Applications and Innovations of Artificial Intelligence Voice
Command Platforms in the Power Field
Yuxin Liu
, Nan Lin
Yuanjun Zheng
, Ying Zhang
, Junxiang Xu
Huijian Liu
, Dongling Jiang
and Yingjie Zhu
State Grid Putian Power Supply Company, Putian, China
State Grid Fuzhou Power Supply Company, Fuzhou, China
State Grid Jilin Electric Power Research Institute, Changchun, China
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Voiceprint Recognition, Authentication.
Abstract: With the growth of the electricity consumption scale, the volume of information and data rapidly increases
in various segments such as power generation, transmission, transformation, and distribution. Consequently,
the workload of grassroots teams in electric power has also surged, particularly in repetitive tasks.
Simultaneously, the unique network architecture and security requirements in the electric power sector
make addressing company affairs and enhancing work efficiency a pressing matter when operating outside
the intranet environment. This paper constructs an artificial intelligence voice instruction platform,
facilitating the interconnection between the voice platform and the company's intranet channel for office use.
Identity authentication is ensured through voiceprint recognition and dual verification involving phone
numbers. Moreover, leveraging artificial intelligence speech recognition technology, seamless conversion
between spoken language and directives is achieved, thereby executing corresponding contextual tasks to
elevate work efficiency and quality further.
The current power system is rapidly transitioning
towards a new type of power system that is more
dynamic, flexible, and intelligent. This transition
brings about significant challenges in various areas,
such as integrating various distributed renewable
energy sources, cybersecurity in the network space,
demand-side management, and decision-making for
system planning and operations. The new power
system relies on underlying information and
communication infrastructure and effective
processing of large amounts of data generated from
various sources such as smart meters, phasor
measurement units, and various types of sensors (Li
Y, 2022). As electricity consumption scales up, the
information and data volume across the entire chain
of generation, transmission, distribution, and
consumption increases. This results in a growing
workload for frontline teams, along with a
substantial amount of repetitive tasks.
Moreover, due to the specialized network
architecture and cybersecurity requirements in the
power sector, breaking the spatial limitations and
efficiently handling company matters to improve
work efficiency outside the internal network
environment presents a challenge. On the one hand,
a secure authentication system is required, and on
the other hand, the barriers between the internal and
external networks need to be overcome.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently a
technology with a disruptive impact, encompassing
the fields of computational intelligence, perceptual
intelligence, and cognitive intelligence. Due to its
potential for introducing new technological
breakthroughs, AI is leading the way in the Fourth
Industrial Revolution. As a core supporting
technology for intelligent energy, AI possesses
optimization and learning capabilities to address the
challenges faced by energy systems, such as dealing
with high-dimensional, time-varying, and nonlinear
problems (Liu P, 2020).
Therefore, this paper constructs an AI-powered
voice command platform that uses voice as a link to
establish an instruction platform based on voiceprint
authentication. This platform bridges the gap
between the voice platform and the company's fixed
electricity office through voice while ensuring
identity authentication through voiceprint
recognition and dual verification with phone
Liu, Y., Lin, N., Zheng, Y., Zhang, Y., Xu, J., Liu, H., Jiang, D. and Zhu, Y.
Applications and Innovations of Artificial Intelligence Voice Command Platforms in the Power Field.
DOI: 10.5220/0012278600003807
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology (ANIT 2023), pages 228-232
ISBN: 978-989-758-677-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
numbers. This enables frontline teams to perform
various operational tasks through voice commands,
further enhancing work efficiency.
The remaining sections of this paper are
organized as follows: Section 2 discusses an
overview of key technologies, Section 3 introduces
the platform's foundational architecture, and finally,
Section 4 presents the conclusions.
The key technologies in this paper include voiceprint
recognition and speech recognition, which are
briefly introduced below.
2.1 Voiceprint Recognition
Voice Print Recognition (VPR), also known as
speaker recognition, is a technology that identifies
unknown voices by analyzing the characteristics of
one or more voice signals. It is a type of biometric
technology. Due to the distinctiveness of each
individual's vocal control organs, such as vocal
cords, soft palate, pharyngeal cavity, oral cavity,
nasal cavity, tongue, teeth, lips, lung volume, etc.,
their vocal frequency varies, giving rise to unique
voiceprint features for each person, including pitch,
intensity, duration, timbre, and various nuances.
These elements can be decomposed into over 90
characteristics, revealing personality traits such as
wavelength, frequency, intensity, and rhythm of
different sounds. Voiceprints are distinct for any two
individuals and can be observed, described,
differentiated, and identified through spectrograms.
In comparison to other identity authentication
methods, voiceprints exhibit attributes of specificity,
stability, universality, uniqueness, resistance to
replication, and rapid recognition (Li, 2021).
Voiceprint recognition technology can be
categorized into two directions: text-related and text-
independent (Waibel A., 1989). In text-related
voiceprint recognition methods, the speaker is
required to utter predefined words, with both the
training and testing voice containing identical text
content. Although this recognition method can
achieve solid training outcomes, its primary
drawback is the necessity to adhere to fixed text
during pronunciation.
Text-independent voiceprint recognition
technology, on the other hand, imposes no rigorous
constraints on the text content of the spoken words.
Speakers need only to enunciate naturally, without
the confines of fixed dialect or even the potential for
mispronunciation. As long as the pronunciation is
sufficiently clear, users can approximate real-world
conditions during pronunciation. This method is
employed in this study due to its user-friendly
nature, independence from fixed text content, and
reduced likelihood of user resistance.
2.2 Speech Recognition
Speech recognition (Kinnunen T, 2010) is an
important biometric identification method. Its task is
to identify someone's identity based on their speech
signals. Speaker recognition is a valuable biometric
technology that has been applied in various fields,
such as secure access to high-security areas, voice
dialling for devices, banking, databases, and
computers. Due to the unique characteristics of
speech signals, speaker recognition has gained
increasing attention from researchers in the broad
field of information security over the years (Ye,
There are two types of speech recognition: one is
called a "speaker-dependent solution," and the other
is a "speaker-independent system." In a speaker-
dependent system, the solution is tailored for
specific use cases where a limited vocabulary needs
to be recognized with high accuracy. Speaker-
dependent systems operate by identifying unique
and specific characteristics of the speaker's voice,
much like speech recognition methods. This system
verifies the individual's voice, requiring initial
training for someone using the system for the first
time. This individual needs to read a few words or
texts to the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
system. The system will then analyze the
individual's specific speaking style, after which the
person can use ASR. The system is designed to
analyze the individual's voice. This is the approach
taken in this paper.
Speaker-independent systems, on the other hand,
are designed to recognize any voice and therefore do
not require speaker-specific training. Speaker-
independent systems often have lower accuracy
compared to speaker-dependent systems. Typically,
speech recognition engines handling speaker-
independent systems cope with this fact by
constraining grammar (Huang, 1991).
The artificial intelligence voice command platform
employs a flexible hierarchical structure, and its
architectural design includes the access layer,
Applications and Innovations of Artificial Intelligence Voice Command Platforms in the Power Field
command parsing layer, and command execution
layer.As shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Platform Architecture.
3.1 Access Layer
The access layer comprises the establishment of the
voice platform channel and authentication module.
This involves creating a communication link
between the voice command module and the
company's office landline and mobile sides, utilizing
voice gateways to facilitate interaction. Dual
authentication through voiceprint recognition and
phone number verification ensures the identity of the
caller. Technologies like Automatic Speech
Recognition (ASR) and Text-to-Speech (TTS) are
employed to achieve bidirectional conversion
between spoken language and text. Artificial
intelligence techniques are applied to interpret and
understand the given instructions.
Upon entering the system through audio-
capturing devices, the voice signals undergo
preliminary processing. Preprocessing involves tasks
such as endpoint detection and noise elimination.
Endpoint detection analyzes the incoming audio
stream to automatically remove silence or non-vocal
parts, retaining only meaningful speech. Noise
elimination filters out background noise to meet user
needs in various environments. Processed voice
signals then enter the feature extraction phase, where
spectral feature parameters that represent specific
vocal organ structures or behavioural habits of the
speaker are extracted from the voice signals. These
parameters exhibit relative stability for the same
speaker, remaining consistent across time and
environmental changes and demonstrating resistance
to noise and imitation. Extracted personal voiceprint
feature parameters are used for training within the
voiceprint recognition system, generating unique
voiceprint models specific to each user. These
models are stored in the voiceprint model database,
corresponding to user IDs. For a given user, the
larger the volume of input speech, the more refined
the resulting voiceprint model becomes.
During recognition, the voiceprint recognition
system preprocesses the collected voice signal and
extracts features, obtaining the parameters for
recognition. These parameters are matched for
similarity against the voiceprint model of a specific
user or all users in the database. Similarity distances
between feature patterns are measured using an
appropriate distance metric as a threshold to
determine recognition results, which are then
Figure 2: Voiceprint Recognition Workflow.
3.2 The Command Parsing Layer
Speech recognition is crucial in the command
parsing layer, and its basic principle includes the
following steps:
1). Audio data collection: First, collect voice
signals from microphones or other recording
2). Feature extraction: convert the collected
speech signal into a feature representation that the
computer can understand.
3). Acoustic model: Use a large number of
labelled speech data sets to train the acoustic model.
The model learns to map acoustic features to units of
speech such as phonemes, syllables, or words.
4). Language model: To improve accuracy, add a
language model, which helps to predict the next
possible word based on previous words and
grammatical structures.
5). Decoding: According to the output of the
acoustic model and the language model, an
algorithm is used to find the most likely text
Another core component of the command
parsing layer is the power industry's specialized
command library. Based on foundational
configuration information such as voltage levels and
equipment types, a basic command library is
generated. Additionally, utilizing artificial
intelligence technology and continuous corpus
training, a specialized command library for the
power industry is developed to accommodate
specific contexts within various departments,
including equipment maintenance, customer service,
ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology
and performance analysis. The following steps
further elaborate on this process:
1). Generation of Basic Command Library: Using
foundational configuration information such as
voltage levels and equipment types, a basic
command library is generated.
2). Context and Domain Annotation: Data
preprocessing involves tasks like text cleaning,
tokenization, and stopword removal to prepare data
for model training. To enable command recognition
and understanding within specific contexts, training
data needs to be annotated to indicate in which
context the data is valid. The data is categorized, and
labels are added for each category to indicate the
specific context to which the command applies (e.g.,
equipment maintenance, customer service,
performance analysis).
3). Model Training and Optimization: Leveraging
annotated data, modern deep learning techniques are
used for pre-training, followed by fine-tuning
according to specific tasks.
4). Iterative Training: Model training is an
iterative process. The trained model is used to infer
new data, and inference results are compared to real
labels. The model is continuously optimized through
3.3 The Command Execution Layer
The command execution layer mainly consists of
RPA, Data Middleware, and API interfaces, as
1). RPA Integration: The first integrated RPA
platform within Fujian Province achieves integration
by utilizing API interfaces of RPA.
2). Data Middle Platform: In response to the
central platform strategy of State Grid Fujian
Province Company, the data middle platform
directly extracts data from various specialized
systems, breaking down silos.
(3). API Interfaces: Primarily involves custom
operations through Python scripts and others,
executing various tasks such as one-click
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is an
automation technology (
Ribeiro J, 2021) that uses
software robots to simulate human operations. It
automates repetitive and standardized tasks,
enhancing efficiency, reducing human errors, and
freeing up human resources. RPA is often used for
structured data and repetitive business processes.
Currently, the State Grid Fujian Electric Power RPA
platform in Putian Company has deployed over a
hundred RPA processes.
Data middle platform (
Wu H, 2020) is a
comprehensive data management platform that
collects, stores, integrates, and processes both
internal and external enterprise data. It consolidates
data from different sources and provides
standardized data models, allowing various business
departments convenient access and use of the data.
Data middle platform emphasizes data sharing,
consistency, and quality, enabling data to be a
crucial support for business decisions and
API interfaces enable customized operations for
various scenarios. Developers can use API interfaces
to implement Python scripts, applications, and even
system integrations. These interfaces facilitate data
exchange between applications, which can be on
different platforms, programming languages, or
devices. API interfaces allow these applications to
connect and communicate, enabling data sharing and
collaborative work.
By integrating RPA, data middle platform, and
API interfaces, the voice command platform can
achieve more efficient automation processes,
leveraging the advantages of data-driven
optimization for business processes and decision-
This article applies artificial intelligence voiceprint
recognition and speech recognition technologies in
human-computer interaction processes to achieve
user authentication during login. It simplifies
entering passwords and passphrases, enabling
various scenario tasks to be executed through voice
commands. This includes remote startup, shutdown,
and more, freeing up the hands of workers,
enhancing human-computer interaction experiences,
facilitating efficient and secure interaction with
complex information, and boosting work efficiency
and productivity. Currently, it has been promoted
within the State Grid Putian Company, with 61
scenarios developed involving areas such as supply
instructions, operation inspection, marketing, etc.
Since its deployment, the platform has completed
6,214 tasks, resulting in a saving of approximately
9,000 hours of manual work, showing remarkable
However, the platform still has some areas that
need further improvement in subsequent
1). Optimize the voiceprint recognition model to
enhance recognition accuracy.
Applications and Innovations of Artificial Intelligence Voice Command Platforms in the Power Field
2). Expand the dialect feature library to improve
recognition accuracy for dialect commands.
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ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology