Ontology-Driven Extraction of Contextualized Information from
Research Publications
Vayianos Pertsas
and Panos Constantopoulos
Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Ontology-Driven Information Extraction, Information Extraction from Text, Transformer-Based Methods,
Relation Extraction, Knowledge Graph Creation.
Abstract: We present transformer-based methods for extracting information about research processes from scholarly
publications. We developed a two-stage pipeline comprising a transformer-based text classifier that predicts
whether a sentence contains the entities sought in tandem with a transformer-based entity recogniser for
finding the boundaries of the entities inside the sentences that contain them. This is applied to extracting two
different types of entities: i) research activities, representing the acts performed by researchers, which are
entities of complex lexico-syntactic structure, and ii) research methods, representing the procedures used in
performing research activities, which are named entities of variable length. We also developed a system that
assigns semantic context to the extracted entities by: i) linking them according to the relation
employs(Activity,Method) using a transformer-based binary classifier for relation extraction; ii) associating
them with information extracted from publication metadata; and iii) encoding the contextualized information
at the output into an RDF Knowledge Graph. The entire workflow is ontology-driven, based on Scholarly
Ontology, specifically designed for documenting scholarly work. Our methods are trained and evaluated on a
dataset comprising 12,626 sentences, manually annotated for the task at hand, and shown to surpass simpler
transformer-based methods and baselines.
Access to knowledge contained in research
publications has become an increasingly demanding
task, dramatically exaggerated due to the explosive
growth rates of publications in scholarly domains
(Bornmann et al., 2021). To address this problem,
intelligent systems need to be able to capture the
essence of knowledge represented in textual format,
encode it according to concepts general enough to be
applicable across disciplines and, at the same time,
capable of representing semantic context that
addresses the information needs of researchers,
transforming the ways in which they engage with
literature (Renear & Palmer, 2009). This type of
encoded information can alleviate the task of keeping
up to date in a specific domain, while maintaining a
bird’s-eye-view over a discipline or across
disciplines, something particularly useful in
interdisciplinary fields. To this end, generic concepts
for representing knowledge of “who has done what
and how” need to be modelled, appropriately
identified in text and extracted into a knowledge base
capable of answering questions of the form: “find all
papers that address a given problem”; “how was the
problem solved”; “which methods are employed by
whom”; etc. This goes beyond the retrieval features
of search engines widely used by researchers, such as
Google Scholar
, Scopus
or Semantic Scholar
mostly leverage bibliographic metadata, while
knowledge expressed in the actual text is exploited
mostly by matching query terms to documents.
Extracting and encoding the knowledge contained
in research articles is a complex task which poses
several challenges. For instance, the procedures
employed by the researchers need to be identified and
Pertsas, V. and Constantopoulos, P.
Ontology-Driven Extraction of Contextualized Information from Research Publications.
DOI: 10.5220/0012254100003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 108-118
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
extracted (as a kind of entities, here called “research
methods”) but also to be associated properly with
their semantic context, i.e. the actual research
activities in which they were used. To further capture
the context of the research reported in an article (who
is involved, what are their interests, affiliations, etc.),
information must be drawn from the metadata of the
article and associated with information extracted
from the text, through mapping onto an appropriate
In this paper we present Deep Learning (DL)
methods for entity extraction along with a pipeline
architecture based on a two-stage setup, consisting of
an Entity Recogniser on top of a binary classifier, to
extract two types of entities from the text of research
articles: i) research methods, treated as named entities
of variable length and ii) research activities, which
appear as entities of complex lexico-syntactic
structures. In addition, we present a system, that
contextualizes the extracted entities by (1) extracting
from the text the relation between research methods
and research activities in which these are employed,
using a transformer-based binary classifier we
configured to this end; (2) by associating the
information extracted from text with further
contextual information derived from articles’
metadata; and encodes all the derived knowledge into
an RDF knowledge base adhering to Linked-Data
standards. Finally, we present a manually created
dataset consisting of 12,626 sentences specifically
curated for the training and evaluation of our
Information Extraction (IE) methods.
The rest of this paper proceeds as follows: in
Section 2 we present background and related work; in
Section 3 we describe the methodology and
experimental setup; in Section 4 we report on the
evaluation experiments; in Section 5 we discuss the
evaluation results; and we conclude in Section 6 with
insights for future work.
Information extraction (i.e. entity and relation
extraction) from text constitutes an active research
field where methodologies from ML and DL are
employed and combined in different architectures and
various domains. Entity extraction is usually treated
as a token classification or sequence labelling task
where a classifier predicts whether each token
belongs to the entity in question or not. Relation
extraction can be treated as text classification where
the textual span representing the concatenation of
specific extracted entities, or the text bounded
somehow by those entities, is classified or not with
the label of a designated relation among the entities.
Through the years, various methods employing
different techniques and designs have been proposed
for dealing with information extraction from text. In
works like (Chalkidis et al., 2017; Do et al., 2013;
Pertsas et al., 2018), in order to extract entities and
relations, the authors use a combination of engineered
features representing textual, syntactic and surface
form attributes along with various types of
embeddings (word, POS, dependency, etc.) for vector
representation, in tandem with ML models like SVM,
Logistic Regression or CRFs that handle the
classification task. In (Chiu & Nichols, 2016; Luan,
Ostendorf, et al., 2018; Ma & Hovy, 2016; Peters et
al., 2017) instead of handcrafted features, neural
architectures like RNNs, LSTMS, BiLSTMS are
employed for vector representation. In (Yu et al.,
2020) the authors use ideas from graph-based
dependency parsing to provide their model a global
view on the input via a biaffine model (Dozat &
Manning, 2017) and they show that it excels,
especially in extracting nested entities, compared to
CRF-based solutions. Similar conclusions are
reached in (Lample et al., 2016), where transition-
based parsers on top of Stack-LSTMs are considered
as alternatives to CRFs for the sequence labeling task,
with equal or higher performance. After the invention
of large language models using transformer
architectures (Vaswani et al., 2017), in more recent
works like (He et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022; Nguyen &
Huynh, 2022; Pandey et al., 2022; Pu et al., 2022)
transformer-based language models like BERT or
RoBERTa, that use self-attention to process input
sequences and generate contextualized
representations of words in a sentence, are employed
either in combination with linear classifiers for text
classification, or with CRFs in various architectures
(like CRFs on top of ensembles of one-hot encoders)
for the entity recognition (token classification) task.
In our methods, we combine transformer models
with sigmoid activation layers on top for text
classification. For entity extraction, inspired by
(Lample et al., 2016), we use a transition-based parser
for the sequence-labeling task, but this time combined
with transformer models for text representation. In
addition, we take one step further and experiment
with a two-stage pipeline consisting of a transformer-
based binary classifier for sentence classification and
a transformer-, transition- based parser for boundary
detection of the entities inside the sentence.
In parallel, systems that transform texts into
Knowledge Graphs can be considered a useful
component of the IE task, especially in the Science IE
Ontology-Driven Extraction of Contextualized Information from Research Publications
Figure 1: Scholarly Ontology core concepts and relations.
field where they have gained a lot of attention
recently. Many efforts like (Dessì et al., 2020;
D’Souza & Auer, 2022; Michel et al., 2020;
Steenwinckel et al., 2020) use off-the-shelf solutions
(such as DBpedia Spotlight, NCBO BioPortal
Annotator, CrossRef, DyGIE++, etc.) in specialized
domains of scientific literature, like Covid-19,
Named Entity Recognition (NER) or Artificial
Intelligence. Others like (Jaradeh et al., 2019) extract
instances of generic concepts, namely those of
process, method, material and data, using task-
specific neural architectures atop pretrained
SciBERT embeddings with a CRF-based sequence
tag decoder. In (Luan, He, et al., 2018), the authors
create a Knowledge Graph based on a unified
learning model for extracting scientific entities,
relations and coreference resolution. In our work we
adopt a modular architecture allowing for easy future
expansion where each module is independently
trained for the task at hand. In addition, we train all
our ML models on a dataset specifically curated for
the task at hand. Furthermore, we use mechanisms for
capturing semantic context by interrelating our
extracted entities and by associating them with
publication information and other Linked Data
repositories like ORCID
3.1 Conceptual Model
The schema for the Knowledge Graph at the output as
well as the definitions for all the concepts and
relations we employ are provided by the Scholarly
Ontology (SO) (Pertsas & Constantopoulos, 2017), a
domain-independent ontology of scholarly/scientific
work. A specialization, in fact precursor, of SO already
applied to the domain of Digital Humanities is the
NeDiMAH Methods Ontology (NeMO)
(Constantopoulos et al., 2016). A brief overview of SO
core concepts is given in the following section. For a
full account see (Pertsas & Constantopoulos, 2017).
The core concepts and relations of SO, which form
the basis for answering the “who”, “what”, and “how”
in the scholarly domain, are displayed in Figure 1. The
ontology is built around the central notion of activity,
viewed from three different perspectives: i) the agency
perspective, concerning actors and intentionality; ii)
the procedure perspective, concerning the intellectual
framework and organization of work; and iii) the
resource perspective, concerning the material and
immaterial objects consumed, used or produced in the
course of activities.
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 2: Textual spans of Method employed by Activity in neighbouring sentence and active voice.
Figure 3: Textual spans of a Method, employed by an Activity in passive voice.
In this paper we are dealing with the extraction of
textual representations of the SO concepts Activity
and Method as well as the relation employs(Act,Meth)
among them. Instances of the Activity class represent
research processes or steps thereof such as an
experiment, a medical or social study, an
archaeological excavation, etc. They usually manifest
in text as spans of phrases in passive or active voice
in first person singular or plural, according to the
number of authors who are their actual participants.
In contrast to activities, which are actual events
carried out by actors, instances of the Method class
denote procedures, such as an algorithm, a technique
or a scheme that can be employed during an activity
and describe how this was carried out. They are
usually designated by single or multiple word terms,
e.g. “ANOVA”, “radio-carbon dating”, etc., so their
manifestations in text are mostly identified as named
entities. Examples of textual manifestations of the
classes Activity, Method and of the relation
employs(Act,Meth) are shown in Figures 2 and 3.
SO provides for associating activities with their
respective methods and participants through the
relations employs(Act,Meth), and
hasParticipant(Act,Actor) respectively. Provenance
(e.g. the research article from where they were
extracted) of those entities and relations can be
modeled through the SO relations
isDocumentendIn(Act,ContentItem) or
isReferencedIn(Meth,ContentItem) and the class
ContentItem, a subclass of the SO Information
Resource Class which denotes all information
resources (or parts thereof) utilized for representing
content (e.g. articles, paragraphs, sections, etc.)
independently of their physical carriers.
3.2 The Dataset
To train and evaluate all our ML models we used a
manually annotated dataset consisting of 12,626
sentences. These sentences were derived from over
3,200 research articles (abstracts and main text) from
305 publishers spanning over 160 disciplines and
research subfields so as to cover a broad variety of
writing styles. The sentences were manually
annotated by three human annotators. After
appropriate training in SO, the annotators participated
in 5 consecutive annotation trials covering in total
500 sentences from 300 papers. Each trial was
followed by discussion on the results and evaluation
of the Inter Annotator Agreement (IAA) using the
Cohen’s Kappa metric for IAA on individual couples
and Fleiss’ Kappa for the group IAA. After the trials,
the best IAA scores reached 0.90 for Activity, 0.92 for
Method and 0.91 for employs(Act,Meth) respectively
yielding sufficient agreement levels so that annotators
could subsequently work on separate datasets. The
entire annotator training process lasted approximately
20 hours.
The annotation statistics of the final dataset after
adjudication, are shown in Table 1. At sentence level
the dataset contains 10,178 labels (i.e. each time a
sentence contains an entity, it is assigned a respective
label). At span level (as a span we consider each
individual text-chunk that is annotated as an entity)
there are in total 11,896 entity labels (i.e., labels
assigned to spans to denote them as activities or
methods). Finally at token level (as tokens we
consider individual lexical units like words,
punctuation marks, etc.) the dataset contains 128,914
labels (i.e., annotation labels assigned to tokens to
denote them as part of a textual span representing an
activity and/or a method). In addition, we created
4,754 textual spans bounded by any combination of
the extracted activities and methods, even if they
derive from neighbouring sentences (in order to
capture any possible coreferences), out of which
2,284 were annotated as employs(Act,Meth).
Compared to other published benchmarks in
ScienceIE tasks (Augenstein et al., 2017; Jain et al.,
2020; Luan, He, et al., 2018; QasemiZadeh &
Schumann, 2016) our dataset shows similar or higher
number of annotations, which renders it a good source
for ground truth in such experiments. The dataset was
randomly shuffled and split (hold-out method) into
training, development, and evaluation sets with the
Ontology-Driven Extraction of Contextualized Information from Research Publications
Figure 4: KG Creation. System architecture.
latter consisting of 20% of the entire dataset and the
development set consisting of 10% of the rest.
Table 1: Dataset Characteristics.
Annotations Activity Method Total
Sentence-level 5018 5160 10,178
Span-level 5506 6390 11,896
Token-level 110,298 18,616 128,914
employs(A,M) 2,284 spans 4,754 spans
3.3 Entity Extraction
For the entity extraction task, we developed a module
that receives as input a sentence, tokenizes it and
performs token-based classification in order to
identify whether each token belongs to a textual span
representing one of the entities to be extracted.
Because our entities can be overlapping, we treat each
entity recognition task independently. This also
allows for further entity recognizers to be added
easily in the future without having to retrain the
previous ones. In the work reported here, we use two
binary classifiers in order to identify and extract
textual spans for Activities and Methods. Specifically,
for each entity type we use two deep learning entity
recognizers by combining Bert-base-NER and
Roberta-base transformer models from the Hugging-
Face library
for vector representation and a
transition-based parser for the sequence labelling
part. Both transformer models and the transition-
based parser were fine-tuned / trained on the same
dataset. These are the models A-BERT-base-NER,
A-RoBERTa-base, for the extraction of Activities
and M-BERT-base-NER and M-RoBERTa-base
for the extraction of Methods.
In addition, we developed a two-stage pipeline
consisting of a text (sentence) classifier with an entity
recognizer on top (models: A-Pipeline and M-
Pipeline for Activities and Methods respectively).
The text classifier -consisting of a Transformer model
(RoBERTa-base) and a sigmoid activation layer-
receives as input a sentence and predicts whether it
contains the requested entity or not. If yes, the
sentence is then passed to the entity recognizer -
consisting of a transformer with a transition-based
parser- that performs token-based classification to
identify the boundaries of the extracted entity. The
entity recogniser (second component) of the pipeline
is trained only in detecting the boundaries of entities
inside sentences that contain them. The intuition
behind the pipeline is that, by splitting the task into
two simpler sub-tasks, each separate classifier will
achieve high enough accuracy for their concatenation
to produce better results despite any error
3.4 Relation Extraction
Extracting relations requires examining all plausible
entity pairs. For every pair of extracted
activity/method, the text chunk bounded by these two
entities, [entity1, ..., entity2], is treated as expressing
a candidate relation. In order to restrict the search to
a reasonable set of candidates but also to allow for
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 5: Excerpt from produced RDF Triples.
possible coreferences among sentences to be
resolved, a maximum limit of two (neighbouring)
sentences is set for candidate creation. A classifier
then determines whether the bounding entities of the
chunk satisfy the property employs(Act,Meth).
To this end, we developed a module that takes as
input the candidate textual span and predicts whether
the bounded entities satisfy the employs(Act,Meth)
relation. For the classification, we used a binary
classifier consisting of a transformer (BERT-base-
uncased and RoBERTa-base) model for text
representation, followed by a sigmoid activation layer
(models BERT-based-uncased and RoBERTa-
. Both the transformer model and the classifier
are fine-tuned/trained on the same dataset.
In addition, all the information extracted from text
(entities and relations) is further related to publication
information extracted from articles’ metadata. The
linking is based on post processing rules that map the
extracted activities and methods to the researchers
(authors of the paper) based on the corresponding SO
properties of hasParticipant and usesMethod
respectively. Provenance (e.g. the research article
from where they were extracted) of those entities and
relations can be modelled through the SO relations
isDocumentendIn or isReferencedIn among the
classes Activity / Method and the class ContentItem
which denotes all information resources (or parts
thereof) independently of their physical carriers. An
overview of the entire system’s modular architecture
is given in Figure 4.
3.5 URI Generation
At the final stage we transform the extracted and
contextualized information into RDF triples adhering
to the Linked Data standards. Specifically, regarding
the entities extracted from publication metadata, we
produce URIs for the authors (further linked, when
possible, with ORCID using the provided API) and
their affiliations (as instances of the SO Actor class
and corresponding subclasses Person and
Organization), the research article (as instance of the
ContentItem class) associated further with
publication information, such as publisher,
publication date, DOI etc., as well as disciplines
associated with each publication and author keywords
(as instances of the SO Topic class and its subclasses
Discipline and TopicKeyword respectively), using the
namespaces for SO, SKOS, RDFS and RDF when
Regarding the entities extracted from text, we
produce URIs for each extracted entity and relation
using the NIF
and SO namespaces for preserving the
context of the corresponding sentence and
instantiating the appropriate classes and relations
respectively. The output of the module is a set of RDF
triples containing approximately 300 triples per
publication on average. Figure 5 illustrates an
example of the produced triples regarding an
extracted textual span (label: “All individuals were
assigned pseudonyms”) representing an instance of
the Activity class.
The evaluation of Information Extraction methods
involves comparing classifier results against agold
standard” produced by human annotators. To this end,
a confusion matrix is calculated based on the true
positives (TP) -correctly classified predictions-, false
positives (FP) -incorrectly classified predictions-,
true negatives (TN) -correctly non-classified
predictions and false negatives (FN) -incorrectly non-
classified predictions. Performance scores are then
Ontology-Driven Extraction of Contextualized Information from Research Publications
Table 2: Entity Extraction Evaluation Results.
Token-based Entit
artial Entit
P R F1 P R F1 P R F1
A-Baseline 0.68 0.71 0.69 0.60 0.61 0.60 0.40 0.51 0.51
ase-NER 0.86 0.87 0.86 0.79 0.80 0.80 0.72 0.73 0.72
ase 0.82 0.91 0.85 0.76 0.84 0.79 0.69 0.76 0.73
A-Pipeline 0.86 0.90 0.88 0.80 0.83 0.81 0.73 0.77 0.75
M-Baseline 0.62 0.66 0.65 0.66 0.73 0.70 0.55 0.60 0.57
ase-NER 0.72 0.89 0.80 0.69 0.85 0.76 0.63 0.78 0.70
ase 0.75 0.85 0.78 0.73 0.83 0.77 0.67 0.76 0.70
M-Pipeline 0.80 0.83 0.82 0.76 0.79 0.78 0.70 0.72 0.71
Table 3: Pipeline components evaluation.
Pipeline P R F1
A-TexCat 0.91 0.93 0.92
A-NER 0.80 0.82 0.81
A-Pipeline 0.86 0.90 0.88
M-TextCat 0.90 0.91 0.90
M-NER 0.78 0.79 0.79
M-Pipeline 0.80 0.83 0.82
Table 4: Relation Extraction evaluation.
Model P R F1
Baseline 0.83 0.78 0.80
0.73 0.95 0.83
ase 0.82 0.95 0.87
measured based on Precision (P), Recall (R) and F1
scores computed as follows:
,𝑅 =
,𝐹1 =
For the entity extraction task, we conduct three types
of evaluation experiments inspired by the guidelines
in (Segura-Bedmar et al., 2013): 1) token-based,
where a true positive (TP) is a token correctly
classified as part of a chunk representing the entity,
etc.; 2) entity-based -partial matching, where some
overlap between the tagged entity and the “golden”
entity is required but counts as half compared to the
exact matches and 3) entity-based -strict matching,
where only exact boundaries of the entities are
counted for the match.
Table 2 shows evaluation results for each method
and entity type. For comparison reasons we included
a baseline model consisting of a residual CNN with
bloom embeddings that utilize a stochastic
approximation of traditional embeddings in order to
provide unique vectors for a large number of words
without explicitly storing a separate vector for each
of them (Miranda et al., 2022), trained on the same
dataset. Regarding the pipeline classifier which
consists of a sentence- and a token-based classifier in
tandem, detailed per stage and aggregate performance
results are shown in Table 3. The aggregate scores of
the pipeline are also shown in Table 2 for comparison
with the other methods.
The evaluation of employs(Act,Meth) relation
extraction methods involves comparing the predicted
relations among the gold standard entities in each test
set with those produced by the human annotators on
the basis of Precision, Recall and F1 scores calculated
as usual. A true positive (TP) is a chunk
[entity1,...,entity2] for which the classifier correctly
predicted the employs(act, meth) property; a false
positive (FP) is a chunk for which employs(Act,Meth)
was incorrectly predicted; and a false negative (FN)
is a chunk for which employs(Act,Meth) incorrectly
failed to be predicted. Table 4 shows the evaluation
results for the employs(Act,Meth) relation extraction
models using binary classifiers on top of Bert-base-
uncased and RoBERTa language models as well as
bloom embeddings (as baseline). All models are fine-
tuned/trained on the same dataset.
As a general comment regarding the Information
Extraction from text task, all methods except the
baselines performed well, demonstrating the
capabilities of transformer-based language models in
text representation over the simpler neural-based
methods (i.e. embeddings). Among the transformer
models, the RoBERTa-base outperformed BERT-
base in almost every metric, which can be attributed
to the fact that the RoBERTa model is pre-trained on
a much larger dataset (10 times larger) than BERT
and uses a dynamic masking technique during
training that helps it learn more robust and
generalizable representations of words.
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
5.1 Entity Extraction Evaluation
Concerning the entity extraction methods, the
pipeline architecture exhibited the best performance
in all experiments and entity types, yielding up to 4%
performance increase (F1 M-Pipeline) which proves
our initial intuition that -splitting the task into two
simpler ones -those of i) sentence classification and
ii) boundary detection only in sentences with entities-
would yield overall better performance, despite the
possible error propagation.
The latter seems to be of less importance since the
sentence classifier (first component) achieves very
high recall, which yields the majority of the sentences
containing entities to the input of the second
component that focuses only on detecting the
boundaries inside the sentence. However, as can be
observed from the difference in performance among
the various evaluation experiments (e.g. compare the
F1 scores among token-based, entity-based-partial
and entity-based-strict evaluations), the exact
boundaries of the entity -even with the pipeline- are
difficult to capture. This can be attributed to the fact
that our entities are quite complex in terms of length
variance, or/and lexico-syntactic structure which
makes them difficult to isolate from the rest of the text
in a sentence.
Regarding the Method class, lesser performance
compared to the Activity classifiers can be attributed
to the fewer labelled tokens on the dataset since each
Method entity consists of much fewer tokens, on
average. This could also be the reason for the lesser
performance of the M-NER boundary detector model
that “drags down” the entire M-pipeline performance.
Error analysis showed that most errors were attributed
to cases with long names (more than 3 tokens) and /or
names containing multiple punctuation marks that
seemed to confuse the classifier in identifying the
correct boundaries of the entity (e.g. “Tests of
population genetic structure and nested clade
phylogeographic analysis (NCPA) [12,13] were used
to infer connectivity on both sides of the Amazon
basin.”). However, even in such cases, at least 50%
of the tokens of the span representing the entity name
were captured correctly by the classifier.
Regarding the recognition of textual spans
representing instances of the Activity class, error
analysis attributes the majority of errors to cases of
passive voice where the agent (implied or not) was
other than the authors of the paper. These cases
usually refer to statements regarding someone else
(e.g. "In [54] linguistic analysis was performed on
10000 samples from MeCaB database.") and seem to
be classified (erroneously) as research activities of the
authors, although this is clearly not the case.
However, similar cases of agents other than the
authors of the paper, but in active voice, do not seem
to confuse the classifier. This can be attributed to the
lexico-syntactic complexities of passive voice,
especially when the length of the sentence is big, and
could probably be resolved with more training data
(focused on passive voice).
Additional errors were detected in boundaries of
the entities, where the classifier seemed to set the end-
boundary one or two tokens after the proper end (e.g.
“We collected data from more than 200 crania to test
hypotheses about the relationships between cranial
variation and genetic time and space in the Aleutian
Islands.”). In such cases, where only the last one or
two tokens of the entity are erroneously classified, the
boundary can be fixed with post processing rules.
5.2 Relation Extraction Evaluation
In relation extraction, like in entity extraction,
transformer-based models exhibited superior
performance. Error analysis suggests that
misclassifications are mostly due to sentences with
multiple entities, where the classifier failed to
interrelate all the entities properly. For example,
consider the excerpt: “Pre-test data were collected
and analysed using T-test, while post-test were
further analysed using ANOVA and two-way
ANOVA.” Here the classifier erroneously related the
methods ANOVA and two-way ANOVA to the first
activity (“pre-test data were collected and analysed
using T-test”), although this is not the case based on
the actual text.
In addition, in cases with adjacent sentences
where both sentences contained a lot of entities, the
majority of misclassifications involved a method of
the first sentence being erroneously related to the
second sentence even if this was clearly not the case.
For example, consider the excerpt: “We employed
both Logistic Regression and SVM to conduct the
classification experiments and then analysed the
results using T-test. The latter was used in
combination with ART tests to prove the statistical
significance of our results.”. In this case the classifier
erroneously related all the extracted methods
(Logistic Regression, SVM and T-Test) of the first
sentence, with the activity of the second sentence,
although this was the case for only the last one (T-
Concerning the two-sentence limit for textual
chunks construction, by visual observation of more
than 1000 relations, we were able to notice that the
majority of references occurred inside the sentence
Ontology-Driven Extraction of Contextualized Information from Research Publications
with very few cases of reference to a method from an
adjacent sentence and none more than two sentences
apart, thus justifying the heuristic for a two-sentence
limit in chunk creation.
5.3 Knowledge Graph Creation
Regarding the KG creation using post-processing
rules that extract metadata and link them to the
extracted entities, the system exhibited very good
performance since it relies solely on pre-constructed
mappings between fixed schemas. Few isolated
incidents (lower than 1%) of improper association
were due to errors in tags (e.g. non-Unicode
characters or few missed entries that produced
inconsistencies) and can be treated with additional
escape rules as part of the general debugging process.
The KG created as described in this paper offers
structured semantic views of the content of
publications, which enhance our capability for
comprehensive exploration of research work. This
can be demonstrated through semantically complex
queries executed over the KB. Indicative such
queries, expressed in SPARQL are presented below:
Query 1: Retrieve all activities that employ any
method regarding reconstruction (e.g. 2D or 3D
reconstruction) in Paleontology.
?a rdfs:label ?a_label.
?a so:employs ?m.
?m so:comesFromDiscipline so:Paleontology.
?m rdfs:label ?m_label.
Here, using the SO relation
(so:comesFromDiscipline) and the filter contains
SPARQL expression, all the method labels
containing –in lower or upper case- the word
“reconstruction” and coming from the discipline of
Paleontology can be retrieved. They are then
associated with the activities that employ them.
Query 2: For a specific paper (e.g. “Paper1”),
retrieve all the research activities conducted by the
authors along with the methods they employed.
SELECT ?m_label ?a_label
?a so:isDocumentedIn so:Paper1.
?a rdfs:label ?a_label.
?a so:employs / rdfs:label ?m_label.}
Here, through the use of property chains in
SPARQL, the overall activity reported in a paper is
decomposed into a series of activities denoting
what the authors have done, associated with the
methods employed during those activities. In this
way, questions of “what” and “how” regarding the
activities described in a research publication can be
answered. Thus, the reader obtains an enhanced
“bird’s-eye” view of what is described in a paper
before actually reading it. Additional information
regarding the authors and their research interests, can
also be retrieved using the appropriate SO classes and
We presented a system that extracts contextualized
information from scholarly publications and creates
an RDF Knowledge Graph. The entire process is
ontology-driven, based on the concepts and
definitions provided by Scholarly Ontology,
specifically designed for documenting scholarly
work. We focused on the extraction of two types of
entities, research methods and research activities, and
of the relation employs(Act,Meth) denoting that an
activity employs a particular method. This was
integrated with information drawn from publication
metadata, also on the basis of the ontology.
For the entity extraction task, we used transition-
based parsers on top of BERT and RoBERTa
transformer models for text representation. In
addition, we used a two-stage pipeline architecture,
comprising a transformer-based binary classifier for
detecting the existence of entities in a sentence, in
tandem with a transition-based parser for boundary
To extract the employs(Act,Meth) relation, we
used two transformer-based binary classifiers
employing BERT and RoBERTa language models
respectively. All our ML models are fine-tuned and
trained on the same -manually curated- dataset
consisting of 12,626 sentences from scholarly
publications, specifically curated for the tasks at
Evaluation was based on token-based, entity-
partial-based and entity-exact-based calculations of
P, R and F1 scores for each ML method and
entity/relation type. Results showed higher
performance of the pipeline architecture and overall
good performance of the transformer-based models
compared to a baseline approach that uses
embeddings for textual representation.
Future work includes expanding the Knowledge
Graph with recognition and extraction of other
entities of the ontology, such as researchers’
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
assertions based on the outcomes of their activities,
the activities’ objectives (i.e., research goals) and
information from citations, as well as linking
extracted entities with other knowledge bases across
the Web, such as Wikidata, for named entity mentions
and Open Citations for bibliographic information.
The authors would like to thank Marialena Kasapaki
and Panagiotis Leontaridis for their important
contributions to the training of the DL models.
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