Sentiment Analysis of Data on Google Maps Reviews Regarding Tourism
on Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon Using the Lexicon Based Method
Faisal Akbar
, Hadiyanto
and Catur Edi Widodo
Doctoral Program of Information System, School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Department of Informatics Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Poltek Cirebon, Indonesia
Sentiment Analysis, Lexicon Based Method, Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon.
Sentiment analysis is needed to find out a person’s opinion of a particular object, by identifying the sentiments
expressed by that person, then classifying the polarity value. One method for conducting sentiment analysis
is Lexicon Based. In this study, it aims to carry out sentiment analysis by implementing the Lexicon Based
method so that it can analyze the polarity of tourist perceptions of tourism at the Kasepuhan Palace in Cirebon.
The dataset collected through Google Maps Reviews is sorted based on the most recent responses or comments.
The dataset is 1117 scraped data using Python. Then the data is compressed to be processed so that it becomes
501 data that can be used. The library used is Sastrawi as the data dictionary. Based on the results of sentiment
analysis, information was obtained that around 70% gave positive responses, then around 20% gave neutral
responses, while the remaining around 10% gave negative responses to tourism at the Kasepuhan Palace,
Developments in the field of Information and Com-
munication Technology are very rapid every year and
have impacts that can be felt directly in human life
in various fields of activity, both individually and in
groups (in a company or organization). Textual infor-
mation found on the internet is generally divided into
2 (two) types, namely facts and opinions. Facts are
objective statements about objects and events in the
world, while opinions are statements that are subjec-
tive in nature by reflecting people’s sentiments or per-
ceptions about an object or event in the world. When
an individual or group wants to obtain public opin-
ion regarding a product, image and service, they no
longer need to carry out conventional surveys and in
a discussion group which costs quite a lot. With the
existence of internet media, through a website service
that has the feature of being able to provide online re-
sponses to a certain object subjectively based on the
assessment of each of these people, so that it can gen-
erate large amounts of data that can be utilized di-
rectly and openly. Through online media, everyone
can express anything, including their opinion that they
think about a certain thing or object.
With easy access to various data needed to support
related fields in human life, tourism is no exception.
The need for one’s perspective on a tourist attraction
is very important, because to be able to respond to
various global challenges, a tourist attraction needs to
adapt so that it is not easily abandoned by tourists.
Especially in historical tourism objects, where these
tourist objects are usually a form of relic from ancient
times. It takes a heavier struggle to be able to continue
to preserve this tourist attraction.
The importance of preserving tourism in the area,
because with the development of the tourism sector, it
will be proportional to the development of the econ-
omy in the area. This need is the basis for the im-
portance of being able to know the sentiments of all
tourists who come to the Cirebon Kasepuhan Palace.
Sentiment analysis is the process of understand-
ing, extracting, and processing textual data automati-
cally to obtain sentiment information contained in an
opinion sentence. Sentiment analysis is carried out
to be able to see how one’s opinion or tendency to-
wards an object, whether the opinion has a positive
tendency or even vice versa towards negative, and also
may contain a neutral tendency. One of them raised
in this study is to be able to identify tourist tendencies
and their opinions on the Keraton Kasepuhan Cire-
bon tourist attraction. The magnitude of the influence
and benefits of this sentiment analysis has caused re-
search and applications based on sentiment analysis
Akbar, F., Hadiyanto, . and Widodo, C.
Sentiment Analysis of Data on Google Maps Reviews Regarding Tourism on Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon Using the Lexicon Based Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0012440100003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 19-24
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
to develop rapidly. Even in America there are around
20 to 30 companies that focus on sentiment analysis
services (Go et al., 2009).
Sentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining (OM)
is a computational study of people’s opinions, atti-
tudes, and emotions towards an object, meaning that
this object can represent individuals, organizations,
or companies. When viewed from its duties, Opin-
ion Mining has the task of extracting and analyzing
one’s opinion about a particular object, while Senti-
ment Analysis is to identify the sentiments expressed
in a text, then analyze it. Therefore, the main purpose
of Sentiment Analysis is to find opinions, identify the
sentiments expressed, and then classify the polarity
(positive, negative, or neutral). In general, there are 3
(three) stages in sentiment analysis as shown in Fig-
ure 1.
Figure 1: Stages of Sentiment Analysis (Qiu et al., 2009).
Product reviews are a dataset that contains a col-
lection of responses or comments from many people
on a particular object. For example, in this case the re-
sponses or comments from tourists are to find out their
opinions on the Cirebon Kasepuhan Palace. Then at
the sentiment identification stage is the stage where
identification of all incoming comments or comments
is carried out. In this stage, in general, it can be
seen how the average tourist opinion of the Cirebon
Kasepuhan Palace tourist attraction is. In the feature
selection process it is used to select the features that
will be used in the next process, sentiment classifica-
tion. Tools or features that can be used at the feature
selection stage include term frequency, part of speech
tagging, dictionaries of words or phrases that contain
opinions, and negated words (for example, not good
that shows bad meaning) (Qiu et al., 2009).
The method used in this sentiment analysis is Lex-
icon Based, where there are 3 (three) approaches for
the sentiment classification stage, namely the first ap-
proach by utilizing the use of Machine Learning, then
carrying out Lexiconbased sentiment analysis, and the
last is the Hybrid Approach to incorporate Machine
Learning. and Lexicon-based sentiment analysis.
The Lexicon-based approach is one of the meth-
ods when conducting sentiment analysis that utilizes a
data dictionary which contains a list of words contain-
ing opinions, where each word in the dictionary has
been given a polarity score by giving a value between
-1 (for a negative class) to +1 (for a negative class).
for the positive class). By using the Literary Library,
developers can use the sentiment.polarity property to
be able to find out the sentiment score for a word or
sentence in Figure 2
Figure 2: Sentiment Score Example.
The data used comes from Google Maps Reviews
provided by users of the Cirebon Kasepuhan Palace
tourism. The data collection method uses data scrap-
ping tools via Python, so that 1117 reviews are ob-
tained based on the latest data provided by users.
However, all of this data cannot be processed immedi-
ately because there are still other columns apart from
the responses or comments provided by the user, so
the next step is to eliminate unnecessary columns into
just one column, namely the Caption column. From
the results of this elimination, the remaining 501 data
can be processed for sentiment analysis.
Figure 3: Results of Scraping Data.
Based on Figure 3 is the result of the entire dataset
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
collection process, so that it becomes a ready-to-use
dataset. Whereas in Figure 4 is a graphical map of
word distribution based on the highest frequency after
the process of removing punctuation marks, numbers,
and cleaning sentences.
Figure 4: Most Word Frequency Graph.
Several stages were carried out in carrying out re-
search to analyze sentiment as shown in Figure 5.
Based on Figure 5, the initial step is to collect the
datasets that have been described previously, namely
obtaining a dataset of 501 data to be processed. Next,
processing is carried out at the Preprocessing stage,
where at this stage the entire text is cleaned so that
the text is clean from noise. The Preprocessing stage
is carried out in 4 (four) steps, as follows.
Figure 5: Sentiment Analysis Process Stages.
Comment selection, in this step comments are se-
lected based on the latest posts, with the Google Maps
Reviews function for sorting based on the most recent
comments. Cleansing, The sentences obtained usu-
ally still contain noise, namely random errors or vari-
ances in the measured variable. Therefore, it is neces-
sary to remove the noise. The omitted words are char-
acters, icons, URLs, and so on (Azhar et al., 2013).
Parsing, The parsing process is the process of break-
ing a document into words by analyzing a collection
of words by separating the words and determining the
syntactic structure of each of these words (Liu et al.,
2005). Sentence Normalization, The purpose of this
process is to normalize sentences so that non-standard
sentences or typos become normal again according to
KBBI rules, so that these sentences can be recognized
as the correct language (Buntoro, 2017). What needs
to be done in the process of normalizing sentences is
as follows
1. Stretch punctuation and symbols other than the al-
phabet. The intention is to provide a distance for
punctuation from the following or previous words,
with the aim that the punctuation marks and sym-
bols other than the alphabet do not become one
with the words during the tokenization process.
2. Change to all lowecase.
3. Normalization of words with the normalization
process rules, among others, can be seen in Fig-
ure 6.
Figure 6: Word Normalization Rules (Putranti and Winarko,
4. Eliminate repeated letters in a sentence. Usually
a person can write a combination of letters to ex-
press his feelings in a sentence, but it is also possi-
ble that there are mistakes. For example, the word
“good” is used to express people really like a cer-
tain thing. However, this word is not justified in
KBBI, so it is necessary to remove repeated letters
to become “good”.
5. Removing emoticons is the removal of facial ex-
pression icons that are embedded in a sentence but
have no meaning in KBBI, usually this is done for
people who want to give their facial expressions
when conveying something. Some examples of
feelings and sentiment emoticons can be seen in
Figure 7.
Figure 7: The Meaning of Emoticons.
Tokenization, after doing preprocessing until the
process of normalizing the sentence, then the sentence
is broken into tokens using a space delimiter. The to-
ken used in this study is the unigram, a token con-
sisting of only one word. Part of Speech (POS) Tag-
ger, POS Tagger is a process for giving a class to a
word. In the POS tagger process it is done by pars-
ing, then the class of each word is determined using
Sentiment Analysis of Data on Google Maps Reviews Regarding Tourism on Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon Using the Lexicon Based Method
the help of a self-made dictionary based on KBBI us-
ing the Maximum Entropy method. The POS tagging
process is divided into three processes, namely sepa-
rating each token in the document by checking each
word in the document, then identifying each word in
the document by providing the type of word, checking
the words that have not been identified for the form of
affixes and suffixes so that basic words are obtained.
Based on the linguistic rules on the word temporary
sentiment is obtained (Saputra et al., 2021; Buntoro
et al., 2014; Nafan and Amalia, 2019). Sentiment
determination is done by looking at the presence of
words that contain sentiments that have positive or
negative polarity from comments that have been la-
beled as word class. The word classes chosen are
adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs, in accordance
with previous research references that these four types
of words are the types of words that contain the most
sentiments. In this system, if a comment contains a
noun (NN) before or after the adjective (JJ) or adverb
(RB) and the noun (has opposite polarity to the adjec-
tive or adverb), the polarity obtained is based on the
adjective or adverb. adverb, because adjectives or ad-
verbs give affirmation to nouns (Putro, 2011). Load
Dictionary, after preprocessing and tokenization, the
next step is to carry out a Load Dictionary, the pur-
pose of which is to determine the type of data dic-
tionary used in this study. For example, a dictionary
with positive, negative, negative sentiments, as well
as a dictionary of normalized language abbreviations
like the following.
1. Positive: good, great, cool, excellent, etc.
2. Negative: ugly, bad, evil, etc.
3. Negation: no, not, away, etc.
4. Abbrevation language conversion:
brp=how much, sp=who, spt=like, etc
Extract Sentiment Score, The results of all pre-
vious processes that have been carried out are in the
form of a collection of adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and
verbs. For each of these words, the sentiment value is
then extracted using the Lexicon Based method. In
this case, the extraction utilizes the sentiment score in
the Literary Library. Determination of thresholds for
positive, negative, and neutral labels is shown in the
following algorithm.
The results of the sentiment analysis using the Lexi-
con Based method for the dataset that has been col-
lected to see how tourists respond or comment re-
garding their opinions on the tourism of the Keraton
Figure 8: Threshold Determination.
Kasepuhan Cirebon can be seen in Figure 9 some of
the results.
Figure 9: Example of Sentiment Analysis Results.
In Figure 10 you can see the results of the word
cloud based on the dataset used, where you can see
a collection of words that are most often used based
on the size of the word, the larger the size means the
word is used more and more, so vice versa if it is
smaller, the word is less used.
Figure 10: Example of Sentiment Analysis Results.
The results of sentiment analysis using the Lexi-
con Based method are shown in Figure 11 and Figure
12. Where the graph states that the trend of tourist
sentiment is around 70% positive, around 20% neu-
tral, while negative is only around 10% towards the
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon tourism
Figure 11: Sentiment Distribution.
Figure 12: Sentiment Trend Chart.
Whereas in Figure 13 it can be seen that the re-
lationship between numerical data or the number of
words in a sentence has a positive sentiment tendency,
which means that the number of words has a positive
influence on tourists’ opinions about tourism at the
Kasepuhan Palace in Cirebon.
Figure 13: The Meaning of Emoticons.
Based on the research that has been done, it is found
that the Lexicon Based method for sentiment analy-
sis can be used on datasets originating from Google
Maps Reviews in Indonesian, with the support of the
Google Translate Library to translate first if there are
sentences or words in English. While the percent-
age of tourist tendencies resulting from the sentiment
analysis carried out found that most tourists had a pos-
itive response to tourism at the Kasepuhan Palace in
Cirebon, around 70% gave a positive response, then
around 20% gave a neutral response, while the re-
maining around 10% gave a negative response neg-
ative. However, for future research, the level of accu-
racy of the results can be calculated whether they are
good, then it is also necessary to pay attention to the
data dictionary used along with the keywords in order
to increase the accuracy even better according to the
object of research.
This research was supported by the Doctoral Program
of Information System at Diponegoro University and
also Department of Informatics Engineering at Seko-
lah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Poltek Cirebon indicates
that both of these organizations have provided support
and resources to the research in question. This type
of acknowledgement is often included in research pa-
pers or other academic documents to thank the or-
ganizations and individuals who have contributed to
the research and to give credit to them for their con-
tributions. The inclusion of both the Doctoral Pro-
gram of Information System at Diponegoro Univer-
sity and also Department of Informatics Engineering
at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Poltek Cirebon in
the acknowledgement suggests that the research has
received support from a variety of sources, which can
be beneficial in helping to ensure the success and thor-
oughness of the research.
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ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development