Similarity Learning for Person Re-Identification Using Deep
Sevdenur Kutuk
1 a
, Rayan Abri
1 b
, Sara Abri
1 c
and Salih Cetin
2 d
Mavinci, Ankara, Turkey
Mavinci, Reading, U.K.
Person Re-Identification, Deep Auto-Encoder, YOLOV4, Normalized Cross-Correlation, Cosine Similarity.
Person re-identification (ReID) has been one of the most crucial issues in computer vision, particularly for
reasons of security and privacy. Person re-identification generally aims to create a unique identity for a person
seen in the field of view of a camera and to identify the same person in different frames of the same camera
or within the relevant frames of multiple cameras. Due to low resolution and noisy frames, crowded scenes,
scenes with occlusion, weather, and light changes, and data sets with insufficient numbers of samples con-
taining different states of the same person for training supervised models, person re-identification remains a
challenging and studied problem. In this paper, we propose a hybrid person re-identification model that uses
Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC) and cosine similarity to determine whether extracted features belong
to the same person, which we call DAE-ID (Deep Auto-Encoder Identification). The model is built using a
pre-trained You Only Look Once Version 4 (YOLOV4) algorithm to detect objects and a convolutional auto-
encoder trained on the Motion Analysis and Re-identification Set (Mars) data set for feature extraction. Our
method outperforms state-of-the-art methods while outperforming them on the Chinese University of Hong
Kong (CUHK03) with 0.966 rank-1 and 0.857 mAP and Duke Multi-Tracking Multi-Camera Re-Identification
(DukeMTMC-reID) with 0.956 rank-1 and 0.841 mAP for single-person re-identification.
With the rapid development of camera surveillance
systems and the rising demand for security, the use of
cameras in public and private areas for surveillance
and security has increased. Numerous images and
videos are captured from various angles and time in-
tervals using cameras in numerous locations, includ-
ing bus stations, airports, socializing areas, streets,
campuses, and government and military facilities. Re-
identification (ReID) of individuals is one of the pro-
posed uses of the captured images and videos in this
context. ReID has many uses in social security and
surveillance systems. As evidenced by the authors’
research in (Zheng et al., 2016), it is possible, with the
aid of security cameras, to locate criminal suspects,
search for a missing child in a large shopping mall,
etc., which can be useful.
Person re-identification involves learning the dis-
tinguishing characteristics of people in order to deter-
mine whether or not they are the same object by track-
ing the related object or objects on consecutive im-
ages. People can appear on multiple cameras in mul-
tiple regions in the real world. As the view, exposure,
lighting, and resolution of different cameras change,
the difficulty of learning to recognize the distinctive
features of people increases (Ming et al., 2022). With
the development of deep learning, a person’s gait, the
texture and color of their apparel, etc., can be used to
re-identify them. Despite the fact that it has been the
subject of numerous studies to date, re-identification
remains a significant issue in many areas that are still
being investigated.
In this paper, a new method is proposed for human
tracking using the convolutional auto-encoder and
YOLOV4 (Bochkovskiy et al., 2020). In our proposed
method named DAE-ID (Deep Auto-Encoder Identi-
fication), real-time object detection is performed us-
ing YOLOV4, followed by the selection of the ref-
erence object in the desired frame using the mouse.
By utilizing the encoder portion of the convolutional
Kutuk, S., Abri, R., Abri, S. and Cetin, S.
Similarity Learning for Person Re-Identification Using Deep Auto-Encoder.
DOI: 10.5220/0012253900003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 520-527
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
auto-encoder trained on the Mars data set for the se-
lected reference object and other objects in the frame,
a code specific to and defining that object is gen-
erated. Every 10 frames, the code of the reference
object is updated. To continue detecting the refer-
ence object in other frames or with different cameras,
the reference object’s code is compared to the codes
of other objects using normalized cross-correlation
(NCC) and cosine similarity. The object code with the
highest degree of similarity to the reference object’s
code is considered to belong to the same object. DAE-
ID was evaluated using the CUHK03 (Li et al., 2014)
and DukeMTMC-reID (Ristani et al., 2016) data sets.
The main contributions of this work can be sum-
marized as follows:
1) The DAE-ID system has demonstrated effec-
tiveness in surmounting several challenges, including
adverse weather conditions, fluctuations in lighting,
and physical barriers. Despite the fact that the cho-
sen reference may temporarily deviate from the estab-
lished framework and then reenter, it remains possible
to monitor and trace the said reference.
2) The real-time functionality of the proposed
lightweight model allows for seamless operation
when a single individual is chosen as the reference
Therefore, our study holds significant importance
for activities that necessitate confidentiality and pri-
vacy, surpassing alternative ReID models in terms of
performance outcomes.
This section provides a comprehensive overview of
previous and modern ReID methods, encompassing
both classic approaches and those based on deep
learning techniques.
2.1 Traditional Methods
In old methods of solving human ReID problems,
information such as color, texture, spatial structure,
edges, and contours that can be derived based on
the general appearance of the individual may contain
lower-level representations, and the received repre-
sentations are then used together. utilizing conven-
tional similarity measurement techniques and match-
ing algorithms, such as robust similarity measures
(Kostinger et al., 2012; Liao et al., 2015), to redefine
the resulting representations. Several methods based
on histograms and keypoint detection were devised in
this study. To locate the person with the same ID in
the other image for the person’s ReID, the similar-
ity between the person’s facial features must be deter-
mined. Traditional measurement techniques include
the Euclidean distance (Dokmanic et al., 2015), the
cosine distance, and the Mahalanobis distance (Lee
et al., 2018).
Although these traditional hand-crafted features
do not necessitate complex destruction, they are read-
ily affected by complex backgrounds such as changes
in light and occlusion, which causes features to be-
come obscured and individuals to be indistinguish-
able. In addition, the implementation of traditional
methods in the actual world is difficult and costly.
Due to this, traditional ReID system characteristics
cannot be universally supported and further developed
for a variety of reasons.
2.2 Deep Learning-Based Methods
Recent years have seen an explosion in the use of
deep learning techniques in computer vision, partic-
ularly for object recognition and detection. With the
widespread use of deep learning, significant progress
has been made in the problem of person ReID that we
focused on in this study, and successful results have
been obtained in many studies by removing the limita-
tions of traditional methods mentioned in the previous
section (Wu et al., 2019). In this section, we provide
an overview and introduction to these methods.
Tian et al. (Tian et al., 2018), observing that
current deep learning models are biased by captur-
ing an excessive amount of relevance between back-
ground views of person images, they devised a se-
ries of experiments using newly created data sets to
validate the effect of background information. To
solve the problem of background bias, they proposed
a person-region-guided deep neural network based
on human decomposition maps to learn more distin-
guishable person-part characteristics and augmented
the training data with person images with random
backgrounds. Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2019), pro-
posed an Attentive Yet Diverse Network (ABD-Net)
that integrates attention modules and diversity regula-
tion throughout the entire network in order to learn
more representative, robust, and distinctive charac-
teristics. In this study, the authors introduced a pair
of complementary attentional modules focusing on
channel coupling and position awareness, as well as
a new efficient orthogonality constraint to enforce or-
thogonality on both latent activations and weights.
Xia et al. (Xia et al., 2019), proposed a novel mech-
anism for attention that directly models long-term re-
lationships using quadratic trait statistics. Zheng et
al. (Zheng et al., 2019), propose a framework for
collaborative learning that integrates end-to-end iden-
Similarity Learning for Person Re-Identification Using Deep Auto-Encoder
Figure 1: Overview of the YOLOV4 architecture used for human detection.
tity relearning with data generation. It consists of a
generative module that encodes each individual into a
view-code and a build-code, as well as a distinguish-
ing module that shares the viewcoder with the gener-
ative module. Without using generated data, the pro-
posed framework is a significant improvement over
the baseline. Ren et al. (Ren et al., 2021), which
suppresses in-class variations with a new extensible,
lightweight, trained without additional supervision,
Jensen-Shannon triple loss for comparative distribu-
tion learning in ReID, He suggests the auto-encoder
HAVANA. The authors claim that HAVANA is the
first VAE-based framework for self-reported ReID.
Bilakeri et al. (Bilakeri and Kotegar, 2022), use an
auto-encoder module to generate a single image at
three different scales to increase sample size and over-
come the issue of scale variation in person redefini-
tion, and with initial and auto-encoder to demonstrate
the impact of auto-encoder as a data increment for
person redefinition. To combat noise and occlusion,
Sezavar et al. (Sezavar et al., 2023), created a sys-
tem based on noise-sensitive and deep convolutional
neural networks by training an auto-encoder on ar-
tificially damaged frames. Although many of these
methods based on deep learning have been more suc-
cessful than traditional methods and have overcome
difficulties in general, they still have not been ade-
quate for solving the ReID issue. In addition, many
of these studies are difficult to integrate, cumbersome,
and do not operate in real time.
In this paper, a new method is proposed for human
tracking using the convolutional auto-encoder and
YOLOV4, which we call DAE-ID. In the DAE-ID,
the reference object is selected by users to be fol-
lowed from among the individuals identified by the
YOLOV4 algorithm. Then, using the encoder portion
of the auto-encoder model trained on the Mars data
set, the code of the reference object is extracted and
saved following this selection. In certain frames, the
code of the reference object is updated. Using this
model, the codes of all objects in the new frame are
extracted. The object with the highest degree of simi-
larity to the registered reference object is accepted as
the same object, and id assignment is performed. Fig-
ure 2 depicts the overall structure of the model. This
section elaborates on the YOLOV4 algorithm, refer-
ence object selection, Auto-Encoder model, similarity
algorithms, and model integration.
3.1 Object Detection and Selection of
Reference Image with YOLOV4
Using the YOLOV4 model, objects (only people)
were identified in each frame. Figure 1 depicts the
YOLOV4 model’s architecture. This project is essen-
tially one of the subproblems of a larger study that
addresses object detection (Abri et al., 2020b; Abri
et al., 2020a; Mansoub et al., 2019; Abri et al., 2021),
tracking, motion detection and background learning
(Ince et al., 2022). Since YOLOV4 is used for other
subproblems in this overall project, it is a C++-based
project, and YOLOV4 has attained success in object
detection, there has been no comparison with other
new YOLO models. After using YOLOV4 to de-
tect people, the user is prompted to select a refer-
ence object by clicking on the object to be followed
among the detected objects. Consequently, the ob-
ject selected by the user becomes the reference ob-
ject. The reference object is clipped from the relevant
frame and sent to the auto-encoder model for decod-
ing based on the limits determined by the YOLOV4
algorithm for the selected reference object. This pro-
cess is performed every 10 frames in order to keep
the reference object current, and every 10 frames,
the current status of the user-selected reference image
is updated. The selection of 10 update frequencies
is intended to strike a balance between the project’s
pace and accuracy. Other objects within the frame
are clipped in the same manner and sent to the auto-
encoder model for comparison with the reference ob-
ject’s code. Figure 3 depicts selecting and updating
the reference object.
3.2 Deep Auto-Encoder Structure
An auto-encoder (Hinton and Salakhutdinov, 2006),
is a specialized form of an advanced artificial neu-
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: The overall structure of the model.
ral network used to transfer the input to the output,
i.e., reduce or compress the data’s size and resolve
it. Typically, auto-encoder architecture consists of
completely interconnected layers. As the processes
in the study involved images, the convolutional auto-
encoder, a type of auto-encoder commonly used in
image processing applications, was employed. The
convolutional auto-encoder, unlike the auto-encoder,
performs the feature extraction process using convo-
lutional layers and codes the input images’ properties
more effectively.
Figure 4 depict, respectively, the model of a con-
volutional auto-encoder used in this study. The uti-
lized model is a convolutional auto-encoder model
with eight layers, including the input layer, encoder
layers, and output layer. In this model, the input im-
ages are regarded as the first layer and are then uti-
lized on the encoder side of the three convolutional
layers and the three max pooling layers. The entry
images of the study’s progressive auto-encoder model
are the Mars training set converted to 32 x 32 size
and gray scale. Input images are converted to im-
age tensors. The first convolution has 64 filters, while
the other two only have 32. The pooling layers of
2 x 2 masks minimize the output of the evolution-
ary layer and allow the characteristics to be moved
deeper. Evolutionary layers enable the detection of
various characteristics by sliding the filters across the
image. This process permits data compression by cre-
ating a representation of the input data with fewer di-
mensions. The pooling layer, the final layer on the
encoder side, represents the compressed data. This
representation is the output of the encoder network
and is a compressed image tensor.
The compressed representation is then restored to
its original dimensions using three deconvolutional
layers and three unpooling layers on the decoder side.
Unlike coder layers, decoder layers use deconvolu-
tional and up-sampling (unpooling) layers to recon-
stitute the image. The deconvolution layers help re-
store the original size of the summarized data, while
the upsampling layers increase the output size of the
summarizer layers. In the final layer, the final image
is generated. The output of the decoder layers is a
Figure 3: Using YOLOV4 to select an object and updating
the reference image.
reconstruction of the original data input. This layer’s
architecture typically consists of a convolutional layer
and can be viewed as an image tensor with the origi-
nal dimensions of the reconstructed image.
In all auto-encoder structures, Leaky ReLu (Maas
et al., 2013), served as the activation function. Leaky
ReLU also offers a smooth derivative for negative in-
puts, thereby preventing situations in which the ReLU
function is over-reset (the dead ReLU problem), and
is a well-known activation function that produces su-
perior results, particularly in large data sets and com-
plex models; thus, it was chosen for this study.
The model’s loss was computed using the mean
squared error (MSE). The MSE is an error metric that
measures the disparity between a machine learning
model’s predictions and the actual values and is the
average of the squared differences between the actual
and predicted values. The lower the MSE, the closer
the model’s predictions are to the actual values, and
the more effective the model is deemed to be. MSE is
frequently preferred in auto-encoder models because
the input and output data are the same size (typically
image data), making error calculation simple.
As a means of regularization, an L1 Regulariza-
tion (10e-5) (Tibshirani, 1996), was used. The L1
regularization restricts the weights’ magnitudes to the
sum of their absolute values. This can result in some
weights being close to or equal to zero, simplify-
Similarity Learning for Person Re-Identification Using Deep Auto-Encoder
ing the model’s representation, and preventing over-
fitting. Additionally, the L1 regularization can be
used for feature selection, i.e., it can simplify the
model’s representation by bringing the weights of
unimportant features close to zero. L1 regularization
reduces the number of parameters used in training the
network; as a result, it can enhance the network’s gen-
Adaptive Moment Estimation (Adam) (Kingma
and Ba, 2014), was used as the optimizer. Optimiza-
tion is the adjustment of the parameters of mathemat-
ical models to best optimize a target function. During
the training of a machine learning model, it is cru-
cial to optimize the model’s parameters for a specific
objective. This can improve the model’s results and
This auto-encoder model’s encoder component is
utilized. Using the encoder component of the auto-
encoder model, the code of each object, which was
detected by the YOLOV4 algorithm and transmitted
by clipping the borders, was generated.
3.3 Auto-Encoder Training and
The Mars data set was used for the training of the
auto-encoder. After performing 500 epoch training as
specified, other stages are started. The encoder part of
the trained weight is integrated into the model using
3.4 Similarity Metrics
NCC and cosine similarity were utilized to determine
the degree of similarity between two object. In the
auto-encoder model, the similarity of the code parts
calculated for the detected objects was calculated us-
ing both similarity calculation methods and applied
in the same manner. NCC and cosine similarity are
used together because they produce superior results
by compensating for one another’s shortcomings.
Shown in Equation 1, NCC is frequently used to
locate specific image content in another image and
pinpoint the exact location of the image content, and
it performs well even in challenging conditions where
the brightness of the image changes or there is noise.
Indicated by Equation 2, Cosine similarity measures
the relationship between two vectors in an inner prod-
uct space. The cosine of the angle between two vec-
tors reveals whether or not they point in roughly the
same direction.
R(x, y) =
(I(x + x
, y + y
) I(x, y)).(t(x
, y
) t)
(I(x + x
, y + y
) I(x, y))
, y
) t)
sin(A, B) = cosΘ) =
3.5 Identification Number Assignment
by Similarity Metrics
The reference image is the cropped image of the
user-selected object, while the compared images are
cropped images of other objects in the current frame.
The process of ID assignment consisted of repeating
the following steps, shown in Figure 5:
Step 1: Compares the code portion of each image
to be compared with the code of the reference image
using cosine similarity and NCC.
Step 2: In the second step, each pair’s cosine sim-
ilarity is multiplied by 0.4, and the NCC values are
multiplied by 0.6.
Step 3: The pair of images with the highest value
when compared to the reference image are considered
to be images of the same object.
At this stage, the matching ratios of the refer-
ence image and other images on Mars’s test data, the
CUHK03 and DukeMTMC-reID data sets, calculated
using NCC and cosine similarity, are discussed in the
3.4 section.
The DAE-ID was evaluated using the CUHK03 and
Duke MTMC-reID data sets. For both sets of data,
random samples were drawn from random classes,
and their similarity to other classes and samples
within those classes was analyzed. Model perfor-
mance was determined based on whether the class
information of the most similar samples was identi-
cal. Cumulative matching characteristic (CMC) rank-
1 accuracy, and Mean Average Precision (mAP) are
used as evaluation criteria.
4.1 Data Sets
This section describes the Motion Analysis and Re-
identification Set (Mars), Chinese University of Hong
Kong (CUHK03), and Duke Multi-Tracking Multi-
Camera Re-Identification (DukeMTMC-reID) data
sets. The Mars data set was used to train the auto-
encoder, while the CUHK03 and DukeMTMC-reID
data sets were utilized to validate the model.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 4: Structure of the convolutional auto-encoder model used for reid.
Figure 5: Identification Number Assignment by NCC and Cosine Similarity.
4.1.1 Motion Analysis and Re-Identification Set
The Mars data set is a data set used for motion detec-
tion, tracking, and re-identification and an extension
of the Market-1501 data set (Tesfaye et al., 2017).
It consists of approximately 8.000 to 20.000 images
of 1.261 unique individuals wearing different cloth-
ing, positioned at different angles, and containing dif-
ferent body parts. Poor image quality and variations
in the poses, colors, and illuminations of pedestrians
make it difficult to achieve high matching accuracy.
Figure 6 depicts a selection of images from the Mars
data set. The auto-encoder tracking model was trained
using this data set. For training, the entire set of train-
ing and test data was utilized.
4.1.2 Chinese University of Hong Kong
(CUHK03) Data Set
The CUHK03, consists of 14.097 photographs of
1.467 unique individuals; six campus cameras were
Figure 6: Samples from the Mars data set (1, 11, 127, and
installed for image collection, and two campus cam-
eras were used to photograph each individual.
4.1.3 Duke Multi-Tracking Multi-Camera
Re-Identification (DukeMTMC-reID) Data
Duke Multi-Tracking Multi-Camera Re-Identification
(Duke MTMC-reID) is an image-based re-
identification data set. It consists of 16.522 training
images for 702 identifiers, 2.228 query images for the
remaining 702 identifiers, and 17.661 gallery images.
4.2 Experiments Results
The model developed in this study was evaluated us-
ing Rank-1 and mAP metrics on the CUHK03 and
DukeMTMC-reID data sets. Due to the fact that the
calculations using these metrics were validated us-
ing random samples from both data sets, the model
was executed ten times and the mean was calcu-
lated. For both data sets, the outcomes of CS alone,
NCC alone, and CS and NCC together were analyzed.
0.218 thresh was chosen when only CS was used, 0.75
thresh was chosen when only NCC was used, and 0.65
thresh was chosen when both NCC and CS were used.
As part of a more comprehensive analysis, the effect
of using CS alone, NCC alone, or a combination of
Similarity Learning for Person Re-Identification Using Deep Auto-Encoder
Table 1: Comparison of the model with different similarity measures for DukeMTMC-reID and CUHK03.
DukeMTMC-reID Data Set CUHK03 Data Set
Rank-1 0.677 0.924 0.956 0.175 0.942 0.966
mAP 0.173 0.724 0.841 0.012 0.757 0.857
Table 2: Comparison of the DAE-ID to other models utilizing the DukeMTMC-reID and CUHK03 data sets.
Models DukeMTMC-reID Data set CUHK03 Data set
Rank-1 mAP Rank-1 mAP
SONA (Xia et al., 2019) 89.4 78.3 - -
Abd-Net (Chen et al., 2019) 89.0 78.6 - -
DG-Net (Zheng et al., 2019) 86.6 74.8 - -
HAVANA (Ren et al., 2021) 89.4 80.8 - -
Auto-Encoder for Scale-Invariant (Bilakeri and Kotegar, 2022) 85.5 74.1 - -
Deep CNN and Auto-Encoders (Sezavar et al., 2023) - - 94.4 -
Background-Bias (Tian et al., 2018) - - 92.5 -
DAE-ID 95.6 84.1 96.6 85.7
CS and NCC on the DukeMTMC-ReID data set was
highlighted. The DAE-ID can operate in real time at
18-21 frames per second. Moreover, the outputs of
DAE-ID were compared to those of other models uti-
lizing the same data sets. Also the values associated
with the places denoted by ”-” have not been calcu-
CS and NCC achieved the best results in the
CUHCK03 data set with 0.966 rank-1 and 0.857 mAP,
and in the DukeMTMC-reID data set with 0.956 rank-
1 and 0.841 mAP, as shown in Table 1.
The comparison of DAE-ID to other models is dis-
played in Table 2. Empty fields in the table indicate
that the model was not validated against the speci-
fied data set. According to Table 2, the tests we con-
ducted with rank-1 and mAP on both data sets, using
NCC and CS in conjunction, produced superior re-
sults compared to other models. The base model is
the model we propose without consideration for sim-
It is a challenging problem in computer vision to pro-
duce a unique identifier for the same person in dif-
ferent cameras or different frames of the same cam-
era, as well as to detect the same person again under
different lighting, occlusion, re-entering the camera,
weather, and resolution conditions. It can be utilized
in a variety of contexts, such as the disappearance of
anyone, the possibility of guilt, or the pursuit of crim-
inals, and it is essential for maintaining security and
public order. Years of research have been devoted to
finding a solution to the ReID problem, particularly in
the fields of security and defense. Although the stud-
ies carried out so far have provided general success in
the face of the various difficulties mentioned, there is
still no real-time model that provides sufficient suc-
cess in detecting the person as the same person when
leaving the frame and re-entering.
In this article, we propose a real-time model
for single-person re-identification that uses a hy-
brid YOLOV4 and convolutional auto-encoder model
to generate a unique identity for the selected per-
son and uses cosine similarity and normalized cross-
correlation to calculate the similarity of the selected
person with other people, which we call DAE-ID. We
explain why cosine similarity and normalized cross-
correlation are employed together for similarity mea-
surement. In single-person re-identification, DAE-ID
achieved 18-21 frames per second, a performance that
could be utilized in real time. On the CUHK03 and
DukeMTMC-reID data sets, we compared DAE-ID to
others using rank-1 and mAP metrics and found that
DAE-ID performed better.
This research is supported by Mavinci in UK, an R&D
company in information and communication tech-
nologies, security and defense areas with the capa-
bility of software development, artificial intelligence,
and machine learning.
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