Enhancing Industrial Productivity through AI-Driven Systematic
Literature Reviews
Jaqueline Gutierri Coelho
2,5, a
, Guilherme Dantas Bispo
2,5 b
, Guilherme Fay Vergara
1,2,8 c
Gabriela Mayumi Saiki
2,5 d
, Andr
e Luiz Marques Serrano
1,2,4 e
, Li Weigang
1,2,5, f
Clovis Neumann
1,2,4 g
, Patricia Helena Martins
2,6 h
, Welber Santos de Oliveira
1,2,8 i
Angela Brigida Albarello
2,5 j
, Ricardo Accorsi Casonatto
2,4 k
, Patr
ıcia Missel
1,2 l
Roberto de Medeiros Junior
3,7 m
, Jefferson de Oliveira Gomes
3,7 n
, Carlos Rosano-Pe
9 o
and Caroline Cabral F. da Costa
3,7 p
Latitude, Decision Making Technologies Lab, University of Brasilia, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Brasilia, Brazil
Projectum, Research Group for Math. Methodologies Applied to Management, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil
SENAI, National Service of Industrial Learning, Federal District, Brazil
Department of Production Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Bras
ılia, Federal District, Brazil
Department of Computer Science, University of Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil
Department of Economics, University of Bras
ılia, Federal District, Brazil
UNITEC, Innovation, and Technology Unit, National Service of Industrial Learning, Federal District, Brazil
Department of Electrical, University of Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil
Department of Administration, University of Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil
Artificial Intelligence, Automatic Classifier, Innovation, Productivity in Industry, Sustainability, SLR.
The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has opened up new possibilities for improving productivity in various
industry sectors. In this paper, we propose a novel framework aimed at optimizing systematic literature re-
views (SLRs) for industrial productivity. By combining traditional keyword selection methods with AI-driven
classification techniques, we streamline the review process, making it more efficient. Leveraging advanced
natural language processing (NLP) approaches, we identify six key sectors for optimization, thereby reducing
workload in less relevant areas and enhancing the efficiency of SLRs. This approach helps conserve valu-
able time and resources in scientific research. Additionally, we implemented four machine learning models
for category classification, achieving an impressive accuracy rate of over 75%. The results of our analyses
demonstrate a promising pathway for future automation and refinements to boost productivity in the industry.
In a rapidly changing technological landscape, the
efficiency of resource allocation and the preserva-
tion of knowledge capital are critical considerations.
Within this context, productivity serves as a vital in-
dicator, assessed primarily through labor productivity
(LP) and total factor productivity (TFP). LP measures
wealth generated per worker by dividing GDP by an-
nual labor hours, while TFP gauges the comprehen-
sive impact of inputs like labor development and cap-
ital assets in the production process. These measures
are fundamental to assessing economic progress and
Coelho, J., Bispo, G., Vergara, G., Saiki, G., Serrano, A., Weigang, L., Neumann, C., Martins, P., Santos de Oliveira, W., Albarello, A., Casonatto, R., Missel, P., Medeiros Junior, R., Gomes,
J., Rosano-Peña, C. and F. da Costa, C.
Enhancing Industrial Productivity Through AI-Driven Systematic Literature Reviews.
DOI: 10.5220/0012235000003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 472-479
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
competitiveness related to the evolution of the tech-
nology (Mundial, 2018).
Figure 1: Framework of AI-Driven Systematic Literature
To explore this direction further, the current study
presents an AI-Driven Systematic Literature Reviews
(SLR) framework, depicted in Figure 1, along with an
optimized four-step method to yield the desired out-
comes. The research relies on a publicly accessible
web research database named Web of Science (WoS)
to source the most relevant scientific articles across
six predefined categories.
In the initial step, datasets are obtained from WoS
using six distinct queries for each category. Subse-
quently, the combination of these datasets creates a
labeled database that facilitates the application of var-
ious artificial intelligence algorithms to achieve the
desired outcomes. The research not only utilizes these
databases but also emphasizes the impact of each
method employed. It conducts a critical and compar-
ative analysis of these methodologies and discusses
their practical implications. The primary objective is
to gain insights into how different methods model the
SLR process, the underlying phases involved, the as-
sumptions guiding their application, and other con-
tributing factors to this process. By exploring these
aspects, the study seeks to contribute valuable knowl-
edge and understanding enhancing the efficacy of sys-
tematic literature reviews in the context of labor pro-
ductivity research.
This section aims to present how the literature pro-
vides the necessary information for the review of ex-
isting literature and practices on productivity. In re-
cent years, studies on the evolution of productivity
have increasingly gained ground in the economic de-
bate in Brazil. This can be seen by the number of
studies such as those by Torezani (2018), Santos et al.
(2019), Borracini (2021), among others. Thus, under-
standing the pattern of productivity evolution is justi-
fied by the need to assimilate a country’s competitive-
ness, either to maintain a space in the international
scenario or to allow economic growth.
2.1 Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
Systematic literature review (SLR), a long-standing
practice in health care, was consolidated in the late
1980s with the publication of the book Effective care
during pregnancy and childbirth. In this context, it has
been used as a way to overcome weaknesses and min-
imize biases left by narrative reviews, whose guiding
threads can follow the multiple domains of knowledge
arising from it. The following steps need to be fol-
lowed: Subject search sources, Strategies for research
bias, Evaluation of the studies and literature selected
for SLR, Synthesis of results, and Study report.
It is noteworthy that one of the main strengths of
the SLR is the focus on a specific search, the clarity in
retrieving articles for review, objective and quantita-
tive summaries, and evidence-based inferences Ades-
ope et al. (2010). Galv
ao et al. (2017) summarize four
types of mixed reviews: the quantitative convergence
mixed review, the qualitative convergence mixed re-
view, the exploratory sequential hybrid review, and
the explanatory sequential mixed review. The quan-
titative convergence mixed review translates qualita-
tive, quantitative, and mixed studies into qualitative
findings. The exploratory sequential hybrid review
occurs in two phases: transformation of results into
qualitative findings and tabulation and comparison of
quantitative results. The exploratory sequential mixed
review measures the effects of an action and explains
their differences.
Regarding the quality of reviews, the Oxford Clas-
sification of Level of Evidence established by Howick
(2011), understands that systematic reviews of cross-
sectional studies, systematic reviews of cohort stud-
ies, and systematic reviews of randomized controlled
trials have level 1 evidence on a scale of 1 to 5, with
1 being the highest level of evidence. Therefore, this
classification highlights the importance of systematic
reviews for scientific progress and different decision-
On the other hand, Cohen et al. (2006), point out
that the automatic classification of documents is an
effective practice that brings clarity to the system-
atic literature review. Following this line, de Melo
et al. (2022) demonstrate a change in the 2006 met-
ric, now called Adjusted Work Saved over Sam-
Enhancing Industrial Productivity Through AI-Driven Systematic Literature Reviews
pling (AWSS@R), such metric brings the possibility
of comparison between different domains, especially
with regard to the automated citation screening step.
In our study, we conducted a systematic literature re-
view by the traditional method of manual keyword
selection and filtering. We then used the Category
Classification of Scientific Articles and the Relevance
Classification of Scientific Articles as a fair workload
measure to compare and demonstrate its efficiency.
To conduct a comprehensive bibliometric review
on the topic of Productivity in Industry, we will adopt
a rigorous approach by applying specific filters to en-
sure the relevance and timeliness of the included stud-
ies. In order to cover a significant time range, we will
analyze articles published in the period 2014 to 2023,
considering several reliable sources.
Within the context of productivity in industry,
there are six main axes that play essential roles in the
advancement and transformation of the sector. These
axes are innovation, sustainability, industry 4.0, in-
dustry 5.0, efficiency, and artificial intelligence. We
will explore each of them below:
Innovation improves industrial productivity by in-
troducing new ideas, technologies, and processes,
optimizing operations, and boosting efficiency. It
also allows for adaptation to market changes and the
search for creative solutions to industrial challenges.
Sustainability is key in the industry, with practices
that reduce resource consumption, minimize environ-
mental impact and promote energy efficiency. Com-
panies adopt sustainable strategies to improve produc-
tivity and reduce their environmental impact.
Industry 4.0 integrates advanced digital technolo-
gies such as IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence
to create smart factories. This results in automation,
improved quality control, and higher productivity.
Industry 5.0 integrates advanced technologies,
such as collaborative robotics and artificial intelli-
gence, with human labor to improve productivity. Hu-
mans and machines work together, leveraging their
unique abilities, combining efficiency and creativity.
Efficiency Is fundamental to industrial productiv-
ity, involving process optimization, waste reduction,
and quality improvement. It is achieved through con-
tinuous analysis and improvement of processes, aim-
ing for more effective operational performance.
Artificial Intelligence (Weigang et al., 2022)
drives industrial productivity through automation,
supply chain optimization, and data-driven decision-
making, resulting in greater efficiency and quality.
These six axes interact with each other, forming
a set of approaches and technologies that contribute
to boosting productivity in the industry. The adop-
tion and integration of these elements into industrial
strategies and processes can result in significant gains
in efficiency, competitiveness, and sustainability.
Web of Science by Clarivate Analytics is a widely rec-
ognized and extensively utilized platform among re-
searchers, providing valuable access to academic re-
sources, including articles and conferences, as well as
a comprehensive citation index. Its robust features,
such as research profiles and citation alerts, facilitate
the exploration of relevant scholarly works and en-
able the monitoring of publication impact. Undoubt-
edly, this tool plays a crucial role in supporting sys-
tematic reviews, owing to its expansive coverage and
advanced filtering capabilities. Consequently, Web of
Science significantly contributes to the advancement
of academic knowledge.
4.1 Database
Therefore, the Web of Science is essential for struc-
turing the data of the articles for the analysis of each
axis. To structure the article data for analysis in each
category, the process involves:
1. Selection of categories: researchers begin by se-
lecting the relevant categories pertinent to their
2. Keyword search in WoS: utilizing specific key-
words, such as ”industry”, ”productivity”, and the
chosen category names, it was possible to perform
complete searches in Web of Science;
3. Creation of new column for category label: upon
retrieving relevant data from the searches, re-
searchers create new columns in their dataset to
label each selected category;
4. Replication of the process for other categories:
repeat the search and data retrieval process for
the remaining five categories, creating dedicated
columns for each;
5. Compilation of databases: the data obtained from
the six categories are then compiled into a unified
database, referred to as the ”Labeled Database”;
6. Filtering of Replications: to avoid redundancies,
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
duplicates were removed ensuring that each arti-
cle is linked to only one category.
After completing the data extraction stage, a
unified database was obtained, structured in nine
columns: Title, Abstract, Author, Journal, Country,
Keywords, Citation (ordered by frequency, with the
most frequent citations at the top), DOI, and Cate-
gory. This database will play a key role in the training
process of the machine learning models used by the
classification of categories, as shown in 1.
4.2 Analysis of the Database
Bibliometrix is a computational tool for bibliometric
review analysis, it is one of the RStudio packages.
The information regarding the database compiled and
with the filters resulted in 7781 articles in the period
from 2014 to 2023, with a growth rate of 12.18% of
publications per year, about 16,141 authors, 29.97%
with international co-authorship, 284,418 references,
and 20,055 keywords.
In the period 2014 to 2023, the country that pub-
lished the most was China, with 8564 articles pub-
lished, followed by the USA with 2624 articles and
the UK with 1289 articles. Brazil has about 729 ar-
ticles published, ranking eighth among countries that
have published the most on the subject among the six
Regarding the main topics covered in articles, be-
tween the period 2014 to 2016, the main topics cov-
ered in the articles are industry, construction, produc-
tivity, design, optimization. From 2017 to 2019, the
main topics addressed are performance, design, inno-
vation, data envelopment analysis, productivity, and
fermentation. From 2020 to 2023 the main topics cov-
ered are productivity, systems, innovation, biomass,
management, and optimization. Among the cate-
gories covered in the survey, only innovation ap-
peared as one of the main themes of the 7,781 arti-
cles. Among the two basic keywords of the research,
industry, and productivity, it was found that between
2014 and 2016 industry is a more prominent theme
and during the period from 2017 to 2023 productivity
is the most addressed theme.
In terms of the country of the corresponding au-
thors for the articles, China stands out with the high-
est number of authors, totaling 2361, followed by the
USA with 674, and India with 361 authors. Addi-
tionally, China also leads in terms of the number of
citations received, boasting an impressive 39853 cita-
tions, which is more than double the number of cita-
tions secured by the USA, ranking second with 15486
citations. These statistics demonstrate China’s sig-
nificant dominance not only in authorship and arti-
cle production but also in the relevance and produc-
tivity within the industry, particularly across the six
research categories. The data clearly indicates that
China’s research efforts in the focused theme surpass
that of other countries, cementing its leading position
in the field.
In this chapter, the process adopted to train and evalu-
ate four machine learning models (Multinomial Naive
Bayes Classification, Stochastic Gradient Descent,
Support Vector Machines and Decision Tree Classi-
fier) for classifying scientific articles in six categories
will be presented: Innovation, Sustainability, Indus-
try 4.0, Industry 5.0, Efficiency and Artificial Intelli-
5.1 Data Preparation
In this study, we curated the Web of Science (WoS)
database by excluding articles lacking essential in-
formation and ensuring that each article belonged to
only one category to prevent duplication. This data
cleanup process maintained the integrity of our train-
ing and validation sets, as depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Distribution by category without duplicates.
The dataset was then randomly divided into 70%
for training and 30% for validation, ensuring that both
datasets were representative of the six categories.
For the textual representation of the articles, a
corpus was built using the TF-IDF approach (Term
Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) to convert
the text into numerical vectors. Furthermore, stem-
ming was applied to reduce the words to their stem,
which helped to reduce the dimensionality of the fea-
ture space and improve the performance of the mod-
Enhancing Industrial Productivity Through AI-Driven Systematic Literature Reviews
5.2 Machine Learning Models
With the training set prepared, the four selected ma-
chine learning models were trained using the training
1. Multinomial Naive Bayes Classification (MNBC)
According to Chebil et al. (2023), as MNBC uses
the Frequency Estimate parameter to highlight the
frequencies of the available date.
2. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is observed
as a classifier that learns functions of increas-
ing complexity and generalizes over parameter-
ized data (Nakkiran et al., 2019).
3. Support Vector Machines (SVM) Overall, SVM
takes a non-linear input set and converts it to lin-
ear with the help of a kernel function (Leong et al.,
4. Decision Tree Classifier (DTC) Wang et al. (2020)
define DTC as a hierarchical classifier, as it pro-
vides multi-level classification and provides the
specific pattern to which each data belongs, in
addition to allowing flexibility against binary and
multi-class classifications.
For each model, a hyper-parameter adjustment
was performed using the GridSearchCV technique,
which consists of defining a grid of possible values
for the hyper-parameters and performing an exhaus-
tive search for the optimal combinations.
5.3 Method Validation Metrics
Model validation is crucial in machine learning de-
velopment, assessing performance on unseen data
through metrics like recall, precision, accuracy, F-
measure, and confusion matrices. Careful analysis
of these aspects helps select the best model and fine-
tune parameters for optimal performance, considering
problem-specific requirements and class distinctions.
Top articles were identified using citation count, and
outlier detection techniques like z-scores and standard
deviation were employed for selection.
This section presents the results of the research by
presenting and analyzing the performance of four dif-
Figure 3: Relevance Classifier of Scientific Articles.
ferent classification models applied to the task of cat-
egorizing scientific articles.
7.1 Category Classifier
The models evaluated are Multinomial Naive Bayes
(MNB), SGD Classifier, Support Vector Machine
(SVM), and Decision Tree. Each model was run with
different hyper-parameter settings and their perfor-
mance was evaluated using metrics such as accuracy,
precision, recall and F-measure. The aim is to iden-
tify the best model that fits the proposed problem of
subject categorization. For this analysis, data that has
been pre-processed and transformed into vectors has
been used. The corpus consists of documents labeled
with different subject categories, and the objective is
to train the models to correctly classify new docu-
ments into their respective categories.
Table 1: Web of Science results.
(Naive Bayes)
SGDClassifier SVM
Accuracy 0.6748 0.7380 0.7494 0.7554
Precision 0.6542 0.7270 0.7384 0.7378
Recall 0.6748 0.7380 0.7494 0.7554
F-measure 0.6606 0.7134 0.7367 0.7441
Table 1 shows the values of the metrics for each of
the models. It is also possible to see the performance
for model, especially, the accuracy rate arrive 75% by
Decision Tree.
1) Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB) is a classi-
fier based on Bayes’ theorem and is widely known
for its simplicity and computational efficiency. When
we evaluated the performance of MNB on our sub-
ject categorization task, we found that both accuracy
and recall were the same, around 67.48%. These re-
sults indicate that the model correctly classified ap-
proximately 67.48% of the instances into their correct
categories. Although this is a reasonable result, we
cannot consider it exceptional.
When analyzing the specific accuracy of MNB,
we confirm that it is 67.48%, and the F-measure is
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Despite its advantages in terms of simplicity
and computational efficiency, the results suggest that
MNB may not be the best choice for our specific task
of subject categorization. In this context, it is essen-
tial to consider alternative models that have obtained
more promising results, in order to select the best
model to meet the requirements and objectives of our
2) The Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) classi-
fier is a linear classifier that uses stochastic gradient
descent computation for optimization. When eval-
uating its performance on the subject categorization
task, our results show that the SGD classifier achieved
an accuracy of 73.80%, a precision of 72.71% and
a recall of 73.80%. In addition, the F-measure was
71.34%. These results indicate that the model outper-
formed MNB, which can be attributed to its ability to
better handle more complex classification problems.
The recall of 73.80% indicates that the SGD clas-
sifier was able to retrieve approximately 73.80% of
the categories of each item. The precision of 72.71%
means that approximately 72.71% of the classified
items actually belonged to that category, i.e. there was
a significant proportion of true positives.
These superior results in terms of accuracy, recall
and precision compared to MNB can be attributed to
the SGD classifier’s properties and ability to deal with
linear relationships between problem features, which
can be particularly useful in more complex classifi-
cation tasks. Therefore, the results indicate that the
SGD classifier is a more promising option for the
task of subject categorization compared to MNB, but
we should still consider the other models evaluated
to identify the best choice that meets the specific re-
quirements of this study.
3) Support Vector Machines (SVM) is a widely
used classifier in classification problems and is known
for its effectiveness in high-dimensional spaces. Our
results show that the SVM achieved an accuracy
of 74.94%, a precision of 73.84% and a recall of
74.94%. In addition, the F-measure was 73.67%.
These results are promising and show that SVM out-
performed both MNB and SGD Classifiers.
The recall of 74.94% indicates that the SVM was
able to recover approximately 74.94% of the clas-
sified categories. In turn, the precision of 73.84%
shows the percentage of classified categories that ac-
tually belonged to that category, demonstrating a sig-
nificant proportion of true positives.
These superior results in terms of accuracy, recall,
and precision compared to MNB and SGD Classifier
confirm the effectiveness of SVM for the task of sub-
ject categorization, especially in scenarios with high
data dimensionality and classification complexity.
Therefore, the results highlight SVM as a highly
competitive and successful option in the subject cate-
gorization task. However, it is still crucial to consider
other factors, such as runtime and interpretability, in
order to select the most suitable model for the specific
needs and requirements of our project.
4) Decision Tree is a decision rule-based model
known for its interpretability. Our results show that
the Decision Tree achieved an accuracy of 75.54%, a
precision of 73.78%, and a recall of 75.54%. In ad-
dition, the F-measure was 74.41%. These results are
the best of the models tested, indicating that Decision
Tree excelled at the task of subject categorization.
The recall of 75.54% means that Decision Tree
was able to correctly retrieve most of the categorized
categories. The precision of 73.78% means the per-
centage of classified categories that actually belonged
to that category, which is a positive result.
These satisfactory results in terms of accuracy, re-
call, and precision confirm that the Decision Tree is
a competitive option for the task of subject catego-
rization. Moreover, its interpretability is a significant
advantage, allowing a better understanding of the de-
cisions made by the model and facilitating the identi-
fication of classification patterns.
Based on the results presented, we can conclude
that Decision Tree was the model that obtained the
best performance for the subject categorization task.
Its accuracy of 75.54% and F-measure of 74.41% out-
performed the other models evaluated. The inter-
pretability of Decision Tree can be a significant ad-
vantage when dealing with subject categorization.
7.2 Relevance Classifier
After classifying the 17,000 articles into subject cate-
gories, they were further grouped into three categories
of relevance: Irrelevant, Less Relevant, and Relevant.
The categorization was based on their citation counts
using statistical metrics such as the mean and standard
deviation and Z-score.
Articles with citation counts lower than the mean
were classified as ”Irrelevant. Articles with cita-
tion counts falling between the mean and the up-
per bound of the standard deviation were labeled as
”Less Relevant. On the other hand, articles with a
z-score greater than 3, indicating a substantial devi-
ation from the mean, were classified as ”Relevant.
This approach allowed for a comprehensive and nu-
anced assessment of the articles’ significance and im-
pact within their respective subject categories.
Below is a table 2 displaying the distribution of
articles across each category:
In the table 3 in the appendix, we present a table
Enhancing Industrial Productivity Through AI-Driven Systematic Literature Reviews
Table 2: Quantity of articles per category.
Category Irrelevant Less Relevant Relevant
Innovation 6317 473 253
Efficiency 3606 353 238
Sustainability 1181 97 59
Industry 4.0 1232 98 53
Artificial Intelligence 184 10 7
showcasing the names of the top 5 most relevant arti-
cles within each category:
In conclusion, this paper aimed to compare systematic
literature review methods to identify the most efficient
approach for conducting quick and effective literature
reviews. We categorized productivity in the industry
into six principal sectors, namely Innovation, Sustain-
ability, Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, Efficiency, and Ar-
tificial Intelligence. Subsequently, we conducted sys-
tematic literature reviews for each of these sectors.
To achieve efficient categorization, we employed
four Machine Learning models: Multinomial Naive
Bayes Classification (MNBC), Stochastic Gradient
Descent (SGD), Support Vector Machines (SVM),
and Decision Tree Classifier (DTC). Among these
models, the Decision Tree Classifier (DTC) demon-
strated superior performance with a classification ac-
curacy exceeding 75%.
To identify the most relevant contributions of sci-
entific articles in each research domain or category,
we utilized a relevance classifier with two essential
metrics: the standard deviation of the mean and the Z
As a forward-looking suggestion for further re-
search, we highlight the significance of incorporating
additional data sources and considering the h-index
as an alternative approach for ranking the relevance
of articles. By expanding the scope of data and incor-
porating diverse evaluation metrics, future studies can
enhance the accuracy and depth of systematic litera-
ture reviews, ultimately contributing to more compre-
hensive insights and informed decision-making in the
domain of industrial productivity.
Thanks to the University of Brasilia (UnB) for sup-
porting this research and to the National Industrial
Learning Service (SENAI) of the National Confed-
eration of Industry (CNI) for partially supporting this
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WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 3: Relevance articles extracted from WoS classified by category.
Category Title
Brave new world: service robots in the frontline
Industry 5.0-A Human-Centric Solution
Agriculture 4.0: Broadening Responsible Innovation in an Era of Smart Farming
Industrial internet of things: Recent advances, enabling technologies and open challenges
From Industry 4.0 to Agriculture 4.0: Current Status, Enabling Technologies, and Research
Impact of energy conservation policies on the green productivity in China’s manufacturing
sector: Evidence from a three-stage DEA model
The Role and Impact of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things on the Business Strategy of
the Value Chain-The Case of Hungary
Energy and CO2 emissions performance in China’s regional economies: Do market-oriented
reforms matter?
Modeling the role of environmental regulations in regional green economy efficiency of
China: Empirical evidence from super efficiency DEA-Tobit model
Enhancing microalgal biomass productivity by engineering a microalgal-bacterial community
Industry 4.0
State-of-the-art in surface integrity in machining of nickel-based super alloys
The cost of additive manufacturing: machine productivity, economies of scale and
The link between Industry 4.0 and lean manufacturing: mapping current research and estab-
lishing a research agenda
Multi-response optimization of minimum quantity lubrication parameters using Taguchi-
based grey relational analysis in turning of difficult-to-cut alloy Haynes 25
A Survey on Industrial Internet of Things: A Cyber-Physical Systems Perspective
Innovation in the pharmaceutical industry: New estimates of R&D costs
Influence of tribology on global energy consumption, costs and emissions
Understanding the implications of digitisation and automation in the context of Industry 4.0:
A triangulation approach and elements of a research agenda for the construction industry
Environmental regulation and competitiveness: Empirical evidence on the Porter Hypothesis
from European manufacturing sectors
Different Types of Environmental Regulations and Heterogeneous Influence on Green Pro-
ductivity: Evidence from China
Natural fiber reinforced polymer composites in industrial applications: feasibility of date
palm fibers for sustainable automotive industry
Nanotechnology in Sustainable Agriculture: Recent Developments, Challenges, and Perspec-
’Green’ productivity growth in China’s industrial economy
Sustainable manufacturing in Industry 4.0: an emerging research agenda
Can carbon emission trading scheme achieve energy conservation and emission reduction?
Evidence from the industrial sector in China
Enhancing Industrial Productivity Through AI-Driven Systematic Literature Reviews