Navigating Responsible AI Adoption
Daniela Oliveira
Independent Researcher, Canada
Keywords: Responsible Artificial Intelligence, Responsible Adoption, Artificial Intelligence Governance, Change
Management, Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning.
Abstract: Responsible Artificial Intelligence has been a largely discussed topic among organizations that develop or are
aiming to regulate Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions. Much less attention has been given to organizations
willing to adopt AI in a responsible manner. Organizations that do not develop AI need practical guidance on
how to implement Responsible AI principles. This contribution outlines the challenges organizations face
integrating the Responsible AI paradigm and suggests some solutions.
One of the most distinguishing characteristics of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies from other
kinds of technological solutions is how intrinsically
connected to data these technologies are. This
characteristic brings a different dimension to software
development: customizing an AI solution to a specific
context is highly dependent on this context (Friedler
et al., 2021).
As a consequence, the impact and risks of an out-
of-the-lab solution can be extremely different from
the impact and risks of the implemented solution. The
fact that AI technologies mostly automate cognitive
processes solidifies this condition. Adopting an AI
solution is not only about training workforce to use a
new technological solution, but also reaching a point
where the workforce thinking is enhanced or
replicated in a satisfactory manner - and not
diminished - by the technological solution. A point
found in the middle ground between adapting the AI
solution to the context of application and integrating
humans to the development process. The
development and adoption processes of the
technological solution are then rather close,
sometimes even overlapping, when it comes to AI,
compared to traditional technologies.
AI solutions have additional challenges: they
need a conscious effort to predict and reduce the harm
they can cause and become what is known as a
Responsible AI solution (Celdran et al., 2023; Siala
& Wang, 2022; Université de Montréal, 2018). The
development or adoption processes have also to
consider the possible harms the AI solutions can
Considering the harm an AI solution can provoke
has its share of context-specific considerations, as
each organization has its own culture and processes,
influenced by national and regional culture, market
and regulatory practices, to mention only some of the
aspects that compose the success or failure of
organizations. AI adoption can impact much more
than the technology infrastructure or the data
management practices of an organization. It can
motivate changes in human resources practices
(Tursunbayeva & Renkema, 2022), brand, reputation
(World Economic Forum, n.d.) and knowledge
management (Jarrahi et al., 2022), to name a few, and
present issues throughout the lifecycle of a product or
service. AI solutions can motivate situations where
unexpected human behavior in processes where AI
solutions are integrated produce unexpected
outcomes, possibly leading to physical harm; they can
exacerbate gaps in workplace training; motivate
unclear identification of human and AI’s work, with
mismatching expectations and evaluation practices;
monitoring mechanisms that are centered in AI
solutions and disregard their interaction with
employees and other humans; policies that were not
updated to reflect the complexity of collaborating
with AI solutions; unaligned human / AI quality
assurance initiatives; and non-optimal timeliness.
Oliveira, D.
Navigating Responsible AI Adoption.
DOI: 10.5220/0012262600003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 339-345
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
AI solutions have not only to be customized in
terms of what functionalities they should address, but
also how these functionalities should be addressed by
the solution. The remaining portrait is that no two AI
implemented solutions are alike in terms of impacts
and risks and should be even less in their adoption
Adoption processes are led by the organization
willing to successfully integrate a technological
solution in their operations or strategic activities. In
AI solutions, they can represent more than half of the
analytics budget (Fountaine et al., 2019). However,
little attention has been granted to AI adoption
processes focusing on Responsible AI principles,
making it difficult for organizations to plan resources
in order to responsibly adopt an AI solution.
This paper aims to shed light on adoption
processes, and the number and order of challenges
involved in these processes. It is organized as follows:
this Introduction, an overview of the Responsible AI
paradigm in section 2 and of challenges concerning
the adoption of AI solutions in section 3; a definition
of the Responsible AI Adoption process in section 4;
an overview of the Responsible AI Adoption process
challenges in section 5, followed by the conclusion of
the contribution.
Responsible AI is a term often associated with a
global movement to ensure AI solutions’ risks are
addressed and mitigated. Responsible AI technology
has been defined as fair and accountable (Agarwal &
Mishra, 2021; Siala & Wang, 2022), explainable
(Agarwal & Mishra, 2021), respecting privacy and
fostering transparency (Siala & Wang, 2022; B. K.
Vassileva, 2021), trustworthiness and empathy (Siala
& Wang, 2022). Responsible AI guidelines such as
the Montreal Declaration for a Responsible
Development of AI (Université de Montréal, 2018)
and the Responsible Microsoft Standard (Microsoft
Corporation, 2022) have been created by government
bodies, AI development companies and research
institutes, to name a few. Lukkien et al. (2023)
recognize a “growing prevalence of frameworks,
principles, and guidelines to inform responsible AI
innovation” (p.156) but deplore that most of them
present high-level principles with excessive room for
interpretation along with limited practical measures
in specific context of use.
AI has been the object of unprecedent technological
enthusiasm, to the fact that organizations are willing
to make drastic changes in favour of its adoption.
Alignment between business and information
technology objectives was one of the top concerns
two decades ago (Reich & Benbasat, 2000), but it has
been argued by an AI development company that
“companies must break down organizational and
cultural barriers that stand in AI’s way” (Fountaine et
al., 2019). In practice, how much change should an
organization absorb in favour of AI adoption to
remain competitive? This is a question highly
bounded to the organizational context.
The AI adoption process must be adapted to
reflect an organization’s regional position, business
domain or the challenges of a specific kind of AI
technology. The AI adoption process might range
from stablishing key performance indicators that are
meaningful to the organization to fostering cultural
changes, passing by scrutinizing technical and
business interoperability potentially affected by the
AI solution adoption.
The AI adoption process must also be adapted to
reflect the needs surrounding organizational culture
regarding technology. Humans may trust
technological solutions more than they should, a
phenomenon known as cognitive complacency
(Jarrahi, 2019), even when their outputs seem to be
wrong or inadequate, a situation of automation bias
(Skitka et al., 2000). This factor may be more
prominent in some organizations than in others
(Alon-Barkat & Busuioc, 2023). In addition, great
appetite for AI may lead to overly confident attitudes
(Perry et al., 2022) that make for longer turnaround
reactions. Without organizational culture changes,
the collaboration between humans and AI may
generate deceiving results.
In addition, AI solutions implementation must be
preceded by a risk assessment analysis (Brand, 2022;
Cebulla et al., 2022; Clarke, 2019; Leijnen et al.,
2020; Nagbøl et al., 2021; Oliveira & Dalkir, 2022;
Qiang et al., 2023). Risks may be inherent to the
solution, or a consequence of the application of the
solution in the use context. Concerning population
characteristics, an example of inherent risk of a
solution is one that discriminates a portion of the
population (Mattu, 2016), while one that is a
consequence of the application in the use context is
the difference between the population characteristics
in the time range used for training the model and
when the model was put to use (Suresh & Guttag,
2021). Risks inherent to solutions can be analysed by
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
developers and academic actors, but risks that stem
from the application of the solution in the use context
depend on an analysis of the use context against the
documentation of the AI solution following
Responsible AI principles (Mitchell et al., 2019),
which may vary from one organization to another.
After the implementation of an AI solution,
monitoring the output of the solution and engagement
levels among the direct and indirect user population
helps ensure the predicted return on investment is
realized without loss of client base or the addition of
excessive restrictions to operations. The exercise of
identifying what to monitor, however, has to begin
before an AI solution is implemented.
Much attention has been given to Responsible AI
solutions development which, arguably, must
integrate different kinds of stakeholders, according to
practitioners, academicians and vendors alike
(Minkkinen et al., 2023; Obermeyer et al., 2021).
However, organizations that do not develop AI
systems seem to have been excluded from the
discussion. An analysis of Responsible AI studies and
frameworks yielded only three types of stakeholders:
individuals and national or international bodies and
organizations involved with AI regulation:
technology companies, professional bodies or
research institutes (Deshpande & Sharp, 2022). This
situation creates a gap between Responsible AI in
theory and in practice. While AI can be the focus of
activity of academicians and vendors, it is not the case
for most organizations willing to adopt AI. These
organizations may have less knowledge of AI than
developers might assume (Richards et al., 2020) but
are, nevertheless, an important element in the AI
environment. They are the organizations holding the
data used to train AI models for specific tasks, the
organizations offering AI-based services to
individuals and other organizations, the organizations
that allocate financial and human resources for the
acquisition of AI systems and the first organizations
to be subject to negative operational, reputational,
relational, and legal impacts of AI if they were to take
place. These organizations need clear substantiation
as to how Responsible AI principles can be flexibly
attuned in context (Bærøe et al., 2020; Lukkien et al.,
2023). Guiding principles can evolve an
organization’s thinking on Responsible AI, “but they
are not sufficient for implementing responsible AI
principles across everything from development to
acquisition to operations” (Probasco, 2022, p. 1).
Due to the multifaceted impact of AI, much of the
Responsible AI gains can only be achieved if
followed by a Responsible AI Adoption process. In
order to operationalize the adoption of AI solutions
respecting responsible principles, Leijnen et al.
(2020) invoke the importance of assessing AI
solutions before implementation, and the inclusion of
usability principles and agile approaches. Adopting
AI in a responsible manner means that practical
aspects of the adoption were analysed and accounted
for in the decision to adopt the AI solution. It may
mean as little organizational reflection as ensuring the
solution is used as per recommended by its
developers (Mitchell et al., 2019) or as much as
triggering business processes; data visualisation
initiatives; stakeholders participation; strategic
positioning and information technology architecture
analysis and evaluation, among other possibilities.
Some of the simple aspects of Responsible AI
Adoption are related to communication and feedback:
removing obstacles for people to voice concerns over
a specific solution. However, organizations need to
reflect on who, apart the user population, should have
the ability to voice concerns over a specific solution.
Employees and managers may contribute in decisive
ways not otherwise considered (Rolls Royce, 2021)
and change management, particularly participative,
and effective integration of domain knowledge have
been correlated with successful AI adoption (von
Richthofen et al., 2022). Organizations also need to
reflect on how to conduct this input collection and
Some of the more complex Responsible AI
Adoption aspects are related to the organization’s
positioning in the AI environment. For example, how
valuable are the organization's data to AI providers?
With this understanding, some organizations
negotiated reciprocal agreements that consider the
value of the data involved (Siala & Wang, 2022).
How far have potential providers of an AI solution
adopted Responsible AI principles? Responsible AI
Adoption may help envision responsible initiatives to
palliate shortcomings of an AI solution. For example,
where the replication of bias present in the training
data can be an issue (Au Yeung et al., 2023), the
Responsible AI Adoption process can include
retraining the solution with data that does not contain
harmful biases and a proof-of-concept decisive stage.
The Responsible AI Adoption can be a
differential for organizations enforcing a growth of
their AI solutions portfolio aligned with Responsible
AI values. It can also place the organization a step
forward in regions where regulations are being
developed to hold organizations adopting AI
Navigating Responsible AI Adoption
accountable of the due diligence implied in the
Responsible AI paradigm.
5.1 Selecting Responsible AI
Frameworks and Principles
A Responsible AI Adoption strategy should reflect
the principles of Responsible AI applicable and
contain actionable measures in the context of use.
While the number of Responsible AI guidelines
containing principles has been growing, the number
of guidelines allowing for operationalization of
Responsible AI are still scarce (Lehoux et al., 2023;
Lukkien et al., 2023; Narayanan & Schoeberl, 2023).
In a study that analyses the crossroads between
long-term care, AI and responsible innovation,
Lukkien et al. (2023) argue that Responsible AI can
only be fostered with practical measures that apply
the principles conveyed. The study aimed to identify
concrete measures to influence design and/or
implementation of actual AI solutions in a specific
context of use. The kind of guidance the authors
sought were named “process-based frameworks” by
Narayanan and Schoeberl (2023): frameworks
offering a blueprint helping organizations to prioritize
aspects of system design, identify accountability
lines, establish the infrastructure, resources and
capabilities needed to operationalize Responsible AI.
These frameworks fall under the category of
"operational tools" (Lehoux et al., 2023), documents
that provide in-depth hands-on guidance on a
particular issue with detailed explanations, real-word
examples, step-by-step activities and further
A portrait of the challenge faced by organizations
in order to benefit from Responsible AI Adoption is
reflected in the research effort of the study of Lukkien
et al. (2023): from 3,339 documents advocating for
Responsible AI, only 8 contained practical measures
in the context of use. Current awareness of
Responsible AI guidelines can be time-consuming.
Process-based guidelines are more sensitive to the
context of use than Principles-based guidelines. In
2021, there were at least 170 frameworks or tools to
support Responsible AI operationalization
(Deshpande & Sharp, 2022). The number of process-
based guidelines is growing, but the challenge to
select and apply these tools persist (Lehoux et al.,
2023; Narayanan & Schoeberl, 2023). The work of
Narayanan and Schoeberl (2023) eases the
Responsible AI Adoption process in an interesting
way. The authors created a taxonomy to help
organizations navigate process-based Responsible AI
frameworks based on the study of 45 generic
Responsible AI frameworks. The Matrix for Selecting
Responsible AI Frameworks was created to assist
organizations identifying frameworks that meet their
specific needs.
However, in contexts where process-based
frameworks are not available, the need to evaluate
impact and mitigate risks are still present. An ethics
framework, guiding the interpretation and translation
of Responsible AI principles into actionable measures
is therefore helpful. Principles-based frameworks
have great variance in scope (Fjeld et al., 2020; Jobin
et al., 2019; Lehoux et al., 2023), even though some
consensus can be verified (Morley et al., 2020). The
context of use of the AI solution might also be the
object of more than one principles-based guideline.
An ethics framework can guide the organization in
the interpretation and translation of more than one
principles-based guideline.
5.2 Finding the Right Ethics
Applying ethics to business has always been a
delicate endeavour (Murray, 1997) and it is no
different when it comes to AI. An ethics framework
that is aligned with the organizational culture can help
identify risks, prioritize initiatives, obtain buy-in,
guide training and communication around the
adoption of AI and help the interpretation of
principles-based guidelines and their translation into
actionable measures. Ethics framework do not
address AI challenges themselves. Instead, they offer
ways to approach AI challenges and solutions.
For instance, Verbeek and Tijink (2020) argue for
a three-step approach: 1) considering the technology
in context; 2) involving actors, values and effects; 3)
identifying options for action, which can be: a) co-
creation with users and b) ethics by design, in context
and in use.
The co-creation approach is also preconized by
Bruneault et al. (2022). This framework specifies
individual, organizational and social attitudes and
structure. All the actors involved, the authors argue,
should continuously question pre-conceived ideas,
should employ the nuancing that characterizes
concrete applications and should recognize
knowledge limitations at any given moment.
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
5.3 Informing AI Governance
Effective AI governance should shape reality
according to governing concepts and also empower
agents of this reality to shape their governing
concepts (Noiseau, 2023). This two-way
interdependence can be used as a way to avoid
effective accountability (Floridi, 2019), but coupled
with a Responsible AI Adoption process, motivated
by actual applications and aligned with the
organizational culture, can be an effective path to
actually implement and maintain Responsible AI
solutions. The measurable performance indicators
and clear criteria for monitoring risks resulting from
the Responsible AI Adoption process can contribute
for a more effective AI governance.
To be effective, the Responsible AI paradigm
demands guidelines that are both broad in coverage
and specific in advice, as well as the identification of
impact and risks of the adoption of AI solutions in the
domain and context of use. Whereas articulating the
Responsible AI paradigm is a task better performed
by academia and regulatory bodies, the identification
of actionable measures with little room for
interpretation demands specific domain and
organizational knowledge.
This contribution outlined activities related to the
development and implementation of AI in
organizations in order to foster a responsible,
continuous, incremental and aligned AI adoption.
These activities are impacted by the Responsible AI
paradigm but aim actionable measures, adapted to the
domain and context of use of the AI solution. This
contribution suggests the need for talent, time, budget
and particular expertise to promote Responsible AI
Adoption processes.
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