
juries injuries which were of severe type for the 21/22
season, compared to the 20/21 season, with approxi-
mately 15 days of an increase. Hence, we conclude
that Euro2020 has affected the maximum days out in-
juries both from an month occurrence but also from a
severity point of view.
Figure 8: Maximum Days Injury Month Occurrence for
20/21 and 21/22 Seasons.
icSPORTS 2023 - 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
4.5 Limitations and Future Work
Unfortunately, injuries records are not always ac-
curate and reliable, including the records from the
Transfermarkt platform. However, as authors in
(Thron et al., 2022) have effectively pointed out, in-
jury surveillance can be inconsistent and can nega-
tively impact the data. However, notable studies used
it (Grassi et al., 2020), (Niederer et al., 2018),(Man-
nino et al., 2023), (Marotta et al., 2022b) for injuries
reporting, so we believe it is a reliable source for play-
ers who compete in major European leagues. Future
work could include collecting data for male football
players who did not participate in Euro 2020 but went
through the congested games period after the Covid19
March 2020 lockdown to investigate in further depth
if the competition had a greater influence on injury
rates of players competing in one of the seven ma-
jor European leagues. In addition, since Copa Amer-
ica was conducted around the same time, it would
be interesting to investigate on whether players who
competed in this competition were injured differently.
A more in-depth study on what factors could affect
the injury rates of players. In that way, intelligent
techniques such as A.I. and machine learning could
be adopted for possible predictions on how much a
player is at risk of being injured.
Undeniably, players’ availability can be proven piv-
otal for a team’s success over a season (Eirale et al.,
2013), (Bengtsson et al., 2013b). Injuries in profes-
sional football can be proven costly for clubs (Ek-
strand, 2013). It is essential for injury risk to be
significantly minimised. Unfortunately, with the in-
crease of congested games periods this has become
a considerable challenge. This study was conducted
to investigate on whether two specific summer con-
gested game periods (Covid19 congested games in
summer 2020 and Euro 2020 in summer 2021) af-
fected the European players’ injury rates and occur-
rences, injury days out period and severity.
From the results obtained, we observed that the
severity and injury days out for each injury were sig-
nificantly increased from the 20/21 to the 21/22 sea-
son. In contrast, there were no significant differ-
ences on either the injury rates or occurrences when
comparing the congested games period after Covid19
March 2020 lockdown with the season before the
lockdown. Furthermore, the Euro2020 competition is
likely to have played a role in players who reached the
stage of 16 onwards and exhibited increased fitness-
related problems the following season. This was
mostly evident in Italian players who won the compe-
tition. Although the injuries per player were not sig-
nificantly increased, the injury total days out each of
them had was significantly increased. Similarly, the
first injury each player has endured has significantly
lasted longer than the 20/21 season. This was also the
case for the injury each player needed the longest to
recover from. In addition, it was evident that both the
first injury and the maximum in days out injury each
player has exhibited occurred significantly sooner the
the 20/21 season. Finally, we observed a significant
increase on the severity of injuries each player has ex-
hibited. Hence, we believe that these two congested
games periods had a negative effect on the players’ in-
jury rates and injury days out, as well as their severity.
Concluding, we believe a more appropriate manage-
ment of the workload of players should be considered,
so not only injuries can be avoided but also minimise
the risk for serious injuries that can be season ending
for the players.
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icSPORTS 2023 - 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support