Increasing Paddy Production Through Integrated Farming System Using
System Dynamics Modeling
Haris Rafi, Erma Suryani and Amalia Utamima
Information Systems Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Rice Production, Integrated Farming Systems, Simulation, System Dynamics.
Paddy is a strategic commodity that plays an important role in the economy and national food security. Fulfill-
ment of rice for people’s needs is very important for Indonesia because the population continues to increase
every year with a wide and spread geographical coverage. This increase in population has an impact on the
demand for rice, which also increases. Until mid-2021, Indonesia is still importing rice from various countries
to meet rice needs. Therefore, strategies and efforts are needed to increase paddy production so that it does not
depend on imported activities which can drain the country’s foreign exchange. Agricultural activities around
the world can be produced relatively well and sustainably only if there is a large energy input. In a sustain-
able context, integrated farming systems are considered as a breakthrough for sustainable agricultural systems.
Previous research has tackled this problem by focusing on solutions to monoculture farming systems. This
study aims to develop a simulation model to increase paddy production by implementing an integrated farming
system as a scenario solution using a system dynamics approach. System dynamics was chosen because of its
uniqueness which can simulate a complex and dynamic system. The results showed that the system dynamics
approach can be used to model the current paddy production system well. Furthermore, through a predeter-
mined improvement scenario, namely the application of an integrated farming system, paddy production and
rice production can be increased by 15.26% and 15% respectively for the next 17 years.
Paddy is a rice-producing plant, one of the main food
needs for most Indonesian people. In recent years,
paddy production in Indonesia has experienced in-
stability, where a drastic decline occurred in 2018
(30.54%) caused by weather factors (dry season)
which caused agricultural land to become dry and
cause crop failure (Suryani et al., 2022). Malang
Regency in East Java Province is an area that has
great potential in the agricultural sector which pro-
duces food crops such as paddy, corn, peanuts, green
beans, soybeans, cassava, sweet potatoes and many
more. In 2020, Malang Regency produces 481,001
tons of paddy, which is a decrease from the previ-
ous year, which was able to produce 498,586 tons,
while the level of rice consumption per capita is 114.8
kg/year (B.P.S., 2020). On the other hand, population
growth is still faster than the rate of food production
in various places due to limited land and water for
agriculture and the impact of global climate change
(Agus, 2018). The higher the population, the higher
the demand for rice food. In addition, an increase in
population will also lead to an increase in demand
for land for residence, which causes the conversion
of land from agricultural land to non-agricultural land
which often occurs. With the decreasing agricultural
land, of course this will threaten the stability of paddy
production. The lack of rice supply has the poten-
tial to cause social, economic, and political instability
in the country. Therefore, a large supply of paddy is
needed to meet the increasing demand for food.
The current agricultural system is dominated by
conventional farming which leads to the cultivation of
similar crops (monoculture) which forces the contin-
uous use of chemical (inorganic) fertilizers and pesti-
cides. This has the potential to cause ecosystem dam-
age which can cause land degradation and contam-
inate surface and ground water (Musa et al., 2018).
Agricultural businesses around the world can produce
optimally and sustainably only if there is a large en-
ergy input. In a sustainable context, an integrated
farming system is a breakthrough for a sustainable
agricultural system. The application of an integrated
farming system is an intensification of the agricul-
tural system through integrated resource management
Rafi, H., Suryani, E. and Utamima, A.
Increasing Paddy Production Through Integrated Farming System Using System Dynamics Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0012443800003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 65-71
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
between crops and livestock. The application of an
integrated farming system is highly recommended to
increase agricultural production, farmer income, opti-
mal use of agricultural waste to produce environmen-
tally friendly agriculture (Mukhlis et al., 2018).
Previous research stated that increased paddy pro-
duction could be increased by implementing massive
post-harvest harvesting mechanisms together with
implementation of GAP (Good Agricultural Practice)
according to standards (Aprillya et al., 2019). Mean-
while (Findiastuti et al., 2018) states that expanding
irrigation areas and increasing agricultural investment
is a sustainable food security solution. This study
aims to increase paddy production for food security
by implementing an integrated farming system sce-
The agricultural production system is a complex
and dynamic system over time because it can be in-
fluenced by many interrelated factors. All types of
dynamic contextual factors from time to time can be
modeled through system dynamics modeling. System
dynamics modeling is a method that can be used to
represent the relationship between variables and com-
ponents in a system such as a paddy production sys-
tem. This study uses a system dynamics approach
to understand the real conditions of the paddy pro-
duction system. The system dynamics approach is
very effective in helping to understand the behavior
of complex components. Therefore, this study aims
to develop a simulation model for paddy production
systems and analyze the simulation results based on
the scenarios applied.
Conducted an analysis of the factors driving in-
creased paddy production from the cultivation and
post-harvest side as a basis for developing policy
strategies (Aprillya et al., 2019). There are two sce-
narios proposed for the strategy to increase the qual-
ity of paddy production, namely (1) increasing agri-
cultural equipment and machinery, and (2) increas-
ing seed varieties. The scenario of increasing agri-
cultural equipment and machinery is sufficient to pro-
vide a more significant effect. Harvest and post-
harvest mechanisms can be improved by replacing
traditional tools with modern agricultural tools ac-
companied by the implementation of Good Agricul-
tural Practice (GAP). Findiastuti et al. (Findiastuti
et al., 2018) presents a simulation of an assessment
of Indonesian Sustainable Food-Availability (ISFA)
to support policy adjustments in achieving sustain-
ability. The simulation was carried out in three stages
for seven policy scenario options and six policy sce-
nario combinations to analyze how they affect food
availability and agricultural emissions. The ISFA ra-
tio and food availability score were defined as ob-
jective performance. Scenarios that mediate govern-
ment policies carried out during the 2015–2019 pe-
riod which are then simulated until 2025. Scenar-
ios were developed to represent Indonesian govern-
ment policies to achieve sustainable food availability
in 2015–2019. The result is a combination scenario of
expanding irrigation areas and increasing investment
policies is the best policy for ISFA. Sekaran et al.
(Sekaran et al., 2021) explores the beneficial proper-
ties and contribution of integrated crop-livestock sys-
tems (ICLS) to food security, along with their so-
cial and economic benefits, and proposed strategies
for adopting ICLS in low income countries, medium,
and high. This study assesses the production of more
plant residues under ICLS that can be used as ani-
mal feed. ICLS can influence household dietary di-
versity and support subsistence farmer incomes and
reduce economic risk. Reinventing crops and live-
stock systems could have many potential benefits such
as higher socio-economic returns and better environ-
mental conditions. In low, middle, and high-income
countries, success in implementing ICLS requires or-
ganizational and/or institutional support to form new
marketing opportunities and the application of ICLS
can be increased if government policies can provide
markets, capital, and educational service assistance
for subsistence farmers. However, adopting ICLS re-
quires deep commitment and knowledge of crops and
To overcome the problems in this study, a system dy-
namics approach was used because of its ability to
deal with various complex problems. System dynam-
ics is a continuous simulation technique introduced
by Jay Forrester from MIT around the 1960s. Sys-
tem dynamics focuses on the structure and behavior
of the system consisting of interactions between vari-
ables and feedback loops (Suryani, 2006). System dy-
namics is an approach to study the dynamics of the
behavior of the observed system. System dynamics
modeling is considered suitable to be applied in this
study because it is based on feedback on each struc-
ture of the system that affects other structures. There
are 5 stages that need to be carried out in developing
a system dynamics model (Sterman, 2000), namely
problem articulation, dynamic hypothesis, formula-
tion, testing, and policy formulation.
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
3.1 Problem Articulation
In this process observations are made of systems in
the real world that are the object of observation. Af-
ter that, the key variable is determined. Defining the
problem is also done through literature study, by dig-
ging up information through the literature as a source
of basic concepts or previous research that has been
done regarding the object of the problem in the form
of journals, books, theses, or online references. The
data obtained from the literature is used as a material
consideration in determining the significant variables
and additional variables that influence each other in
the system. In this study, the data used was obtained
from several related government agency sites such as
the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) (B.P.S., 2020;
B.P.S., 2019; B.P.S., 2018); the Ministry of Agri-
culture (Balitbangtan, 2019; RI, 2019); the Office of
Agriculture and Food Security of East Java Province,
as well as news portal sites to understand the latest de-
velopments regarding the situation in paddy farming.
Historical data on paddy and rice production were
used in this study from 2008 to 2020 for simulation
purposes and their validation.
3.2 Dynamic Hypothesis
After the process of problem articulation, the next
step is to develop a dynamic hypothesis to account for
the problem behavior. Several internal/endogenous
and external/endogenous variables that affect rice
production are obtained based on the results of the
previous stage. In addition, at this stage a casual
structure description is also carried out based on a
literature study adapted to the system object. Mod-
eling begins by creating a Causal Loop Diagram
(CLD). This diagram contains a series of variables
(components) that each represent a process or sta-
tus and form a series of processes with an empha-
sis on causal aspects (Prahasta, 2018). Each rela-
tionship describes the causality between these vari-
ables. Each relationship also has a positive (+) or neg-
ative (-) polarity to describe how the relationships be-
tween these variables influence one another. CLD has
two types, namely reinforcing loop (R) which shows
the strengthening of a cycle, and balancing loop (B)
which shows the stability/balance of a cycle.
3.3 Model Formulation
The next step in developing a system dynamics model
is to build a simulation model formulation through a
Stock Flow Diagram (SFD). This stage tests the dy-
namic hypothesis of CLD. The development of SFD
is CLD oriented, but in SFD new components and
information flow (cause-effect relationships) can be
added, without changing the big picture of the system
that has been described in the CLD structure (Soesilo
and Karuniasa, 2014). This stage also determines the
formulation of the equations of each variable as well
as the estimation of the initial values and parameter
3.4 Testing
According to (Barlas, 1989) the system statistical val-
idation process can be carried out in two ways of
testing, namely statistical model validation by test-
ing the average error rate (E1) and model validation
by testing the comparison of amplitude variations or
error variances (E2). The model is said to be valid
if E1 5%andE2 30%. The equations for model
validation are shown in Equations 1 and 2.
E1 =
x100 (1)
Where E1 is the average comparison, S is the av-
erage value of the simulated data, and A is the average
value of the actual data.
E2 =
Ss Sa
100 (2)
Where E2 is the variance error, Ss is the standard
deviation of the simulated data, and Sa is the standard
deviation of the actual data.
3.5 Policy Formulation
Policy design involves creating entirely new strate-
gies, structures, and decision rules. Because the feed-
back structure of a system determines its dynamics,
most of the time policy will involve feedback loops
effecting by reshaping the stock and flow structure,
release the time delay, change the flow and quality of
information available at the primary decision point, or
substantially reinvent the decision-making process of
key players in the system. Based on the objectives of
this study, the scenario that will be applied is the ap-
plication of an integrated farming system to lowland
rice farming to increase paddy production, by chang-
ing the SFD structure that has been developed and de-
clared valid.
In this section, a case study of a paddy production sys-
tem simulation with a system dynamics approach will
Increasing Paddy Production Through Integrated Farming System Using System Dynamics Modeling
be presented. This study begins with the articulation
of the problem. In this research, the object of the sys-
tem to be observed is the paddy production system in
Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia. Malang Re-
gency in 2020 produces 481,001 tons of rice, a de-
crease from the previous year, which was able to pro-
duce 498,586 tons, while the level of rice consump-
tion per capita is 114.8 kg/year (B.P.S., 2020). Simu-
lations were performed using Vensim PLE 9.1.1 x64
simulation software. According to a number of stud-
ies, increased paddy production can be influenced by
several important factors, such as the use of fertilizers;
the use of superior seeds (Aprillya et al., 2019; Ishaq
et al., 2016); availability of irrigation water (Suryani
et al., 2022; Bashir and Yuliana, 2019); and cropping
index (Suryani et al., 2022; Aprillya et al., 2019). In
this study, the focus of increasing attention is paddy
production and rice production.
4.1 Base Model
Based on the results of the problem articulation, a dy-
namic hypothesis was developed through CLD which
represents the system according to the case in this
study, namely the paddy production system. Mod-
eling in CLD also simulta neously displays the pro-
posed scenario, where in this study the proposed sce-
nario is the application of an integrated farming sys-
tem (green arrow line) to increase paddy production.
CLD that has been developed is shown in Figure 1.
Paddy production yields are influenced by the har-
vested area and the level of productivity per hectare.
The harvested area is influenced by the area of paddy
fields which has a reinforcing loop (R1) for land ex-
pansion and a balancing loop (B1) for land expan-
sion. While productivity is influenced by several fac-
tors such as seed varieties, fertilization, availability of
irrigation water, and rainfall which have a positive ef-
fect on paddy productivity. On the other hand, yield
loss from harvesting and threshing, as well as pest and
disease attacks on paddy reduces productivity.
Figure 1: CLD of Paddy Production Systems and Scenarios
of Integrated Farming Systems.
The rate of paddy productivity will affect the re-
sulting paddy production. In general, paddy produc-
tion experienced an increasing trend. Meanwhile,
Rice production is the result of converting the pro-
ductivity of harvested dry grain into dry milled paddy
multiplied by the harvested area. Paddy that has been
harvested still has to go through several stages to be
consumed into rice. Milling is the process required
to process harvested paddy/dry milled grain into rice.
During the milling process shrinkage will occur. The
ratio of the weight of rice to the weight of paddy due
to shrinkage is called milling yield. Figure 2 displays
a graph of paddy and rice production.
From agricultural activities, agricultural waste can
be obtained in the form of rice straw. Straw, which is
a waste of paddy plants, is a potential material and is
easy to obtain so that it can be reused as an alterna-
tive animal feed. Meanwhile, from animal husbandry
activities, the resulting livestock manure can be pro-
cessed into organic fertilizer which is useful for in-
creasing rice productivity and production.
After conceptualizing the system through CLD,
SFD development is carried out for model formula-
tion. Figure 2 is the SFD for the base model of a
paddy production system.
Figure 2: SFD of Paddy Production System.
In general, paddy production in Malang Regency
has an increasing trend with an average production of
448224 tons or 1.39% per year. However, in 2019
and 2020 paddy production decreased by 0.28% and
3.53%. Figure 3 shows a graph of current paddy pro-
duction. Likewise with rice production, the average
rice production is 285088 tons or 1.32%. Figure 4
shows a graph of current rice production.
The model that has been developed in the form of
SFD will be validated based on Equations 1 and 2.
Model validation was carried out in the 2008–2020
period for a better understanding of the system based
on available data. Here is some variable validation:
Paddy Production
E1 = 0.60%
E2 = 18.62%
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
Figure 3: Current Paddy Production.
Figure 4: Current Rice Production.
Rice Production
E1 = 1.95%
E2 = 23.58%
Based on the results of validation calculations, the er-
ror rate (E1) is 5% and the error variance (E2) is
30%, which means that the model can be said to be
4.2 Scenario Model
After the model is said to be valid, then policy sce-
narios are formulated to optimize the running system.
In this study, the scenario that will be applied is the
application of an integrated crop and livestock farm-
ing system. An integrated farming system is an in-
tensification of the agricultural system through inte-
grated resource management between crops and live-
stock. Integrated farming systems are assessed as be-
ing able to maintain organic elements in the soil that
are always available to create sustainable agriculture
(Musa et al., 2018). The scenario model is projected
during the 2008-2040 period.
Figure 5 is a model scenario that represents an in-
tegrated farming system scenario. Rice farming will
produce rice straw. The weight of rice straw is 1.4
times that of dry grain paddy yields (Kim and Dale,
2004). Paddy straw is used as the main fibrous feed
for cattle, given as much as 6-8 kg per day. This
means that every year it takes 2190-2920 kg or 2.19-
2.92 tons of straw for animal feed. After that, fe-
ces will be produced from the livestock which can
be processed into organic fertilizer which is produced
through the formation of biogas. One cow can pro-
duce 10-15 kg of manure, where 1 kg of cow ma-
nure has the potential to produce 0.03 m3 of biogas
(Jimmy and Hudha, 2011). From the processing of
livestock manure to producing biogas through the di-
gester, biogas residue will be produced. The biogas
residue is used to produce organic fertilizer to re-
turn to the field to increase agricultural productivity
(Paulus et al., 2022).
Based on the research objectives, this research
will focus on the analysis of paddy production and
rice production. The simulation results show, first,
the scenario results from 2020 to 2040 paddy produc-
tion are stable with an average production of 567337
tons per year. Whereas in the basic model during this
period, paddy production was stable with an average
production of 492241 tons per year. A comparative
graph of the simulation results of the basic model
and scenarios for paddy production is shown in Fig-
ure 6. Overall, the scenario of implementing an inte-
grated farming system can increase paddy production
by 15.26%.
Second, it can be seen in Figure 7, the scenario
results from 2020 to 2040, rice production is stable
with an average production of 355947 tons per year.
A significant increase occurred in 2016 of 13.88%.
Meanwhile, in the base model during this period rice
production was stable with an average production of
308832 tons per year. Overall, the scenario of im-
plementing an integrated farming system can increase
rice production by 15% until 2040.
Figure 5: Current Paddy Production.
Figure 6: Current Rice Production.
Increasing Paddy Production Through Integrated Farming System Using System Dynamics Modeling
Figure 7: Current Rice Production.
The paddy production system is a system with com-
plex problems with various variables that are interre-
lated to each other in it. In this study, paddy produc-
tion was influenced by harvested area and paddy pro-
ductivity per hectare. The system dynamics approach
is used in this study to find solutions to increase paddy
production. Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) was devel-
oped to visualize the relationship between variables in
the paddy production system, which was then devel-
oped with a Stock and Flow Diagram (SFD) to sim-
ulate the current paddy production system. Several
validations were also carried out to prove that the sim-
ulation represented the current system based on the
available data. The simulation results on the basic
model are considered valid because the validation re-
sults obtained are E1 5% and E2 30%. Through
the scenario of the integrated farming system imple-
mented, paddy production (15.26%) and rice produc-
tion (15%) can be increased for the next 17 years.
Overall, from 2008 to 2040 the average of paddy and
rice production increased by 15%.
The system dynamics approach is useful for pro-
viding insight for stakeholders to find solutions in in-
creasing the production of paddy or other agricultural
commodities. This study focuses on the analysis of
the integration of agriculture and livestock on paddy
and rice production behavior, but other aspects of in-
tegrated farming systems are not considered. Another
limitation of this study is the increase in paddy pro-
duction from fertilization intensification, while post-
harvest handling was not considered. Further research
can be carried out by focusing on the quality of post-
harvest handling or it can also focus on other aspects
of integrated farming systems such as the energy pro-
duced for community energy efficiency.
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Increasing Paddy Production Through Integrated Farming System Using System Dynamics Modeling