A Meta-Review on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of
Electrical Power Grid Operators
Daniel Staegemann
, Christian Haertel
, Christian Daase
, Matthias Pohl
and Klaus Turowski
Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster VLBA, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
{daniel.staegemann, christian.haertel, christian.daase, matthias.pohl, klaus.turowski }@ovgu.de
Keywords: Power Grid, Electrical Grid, Grid Operators, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Literature Review,
Abstract: With the growing energy hunger of today’s society and the ongoing transition from fossil fuels to renewable
energies, the demands on the electrical power grids are growing. Consequently, grid operators are seeking for
ways to improve their performance, flexibility, and reliability. One of these avenues is the use of artificial
intelligence. However, while there are already promising endeavors, this research stream is still far from being
mature. For this reason, in the publication at hand, a meta-review is presented that outlines important themes,
trends, and challenges to provide scientists interested in the domain with a starting point for new projects.
The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies
is one of the major topics of today’s time (Neacsa et
al. 2022) and it can be expected that its importance
will only be increasing in the future (Holechek et al.
2022). While oil and gas are (at least currently)
crucial for the creation of certain products (Allison
and Mandler 2018), in many cases at least the demand
for energy could be satisfied with electrical power
created from renewables. However, just producing
the electricity is not sufficient. Since renewable
energy sources are less consistent in their output and
a widespread power supply failure can result in
massive negative consequences (Busby et al. 2021),
it is also important to have the appropriate
infrastructure to reliably store and distribute it to its
consumers (Hossain et al. 2016; Kalair et al. 2021).
Hence, electrical grid operators play an important role
regarding the success of the transition. To facilitate
their mission and match the supply with the demand,
technological advances such as smart meters, digital
twins, and artificial intelligence play an important
role (Altenburg et al. 2023b; Bose 2017; Sifat et al.
2023). Therefore, making improvements in these
areas is an important part in propelling the transition
to renewables. However, to be able to bring about
improvements, it is at first important to understand
respective the domain. For this reason, this study aims
to explore the use of artificial intelligence in the
context of electrical power grid operators. The main
goal is to provide a general understanding of
important themes, trends, and challenges, to equip
scientists interested in the field with a starting point
and help steer upcoming research endeavors towards
a meaningful direction. For this reason, in the
publication at hand, a meta-review is conducted that
aims to answer the following research question (RQ):
RQ: What are current themes, trends, and challenges
regarding the use of artificial intelligence in the
context of electrical power grid operators?
To answer the RQ, the paper is structured as
follows. After this introduction, the conducted review
itself is described. This is followed by a discussion of
the findings. Finally, a conclusion is given that also
highlights the limitations of the current study as well
as avenues for future research.
Staegemann, D., Haertel, C., Daase, C., Pohl, M. and Turowski, K.
A Meta-Review on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Electrical Power Grid Operators.
DOI: 10.5220/0012238500003543
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2023) - Volume 1, pages 335-341
ISBN: 978-989-758-670-5; ISSN: 2184-2809
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
To provide the desired overview of the domain, a
meta-review was conducted, which means that
instead of primary works, relevant literature reviews
were gathered and analysed. This way, a high-level
picture emerges, which can be used to identify
important streams and themes and to steer future
research endeavors. For this purpose, in the following,
the applied review protocol is outlined in detail as
recommended by (Vom Brocke et al. 2009). The
protocol itself was developed based on (Levy and J.
Ellis 2006; Okoli 2015; Vom Brocke et al. 2009) as
well as this study’s particular needs.
The description of the review process is
succeeded by a brief overview of the identified papers.
Subsequently, the corresponding findings are
2.1 Review Protocol
To find the relevant literature that provides an
overview over the use of artificial intelligence in the
context of electrical power grids, several scientific
search engines and databases have been utilized.
Namely, these are Scopus, IEEE Xplore (IEEE),
ACM Digital Library (ACM), and AIS electronic
Library (AISeL). These were chosen for the
following reasons. Scopus is arguably the biggest
abstract and citation database for scientific literature.
IEEE and ACM are highly relevant for the computer
science domain. Finally, AISeL hosts the proceedings
of some of the most important conferences in the field
of computer science and business informatics.
Therefore, by choosing this set of sources, a
comprehensive overview of the relevant literature is
assured. However, to narrow down the deluge of
available publications and to assure a certain
relevancy of those that will be further considered in
the course of the review process, suitable search terms
need to be found, which should, further, be as
consistent as possible between the different databases.
Because the paper’s regarded domain are electrical
power grids, at least one of the terms power grid,
energy grid, electricity grid, or electrical grid is
expected to appear in the title of relevant contributions.
Further, since the paper aims to explore the use of
artificial intelligence in this context, the term artificial
intelligence, its abbreviation AI, machine learning as a
commonly used and referred to subdisciplice of , or its
abbreviation ML are required to be mentioned in
title/abstract/keywords (Scopus), the metadata (ACM),
respectively anywhere (ACM), depending on the
specifics and possibilities of the search engines.
Finally, to accord for the meta-review aspect of
this study, the title also needed to contain review,
survey, overview, study, state of the art, or situation
to cover a wide variety of terms that might be used to
denote the sought after type of work. However, the
latter two parts of the search term were only used for
Scopus, IEEE, and ACM. In AISeL, the options to
finetune the search are limited. Though, the number
of search results is also manageable. Therefore, in
contrast to the other engines, here, only the first part
of the search term was applied. The used search terms
are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: The search terms.
Search Term
Scopus (TITLE ( "power grid" OR "energy grid"
OR "electricity grid" OR "electrical grid")
AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "machine
learning" OR "ML" OR "artificial
intelligence" OR "AI" ) AND TITLE
(review OR survey OR overview OR study
OR "state of the art" OR situation ) ) AND (
LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE , "ar" ) )
("Document Title":"power grid" OR
"Document Title":"energy grid" OR
"Document Title":"electricity grid" OR
"Document Title":"electrical grid") AND
("Document Title":review OR "Document
Title":survey OR "Document
Title":overview OR "Document
Title":study OR "Document Title":"state of
the art" OR "Document Title":situation)
AND ("All Metadata":"machine learning"
OR "All Metadata":"ML" OR "All
Metadata":"artificial intelligence" OR "All
[[Title: "power grid"] OR [Title: "energy
grid"] OR [Title: "electricity grid"] OR
[Title: "electrical grid"]] AND
[[Title: review] OR [Title: survey] OR
[Title: overview] OR [Title: study] OR
[Title: "state of the art"] OR [Title:
situation]] AND [[All: "machine learning"]
OR [All: "ml"] OR [All: "artificial
intelligence"] OR [All: "ai"]]
title:( "power grid" OR "energy grid" OR
"electricity grid" OR "electrical grid" )
By applying the search terms to the databases, a total
of 18 journal articles and 44 conference papers was
identified. The distribution across the sources as well
as the overall course of the search can be seen in
Figure 1.
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 1: The review protocol.
In a first filter step, duplicate papers were
removed. There were eleven papers that had
duplicates, with one even appearing across three
databases. Hence, this step led to a reduction by
twelve entries, leaving 13 and 37 contributions for
journal articles respectively conference papers.
For the purpose of further narrowing down the set
of acquired literature, some inclusion and exclusion
criteria have been defined. While the former have to
be completely fulfilled for a paper to be considered,
none of the latter must apply or a paper is rejected.
To ensure a certain quality, only peer-reviewed
conference papers and journal articles are used.
Moreover, due to the design of this study as a meta-
review, the considered contributions have to be either
a literature review or shall at least comprise a review
of the literature that constitutes an important part of
the work. Finally, a paper needs to relevantly
contribute to answering the RQ to justify its inclusion.
As a basic condition to allow the understanding of
the content, the papers have to be written in English.
Hence, papers written in other languages are excluded.
This also applies to papers whose comprehensibility
is insufficient to be deemed beneficial. Additionally,
short papers are also excluded, with the minimum
requirement being defined as a length of at least six
pages. Further, if an updated or extended version of a
paper is found, the older one is discarded.
An overview of the formulated inclusion and
exclusion criteria is given in Table 2.
Table 2: The inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
Paper is a conference
aper or journal article
Paper is not written in
Paper is either a literature-
review or contains a
literature review as an
important part of the wor
Paper is not
comprehensible enough to
be beneficial
Paper provides valuable
ut to answer the RQ
Paper has a length of less
than six
Paper has an updated
version that is part of the
literature set
Using these criteria, the identified candidate
papers were filtered by title. However, this was
handled not that strictly, meaning that whenever there
was doubt, the paper was carried over to the next
phase. In doing so, a total of 31 papers was kept.
A Meta-Review on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Electrical Power Grid Operators
However, one of them was written in chinese and
was, for this reason, removed. By now, this process
was carried out, using the data exported from the
databases, without a need to actually use the actual
papers. When trying to retrieve them, this was
successful for all of them. Hence, none needed to be
excluded for availability reasons.
Now, abstract and keywords were read to
determine the suitability for answering the RQ. This
left seven papers, with one being afterwards excluded
due to its length of only four pages. Further, one paper
had six pages with the last one not being entirely filled.
However, since it was deemed relevant after reading
the abstract, it was not removed, since the criterion
was slightly vague in that regard and the more
generous interpretation was chosen. As a result, at
this point, the set of literature comprised three journal
articles and three conference papers.
In a final step, these publications were scimmed
over to determine their suitability and one, namely
„Mobile Apps Meet the Smart Energy Grid: A Survey
on Consumer Engagement and Machine Learning
Applications“ (Chadoulos et al. 2020), was excluded.
While it appeared to be relevant, it was determined
that the exploration of the use of machine learning
referred to the mobile apps and was, therefore, a bit
too far from the topical focus of this review. An
additional step to account for updated versions of
papers was not necessary, since there were none left
at this phase, even though, at an earlier point, at least
one of these pairs was noticed. However, both entries
were already removed during the title screening.
Thus, the final set comprises two journal articles
and three conference papers that will be further
described in the following sub-section. While this
number is generally rather low, the positioning of this
study as a meta-review and the comprehensive nature
of the identified publications still allows to get a
meaningful overview of the domain and, thereby,
answer the RQ.
2.2 The Identified Papers
As a result of the described search and filter process,
a final set of five publications emerged that each
contain reviews of the literature relevant to
understand the current themes, trends, and challenges
regarding the use of artificial intelligence in the
context of electrical power grid operators.
A list of these papers is given in Table 3. They
focus on aspects such as, inter alia, fault diagnosis,
risk mitigation, the handling of uncertainty, and the
harnessing of digital twins, thereby covering a rather
broad spectrum within the regarded domain. Further,
it is noticeable that they are all rather recent, with the
oldest one being from 2019.
In (Chai et al. 2019), an overview of AI approaches
for fault diagnosis of power grids is given. The authors
identified nine different methods and describe them as
well as their advantages and disadvantages. While the
paper is a review of the literature and is, therefore,
included, it is not described how the used papers were
identified. Further, the work remains rather high level
and does not go into deep detail. However, the study
provides a starting point for researchers interested in
the domain, who can then further look into the referred
to literature. Moreover, the authors describe several
research trends they expect to gain traction in the future.
The topic of ML-based contingency analysis to
prevent blackouts is focused in (Yang et al. 2020).
While the paper proposes an artifact to address the
issue and is, therefore, not a classical literature review,
it also contains a part that gives a comprehensive
overview of relevant publications in the domain. For
this reason, the respective inclusion criterion was
deemed fulfilled and the paper included. However,
due to its focus, future trends or similar aspects are
not discussed.
Supporting the integration of photovoltaic (PV)
systems with the use of AI is targeted in (Feng et al.
2021). For this purpose, supported by text mining
techniques, the authors conducted an extensive
Table 3: The final set of literature.
No. Reference Yea
Title T
e Source
1 (Chai et al.
2019 Artificial intelligence approaches to fault diagnosis in power
rids: A review
2 (Yang et al.
2020 Power grid contingency analysis with machine learning: A brief
survey and prospects
3 (Feng et al.
2021 A taxonomical review on recent artificial intelligence
applications to PV integration into power grids
4 (Cioara et al.
2022 An Overview of Digital Twins Application in Smart Energy
5 (Rahim and
Siano 2022)
2022 A Survey and Comparison of Leading-Edge Uncertainty
Handling Methods for Power Grid Modernization
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
literature review that also contains a bibliometric
analysis. The study primarily discusses four main
application types, namely forecasting, the detection
of PV arrays as well as faults in PV systems, the
optimizitaion of PV systems‘ designs, and the
optimization of the control of PV systems, but also
dedicates a section to other (related) topics. Further,
potential avenues for future research are outlined.
The application of digital twins in the context of
smart energy grids is regarded in (Cioara et al. 2022).
While this does not necessarily fit the scope of the
study at hand at first glance, there is also a strong
focus on the use of ML in the given context.
Therefore, this publication was deemed suitable for
inclusion. The application domains of digital twins
are identified as the modeling of energy assets, the
diagnosis of faults and security, the operation and
control of grids, as well as ways to develop and
facilitate business models.
Finally, (Rahim and Siano 2022) focusses the
handling of uncertainty in the context of power grids.
For this purpose, they created a comprehensive
literature review on the corresponding state-of-the art
to determine which methods exist. Subsequently,
these were discussed and comparatively analysed. In
addition, they give separate comprehensive
overviews regarding economic operations, bidding
strategies, system expansion, electric transport, and
microgrids. Thus, they provide insights as well as
compiled lists of relevant literature for multiple facets
of the domain, and cover several aspects of the field.
Further, they also outline research gaps and give
future recommendations, thereby providing
researchers interested in the domain with a wealth of
potential avenues to start off their own research.
2.3 Findings
While the acquired papers all differ regarding their
focus and style, together they not only provide a
comprehensive overview of the regarded domain but
there are also certain themes that are somewhat
recurring. For instance, fault diagnosis (Chai et al.
2019; Cioara et al. 2022; Feng et al. 2021) as well as
contingency diagnosis (Rahim and Siano 2022; Yang
et al. 2020) are referred to in multiple papers. This
highlights their importance and is also in accordance
with other works (Altenburg et al. 2023a; Busby et al.
2021) that highlight the potential severity of disorders
of the energy supply. Moreover, the diversity and
vastness of the topic become clearly visible when
considering the high number of different methods and
techniques that are mentioned in the analyzed papers.
While this is attributable to the diversity on artificial
intelligence approaches in general and not to the
specific application domain, it still stands out
compared to many other research streams. Another
topic that is mentioned even more, emphasizing its
relevance, are time series data, their preservation,
analysis, simulation, and forecasting (Cioara et al.
2022; Feng et al. 2021; Rahim and Siano 2022). Also,
forecasting in general is prominently positioned,
appearing in all of the considered papers (Chai et al.
2019; Cioara et al. 2022; Feng et al. 2021; Rahim and
Siano 2022; Yang et al. 2020) in some capacity, yet
there is still much room for improvement.
Other directions for future research that are
identified include the creation of forecasts based on
images, the use of more sophisticated AI approaches,
and the management of uncertainties, for instance, by
providing probabilistic forecasts (Chai et al. 2019;
Feng et al. 2021; Rahim and Siano 2022). Moreover,
the combination of multiple AI technologies as well
as the fusion of multiple data sources to increase the
quality of the outputs has been suggested (Chai et al.
2019). Further, while there are already some papers
dealing with the topic of digital twins for facilitating
power grid operations, this research stream is still in
its infancy and there is much room for advances
(Cioara et al. 2022).
Another important topic is the AI support for the
planning of sizing and siting of facilities that generate
renewable energies (Feng et al. 2021). Due to the
general inconsistency of the production with its
dependence on a multitude of factors (e.g., specifics of
the respective region and its weather), sophisticated
tools can provide invaluable help to maximize the
effective output and contribution to the reliability of the
overall energy supply under consideration of all the
relevant factors and constraints.
Finally, the practical application of the developed
theories and methods was highlighted as an important
part of the overall process that is currently somewhat
lacking (Chai et al. 2019). While there are many
theoretical works, these also need to prove their
effectiveness in real-world-scenarios, which needs to
be facilitated in the future.
As the contributions that were identified through the
conducted review show, there are many different
directions within the general research stream
regarding the use of AI in the context of electrical
power grid operators.
Moreover, by analysing the found literature, it
became apparent that the domain is not yet matured
A Meta-Review on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Electrical Power Grid Operators
and many challenges still need to be addressed.
Examples that especially stood out for their
prevalence and importance were fault diagnosis and
contingency analysis, the handling of time series data,
the fusion of varying input data, and the improvement
of AI algorithms as well as their combination. The
notion regarding the maturity gets further
substantiated by the fact that the oldest contribution
from the identified set of literature is from 2019 and,
thus, rather recent. Since literature reviews are
oftentimes used to consolidate the findings of many
scattered studies when a field otherwise gets too
incomprehensible, their emergence could also be
interpreted as a sign of growing maturity of a field
(Kraus et al. 2020).
While, despite the best efforts to achieve
comprehensiveness, the rather low number of
identified review papers might also be caused by the
choice of consulted databases, it also highlights the
necessity for the creation of more literature reviews
to further capture the domain in breadth as well as in
depth (Kraus et al. 2020).
Further, while the acquired publications already
give a broad overview of the domain, there are also
many additional aspects that can be found in the
topical literature that heavily impact the operations of
grid operators despite not necessarily always being
directly controlled by them. Examples of this are, for
instance, the use of (AI supported) apps to influence
the behavior of energy consumers (Chadoulos et al.
2020), the detection of electricity theft (Yadav and
Kumar 2021), the advancement of domain-specific
explainable AI (Machlev et al. 2022), or the advanced
automation of buildings to improve energy efficiency
(Roselyn et al. 2019). Therefore, a tighter integration
of grid operators, energy producers, and energy
consumers appears reasonable to harness synergies,
which should also be reflected in the literature.
Finally, to reiterate a point from the previous sub-
section, the exploration of real-world case studies as
well as their collection and amalgamation to gain
actionable insights should be highly prioritized.
While the reliable operation of energy grids was
already a demanding task before, due to the
challenges that come with the transition from fossil
fuels to renewable energies, this issue has been
further exacerbated. Consequently, adequate means
to support this cause are highly sought after. One of
the opportunities that come with the emerging
technological possibilities is the utilization of AI to
facilitate the corresponding operations. However, this
research streams still offers a lot of room for
advancements, which also implies numerous
opportunities for future research. Yet, to
meaningfully contribute, it is important to at first get
an overview of the domain to purposefully steer ones
endeavors. For this purpose, oftentimes literature
reviews constitute a suitable starting point. However,
due to the vastness of the regarded domain, these can
also only capture certain of its aspects. Therefore, to
get a wider (though admittedly less deep) overall
picture, in the publication at hand, instead, a review
of topical literature reviews, hence a meta-review,
was conducted. In doing so, five contributions were
identified that each provide an overview of pertinent
literature and which together provide a meaningful
picture of current themes, trends, and challenges in
relation to the corresponding research. These findings
were then analysed and discussed, and promising
avenues for future research were outlined.
However, one limitation of this study certainly is
the rather low number of identified reviews. While
the results still provide valuable insights, a higher
number of relevant papers would have still improved
the significance and possibly uncovered additional
insights. Therefore, further expanding the scope by
including more databases or by adding to the search
terms could be valid approaches for the future.
Moreover, conducting a very comprehensive
literature review instead of a meta-review could also
be a promising step. However, due to the very high
number of topical publications, the scope of this
might be too large to be feasible. Besides that,
repeating the current study in several years, when
there might be more relevant reviews also appears
like a worthwhile endeavor. Besides focusing on
expansions and modifications to this study, adding to
the field by creating new literature reviews to capture
additional aspects of the domain can also advance the
corresponding research.
Finally, directly addressing the issues and
opportunities highlighted in this paper should, of
course, also be emphasized as a promising avenue for
researchers who want to comtribute to the domain.
This especially holds true when it comes to
conducting studies in real-world settings, which have
been identified as crucial but too sparse.
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A Meta-Review on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Electrical Power Grid Operators