Knowledge Discovery for Risk Assessment in Economic and
Food Safety
Maria Clara Silva
, Brigida Monica Faria
1,2 a
and Luis Paulo Reis
2,3 b
ESS, Polytechnic of Porto (ESS-P.PORTO), Rua Dr. Antonio Bernardino de Almeida, 400 4200 - 072 Porto, Portugal
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory (LIACC- Member of LASI LA),
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, sn 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP), Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, sn, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Food Safety, Risk Assessment, Public Health, Knowledge Discovery.
Abstract: Foodborne diseases continue to spread widely in the 21st century. In Portugal, the Economic and Food Safety
Authority (ASAE), have the goal of monitoring and preventing non-compliance with regulatory legislation
on food safety, regulating the conduct of economic activities in the food and non-food sectors, as well as
accessing and communicating risks in the food chain. This work purpose and evaluated a global risk indicator
considering three risk factors provided by ASAE (non-compliance rate, product or service risk and
consumption volume). It also compares the performance on the prediction of risk of four classification models
Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbor and Artificial Neural Network before and after feature
selection and hyperparameter tuning. The principal findings revealed that the service provider, food and
beverage and retail were the activity sectors present in the dataset with the highest global risk associated with
them. It was also observed that the Decision Tree classifier presented the best results. It was also verified that
data balancing using the SMOTE method led to a performance increase of about 90% with the Decision Tree
and k-Nearest Neighbor models. The use of machine learning can be helpful in risk assessment related to food
safety and public health. It was possible to conclude that areas regarding major global risks are the ones that
are more frequented by the population and require more attention. Thus, relying on risk assessment using
machine learning can have a positive influence on economic crime prevention related to food safety as well
as public health.
Worldwide, hazardous foods contribute to a
significant number of food-related illnesses, resulting
in a substantial number of deaths annually (WHO,
2023). Besides the health and social issues, food-
associated diseases also provoke an enormous
economic impact on society. It was registered in the
United States that those food-related illnesses cause
an economic impact with costs estimated to be in the
billions of dollars every year (Hoffmann et al., 2015).
Food safety measures also imply an expense of
around seven billion dollars each year from the
notification of consumers to the subsidy of the
amends from lawsuits.
Economic and Food Safety Authority (ASAE)
(ASAE, 2023) is a national authority established in
Portugal with administrative autonomy that pretends
to supervise and prevent non-compliance with the
regulatory legislation regarding food safety, govern
the conduct of economic activities in the food and
non-food sectors, as well as to assess and
communicate risks in the food chain (Magalhães et al.
2019) (Magalhães et al. 2020). ASAE is also
responsible for communicating with its counterparts
at an international level. ASAE was created in 2006
and it is an entity that aims to project itself as a
reference entity in consumer safety, public health,
safeguarding market rules and free competition by
providing public service (ASAE, 2023) (Pinto et al.,
2019). ASAE is ruled by a code of conduct and ethics
established in four points: common rules, inspection
Silva, M., Faria, B. and Reis, L.
Knowledge Discovery for Risk Assessment in Economic and Food Safety.
DOI: 10.5220/0012254200003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 445-452
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
area, scientific and laboratory area and procedure
decisions area. ASAE acts on complaints,
denouncements and reports that are submitted via
telephone contact, e-mail, fax, website or even in
person (ASAE, 2023) (Filgueiras et al., 2019). The
main goal of this work is to assess the risk related to
food safety, public health and economics, using the
information provided by ASAE. Data was gathered
over the years by ASAE’s specialists and inspectors
through inspections from all over the country. The
risk assessment task was performed considering three
risk factors given by ASAE, namely the non-
compliance rate, product or service risk and
consumption volume to be considered for the global
risk. Another objective was to create a predictive
system using classification models and employing
global risk as the output variable.
This paper is organized into five sections:
Introduction, Risk Assessment and Related Work,
Methodology, Results and Discussion and a last
section with Conclusions and Future Work.
The goal of risk assessment is to help individuals or
organizations make informed decisions and take
appropriate actions to minimize the negative impact
of potential risks. This section presents the concept of
risk in public health and several approaches to assess
risk based on machine learning.
2.1 Risk in Public Health
Risk has been defined in a variety of ways and it is
commonly associated with words like “hazard” and
“uncertainty”. Nowadays, some of the definitions are
“the possibility of loss, injury, disadvantage, or
destruction” or “the likelihood that harm will occur”
(Jannadi and Almishari, 1999) (Dilley et al., 2001). In
this work, the risk is assumed as the probability and
severity of hazard outcomes caused by internal or
external vulnerabilities of a certain activity and it can
be avoided with preventive actions (Jannadi and
Almishari, 1999) (Dilley et al., 2001). When applied
the concept to the food and public health industry, can
be described as a hazard present in products that cause
harm of a certain magnitude. Food safety has been
defined as the “concept that food will not cause harm
to the consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten
according to intended use” (Borchers et al., 2010).
We can never be assured that a certain food is not
contaminated because it is impossible to perform
every test to guarantee that every single item is free
of toxins, foodborne pathogens, adulterants or
contaminants. This would also have a huge economic
impact as it would be extremely expensive to analyze
in such detail (Jannadi and Almishari, 1999). Despite
this, almost every country has a food safety agency
such as ASAE in Portugal and EFSA in Europe (Fung
et al., 2008) (EFSA, 2023). These agencies oversee
food safety and define a “reasonable certainty of no
harm” and regulate the additives that are allowed in
food and the levels of unavoidable contaminants that
are acceptable (Jannadi and Almishari, 1999).
2.2 Risk Assessment Approaches
According to (Hedge and Rokseth, 2020) Artificial
Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines (SVM),
followed by Decision Trees are the classification
models that have been used the most for risk
assessment approaches. Artificial Neural Networks
(ANN) are advantageous since they use non-
mathematical equations to develop important
relationships between input and output variables
(Hedge and Rokseth, 2020). ANN also require less
formal statistical training to develop, and they possess
the ability to encounter all possible interactions
between the input and the output variable (Hedge and
Rokseth, 2020) (Paltrinieri et al., 2019). These are the
main reasons why so many authors use ANN for
classification problems. In the study, the ANN
provided good results with performances higher than
80%. However, despite the good results, the ANN is
known to cause overfitting, as in, the relationship
between a given input and output variable is
generalized to a specific dataset (Paltrinieri et al.,
2019). Also, ANN usually takes longer to train than
other classification models. According to (van den
Bulk et al., 2022) out of the models, the k-NN, SVM
and NB are the algorithms that have been used the
most frequently in the context of food safety
prediction and monitoring. According to the authors,
the NB structure is easier to understand, when
compared to other ML models. It appears to be a
promising model for analyzing data in the context of
food safety since it is capable of dealing with a variety
of different drivers such as economic factors, climate
change and human behaviour to predict future events
of food safety risks. A study for risk assessment using
machine learning (Galindo and Tamayo, 2000)
showed that the ANN provided the second-best
results of 85% and the k-NN provided the third-best
results of 83%. Decision Trees perform better than
Naïve Bayes (NB) when applied to risk prediction of
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
healthcare accidents according to (Awad and Khanna,
2015). Decision Trees cab be less effective in
predicting the outcome of a continuous variable.
A study on food safety (Wu and Weng, 2021)
where four different ML were implemented (Random
Forest, Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes and
Support Vector Machine) showed that NB and SVM
performed best out of the four, with a performance
around 90%. It is defended that SVM tends to
perform well in risk assessment tasks, because of their
ability to generalize well in a great number of
features. Despite their good performances for large
datasets, according to (Paltrinieri et al., 2019), ANN
still performs better. Nonetheless, more traditional
methods such as the NB and SVM are still better
options for classification problems, since ANNs tend
to perform well only in huge datasets. SVM are more
commonly used in classification problems and
usually performs better than DT. Even though they
are not as popular in regression tasks as they are in
classification tasks.
The methodology employed in this work is based on
the Knowledge Discovery in Databases phases,
involving risk assessment and risk classification
models. The data used in this work is based on real
data regarding reports, complaints and
denouncements that were submitted to the Economic
and Food Safety Authority, being a real use case
combining risk assessment, food safety and infraction
3.1 Problem Definition
ASAE executes its inspections outlined following
action guidelines based on central planning
articulated with regional planning with criteria
previously established in the Inspection and
Oversights Plan, resulting from internal
investigations carried out by the Information Analysis
and Research Division or, if determined, by a superior
level (PNFA, 2023). ASAE, being an authority that
brings together, in terms of competencies, all aspects
of risk analysis, namely risk assessment, management
and communication, must assume an integrated
strategy (ASAE, 2023). ASAE has to collect and
analyze data that allow the characterization and
assessment of risks that have a direct or indirect
impact on food safety, ensuring public and
transparent communication of risks and promoting
the dissemination of information on food safety with
consumers (PNFA, 2023).
To help ASAE with the risk assessment matter, it
is important to develop a predictive system model
based on information regarding reports on infractions,
complaints and denouncements collected from
inspections from previous years, using data mining
techniques. This classification model for risk
assessment should use global risk labels previously
3.2 Data Selection
The dataset is divided into three categories: the ASAE
reports dataset which refers to the reports made to
ASAE, the complaints submitted to ASAE and the
denouncements submitted to ASAE in the indicated
Data were collected in Portugal from North to
South, in the years ranging between 2001 and 2019.
The dataset referring to the ASAE reports contained
185505 subjects and 65 variables, the dataset
referring to the complaints contained 493482 subjects
and five variables and lastly the dataset referring to
the denouncements contained 165057 subjects and
five variables. The datasets also contain information
related to the number of denouncements, complaints,
arrests, closed establishments and other important
information collected from the ASAE inspectors that
have a high prevalence for the risk evaluation.
Despite the inspections-related information, there is
also present information regarding the activity sectors
and areas of action of the entities as well as
operational areas. The number of variables in the
ASAE datasets was reduced to contain the most
valuable information. Table 1 presents information
regarding the variables present in the dataset.
3.3 Data Pre-Processing
To achieve clean and duplicate-free data, it was
performed a data pre-processing of the dataset
included the complaints, denouncements and ASAE
reports. A search for missing values, noisy data and
duplicate values was performed. All data cleaning
operations were done following the steps: search and
remove lines with missing values and noisy data
considering the columns “target entity ID” and “target
entity name”; search for missing values and noisy
data considering the columns containing numeric
variables and replacing it with the median. All the
duplicates were aggregated and it was observed that
some entities presented a similar name only differing
in one point or comma, so it was assumed as an error
Knowledge Discovery for Risk Assessment in Economic and Food Safety
and that they belong to the same entity. To correct this
typo, the entities with very similar names were
merged using a similarity value of 95%. Table 2
summarises the number of missing values and
duplicates identified in the datasets.
Table 1: Dataset variables.
Variable Domain Variable Domain
No. of arrests 0,…,311
Year of
No. of closed
Month of
No. of
with offences
Public health,
No. of
with crimes
0,…,5 Target type
No. of
Activities of
No. of
1,…, 2035
No. of notices 0,…,10
Coffee shop,
No. of
with offences
True, false
No. of
with crimes
with crimes
True, false
No. of
inspections in a
partial state
No. of autos
with offences
No. of autos
with crimes
entity name
Name of the
No. of missing
with offences
entity ID
Number with
seven digits
No. of missing
with crimes
Date of
No. of instant
*The real ID and names of the entities cannot be disclosed because
of data privacy.
Table 2: Missing values and duplicates in the datasets.
Complaints 493481 41 415819 77621
165056 43 61205 103808
185504 4196 92549 88759
3.4 Risk Assessment
Three criteria were defined in the economics and food
area to determine risk: non-compliance rate, product
and service risk and consumption volume.
Non-compliance rate (NCR) is related to the legal
aspects of the process. The NCR is estimated with an
analysis of the total number of processes from the
previous year. The risk is directly proportional to the
NCR, so the higher the NCR, the bigger the risk. The
non-compliance rate is described using the degree of
nonconformity in the oversights, the level of risk to
public health and the economic safety of the
Product or service risk (PSR) can be established
using the number of denouncements and complaints
received at ASAE from the previous year, with the
estimation of the risk elaborated by the Division of
Food Risk to the Food Area of ASAE and
communications by other national and international
entities like INFARMED (2023) (National Authority
for Medicines and Health Products, I.P.) and the
European Commission (RASFF, 2023), among
others. These external indicators allow for detecting
patterns in some economic activity sectors in need of
an oversight intervention. The risk based on
denouncements and complaints increases as the
number of denouncements and complaints increases.
Consumption volume (CV) includes the analysis
of the number of workers and business volume from
the previous year. The data is collected from external
and trustworthy entities like the National Institute of
Statistics (INE, 2023), PORDATA (2023) and/ or
academic institutions.
The micro risk (MIR) is determined by the product
of the three risk factors and calculated by the entity
considering the following Equation 1:
where NCR is the non-compliance rate, PSR is the
product or service risk and CV is the consumption
volume. A macro risk (Equation 2) was determined
by the three risk factors, an ASAE utility and the
activity sector.
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
where, MAR
, represents the macro risk sum, NCR
is the non-compliance rate, PSR is the product or
service risk, CV is the consumption volume, U
represents the two cases of ASAE utility and as is the
activity sector.
The ASAE utility is a feature needed for the
macro risk determination. It is a value that ranges
between 0 and 4, where 0 represents the lowest utility
or importance attributed to a particular area and 4
represents the highest utility or importance
designated to a particular area. The utility was
attributed differently by area for two cases to produce
more variance and create distinct approaches for the
macro risk. Table 3 describes how the ASAE utility
was assigned.
Table 3: Missing values and duplicates in the datasets.
Area Case 1 Case 2
Other 0 0
Cultural and well-being activities 1 1
Food and beverage 2 4
Food and health industry 3 2
Healthcare 4 3
The activity sector was assessed considering the
variable “target type” since it was the most complete
and accurate for the data.
The global risk was determined by the product
between the micro risk and macro risk, and it is
represented in Equation 3 as:
where, GR
, i=1,2 represents the two cases of the
global risk, MIR represents the micro risk and MAR
represents the two cases of the macro risk. The global
risk was classified into five levels considering the
different levels of risk.
3.5 Risk Assessment Using a
Classification Approach
Four learning-based algorithms were applied to the
data for the risk classification prediction task: a
Decision Tree algorithm with a splitter number with
the default “best”, to choose the best split at each
node, an Artificial Neural Network algorithm with
100 iterations for the model to converge in the
training step, with a learning rate of 0.001, a k-
Nearest Neighbor algorithm with k=5 and a Naïve
Bayes algorithm with an additive smoothing
parameter of 1.0. The categorical variable “target
type”, which refers to the activity sector, was coded
between 0 and 10. The input variables chosen by
ASAE were the number of arrests, closed
establishments, infractions with offences, infractions
with crimes, denouncements and complaints and the
target type. The results were assessed using three
evaluation metrics: precision, recall and F1-score. A
final experiment was performed aimed to balance the
data using the Synthetic Minority Oversampling
Technique (SMOTE) method (Chawla, 2002).
ASAE provided a dataset regarding information from
inspections with data collected from entities in
Portugal, from North to South, within the timeline of
18 years, starting in 2001 until 2019. This section
presents the achieved results, starting with an
exploratory analysis.
4.1 Exploratory Data Analysis
The next analysis refers to an exploratory analysis of
the numeric variables. Table 4 shows the mean,
median and standard deviation of the quantitative
Table 4: Statistical measures of numeric variables.
Variable Mean Median SD
No. of arrests 0.121 0 0.861
No. of closed establishments 0.142 0 0.667
No. of infractions with offences 3.305 1 6.444
No. of infractions with crimes 0.322 0 2.482
No. of complaints 1.326 0 31.138
No. of denouncements 0.278 0 2.282
No. of inspections in a partial state 0.044 0 0.331
No. of notices 0.501 0 1.255
No. of proceedings with offences 1.497 1 2.043
No. of proceedings with crimes 0.203 0 1.118
No. of missing proceedings with
0.217 0 0.754
No. of missing proceedings with
0.066 0 0.911
No. of instant proceedings 1.734 1 2.491
No. of autos with offences 1.584 1 1.972
No. of autos with crimes 0.258 0 1.844
Legend: SD – Standard Deviation.
It is possible to observe that the median is zero for
variables related to the number of arrests, closed
establishments, infractions with crimes, complaints,
denouncements, inspections in a partial state, notices,
Knowledge Discovery for Risk Assessment in Economic and Food Safety
proceedings with crimes, missing proceedings with
offences, missing proceedings with crimes and the
number of autos with crimes. However, for the
number of infractions with offences, proceedings
with offences, instant proceedings and autos with
offences, the median was 1. The mean of the variables
ranged between 0.044 and 3.305, which means a
dataset with a high content of zeros in each variable.
Figure 1: Complaints and denouncement distribution: a) the
number of complaints through the years 2006 until 2019; b)
the number of complaints by month between the years 2017
and 2019; c) the number of denouncements through the
years 2008 until 2019, d) number of denouncements by
month between the years 2017 and 2019.
The number of overall non-compliances,
denouncements and complaints was very low, which
will also lead to low risk associated with it.
The years from 2001 to 2004 were not assessed
since they mostly presented zeros. The same
happened in some variables for the years between
2004 and 2007. It is also important to mention that the
year 2019 is incomplete and only presents the months
of January and February. For the seven variables
chosen (number of complaints, denouncements,
arrests, closed establishments, infractions with
offences and infractions with crimes) it was also
determined the variation through the months between
the years 2017 and 2019.
The number of initiated complaints varied
through the years (Fig. 1 a.) The year 2013 was the
year with more complaints (around 180000) and 2012
was the year with fewer complaints (under 1000). Fig.
1 b. shows that July, August and November presented
the highest number of complaints in 2018. The
number of denouncements presented small variations,
being quite homogenous (Fig. 1 c.). The number of
denouncements was above 10000 for every year,
except for 2019 which only included the two first
months of the year. Fig. 1 d. shows that every month
presented more than 1000 denouncements. In 2017
the only two months with a considerable number of
denouncements were January and February.
4.2 Risk Assessment Results
This section presents the results of the risk analysis
performed using the three risk factors, the micro risk
and the macro risk and the global risk for the selected
activity sector.
The three activity sectors with a higher
consumption volume and non-compliance rate were
the service provider, food and beverage and retail.
The product or service risk was higher for the service
provider, food and beverage and storer. The
distribution of the risk factors through the 10 activity
sectors followed a similar pattern, however, for the
non-compliance rate and product or service risk, the
numbers were very low compared to the consumption
volume. The micro risk represents the product
between the three risk factors. Fig. 2 shows that the
activity sectors with higher micro risk were the
service provider, food and beverage and retail.
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 2: Micro risk by activity sector.
This is explained since the micro risk is the result
of the NCR, PSR and CV, so the activity sectors with
a higher micro risk would be the same as the ones
with a higher NCR, PSR and CV. Analogous to the
macro and the global risks. It was also possible to
observe that the sectors with ASAE utility 1 overall
demonstrated a higher macro risk than the sectors
with ASAE utility 2. The results from the risk
analysis showed that the service provider (around
60%), food and beverage (around 30%) and retail
(around 20%) were the activity sectors with a higher
prevalence of global risk.
4.3 Risk Analysis Classification
Table 5: Global risk (GR1,2) classification results.
Model FS HT TT (s) Prec Recall F1-Sc
without without 0.003 0.55 0.59 0.55
with 0.002 0.60 0.54 0.60
with without 0.004 0.57 0.59 0.57
with 0.002 0.54 0.59 0.55
without without 0.001 0.46 0.46 0.46
with 0.001 0.46 0.46 0.46
with without 0.001 0.46 0.46 0.46
with 0.001 0.46 0.46 0.46
without without 0.010 0.55 0.57 0.56
with 0.005 0.55 0.57 0.56
with without 0.010 0.54 0.56 0.55
with 0.005 0.54 0.56 0.55
without 1.563 0.57 0.61 0.58
with 0.565 0.57 0.61 0.58
with without 1.582 0.54 0.58 0.56
with 0.758 0.54 0.58 0.56
Legend: FS – feature selection; HP hyperparameter tunning; TT
– training time; Prec – precision; F1-Sc – F1-Score
A classification experiment was performed as
previously described in the methodology. Four
different classification models were chosen for the
global risk classification prediction: Decision Tree, k-
Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes and Artificial Neural
Network. Feature selection, using seven features, was
applied to the classification experiment, using the
Chi-square feature selection method. The results
(Table 5) showed that the performances of the
classifiers in general did not improve with the
application of feature selection. This can mainly be
explained because some of the variables selected by
feature selection presented a very high number of
zeros. The performance of the NB was the same for
all the experiments above.
By balancing the data using SMOTE, it is possible
to observe in Table 6 that the results improved
Table 6: Global risk (GR1,2) classification results using
SMOTE to balance data.
Time (s)
Precision Recall
DT 0.007 0.972 0.972 0.972
NB 0.001 0.770 0.739 0.726
k-NN 0.003 0.930 0.928 0.927
ANN 0.614 0.873 0.867 0.840
The results from this experiment indicate, that the
low performances were due to the asymmetry in data.
With balanced data, it was presented results of 93%
for the k-NN and 98% for the DT.
In this study, the risk assessment was performed using
the global risk, determined using three risk factors
(NCR, PSR and CV), the micro risk and the macro
risk. The risk assessment was performed by activity
sector, and it was possible to observe that the service
provider, the food and beverage and the retail were
the areas with the biggest risk associated with, when
taking into consideration the number of infractions
committed by the entity, the number of complaints
and denouncements done by the costumers and the
size of the entity in terms of the number of workers.
The service provider embraces hospitals and other
entities that provide services to the population. The
food and beverage include coffee shops, restaurants
and other similar entities. Retail includes entities such
as supermarkets, among other entities that sell
products to the population. These areas are usually
crowded by people, and for that matter the number of
dissatisfactions is higher, leading to an increase in the
number of complaints and denouncements. The need
Knowledge Discovery for Risk Assessment in Economic and Food Safety
to implement a risk assessment system based on
machine learning techniques has increased
significantly in the past few years with the
improvement of artificial intelligence and
applications. Although the performances were not
very high, except in the balanced dataset experiment,
however, it was still possible to observe the use of
machine learning in risk assessment could be very
advantageous for the prediction of hazards and
dangers related to food safety and public health.
For future work, it would be relevant to gather
information regarding the consumption value. This
would change the way the consumption volume was
determined since the number of workers was the only
used factor. Also as future work, different weights
could be assigned to the features in the risk equations,
thus creating diverse emphasis on each risk factor.
This work was supported by Base Funding UIDB- 00027-
2020 of LIACC - funded by national funds through the
FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC), by project IA.SAE, funded by
FCT through program INCoDe.2030 and CIGESCOP
Centro Inteligente de Gestão e Controlo Operacional
(POCI-05-5762-FSE-000215) by COMPETE 2020 (Fundo
Social Europeu – FSE).
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KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval