Towards True Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Real World
Hani Hagras
The Computational Intelligence Centre, School of Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, University of Essex,
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO43SQ, U.K.
Keywords: Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic Systems.
Abstract: We are entering a new era which is characterized by huge amounts of data which are generated from almost
every application in our everyday lives. It is getting easier to organise such huge amounts of data via efficient
data bases and ever growing and cheaper data storage systems (which can nicely scaleup in cloud based
solutions). Due to the huge sizes, high dimensionality and complex relationships of such data, Artificial
Intelligence (AI) technologies are well placed to handle such data and generate new services, business
opportunities and even provide breakthroughs to completely change our lives and realise new industrial
revolution as anticipated. The vast majority of AI technologies employ what is called opaque box models
(such as Deep learning, Random forests, support vector machines, etc) which produce very good accuracies
but it is quite difficult to analyse, understand and augment such models with human experience/knowledge.
Furthermore, it is equally difficult to understand, analyse and justify the outputs of such opaque AI models.
Hence, there is a need for Explainable AI (XAI) models which could be easily understood, analysed and
augmented by the users/stake holders. There is a need also for such XAI models outputs to be easily
understood and analysed by the lay user. In this paper, we will review the current trends in XAI and argue the
real-world need for true XAI which provides full transparency and clarity at the model and output level.
Over the past few decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
has moved from the realms of science fiction to
become a key part of our day-to-day lives and
business operations. A report from Microsoft and
Ernst and Young (EY) that analysed the outlook for
AI in 2019 and beyond, stated that “65% of
organisations in Europe expect AI to have a high or a
very high impact on the core business.” (Chavatte,
In the banking and financial industries alone, the
potential that AI has to improve the sector is vast.
Important decisions are already made by AI on credit
risk, wealth management, financial crime, intelligent
pricing, product recommendation, investment
services, debt-collection, etc.
The adoption of AI across business sectors has not
come without its challenges. In a recent forecast
(Press, 2019), Forrester predicted a rising demand for
transparent and easily understandable AI models,
stating that “45% of AI decision makers say trusting
the AI system is either challenging or very
challenging.”. This isn’t very surprising when we
consider that most organisations today still work with
what are known as “opaque box” or “black box” AI
systems. These opaque models rely on data and learn
from each interaction, thus can easily and rapidly
accelerate poor decision making if fed corrupt or
biased data. Such black box” AI systems also leave
the end customer in the dark, doing nothing to instil
trust in the technology. This lack of trust is also being
compounded by widespread scepticism from
consumers who are reticent to share their personal
data, especially if they cannot be sure how it is going
to be used.
Fortunately, Explainable AI (XAI) models have
the capabilities to overcome the abovementioned
concerns, while providing reassurance that decisions
will be made in an appropriate and non-biased way.
In this paper, we will present various XAI
approaches while arguing the case for the need for
True XAI systems for real world applications which
are characterized by models which could be easily
Hagras, H.
Towards True Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Real World Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0012272500003595
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2023), pages 5-13
ISBN: 978-989-758-674-3; ISSN: 2184-3236
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
analysed, understood and augmented by the relevant
stake holders. Also the outputs of these models should
be easily understood and analysed by the lay user.
Section 2 provides an overview on XAI
approaches. Section 3 provides a discussion by what
we mean by “True” XAI. Section 4 provides a review
of some real world deployments of such True XAI.
Section 5 provides the conclusions and future work.
XAI systems are expected to be highly transparent
models which explain, in human language, how an AI
decision has been made. Ideally, they do not solely
rely on data, but can be elevated and augmented by
human intelligence. These systems are supposed to be
built around causality, creating space for human
sensibility to detect and ensure that the machine
learning is ethical and course-correct if it is not. This
is extremely valuable when we consider that most
industries don’t usually have the privilege of finding
out that their AI model is biased until it’s too late.
In many sectors of the economy, XAI is creating
positive outcomes for both the industry and the
customer. For example, in banking and finance, XAI
systems have allowed institutions to carve out new
revenue streams. By providing insights into a
particular AI outcome, banks can reroute customers
that have been denied a service and recommend a
more suitable option for them for which they would
qualify. This allows banks to provide highly
personalised services to customers and explore new
product lines based on evidenced demand. The
customer, on the other hand, receives an explanation
of why a particular service has been denied and an
alternative is offered in its place. With this insight, the
customer may also be able to make lifestyle changes
in order to attain their financial goals and improve in
their financial wellbeing.
Figure 1 depicts a summary as provided by
(Gunning, 2017) showing some AI techniques
performance vs explainability where it is shown that
black box models like Deep Learning give best
prediction accuracy vs Decision Trees which provide
higher explainability contrasted by prediction
XAI can also be categorized according to different
Intrinsic or Post Hoc: whether the model
itself is architecturally explainable
(transparent model), or the technique tries to
explain an opaque model.
Result of the Interpretation: how is the
“interpretation” returned to the user?
o Feature summary statistic.
o Model internals (weights).
o Data point analysis related to the
o Surrogate model.
o A set of linguistic and numerical
Local or Global Explanations.
“Reference Based” and “Non-Reference
Based”: whether you need an
example/reference to provide an
Level of Interpretability: do I need
technical knowledge or not? If so, how
Figure 1: Existing AI techniques- Performance vs
Explainability (Gunning, 2017).
As shown in Figure 1, in (Gunning, 2017), they
suggest various approaches to realise XAI, the first
approach applies to Deep Learning and Neural
Networks (which according to Figure 1 and
(Gunning, 2017) have the highest predictive power)
which is termed as deep explanation. This approach
tries to process the deep learning (or neural network)
techniques to learn explainable structures. Some
examples of such techniques can be found in
(Montavon et al., 2018) including, the Layer-wise
Relevance Propagation (LRP) technique (Bach,
The second approach to XAI in Figure 1 is called
interpretable models which are techniques to learn
more structured and interpretable casual models
which could apply to statistical models (e.g. logistic
regression models, naïve bayes models, etc),
graphical models (such as Hidden Markov Models,
IJCCI 2023 - 15th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
etc) . However, like the deep explanation techniques,
the output of these models could be analysed only by
an expert in these techniques and not by a lay user.
The third XAI approach is what is termed model
induction which could be applied to infer an
interpretable model from any black box model
(Gunning, 2017). According to (Ribeiro, 2016a),
although it is often impossible for an explanation to
be completely faithful unless it is the complete
description of the model itself, for an explanation to
be meaningful it must at least be locally faithful, i.e.
it must correspond to how the model behaves in the
vicinity of the instance being predicted. As mentioned
in (Ribeiro, 2016a), local fidelity does not imply
global fidelity: features that are globally important
may not be important in the local context, and vice
versa. While there are models that are inherently
interpretable, an explainer (or model induction)
should be able to explain any model, and thus be
model-agnostic. An interpretable explanation need to
use a representation that is understandable to humans,
regardless of the actual features used by the model. In
(Ribeiro, 2016a) a method was presented to explain a
prediction where they used sparse linear explanations,
which lack the explanation of the interconnection
between the various variables driving the given
In (Ribeiro, 2016b), they introduced Anchor
Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations
(aLIME) which is a system that explains individual
predictions with crisp logic IF-Then rules in a model-
agnostic manner. Such IF-Then rules are intuitive to
humans, and usually require low effort to
comprehend and apply (Ribeiro, 2016b). However
the IF-Then anchor model presented in (Ribeiro,
2016b), use crisp logic and thus will struggle with
variables which do not have clear crisp boundaries,
like income, age, etc. Also the approach in (Ribeiro,
2016b), will not be able to handle models generated
from big number of inputs. Also, another major
problem in an anchor approach, is the inability to
understand the model behaviour in the
neighbourhood of this instance and how the
prediction can be changed if certain features could be
changed, etc.
Another very important XAI model induction is
based on Shapley values (Sundararajan and Najmi,
2019) which are used within various AI platform.
However, Attributions depend on baselines:
“baseline” is the word they use for a “reference
instance”. The values of each attribution and
interpretation thereof depend entirely on the choice of
baseline, it's as important as knowing what questions
to ask when seeking an explanation. One must never
omit the baseline from any discussion of the
attributions and take care in choosing one useful for
the problem (Sundararajan and Najmi, 2019). In
addition, attributions are communicated at the level
of input features, this entails some loss of
information. Furthermore, attributions do not
summarize the entire model behavior: this is closely
tied with the principle of locality and limits
tremendously the ability to explain models globally,
rather than locally.
True Explainable AI system would allow to
understand and validate how the AI system arrived at
its conclusions.
As discussed above, Model induction XAI starts
always with a “black box” AI model (which causes
problems associated with the inability to fully
understand the model or augment it with user
expertise) and tries to give a best guess on how a
given decision is made. The analogy is that if your
complex car malfunctions and it is plugged to a
diagnostic computer, it comes with a code which is
not conclusive on what is the exact problem and it
might mean investigating manually many parts of the
car before fixing the problem.
Hence, there is a need for what we can call “True”
XAI solutions generating fully transparent models
which could be easily read, analyzed and augmented
by the sector stake holders. The model generation
steps could be easily tracked back to the data and the
models could be audited before deployment to
eliminate any bias and to ensure safe model
operations which includes humans in the loop. Such
XAI decisions give exact reasons to why a given
output was generated and the output can be easily
tracked. Back to the car malfunctioning analogy, the
“True” XAI generates a very efficient car (with
performance and options similar to the other complex
car) which the driver and the mechanic understands
exactly how it works and if it malfunctions, it will
tells exactly what is the component which failed and
how to rectify it and why this problem happened.
From the above discussion, it seems that offering
the user with IF-Then rules which include linguistic
labels appears to be an approach which can facilitate
the explainability of a model output with the ability
to explain and analyse the generated model. One AI
technique which employs IF-Then rules and linguistic
labels is the Fuzzy Logic System (FLS). However,
Towards True Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Real World Applications
FLSs are not widely explored as an XAI technique
(and not even taught in many AI courses) and they
donot appear in the analysis shown in Figure 1. One
reason might be is that FLSs are associated with
control problems and they are not widely perceived
as a machine learning tool as they need the help of
other techniques to learn their own parameters from
(a) (b)
Figure 2: a) A Type-2 fuzzy set embedding the type-1 fuzzy
sets for the linguistic label Low Incomefrom experts in
three banks. b) A graphical simplification of the type-2
fuzzy set in Figure 2a (Hagras, 2018).
Fuzzy Logic can model and represent imprecise
and uncertain linguistic human concepts such as Low,
Medium, High, etc. For example if a group of people
were asked about the values they would associate
with the linguistic concepts Lowand “Highannual
income and if Boolean logic was employed then we
would have to choose a threshold above which
income values would be considered High and
below which they would be considered Low”. The
first problem encountered is to identify a threshold
that most people would agree on and this will be a
problem as everyone has different idea what this
linguistic label constitute.
On the other hand the linguistic labels “Low” and
Highcould be represented by employing the type-
1 fuzzy sets. In this representation, no sharp boundary
would exist between sets and each value in the x axis
can belong to more than one fuzzy set with different
membership values. For example using type-1 fuzzy
logic, $150,000 can belong to the Lowand “High
sets but to different degrees where its membership
value to Lowcould be 0.3 and to Highis 0.7. This
can mean that if 10 people were asked if $150,000 is
Low or High income, 7 out of 10 would say High”,
(i.e. membership value of 7/10=0.7) and 3 out of 10
would say Low”, (i.e. membership value of
3/10=0.3). Hence, fuzzy sets provide a means of
calculating intermediate values between absolute true
and absolute false with resulting values ranging
between 0.0 and 1.0. Thus, fuzzy logic allows the
calculation of the shades of grey between true/false.
In addition, the smooth transition between the fuzzy
sets will give a good decision response when facing
the noise and uncertainties. Furthermore, FLSs
employ linguistic IF-THEN rules which enable to
represent the information in a human readable form
which could be easily read, interpreted and analysed
by the lay user.
As discussed in (Hagras, 2018), (Mendel, 2016),
(Ruiz et al., 2019), (Sarabakha et al., 2017) the type-
1 fuzzy sets are crisp and precise; hence they can
handle only the slight uncertainties. However,
different concepts mean different things to different
people and in different circumstances. So assume as
shown in Figure 2a, we asked three financial experts
in three different banks (Bank A, Bank B and Bank
C) to cast their opinions about what are the suggested
ranges for “Low” income. As can be seen in Figure 2,
each expert might come with different type-1 fuzzy
set to represent theLow linguistic label. Another
way to represent linguistic labels is by employing
type-2 fuzzy sets as shown in Figure 2a which embeds
all the type-1 fuzzy sets for Bank A, Bank B and Bank
C within the Footprint of Uncertainty (FoU) of the
type-2 fuzzy set (shaded in grey in Figure 2a). Hence,
a type-2 fuzzy set is characterized by a fuzzy
membership function, i.e. the membership value for
each element of this set is a fuzzy set in [0,1], unlike
a type-1 fuzzy set where the membership value is a
crisp number in [0,1]. The membership functions of
type-2 fuzzy sets are three dimensional and include a
Footprint Of Uncertainty (FOU), this provide
additional degrees of freedom that can make it
possible to directly model and handle the
uncertainties. More information about type-2 fuzzy
sets and systems can be found in (Ruiz et al., 2019),
(Sarabakha et al., 2017).
One misconception about type-2 fuzzy sets is that
they are difficult to understand by the lay person.
However, this is not the case as if experts are
questioned about how to quantify a linguistic label,
they will be sure about a core value (which has a
common consensus across all experts), however they
will struggle to give exact points of the boundaries of
this linguistic label and there will uncertainty about
the end points of a given linguistic label. Hence, a
simplified version of a type-2 fuzzy set can be shown
in Figure 2b where for the linguistic label Low
income, there is a core value (shaded in solid green)
of less than $80,000 which all experts agrees on and
there is grey area (of shades of green) which goes
between $80,000 to $180,000 of decreasing
membership where there is uncertainty about the end
IJCCI 2023 - 15th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
points of the linguistic label where points beyond
$180,000 are not recognised as Low income
anymore (Hagras, 2018).
Another misconception of FLSs in general is that
they are control mechanisms. This is not true as the
area of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems (FRBSs)
generated from data has been active for more than 25
years. However, this was hindered by the FLSs
incapability to handle systems with big number of
inputs due to the phenomena known as curse of
dimensionality where the FLS can generate long rules
and huge rule bases which turn them to black boxes
which are not easy to understand or analyse.
Furthermore, FRBSs werenot able to handle easily
imbalanced and skewed data (such as those present in
fraud, bank default data, etc). However, recent work
such as (Antonelli et al., 2017), (Sanz et al., 2015)
was able to use evolutionary systems to generate
FRBSs with short IF-Then rules and small number of
rules in the rule base while maximizing the prediction
accuracy. As this created sparse rule base not
covering the whole search space, they presented a
similarity technique to classify the incoming
examples even if they do not match any fuzzy rule in
the generated rule base. To do so, the similarity
among the uncovered example and the rules was
considered. They also presented multi-objective
evolutionary optimization which was able to increase
the interpretability (by reducing the length of each
rule to include between 3 and 6 antecedents even if
the system had thousands of inputs as well as having
a small rule base) and maximize the accuracy of the
FLS prediction. It was shown in (Antonelli et al.,
2017), (Sanz et al., 2015) that such highly
interpretable systems outperform decision trees like
C4.5 by a big margin in accuracy while being easy to
understand and analyze than the decision trees
What is most important is that unlike other white
box techniques, the FRBS generates IF-Then rules
using linguistic labels (which can better handle the
uncertainty in information) where for example in a
bank lending application a rule might be: IF Income
is High and Home Owner and Time in Address is
High Then Good Customer. Such rule can be read by
any user or analyst. What is more important is that
such rules get the data to speak the same language as
humans. This allows humans to easily analyze and
interpret the generated models and most importantly
augment such rule bases with rules which capture
their expertise and might cover gaps in the data (for
example, human experience can augment such
historically generated rules with the human expertise
to cover situations which did not happen before). This
allows the user to have full trust in the generated
model and also cover all the XAI components
mentioned in (Gunning, 2017) related to
Transparency, Causality, Bias, Fairness and Safety.
Unlike the anchor rules mentioned in (Ribeiro,
2016b), humans do not make their decisions based on
one single rule, they usually have Pros and Cons
linguistic rules which humans balance and weigh in
their mind and take a decision accordingly.
The second criteria which a type-2 XAI true
explainable AI model provides is the ability to
generate transparent outputs which could be easily
understood and analysed by the lay user (as shown in
Figure 3a for predicting credit cards defaults). Also it
will be easy to follow the data route for the final
decisions and its reasons.
Hence, viewing Figure 1, it can be seen that type-
2 FLS and FRBSs can be best in explainability while
striking a good balance to prediction accuracy when
compared to other black box techniques.
Furthermore, the type-2 FLSs could be used to
explain the decisions achieved from more complex
black box modelling techniques. Hence, the type-2
FLS and FRBSs can offer a very good way forward
to achieve XAI which can be understood, analysed
and augmented by the lay user.
(a) (b)
Figure 3: a)Fuzzy Logic instance drivers for example of
‘Default’ classification in Credit Card model (Adams and
Hagras, 2020). b) Rules explaining enhancer and non-
enhancer classification extracted from the XAI model in
(Wolfe et al., 2021). Individual rules are horizontal lines on
the plot and include up to three epigenetic marks per rule.
The colour code represents classification of an epigenetic
mark as high (green), medium (orange), or low (red).
Towards True Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Real World Applications
There has been several True XAI deployments in
several real-world applications. For example, in
(Wolfe et al., 2021), Type-2 Fuzzy based XAI was
employed to predict the location of known enhancers
with a high degree of accuracy. Enhancer malfunction
is a key process that drives the aberrant regulation of
oncogenes in cancer. Enhancer variants contribute
more than any other known mechanism to heritable
cancer predisposition. Enhancers are non-coding
regions of the genome that control the activity of
target genes. Recent efforts to identify active
enhancers experimentally and in silico have proven
effective. While these tools can predict the locations
of enhancers with a high degree of accuracy, the
mechanisms underpinning the activity of enhancers
are often unclear. True XAI techniques was applied
in (Wolfe et al., 2021) and gave very good accuracy
of prediction close to opaque box models but
additionally the XAI model provided insight into the
underlying combinatorial histone modifications code
of enhancers. In addition, the XAI model identified a
large set of putative enhancers that display the same
epigenetic signature as enhancers identified
experimentally. Figure 3b (Wolfe et al., 2021) shows
the extracted rules from the XAI model which
revealed for the first time the mechanisms
underpinning the activity of enhancers. This can
open the way to new way for early detection and
cancer treatment
In (Andreu-Perez, 2021), the type-2 fuzzy based
XAI model was employed for the analysis and
interpretation of Infant functional near infrared
spectroscopy (fNIRS), data in Developmental
Cognitive Neuroscience (DCN). In the last decades,
non-invasive and portable neuroimaging techniques,
such as (fNIRS), have allowed researchers to study
the mechanisms underlying the functional cognitive
development of the human brain, thus furthering the
potential of DCN. However, the traditional paradigms
used for the analysis of infant fNIRS data are still
quite limited. In (Andreu-Perez, 2021), they
introduced a Multivariate Pattern Analysis for fNIRS
data, xMVPA, that was powered by true (XAI). The
proposed approach was exemplified in a study that
investigates visual and auditory processing in six-
month-old infants. xMVPA not only identified
patterns of cortical interactions, which confirmed the
existent literature; in the form of conceptual linguistic
representations, it also provided evidence for brain
networks engaged in the processing of visual and
auditory stimuli that were previously overlooked by
other methods, while demonstrating similar statistical
performance. The XAI model did show very
important results in that the model for the developing
brain has similar modules and interconnections as the
adult neural system for face perception presented by
(Haxby et al., 2014) suggesting that by 6 months of
age the cortical activity associated with face
processing is already similar to that of mature brains.
However, the model revealed that the inter-regional
interactions between the temporal and prefrontal
cortex might be specific to speech-like sounds. This
XAI model also showed a selective pattern of
activation over the temporal cortex that is specific to
visual vs. auditory stimuli (Andreu-Perez, 2021).
Specifically, the channels of the temporal cortex
which are active in response to the visual stimulus are
instead inactive in response to the auditory stimulus.
This confirmed the multifaceted role of temporal
cortex in the processing of sensory stimuli thereby
some areas are dedicated to visual processing whilst
others are associated with auditory processing (as
reported by (Nolan and Altman, 2001)). The temporal
cortex will form the core system for processing non-
speech auditory stimuli, while the prefrontal cortex
will form the extended system for processing the
emotion associated with the auditory stimulus. When
inactive, the occipital cortex enables the occurrence
of these patterns. Hence, the work in (Andreu-Perez,
2021) revealed new brain regions activation and
interactions not yet established for the developing
brain (as shown in Figure 4). Learning new cortical
pathways directly from the neuroimaging data is of
fundamental significance in DCN research to shed
light on functional brain development in absence of
established assumptions. Hence, this True XAI
model can open the way to understand the
development of the human brain and this can allow
the early detection and management of atypical
functional brain development like Autism. Autism
early detection and intervention can divert individuals
from sustained care pathways that, beyond being
expensive they damage the quality of life of
individuals. Furthermore, this can help in the early
intervention and communications with practitioners
and parents, to avoid social stigmas and enable
professional support as early as possible where early
intervention can remarkably improve these children's
functional and social skills, improving their capacities
to avoid later dependency on the state social system,
and fending for themselves during adulthood.
IJCCI 2023 - 15th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
Figure 4: Patterns of cortical networks delineated by
xMVPA. The patterns (cyan) identified by the xMVPA
delineate the contributions between brain regions evoked
by a visual and b auditory stimuli. The colour of the
channels denotes their level of activity: inactive (white),
active (amber), and very active (red), and uncoloured for
channels that do not belong to any pattern (Andreu-Perez,
Figure 5: A comparison of Temporal Type-2 Fuzzy Set for
the conceptual label (CoL) ‘Cold’ for feature thermal
concept constructed with the most commonly used fuzzy
relations namely Mamdani, Zadeh/Lukasiewicz, Godel,
and Gaines-Rescher (Kiani et al, 2022).
The work in (Kiani et al., 2022), enabled XAI
models to be handle time dependent applications To
account for the temporal component, where they
presented Temporal Type-2 Fuzzy System Based
Approach for time dependent XAI systems (TXAI),
which can account for the likelihood of a
measurement’s occurrence in the time domain using
(the measurement’s) frequency of occurrence. In
Temporal Type-2 Fuzzy Sets (TT2FSs), a four
dimensional(4D) time-dependent membership
function (as shown in Figure 5) is developed where
relations are used to construct the inter-relations
between the elements of universe of discourse and its
frequency of occurrence. TXAI can also outline the
most likely time dependent trajectories using the
frequency of occurrence values embedded in the
TXAI model; viz. given a rule on a determined time,
what will be the next most likely rule at a subsequent
time point. In this regard, this TXAI system can have
profound implications for delineating real-life time-
dependent processes, such as behavioural or
biological modelling across time.
In (Adam and Hagras, 2020), a true XAI approach
was presented to develop risk management
framework for the implementation of AI in banking
with consideration of explainability to enable AI to
achieve positive outcomes for financial institutions
and the customers, markets and societies they serve.
This work showed that the type-2 based true XAI
model delivered very good performance which is
comparable to or lagging marginally behind the
Neural Network models in terms of accuracy, but
outperform all models for explainability, thus they are
recommended as a suitable machine learning
approach for use cases in financial services from an
explainability perspective. This research is important
for several reasons: (i) there is limited knowledge and
understanding of the potential for Type-2 Fuzzy
Logic as a highly adaptable, high performing,
explainable AI technique; (ii) there is limited cross
discipline understanding between financial services
and AI expertise and this work aims to bridge that
gap; (iii) regulatory thinking is evolving with limited
guidance worldwide and this work aims to support
that thinking; (iv) it is important that banks retain
customer trust and maintain market stability as
adoption of AI increases. Figure 6 shows the global
rules extracted from data via the XAI model for
Credit Card Defaulting prediction case. This shows
the ability to generate from data rules which could be
easily understood, analysed and augmented by the
business user which are very important factors for the
wide deployment and acceptance of AI models in the
finance sector.
Figure 6: Top global rules for Credit Card Default use case
(Adams and Hagras, 2020).
In (Alonso and Casalino, 2019), they presented an
XAI tool, called ExpliClas, with the aim of
facilitating data analysis in the context of the decision
making processes to be carried out by all the
stakeholders involved in the educational process.
Towards True Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Real World Applications
Figure 7: Example of global explanation obtained with
ExpliClas (Alonso and Casalino, 2019).
ExpliClas provided illustrative examples of both
global (shown in Figure 7) and local explanations
related to the given dataset. In addition, ExpliClas
automatically generated multimodal explanations
which consisted of a mixture of graphs and text.
These explanations look like natural, expressive and
effective, similar to those expected to be made by
humans. It is worth noting that the rationale behind
ExpliClas is completely transparent to the user, which
can understand the reasoning that leads to a given
In (Upasane et al., 2023), they presented a type-2
fuzzy-based Explainable AI (XAI) system for
predictive maintenance within the water pumping
industry (as shown in Figure 8). The proposed system
is optimised via Big-Bang Big-Crunch (BB-BC),
which maximises the model accuracy for predicting
faults while maximising model interpretability. They
evaluated the proposed system on water pumps using
real-time data obtained by their hardware placed at
real-world locations around the United Kingdom and
compared their model with Type-1 Fuzzy Logic
System (T1FLS), a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
Neural Network, deep neural networks learning
method known and decision trees (DT). The proposed
system predicted water pumping equipment failures
with good accuracy (outperforming the T1FLS
accuracy by 8.9% and DT by 529.2% while providing
comparable results to SAEs and MLPs) and
interpretability. The system predictions comprehend
why a specific problem may occur, which leads to
better and more informed customer visits to reduce
equipment failure disturbances. It was shown that
80.3% of water industry specialists strongly agree
with the model's explanation, determining its
acceptance. This will allow to the wide deployment
of XAI within the predictive maintenance industries.
Figure 8: Individual telemetry unit's data with fault’s
explanation (Upasane et al., 2023).
This paper presented the notion of “True” XAI
models which can be easily analysed, understood and
augmented by the sector stake holders. Such XAI
models outputs can be easily analysed and understood
by the lay users. We have shown that such “True”
XAI models can lead to major breakthrough in
various sectors and lead to major discoveries and
innovations. Most importantly such XAI systems can
lead to the wide deployment and trust of AI in various
domains where human trust is needed and heavy
regulations are in place. From my point of view, such
“True” XAI systems will be very important for the
safe, secure and fair applications of AI. Hence, I
expect the growth of suchTrue XAI systems in
various applications all over the World.
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Towards True Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Real World Applications