Detachable Electric Motor Design and Data Acquisition on Smart
Wheelchair System
Laurentius Kuncoro Probo Saputra
, Yuan Lukito
and Winta Adhitia Guspara
Informatics, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Product Design, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Detachable Electric Motor, Data Acquisition, Smart Wheelchair System.
Mobility for people with disabilities needs to be considered to increase their participation in activities. Hence,
every action taken can be more productive. Electric vehicles are currently a major focus of development. The
application of electric motors as propulsion in wheelchairs is highly beneficial for people with disabilities, as it
enhances their mobility during activities. However, the use of electric motor propulsion in wheelchairs is a new
and interesting development, and creating a detachable electric motor propulsion device that can be used by
people who use wheelchairs is worth exploring. This study aims to examine the experience of wheelchair users
using an additional electric motor drive in their wheelchairs. Android applications for sensor data acquisition
are developed, and sensor data is transmitted from the wheelchair control system to the Android application
using Bluetooth communication. The study collects sensor data related to the use of electric motors to assess
their capabilities and responses when using this electric motor propulsion device.
The Presidential Regulation of the Republic of In-
donesia Number 55 of 2019, which concerns the Ac-
celeration of the Battery Electric Vehicle Program for
Road Transportation, has opened up new opportuni-
ties for mobility and accessibility for persons with
disabilities who use wheelchairs. There are many ef-
forts that can be made to address the basic needs of
persons with disabilities in terms of mobility devices,
such as a detachable electric drive for a wheelchair.
The current advancements in battery technology have
enabled the development of higher-density batteries
that can achieve performance optimization. These
slim, lightweight, and fast-charging batteries with
sufficient storage capacity are a major step toward
saving the power supply required for mobility. As the
number of electric vehicles increases, battery charg-
ing stations must be able to charge batteries quickly
(Tu et al., 2019). The combination of battery technol-
ogy and the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential
to revolutionize the design of intelligent wheelchairs
for users. The IoT provides performance optimization
for electronic systems, information systems, and con-
trol systems to allow users to have complete control
of their electric vehicles.
Micro-mobility, also known as ”short movement,
is an essential component of urban transportation and
occupies an important part of a city’s blueprint or ur-
ban space. The right type of vehicle with the appropri-
ate ”size and adaptation, particularly for wheelchair
mobility on city roads, is critical and closely related
to the area traveled, energy consumption, and the type
of fuel used. Furthermore, the application of elec-
tric vehicle (EV) technology in wheelchair mobil-
ity supports the 10th Sustainable Development Goal
(SDGs) program, especially with respect to provid-
ing wheelchair users with independence and empow-
erment to access their needs, including those outside
their homes. According to data from the World Health
Organization (WHO), 5% to 15% of 70 million peo-
ple with disabilities must use wheelchairs to carry
out their daily activities (Shabibi and Kesavan, 2021).
This effort also collaborates with United Cerebral
Palsy Wheels for Humanity (UCP Wheels), which, in
2018, distributed 839 wheelchairs to its partners.
Currently, not many wheelchair users with disabil-
ities make use of electric motors to assist with their
daily activities. The objective of this study is to de-
velop a data acquisition application that will monitor
the movement of electric motors used by wheelchair
users. Furthermore, this data will be used for ana-
lyzing the experiences of individuals who use electric
motors in conjunction with their wheelchairs.
Saputra, L., Lukito, Y. and Guspara, W.
Detachable Electric Motor Design and Data Acquisition on Smart Wheelchair System.
DOI: 10.5220/0012446700003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 192-197
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Wheelchair Electric Drive System Design Chart.
2.1 Electrice Wheelchair
Wheelchairs, traditionally viewed as a mode of trans-
portation for individuals with physical disabilities,
have undergone significant developments in the area
of electrical controls, specifically those connected to
the digital world or the Internet of Things (IoT). The
IoT-based control concept is a new paradigm in the
world of information technology, where all devices,
such as sensors, actuators, and various types of in-
dicator components, controls, and charging systems,
can be interconnected through the internet network.
Embedded systems and sensors are becoming easier
to find, and their low cost and small size make them
well-suited for developing detachable electric drive
systems for wheelchairs that are IoT-based (Urooj
et al., 2021; Yao et al., 2015; Desai et al., 2017; Harris
et al., 2020; Parikh et al., 2007). This development is
particularly beneficial for wheelchair users from dif-
ferent backgrounds. While manual wheelchairs can
only be used by individuals with physical disabilities
from the waist down, turning manual wheelchairs into
smart wheelchairs with the latest technology can pro-
vide mobility for a wider range of users. The ease
of control and navigation in smart wheelchairs, in-
cluding touch screen management, shaking or nod-
ding the head on a pad or joystick, voice commands,
and eye commands using an eye tracker, can provide
an opportunity for individuals with Alzheimer’s dis-
ease, cerebral palsy, and the elderly to have the ability
to move independently and safely (Matsumotot et al.,
2001; Simpson et al., 2002; Montesano et al., 2010;
Tomari et al., 2012; Wanluk et al., 2016).
2.2 Wheelchairair Mobility and
Micro-mobility, or short-distance movement, is an
important component of a city’s urban space and
transportation infrastructure. The concept of short-
distance travel is not solely about moving from point
A to point B but also considers the speed and travel
time required to connect residential areas with other
activity spaces in the city. However, this type of
short-travel vehicle faces a challenge in dense cities
due to the difficulty of accelerating. The issue of
short-distance travel is also closely tied to accessibil-
ity rights and equality for wheelchair users.
One problem that arises in short-distance travel is
how wheelchair users can access other activity spaces
outside their homes, such as traditional markets, hos-
pitals, schools, and government buildings (Tomari
et al., 2012). Wheelchairs are often the only means
of transportation for wheelchair users to access the
outside world where they live. This situation affects
not only accessibility rights but also the independence
and confidence of wheelchair users, particularly in de-
veloping countries (Wanluk et al., 2016; Watson and
Woods, 2005). The accessibility of these spaces is
linked to the road as a hub or intermediary area. In
many situations, slow-moving modes of transporta-
tion, such as wheelchairs on highways, may face pres-
sure from faster modes of transportation. This is be-
cause they are often viewed as causing congestion or
slowing down transportation flow, as is currently the
case with e-bikes in China (Hopkins, 2015).
Figure 2: Brushless Motor DC.
Figure 3: Brushless Motor DC Dimension Specification.
Detachable Electric Motor Design and Data Acquisition on Smart Wheelchair System
Electric wheelchair propulsion is divided into three
major parts Fig. 1, namely (1) motor, (2) battery, and
(3) controller. The electric motor, as a driving force,
has a type of motor in the form of a brushless motor
with a power source using DC electric power. This
type of brushless motor is often used as a motor in
electric bicycles and electric scooters. As a power
source, this drive system uses a LiFePO4 battery. The
control system has two systems: the motor power
distribution control system and the wheelchair con-
trol system. An electric drive is required to support
wheelchair mobility. At this design stage, the electric
drive used is a brushless motor (Figure 2). Brushless
motor DC dimension is shown in Figure 3 with the
following specifications:
Rated current: 48V
Power: 1000W
Shaft length: 160MM
Applicable models: 10-inch scooter
Fork size: 110MM
Outer diameter: 168MM
Width: 40MM
Weight: 3.2kg
Speed: 30-65km/hour
These specifications are considered very suitable
to be implemented in wheelchairs with considerations
of weight, diameter, power, and motor speed. Mean-
while, the main power source for the motor uses a
LiFePO4 battery. Based on the engine’s specifica-
tions and the calculation of the motor’s power require-
ments, it depends on the battery’s resistance to sup-
port the motor’s performance.
= 1000W (1)
= 48V (2)
= 20.8 Ampere (3)
The current obtained from the motor is 20.8 A.
This current is the maximum current that the motor
can receive. If the engine is given an excess current of
20.8 A, the motor will burn out. If the current supplied
to the engine is 20 A constantly for 1 hour, then the
calculation of the battery power that must be provided
bateraiPower = current time(hour)
= 20A 1 = 20 A = 20,000 mAh
Assuming the current to be used is 75% of max-
imum current, the resulting motor speed can be cal-
culated by comparing the motor’s maximum current
and maximum speed, and the motor efficiency factor
is greater than 87.6%.
speed =
65 x 15
speed = 48.7 km/h (8)
By applying a minimum motor efficiency of
87.6capacity specifications will affect battery life to
provide electrical power to the motor. The greater the
battery capacity, the longer the engine can work. In
this electric drive system, the control system compo-
nents are divided into two parts, such as: (1) motor
power speed control and (2) wheelchair controller.
3.1 Motor Power Speed Control
The given element manages the allocation of elec-
tric power from the battery to the motor. It serves a
dual function as a power inverter, converting battery-
generated electricity to be used by a brushless motor
that employs three motor poles. Acting as a bridge
between the motor and the user’s engine control sys-
tem, this component facilitates adjustments in the mo-
tor’s speed and rotational direction. It also has the ca-
pability to integrate remote controls through wireless
technology. The VESC Speed Controller type compo-
nents depicted in Fig.4will be employed in the motor
power distribution control system.
3.2 Wheelchair Controller
The mentioned part serves as an intermediary control
between components and the user, specifically accept-
ing inputs transmitted via thumb throttle. Through
this control system, the user is able to operate their
wheelchair with the assistance of wireless communi-
cation technologies like Bluetooth. An Arduino Nano
controller, displayed in Figure 5, is employed by
this component to provide communication between
the motor controller and the Android application via
Bluetooth. CAN module is used as a communication
module between Arduino Nano and the motor con-
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
Figure 4: Motor speed controller.
Figure 5: Communication and Control System.
The development of control system applications and
sensor data acquisition in this study aims to obtain
data related to wheelchair movement. The data ob-
tained from the sensor is to show the movement of
the detachable electric motor, namely data on mo-
tor speed, motor rpm, battery, wheelchair detachable
coordinates (latitude and longitude), wheelchair posi-
tion direction, wheelchair usage time, and wheelchair
ID. The connectivity design between the motor con-
troller module and the android smartphone is shown
in Figure 6.
Android smartphone applications are used to add
sensor data to describe the activity and movement of
wheelchairs. Data originating from the electric mo-
tor is sent to the Android application via a Bluetooth
connection in the motor control box. The rotational
speed of the engine is controlled via the Tumb Throt-
tle, which is connected to the Motor ESC via the ADC
4.1 Electric Motor Rotation Control
The motor rotation control is carried out through a
Thum Throttle, which will be mounted on a detach-
able electric motorbike handlebar. The Thum Throt-
tle opening value is read by the Motor ESC (Elec-
Figure 6: Design of component interconnection and com-
munication on the motor controller and display.
tronic Speed Control), which is in charge of convert-
ing the Thum Throttle opening and then passing on
the amount of electric power in A to the motor that
the motor can rotate at a certain speed. The results of
the electric power distribution control process so that
the engine can rotate are shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Motor Control Test with Thumb Throttle.
4.2 Control Box Design and Battery
Design and implementation of the placement of the
control box and battery placed on the handlebar pole
of the detachable electric motor. This is done so that
the center of gravity can be more evenly distributed in
the center of the complete structure between the de-
tachable electric motor and the attached wheelchair.
This helps the electric motor to have good traction to
pull the wheelchair. The stage that still needs to be
finalized is the design of the placement of the electric
control box, which takes into account the aesthetics
of the detachable electric motor. The control box po-
sition and battery placement are presented in Figure
Detachable Electric Motor Design and Data Acquisition on Smart Wheelchair System
Figure 8: Realization of the box and battery position design
on a detachable electric motor.
4.3 Development of Communication
Media for Sending Sensor Data
The sensor data used in this system comes from 2
devices. The first device is the ESC motor. The
ESC motor can provide a data sensor, such as mo-
tor speed, motor rpm, and battery capacity. The ESC
motor has several ports for communication, such as a
UART port, I2C port, and CAN port. In this research,
the implementation process to get data through one
of the provided communication ports is still being de-
veloped. The communication port using the UART
port connected to the Arduino Nano until now cannot
be used to get ESC motor sensor data. This is be-
cause there is no suitable library to access data from
the ESC motor. Another step that has been done is
to try to get data using the CAN Port. Trials using
the CAN Port are still being carried out so that the
Arduino Nano can access the data from the ESC mo-
tor. Furthermore, data from the ESC motor that the
Arduino Nano can access is sent to the Android ap-
plication via Bluetooth communication.
The android application that has been designed at
this time is able to get sensor data originating from
internal smartphones, such as GPS data in the form of
latitude and longitude points, compass, and direction
data. Android applications can also be connected to
the Arduino Nano via Bluetooth connectivity, and the
Arduino Nano can send data to the Android applica-
tion. The android application developed to display a
collection of sensor data is shown in Figure 9. Fur-
thermore, finding the appropriate communication to
send data from the ESC motor to the Arduino Nano
still needs to be done.
Figure 9: Android application that displays all sensor data
4.4 Development of Sensor Data
Communication API
The data format between the Arduino Nano and the
Android application shows is:
[#][Speed] [; ][RPM][;][BatteryVoltage]
[;][DutyCycleT hrottle][#]
This process is carried out to determine a good
data format that can be used in the communication
process between the Arduino Nano and the Android
application. In addition to displaying data from the
motor sensor, the Android application also saves the
data in a CSV file for the purpose of analyzing the
usage of the detachable electric motor, Figure 10.
Figure 10: Data in File CSV.
The system has been built, and the Android appli-
cation is now able to communicate with the motor
controller and retrieve motor sensor data. This en-
ables wheelchair users to view the speed of their
wheelchairs and monitor the battery condition while
in use. In the future, We will examine the data that
was collected to ascertain the reaction of individu-
als who use wheelchairs when operating an electric
motor-powered wheelchair.
This paper was supported in part by the Ministry
of Education and Culture of Indonesia (Grant No.
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Detachable Electric Motor Design and Data Acquisition on Smart Wheelchair System