Quantifying Fairness Disparities in Graph-Based Neural Network
Recommender Systems for Protected Groups
Nikzad Chizari
1 a
, Keywan Tajfar
2 b
, Niloufar Shoeibi
1 c
and Mar
ıa N. Moreno-Garc
1 d
Department of Computer Science and Automation, Science Faculty, University of Salamanca,
Plaza de los Ca
ıdos sn, 37008 Salamanca, Spain
College of Science, School of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, Department of Statistics,
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Recommender Systems, Bias, Fairness, Graph-Based Neural Networks.
The wide acceptance of Recommender Systems (RS) among users for product and service suggestions has led
to the proposal of multiple recommendation methods that have contributed to solving the problems presented
by these systems. However, the focus on bias problems is much more limited. Some of the most successful
and recent methods, such as Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), present problems of bias amplification and
unfairness that need to be detected, measured, and addressed. In this study, an analysis of RS fairness is
conducted, focusing on measuring unfairness toward protected groups, including gender and age. We quantify
fairness disparities within these groups and evaluate recommendation quality for item lists using a metric based
on Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG). Most bias assessment metrics in the literature are only
valid for the rating prediction approach, but RS usually provide recommendations in the form of item lists.
The metric for lists enhances the understanding of fairness dynamics in GNN-based RS, providing a more
comprehensive perspective on the quality and equity of recommendations among different user groups.
The abundance of information poses a challenge for
users to find products that align with their prefer-
ences, and to address this, Recommender Systems
(RS) have proven to be essential tools. These systems
are now widely integrated into diverse applications
like E-commerce platforms, entertainment platforms,
social networks, and lifestyle apps (Ricci et al., 2022;
Zheng and Wang, 2022; P
erez-Marcos et al., 2020;
Lin et al., 2022; Chen et al., 2020). RS cannot only
help lessen the problem of information overload but
also lead to personalization based on users’ interests
(Rajeswari and Hariharan, 2016).
A great amount of research work in this area has
been dedicated to enhancing the performance of RS
and addressing their issues, among which bias mitiga-
tion is one of the most recent. Two of the most critical
issues for RS are bias and fairness, which can lead to
discrimination. A systematic and persistent departure
from a true value or an accurate portrayal of reality
is referred to as bias, which occurs when a variety
of elements that affect the decision-making or judg-
ment process are present. Biases often come from un-
derlying imbalances and inequalities in data, result-
ing in biased recommendations that can influence in
users’ choices of consumption (Boratto and Marras,
2021; Misztal-Radecka and Indurkhya, 2021). Also,
algorithm design can result in bias and discrimina-
tion in automated decisions (Misztal-Radecka and In-
durkhya, 2021; Gao et al., 2022b).
The widespread use of artificial intelligence and
machine learning techniques in society has resulted
in undesirable effects due to biased models, including
economic, legal, ethical, and security issues that can
harm companies (Di Noia et al., 2022; Fahse et al.,
2021; Kordzadeh and Ghasemaghaei, 2022; Boratto
et al., 2021; Boratto and Marras, 2021; Wang et al.,
2023). Moreover, users may be dissatisfied with bi-
ased recommendations, further exacerbating the prob-
lem (Gao et al., 2022a). In addition, mitigation of
bias is a concern of international organizations whose
regulations include obligations related to this issue,
especially in sensitive areas. (Di Noia et al., 2022).
Chizari, N., Tajfar, K., Shoeibi, N. and Moreno-García, M.
Quantifying Fairness Disparities in Graph-Based Neural Network Recommender Systems for Protected Groups.
DOI: 10.5220/0012258700003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 176-187
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The effects of decision making based on biased mod-
els can also be ethical and lead to decisions that dis-
criminate against minority or marginalized groups.
Recent advances in deep learning, including
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), have improved per-
formance of RS and addressed challenges, even with
sparse data (Mu, 2018; Yu et al., 2023). GNNs excel
at capturing relationships in graph data through mes-
sage passing (Zhou et al., 2020) and have gained pop-
ularity for various graph-related tasks (Dong et al.,
2022b; Zhang et al., 2021; Wu et al., 2020b). How-
ever, they raise concerns about bias and fairness,
potentially discriminating against demographic sub-
groups defined by sensitive attributes like age, gen-
der, or race. Addressing biases in GNNs remains rela-
tively unexplored (Dong et al., 2022b; Dai and Wang,
2021; Dong et al., 2022a; Chen et al., 2022; Xu et al.,
2021; Zeng et al., 2021; Chizari et al., 2022).
In RS, user-item interactions can be viewed as
graphs, with the potential for improvement through
additional data like social dynamics or context. While
neural network-based methods, especially deep learn-
ing, have gained traction in RS, they excel at captur-
ing complex user-item relationships. However, they
are limited to Euclidean data, struggling with intricate
high-order structures (Zhou et al., 2020; Gao et al.,
2022b). Recent advancements in Graph Neural Net-
works (GNNs) have addressed these limitations by
extending deep learning’s capabilities to handle non-
Euclidean complexities (Bronstein et al., 2017; Li,
Several investigations have underscored the influ-
ence of graph structures and the underlying message-
passing mechanisms within GNNs, shedding light
on their propensity to accentuate both fairness con-
cerns and broader social biases (Chizari et al., 2022;
Dai and Wang, 2021; Chizari et al., 2023). No-
tably, within the landscape of social networks featur-
ing graph architectures, nodes characterized by anal-
ogous sensitive attributes often exhibit a predilection
for establishing connections with one another, distin-
guishing them from nodes marked by disparate at-
tributes. This observable phenomenon engenders an
environment wherein nodes sharing comparable sen-
sitive traits become recipients of akin representations
stemming from the amalgamation of neighboring fea-
tures within the GNN framework. Conversely, nodes
endowed with distinct sensitive attributes garner di-
vergent representations. The ramifications of this dy-
namic are palpable, as it introduces a discernible bias
into the decision-making trajectory (Dai and Wang,
Sensitive attributes in data, encompassing char-
acteristics like race, gender, sexual orientation, reli-
gion, age, and disability status, are considered pri-
vate and protected by privacy laws due to the po-
tential for discrimination and harm (Oneto and Chi-
appa, 2020). Discrimination concerns socially sig-
nificant categories associated with these attributes,
legally protected in the United States (Barocas et al.,
2017). Recognizing these sensitive attributes is essen-
tial in RS to ensure fairness and prevent biased rec-
ommendations that may be viewed as discriminatory
under European or US laws.
In this study, the aim is to measure group unfair-
ness and subgroup unfairness with sensitive attributes.
We focus on the evaluation of item recommendation
lists since there is hardly any work in the literature
aimed at this type of output of RS, but most of it is
focused on the rating prediction approach.
In this section, we present a comprehensive overview
of prior research endeavors. This segment delves into
the realm of bias and fairness challenges, exploring
various evaluation approaches. The survey encom-
passes multiple layers, ranging from machine learn-
ing (ML) to GNN-based RS. We direct particular at-
tention toward GNN-based RS models and the diverse
array of fairness evaluation metrics employed in this
context with respect to sensitive groups.
2.1 Bias and Fairness in Machine
Learning (ML)
Machine learning (ML) models, which are trained on
human-generated data, can inherit biases present in
the data (Alelyani, 2021; Zeng et al., 2021). These
biases can emerge due to various factors during data
collection and sampling (Bruce et al., 2020). Unfortu-
nately, such biases can persist in ML models, leading
to unfair decisions and suboptimal outcomes (Fahse
et al., 2021; Gao et al., 2022b; Mehrabi et al., 2021).
The ML models themselves can even exacerbate these
biases, impacting decision-making processes (Bern-
hardt et al., 2022). It’s evident that bias can manifest
throughout the ML lifecycle, spanning data collec-
tion, pre-processing, algorithm design, model train-
ing, and result interpretation (Alelyani, 2021; Zeng
et al., 2021). These biases can also originate ex-
ternally from societal inequalities and discrimination
(Bruce et al., 2020).
Numerous research endeavors focus on identify-
ing and assessing biases and unfairness, especially
concerning protected groups like gender, age, and
Quantifying Fairness Disparities in Graph-Based Neural Network Recommender Systems for Protected Groups
race. Various metrics rooted in statistical parame-
ters are employed in these studies. Recent exper-
iments emphasize the need to understand bias ori-
gins in specific contexts, pinpoint problems, and
conduct accurate evaluations, providing a founda-
tion for bias mitigation techniques (Caton and Haas,
2020; Verma and Rubin, 2018; Feldman et al.,
2015; Hardt et al., 2016; Alelyani, 2021). Metrics
can be categorized as individual-level or group-level
\cite{caton2020fairness}. Individual-level metrics
assess treatment equality for individuals with simi-
lar attributes, while group-level metrics evaluate dis-
parate treatment among various groups.
2.2 Bias and Fairness in GNN-Based
Graph Neural Network (GNN)-based models have
recently garnered attention due to their strong per-
formance and applicability in various graph learning
tasks (Dong et al., 2022b; Zhang et al., 2021; Wu
et al., 2020b). However, despite their achievements,
these algorithms are not immune to bias and fair-
ness challenges. GNNs can inadvertently exhibit bias
towards specific demographic subgroups defined by
sensitive attributes such as age, gender, and race. Fur-
thermore, research efforts towards understanding and
measuring biases in GNNs have been relatively lim-
ited (Dong et al., 2022b; Dai and Wang, 2021; Dong
et al., 2022a; Chen et al., 2022; Xu et al., 2021; Zeng
et al., 2021).
Bias challenges within GNN algorithms stem
from various factors, including biases embedded in
the input network structure. While the message-
passing mechanism is commonly associated with ex-
acerbating bias, other aspects of the GNN’s net-
work structure are also influential. Understanding
how structural biases manifest as biased predictions
present challenges due to gaps in comprehension,
such as the Fairness Notion Gap, Usability Gap, and
Faithfulness Gap elucidated in (Dong et al., 2022b).
The Fairness Notion Gap concerns instance-level bias
evaluation, the Usability Gap pertains to fairness in-
fluenced by computational graph edges and their con-
tributions, and the Faithfulness Gap addresses ensur-
ing accurate bias explanations. The work in (Dong
et al., 2022b) addresses these gaps by introducing a
bias evaluation metric for node predictions and an
explanatory framework. This metric quantifies node
contributions to the divergence between output dis-
tributions of sensitive node subgroups based on at-
tributes. While the literature explores various strate-
gies to mitigate biases in GNN-based models, focused
research on this aspect remains relatively limited.
In this realm, some studies including (Dai and
Wang, 2021) and (Li et al., 2021) aim to combat dis-
crimination and enhance fairness in GNNs with con-
sideration to sensitive attribute information. In (Dai
and Wang, 2021), a method is introduced that reduces
bias while maintaining high accuracy in node classi-
fication. On the other hand, (Li et al., 2021) presents
an approach for learning a fair adjacency matrix with
strong graph structural constraints, aiming to achieve
fair link prediction while minimizing the impact on
accuracy. Additionally, (Loveland et al., 2022) pro-
poses two model-agnostic algorithms for edge edit-
ing, leveraging gradient information from a fairness
loss to identify edges that promote fairness enhance-
2.3 Bias and Fairness in RS
Bias and fairness challenges within the environment
of RS, encompass varied interpretations and can be
categorized into distinct groups. Viewing this from
a broader perspective, bias can be segmented into
three classes akin to the divisions outlined for Ma-
chine Learning (ML) in (Mehrabi et al., 2021). These
classes encompass bias in input data, signifying the
data collection phase involving users; algorithmic
bias in the model, manifesting during the learning
phase of recommendation models based on the col-
lected data; and bias in results, which impact subse-
quent user decisions and actions (Chen et al., 2020;
Baeza-Yates, 2016). Expanding upon the intricacies
of bias, these three classes can be further broken down
into sub-classes, creating an interconnected circular
Bias in data, stemming from disparities in test
and training data distribution, manifests in various
forms including selection bias, exposure bias, con-
formity bias, and position bias. Selection bias oc-
curs when skewed rating distributions inadequately
represent the entire rating spectrum. Exposure bias
arises from users predominantly encountering spe-
cific items, leading to unobserved interactions that
may not reflect their true preferences. Conformity
bias emerges when users mimic the behavior of oth-
ers due to skewed interaction labels. Position bias
is seen when users favor items in higher positions
over genuinely relevant ones (Chen et al., 2020; Sun
et al., 2019). Algorithmic bias can occur through-
out model creation, data pre-processing, training, and
evaluation stages. Inductive bias, a constructive ele-
ment, enhances model generalization by making as-
sumptions that improve learning from training data
and informed decision-making on unseen test data
(Chen et al., 2020). Outcomes of bias fall into two
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
categories: popularity bias and unfairness. Popularity
bias results from the long-tail effect in ratings, where
a few popular items dominate user interactions, po-
tentially leading to elevated scores for them at the
expense of less popular items (Ahanger et al., 2022;
Chen et al., 2020). Unfairness arises from systematic
discrimination against specific groups (Chen et al.,
These various forms of biases collectively con-
tribute to a circular pattern, wherein biases in the
data are propagated to the models, subsequently in-
fluencing the outcomes. This cycle is completed as
biases from the outcomes find their way back to the
data. Throughout each of these stages, new biases
can be introduced, thus perpetuating the cycle (Fab-
bri et al., 2022; Chen et al., 2020). This cyclical be-
havior adds complexity to the task of identifying and
addressing biases, further emphasizing the challenge
of bias recognition and mitigation (Mansoury et al.,
2021; Chen et al., 2020).
Conversational Recommender Systems (CRS) are
investigated in (Lin et al., 2022) to explore popularity
bias systematically, introducing metrics from differ-
ent angles such as exposure, success, and conversa-
tional utility. Similarly, (Abdollahpouri et al., 2019)
addresses popularity bias and long-tail distribution in
RS, proposing metrics like Average Recommendation
Popularity (ARP), Average Percentage of Long Tail
Items (APLT), and Average Coverage of Long Tail
items (ACLT). However, the focus extends beyond
popularity bias to the concern of unfairness towards
protected groups due to biased recommendations. In
the RS field, fairness has gained significance, being
recognized as a resource allocation tool that shapes
information exposure for users (Wang et al., 2021).
This concept of fairness is categorized into process
fairness (relating to the recommendation model) and
output fairness (influencing users’ information expe-
Process fairness pertains to equitable allocation
within the models, features (e.g., race, gender),
and learned representations.
Outcome fairness, known as distributive justice,
ensures fairness in recommendation results (Wang
et al., 2021). Outcome fairness comprises two
sub-categories: Grouped by Target and Grouped
by Concept.
Grouped by Target includes group-level and
individual-level fairness. Group-level fairness
involves fair outcomes across different groups,
while individual-level fairness ensures fairness at
the individual level (Wang et al., 2021).
Grouped by Concept consists of multiple catego-
Consistent Fairness at the individual level em-
phasizes uniform treatment for similar individ-
Consistent Fairness at the group level strives for
equitable treatment across different groups.
Calibrated fairness, or merit-based fairness, re-
lates an individual’s merit to the outcome value.
Counterfactual fairness mandates identical out-
comes in both real and counterfactual scenar-
Envy-free fairness prevents individuals from
envying others’ outcomes.
Rawlsian maximin fairness maximizes results
for the weakest individual or group.
Maximin-shared Fairness ensures outcomes
surpass each individual’s (or group’s) maximin
share (Wang et al., 2021).
The correlation between bias and fairness is very im-
portant. An in-depth examination is carried out in
(Boratto et al., 2022) to address methods for alle-
viating consumer unfairness in the context of rat-
ing prediction using real-world datasets (LastFM and
Movielens). The study entails a three-fold analysis.
Firstly, the influence of bias mitigation on model ac-
curacy, measured through metrics like NDCG/RMSE,
is evaluated. Secondly, the impact of bias mitigation
on unfairness is assessed. Lastly, the study explores
whether disparate impact invariably harms minority
groups, as Demographic Parity (DP) indicates. This
investigation underscores the complexities involved
in this domain and proposes potential solutions and
optimization strategies. The selection of appropri-
ate metrics for conducting such evaluations is also
deemed crucial. This comprehensive study holds sub-
stantial relevance in the field.
2.4 Bias and Fairness in GNN-Based RS
The adoption of GNN-based RS has shown promise
in enhancing result accuracy, as noted in previous
studies (Steck et al., 2021; Khan et al., 2021; Mu,
2018). However, this improved performance often
comes at the cost of introducing bias and fairness
issues (Chizari et al., 2023; Dai and Wang, 2021).
The inherent graph structure and the message-passing
mechanism within GNNs can exacerbate bias prob-
lems, leading to inequitable outcomes. Furthermore,
many RS applications are situated within social net-
work contexts, where graph structures are prevalent.
In such systems, nodes sharing similar sensitive at-
tributes tend to establish connections with one an-
other, distinguishing them from nodes with differing
Quantifying Fairness Disparities in Graph-Based Neural Network Recommender Systems for Protected Groups
sensitive attributes (e.g., the formation of connections
among young individuals in social networks). This
phenomenon creates an environment where nodes of
comparable sensitive features receive akin represen-
tations through the aggregation of neighbor features
within GNNs, while nodes with distinct sensitive
features receive disparate representations. This dy-
namic results in a pronounced bias issue influencing
decision-making processes (Dai and Wang, 2021).
In GNN-based RS, specific sensitive attributes
can exacerbate existing biases within the network,
prompting the need to quantify fairness in these con-
texts. To tackle this issue, relevant metrics should
consider the distribution of positive classifications
across distinct groups defined by various values of
the sensitive attribute (Rahman et al., 2019; Wu et al.,
Recent research in GNN-based RS has addressed
fairness issues and sensitive attributes. For example,
(Rahman et al., 2019) focuses on quantifying and rec-
tifying fairness problems, particularly group fairness
and disparate impact, in graph embeddings. It intro-
duces a concept called ”equality of representation” to
assess fairness in friendship-based RS. These meth-
ods are applied to real-world datasets, leading to the
development of a fairness-aware graph embedding al-
gorithm that effectively mitigates bias and improves
key metrics.
Study of (Wu et al., 2021), the aim is to make fair
recommendations by filtering sensitive information
from representation learning. They use user and item
embeddings, sensitive features, and a graph-based ad-
versarial training process. Fairness is assessed with
metrics like AUC for binary attributes and micro-
averaged F1 for multivalued attributes, considering
gender attribute imbalance. The model is tested on
Lastfm-360K and MovieLens datasets.
In summary, despite the absence of sensitive fea-
tures being a significant challenge in GNN-based RS,
most research in this domain has focused on tack-
ling discrimination against minorities or addressing
information leakage issues. These types of unfairness
and discrimination run contrary to existing regula-
tions and anti-discriminatory laws. Additionally, un-
derstating the behavior of certain algorithms against
bias and fairness is absolutely important. To do so, it
is essential to use appropriate metrics that fit the do-
main and models to have more reliable results.
In the present section, the methodology used in this
research is explained along with information regard-
ing benchmark datasets and used metrics.
The primary objective of this research is to as-
sess and quantify the degree of unfairness experienced
by specific protected groups, namely gender and age,
with a high degree of accuracy. In order to achieve
this goal, the study focuses on the quantification of
fairness disparities. These disparities serve as metrics
to evaluate the quality and fairness of recommended
items for these particular groups. In essence, the re-
search aims to provide a robust and comprehensive
assessment of the biases and inequities present in RS
concerning gender and age attributes.
In addition, this study employs the NDCG (Nor-
malized Discounted Cumulative Gain) evaluation
metric as a specific measurement for assessing the
recommendation quality within each of the protected
groups. NDCG is a widely recognized metric used in
RS to evaluate lists of recommended items.
The NDCG metric offers a more in-depth evalu-
ation of recommendation quality by considering the
position and relevance of items within recommenda-
tion lists. It takes into account both the order and im-
portance of recommended items, making it particu-
larly suitable for measuring the quality of recommen-
dations in this context (Chia et al., 2022).
By utilizing NDCG as a specific evaluation metric
for protected groups, this research aims to provide a
comprehensive assessment of recommendation qual-
ity while ensuring fairness and equity for all users, re-
gardless of their gender or age (age was discretized
into two intervals, lower and higher 30 years old).
This approach allows for a more nuanced understand-
ing of the performance of recommender systems and
their impact on different demographic groups.
3.1 Benchmark Datasets
In this experiment, three real-world datasets are used
to reach more accurate generalization. These datasets
are well-known in the RS field and include certain
characteristics that match bias and fairness assess-
ment. Their selection was influenced by the inclusion
of the specific sensitive attributes and biases being
investigated. Therefore, the chosen datasets include
users’ gender and age as sensitive attributes, along
with an uneven distribution of instances across var-
ious attribute values. The three real-world datasets
used in this study are MovieLens 100K, LastFM
100K, and Book Recommendation. Detailed descrip-
tions and Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) for them
are provided below.
MovieLens 100K. MovieLens (gro, 2021) is a
well-established resource frequently used in re-
search within the field of RS. MovieLens is a non-
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
commercial online movie recommendation plat-
form, and its dataset has been incrementally col-
lected through random sampling from the website.
This dataset comprises user ratings for movies,
quantified on a star scale within the range of 1
to 5. Additionally, this dataset encompasses user
information, including ”Gender” and ”Age” at-
tributes, which have been identified as sensitive
features according to capAI guidelines (Floridi
et al., 2022).
LastFM 100K. The LastFM dataset (Celma,
2010) is a widely recognized resource in the field
of RS, particularly for music recommendations.
This dataset encompasses user and artist infor-
mation drawn from various regions around the
world. Rather than utilizing a conventional rat-
ing system, this dataset quantifies user interac-
tions based on the number of times each user has
listened to individual artists, denoted as ”weight.
For the purposes of this research, we have uti-
lized a pre-processed subset of the LastFM 360K
dataset, which is well-suited for RS implemen-
tation. Within this subset, we have specifically
chosen 100,000 interactions to form the basis of
our study. In accordance with capAI guidelines
(Floridi et al., 2022), gender and age are identified
as sensitive attributes within this dataset. Notably,
the dataset represents the frequency with which
users have listened to specific music, which has
been normalized to a scale ranging from 1 to 5 to
enhance precision in the analysis.
Book Recommendation 100K. The dataset used
in a study by (Mobius, 2020) encompasses user
ratings for a diverse array of books. For the pur-
pose of our experiment, we have selected a rep-
resentative 100,000-sample subset of this dataset.
It’s worth noting that this sample faithfully mir-
rors the distribution characteristics of the original
3.2 Recommendation Approaches
In this experiment, various types of models are uti-
lized to achieve a better range of results, hence,
providing superior comparison. Three distinct rec-
ommendation approaches are used in this research
including Collaborative Filtering (CF), Matrix Fac-
torization (MF), and GNN-based approaches. The
goal was to choose the most representative algo-
rithms within each category for comprehensive anal-
ysis. This diverse selection of methods allows us to
expedite the evaluation of bias and fairness. In the
upcoming section, we will provide an overview of the
methodologies corresponding to each approach uti-
lized in this study.
3.3 Evaluation Metrics
In this section, the description and the categorization
of used metrics are shown. In order to have a com-
prehensive understanding of model performance and
bias and fairness aspects, two different types of met-
rics are used, for the assessment of reliability, as well
as for bias and unfairness. As mentioned above, we
have focused on the evaluation of item recommenda-
tion lists by means of rank metrics. In this context,
various values of K have been employed to determine
the top-K ranked items within the list, with K repre-
senting the list’s size.
3.3.1 Model Evaluation Metrics
The results presented complement the studies previ-
ously carried out(Chizari et al., 2023; Chizari et al.,
2022) where various types of well-known perfor-
mance metrics were used. These are Mean Recip-
rocal Rank (MRR), Normalized Discounted Cumula-
tive Gain (NDCG), Precision, Recall and item Hit Ra-
tio (HR).This work has focused on the evaluation of
NDCG for protected and unprotected groups for both
the age and gender attributes.
3.3.2 Bias and Fairness Metrics
In addition to the above assessment, we will delve into
several bias and fairness evaluation metrics, with a
particular emphasis on user-centric fairness measures.
We have previously studied and provided a detailed
exposition of the following bias and unfairness met-
rics (Chizari et al., 2023; Chizari et al., 2022):
Average Popularity (Naghiaei et al., 2022)
Gini Index(Sun et al., 2019; Lazovich et al., 2022)
Item Coverage (Wang and Wang, 2022)
Differential Fairness (DF) for sensitive attribute
gender (Islam et al., 2021; Foulds et al., 2019)
Value Unfairness (Aalam et al., 2022; Yao and
Huang, 2017; Farnadi et al., 2018)
Absolute Unfairness (Yao and Huang, 2017; Far-
nadi et al., 2018)
In this experimental analysis, with the aim of gaining
a thorough insight into how models behave in terms of
bias and fairness, a new metric of relative difference
between groups wasproposed. This metric is also im-
plemented on list of top-K ranked items.
Quantifying Fairness Disparities in Graph-Based Neural Network Recommender Systems for Protected Groups
3.3.3 Proposed Metric
This research includes another metric proposed in or-
der to measure the accuracy of recommendation for
each protected and unprotected group (gender and
age). To achieve this, initially, NDCG@k, which is
designed to measure the effectiveness of a recommen-
dation system by assessing the relevance and rank-
ing of recommended items, is computed separately
for mentioned groups. Subsequently, the relative dif-
ference between the NDCG@5k values for these two
groups is calculated to assess their proximity or dis-
parity. This is achieved by subtracting the NDCG@k
for group 2 (e.g., males) from that of group 1 (e.g.,
females), then dividing the result by the average of
the two values, and finally multiplying the outcome
by 100 as it can be seen in below:
|NDCG@k group1 NDCG@k group2|
((NDCG@k group1 + NDCG@k group2)/2)
This particular metric serves as a dedicated and in-
sightful tool for evaluating fairness among protected
groups in the context of RS. It offers a unique perspec-
tive on fairness by focusing on how recommendations
perform within these specific groups. Furthermore, it
complements other fairness metrics used in the eval-
uation process, providing a more comprehensive and
robust understanding of fairness outcomes. By com-
paring the results obtained from this metric with those
derived from other fairness metrics, the research gains
additional validation and a deeper insight into the fair-
ness dynamics within the recommendation system.
This approach enhances the credibility and complete-
ness of the fairness assessment, ultimately contribut-
ing to a more thorough and meaningful analysis.
4.1 Hardware Used
The research was carried out on a high-performance
system featuring a Ryzen 7 5800H CPU, which offers
8 cores and 16 threads, operating at base and turbo
frequencies of 3.2 GHz and 4.4 GHz, respectively.
This AMD processor, based on the Zen 3 architecture,
provided the computational power needed for our
tasks. Additionally, the system was equipped with an
RTX 3060 Mobile GPU, known for its 6GB VRAM,
3840 CUDA cores, and 120 Tensor Cores. This GPU,
part of NVIDIAs Ampere architecture, proved essen-
tial for tasks such as machine learning model train-
ing. The system boasted a total of 16GB DDR4 RAM,
with approximately 15GB available for research pur-
poses, ensuring efficient execution of complex com-
putations and data handling.
4.2 Software and Libraries Used
Python, with CPython as the core interpreter, served
as the primary programming language. The research
was based on Recbole, an open-source library, and a
modified fork named Recbole-FairRec. Custom met-
rics and models were integrated into this library, re-
sulting in Recbole-Optimized. Key Python libraries
included TensorFlow and PyTorch for machine learn-
ing and deep learning, NumPy for numerical comput-
ing, Pandas for data manipulation, and Scikit-learn for
various machine learning tasks. Additional industry-
standard libraries were used as needed for specific re-
search requirements.
In the following sections, we delve into the results
of our investigation into recommendation system fair-
ness, with a specific focus on evaluating biases and
unfairness concerning protected groups, including
gender and age. Our study uses various evaluation
metrics, including model evaluation metrics, bias and
fairness metrics, and NDCG for quality of recom-
mendation. Through experimentation, the aim is to
shed light on the effectiveness of fairness-aware rec-
ommendation models and their impact on recommen-
dation quality for different demographic segments.
5.1 Model Evaluation Results
In this section, a comprehensive and insightful com-
parative analysis of our evaluation results.
First, the different groups of sensitive attributes
studied were evaluated separately using the NDCG
metric for recommendation lists. The following fig-
ures 1 and 2 show the results obtained for the three
datasets described in section 3.1 and for the eight rec-
ommendation methods tested.
5.2 Bias and Fairness Results
The results of the proposed metric that evaluates
the relative difference on the performance between
groups is provided secondly. Figures 3 and 4 show
these results for three datasets on the previously men-
tioned models.
In Figure 1 NDCG performance for sensitive at-
tribute gender is provided on two datasets. Higher
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
(a) MovieLens.
(b) LastFM.
Figure 1: Results of NDCG performance for sensitive at-
tribute gender on MovieLens and LastFM.
NDCG indicates better performance of the model. As
it can be seen on MovieLens SGL performed poorly
with respect to this metric. The difference between
the quality of predictions for each group is also very
clear. This can count as gender discrimination toward
a protected group. Among GNN models NGCF pro-
vides high accuracy with small differences between
groups. On the other hand, on the LastFM dataset,
all GNN models performed with lower performance
compared with traditional models. ItemKNN and
DGCG, moreover, show high differences among all
the used methods.
Figure 2 indicates the NDCG performance for
sensitive attribute age for all datasets. Again on
LastFM and Book Recommendation GNN models
provide lower accuracy in comparison to conventional
models. The quality differences between GNN mod-
els are higher in the LastFM dataset which indicates a
higher rate of unfairness based on this dataset. SGL,
also performs poorly on MovieLens.
The following figures are provided to show the rel-
(a) MovieLens.
(b) LastFM.
(c) Book Recommendation.
Figure 2: Results of NDCG performance for sensitive at-
tribute age on MovieLens, LastFM, and Book Recommen-
ative difference of the NDCG metric with respect to
sensitive attributes.
Figure 3 shows the unfairness relative differ-
ence of sensitive attribute gender for MovieLens and
LastFM. It can be seen that on the MovieLens dataset,
Quantifying Fairness Disparities in Graph-Based Neural Network Recommender Systems for Protected Groups
(a) MovieLens.
(b) LastFM.
Figure 3: Results of Unfairness Relative Difference of sen-
sitive attribute gender for MovieLens and LastFM.
SGL has a significant relative difference which in-
dicates high unfairness compared with other used
models. Other used models performed moderately
with respect to relative difference on MovieLens.
On the other hand, on the LastFM dataset, DGCF
shows higher unfairness among GNN methods and
ItemKNN takes the first place regarding relative dif-
ference within all methods.
Figure 4 shows the unfairness relative difference
of sensitive attribute gender for all datasets. SGL
again, provides significant unfairness on MovieLens,
although DGCF also shows a high unfairness com-
pared with the rest. On the LastFM dataset, almost
all GNN models show high unfairness except NGCF.
LightGCN can be chosen as the most unfair one. For
the Book Recommendation dataset, it can be wit-
nessed that GNN models performed moderately and
the most unfair method is ItemKNN.
(a) MovieLens.
(b) LastFM.
(c) Book Recommendation.
Figure 4: Results of Unfairness Relative Difference of sen-
sitive attribute age for MovieLens, LastFM, and Book Rec-
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Fairness in RS holds great significance from both the
user and service provider perspectives. Users rely
on RS to receive personalized recommendations that
align with their preferences and interests, while ser-
vice providers aim to enhance user satisfaction and
engagement. To assess and evaluate fairness in RS,
a range of metrics have been developed in the state-
of-the-art research. These metrics encompass various
aspects, including individual and group fairness, pro-
viding valuable insights into recommendation quality
for different user segments.
In this study, we provide a metric specifically de-
signed to measure fairness disparities within RS rec-
ommendations, offering a fresh perspective on bias
analysis. Unlike existing metrics, our new approach
quantifies the differences in recommendation quality
for protected groups, including gender and age. This
metric allows us to evaluate how well the recommen-
dations cater to the unique preferences and needs of
these groups, shedding light on any potential biases
or disparities in the system.
The introduction of this metric provides several
benefits. Firstly, it enhances our understanding of
fairness in RS by focusing on the quality of recom-
mendations received by specific user groups, enabling
a more granular assessment of bias. Secondly, it em-
powers service providers to tailor their recommenda-
tion algorithms to ensure fairness and inclusivity for
all users. By having this information, RS platforms
can make data-driven decisions to improve recom-
mendation accuracy and user satisfaction, ultimately
leading to a more equitable and effective RS ecosys-
In our analysis of the three datasets (MovieLens,
LastFM, and BookRec), we observed varying degrees
of fairness and bias among different recommendation
models across sensitive attributes, such as gender and
In the MovieLens dataset, models like DMF,
LightGCN, NGCF, and DGCF demonstrated rela-
tively fair recommendations for both male and fe-
male users, promoting fairness regardless of gender.
They continued to exhibit fairness when considering
the age-sensitive attribute, ensuring equitable recom-
mendations for users across different age groups. in
contrast, SGL did not provide fair recommendations
in this dataset
Turning our attention to the LastFM dataset,
NNCF, DMF, and NeuMF models displayed com-
mendable fairness across protected groups, regardless
of both sensitive attributes. These models maintained
minimal differences in NDCG accuracy between male
and female users, indicating fairness in recommenda-
tions for both groups. The LightGCN model exhibited
unique behavior, showing a higher relative NDCG
difference in the age-sensitive attribute but a lower
difference in the gender-sensitive attribute
In the BookRec dataset, the relative difference in
NDCG accuracy was generally low across various
models. However, models exhibited some inconsis-
tencies in their results, emphasizing the need for com-
prehensive fairness assessments.
For future work, the aim is to enhance the scal-
ability of the used metrics to be capable of working
on various features in different fields. These meth-
ods, moreover, can be applied to different sub-groups
which can provide us with more detailed informa-
tion regarding unfairness. Another type of accuracy
method can also be used in order to measure the ac-
curacy of recommended items in certain advantaged
or disadvantaged groups.
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