Modification of Advance Encryption Standard(AES) and
Rivest–Shamir–Adleman(RSA) Algorithms for Data Authentication on
Study Results Card
Karina Andriani
, Roslina
and B. Herawan Hayadi
Computer Science, Main Potential University, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Computer Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
AES and RSA Algorithms, Data Authentication.
Authentication is a process carried out to validate the authenticity of data and the owner of the data. The
method used to form an authentication system is cryptography. One of the cryptographic algorithms that
are often used is the Advance Encryption Standard (AES) because it has been tested for its resistance to all
kinds of attacks on data. Not only is it able to encrypt or encode data, but the AES algorithm is also able
to decrypt or restore encrypted data so that the data can be read or understood again. Besides that, the RSA
algorithm is a cryptographic algorithm that is often used for authentication. The RSA algorithm has a private
key concept where the encryption and decryption keys are different so that it is stronger to serve as a data
security algorithm. Therefore, modifications to the AES and RSA algorithms were made to produce a better
authentication system. In this study, modifications were made to the AES and RSA algorithms for data security
authentication on the study results card.
In the digital era, it is convenient to falsify data and
the identity of the data owner. Counterfeiting is car-
ried out for various interests that benefit the perpetra-
tor. Therefore, security is the solution to the threat of
data forgery and the identity of the data owner by us-
ing modern security techniques such as cryptography.
One of the data security techniques in the form of data
authenticity validity is a digital signature. Digital Sig-
nature can be applied in verifying the authenticity of
data and authenticating the authenticity of the owner
of the data. Digital Signature is a cryptographic value
that depends on the message and the sender. The
way a Digital Signature works is almost the same as
how a regular document ”signature” works (Amik and
Cipta, 2021).
There are two algorithms in the Digital Signature
system, namely the signing algorithm to sign a doc-
ument M and generate a signature (sign) ρ, and the
verify algorithm that returns true if the signature ρ
belongs to the signer and for document M (Waruwu
et al., 2020).
RSA is a cryptographic algorithm that is often
used for making Digital Signatures because this al-
gorithm produces two keys that are mathematically
connected. Where the public key is used for the en-
cryption process while the private key is used for
the decryption process(Ahmed, 2022).RSA is a pop-
ular public-key cryptographic algorithm. This algo-
rithm was found by three researchers from MIT (Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology) in 1976: Rivest,
Shamir, and Adleman. The RSA algorithm uses a
public key and a private key, where the public key
can be known by many people to encrypt messages,
while the private key can only be known by certain
parties to decrypt messages. The security of this algo-
rithm lies in the difficulty of factoring large integers
into prime factors. This factoring decrease to obtain
the private key. RSAs operating mechanism is conve-
nient to understand and simple, but powerful (Parid-
dudin and Syawaludin, 2021).
AES Method The Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES) method is an encryption method that uses a
symmetric key with a key length of 128, 192, and 256
bits to encrypt and decrypt data in 128-bit blocks. The
AES method that uses a block cipher system can per-
form symmetric key encryption operations with oper-
ating modes. In addition, AES has advantages in se-
curity, speed, and characteristics of the algorithm and
Andriani, K., Roslina, . and Hayadi, B.
Modification of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) and Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) Algorithms for Data Authentication on Study Results Card.
DOI: 10.5220/0012447000003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 211-217
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
its implementation (Allan, 2020).
With the collaboration of the Hybrid Cryptosys-
tem, the RSA-AES algorithm can increase the effec-
tiveness and capabilities of the algorithm in secur-
ing data, especially in producing Digital Signatures
which function to maintain the authenticity of Study
Result Card data.
2.1 Stage of Research
At this stage of the study, which starts from the anal-
ysis of problem how to modified AES and RSA to se-
cure the data of study result card, then conducted lit-
erature studies to modify the two algorithms, namely
as follows:
Figure 1: Stages of research.
From these results, it can be seen what the con-
clusions of the combination of these 2 algorithms are
in authenticating the authenticity of the data on the
study results card and the security of ownership of the
data. From the results of this combination, this algo-
rithm modification can be used in other data security
to obtain a better level of security.
2.2 AES (Advanced Encryption
Standard) Algorithm
AES uses 5 units of data size: bits, bytes, words,
blocks, and states. The bit is the smallest unit of data,
namely the value of the binary system digits. While
bytes are 8 bits, words are 4 bytes (32 bits), blocks
are 16 bytes (128 bits) and the state is a block that is
arranged as a 4x4 byte matrix. The following image
describes the AES data unit(Siringoringo, 2020). The
following is the arrangement of the AES algorithm
steps(Azanuddin, 2022):
1. Transform plaintext and key into hexadecimal
2. Arrange the plaintext and key into a 4x4 state ar-
3. Performs an expansion on the selected key
4. Do AES encryption transformation process with
SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns, and Ad-
5. To return the ciphertext to the original mes-
sage, decrypt it using the InvSubBytes, In-
vShiftRows, InvMixColumns, and InvAddRound-
Key processes.
The following is an overview of the encryp-
tion and decryption process with the AES algorithm
(Sodikin and Hidayat, 2020):
Figure 2: Encryption and decryption of AES.
SubByte doing by substituting each byte in the
Array state, the example, S [i, j] = xy is a hexadeci-
mal digit and the value is S [i, j], then the substitution
value expressed by S [i, j] is an element in the S-box
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
that is the intersection of the x line with the y column
(Azhari et al., 2022).
Figure 3: SubByte transformation.
ShiftRow is a process in which each row of the sta-
tus matrix is given a cyclic shift to the right according
to its position (M et al., 2022).
MixColumn in the AES algorithm process by per-
forming polynomial multiplication between the last
state and the following matrix (Haris and Lydia,
02 03 01 01
01 02 03 01
01 01 02 03
03 01 01 02
AddRoundkey is performed by performing an
XOR operation on each value of the input block with
the value of the key block in the same position (Haris
and Lydia, 2023).
2.3 RSA (Rivest Shamir Addleman)
Rivest Shamir Adleman’s algorithm is a method that
has different keys (encryption and decryption keys).
The RSA method is known as a cryptographic method
that uses the concept of public key cryptography (Gea
et al., 2021). The following is a schematic of the RSA
algorithm (Kota and Aissi, 2022):
Figure 4: RSA Algorithm Schematic.
Following are the steps of the RSA algorithm:
1. Generate a public key (e) and a private key (d) by
choosing two very large primenumbers, the two
number = p and q
2. Multiply p and q, n = p * q .
3. Generate a public key, which is relatively prime to
the ”totient” function ϕ(n) = (p 1)(q 1)
4. Generate a private key, which is the multiplicative
inverse of emod ϕ(n). Note that the public key is
< e, n > and private key is < d, n >
5. Encrypt a message with following formula:
c = memodn (1)
m = cdmodn (2)
6. Decrypt the cipher textwith following formula:
2.4 Authentication With Digital
The Digital Signature functions as a tool for the au-
thenticity of electronic information and verification of
the identification of the signer. Information and com-
munication technology has certainly changed the pat-
tern of people’s behavior and also human civilization
globally. In addition, the world has become border-
less because developments in the field of information
technology have resulted in and also caused signif-
icant social changes to take place rapidly (Qisthina
and Neyman, 2021).
The scheme of the Digital Signature for the study
result card authentication is as follows:
1. Stages on digital signature
a. The data on the study results card is taken, for
example Name (secret)
b. Define a key, for example NIRM (secret)
c. The data is encrypted with the AES algorithm
d. The result of encryption (Cipherteks-AES) is
then encrypted again with RSA using the
private-RSA key. At this stage, an RSA pri-
vate key must be generated with the selected
data and an RSA Public key that is interrelated
with the private key
e. The result of encryption with RSA (this is the
Digital signature)
2. Verification stage
a. Digital Signature taken
b. Then decrypt it using the RSAs Public key
c. The result of this description is code
d. Code Decryption with AES: The results are in
the form of a name and Nirm
e. If Name and nirm = value on KHS then the
data is valid
Modification of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) and Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) Algorithms for Data Authentication on Study
Results Card
3.1 Message Encryption Process With
The AES Algorithm
In the AES algorithm, a file will first be divided into
1 block of 128 bits to be processed first with a key
length of 128 bits, 129 bits, or 256 bits, so that the
sizes of plaintext and ciphertext will be different be-
cause, during the encryption process, the division of
blocks is less of 128 bits will be padded to meet the
standard block size of the AES algorithm.
The sequence of bits is numbered sequentially
from 0 to n-1 where n is the sequence number. The
data sequence of 8 bits sequentially is referred to as
a byte where this byte is the basic unit of operations
to be performed on a block of data. The number of
n-bits that exist depends on the key length = 128 bits,
0 n < 16; key length = 192 bits, 0 n < 24; key
length = 256 bits, 0 n < 32.
Each process in this algorithm will transform 10
rounds. Each round uses a different round key which
is obtained during the key expansion process. This is
intended to increase security so that this algorithm is
not easy to solve by cryptanalysts.
3.1.1 Key Expansion
In the process of encryption and description of the
AES algorithm, it is necessary to have 10 roundkey
keys for each round.In this case, key is taken from the
study results card, namely NIRM, then change the key
to hexadecimal form and arrange it into a 4 x 4 state
array as follows:
02 00 02 00
00 02 00 02
04 06 00 01
02 03 04 05
After the keys are arranged as above, the key ex-
pansion process will be carried out to get the round-
key state. Here is the process to get round 1 key:
a. Take the fourth column from RoundKey 0
b. The RotWord function is performed by moving the
top bit to the bottom bit.
c. SubBytes transformation is performed with s-
d. XOR with column 1 Roundkey 0
e. XOR with constant Rcon
In contrast to searching for results in column 1,
searching for results in columns 2, 3, and 4 only re-
quires an XOR process from the results of the previ-
ous column with the column values being searched.
And so on to produce Roundkey 1 as follows:
74 74 76 76
7C 7E 7E 7C
6F 69 69 68
61 62 66 63
To get the next RoundKey result, repeat the same
process as above. Because in this case using 128-bit
AES with a key length of 128 bits, 10 RoundKeys are
needed. The following are the search results for all of
the RoundKeys 1 to 10:
RoundKeys 1
74 74 76 76
7C 7E 7E 7C
6F 69 69 68
61 62 66 63
RoundKeys 2
66 12 64 12
39 47 39 45
94 FD 94 FC
59 5B 5D 3E
RoundKeys 3
0C 1E 7A 68
89 CE F7 B2
26 DB 4F B3
90 AB F6 C8
RoundKeys 4
33 2D 57 3F
E4 2A DD 6F
CE 15 5A E9
D5 7E 88 40
RoundKeys 10
48 53 19 86
72 C4 76 98
D5 12 43 E2
EA 71 7B 6E
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
3.1.2 Encryption
In the encryption process, the plaintext and key are
taken. In this case, the plaintext is taken in the form
of the name on the study result card and NIRM or
Roundkey 0.
Name : Khoril Khomis (Change to hexadecimal
4x4 state array):
48 68 6F 69
72 69 6C 4B
68 6F 6D 69
73 01 02 03
NIRM : 2020020246 (Change to hexadecimal 4x4
state array):
02 00 02 00
00 02 00 02
04 06 00 01
02 03 04 05
After getting the state of the plaintext and key, the
AddroundKey transformation process is carried out
by XOR it to get the State Initial Round. The follow-
ing is the result of the XOR process between plaintext
and RoundKey 0 :
49 68 6D 69
72 6B 6C 49
6C 69 6D 68
71 2 6 6
a. SubBytes Transformation
SubBytes are done by transforming the two num-
bers of hexadecimal digits with the S-box table :
Figure 5: S-Box.
The following is the result of the initial round state
transformation with the S-box :
3B 45 3C F9
40 7F 50 3B
50 F9 3C 45
A3 77 6F 6F
Then the results of SubBytes will then be pro-
cessed with shiftRow
b. ShiftRow
ShiftRow is a process in which each row of the sta-
tus matrix is given a cyclic shift to the right accord-
ing to its position. The following is the process for
getting the results of the ShiftrRow transformation.
The result of ShiftRow below will taken to next
step MixColumns:
3B 45 3C F9
7F 50 3B 40
3C 45 50 F9
6F A3 77 6F
c. MixColumns Process
MixColumns is done by multiplying polynomials
between Shift Row’s resulting states and predeter-
mined polynomial matrix :
1. {3B}x {02} = {X
+ X
+ X
+ X + 1}.{X}
= {X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X}
= 01110110
= 76
2. {7F}x{03}
= {x
+ x
+ x
+ x
+ x
+ x + 1}.{x + 1}
= {x
+ 1}
= 10000001
= 81
3. {3C}x1 = 3C
4. {6F}x1 = 6F
R1.0=76 XOR 81XOR3CXOR6F = A4
Do the next multiplication to get the MixColumn
result as follows:
A4 9C 12 BF
EE 89 CD 6
8D 63 3E E1
D0 87 D5 77
This state result to be continue for next step, Ad-
d. AddRoundkey After getting the state from the
MixColumns transformation, the next step is to
carry out the AddroundKey transformation pro-
cess. AddRoundKey is done using an XOR opera-
tion between the resulting state of Mixcolumn and
Roundkey 1. This is the result of AddRoundkey :
After getting the value from the AddRoundkey
state, the SubBytes ShiftRows MixCollumns
process is carried out 9 times again bypassing the
Modification of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) and Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) Algorithms for Data Authentication on Study
Results Card
D0 E8 64 C9
92 F7 B3 7A
E2 A 57 89
B1 E5 B3 14
state value from the AddroundKey which was ob-
tained from the process above. But in the 10th
round, the MixCollumns process is not used, just
do the SubBytes – ShiftRows – AddroundKey pro-
cess. The following is the result of the ciphertext
from the encryption process which is also the re-
sult of the 10th round Addroundkey process.
9B 86 EC 27
E4 C5 F9 B0
B0 82 AE 3D
The results of the message encryption with AES
will be modified with the RSA encryption algo-
rithm at a later stage.
3.2 Modification AES With RSA
At this stage, the results of encryption with the pre-
vious AES algorithm will be encrypted with the RSA
algorithm. To do this, the Ciphertext resulting from
AES encryption must be converted to a decimal num-
ber first.
Encrypted messages with AES:
Message is converted to decimal:
Then, the message is processed with the RSA algo-
rithm. The following is the encryption process with
the RSA algorithm:
3.2.1 RSA Key Generator
Take two prime numbers for the values of p and q
P = 137
Q = 131
Calculate modulus value (n)
n = p x q
n = 137 × 131
n = 17947
Calculate modulus value (m)
m = (p - 1) × (q - 1)
m = (137 - 1) × (131 - 1)
m = 136 × 130
m = 17680
Choosing e which is relatively prime to m with the
condition that it meets the Greater Common Divi-
sor (GCD) means that the greatest dividing factor
for the values of e and m is one. To determine this
value, the Euclidean algorithm is used as follows:
Euclidean Algorithm Formula
= q
+ r
, 0 < r
< r
= q
+ r
, 0 < r
< r
= ...
gcd(e, 17680) = 1
= 3, r
= 17680
= q
+ r
3 = 0.17680 + 3
= 17680, r
= 3
= q
+ r
17680 = 5893.3 + 1
= 3, r
= 1
= q
+ r
3 = 3.1 + 0
then the value of e is 3, e = 3
Determining the value of d : e×d mod m=1
3×11787 mod 17680=1
d = 11787
Public Key
= (e, n)
= (3, 17947)
Private Key
= (e, d)
= (3, 11787)
3.2.2 RSA Encryption
To encrypt messages with the RSA Algorithm,
the first 3 digits of the message above are taken,
namely 174. Then, the plaintext is encrypted with the
following formula:
C = m
C = 1743
C = 9553
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
3.2.3 RSA Decryption
Here is the result of the decryption of the message
M = C
M = 9553
M = 174
3.3 Authentication Message on Study
Result Card
The message that is used as a digital signature in
the form of a QR-Code is the name and registration
number (NIRM) which is encrypted with the AES
algorithm, then the results of the encryption are en-
crypted again with the AES algorithm using a public
keys. The message is placed on the study results card.
For authentication, the public key RSA algorithm is
used which generates the AES message again, then
decrypts it again to get the original message.
Figure 6: QR-Code On Study Result Card.
The following is a message that has been authenti-
cated by scanning the QR-Code that is already on the
study result card.
Figure 7: Date Verification Of Study Result Card.
Modification of the AES and RSA algorithms makes
it possible to authenticate data on study results cards.
This modification is made to protect the data owned
by the card owner so that it cannot be modified. For
data authentication, decryption using RSA is a bit
complicated because of the large number of messages
resulting from AES encryption, which slows down the
decryption computation due to the large exponential
value. However, the security of this algorithm is very
strong because the message value cannot be predicted
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Modification of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) and Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) Algorithms for Data Authentication on Study
Results Card