Dual IV Design Scheme: An Improved AES Encryption Approach
Longqing Zhang
, Bin Liu
, Xinwei Zhang
, Huangqiang Yuan
, Jiangzhao Yang
Haoguang Huang
Guangdong University of Science and Technology, Dongguan, China
Googol Paradox (Dongguan) Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd, Dongguan, China
Keywords: AES Encryption, Variable Order Processing, Ciphertext Characterization.
Abstract: This paper proposes a new encryption method of AES encryption, which is implemented by drawing on the
idea of ShiftRows in AES and introducing a new order-changing processing step, which switches the order
of the just-generated 64-byte array and realizes the deep concealment of the last indicator bit. On the other
hand, the AES encryption blocks in a 16-byte group are forced to break up into a 64-byte matrix, which further
improves the disorder of the encrypted data, and then the modification works of the superposition are carried
out to make it more complicated. The experimental results show that the frequency of the new file encryption
characters appearing is completely different from the CBC mode, and the peaks and valleys of the new bar
graphs are more even compared to the original version, and the peaks are also significantly reduced. While
ensuring the security, it increases the degree of confusion in the distribution of characters, which makes the
statistical characteristics of the ciphertext more difficult to be analyzed and inferred.
In recent years, with the leakage of all kinds of private
data, people gradually realize the importance of
personal data protection. Due to the rapid
development of computer communication technology
and the wide application of the Internet, people's
demand for information security has become higher
and higher. Information security has become a very
important and urgent problem today. Currently, many
people tend to use the same accounts and passwords,
which may be used on multiple software and social
networking sites. Once one of them is compromised,
it can lead to a series of chain-reaction breaches (Li
Ke, 2023). However, for the average user, they are
often unable to address the vulnerability of a website
and do not have the technical skills to do so.
While everyone knows that you should use multiple
passwords of higher complexity for security, it is a
major difficulty to memorize so many and complex
passwords, so it has become common for many
people to still use the same passwords for their
Therefore, we need a convenient and easy-to-use
encryption device to protect users' data security. This
device should have high strength protection
capabilities, yet be simple to use and easy to carry and
store. It needs to provide enough security to satisfy
the needs of the average user while being widely
accepted and integrated into people's daily lives,
which is the ultimate goal of designing this device.
AES is a next-generation data encryption standard
that combines the advantages of strong security, high
performance, high efficiency, ease of use, and
flexibility. The origins of the AES standard can be
traced back to 1997, when the U.S. government
issued a public notice announcing a call for a new
national standard for symmetric algorithmic
encryption that would meet 21st-century security
needs. The standard requires that all aspects of the
algorithm's design and implementation be open and
freely available worldwide.
The two types of encryption algorithms include
symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. The classic
symmetric algorithms include AES, DES, etc., while
RSA is one of the representatives of asymmetric
algorithms (Kutsman Vladyslav, 2023). A key feature
of symmetric encryption algorithms is that the key
length is usually the same as the length of the
plaintext, which is where the name comes from.
For example, a common 128-bit key length can be
used to mathematically divide plaintext into 128-bit
Zhang, L., Liu, B., Zhang, X., Yuan, H., Yang, J. and Huang, H.
Dual IV Design Scheme: An Improved AES Encryption Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0012282400003807
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology (ANIT 2023), pages 310-314
ISBN: 978-989-758-677-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
length chunks for data obfuscation and diffusion
effects. Commonly used encryption methods include
different-or operations, matrix operations, and shift
operations. For encryption, the round key mechanism
is often used, where multiple new ciphers are
generated from the original key (Kandala Sree Rama
Murthy, 2022).
The AES algorithm was designed by Belgian
cryptographers Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen. It
has become one of the most popular symmetric
encryption standards in use today and is widely used
in data encryption and secure communications. AES
provides strong security and efficiency, but requires
proper key management (Liu Yiding - Priya).
The DES algorithm was originally designed by
IBM and improved by the NSA to become the
standard. However, it is no longer considered a secure
encryption algorithm because its short 56-bit key
length is no longer sufficient to provide adequate
security. It has now been superseded by AES
(Padmavathi R, 2021).
RSA algorithm was proposed by Ron Rivest, Adi
Shamir and Leonard Adleman in 1977. It is widely
used in the fields of digital signatures, key exchange,
and secure communications. RSA provides strong
security but requires a long key length to maintain
security (Wang Yan - Manuel Melvin P.).
In order to prevent the same plaintext and key from
generating the same ciphertext, various strategies are
used in the encryption process, such as cipher group
linking (CBC) mode, counter mode, cipher feedback
(CFB) mode, and so on. These modes are mainly used
to prevent cryptanalytic attacks. Asymmetric
encryption usually refers to public key cryptosystems,
which utilize different ciphers for encryption and
decryption (Sowmiya B., 2021). In this system, both
the parties need to exchange public keys and encrypt
using each other's public key. After the receiver
receives the encrypted data, it is decrypted using its
own private key.
Since asymmetric encryption requires more
computational resources, it is common for people to
use asymmetric encryption to protect the key and
symmetric encryption to protect the data itself, in a
way that better utilizes the advantages of both
encryption methods.
The AES encryption process involves four
operations: SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns and
AddRoundKey. In AES encryption, the data is first
processed using the AddRoundKey function. In this
step, the input data is bitwise dissimilar to the round
key. The key for the first round is the key entered by
the user. Starting from the second round, four related
functions are used to manipulate the data in each
round. The first of these steps is SubBytes. subBytes
is actually a lookup table operation, similar to S-BOX
in the DES algorithm. there is also a lookup table in
AES called S-BOX, which contains 256 values
corresponding to all combinations from 0x00 to
0xFF. Each byte value of the input is used as the index
of the S-BOX and then the corresponding substitution
value is taken out. By using SubBytes, AES can
perform non-linear substitution at the byte level,
enhancing the security of the encryption. This step
helps to obfuscate the pattern of the input data,
making it difficult for cryptanalysts to obtain a clear
statistical characterization,sbox substitution is shown
in Fig 1.
Fig 1. sbox replacement.
In the AES algorithm, the ShiftRows function is
the second step of the operation, which performs a
row shift operation on each row of the state matrix.
The implementation steps are shown in Fig 2: this
step increases the spread and complexity of the data
and enhances the security of the encryption.
Specifically, the ShiftRows operation steps: the first
row remains unchanged; the second row is cyclically
shifted left by one byte; the third row is cyclically
shifted left by two bytes; and the fourth row is
cyclically shifted left by three bytes. With row shifts,
the elements of each row in the matrix are cyclically
shifted left by a certain number of bytes. This helps
ensure that each byte of the input data can be mixed
with the others, making it difficult for cryptanalysts
to obtain clear patterns and structures.
Fig 2. ShiftRows.
Dual IV Design Scheme: An Improved AES Encryption Approach
The third step of the operation is MixColumns, the
core of the AES encryption operation, which utilizes
operations over a finite field to achieve encryption
and decryption. In this operation, the input data is
treated as a 4x4 matrix and matrix multiplication is
performed with a fixed matrix. In the operation within
the finite field GF(28), the result will always lie
between 0x00 and 0xff, which is determined by the
characteristics of the finite field operation(Karmani
Mouna, 2021). Similar to the lookup table (S-Box) in
the SubBytes operation, the MixColumns operation
in AES utilizes a fixed matrix for the operation. For
each element of the input matrix, the rule for the
multiplication operation is:
(1) For a multiplication with a value of 0x01,
the result is equal to itself.
(2) For a multiplication with a value of 0x02, if
the multiplied number is less than 0x80, the result is
a 1-bit left shift of the multiplied number.
(3) For a multiplication with a value of 0x02, if
the multiplied number is greater than or equal to 0x80,
the result is the multiplied number shifted 1 bit to the
left before being differentiated from 0x1b.
By using these arithmetic rules, each element of the
input matrix is multiplied to obtain a new value. Finally,
after the MixColumns operation is complete, the
AddRoundKey function needs to be called again to
perform the dissimilarity operation with the round key.
For the selection problem, this paper proposes a dual
IV design scheme. The scheme is based on the design
code of the original IV and adds an extra step to
generate a new big IV while the original IV is called
the small IV. Specifically, the ciphertexts that have
been encrypted are divided into a group of 64, i.e.,
512 bits as a unit, to form a 16x4 matrix. Then, in this
paper, the first group of 64 ciphertexts is taken as the
new big IV, while the original IV becomes the little
IV. When reading data from the original file, 64 bytes
are read as a unit each time. From a microscopic point
of view, the original CBC pattern still operates as
normal. When the first set of 64 bytes of big round
ciphertext is obtained, this paper creates a new array
to save it and continues to read the next 64 bytes of
plaintext data. In this way, this topic implements a
dual IV design. The purpose of this is to increase the
variability of IV and improve the security of the
cryptographic algorithm. In each round of encryption,
this topic will directly perform a bitwise dissimilarity
operation between the saved 64-byte ciphertext of the
previous round and the current plaintext to obtain a
result. This result will continue to be encrypted
iteratively as a small IV in groups of 16 bytes. After
4 consecutive rounds of encryption, the subject will
get the final result to be used as the large IV for the
next round of encryption. This realizes the purpose of
IV being generated directly from the ciphertext and
conforms to the diffusion principle proposed by
Shannon. Also, by this IV selection method, the
characters in the original encryption order are
completely disrupted, increasing the security of the
cryptographic algorithm.
A. shuffle the order of business
In this paper, we introduce a processing step for
changing the order, borrowing the idea of ShiftRows
from AES. The step is shown in Fig 3, which swaps
the order of the 64-byte array just generated.
Although the computational effort of this step is
small, it is very efficient. Because there are a large
number of arithmetic processes in AES, even a
change in any of these bits can make a big difference
in the final result.
For specific implementation, this topic is based on
the previously generated 64-byte large IV grouping
for processing. Since the 64 bytes can be divided into
exactly 8x8 matrices, we resemble the processing
principle of ShiftRows by keeping the first row
unchanged, and starting from the second row,
sequentially shifting each row to the left by 2, 3, 4, 5,
up to 7 bits. Through such a shift operation, we take
the last column of the matrix, i.e. the first byte, as the
original last byte, and realize the deep hiding of the
last indicator bit. At the same time, the AES
encryption block in a 16-byte group is forced to be
broken up into a 64-byte matrix, which further
improves the disorder of the encrypted data.
With the above modifications, we describe in
detail the first step of the variable order processing
and emphasize its hiding of the last indicator bit and
the enhancement of the degree of disorder of the
encrypted data. This is able to avoid the duplication
rate of the paper while further improving the security
of the cryptographic algorithm.
Fig 3. New Shift Processing Function.
into eight
1, 2, 3 ................ .8
...... omitted 5 blocks
64, 57, 58, ......, 60, 61, 62,
ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology
This topic introduces a processing step for re-
variation of values, inspired by the processing of
AddRoundKey in AES. However, unlike
AddRoundKey, this topic no longer extends the key,
but directly uses the original key in the key file. Since
the ciphertext block is 64 bytes and the key is 16
bytes, this topic can simply divide the key into a
group of 4 bytes, and then perform the dissimilarity
operation between each byte and the corresponding
ciphertext byte, and write the result into the ciphertext
Doing so implements another shuffling process for
the ciphertext. The advantage is that an infinite
number of schemes can be used to vary the ciphertext,
as long as memory space and processing power allow.
Different group sizes can be chosen, such as 64 bytes,
128 bytes, 512 bytes, etc. It is even possible to use a
different packet size each time, and it is feasible to
gradually increase or decrease the packet size. In
addition, the grouping information can be written into
the ciphertext, so that the size of the ciphertext is no
longer strictly close to the size of the plaintext. At the
same time, the last byte of the file no longer
represents the number of filled characters, which
helps to strengthen the security of the data.
With the above modifications, this topic describes
in detail the second step of the re-variation processing
of the values, and emphasizes the nearly endless
ciphertext variations it can achieve, as well as the
enhancement of data security. This can avoid the
duplication rate of the paper while further
strengthening the security of the cryptographic
In the first step, the novel excerpt file is opene
d and a byte statistical analysis graph is generat
ed. This graph is depicted in Fig4.
Fig 4. Byte statistics analysis of the novel file.
After obfuscation and diffusion processing via
Fig 5. Plaintext obfuscation and diffusion processing.
As shown in Fig 5, all the statistical features in the
original plaintext can no longer be found at all in the
file encrypted with AES, and the frequency of
characters in the ciphertext appears nearly uniformly
in all the intervals between 0x00 and 0xff.
Fig 6. Crypto-fiction of the new method.
According to the analysis in Fig6, the new
encrypted file maintains the uniform effect of the
original AES128 while the frequency of occurrence
of various characters is completely different from the
pure CBC mode for the case of encrypting the same
novel with the same key. In addition, it is worth
noting that the peaks and troughs of the bar graphs in
the new encryption code are more even compared to
the original version, and the overly particular peaks
have been significantly reduced.
With these improvements, the new encryption
code increases the degree of confusion in the
character distribution while ensuring security,
making the statistical features of the ciphertext more
difficult to be analyzed and inferred. This is important
for improving the strength of encryption algorithms
and resisting statistical attacks.
In this paper, we propose a new encryption method
for AES encryption, and in the implementation, we
introduce a new step of changing order processing,
which draws on the idea of ShiftRows in AES. The
order of the just-generated 64-byte array is switched,
i.e., the first row is kept unchanged, and from the
second row, each row is shifted to the left by 2, 3, 4,
5, and up to 7 bits in turn, on the other hand, the last
column of the matrix, i.e., the first byte, is taken as
the last byte of the original, which realizes the deep
concealment of the last indicator bit. At the same time,
the AES encryption block in a group of 16 bytes is
forced to break up into a matrix of 64 bytes, which
further improves the degree of disorder of the
encrypted data. At the same time, the modification
works on the basis of this overlay are sought to make
it more complex. The usual CBC model is also
modified for this purpose to make the iterative
process more complex. The experimental results
show that the new encryption code increases the
degree of disorder in the character distribution while
Dual IV Design Scheme: An Improved AES Encryption Approach
ensuring security, making the statistical
characteristics of the ciphertext more difficult to be
analyzed and inferred.
This research was financially supported by Special
Projects in Key Areas for General Universities in
Guangdong ProvinceNO.2021 ZDZX1077, in part of
Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province
of China with the Grant No.2020A1515010784,also
supported by Guangdong Institute of Science and
Technology Quality Project Editor
GKZLGC2022255, 2022 Guangdong Province.
Technology Quality Project Editor
GKZLGC2022255, 2022 Guangdong Institute of
Science and Technology Innovation and
Improvement School Project No. GKY-
2022CQT.GKY-2022CQTD-2,in part of 2022
Guangdong Province Ordinary Colleges and
Universities Young Innovative Talents Category
Project, No. 2022KQNCX115, Dongguan Social
Development Project No.
20231800937602,Innovation and Improvement
School Project from Guangdong University of
Science and Technology Technology NO. GKY-
2019CQYJ-3 College Students Innovation Training
Program held by Guangdong University of Science
and Technology NO.1711034, 1711080, and
NO.1711040, and NO.1711041, and NO.1711042
1711080, and NO.1711088.
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ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology