The Effect of Online Video Advertising and Green Message on Electric
Car Purchase Intention
Puji Prabowo
and Chandrasa Soekardi
Entrepreneurship Department, BINUS Business School Undergraduate Program, Bina Nusantara University,
Jakarta, Indonesia
Mechanical Engineering Department, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Electric Vehicle, Online Video Advertising, Advertising, Green Message, Purchase Intention,
Environmentally Friendly.
Previous research has shown that there are factors that influence the buying process of a product. This also
happens in the green advertising process. This is related to the development of the electric vehicle industry in
Indonesia with various brands. Currently, many brands are doing online video advertising for their electric car
products. The purpose of this study is to see the effect of online video advertising of electric cars and green
messages on purchase intention. This study uses SmartPLS to conduct PLS-SEM analysis. Through data
analysis, the results showed a significant effect of online video advertising and green messages on purchase
intention. There are several indicators that influence online video advertising, green messages, and purchase
intention. The benefit of this research is to provide scientific development on electric vehicles, especially
in Indonesia. In addition, the benefits of this research help manufacturers consider important factors that
influence customer purchases towards electric vehicle.
Today’s consumers are becoming more environmen-
tally conscious and tend to move towards green mar-
keting strategies. Electric vehicle manufacturers need
to increase consumer confidence in their brands and
provide information that influences consumer pur-
chasing behavior when selling products. Providing
information about the benefits of using electric vehi-
cles can increase consumer interest and willingness
to buy. Studies conducted show that manufacturers
who prioritize the benefits of environmental and so-
cial impacts can increase consumer interest in con-
suming environmentally friendly products (Tih et al.,
2016; Alamsyah et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2020; Zang
et al., 2022). With the availability of existing electric
vehicles, manufacturers need to pay attention to con-
ditions in the market, what factors attract consumers
and influence their buying process (Zheltukhina et al.,
With the growth of the electric vehicle industry in
Indonesia, for manufacturers, they need to become a
brand that consumers can see and choose. From the
latest data, there is an increase in the use of electric
cars in Indonesia as well as an increase in the number
of power charging stations at various points in Indone-
sia. This is inseparable.
From the Presidential instruction regarding the
recommended use of electric vehicles (Alfarizi, 2022;
Respti and Pratama, 2023). Competition in the elec-
tric vehicle industry makes manufacturers must think
about advertisements that can be received by con-
sumers well to influence the buying process (Wi-
jekoon and Sabri, 2021). In addition, it is also nec-
essary to consider that this young generation is a po-
tential user of electric cars in the future.
Currently the competition is very tight, consumers
are faced with many choices (Zhang et al., 2015).
Advertising is one of the strategies used by compa-
nies to introduce their products to the market (Katke,
2007). One of them is digital advertising which can
help companies build brand awareness and spark con-
sumer interest in products (Maniu and Zaharie, 2014).
Social media such as YouTube can be used as on-
line video advertising (Lee et al., 2015; Corstjens and
Umblijs, 2012). In evaluating an advertisement, con-
sumers see information, benefits and also how the ad-
vertisement can attract them (Smith, 2019; Rambe
and Jafeta, 2017). Evaluating advertising value is part
of consumer attitudes towards existing advertisements
(Ducoffe, 1995).
Prabowo, P. and Soekardi, C.
The Effect of Online Video Advertising and Green Message on Electric Car Purchase Intention.
DOI: 10.5220/0012445400003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 149-153
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
1. Online Video Advertising
Content in online video advertising has a wide
variety and aims to personalize according to the
market so that consumers can accept it (Dehghani
et al., 2016; Kim et al., 2013). In reviewing on-
line video advertising, there are several things that
need to be considered such as clear and relevant
information for consumers (Lasc
ar and Mlady,
2017; C. et al., 2002). In addition, there is an
entertaining side in the video to build interaction
from consumers and brands without being dis-
tracted by other things (Firat, 2019; Tsang et al.,
2004). Pleasure is one of the important things in
enjoying online video advertising for consumers
(Y. et al., 2009). And credibility is needed in on-
line video advertising in order to increase trust
from consumers (Yang et al., 2017; Brackett and
Carr, 2001). To summarize, some important indi-
cators are customization, informativeness, enter-
tainment, credibility.
2. Green Message
The message conveyed in green marketing needs
to influence and invite consumers to be involved
in the sustainability of nature in the long term
(Yang et al., 2016; Rahbar and Abdul Wahid,
2011). By carrying out green marketing, it
can help companies build their credibility as a
green company and this can build credibility that
gives consumers trust in the brand (Hartmann and
nez, 2009; S et al., 2015; Knight
et al., 2007). In other words, the green mes-
sage has an influence on the marketing process
that will be carried out by the company. A good
message is to show the business of the company
to protect the environment by providing environ-
mentally friendly products. The effective step is
to show what the efforts have been successfully
carried out by the company, this will arouse trust
and increase the beliefs of the customer. In addi-
tion, another indicator is a pleasant and favorable
message can provide customer understanding of
the green product offered (D’Souza and Taghian,
2005; Zinkhan and Carlson, 1995; PB and KK,
2012; Huang et al., 2014; Sheehan and Atkinson,
3. Purchase Intention
Purchase intention is the stage where consumers
examine deeper information on a brand in the
purchasing process after the selection process
from several alternatives (Belch and Belch, 2012;
Schiffman and Kanuk, 2010). Currently, brands
are struggling to communicate not only the func-
tion of their products, but also focus on the emo-
tional side (L., 2010). In the process, consumers
conduct in-depth research before buying green
products (Chen and Chang, 2012). Information
about product quality, benefits and also social im-
pacts for consumers are the main considerations
(Poluan et al., 2016; Wang and Tsai, 2014; Kang
et al., 2012). These things can build trust from
consumers towards brands (P et al., 2015). By
building awareness and trust, consumers have a
purchase intention for green products (Suki et al.,
2016; Ali et al., 2011; Nik Abdul Rashid, 2009).
Some of the points that can be seen are perceived
value, subjective norm, trust, and awareness. This
study aims to see if there is a significant impact of
online video advertising and green messages on
the purchase intention of customers.
This research used a quantitative approach. The
data collection method used is through an online sur-
vey with respondents from various cities in Indone-
sia. The selected respondents are young people aged
around 18-35 years, as many as 200 people. Respon-
dents were asked to view online video advertising on
YouTube before filling out the survey. The research
object chosen is one of the advertising videos for an
electric car brand that has the highest sales in Indone-
sia in 2022. Data collection used a Likert scale from
1-5 to obtain data on the 3 variables being tested in
this study. Each variable has different indicators that
were asked to respondents. Processing of this re-
search data using the PLS-SEM technique with the
help of the Smart-PLS application to check the valid-
ity and reliability of existing data for factor analysis,
the influence between variables and how significant
the relationship between these variables is.
From the data collected, the first data processing is
to check the validity and reliability of the factors and
variables. In the process, an inner test is carried out to
obtain Cronbach’s Alpha, Composite Reliability, and
Average Variance Extracted (AVE) data summarized
in Table 1. The data instrument used has been tested
to be very reliable, this can be seen from the construct
data which has a Cronbach’s alpha value above 0.81
and a composite reliability value whose value is¿ 0.7.
In the AVE value obtained, valid data has been ob-
tained with a higher value than the correlation involv-
ing the construct. So, it can be concluded that the data
used already has valid data from reliable instruments.
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
Figure 1: Hypothesis Model.
Table 1: Inner Test.
Constructs Cronbach’s
Variance Ex-
tracted (AVE)
Green Message 0.861 0.900 0.644
Online Video Ad-
0.816 0.878 0.643
Purchase Intention 0.873 0.912 0.723
Table 2: Outer Test.
Indicators Original
P Val-
GM1 <- Green
0.730 0.731 0.041 17.783 0.000
GM2 <- Green
0.788 0.786 0.036 22.014 0.000
GM3 <- Green
0.858 0.857 0.022 39.143 0.000
GM4 <- Green
0.819 0.817 0.034 23.983 0.000
GM5 <- Green
0.811 0.809 0.029 27.868 0.000
OVA1 <- On-
line Video Adver-
0.765 0.763 0.042 18.162 0.000
OVA2 <- On-
line Video Adver-
0.816 0.816 0.022 36.586 0.000
OVA3 <- On-
line Video Adver-
0.841 0.842 0.023 36.166 0.000
OVA4 <- On-
line Video Adver-
0.785 0.784 0.032 24.298 0.000
PI1 <- Purchase
0.779 0.778 0.045 17.280 0.000
PI2 <- Purchase
0.849 0.849 0.029 29.663 0.000
PI3 <- Purchase
0.892 0.893 0.014 65.690 0.000
PI4 <- Purchase
0.877 0.876 0.017 50.689 0.000
From Table 2, the data shows the loading factor
value data for each indicator in each construct. It
can be seen from the outer loading or original sample
data, that the loading factor value of the entire indi-
cator is ¿0.7 so that it can be declared valid. From
the Green Message data, it can be seen that 3 indica-
tors have the largest value, namely indicators 3, 4 and
5. These indicators relate to Believable, Favorable,
and Good messages. Furthermore, in Online Video
Advertising which has a loading factor is indicators 2
and 3, namely the video provides information to con-
sumers, and also the video shows credibility. And in
Purchase Intention, respondents know the benefits of
using electric cars and from the video respondents can
also trust the quality of the product.
Table 3: Hypothesis Test.
Correlations Original
ple (O)
P Val-
Green Message -
>Purchase Intention
0.405 0.405 0.083 4.904 0.000
Online Video Adver-
tising ->Purchase
0.314 0.319 0.083 3.769 0.000
From Table 3, it is clear that the correlation of
Green Message and Online Video Advertising to Pur-
chase Intention has a significant relationship. This
can be seen from both having P Values ¡0.005 so
that it can be stated that the relationship between
these constructs is very significant. In addition, when
viewed from the T Statistics data, the number ob-
tained is ¿1.96 so it can be concluded that there is
a significant influence of Green Message and Online
Video Advertising on Purchase Intention.
This research confirms that the clarity in the video
about the product can provide information that can in-
crease customer confidence in the credibility of elec-
tric car manufacturers (Lasc
ar and Mlady, 2017; C.
et al., 2002; Yang et al., 2017; Brackett and Carr,
2001). In addition, the information in electric car
advertisements can provide an overview to poten-
tial consumers to consider purchasing an electric car
(Schiffman and Kanuk, 2010; L., 2010; Chen and
Chang, 2012). The model built in this study success-
fully shows the influence of green messages and on-
line video advertising on the intention of consumers
to purchase electric cars. In addition, this study illus-
trates the importance of factors that need to be con-
sidered in providing green messages and producing
online video advertising.
From the results of the study, the data showed a
strong influence of online video advertising as well
as green messages on electric car purchase intention.
The placement of environmentally friendly messages
helps online video
advertising to increase its value to be accepted and
trusted by potential consumers. This research shows
the benefits of using online video advertising to at-
tract consumers to use electric cars. In both the auto-
motive and corporate sectors, this study will help in
understanding the perceptions of potential consumers
from the latest electric vehicle advertisements. This is
important for the younger generation who will be po-
The Effect of Online Video Advertising and Green Message on Electric Car Purchase Intention
tential buyers in the future. In addition, the research
is useful in developing new perspectives in the sci-
ence of electric vehicles. The limitations of this study
are in the object of research that only uses online
video advertising, for further research can be com-
pleted with various other mediums used by companies
for marketing electric cars.
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The Effect of Online Video Advertising and Green Message on Electric Car Purchase Intention