Tag Recommendation System for Data Catalog Site of Japanese
Yasuhiro Yamada
Institute of Science and Engineering, Academic Assembly, Shimane University,
1060 Nishikawatsu-cho, Matsue-shi, Shimane, 690-8504, Japan
e-Government, Open Government Data, Tag Recommendation, Multi-Label Classification, Machine
This paper proposes a tag recommendation system for a data catalog site of the Japanese government. The
site publishes datasets that include files containing statistical data, government documents, and other files of
the Japanese government. These datasets also each include the title, description, publication date, and tags,
where a tag is a single-word or compound term which represents the content of a dataset. The system uses
multi-label classification in machine learning to recommend tags for the datasets; multi-label classification is
a method that outputs multiple tags for each input dataset. There are many tags already in datasets hosted on
the site that appear infrequently. It is difficult to predict such infrequent tags from the datasets by multi-label
classification. To deal with this problem, we use an existing oversampling approach which increases the data
of infrequent tags in a training dataset for the learning process of the multi-label classification.
Various government organizations have recently pub-
lished datasets, each of which includes files contain-
ing, for example, statistics data and government doc-
uments, on their Web sites. Such datasets are referred
to as open government data, and such sites are called
data catalog sites. For example, the U.S. govern-
ment publishes datasets on the site “Data.gov
. This
site had 196,587 datasets in September 2017. The
Japanese government publishes datasets on the Web
site “DATA.GO.JP
. The site was hosting 27,169
datasets as of February 2021.
In addition to files, a dataset contains metadata
such as the title of the dataset, description, publica-
tion date, and tags. This paper focuses on the tags of
a dataset. A tag is a single-word or compound term
which represents the content of a dataset. Examples
of tags for DATA.GO.JP are “maps, “budgets” and
“statistics survey result. A dataset often has multiple
Tags are useful for getting a broad understanding
This site was updated in March 2023. The new
Japanese government data catalog site is called “e-Gov Data
Portal” (https://data.e-gov.go.jp/info/ja/top). This paper de-
scribes our research for DATA.GO.JP.
of the content of a dataset before reading the dataset
files. If the files of a dataset are large, or if a dataset
has many files, then the tags are more important for
understanding the dataset. The tags are also useful
for users to search for the datasets they want. By in-
putting or selecting a tag on a search site, a list of
datasets associated with the tag can be obtained.
In order for users to gain this benefit, the same tag
must be assigned to datasets with the same or simi-
lar content. It is difficult to assign proper tags man-
ually to a dataset because government employees or
site managers need to first understand the content of
the dataset in detail. Also, they need to remember the
tags assigned to other datasets in the past.
Data catalog sites use many tags. Tags with gen-
eral meanings appear in many datasets, whereas tags
with detailed meanings are rare in the datasets of a
site. The infrequent tags tend to express the con-
crete content of a dataset, and these tags are espe-
cially important for understanding the content of such
a dataset. However, it is especially difficult to manu-
ally assign such tags to a dataset.
We propose a system which recommends tags for
a dataset for DATA.GO.JP. To select appropriate tags
for a dataset from among the tags which have been
assigned to previously tagged datasets, we use multi-
label classification in machine learning. Labels in
Yamada, Y.
Tag Recommendation System for Data Catalog Site of Japanese Government.
DOI: 10.5220/0012260000003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 325-331
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
multi-label classification correspond to tags. How-
ever, multi-label classification has difficulty predict-
ing infrequent labels. We apply an existing oversam-
pling technique which increases datasets with infre-
quent labels artificially in training data for learning in
multi-label classification.
The Japanese government adopted four categories
of tags: important data category of G8, category of
basic tags of e-government information, category for
business classification in e-government action plan,
and prioritized fields in “Roadmap for Promotion of
Open Data in Electronic Administration. The pol-
icy of the Japanese government in assigning tags is to
select proper tags from those in these four categories.
Additionally, government employees or site managers
manually assign tags outside these four categories. In
the present paper, we choose classifiers for predicting
tags in each category by multi-label classification.
The remainder of the present paper is organized
as follows. Section 2 describes related research. Sec-
tion 3 shows the tags of datasets of open government
data on DATA.GO.JP. Section 4 describes a tag rec-
ommendation system. Section 5 discusses the prob-
lem of the proposed system. Finally, our conclusions
are presented in Section 6.
2.1 Multi-Label Classification for
Imbalanced Data
We define multi-label classification. Let L =
, l
, . . . , l
} be a set of labels which correspond to
tags of datasets of open government data, and D =
, Y
), (x
, Y
), . . . (x
, Y
)} be a set of training ex-
amples, where x
is a d-dimensional feature vec-
tor and Y
L. The learning task of multi-label clas-
sification is to make a classifier for L from D. Then,
given an unlabeled example x
x R
, the classifier pre-
dicts labels for x
Multi-label classification algorithms have been
proposed for imbalanced data (Xu et al., 2016; Bab-
bar and Sch
olkopf, 2017; Jain et al., 2016; Liu and
Tsoumakas, 2019; Wu et al., 2020; Schultheis and
Babbar, 2022; Yu et al., 2019). Imbalanced data in-
clude both frequent and infrequent labels in training
data. These algorithms address the difficulty of pre-
dicting infrequent labels.
2.2 Resampling Training Data in
Multi-Label Classification
Various methods for resampling training data for im-
balanced data have been proposed. The oversampling
method increases data of infrequent labels in training
data by making feature vectors artificially (Chawla
et al., 2002; Charte et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2022).
This paper utilizes SMOTE (Chawla et al., 2002) for
the oversampling. A brief explanation of SMOTE
is given in Section 4. On the other hand, the un-
dersampling method decreases data with frequent la-
bels (Haixiang et al., 2017; Rao and Reddy, 2020).
2.3 Our Previous Work
We applied three multi-label classification methods
for the tag recommendation (Yamada and Nakatoh,
2018) to 196,587 datasets on Data.gov, which is the
data catalog site of the U.S. government. Specifi-
cally, we compared the following methods: support
vector machine, random forest, and multinomial naive
Bayes. The random forest method has obtained good
results (Yamada and Nakatoh, 2018). However, our
previous work did not deal with the prediction of in-
frequent tags.
This section describes tags used by the data cata-
log site “DATA.GO.JP” of the Japanese government.
We collected 27,169 datasets from DATA.GO.JP in
February 2021.
The tag assignment policy of this site is to select
tags from those in each of the following four cate-
Category 1. important data category of G8 (16 tags),
Category 2. category of basic tags of e-government
information (16 tags),
Category 3. category for business classification in e-
government action plan (31 tags),
Category 4. prioritized fields in “Roadmap for Pro-
motion of Open Data in Electronic Administra-
tion. (7 tags).
Tables 1 to 4 in appendix A show the tags in these
four categories and their frequencies in the datasets.
We see that the frequency of some tags is 0. In Cate-
gories 1 to 4, Japanese and English tags with the same
meaning are assigned to the same dataset.
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Also, the site managers assign appropriate tags for
each dataset outside the four categories. Category 5
comprises such tags. Table 5 in appendix A shows
the top 20 most frequent tags with their frequencies.
Figure 1 shows the frequencies of all the tags in Cat-
egory 5. The vertical axis is in log scale. We can
see that a small number of tags appear frequently in
the datasets. We can also see that most of the tags
appear once or twice in the datasets. Tags with gen-
eral meanings tend to be assigned many times. On
the other hand, tags with concrete meanings tend to
appear rarely in the datasets.
Figure 1: Frequencies of tags.
This section describes a tag recommendation system
for DATA.GO.JP (see Figure 2). This system utilizes
multi-label classification which outputs multiple tags
from a dataset.
The system learns a classifier for each of the four
categories. Multi-label classification cannot predict
the tags whose frequency in the training data is zero.
Therefore, the system cannot predict some tags in
Categories 1 to 4.
Figure 3: SMOTE.
Category 5 has many infrequent tags (see Fig-
ure 1). We use an oversampling approach to make
a classifier for Category 5. The oversampling in-
creases feature and label vectors of infrequent labels
in the training data. We utilize SMOTE (Chawla et al.,
2002) for the oversampling, whose process is illus-
trated in Figure 3. Circles in the figure express feature
vectors. Given training data D = {(x
, Y
), (x
, Y
. . . (x
, Y
)}, SMOTE executes oversampling as the
following steps:
Figure 2: Tag recommendation system for DATA.GO.JP.
Tag Recommendation System for Data Catalog Site of Japanese Government
Figure 4: Input of tag recommendation system.
Figure 5: Output of tag recommendation system.
1. Select a feature vector x
randomly from the fea-
ture vectors with an infrequent label l as a center
vector c
c (red circle).
2. Calculate the k-nearest feature vectors (blue cir-
cles) in D for c
c by Euclidean distance.
3. Select a feature vector x
(top left blue circle)
from the k vectors randomly. Make a new feature
vector (green circle) between c
c and x
4. Assigns the new feature vector to label l.
SMOTE repeats the process until the number of
feature vectors of the infrequent label achieves the
The number of collected datasets is 27,169. The
feature vector of each dataset was generated by nouns
in the title and description of the dataset and their fre-
quencies in the dataset. The feature and label vectors
of infrequent tags in Category 5 were increased by
SMOTE until the number of the vectors of each infre-
quent tag that appears fewer than 10 times in training
data reached 10. The number of all datasets in the
training data after the oversampling was 67,416.
We use the multinomial naive Bayes
method (Manning et al., 2008) for multi-label
classification. We implemented this method using
(Pedregosa et al., 2011).
Users input the title of a dataset and select a cate-
gory of tags. Figure 4 shows a screen capture of the
input of the system.
Figure 5 shows a screen capture of the output
of the system for the input title “the documents of
weather prediction, weather forecast and typhoon.
We use the function predict
proba() in scikit-learn
which outputs probability estimates for tags. The col-
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
umn “Value” in Figure 5 is the estimates. Although
automatically assigning tags to a dataset would be
ideal, due to the accuracy problem of recommenda-
tions, it is assumed that the users select the proper
tags from the recommended tags.
The frequency of some tags in Categories 1 to 4 is 0.
Multi-label classification cannot predict tags which
do not appear in the training data. Also, oversampling
methods cannot increase feature and label vectors of
such tags. One method that could be adapted to pre-
dict such tags is zero-shot learning.
It remains to check the accuracy of the tag rec-
ommendations. Various multi-label classification and
oversampling methods have been proposed, so we
need to conduct comparisons with such methods.
In the present study, we set the threshold of the
frequency between infrequent tags and others to 10 in
the datasets of DATA.GO.JP. It is important to auto-
matically determine the threshold at which the over-
sampling is effective.
Since multi-label classification cannot output tags
which do not appear in the training data, we need
to extract new tags from a dataset. We previ-
ously proposed a method to extract particular noun
phrases (Yamada et al., 2018; Yamada and Nakatoh,
2018) as characteristic phrases and words to use as
new tags that represent the dataset.
This paper proposed a tag recommendation system
for DATA.GO.JP which is the data catalog site of the
Japanese government. The system utilizes multi-label
classification in machine learning to recommend tags.
SMOTE, which is an oversampling method, is used
to increase the data of infrequent tags in the train-
ing data. The system is given the title of a dataset,
and it recommends several tags using a classifier con-
structed in advance.
The work reported herein is part of ongoing re-
search. Important remaining work includes increasing
the accuracy of predicting infrequent tags and making
new tags which are not included in previous datasets.
Other data catalog sites of countries include Data.gov
of the U.S. government. Our future work is also to
develop a system for such sites.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Numbers JP19K12715.
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This appendix shows the frequencies of tags in each
of five categories. Note that tags in the following ta-
bles are originally written in Japanese.
Table 1: Category 1: Important data category of G8.
Tag #
statistics 9,711
budgets 2,163
education 1,574
energy and environment 1,075
maps 947
health 909
finance and contracts 808
crime and justice 492
science and research 438
government accountability and democracy 434
companies 304
social mobility and welfare 176
global development 122
earth observation 47
elections 40
transport and infrastructure 10
Table 2: Category 2: Category of basic tags of e-
government information.
Tag #
statistics survey result 6,848
budgets and account settlement 2,023
white paper and annual report 1,423
information disclosure 994
evaluation and result 556
procurement 551
organization and institution 163
press release 98
council and working group 65
laws and regulations and notices 56
application and notification procedure 25
juridical competent authority 3
public comment 1
bill submitted to the diet 0
prior confirmation procedures and rules 0
press conference of minister 0
Table 3: Category 3: Category for business classification in
e-government action plan.
Tag #
environment 2,603
population and households 2,553
government except elsewhere classified 1,919
security 1,892
disaster 1,760
international 1,654
agriculture and forestry 1,621
land 1,033
business and household and economy 849
construction 614
climate 597
labor 523
justice 364
education and learning support 359
scientific research and professional and tech-
nical services
fisheries 252
medical and health care and welfare 167
sightseeing 167
manufacturing 161
mining and quarrying of stone 129
finance and insurance 126
accommodations and eating and drinking
transport and postal services 117
information and communications 41
wholesale and retail trade 37
services not elsewhere classified 34
living-related and personal services and
amusement services
industries unable to classify 28
compound services 3
electricity and gas and heat supply and water 3
real estate and goods rental and leasing 0
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Table 4: Category 4: Prioritized fields in “Roadmap for Pro-
motion of Open Data in Electronic Administration”.
Tag #
statistics 9,711
budgets and final accounts and procurement 4,816
white paper and annual report 2,490
geospatial 1,499
disaster prevention and mitigation 1,324
transportation and tourism 396
code 103
Table 5: Top 20 most frequent tags in Category 5 (other
Tag #
finance 2,705
economy 1,772
2000012010019 1,711
5000012080001 1,701
energy 1,613
industry 1,572
expenditure 1,271
supply 1,244
contract 1,020
study 936
traffic 923
society 779
manufacture 684
manufacturing industry 616
law 588
observation 518
medical 471
strong economy that generates hope 443
ship 437
crime 426
gas 389
Tag Recommendation System for Data Catalog Site of Japanese Government