An Attention-Based Deep Generative Model for Anomaly Detection in
Industrial Control Systems
Mayra Macas
1,2 a
, Chunming Wu
1 b
and Walter Fuertes
2 c
College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University No. 38 Zheda Road, Hangzhou 310027, China
Department of Computer Science, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Av. General Rumi
nahui S/N,
P.O. Box 17-15-231B, Sangolqu
ı, Ecuador
Industrial Control Systems, Internet of Things, Deep Learning, Variational Autoencoder, Anomaly Detection,
Dynamic Threshold, CNN.
Anomaly detection is critical for the secure and reliable operation of industrial control systems. As our re-
liance on such complex cyber-physical systems grows, it becomes paramount to have automated methods
for detecting anomalies, preventing attacks, and responding intelligently. This paper presents a novel deep
generative model to meet this need. The proposed model follows a variational autoencoder architecture with
a convolutional encoder and decoder to extract features from both spatial and temporal dimensions. Addi-
tionally, we incorporate an attention mechanism that directs focus towards specific regions, enhancing the
representation of relevant features and improving anomaly detection accuracy. We also employ a dynamic
threshold approach leveraging the reconstruction probability and make our source code publicly available to
promote reproducibility and facilitate further research. Comprehensive experimental analysis is conducted on
data from all six stages of the Secure Water Treatment (SWaT) testbed, and the experimental results demon-
strate the superior performance of our approach compared to several state-of-the-art baseline techniques.
Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are incorporated,
complex systems that rely on unhindered communi-
cations between their cyber and physical parts. Re-
cently, they have established an instrumental role in
various sectors and have been adopted in many indus-
trial environments, such as electrical power grids, oil
refineries, water treatment and distribution plants, and
public transportation systems (Macas et al., 2022). As
evidence, the respective market is expected to expand
by 9.7% per year, reaching up to US$9563 million
by 2025 (OrbisResearch, 2023). CPSs and the In-
ternet of Things (IoT) are interrelated concepts that
allow seamless communication between the physical
and digital worlds. At the same time, CPSs and IoT
also increase the likelihood of cybersecurity vulnera-
bilities and incidents due to the potential exploitations
of the heterogeneous communication systems in con-
trol of managing and controlling complex environ-
ments (Macas and Wu, 2019; Kravchik and Shabtai,
2022). Therefore, the capability of detecting sophisti-
cated cyber-attacks on the increasingly heterogeneous
nature of the CPSs, boosted by the arrival of IoT, has
become a crucial task.
In this work, it is assumed that the attackers aim
to change the physical behavior of their target, and
the primary objective is to defend the system beyond
the network level efficiently. Specifically, we consider
Industrial Control Systems (ICSs), which are a spe-
cific type of Cyber-Physical System that focuses on
regulating and monitoring industrial processes and in-
frastructure. They integrate physical components like
sensors, actuators, and machinery with computational
systems to enable efficient and automated control of
manufacturing, power generation, and other industrial
The approaches that have recently been the focus
of attention employ supervised and unsupervised Ma-
chine Learning (ML) or Deep Learning (DL) models
to yield more intelligent and powerful techniques that
leverage big data to recognize anomalies and intru-
sions (Duo et al., 2022; Kravchik and Shabtai, 2018;
Goh et al., 2017b; Zhang et al., 2023). However,
Macas, M., Wu, C. and Fuertes, W.
An Attention-Based Deep Generative Model for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0012264000003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 566-577
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
even with ML/DL techniques, identifying anomalies
in the time series data describing the physical proper-
ties of the respective complex systems is a demanding
task. In particular, in order to develop models that can
automatically discover anomalies, one primary chal-
lenge is that only a small number of anomaly labels
are available in the historical data, which renders su-
pervised algorithms (Macas et al., 2022) impractical.
Consequently, this article proposes an unsu-
pervised anomaly detection method for ICSs built
upon an attention-based Convolutional Variational
Autoencoder (aCVAE). Specifically, we first con-
struct statistical correlation matrices from the raw
time series data to characterize the system status
across different time steps. Then, the (convolutional)
encoder encodes a correlation matrix into a latent
representation roughly following a multidimensional
Gaussian distribution. The latent variable distribution
is represented by the mean and variance estimated by
the neural network. In addition, the attention mecha-
nism is introduced in the encoder as an attention mod-
ule to improve the spatial resolution of the correlation
matrices. On the other hand, the decoder performs
a series of reverse operations (i.e., dilated convolu-
tions) to reconstruct the correlation matrix from the
latent representation. The reconstruction probability
of aCVAE indicates the probability of the data orig-
inating from a specific latent variable sampled from
the approximate posterior distribution. Finally, this
reconstruction probability is leveraged to construct an
anomaly score to detect attacks.
The main contributions of this work can be sum-
marized as follows:
We propose a new unsupervised reconstruction-
based method for detecting anomalies in mul-
tivariate time series data obtained from indus-
trial CPSs. The main component of the devised
methodology is a variational autoencoder with a
convolutional encoder and decoder named aC-
VAE. The latter adopts 3D-convolutions to extract
features from both spatial and temporal dimen-
sions effectively;
We introduce an attention mechanism that guides
the proposed model to focus on specific regions
and enhances the representation of relevant fea-
We use the reconstruction probability instead
of the commonly employed reconstruction error.
The reconstruction probability error measures the
probability of the reconstructed output given the
input rather than the difference between the input
and the reconstructed output;
We adopt a dynamic threshold approach based on
an expected anomaly score estimator, enhancing
sensitivity and reducing false alarms;
We make our source code publicly available
facilitate reproducibility and further research; and
We perform comprehensive and comparative ex-
perimental analysis on data collected from all six
stages of the Secure Water Treatment (SWaT)
testbed (Goh et al., 2017a). The results demon-
strate the superior performance of the proposed
model over several state-of-the-art baseline tech-
Unsupervised learning techniques are used to un-
cover the underlying structure of unlabeled data.
These methods are popular in CPS intrusion detec-
tion (Macas et al., 2022) due to their simplicity and
ability to handle large datasets. For instance, an
SVM-based one-class (OC-SVM) classifier and the
k-means clustering algorithm were used in (Maglaras
et al., 2020). K-means clustering served as a control
mechanism for the false positives generated by the
OC-SVM classifier. However, the proposed algorithm
has some significant drawbacks, such as the implicit
selection of a suitable kernel function that can vary
depending on the specific use case and its high com-
putational complexity. Furthermore, distance-based
clustering methods and the OC-SVM classifier do not
consider the temporal dependencies between anoma-
lous data points (Almalawi et al., 2016), making them
susceptible to false positives and unsuitable for de-
tecting anomalies in complex systems.
Deep learning-based unsupervised anomaly de-
tection methods have recently gained significant at-
tention. Goh et al. (Goh et al., 2017b) conducted a
study utilizing the deep LSTM-RNN model and Cu-
mulative Sum (CUSUM) to detect anomalies in the
first stage of the SWAT dataset. The results indicated
that nine out of ten attacks were detected with only
four false positives. However, the stability of the re-
sults was not extensively discussed, which is regret-
table. Inoue et al. (Inoue et al., 2017) compared two
anomaly detection techniques: DNNs and OC-SVM.
According to their findings, DNNs had a precision of
98%, while OC-SVM had a precision of 92% across
all six stages of the SWaT dataset. It should be noted,
however, that the proposed architecture was rather
resource-demanding, complex, and challenging.
(Kravchik and Shabtai, 2018) conducted a study
on cyber-attack detection using a combination of 1D-
An Attention-Based Deep Generative Model for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems
CNN and LSTM. Their approach successfully identi-
fied attacks in all six stages of the SWAT dataset (Goh
et al., 2017a) with a precision rate of 91%. How-
ever, it was limited to detecting attacks in each stage
separately, without considering inter-stage dependen-
cies. In contrast, (Macas and Wu, 2019) developed
an attention-based Convolutional LSTM Encoder-
Decoder (ConvLSTM-ED) model, which analyzed
the entire SWaT testbed (Goh et al., 2017a). Their
approach achieved a precision rate of 96.0%, a re-
call rate of 81.5%, and an F1 score of 88.0%.
(Kravchik and Shabtai, 2022) employed 1D-CNN
and autoencoders to identify anomalies on the SWaT
dataset (Goh et al., 2017a). While their approach
yielded enhanced performance, it required manual
threshold setting for attack detection. On the other
hand, Xie et al. (Xie et al., 2020) proposed a hybrid ar-
chitecture utilizing CNN and RNN that achieved high
accuracy. However, they failed to consider that many
SWaT features have a different distribution in training
and testing data, which could result in false positives.
Overall, the above anomaly detectors share the
following two shortcomings within the context of
the problem we examine: (i) they need to consider
that data from sensors in real environments usually
contain noise—when that noise grows relatively se-
vere, it may hurt the generalization ability of tem-
poral prediction models, like those based on LSTMs
or RNNs (Malhotra et al., 2016); and (ii) the recon-
struction errors that are employed as anomaly scores
are difficult to calculate if the data is heterogeneous.
In order to overcome these shortcomings, this pa-
per presents an efficient anomaly detector for CPSs,
called aCVAE, which leverages an attention-based
Convolutional Variational Autoencoder to extract fea-
tures from both spatial and temporal dimensions ef-
Herein, we briefly overview the employed DL archi-
3.1 Variational Autoencoder
The Variational Autoencoder (VAE) (Kingma and
Welling, 2014) is a directed probabilistic graphical
model whose posterior is approximated by a neural
network, forming an autoencoder-like architecture.
Given an input x, VAE applies an encoder (also known
as inference model) q
(z|x) to generate the latent vari-
able z that captures the variation in x. It uses a de-
coder p
(x|z) to approximate the observation given
the latent variable. The inference model represents
the approximate posterior using the mean µ and vari-
ance σ
calculated by q
(z|x), which is regularized to
be close to a Normal distribution. The prior p(z) is
chosen to be a standard Gaussian distribution. Given
the constraints of distribution on latent variables, the
complete objective function can be described as fol-
L (x|θ, φ) = KL(q
+ E
, (1)
where KL(q
(z|x)||p(z)) is the Kullback-Leibler di-
vergence between the prior and the posterior. VAEs
have been applied successfully in different do-
mains. One such example is traffic matrix estima-
tion (Kakkavas et al., 2021). Moreover, by employ-
ing statistical correlation matrices to characterize the
system status, VAEs can also be used for anomaly de-
tection in time series data (Xu et al., 2018; Chen et al.,
3.2 Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) use trainable
kernels to apply convolution operations on input im-
ages, generating spatial features that describe the tar-
get predictor (Goodfellow et al., 2016). The model
learns basic features in the initial layers and progres-
sively more complex representations in deeper lay-
ers. The output of a CNN is a set of feature maps
that can be directly used or passed on to a fully
connected layer for classification or regression tasks.
A 3-dimensional CNN (3D-CNN) is a variation of
the typical 2-dimensional CNN (2D-CNN) that learns
spatio-temporal features by incorporating a third di-
mension. 3D convolutions are more effective than 2D
convolutions in capturing spatio-temporal patterns.
Even though CNNs are mostly used for image anal-
ysis, they have also proven successful in analyzing
multivariate time series data (Goodfellow et al., 2016;
Kravchik and Shabtai, 2022). 3D-CNNs are mainly
used for video analysis, but they have also been suc-
cessfully applied in other domains, such as network
traffic forecasting (Guo et al., 2019) or predicting
damages in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) (Varela
et al., 2022). Motivated by the above, in this work,
we introduce 3D convolutions to detect anomalies and
cyberattacks in multivariate time series obtained from
industrial CPSs.
3.3 Attention Mechanism
This research employs the 3D-Convolutional
Block Attention Module (3D-CBAM), inspired by
DMMLACS 2023 - 3rd International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security
Figure 1: 3D-CBAM consists of (a) 3D-Channel Attention
Module and (b) 3D-Spatial Attention Module.
CBAM (Woo et al., 2018). As shown in Figure 1, 3D-
CBAM comprises two sub-modules: the 3D-channel
attention sub-module and the 3D-spatial attention
sub-module. In the former, 3D global maximum
pooling and 3D global average pooling decompose
the input into two vectors. Then, a Multi-Layer
Perceptron (MLP) generates two channel attention
maps, which are merged via element-wise sum-
mation. Finally, the 3D channel attention map is
generated using sigmoid activation. In the latter, the
maximum and average values over the input channel
are calculated and then concatenated. Finally, a
3D-convolution layer generates a spatial attention
map. These 3D-CBAM modules are placed between
the convolutional layers of the encoder in the aCVAE
model to help improve its accuracy by focusing on
essential features, inhibiting unnecessary elements,
and obtaining more representative points of interest.
In this section, we first introduce the problem we
aim to study and then elaborate on the proposed
3D attention-based Convolutional Variational Au-
toencoder (aCVAE) in detail. Specifically, we first
show how to generate correlation matrices from the
raw time series data to characterize the system status.
Next, the (convolutional) encoder encodes a correla-
tion matrix into a latent representation roughly fol-
lowing a multidimensional Gaussian distribution. In
addition, the attention mechanism is introduced in the
encoder as an attention module to improve the spatial
resolution of the correlation matrices. Then, the de-
coder performs a series of reverse operations (dilated
convolution being the reverse operation of convolu-
tion) to reconstruct the correlation matrix of the latent
representation. Finally, the reconstruction probabil-
ity is used as an anomaly score to detect anomalous
points. Figure 2 outlines the proposed framework.
Figure 2: Framework of the proposed anomaly detection
4.1 Problem Statement
Consider m time series, X = (x
, x
, ··· , x
, x
, ··· , x
) R
, capturing the behavior of
m sensors over a period of time. Each time series,
= (x
, x
, ··· , x
, represents the data col-
lected by the k
sensor for T time steps. At a given
time t, the vector x
= (x
, x
, ··· , x
the corresponding values of all m time series. The
model aims to identify anomalous events at specific
time steps after T , assuming that the historical data
reflects normal system behavior, free of anomalies.
4.2 Statistical Correlation Analysis
Figure 3: Schematic representation of two system correla-
tion matrices (m×m) within normal and abnormal periods:
the correlation matrices differ because the system behavior
differs during normal and abnormal periods.
In order to detect abnormal behaviors in a system
that differ from legitimate ones, one can analyze its
statistical properties through a process called statis-
tical correlation analysis. This technique involves
comparing different pairs of time series to gain in-
An Attention-Based Deep Generative Model for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems
sight into the system’s status and has been exten-
sively studied (Macas and Wu, 2019). To repre-
sent the (inter)correlation between pairs of time se-
ries within a specific multivariate time series seg-
ment ranging from timestep t w to t, an m ×
m correlation matrix M
is created by computing
the pairwise inner-product of every two component
time series segments. Figure. 3 provides two ex-
amples of such correlation matrices. More rigor-
ously, given a multivariate time series segment X
we calculate the correlation between the component
time series x
, x
, ··· , x
and x
, x
, ··· , x
using the following equation:
i j
· x
, (2)
with κ representing a rescaling factor (set equal to w
in the following). The correlation matrix M
is utilized to capture the correlations in shape and
value scale between every pair of component time
series segments. This matrix is robust against input
noise, as turbulence within a time series has minimal
impact overall. In this work, we construct correla-
tion matrices at each time step with varying segment
lengths (w = 90, 150, 180), resulting in a total of three
matrices (s = 3) to describe the system’s state at dif-
ferent scales.
4.3 Attention-Based Convolutional
Variational Autoencoder (aCVAE)
In aCVAE, the input of the encoder is constructed
from the correlation matrix M
and has di-
mensions (k, m, m, c) where k is the depth (i.e., the
number of frames/slices) in the 3D volume, m is the
height and the width of each frame, and c is the num-
ber of channels in each frame. The output is the mean
and variance parameters of the Gaussian probability
distribution of the latent variable z. The value of the
latent variable z is obtained by sampling from this
probability distribution. The encoder follows a 3D-
fully-convolutional network (FCN) architecture (Li,
2017) to process M
. It consists of four 3D con-
volution layers (e.g. spatial convolution over vol-
umes) (Long et al., 2015) and one fully connected
layer. Furthermore, we insert 3D-CBAM attention
modules (see Section 3.3) between the fully convo-
lution layers to focus and improve the spatial resolu-
tion of the correlation matrix. In particular, the atten-
tion process in the CBAM module can be summarized
as (Huang et al., 2020):
= F
) M
= F
) M
where F
is the channel attention map and
is the spatio-temporal attention map.
The channel attention map and spatio-temporal atten-
tion map are calculated as follows:
) = σ(Conv3D(AvgPool(M
))) and
) = σ(Conv3D(AvgPool(M
The input of the decoder is the latent representation
z obtained from the encoder, and the output is the
mean and variance of the posterior Gaussian proba-
bility distribution and the reconstructed
from the
latent variables. Like the encoder, the decoder is mod-
eled using a 3D-fully-convolutional network (FCN)
structure (Li, 2017). It consists of ve transposed con-
volution layers and one fully connected layer. The de-
tailed structure of the encoder and decoder is shown
in Figure 4.
For all the convolution layers and transposed con-
volution layers in the encoder and decoder, the recti-
fied linear activation function or ReLU (Goodfellow
et al., 2016), glorot uniform initializer (Goodfellow
et al., 2016), and batch normalization (Goodfellow
et al., 2016) with a decay of 0.9 are used. The acti-
vation function, weight initializer, and batch normal-
ization for the last fully connected layer are omitted.
Lastly, the dimension of the latent space is set to 100.
To converge the parameters θ and φ of the encoder
and decoder, the aCVAE is trained to maximize the
Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO), which can be ex-
pressed as the sum of two components: the recon-
struction term and the regularization term. The for-
mer is calculated as the reconstruction log-likelihood
of M
and the latter is the Kullback-Leibler (KL) di-
vergence between the learned posterior latent distri-
bution and a prior distribution, often a simple Gaus-
sian distribution. The Adam optimizer (Goodfellow
et al., 2016) is used for maximizing the ELBO during
training, which is computed by:
|θ, φ) = KL(q
The reconstruction probability of aCVAE indi-
cates the probability of the data originating from a
specific latent variable sampled from the approxi-
mate posterior distribution. The anomaly score was
DMMLACS 2023 - 3rd International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security
Figure 4: Architecture of the aCVAE with respect to an input of size 40 × 40 × 1.
set equal to one minus the reconstruction probabil-
ity, which is calculated by the Monte Carlo estimate
, the second term of the right-
hand side of Equation 5. Data points with anomaly
scores higher than threshold τ are identified as
anomalies, and those with anomaly scores lower
than τ are considered normal.
State-Based Thresholding
Drawing inspiration from (Park et al., 2018), we pro-
pose a dynamic threshold that adapts to the esti-
mated state of task execution. Reconstruction qual-
ity can vary depending on the execution’s state, and
sometimes, non-anomalous executions can have high
anomaly scores in certain states. By dynamically
adjusting the threshold, we can reduce false alarms
and improve sensitivity. In our problem formulation,
the state refers to the latent space representation of
observations, which the encoder of aCVAE can cal-
culate for each time step in a sequence of observa-
tions. Our approach involves training an expected
anomaly score estimator,
: z s, by mapping
states Z and corresponding anomaly scores S from the
non-anomalous dataset. Specifically, we use a non-
parametric Bayesian approach called Gaussian Pro-
cess Regression (GPR) to map the multidimensional
inputs z Z to the scalar outputs s S employing a
radial basis function (RBF) kernel with noise. More-
over, a constant η is added to the expected score
to control sensitivity, thus forming the following dy-
namic state-based threshold: τ =
(z) + η.
In this section, we conduct extensive experiments to
answer the following research questions:
RQ1: Can aCVAE outperform baseline methods
for anomaly detection in multivariate time series?
RQ2: How does each component of aCVAE af-
fect its performance?
5.1 Experimental Setup
The Secure Water Treatment (SWaT) testbed (Goh
et al., 2017a) is an invaluable resource for researchers
studying complex CPS environments. With data col-
lected from 51 sensors and actuators every second, the
Historian Server provides a wealth of information for
analysis. The SWaT dataset contains seven days of
normal operating conditions and four days of record-
ings, during which 36 attacks were carried out. These
attacks simulated a system already compromised by
attackers, who interfered with normal system opera-
tion and spoofed the system state to the PLCs, caus-
ing erroneous commands to be broadcast to the actu-
ators. The attacks were carried out by modifying the
network traffic in the level 1 network, issuing false
SCADA commands, and spoofing the sensors’ values.
This dataset includes attacks that target a single stage
of the process and simultaneous attacks on different
An Attention-Based Deep Generative Model for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems
Data Pre-Processing
Considering that this study focuses on physical layer
attacks, we used the “Physical” subdirectory of the
SWaT dataset containing 51-time series (variables)
generated by sensors and actuators on a per-second
basis. The SWaT dataset was first pre-processed by
discarding the data that did not help improve the de-
tection accuracy (e.g., the features with constant val-
ues), retaining 40 out of the original 51 features. The
resulting data were also normalized, so the range of
observed values lies in the interval [0, 1]. Among
the raw data, 495 000 records were collected under
normal conditions, and 449 919 were collected while
performing various cyber-attacks in the system. Our
experiments divide the dataset captured under normal
conditions into three subsets. In particular, we use the
first 336 560 data points as the training set (N
the following 96 160 data points form the first nor-
mal validation set (V
) that is used for early
stopping while training the proposed model and the
remaining 48 080 data points the second normal val-
idation set (V
), which is used for tuning the
hyper-parameters of the model and for determining
the threshold. Finally, the dataset containing anoma-
lies, denoted by A
and comprising 449 919
points, is employed as the test set.
Baselines and Variants
To determine how well our proposed model works,
we compared it to six other baseline approaches that
are commonly used in similar situations. These ap-
proaches are well-known and respected for measuring
performance. Our goal was to identify the strengths
and weaknesses of our model and determine if it is
better than the other approaches for solving the prob-
lem at hand. Specifically, the considered approaches
1) One-Class SVM (OC-SVM) (Inoue et al.,
2017) and 2) Isolation Forest (IF) (Cheng et al.,
2019), where the classification models learn a de-
cision function and classify the test dataset as sim-
ilar or dissimilar to the training dataset;
3) Density-Based Local Outliers (LOF) (Al-
malawi et al., 2014) and 4) Gaussian Mix-
ture Model (GMM) (McLachlan and Rathnayake,
2014), which are density-based approaches as-
signing to each object of the test dataset a degree
of being an outlier;
5) Long Short-Term Memory-based Encoder De-
coder (LSTM-ED) (Malhotra et al., 2016) and 6)
Gated Recurrent Unit Encoder Decoder (GRU-
ED) (Dey and Salem, 2017), which are able to
capture and represent the training dataset’s tem-
poral dependencies.
The anomaly scores are computed similarly to (Mal-
hotra et al., 2016). Broadly speaking, to identify
anomalies in a test time series, we use reconstruc-
tion errors to calculate the likelihood of a point be-
ing anomalous. This is done through Maximum
Likelihood Estimation, which assigns each point an
anomaly score. The higher the score, the more likely
the point is anomalous.
Besides the aforementioned models, we consider
three aCVAE variants to justify the effectiveness of
each component of the complete model:
7) 2D-CVAE, where the 3D convolutional layers
are replaced by 2D convolutional layers and
8) 3D-CVAE, where the attention module is re-
9) A deterministic 3D convolutional autoencoder,
which is used to quantify the gains of using prob-
abilistic modeling via the variational autoencoder.
Evaluation Metrics
We measure the effectiveness of each method in de-
tecting anomalous events using precision (Prec), re-
call (Rec), and F
score (Sammut and Webb, 2016),
computed as follows:
Prec =
Rec =
, and
score =
2 · Prec · Rec
Prec + Rec
where TP, FP, TN and FN stand for true positives,
false positives, true negatives, and false negatives, re-
spectively. Each model’s ability to avoid False Posi-
tives is measured by Precision (Prec), the proportion
of correctly predicted positive instances out of all in-
stances predicted as positive. Recall (Rec) is also
known as sensitivity or True Positive Rate, and it mea-
sures the model’s ability to avoid False Negatives. It
is defined as the proportion of correctly predicted pos-
itive instances out of all positive ones. Lastly, the
F1 score is a balanced measure of the model’s per-
formance, considering both False Positives and False
Negatives. It is calculated as the harmonic mean of
precision and recall.
To detect an anomaly, we leverage that the recon-
struction errors of anomalous data are expected to be
larger than those of normal data. The main idea is
that due to the training over normal historical data,
DMMLACS 2023 - 3rd International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security
the employed generative model has learned “well” to
reconstruct the respective correlation matrices, i.e.,
the correlation matrices corresponding to normal op-
eration. Consequently, the model is expected to re-
construct similarly well any normal correlation ma-
trices during the testing phase. On the contrary, an
anomaly—defined as an outlier or discrepancy—will
lead to a larger reconstruction error since the varia-
tional autoencoder has not learned to model it effi-
Finally, we use a summary metric called PRAUC
(Precision-Recall Area Under the Curve) (Brown and
Davis, 2006) to measure the classifier’s overall perfor-
mance. This metric is calculated by quantifying the
trade-off between precision and recalls for different
classification thresholds, as shown on the Precision-
Recall curve. We obtain a single scalar value rep-
resenting the model’s overall performance by calcu-
lating the area under this curve. A higher PRAUC
value indicates that the model performs better regard-
ing precision and recall.
Implementation Details
The proposed method and its variants, as well as
LSTM-ED, were implemented in Python 3.9.12
utilizing the TensorFlow framework version
2.12.0 (Abadi et al., 2016) and the Keras (Chol-
let et al., 2015) deep learning API. In particular, we
utilize the subclassing API to customize models by
subclassing the tf.keras.Model class. This allows
for greater control and flexibility over the model’s
architecture and behavior compared to the sequential
or functional API. The constructor defines the layers
and operations that make up the model, while the
call method defines the model’s forward pass.
When inputs are passed to the model, this method
connects the layers and applies operations to the
inputs to define the computation graph of the model.
The standard Keras workflow compiles and trains the
model, specifying the loss function, optimizer, and
metrics. Finally, the predict method is used to make
predictions with the model.
We implemented the traditional baseline tech-
niques, namely OC-SVM, LOF, IF, and GMM, uti-
lizing Python version 3.9.12 in conjunction with the
Scikit-learn library (Pedregosa et al., 2011). Our ex-
perimentation took place on a Linux server equipped
with six virtual central processing units (vCPUs) and
15 gigabytes (GB) of RAM. This server setup ensured
ample computational capabilities for the efficient ex-
ecution of our experiments.
5.2 Experimental Results
In order to answer the RQ1, we evaluate the models’
performance on the six stages of the SWaT dataset in
terms of precision (Pre), recall (Rec), and F1 score.
The experiments are repeated five times, and we re-
port the average results in Table 1 for comparison,
where the best overall scores are highlighted in bold
and the best baseline scores are indicated by dou-
ble underline and italics. It should be noted that the
baseline methods are evaluated over the raw time se-
ries data since they cannot work with multidimen-
sional (in our case, two-dimensional) data. We ob-
serve that the traditional models (i.e., OC-SVM, IF,
LOF, and GMM) perform worse than the deep predic-
tion models (i.e., LSTM-ED and GRU-ED), indicat-
ing that they cannot adequately handle the temporal
dependencies in the dataset. However, the approaches
based on LSTM and GRU have lower recall and F1
scores than deep models based on 3D convolutions.
Although LSTM and GRU can handle the temporal
dependencies in the data, they can not extract the fea-
tures from the spatial dimension. More concretely,
are unsuitable for simultaneously learning spatial and
temporal dependencies, contrary to approaches based
on 3D-CNNs.
The 3D-CAE and the aCVAE architectures yield
the largest precision when w = 90. However, the aC-
VAE model achieves the largest recall and F1 score
for all the employed window sizes. Hence, this ver-
ifies that the proposed 3D attention-based Convolu-
tional Variational Autoencoder (aCVAE) architecture
efficiently identifies anomalies or outliers. Next, we
demonstrate how the performance of the aCVAE ap-
proach varies across the employed sequence window
lengths w = {90, 150, 180}. In particular, aCVAE
with w = {90, 150} has better precision than aCVAE
with w = 180, whereas aCVAE with w = 90 has bet-
ter recall and F1 rate compared to the other window
lengths. Figure 5 summarizes the evaluation met-
rics for the aCVAE model and its variants when the
window length equals 90. Furthermore, to provide
a detailed comparison, Figure 6 contrasts the perfor-
mance of aCVAE and the best baseline method, i.e.,
LSTM-ED, for the SWaT dataset. It is evident that the
anomaly score of LSTM-ED is not stable, resulting in
numerous false positives (blue points that are above
the threshold line) and false negatives (gray points
that are below the threshold line). In contrast, aCVAE
demonstrates better anomaly detection performance
with fewer misclassifications.
To answer the RQ2, Table 2 presents the perfor-
mance of the three variants of aCVAE architecture
(i.e., 3D-CAE, 2D-CVAE, and 3D-CVAE) in terms of
An Attention-Based Deep Generative Model for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems
Table 1: Average anomaly detection results for all the considered methods and models.
Raw time series data w = 90 w = 150 w = 180
Pre Rec F1 Pre Rec F1 Pre Rec F1 Pre Rec F1
OC-SVM 50 47 40 - - - - - - - - -
IF 65 60 55 - - - - - - - - -
LOF 67 55 57 - - - - - - - - -
GMM 70 50 60 - - - - - - - - -
LSTM-ED 71 59 72 - - - - - - - - -
GRU-ED 70 55 74 - - - - - - - - -
3D-CAE - - - 74 56 59 81 73 79 62 77 65
2D-CVAE - - - 70 51 61 72 68 74 67 79 72
3D-CVAE - - - 72 76 81 79 75 83 66 70 84
aCVAE - - - 74 88 89 80 76 88 70 82 87
Figure 5: The performance of different deep models when
Figure 6: Representative illustration of anomaly detection.
The sections shaded in grey indicate periods of anomalies.
The red dashed line represents the threshold for detecting
anomalies in the SWaT dataset.
PRAUC, to indicate the impact and the significance of
the various components of the proposed model. We
observe that the 3D convolutional layers improve the
performance of aCVAE. In particular, a 3D convolu-
tional layer uses a three-dimensional filter to perform
convolutions. The kernel can slide in three directions,
whereas a 2D CNN can slide only in two dimensions.
Within the context of this work, the third dimension
is time. Thus, the 3D convolutional layers are more
effective in learning meaningful spatio-temporal fea-
tures from the correlation matrices, contrary to 2D
convolutional layers, which cannot handle temporal
Moreover, aCVAE outperforms 3D-CAE and 3D-
CVAE, which suggests that the 3D attention mecha-
nism incorporated between the 3D convolutional lay-
ers in the decoder can further improve anomaly de-
tection performance. Figure 7 provides a visual rep-
resentation of the ability of the methods mentioned
above to detect anomalies. It presents the PRAUC
of the different deep models over different window
lengths: (w = 90, 150, 180). As can be seen, aCVAE
outperforms the other deep learning models, generat-
ing higher PRAUC. In particular, the highest PRAUC
is achieved when the window length equals 90 (i.e.,
one minute and a half). Generally, the PRAUC of
deep models based on 3D convolutions decreases as
the window length increases. Thus, it is recom-
mended not to choose a large window length, given its
impact on performance and higher computation cost.
Table 2: PRAUC of the aCVAE model and its variants over
different window lengths.
w = 90 w = 150 w = 180
3D-CAE 0.8123 0.7212 0.7589
2D-CVAE 0.6574 0.6841 0.6974
3D-CVAE 0.8379 0.8107 0.8002
aCVAE 0.9015 0.8801 0.8725
Figure 8 provides a visual representation of the
ability of the aCVAE, 3D-CAE, 2D-CVAE, and 3D-
DMMLACS 2023 - 3rd International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security
Figure 7: Visual representation of PRAUC for aCVAE and
its variants over different windows sizes.
CVAE architectures to detect anomalies and the ef-
ficiency of the proposed dynamic threshold over a
specific testing period of 60 seconds. Note that the
anomalous execution originated from the SSSP attack
aiming to overflow the tank at P3. As can be seen, aC-
VAE can effectively detect the anomaly, which begins
in 43 seconds, contrary to 3D-CVAE, 2D-VAE, and
3D-CAE, which produce many false positives. Be-
sides, we can see that depending on the state of task
executions, reconstruction quality may vary. In other
words, anomaly scores in non-anomalous task execu-
tions can be high in certain states, so varying the dy-
namic state-based threshold according to the expected
anomaly score can reduce false alarms and improve
Moreover, Figure 8 provides insights into the ad-
vantages of using the reconstruction probability in-
stead of a deterministic reconstruction error, com-
monly used in autoencoder-based anomaly detection
approaches (e.g., 3D-CAE). The first one is that
the reconstruction probability does not require data-
specific detection thresholds since it is a probabilistic
measure. Using such a metric provides a more intu-
itive way of analyzing the results. The second one is
that the reconstruction probability considers the data’s
variability. Intuitively, anomalous data has higher
variance than normal data, and hence, the reconstruc-
tion probability is likely to be lower for anomalous
examples. Using the variability of data for anomaly
detection enriches the expressive power of the pro-
posed model compared to conventional autoencoders.
Even when normal and anomalous data can share the
same expected value, the variability is different and,
thus, provides an extra tool to distinguish anomalous
examples from normal ones.
The 3D-CBAM attention mechanism makes the
aCVAE more understandable, reliable, and efficient.
Figure 8: Visualization of the anomaly scores over a test-
ing period of 60 s for aCVAE. The dashed curve represents
the dynamic state-based threshold, based on which the aC-
VAE performs anomaly detection: an anomaly is identified
when the current anomaly score is larger than the thresh-
old. The brown color represents the duration of the detected
Figure 9 illustrates how 3D-CBAM allows the aC-
VAE to weigh features by the level of importance for
detecting anomalous points. Specifically, 3D-CBAM
enables the model to identify the most relevant re-
gions in the correlation matrices. As shown in Fig-
ure 9, the correlation matrix that goes through the
convolution layer + 3D-CBAM is more accurate than
the one that goes through the vanilla convolutional
layers. This visualization demonstrates the feature
map for a specific input correlation matrix to observe
the detected and preserved input features.
Figure 9: Correlation matrix corresponding to SSSP attack
aiming to overflow the tank at P3 passed through the 3D
convolutional layer + 3D-CBAM and vanilla 3D convolu-
tional layer.
5.3 Discusion
We propose the 3D attention-based Convolutional
Variational Autoencoder or aCVAE for unsupervised
anomaly detection over industrial time series data.
We address the existing methods’ limitations: poor
An Attention-Based Deep Generative Model for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems
generalization to unseen anomaly patterns and using
supervised methods to learn a suitable threshold strat-
egy. For the latter, as the nature of the data pro-
duced by the CPSs continuously changes and insuf-
ficient labeled data for each class are available, more
than supervised methods are needed. In aCVAE, the
stochastic latent variable is learned from spatial and
temporal dependencies of the correlation matrices,
making the reconstruction more generalized. A ro-
bust objective function is integrated into the mod-
els to avoid the contamination problem of the la-
tent space. Finally, an unsupervised dynamic-based
threshold-setting strategy is adopted, instead of the
traditional supervised ROC-based strategy, to achieve
better model performance. The reported experimental
results demonstrate that aCVAE can outperform state-
of-the-art baseline methods.
This work addressed the importance of detecting
anomalies in industrial control systems and proposed
a new deep generative model, aCVAE, to meet this
need. The model uses a variational autoencoder with
a 3D convolutional encoder and decoder and an at-
tention mechanism that enhances feature representa-
tion and anomaly detection accuracy. The (binary)
classification performance is improved using a recon-
struction probability error and a dynamic threshold
approach. The experiments conducted on the SWaT
testbed demonstrate that our approach outperforms
state-of-the-art baselines, making it a promising so-
lution for industrial settings.
Although the proposed model shows promising
results, there are still areas for improvement in fu-
ture work: (i) Incorporating self-attention mecha-
nisms (Niu et al., 2021) could help the model cap-
ture long-range dependencies and improve anomaly
detection accuracy; (ii) Using more lightweight mod-
els, such as SqueezeNet (Iandola et al., 2016), or em-
ploying other techniques to compress deep neural net-
works (Cheng et al., 2018) could facilitate deploy-
ment over resource-constrained devices; (iii) Investi-
gating better windowing strategies could improve the
model’s representation of temporal dependencies and
its ability to detect anomalies across different time
scales. These directions offer opportunities for further
developments in the field, ultimately leading to more
effective and efficient anomaly detection in industrial
control systems.
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An Attention-Based Deep Generative Model for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems